Westminster Abbey,
Cathedral Church of St.
Petra - alone
of the most important shrines
England, located
in the London area
Westminster. This gothic
church - traditional
coronation site
and British burials
monarchs. Together
with a nearby church
St. Margaret's Abbey
included in the list
World Heritage


According to ancient legend, the temple was founded in 616
at the place where an ordinary fisherman had a vision
St. Peter's. In the 960s or early 970s St.
Dunstan, with the assistance of King Edgar, founded
here is the concentration of Benedictine monks.
The Stone Abbey was built near 10451050 by King Edward the Confessor. Temple
consecrated on December 28, 1065, only a week before
death of the king. Coronation of successor, Harold II,
became the last before the Norman invasion.
Later in 1245, the cathedral was rebuilt by Henry III.

The abbey became the venue
coronations of Norman kings, and neither
the monarch was not buried here until Henry III
rebuilt the cathedral as a temple in honor of Edward
Confessor and, in fact, worthy
monarch, burial place, in Anglo-Franco
gothic style with high gothic
nave in England. Work continued between
1245-1517 and was mostly completed
architect Henry Yevel for the king
Richard II.

Place of coronation.

Flag of Westminster Abbey.

December 28, 1065 - Westminster Abbey is founded in London.

December 28, 1065 was
construction completed
St. Peter's Church, which became
basis of Westminster
abbeys. On this day the church
was illuminated. Abbey
opened in February 1066.
Subsequently it became a place
coronation of all British
monarchs. First
crowned here
became a crown bearer in 1066
William the Conqueror. IN
eternal shelter found in the abbey
many prominent Englishmen:
kings, writers, scientists,

Shape of Westminster Abbey.

Westminster Abbey
has a Latin form
cross, elongated
from the eastern edge of the chapel
Henry VII, built
in 1503–1519 in the style
Tudor. Today this chapel
called the chapel of the order
Bani, established
Henry IV century 1399.
Length of the temple with chapel -
156 m, main width
and side naves - 22 m,
temple height - 31 m,
the height of the towers is 69 m.

The only original Romanesque painting surviving in the Abbey is the Bayeux Tapestry.

The only original image in
Romanesque style, preserved in the Abbey,
is the Bayeux Tapestry.

Until the 19th century...

Until the 19th century Westminster was the third scientific
the third center in England, after Oxford and
Cambridge. It was here back in 1611
translated the first third of the King James Bible
from the Old Testament and the last second
half of the New Testament. In the 20th century New
The English Bible was also compiled in
Westminster Abbey.

Layout of Westminster Abbey.

Interior decoration.

Exterior decoration.

Graves, headstone

Mary Stuart's grave
at Westminster


Among the tombstones of English work, the following stand out:
with their pomp and mastery of execution those that
located next to the altar. They are brought to an end
XIII - early XIV centuries. Here, above the sarcophagi,
tall stone canopies rise,
echoing the forms of Gothic architecture of this
period. Pointed arches, buttresses, turrets,
niches with sculptures placed in them - all
richly decorated with carvings in the form of a stylized
floral ornament and creates an impressive
decorative effect.

It is known for certain that a number of
the tombstones were made by London
masters, The appearance of the dead, like
rule, conveyed in general terms, but
clothing is usually interpreted very
in detail. In some cases there are
expressive portraits
images, sometimes bearing
unique character.

The statues adorn the western entrance to Westminster Abbey.


Monuments of later eras occupied the western
part of the building and transepts. Hundreds of gravestones and
memorial statues, busts, medallions, figures in
growth and monumental compositions in marble
crowded along the walls in several rows and tiers. IN
during the 17th-19th centuries, when the circle of those
who received the right to be immortalized in
Westminster Abbey, monuments have accumulated
so much that they often obscure the perspective,
violating the artistic effect for which
the building was calculated. Many historical
events and human destinies are behind the tombstones

During the Second World War, the abbey building was hit twice by aerial bombs, but by luck they did not damage the building.

During the Second World War, the abbey building
air bombs hit twice, but luckily
accidents they did not cause significant damage to the structure

Westminster Abbey. Westminster Abbey is a royal property and is not subject to the Archbishop of Canterbury. Here, for centuries, monarchs were crowned, married, and then buried. The tomb of Newton and Darwin, Thackeray and Burns, Milton and Chaucer, Dickens and Shakespeare, Handel and Purcell, Disraeli and Chamberlain. A unique architectural monument that has changed its appearance many times, but has always retained its charm. The building took about 1000 years to build, so traces of almost all the stylistic shades of Gothic can be found in it. The history of Westminster Abbey begins in 1052, when Edward the Confessor laid the foundation. The building was originally built in the Romanesque style. The first major renovation dates back to 1220, when Henry III built the Chapel of Our Lady and reconstructed the abbey, giving it a Gothic appearance. In 1502, the Chapel of Our Lady was built. The chapel is magnificent: fan vaults, stained glass windows, and 107 statues of saints in the niches.

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“Attractions of London” - Problematic question: Fundamental question: Why is London considered unique? At the top of the 145-foot tall column is a figure of Admiral Nelson. A look at London. Sights of London. Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square). Paul's Cathedral (St. Paul's Cathedral). Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey) is the place of coronation of English monarchs.

"The Cathedrals of London" - In the 9th century, London, once again a thriving center of trade, falls prey to the Vikings. You can hear the famous choir in the cathedral. Until the 11th century, the city was owned either by the Normans, or by the Vikings, or by the English. London is the capital of the UK, Great Britain and England. The Houses of Parliament. The triple dome of the cathedral (height 120m) is an integral part of the London skyline.

"Museums of London" - London National Gallery. Open lesson in 5th grade by English teacher Natalya Gennadievna Eliseeva. Victoria and Albert Museum. House of William Shakespeare.. Highest point - Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m.). The total area of ​​the country is 244.1 thousand square meters. km. Sherlock Holmes Museum.

"London in Great Britain" - Tower. England Scotland Ireland Wales. Keepers of the Royal Treasury guard the famous jewels of the British Empire. The capital is the city of London. You can approximately enjoy the educational seventy-minute excursion during September. Big Ben. Guards. Big Ben, the voice of London, has been telling the exact time since 1859.

"London Palaces" - Southhenge. Big Ben. The city is also famous for its many ancient palaces and churches, which house the national shrines of the English people. Rochester Castle Description: Rochester Castle is located in the city of the same name in Kent.

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Westminster Abbey is one of the most beautiful religious buildings in the world. The official name is St. Peter's Cathedral. Westminster Abbey is located in the heart of London, in Westminster. It was built in the 10th century under the patronage of King Edgar to replace several already dilapidated churches. It was later rebuilt (under King Edward) in the Norman style. In 1065, Westminster Abbey was consecrated. Even then the cathedral began to be used as a tomb. The tomb of King Edward is located behind the main altar in the chapel, which is called the Tomb of the Confessor. Subsequently, English rulers continued to expand and decorate Westminster Abbey. Basically, the abbey received the features of today's building in 1245-1269 under Henry III, and its current size and appearance in the middle of the 15th century. After this time, Westminster Abbey changed little; only in 1740 were 2 towers added to it.

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Since the coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066, English kings and queens have been crowned here on the coronation chair. In addition, the ashes of many English monarchs, as well as many outstanding personalities of the English past - cultural, military and political - are kept within the walls of the Abbey.

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If you look at Westminster Abbey from a bird's eye view, you will notice that it has the shape of a Latin cross, extended on the east side by the Henry VII Chapel. It was built in 1503-1519 in the Tudor (perpendicular) style. In modern times it is considered the chapel of the Order of the Bath, which Henry IV established in 1399. The size of Westminster Abbey is quite large. The total length (including the chapel) is 156 meters, while the length of the transept is 62m. The width of the main and side naves is 22 m, the width of the transept is 26 m. The height of the temple is 31 m, the towers rise to a height of 69 m. If you look at Westminster Abbey from a bird's eye view, you will notice that it has the shape of a Latin cross, elongated on the east side Chapel of Henry VII. It was built in 1503-1519 in the Tudor (perpendicular) style. In modern times it is considered the chapel of the Order of the Bath, which Henry IV established in 1399. The size of Westminster Abbey is quite large. The total length (including the chapel) is 156 meters, while the length of the transept is 62m. The width of the main and side naves is 22 m, the width of the transept is 26 m. The height of the temple is 31 m, the towers rise to a height of 69 m.

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The presentation on the topic "Westminster abbey (Westminster Abbey)" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: English language. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 6 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

W e s t m i n s t e r A b b e y

Kolesnikova A.,Tsiplenkova E. Form 11

Slide 2

Slide 3

Cathedral church of St. Peter at Westminster, almost always called Westminster abbey - gothic church in the city of Westminster (London), to the west of the palace of Westminster. Built with breaks with 1245 in 1745 years, but the shape keeps gothic. The traditional place of coronation of the monarchs of the united kingdom and the graves of the monarchs of England. Along with the nearby church of St. Margaret abbey given the status of the World heritage.

Slide 4

With their identical square towers and openwork arches of the ancient abbey in the English gothic style is one of the brightest examples of the medieval church architecture. But for the English it is much more: it is a sanctuary of the nation, a symbol of everything, for which he fought and are fighting the british, and here is the place, where was crowned by a big part of the rulers of the country, many of whom are buried here.

Slide 5

Edward the Confessor was founded the benedictine abbey in 1065 year in this place, overlooking the square of the Parliament. Presumably, the first king of England, who was crowned here, Harold was in January 1066. Defeated him at the battle of Hastings William the Conqueror was crowned here in the same year, and the first record in the abbey witnessed it. The traditions of the coronation survived till our times. Early English gothic structure of the building of the abbey in the greater degree is owed to Henry III, than any of the other rulers, although many architects, including TO. Rehn, have made their contribution to the appearance of the abbey.

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. Everything comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more relaxed and less nervous.

Westminster Abbey, Cathedral Church of St. Petra, one of the most important shrines in England, located in the London district of Westminster. This Gothic church is the traditional coronation and burial site of British monarchs. Together with the nearby Church of St. Margaret, the abbey is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Base. According to ancient legend, the temple was founded in 616 on the site where an ordinary fisherman had a vision of St. Peter. In the 960s or early 970s, Saint Dunstan, with the assistance of King Edgar, founded a center of Benedictine monks here. The Stone Abbey was built near it by King Edward the Confessor. The temple was consecrated on December 28, 1065, only a week before the death of the king. The coronation of his successor, Harold II, was the last before the Norman invasion. Later in 1245, the cathedral was rebuilt by Henry III.

The Abbey became the site of the coronations of Norman kings, and no monarch was buried here until Henry III had the cathedral rebuilt as a temple to Edward the Confessor and a proper burial place for a monarch, in the Anglo-French Gothic style with a high Gothic nave in England. The work continued between and was largely completed by the architect Henry Yevel for King Richard II.

December 28, 1065 Westminster Abbey is founded in London. On December 28, 1065, the construction of St. Peter's Church was completed, which became the basis of Westminster Abbey. On this day the church was illuminated. The abbey opened in February 1066. Subsequently, it became the place of coronation of all British monarchs. The first crown bearer to be crowned here was William the Conqueror in 1066. Many prominent Englishmen found eternal refuge in the abbey: kings, writers, scientists, musicians.

Shape of Westminster Abbey. Architecturally, Westminster Abbey has the shape of a Latin cross, extended on the eastern edge by the Henry VII Chapel, built in 1503–1519 in the Tudor style. Today this chapel is called the Chapel of the Order of the Bath, founded by Henry IV in the year. The length of the temple with the chapel is 156 m, the width of the main and side naves is 22 m, the height of the temple is 31 m, the height of the towers is 69 m.

Until the 19th century... Until the 19th century. Westminster was the third scientific center in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. It was here that the first third of the King James Bible from the Old Testament and the last second half of the New Testament were translated back in 1611. In the 20th century The New English Bible was also compiled at Westminster Abbey.

Among the tombstones of English work, those located next to the altar stand out for their pomp and craftsmanship. They date back to the end of the 13th and beginning of the 14th centuries. Here, above the sarcophagi, rise tall stone canopies, echoing the forms of Gothic architecture of this period. Pointed arches, buttresses, turrets, niches with sculptures placed in them are all richly decorated with carvings in the form of stylized floral patterns and create an impressive decorative effect.

It is known for certain that a number of tombstones were made by London masters. The appearance of the dead, as a rule, is conveyed in general terms, but clothing is usually interpreted in great detail. In a number of cases, there are expressive portrait images, sometimes of a unique nature.
23 Monuments from later eras occupied the western part of the building and the transepts. Hundreds of tombstones and memorial statues, busts, medallions, life-size figures and monumental compositions in marble are crowded along the walls in several rows and tiers. During the 19th centuries, when the circle of those who received the right to be immortalized in Westminster Abbey expanded, so many monuments accumulated that they often obscure the perspective, violating the artistic effect for which the building was designed. Many historical events and human destinies lie behind the tombstones of Westminster.