Methods for creating classes in JavaScript have been discussed more than once throughout the RuNet, including on Habré, I decided to find a slightly different approach to creating classes, closer to real classes. One important difference from other implementations described in many articles is the ability to create accessors (setter"s/getter"s). Which will work not only in modern browsers, but also in long-lived IE below version 9. Read about it below.

To begin with, I will describe how to create classes of the types we need; classes can have ordinary public properties, private properties and static properties.

Creating classes

To create a class, just declare the class name and assign an object to it
Example of creating an empty class:
classes.Class("EmptyClass", ()); // created an empty class classes.EmptyClass alert(classes.EmptyClass); // we'll see
As you already understood, creating a class does not require huge costs for writing code.

To create a class with private properties, it is enough to declare as the second parameter not an object but a function in which the class object will be returned

Example of a class with private properties:
classes.Class("PrivatePropertyClass", function())( // our private variables/properties var privateProp = "tratata", twoPrivateProp = "lalala"; // return the object of the class itself return ( ) )); // Create an instance of the class var privateTest = new classes.PrivatePropertyClass(); // try to get private properties alert(privateTest.privateProp); // see undefined
You can create classes not only in the classes context, but also in any other context.

As an example, I will show several ways how this is done; you can choose any method acceptable to you, without limiting yourself in anything.

Here are ways to create a class in any convenient context:
// creating a class for example in the context of window, "GlobalClass", ()); // creating a class in the current context var CurrentContextClass = classes.Class(); // create a class in the current context, but at the same time it will // be available in the context classes with the name ClassesContextClass var CurrentContextClass = classes.Class("ClassesContextClass", ());
This is where we’ll actually finish creating classes; I don’t think there’s any need for other methods.

Working with classes

Now I will show you how to work with classes; the principle of their operation is no different, for example, from the classes existing in PHP. “This can’t happen!” you ask, yes, of course it can’t. There are some subtleties here, of course there is no possibility of creating interfaces, abstractions and other full-fledged delights of OOP. But using existing capabilities, the programmer can safely use the knowledge of class programming, the behavior of classes is predictable, the context does not run back and forth, but has the same instance of the generated class.

First, let's create a simple class that will display information in the browser window
classes.Class("Debug", function() ( // private variables var // a link to the BODY tag of our document will be stored here body = null, // here we will add elements with text until body is defined cache = ; return ( // class constructor, will be called during the creation of a class instance // we will need the callback parameter later, read about this further constructor: function(callback) ( // determine which method we should use to hang the event var listener = window.addEventListener ? [ "addEventListener", "" ] : [ "attachEvent", "on" ]; // before we hang the event, // perhaps our document has been loaded long ago if (document.readyState === "complete") ( // if the document was indeed loaded, in this case we will assign // to our private variable a link to the object BODY body = document.body // execute the function passed as the first parameter in the constructor // if it was passed if (callback && typeof callback = == "function") (; ) // then just exit the constructor return; ) // save the current context to pass it to the callback" var self = this; // when creating the class, attach a handler to the document loading event window[ listener[ 0 ] ](listener[ 1 ] + "load", function() ( // after the document has loaded, we can safely assign our // private variable a link to the object BODY body = document.body; // display everything that has accumulated in our cache and reset it. for(var i = 0; i< cache.length; i++) { body.appendChild(cache[ i ]); cache[ i ] = null; } // очистим кеш cache.length = 0; // выполним функцию переданную первым параметром в конструкторе // если она была передана if (callback && typeof callback === "function") {; } // bubbling - смотрите: }, false); }, // наш метод с помощью которого мы будем выводить сообщения на нашу страницу write: function() { // создадим DIV в который положим наш текст var div = document.createElement("DIV"), // проверим что хотят вставить в окно вывода, если последний // параметр нашей функции имеет болевое значение TRUE значит // мы хотим просто распечатать текст не конвертируя теги в DOM // элементы. isPlainText = arguments.length ? arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ] === true: false, // переведем наши аргументы в массив dataArray =; // если хотим распечатать текст не переводя HTML в структуру DOM объектов if (isPlainText && dataArray.pop()) { // последний аргумент как вы видите мы удалили, который информирует // нас о том что мы не желаем переводить текст в структуру DOM div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(dataArray.join(", "))); } else { // здесь теги в тексте будут обработаны в DOM элементы. div.innerHTML = dataArray.join(", "); } // здесь мы выводим или отложим данные до возможности их вывести if (body) { // выводим в браузер сразу так как элемент BODY определен body.appendChild(div); } else { // положим пока что в наш кеш до определения элемента BODY cache[ cache.length ] = div; } } } });
Here we have created our full-fledged class, in it we used an approach with private properties, this class does not do anything particularly tricky, but simply displays text in the browser window, while waiting for the document to be completely loaded so that an error does not occur.

For example, we can now create an instance of this class and print our first message.
var debug = new classes.Debug(); debug.write("Our class classes.Debug works great!");
"Nothing special!" You say, the usual unnecessary creation of classes in a different way. Yes, I will answer you, there is nothing particularly abstruse here, but the most delicious things have not yet been told.


Let's now create our second class, which will inherit the properties of our Debug class. Our new class will be a regular button that will change color when you click on it.
// Create a ButtonClass class and extend it from the Debug class classes.Class("ButtonClass extends Debug", function() ( // mouse status var mouseState = 0, // our future button, a regular DOM element button = null; // private function function switchState(type) ( // type of change of mouse status if (type === 1) ( mouseState++; // here we change the style of the button if the mouse is pressed on the button = "green"; return; ) else if (type === 2) ( mouseState--; ) else ( mouseState = 0; ) // default button style = "red" ) return ( // our constructor for the button constructor: function() ( // create an element for the button button = document.createElement("SPAN"); // set the default button properties = "1px solid blue"; = "white"; = "center"; = "red"; = "5px"; = "4px"; // initial text for our button button.innerHTML = "Our first button"; // call the parent constructor, that is, the constructor of the Debug class // pay attention to the fact that here I pass the first parameter to the parent // our function, which the Debug class will call when the document is loaded this.parent.constructor(function() ( // save link to the current context var self = this; // add our button to the DOM structure document.body.appendChild(button); // disable text selection in IE when double-clicking the button button.onselectstart = function() ( return false; ) // process the mouse click event button.onmousedown = function(e) ( // get the mouse event object var e = e || window.event; // change the status of the button, that is, its style switchState(1); // cancel the action by default so that the text // is not highlighted in other browsers if (e.preventDefault) ( e.preventDefault(); ) else ( e.returnValue = false; ) ) // handle the mouse button release event button.onmouseup = function() ( // change the status of the button, that is, the style switchState(2); // if the mouse is pressed and released on our button if (mouseState === 0) ( // launch the action handler after a successful // click on our button; ) ) // handle the mouse leaving our button button. onmouseout = function() ( // if the mouse status is not zero, then add the status if (mouseState && mouseState++) ( // and restore the default button style switchState(2); ) ) // process the event of the mouse coming to our button button. onmouseover = function() ( // if the mouse status is not zero, lower it if (mouseState && mouseState--) ( // and set the style of the pressed button switchState(1); ) ) // overload the document event for raising the mouse key outside the button var handler = window.document.onmouseup; window.document.onmouseup = function(e) ( // reset the status and set the default style switchState(); // launch the old handler if there was one if (handler) (, e); ) ) )) ; ), // a global function that returns the DOM element of our button node: function() ( return button; ), // essentially an abstract function that is called when the button is clicked // in our case, it is not necessary to declare it in a child class. click: function() ( ) ) ));
And so we created a new class ButtonClass that inherits the properties of the Debug class. As you have already noticed, inheritance is done by adding the word extends followed by the name of the class from which we want to inherit the properties.

This is not the only way of inheritance, it can be done in other ways, for example:
var Child = classes.Class(classes.Debug, ());

As we can see, the Child class has become the heir of the classes.Debug class

Now let's try out our written button
// Create a button instance var button = new classes.ButtonClass(); // hang an event on a successful click on the button = function() ( // we inherited the write method from the Debug class this.write("You pressed and released the mouse button on our first button"); ) // As usual message that the class is working:) button.write("Our class classes.ButtonClass works great!");
As you can see, we have a fully functioning button, it may not be beautiful, but these are minor things. You can always change the style and name of the button. This is just a small example of how projects can be implemented in classes.


Now let's move on to the goodies that are so lacking due to limitations. As you know, Internet Explorer below version 9 does not allow you to work normally with getters/setters, this is a huge disadvantage in project development. Yes, of course, this does not reduce the capabilities of the language, and neither does the ability to write programs. But I still tried to implement them in the current classes, you can rather call it some kind of “magic getter/setter”, here you don’t need to attach all sorts of defineProperty for each property, but rather simply indicate which properties should be able to intercept.

Let's expand our button class and create a super class that will make it possible to change the text of the button using getters/setters. In this class we will not use either constructors or private methods, but will only create a property that will be intercepted by a magic getter/setter
classes.Class("SuperButtonClass extends ButtonClass", ( // create a property that we want to intercept with a magic getter/setter // note that such properties must begin with a dollar sign // this sign will indicate to the class constructor that it requires interception // dollar sign the class constructor will remove and declare a property with a name without this sign $text: null, // magic setter, it works for all properties declared for interception // in the first property parameter it will send the name of the intercepted property, so // you you can easily determine who they want to replace, the second parameter will be the value // that they want to set set__: function(property, value) ( ​​// write a message to the browser that the setter for the property was called this.write("SETTER was called for the property " + property + " with meaning "+value+""); // if the property name is text if (property === "text") ( // then change the button text to a new value this.node().innerHTML = value; ) ), // magic getter, it fires every whenever a property is accessed to // get a value, just like in a setter, the first parameter will have the name of the intercepted // property, which you can easily process get__: function(property) ( // write a message to the browser saying that. a getter was called for the property this.write("GETTER was called for the property " + property + ""); // if the property name is text if (property === "text") ( // return the current value of our property return this.node().innerHTML; ) ) ));
Here we have created a super class for a button, which simply makes it possible to change the text of the button by simply assigning the text property the value we need. This, of course, is not all the capabilities of getters/setters; you can use them in any conditions, with any type of data, etc. .

Now let's look at what we got:
// create an instance of our super button var superButton = new classes.SuperButtonClass(); // let's try the getter, just get the current value of the button name // pay attention to the message in the browser window superButton.write("Current name of our super button: " + superButton.text + ""); // now we'll replace the text of the button and we will again see a message in the browser window // informing us that the setter was called superButton.text = "Our second super button"; // we'll just display a message that our super button works superButton.write("Our class classes.SuperButtonClass works great!");
You can see all the described examples in action at this link.

Static properties

There is no point in specially describing static properties; as everyone knows, they are added in the usual well-known way:
classes.SuperButtonClass.NEW_STATIC = "Static constant";

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when accessing parent methods, you do not need to explicitly specify the context. I think you noticed that I call the constructor of the Debug class from our button class, with the usual call to this.parent.constructor(), and the debug class will already have the context of the last child, that is, the class initiator. You don't need to call parent methods through the well-known call, apply, etc. Simply calling this.parent.parentMethod(args); and the relative will work with the child's context.

I’ll also add that creating additional getters/setters to an already existing instance of a class cannot, of course, be added in a browser like IE below version 9. Therefore, there are slight restrictions on dynamics; also, when using getters/setters in descendant classes and/or its descendants, it will not be possible to add any properties dynamically. But this limitation only applies to IE below version 9 and if at least one getter/setter is present.

Let's say we want to create an additional property on an instance of the SuperButtonClass class or its descendants, which we do not yet have. But in the future you will have them anyway. An attempt to create it will lead to an error in IE below version 9, because an object with setters/getters is generated through VBScript and there, as you know, there is a limitation that does not allow you to declare an additional property if it is not explicitly specified.

But we can easily create additional properties for an instance of the ButtonClass class, since we do not use setters/getters for this class and its descendants.

I also want to add that the native instanceof will not respond correctly to these classes, so for these cases I added the classes.instanceOf method to check whether the instance belongs to the class we need, in our case the call:
alert(classes.instanceOf(superButton, classes.Debug)); // will display TRUE

That's all about classes in this article, in the future there may be some additions,
changes and of course bug fixes. Although during development they were not identified.

Happy class building, good luck and thanks for your attention and future criticism!

You can download the library for working with classes using the link:
I will also post it on GitHub: where you can download not only it, but also my other projects.

UPD: As Ashot noted in one of his comments, there are many already invented libraries for building classes in JavaScript. But this library differs from them all in that it has the ability to create accessors (setter"s/getter"s). I did not find such an implementation in any of the mentioned libraries. Accessors work not only in modern browsers, but also in IE below version 9. This is what I want to distinguish my implementation from other implementations of class creation.

“You can pray to the angels and they will hear, but the best way to call them, they told me, is to laugh. Angels respond to joy because that is what they are made of."

Michael Jackson

Our spirit guides and guardian angels have many ways they use to convey messages to us.

Below I have listed those with the help of which I received answers from higher powers: from my spiritual guides and the Higher Self.

Activation of Unconditional Love by Chakras

These short meditations will help you activate Unconditional Self-Love in every chakra of your physical body.

Use any of them, or better yet all of them, to establish a connection with higher powers.

8 Ways to Recognize Answers from Higher Powers

I counted 8 such methods. It is possible that there are many more of them.

If you communicate with higher powers using other channels, please share them, we will also be interested.

Method 1. Repeating numbers

The simplest and most common way in which angels communicate with us is repeating numbers on the clock (11:11, 02:02), on car license plates.

If you know the meaning of the numbers, you can decipher the message.

In the articles we offer the meaning of each number.

Catch the thought at the moment when you see repeating numbers, read the meaning. And you will understand that this is a direct message for you, and maybe a ready-made answer.

If you see repetitions of the same numbers too often, perhaps the angels are simply showing you that they are nearby and you are on the right path.

Method 2. Signs

Another way to get answers from higher powers is signs, which you can define yourself.

This method works well for initially establishing a connection with spirit guides and strengthening the belief that they are helping you.

You ask the question to the Higher Self or the angels, determine the sign that will serve as a positive answer, and the time frame when you should see it.

If your answer is positive, you will see what you wished for.

Be honest with yourself and prepare for any answer. Choose a sign that is not found everywhere and in all circumstances.

It could be a natural phenomenon, a specific person, an action, anything, but what really exists, there is a probability, although not high, that you will meet it in the time allotted to you.

You can’t specifically look for signs or adjust circumstances. Otherwise you will deceive yourself. Let the angels themselves give you the answer.

At one time, in response to my question, if the outcome was positive, I asked to see a rainbow within a week. If I don’t see it, then it’s not worth investing energy in realizing this goal.

I still saw a rainbow, although the phenomenon is quite rare.

Method 3. Books, songs, snippets of phrases from TV, radio, from random passers-by

It happens that you are tormented by some question, and then you accidentally hear a song on the radio or a fragment of a phrase from a passerby. And it’s like you’re being electrocuted.

Something seems to you makes you hear exactly this phrase.

Or, supposedly by chance, some book catches your eye in a bookstore or falls off the shelf, which then becomes decisive in the issue of your worldview and self-development.

Several years ago I had a difficult period, one might say a life crisis. I was in such despair, I didn’t know how to continue living.

I said mentally that I was ready to work through the situation from beginning to end using any acceptable method, but so that such events that happened to me would no longer happen in my life.

I had a list of books I was going to read and my eye fell on the book Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping.

I opened it and promised myself, not yet knowing the methods offered there, that I would do all the exercises and apply in life what the author advises, if only this series of troubles would stop.

This book became my salvation then. This is how my spirit guides tried to reach me.

Now it’s clear that they gave me signals before, but I listened exactly that time.

Often some minor event or even a word can become a turning point in your life. I'm sure this has happened to you too.

Method 4. Receiving messages in a dream

Often answers from higher powers come in a dream. Sometimes randomly. You wake up and realize that you dreamed of something significant, special.

But you can use sleep as a way to communicate with angels consciously.

Formulate your request, preferably in writing, so that when you wake up you don’t forget what you asked, and go to bed.

In the morning, try to remember what you dreamed about. It may not work out the first time, especially if your connection with the angels is not established.

But after some practice you will begin receive answers from higher powers through sleep. And perhaps this method will become your favorite.

Method 5: During and/or after meditation

This is one of the direct methods of communication when you go into meditation with a specific request. In a meditative state, the mind slows down and you can hear the voice of the soul.

If the mind is too restless or the question is pressing, the answer may come after meditation, for example, within a day or several.

Sometimes the angels need to create the conditions for you to receive a message.

Use to connect with your soul, Higher Self.

Method 6. Awareness

Any new thought insight is words from above.

If a thought or idea that comes to you inspires you, you feel that it is different from others in vibration, then this is the voice of the soul or angels.

In the ordinary waking state, the mind dominates. And the mind is guided by past experience; it cannot produce anything new.

When you expand your consciousness, you gain access to everything new - ideas, awareness, discoveries.

Consciousness expands only when the heart is open. And the heart is a direct channel of communication with your higher aspects and spiritual guides.

Keep it open and your connection with them will not be interrupted.

Method 7. Direct contact with the Higher Self or channeling

Some communicate directly with your higher aspects and spiritual mentors, feeling them physically.

But there are people who receive channelings from higher spiritual entities.

We often refer to the forecasts of channeled channels: Ronna Herman and Celia Fenn (Archangel Michael channels), Lee Caroll (Kryon channel), Steve Rother, Lauren Gorgo and others.

Most likely, such souls, even before incarnation into physical reality, planned to become channels of higher angelic entities and transmit information to people.

This is one of the types of planetary service.

In other cases, even if we accept channelings, it is from our highest essence.

Method 8. Creativity

A more common way than the previous one to receive answers from higher powers is creativity, creating something new.

Nothing that a person creates belongs to him alone. All achievements of science, culture, inventions, and creative results were given to humanity from above.

The person who creates a creation, like a channel, passes it through himself and gives the world a result, colored by his unique vibrations.

All creations are intended not only for their creators, but for the whole world. This is how the universe and higher powers share their wealth with us.

Everyone perceives the same music, work of art, poetry in their own way and finds their own answer, healing.

Communication through creativity is a universal tool that higher powers use to communicate with people. And it doesn’t matter whether you create yourself or are connoisseurs of other people’s creativity.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. We are looking for a miracle, but it has long been part of our reality.

It doesn’t matter how you communicate with your spiritual guides, the main thing is that you feel from within that the information being received is true, that you can grasp feeling of absolute knowledge- you can’t confuse it with anything.

This is a sure sign of feedback from higher powers and your Higher Self.

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© George Mount 2017

What are performance boosting tools? Projective processes

Every day, when you wake up in the morning, you begin a new page in your life. And every day is another day of transition from the present to the future. So you spend your whole life on the road. Time is like a piston, it inexorably pushes you forward. Whether you will move through life like a reluctant ram being pulled on a rope along the gray back road to the slaughterhouse, or whether you will skip along a picturesque path, looking over and over again at the amazing landscapes from the wonderful events of your life, is entirely up to you.

Sometimes you can stop your running and look around, enjoying the present. Being in the here-and-now state is very useful. But sometimes we get stuck, bogged down in the present, fed up with the present, and then we again pack up our belongings and hit the road to the future. From time to time, we may find ourselves lost and walking in circles. The present is reproduced, repeated again and again. And the future, which we so desired, still does not come and does not come.

If you are satisfied with your present, then you will not change anything in your life. The present you have now is the result of the best use of your abilities. If you need a different scenario for life events, then this means that you need to develop new abilities in yourself and acquire new qualities.

Practice shows that without acquiring new skills and developing new abilities, our new actions are not fundamentally different from our previous actions. As a result, all our emotional impulses and emotional attempts to change something lead, at best, to short-term and unstable results. The desired future never comes.

You've probably already tried to do something to change your life for the better. Now you have to move even further: upgrade your own consciousness, develop new abilities and begin to carry out actions that were fundamentally impossible for you in the past.

This is exactly what projective processes are dedicated to, using the best coaching techniques to improve personal effectiveness.

Projective processes will help you get out of your psychological comfort zone and help you change the patterns of your consciousness. This will lead to an expansion of choice and the use of previously unavailable resources that will be at your disposal.

You will develop such an ability as the ability to have power over yourself. You will also be able to exercise independent control over your inner evolution. This is important.

By performing projective processes, you will learn things that until recently seemed unthinkable to you. When physically confronted with the changes that you have created through your intentions and actions, you will not remain the same. You will become an order of magnitude stronger, wiser and more influential than you were before. And this is not an exaggeration. You will also become more committed to yourself and your goals, and will do what you need to do flawlessly.

Previously, projective processes were available only to a select few and were practiced by a narrow circle of “specialists.” These enlightened individuals, these geniuses of mystification, defined and still define the social reality in which millions of people fooled by them are forced to exist. Yes, it was social engineers, commissioned by the Rulers they hired, who created the current social order. An order leading to a new digital slavery.

Look around you. Who do you see in the crowd? You see the Everyman - slaves to consumption in the era of new social management and control. This consumption is expressed not only in the constant acquisition of any goods, which reduces the planet’s resources to the detriment of future generations. The need to consume is transferred to the sphere of non-material production. And above all, in the mental sphere. Into the realm of meaning. By consuming other people's meanings, people sacrifice their own future.

You are already freed from sacrificing your future. The knowledge you gained from the first volume of the book helped you. Now you have to translate your knowledge into skills. You use a certain sequence of projective processes that form the technology of tracing the future.

TRACKING THE FUTURE® is a technology for influencing reality of a new generation. Previous technologies such as teaching, training and coaching laid the foundation future tracing .

TRACKING THE FUTURE® offers you a challenge: by putting into practice the proposed projective processes, you yourself and in your own interests create the future you want.

How courageous are you to take on this challenge of the future?

What will you need to do?

The procedure for tracing the future:

Projective process 1 “Stopping energy donation” .

2. Next, you will need to find out which role from the involutional scenario you predominantly played, and in what everyday state you were, and then you will make a scenario transition to the opposite role of the involutionary scenario.

Projective process 2 “Stopping an unwanted scenario of events” .

3. After this, you will reorganize your reflexive level: rebuild your own thinking patterns, learn lessons from the past, correct limiting beliefs, build an internal hierarchy, organize control over internal forces.

Projective processes: 3 “Expanding the boundaries of what is permitted”, 4 “Transformation of meaning”, 5 “Correction of the past”, 6 “Revising limiting beliefs”, 7 “Debunking prejudices”, 8 “Building an internal hierarchy”, 9 “Managing internal and external forces” .

4. Now you can make changes in your consciousness, working on a spiritual level. To do this, you will find out your purpose, mission and deep values.

Projective processes 10 “Definition of mission”, 11 “Deep transformation” .

5. Having done all this, you can begin to develop a personal project for the future, consisting of significant events (embedded events) and unfilled spaces between them. Then you will develop a plan to implement the desired scenario of events, attracting your hidden resources, such as intuition and the subconscious. In addition, you will finalize and polish your plan by applying various expert positions. And then, you will create a resource state, in which you will implement your plan in reality.

Projective processes: 12 “Developing a personal project for the future”, 13 “Defining a preliminary action plan”, 14 “Changing the energy state”, 15 “Attracting intuition”, 16 “Appealing to the subconscious”, 17 “Refining the final action plan”, 18 “Creating resource state" .

7. By going along the time scale to the past (the present of the past), you will find the dimension of n-dimensional time in which you were happy, or in which there is another quality of time you need.

8. This is the quality of time you need, you will remember and absorb this energy, accumulate it in yourself to a state of fullness, internal expansion.

9. Then you will move into the future, find in it the same dimension of n-dimensional time and stop at the point in the future following the occurrence of the last desired event.

10. At this point in time on the n-dimensional time scale, you will create a target event space.

11. You will fill the target event space with the desired quality of time. After all, “empty” dreams and fantasies, placed in a common space without the appropriate quality of time, without energy, remain unrealized.

13. In the target event space created in n-dimensional time, you will place the desired event scenario. You will implement the desired event scenario in reverse chronological order - from the last event in time to the first embedded event, which begins the entire event series.

14. By placing embedded events, you have created an event vector - the direction of development of the event series (event arrow).

15. Next, you will create a target egregor, using for this the difference in energy potentials between the state of everyday life and the state of accomplishment, which arises when an event series is embodied. You will direct the created target egregor along the event vector (release the event arrow).

16. After creating the target egregor, you synchronize the target space and the event space common to all. After this, the target egregor will begin to work in the common space of events and interact with the corresponding powerful abstract egregor of Development. The semantic connection between the embedded events of the target egregor and the potential events of the abstract egregor will allow you to order the potential events of the abstract egregor in such a way that they become intermediate transitional events and will alternate with the embedded events of your target egregor. This will begin to manifest itself in synchronicities that contribute to the successful implementation of your scenario of events.

Projective processes: 19 “Deployment of the target space of events”, 20 “Tracing the future”, 21 “Gaining access to a state of high energy”, 22 “Formation of the target egregor”, 23 “Implementation of the desired scenario of events” .


Projective processes can be carried out step by step on your own, but it is best done in pairs. Your partner gets acquainted with the process in advance, then gives you step-by-step procedures and records the results in writing for subsequent analysis.

If you perform projective processes on your own, then do not first read the instructions for the projective process itself from beginning to end. Questions will become promotional if they are not known to you in advance. Then your consciousness will effectively create a difference in your own understanding before the question and after it.

This difference appears after a “freeze” occurs, a kind of stupor when you don’t know how to immediately answer a question, when nothing comes to mind. This pause means that the question is advancing, that the question has hit the mark. And when the answer to a question appears, it must be written down, recorded. The difference in understanding of any aspect of reality created in this way is your most valuable resource. A resource that expands your capabilities and prospects. A resource that leads to different behavior and a different future. In order for this resource to appear and become as large as possible, the book contains more than a thousand questions.

So don't get acquainted with projective processes in advance. Don't do yourself a disservice. You are not competing with anyone. No one will evaluate you. Stock up on pen and paper to record states, experiences, and insights. Allow yourself approximately 2 hours for each projective process, during which no one will disturb you. This is your time.

But the most effective use of projective processes in terms of providing quality feedback is possible only with the participation of a professional coach. Don't be lazy to find it in your city. Show him projective processes, explain to him what you want. In his language this is called a “change request.”

And the more changes there are within yourself, the more changes there will be in your version of reality. Having changed beyond recognition, your version of reality will undergo a radical transformation, and the world around you will change.

And then the realization that reality is plastic, and that it is changed by your conscious active actions, from a speculative understanding, will become a pleasant obvious fact for you.

What will you learn?

stop being a free energy donor

interrupt an unwanted scenario of events

become free from the global system of imposed restrictions

expand the boundaries of self-permissiveness

identify semantic frameworks and resist manipulation

effectively use your past as resources for the future

transform your limiting beliefs into promoting ones

understand your impoverishing strategies and change them

organize the necessary internal order

take charge of your life

become a truly strong person

understand your purpose, mission and values

make a deep internal transformation

determine your path s translate your desires into goals

create a personal project for the future

develop an effective action plan

increase self-commitment

use intuition to solve creative problems

gain access to the subconscious - the source of deep wisdom

manage different perceptual positions

create a resource state

come into contact with time as an aspect of reality

create target event space

trace future events

access a high energy state

create a constructive target egregor

implement the desired event scenario

develop and comply with future safety regulations

act effectively

Projective process 1 “Stopping energy donation”

1. Reset the existing state. Shake your whole body well. Do it much like dogs do when they come out of the water.

2. Remember the state in which you usually “live”, your most ordinary state.

When you are in this state, what thoughts come to your mind?

What do you think about, what images arise?

Think about what you usually think about yourself.

Who do you think you are?

What do you believe about yourself?

What is your level of aspiration in the hierarchy you have chosen (work, positioning in “society”, family, etc.), why is it this way?

What do you think about your capabilities and abilities?

How do you evaluate your actions and your behavior?

What do you think about yourself when looking at your immediate environment (people and life circumstances)?

Do these life circumstances suit you?

What do you think awaits you in the future if everything continues to remain as it is?

3. When you think about all this, what sensations do you have in your body, where are they located, how exactly do they feel? Take a mental inventory of sensations, starting from your toes to the top of your head. Note all additional sensations that arose in the body after zeroing. Describe out loud these new sensations in kinesthetic, sensory terms (I feel something there). Where and in what parts of the body are they localized?

4. You have to see the energy of your prejudices about yourself and your future, stuck in your muscles. It doesn't matter how you do it, but you can see off to the side in the empty space the energy of these prejudices floating, sending you these sensations.

What does this energy of prejudice look like?

What is its color, shape, what, what components does it consist of? Is this energy static or dynamic, is there any movement within it?

Are there any sounds, hissing, crackling, rhythm, melody, knocking?

Do you like what you see?

What emotions and sensations do you have about what you saw?

5. Are you ready to return this energy to where it came from - into space?

Since you have made such a decision, now watch how this energy dissolves in space, gradually disappearing so that not a trace remains of it. And let this process proceed as it should, and at the speed at which it is necessary, so that nothing is left.

6. Has the space become empty?

When it became empty, what do you feel in your body now?

What sensations do you experience in your body? Describe them in kinesthetic, sensory terms.

How has the position of the body itself, posture, posture, facial expression changed?

How can you hear the sounds around you now?

How has the color perception of the world changed?

What thoughts about yourself come to mind now?

What do you think about yourself as a person now?

Who are you really?

By getting rid of the energy of “old” prejudices, you gain access to egregoric settings.

7. What egregorical task from the involutional scenario have you performed so far (service, dependency, existence, struggle, capture, strengthening, salvation)?

8. What kind of energy information structures – Systems and their egregors – have you had to deal with?

10. If you need this egregor (you don’t want to quit the organization you work for yet), then change the way you interact with this egregor - from internal to external. Imagine that it is as if the egregor you served looked like a huge rotating ring, a torus located around you, and you are inside this torus. Change your dislocation relative to this torus so that your interaction becomes external. Do this in any way acceptable to you.

11. What other egregor did you interact with (served him, tried to become a dependent, or tried to exist separately from him, or fought with him, or tried to capture him, or tried to strengthen him, or tried to escape from him?).

From your point of view, what role did you play in your relationship with this egregor? What role did you play from the point of view of the egregor? What secondary benefit did you receive from your relationship with this egregor, and was there any?

12. Imagine that you are connected to this egregor by some kind of thread. What does she look like? Where does it come from in your body? Break this connection. Disconnect from this egregor in any way acceptable to you.

Now that you've done it, how did your body react? How has your posture changed? How have the sensations in your body changed?

How does this energy return feel to you?

Disconnect from them in the same way as described above.

15. What was VALUABLE to you in completing this process?

Projective process 2 “Stopping an unwanted scenario of events”

1. Decide which non-resource everyday state you intend to work with.

For example: timidity.

2. Find out what role you are dealing with. What prejudice is it associated with? What rules of behavior does it generate?

Metaphor of what is happening: the puppet on strings bowed.

Internal motive: fear of being free.

Deep process: bondage.

Everyday statesprimary state: timidity (cowardice) → fear.

Imposed idea:“Everything depends on the powers that be, and nothing can be done about it.”

Pre-assigned role: Bonded.

General line of conduct: a person realizes the presence of a controlling, dominant System and its omnipotence, experiences fear of the System, is dependent on the System, adapts and serves it.

3. Find out what everyday state is the opposite of this non-resource state?

In this example, courage.

4. Find out what role this everyday state corresponds to?

Metaphor of what is happening: a puppet on strings cuts the bonds with a knife.

Deep process: freedom.

Everyday statesprimary state: fearlessness (courage, bravery, riskiness) → energy.

Guiding Idea:“What is does not suit me, I want to become free.”

Role: Liberated.

General line of conduct: a person realizes the presence of Systems and their influence on the course of events, and accepts the challenge to achieve freedom from

5. Determine for yourself a resource state enhancer. What state can enhance “courage”? Maybe this is “fearlessness”?

6. So, you have specified three positions:

1) the basic non-resource state “fearfulness”;

2) the desired resource state “courage”;

3) amplifier of the resource state (controlling state) - “fearlessness”.

7. Let’s first work on correcting the non-resource state. Since your consciousness is capable of imagining the expression of any idea in space, lay out some extended scale of states on the floor (10 steps between extreme points + reserve).

8. Select the direction of the scale. One pole will be a position that realizes your usual state - fearfulness, and the other pole - your desired state - to become bold.

9. Since “being fearful” and “becoming brave” are different states, you will always move along the scale of these opposite states facing the pole that you intend to correct (facing “being fearful”).

10. Stand in the middle of the scale, facing the pole to be adjusted (“fearfulness”). This is a neutral position.

11. You are in the middle of the scale, and there are no special sensations in your body. This is your everyday, “everyday” state.

12. Take a step forward towards the corrected pole (fearfulness).

Describe what sensations arise in the body, how it reacts when you move along the scale in this direction of increasing this state?

13. Take another step forward towards the corrected pole (fearfulness).

Describe what new sensations appear in the body, how it reacts when you move along the scale in this direction of strengthening this state?

14. Do you want to explore this direction leading to the adjustable pole?

15. If yes, take another step forward. How does the body react now, what sensations arise now?

16. Do you want to further explore this direction leading to the corrective pole?

17. If “no”, return (moving backwards) to a neutral position.

Shake off the previous state, just as dogs shake off water.

18. Take a step back (moving backwards) in the direction opposite to the adjusted pole of the scale (towards “courage”).

How have the sensations in your body changed now?

19. Take another step with your back forward. How have the sensations in your body changed?

20. Take another step with your back forward. How have the sensations in your body changed?

21. Do you want to continue researching this area?

If something inside tells you, “No, that’s enough,” then stop.

22. Where on this scale were you most comfortable?

Stand on it. What are the sensations in the body? Are they comfortable? What thoughts come to mind?

23. Think about the fact that you come in this state (courage), with these thoughts, home, to work, to friends, to the market.

How do you like it?

24. Think about your way to access this state (anchor of this state: visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and anchor it (anchor 1).

What color is this condition associated with?

With what sound (melody, rhythm, knock, rustle)?

What movement, what gesture (for example, snapping your fingers) could you use to preserve this state for yourself to refer to in the future?

Save, anchor this state, for which within two seconds apply the following sequence: color (first imagine the color with which the state is associated), sound (then play the sound of the state in your head - its melody or rhythm), sensation (activate the gesture you have chosen, e.g. snapping fingers).

25. Step off the scale and stand next to it. Reset yourself, shake off this state.

Activate anchor 1 and enter this state (courage) again. Stay in this state for a while.

26. Shake off this condition, just as dogs shake off water.

27. Let us now strengthen the resource state “courage” with the state “activity”, superimposing one state on top of the other. This is how we get such a derived state as “fearlessness”.

The initial state is “courage”. Reinforcing state of “activity”.

28. Remember a moment, an incident, a situation in your life when you were active, full of positive premonitions and hopes and acted, as they say, without looking back, counting on the best, and your activity justified itself and bore fruit?

29. When you remember this, what do you feel in your body? How does this state of “activity” feel in the body? Describe these sensations. Where and how are they localized in the body?

30. Remember these feelings. Think about a way to access this “activity” state (anchor of this state: visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and anchor it (anchor 2).

31. Reset yourself, shake off this state, just as dogs shake off water.

32. Enter the “courage” state by activating anchor 1. Feel this state thoroughly with your whole body.

33. While in the “courage” state, enter the “activity” state by activating anchor 2.

This way you will superimpose the state of “activity” onto the “courage” state.

34. When you have superimposed states on one another, what do you feel in your body? What new sensations have appeared? Describe the sensations in your body in kinesthetic terms. How do you like this “active courage = fearlessness”?

35. Remember these feelings. Think about a way to access this state of “active courage” (anchor of this state: visual, auditory, kinesthetic) and anchor it (anchor 3).

36. Shake off this condition, just as dogs shake off water.

37. Check how your way of accessing “active courage = fearlessness” works.

Step aside and activate the anchor of this state (anchor 3). Stay in this state.

Whenever you need it, you can quickly access the state of “active courage = fearlessness.”

38. Now that you have mastered the method of managing a non-resource state, what new actions are you ready to take in the very near future?

1) __________________________

2) __________________________

3) __________________________

39. What was VALUABLE to you in completing this process?

High, true, spiritual love is possible. The one that every person dreams of at a deep level of the Self. Even those who don't believe in it. Even those who don't believe in God. Even the one who lives on autopilot. The one that we know about, but, listening to reason, we explain to ourselves that it does not exist, that it is an illusion, it is a myth.

That love, which every person yearns for in the secrets of the soul, has become a parable about two halves and lives only in a parable. We are sure that real life is far from such stories. After all, this is just a beautiful fairy tale, and also psychologically harmful: each person is self-sufficient, and he does not need another person.

We are convinced that there is no high love in life, so we sleep with the wrong people and live with the wrong people. We empty ourselves and waste our energy, and even life itself, in vain, without absolutely understanding where and why.

And only sometimes... very rarely... when we wake up next to the wrong person or the wrong person, we feel pain. The acute pain of meaninglessness and loneliness. It's hard to escape from her... but we can do it. In worries, in work, in everyday life. So as not to think. To not feel. Stop waiting.

External noise overshadows the ineradicable inner call and knocks down the vibrations of the soul. Vanity and survival. We just live, we just work, we just die.

But someone knows, feels, hears what the voice of the soul persistently reminds of. This song is about the existence of a Mother Soul. Not the one who can endure it - she will fall in love, and after half her life she will become her own. It's not about love, it's a habit.

A soulmate is one who was such even before the two met. Not a half, but a Divine Complement. “We are each other’s eternal tenderness.” Expansion of that field and strengthening of the light that everyone is. Understanding each other on a qualitatively different level. Feeling each other without words and at any distance.

To meet your Soulmate, you need to go a long way. Living with the wrong ones, being the wrong ones. Realize and rise.

Divine love does not and cannot exist for everyone and everywhere, because the path is difficult; only a few can go through it and, having realized it, rise. You need to go beyond the program - for most this is impossible.

Hear me. Believe me. I will tell you what you need to do to meet your Soul Mate. I know.

  1. To hear your soulmate, you first need to hear your own. You need to become authentic, become authentic. We need to stop playing with everyone and everywhere—the masks must be taken off mercilessly. It is important to become open and sincere. We need awareness: what am I doing and why? You need to learn to separate social roles from your essence. Every moment in time ask yourself: “What do I really want now? How do I feel? Catch the first thing that comes to mind. Do what your soul asks. You need to learn to listen and obey her. Your soul mate will hear you when you begin to sound clear.
  2. Connect with your Higher Self. With that which is greater than man, with the Cosmos, with God, with the Universe, with the Source. No matter what you call it, it is important that you feel something greater than your personality, that you feel a strong connection with your Higher Self, that you feel oneness and community with the world. Prayers, meditations, mantras, immersion in sensations. Notice the signs. Listen to your intuition. Learn to feel the moment - through it a connection with the world will come. Isolation is a big obstacle to meeting.
  3. Embrace your Inner Woman (if you are a man) and your Inner Man (if you are a woman). Get this subpersonality out of the unconscious and establish contact with it. Forgive all offenders of the opposite sex. Forgive your father and mother if there is anything to do. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, understand and forgive. Learn to love the opposite sex, admire what is not in you. The soulmate will come for acceptance.
  4. Love yourself. Give yourself care, warmth and acceptance. Learn to see and appreciate the best in yourself, treat with understanding and respect what you don’t like. Learn to treat yourself from the perspective of your personal characteristics, and not from the perspective of your strengths and weaknesses. Give yourself everything you need - from meeting basic needs to self-actualization. Fill yourself with love, then you will be able to give it.
  5. Love the world. Look for manifestations of love in the world and let them in. Find pleasure in every reflection of life and in every moment. Raise the vibration of your soul. Show empathy and compassion. Take care of those who are weaker and need help. Take care of animals. Help just like that, learn to enjoy it. Think about high things, cultivate high things in yourself - honor, conscience, dignity, etc. Become cleaner and more transparent, then your soul mate will see you.
  6. Develop your personality. Develop all your abilities and talents, develop hobbies. Watch movies, read books, listen to music. Become fulfilled. You will not only become happy within yourself, you will be able to expand and complement others. To meet your Soulmate, you must be complete.
  7. You need to have a Goal. You need to find, understand, feel your ultimate task, your mission. It is necessary to rise above vanity and pettiness. Only a Great Goal can keep you from routine and getting bogged down in everyday life. We need a beacon that will keep love and guide us through life. This is the main thing for which you will meet, for which you will become each other’s support and inspiration. You and your Soulmate will go to this lighthouse together.
  8. Become a free spirit. Free yourself from dogmas, templates and stereotypes. Be free from specific religions and movements. Uncover your habitual beliefs and work through them. Give your Soulmate a chance to become noticed by you. Look at the world with your eyes wide open, and not through the prism of imposed norms and rules.
  9. Visualize the one you are calling. Visualize not appearance, but your feelings next to the person. Feel the presence of your Mother Soul with your whole being. Anticipate it. What will it be like when you are together? Describe your relationship. Describe the qualities you want to see in your loved one. Become consistent with these qualities. Develop them in yourself and feel them in others. Feel the love of your Soulmate and give yours. In meditation, in visualization, in the feeling of presence.
  10. Set an intention and declare it. In any way acceptable to you. Write a letter to the Universe. Read a prayer service and light candles to certain saints. Contact the Archangels. Think about your desire to meet Love and Soulmate strongly and specifically in an emotional frenzy. Ask in your hearts. Ask the clouds to carry your message. Use what is close to you. Release the intention, switch your attention, forget about it.
  11. Believe. At the level of Knowledge, believe in love. Believe that there is a person, your Soul Mate, with whom you will feel another world and experience a relationship of a high order. With him you will have unprecedented acceptance and understanding, unconditional respect and admiration. You will be connected, but it will not be an emotional dependence. This will be a merger at the level of divine presence. You will feel happy and joyful, you will create and be inspired, your life will be easy and colorful. Stress and conflicts, if they happen, will be in a mild form and with rapid fading. You will feel connected, but you will be free. In everything there will be only your and his (her) desire and good will. You will open up like never before. You will finally become yourself. You can simply BE.

Many…. It turned out a lot. And doing one thing without doing the other will not be enough. The path to true Love is not close.

You ask, is it possible to meet love just like that, without doing anything to yourself? Can. Only it will be as truncated as you yourself are truncated.

It may be cute, attractive, pleasant and sexy, but it will be just a relationship. With tears, with dependence, conflicts, mutual humiliation and mutual games. Or just boring and ordinary. As Mikhail Litvak said, you can “pull the burden of life together.” The cosmos will not appear, and the world will not open. Co-creation will be impossible. The flight won't happen.

In truth, not everyone needs it. There have not been many such couples in all centuries. Love incarnate on earth is a miracle. The further you follow the steps described, the closer you will be to a miracle. But for him there is no age.

Unconscious Love also happens. She has her own mechanisms. But if you read this article to the end, then this mechanism did not work for you. Means, your destiny is to follow the path of a conscious desire to experience high Love with your Soul Mate.

Dream big. Love for real.

With love, Liliya Akhremchik,
trainer, psychologist, coach