Useful information for tourists about Kuznetsovsk in Ukraine - geographical location, tourist infrastructure, map, architectural features and attractions.

Kuznetsovsk is located in the Rivne region of Ukraine. The city is located in the southwest of Polesie, on the banks of the Styr River, near the border with the Volyn region. The distance from Kuznetsovsk to Rivne is 150 kilometers.

Kuznetsovsk is a unique and peculiar city. This city is a satellite of the Rivne nuclear power plant. They were built simultaneously and are inseparable from each other. The founding date of the city of Kuznetsovsk was 1973 - the year the construction of the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant began. Not far from the station, on the site of the former village of Varash, founded in 1776, the construction of a city of power engineers began. The city of Kuznetsovsk is named

The city was designed by specialists from the Kyiv Institute "Dipromisto". The construction of the housing stock was carried out by the Soyuzenergozhilstroy association and the Moscow House-Building Plant No. 5. In 1974, the first canteen and store were opened, the first artesian well began to operate, and after some time the building of the current music school and the first residential building were erected and put into operation.

In March 1977, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, the settlement began to bear the name - the village of Kuznetsovsk in honor of the Soviet intelligence officer N. Kuznetsov. Two years later, the Isotope football club was founded in the village, and a year later the first power unit was launched. At the same time, construction of the second power unit took place. In September 1984, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the urban village of Kuznetsovsk was given the status of a city of regional subordination. In 1986, the third power unit was launched in the city, and then the fourth power unit was brought to minimum power. Since that time, the city's population has grown rapidly, and today its population is more than forty thousand inhabitants.

Kuznetsovsk is a young city, as it was built relatively recently. It is a classic example of urban development of the second half of the twentieth century and one of the few cities in the world whose coat of arms depicts a nuclear power plant.

One of the attractions of Kuznetsovsk is the Transfiguration Cathedral. It is considered a symbol of the city and was built with the support of nuclear power plant workers. The design of the cathedral was developed by Yu. F. Khudyakov. Also in the city are the St. Michael's Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate and St. Vladimir's Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Walking through the streets of Kuznetsovsk, you can see a monument to Chernobyl victims, a palace of culture, and in the center of the city there is a memorable symbol of the city - the atom.

The city of Kuznetsovsk is located on the territory of the state (country) Ukraine, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

In what region (region) is the city of Kuznetsovsk located?

The city of Kuznetsovsk is part of the region (region) Rivne region.

A characteristic of a region (region) or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region (region).

Region (oblast) Rivne region is an administrative unit of the state of Ukraine.

Population of the city of Kuznetsovsk.

The population of the city of Kuznetsovsk is 39,643 people.

Year of foundation of Kuznetsovsk.

Year of foundation of the city of Kuznetsovsk: 1776.

Telephone code of the city of Kuznetsovsk

Telephone code of the city of Kuznetsovsk: +380 3636. In order to call the city of Kuznetsovsk from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +380 3636 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

City (since 1984) in Ukraine, Rivne region, 8 km from the railway. d. st. Rafalovka. 31.7 thousand inhabitants (1991). Rivne NPP. Originated in 1977. Named in honor of intelligence officer N.I. Kuznetsov... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

KUZNETSOVSK, a city (since 1984) in Ukraine, Rivne region, 8 km from the Rafalovka railway station. Population 40.2 thousand people (2001). Rivne NPP. Originated in 1977. Named in honor of intelligence officer N.I. Kuznetsov (see KUZNETSOV Nikolai Ivanovich ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

City, Rivne region, Ukraine. It emerged in 1977 as a village. at the Rivne NPP. Named in honor of the intelligence officer N.I. Kuznetsov (1911 1944), who acted during the Great Patriotic War in Rivne. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M... Geographical encyclopedia

Kuznetsovsk- city, Rivne region, Ukraine. It emerged in 1977 as a village. at the Rivne NPP. Named in honor of the intelligence officer N.I. Kuznetsov (1911 1944), who acted during the Great Patriotic War in Rivne... Toponymic dictionary

This term has other meanings, see Kuznetsovsk. This term has other meanings, see Kuznetsovsky. Kuznetsovsk farmstead, Kuznetsovsky bashk. Kuznetsov ... Wikipedia

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The Rivne (Rivne) region football championship is a regional football tournament among amateur teams of the first league, held under the auspices of the Rivne Region Football Federation. Champions and prize-winners Season Champion 2nd place 3rd place 1989... ... Wikipedia

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Kouznetsovsk- Kuznetsovsk... Wikipédia en Français

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Kuznetsovsk is a city in the Rivne region of Ukraine with a population of more than 40 thousand inhabitants. Located on the right bank of the Styr River in the southwest of Polesie near the border with the Volyn region. Eighteen kilometers from the city there is the Rafalovka railway station on the Kovel - Sarny line.

Kuznetsovsk was founded in 1973 in close proximity to the Rivne Nuclear Power Plant on the site of the former village of Varash, which appeared in 1776. Now this is the name of one of the city’s microdistricts. The city was named after the Soviet intelligence officer Nikolai Kuznetsov. Since then, the city's population has grown rapidly, including the 90s, contrary to the general trend across the country towards population decline. The distance to Rivne is 150 km.

Kuznetsovsk is a classic example of the late socialist style of urban development, as it was built relatively recently. Kuznetsovsk is one of the few cities in the world whose coat of arms depicts a nuclear power plant.

I already had materials about the fact that, according to survey data, residents of Dnepropetrovsk and Chervonograd (Lviv region) do not support the renaming of their cities. The Ukrainian TV channel “Rivne 1” informs about the same “unpatriotic” position of the residents of Kuznetsovsk:

They want to rename the city of Kuznetsovsk to Varash

Renaming is a top topic for residents of Kuznetsovsk. They also want to rename the city of Rivne nuclear workers. Instead of the name of the Soviet intelligence officer, local historians propose the historical name Varash. This was the name of the village, on the site of which modern Kuznetsovsk began to be built 35 years ago. This is the second attempt to rename Kuznetsovsk. For the first time such a decision was made by a session of the city council at the dawn of independence in 1992. However, to no avail. It was then explained to the deputies that before changing the name it was necessary to hold a local referendum. This time, the president forced the city leaders to get rid of the name of the Soviet intelligence officer by decree. The document says that geographical objects with a totalitarian past should be renamed. Therefore, now in Kuznetsovsk they are racking their brains about how to do so without offending anyone.

Meanwhile, local historians are convinced that the name Kuznetsovsk today looks like a toponymic error. They say that the Soviet hero never even set foot on this land. And the young satellite city was given his name solely for ideological reasons. Another thing is Varash. This name has a history of thousands of years dating back to the times of the ancient Slavs.

Today the ancient name is reminiscent of a hotel, restaurant and residential area. And from the village on the site of which Kuznetsovsk was built, a few houses remain. This estate is the only one among high-rise buildings, located in the very center of Kuznetsovsk. Its owner is 100-year-old grandfather Alexey, the eldest resident of the area. He and his children remember well what was on the site of modern Kuznetsovsk - more than half a century ago.

Old residents of the former village of Varash say they are not against the renaming. Those who built the city of nuclear scientists have a different opinion. Valery Sukhonosenko has been living in Kuznetsovsk for more than 30 years. He doesn't like the idea of ​​changing the name.

Renaming Kuznetsovsk - a top topic not only in government offices and on the pages of local newspapers. Just discussing on the street.

However, no one is going to impose a new name on Kuznetsovsk, officials reassure. They have already conducted a survey among residents. Preliminary results are not in favor of renaming. Therefore, there is explanatory work and a referendum ahead. Only after this the signs in the city of nuclear scientists can change, and a city with a new name will appear on the map of Ukraine.

Comments on the article:

- Yes, I am categorically against... the name Varash... well where?... How good afternoon... From the very beginning they called the city Kuznetsovsk - let it remain that way... Varash? - And there was such a village... and it’s good that there are people who remember it... There is no need to force people to break their tongues... and get confused about the name of their own city... In books... in literature... ours city ​​- Kuznetsovsk... What renaming? So that later people don’t even know what city they are talking about...

I am against Varash. No one has the right to change the history of our city, not even the president. No Varash. I am a patriot of Kuznetsovsk, and “Varashani” are not entirely good people.

Now people have so many problems, can’t these colossal funds that will be spent on renaming the city of Kuznetsovsk be used to support those people who suffer from serious illnesses and are living out their last days, often these are very young people, and how many are lonely elderly people, and a lot of others problems, is it reasonable to change the names, cities and streets for each government?

I am against renaming the city of Kuznetsovsk, as our parents named it, so be it, it is still history, and some people may like it and others may not, but it is impossible to erase it, you can only blatantly lie and twist it.

Renaming the city will kill it completely, Kuznetsovsk is not a popular city anyway, and so people are leaving it, and to give such a name in general... Varash was a forgotten village, and the name is purely rural, and when a new city is built, it’s usually and the name should be accordingly new. Kuznetsovsk is a beautiful name and there is no need to spoil a young city with such an incomprehensible name as Varash; quite a lot of attention is paid to this name in the city: district, hotel, massif.

It is necessary to demolish such monuments of the totalitarian past as the nuclear city of Kuznetsovsk and the nuclear power plant, and the place remaining from them should be called “kizyak”.
Also, do not forget to plug the tunnels of the Kyiv metro named after Lenin. Sala to Ukraine, sala to the heroes.

Video from the Lviv TV channel ZIK about the renaming of three settlements in Western Ukraine: the city of Chervonograd, the city of Kuznetsovsk and the village of Zhovtnevo (Oktyabrskoe) in the Ternopil region. Residents of all settlements are against the renaming.

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