Essay-reasoning (task 15.1) on a linguistic topic based on the statement of L.S. Sukhorukov: “Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind”

Statement by the famous writer L.S. Sukhorukova really reflects an interesting pattern that some people, unfortunately, forget: “Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind.” I agree with the author: with one word we can ruin our reputation, scaring off friends, relatives and colleagues, because they all understand that speech reflects our personal qualities. If we allow ourselves to use, for example, slang words, this means that we lack good manners, erudition or tact. And which decent person would want to communicate with a rude and mentally disabled person?

In this text, in sentence 17, the narrator expresses himself in slang (“face” and “smeared”), in sentence 26 he even uses the curse word “cretin” in his speech. It is obvious that his praise is really in vain: he demonstrates an unrestrained and rude character in his manner of expression.

Unlike the narrator, his father knows how to control himself and behave in society. He tries to raise his son not with his fists and shouting, but with his good example and correct, tactful comments (sentences 10 and 11). When reprimanding his son for fighting in sentences 18-21 (an act, frankly speaking, that does not look good on the main character), he expresses himself softly and carefully. An adult does this in order to make his son realize that he is doing wrong. As we see, this method is effective, because the hero came to the conclusion: there is nothing to praise him for. In the finale (in sentences 36 and 37), the hero’s mother confirms this idea: “So, love and care did not make you selfish,” the mother concluded. “We are very happy.” The parents deliberately praised their son so that his conscience would awaken. Unlike his father, the hero’s mother is not a fan of talking. She is even more restrained and laconic, speaking only to the point.

Thus, we were able to characterize the entire family based on the characters’ remarks. This is further confirmation that L.S. Sukhorukov was right: speech can say even more about a person than the words he said. You can lie in words, but the manner of expression will never deceive.

How to write an argumentative essay (task 15.1)?

Essay plan 15.1

  • an introduction in which you need to formulate a thesis;
  • the main idea of ​​the text that needs to be revealed;
  • description with examples from the text, which should justify the first part of the statement;
  • a description explaining the second part of the quotation with examples from the text;
  • conclusion.
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With the help of speech, a person can express his thoughts, convey to his interlocutor what he feels at the moment, what his thoughts are occupied with, what his experiences are. The way a person speaks can show what he really is like, what his mind is doing, how he lives, what influences his life, what his range of interests is and what his level of education is. A person’s statements can be analyzed quite simply, answering the question of who the person really is, what he wants and how he lives.

It’s not for nothing that the language of each new generation changes. If you compare the speech of a representative of the 19th century with a person from the 20th century, you can see a significant difference not only in judgments, but also in words, expressions, and the composition of sentences. What was previously important to people gradually disappeared from their lives and, accordingly, from their speech. Words such as “sir”, “charioteer”, “coachman”, so often found in the speech of representatives of the 19th century, have fallen out of use. They were replaced by new words, because new objects and phenomena arose that they denoted. The words "comrade", "driver", "taxi driver" were borrowed from other languages ​​or converted from older words into new forms. And in the 21st century, they were again replaced by new expressions, filling the usual meaning with new word forms. Thus, a person’s speech is constantly changing, filled with new words and getting rid of already outdated ones.

Historical and political events taking place in the country are of great importance for changing speech. The speech of an individual is influenced not only by global processes, but also by his level of education and curiosity. The speech of a child and an adult is strikingly different. Children's vocabulary is replenished from the child's environment - parents, educators or teachers, friends. An adult’s speech is no longer based only on his environment, but also on education and extensive communication experience. An adult can vary language forms and change them depending on the situation. So, he is affectionate and gentle in a family setting and serious in the business sphere. Therefore, his speech changes along with his mood and circumstances, is an expression of his true self, his position in relation to the people around him.

A person may not express all his thoughts in words, but speech is not only a set of words and expressions. Speech is also intonation, which denotes not only what a person said, but also how he said it. And this is also a reflection of a person’s attitude towards other people, objects or events. Therefore, at every moment of a speech utterance, a person shows himself, talks about himself and his attitude to what is happening, because speech is himself.

Speech communication people throughlinguistic perception language constructions and theirunderstanding

thinking person. Higher,abstract thinking

oral (implying

So, we observe how the heroes of this work communicate with each other, how they love each other, how they strive to raise a wonderful person who will behave correctly, because it is already clear how smart the boy is, how generous of soul he is. All this was shown to us by the speech, with the help of which the writer painted a wonderful picture of life.


Here is a statement from the famous English writer J. Swift:“Just as a person can be recognized by the society in which he moves, so he can be judged by the language in which he expresses himself.” Is his judgment correct? Let's try to figure it out.

So what is society?Society is a part of the world separated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their unification. Society is a collection of people. However, this is not a simple sum of the individuals included in it, which are sometimes called “social atoms,” but a form held together by numerous connections and relationships. The primary basis of these connections is human activity. In the process of joint activity, interaction arises between its participants. Therefore, if I express myself in Russian, then I can be classified as part of Russian society, because I am part of a large social group with a common geographical territory.

If we characterize society in terms of culture, we can see how language emphasizes a person’s belonging to one or another layer. Language tells us where an individual lives and in what environment he moves. Let's try to understand how in this text the author uses the heroine's language so that the reader understands both Oksana's character and her circle of friends. In sentence 11 we see how the neutral phrase“in a long new jacket in the “retro” style turns into one word of colloquial vocabulary: “retrukha”, and we understand that this is youth slang, which is used to emphasize the gap between two generations. The dialogue that follows shows how disrespectful the sixteen-year-old girl is to her mother.

“(12) Dad, tell her,” Oksana complained loudly. - (13) Why is she getting on my nerves?

– (14) How do you talk to your mother? – Korolkov retorted.

- (15) Well, dad. (16) Well, why is she sitting with us? (17) I will be tense all the time. (18) She always blurts out something, and everyone is uncomfortable...

- (19) What does “blurt out” mean?

- (20) Well, he won’t blurt out. (21) Will make a toast to world peace. (22) Or he’ll start paying attention to me... (23) Or he’ll start putting food on everyone’s plates, as if he’s hungry...

“(24) It’s quite disgusting to listen to you,” Korolkov announced. - (25) You speak like a complete egoist.

Thanks to this dialogue, the father understands that “at sixteen ... the foundation for the rest of his life is laid” because “complications, as he understood, were coming.”

So, the language in which the main character communicates completely tells about her character, about her circle of friends.

Writer L.S. Sukhorukov said:“Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, our mind”. Let's try to understand the correctness of this judgment. What is speech? Why is it so closely related to behavior? Why does she show soul and mind?

Speech - historically established formcommunication people throughlinguistic structures created on the basis of certain rules. The process of speech involves, on the one hand, the formation and formulation of thoughts by linguistic (speech) means, and on the other hand -perception language constructions and theirunderstanding . Thus, speech is a psycholinguistic process, a form of existence of human language.

Being a means of expressing thoughts, speech becomes the main (but not the only) mechanismthinking person. Higher,abstract thinking impossible without speech activity. Only speech activity gives a person the opportunity to abstract from reality and generalize, which is a distinctive feature of human thinking.

Depending on the form of communication, speech activity is divided into oral (implying speaking and listening) and writing (writing and reading).

Consequently, if I know how to form and correctly formulate my thoughts, then, being a well-mannered person, I know what vocabulary to use when when communicating with other people. If I am a poorly educated person, then I do not always understand what can be said and what should not be said. If I allow myself to use profanity in my speech, then often I do not always behave in an appropriate manner. A person with a sharp mind is characterized by the ability to speak beautifully; a narrow-minded person often does not know how to express the most primitive thoughts, that is, he cannot connect two words. A person with a pure soul and pure thoughts will not allow himself to use obscene expressions, because he knows that they do not honor him. With the help of speech, I, as a reasonable person, must (should) learn about the world around me, transfer my knowledge and experience to other people, accumulate them for transmission to subsequent generations.

What can be said about the text that is given for analysis? Firstly, this is a written speech, since it is an excerpt from a work of fiction. Secondly, there is dialogic speech here, grammatically correctly formatted, which can be classified as oral speech. Here's the excerpt.

“(32) I once heard on the radio that if there are several children in a family, it is not good to single out one of them. (33) I told my parents about this.

- (34) Another would be proud to be singled out, but this one thinks about his sister. (35) How kind, eh! - exclaimed the father.

“(36) So, love and care did not make you selfish,” concluded my mother. - (37) We are very happy.”

We see how, with the help of correctly selected vocabulary, the author depicts the wonderful attitude of parents towards their son, who believes that “(2) it is terrible to be a late child.” The following sentences reveal the content of the previous one: “(3) I have become a precious gift, like a cup that, elegant and clean, stands behind glass, but from which one never drinks tea. (4) They can’t wait for the late child, and when they finally wait, they begin to show him such love, such attention that he wants to run away to the ends of the world.”

So, we see how the heroes of this work communicate with each other, how they love each other, how they strive to raise a wonderful person who will behave correctly, because it is already clear how smart the boy is, how generous of soul he is. All this was shown to us by the speech with which the writer painted this wonderful picture of life.

E. Prokushkina (11th grade)

Essay on the topic “Type of my speech culture”

philology specialists to clarify the meanings of words, the habit of asking others about “how to say it correctly” and much more - I do not have it. This means that, having tested myself as a bearer of the literary type, I can say that I would not include myself here either.

Having considered all the tests, I can say that, most likely, the average literary type suits me. This is where I score more high scores. But this does not mean that I am satisfied with this type of verbal communication. After reading the works O. B. Sirotinina " Basic criteria for good speech” and I.A. Sternin’s “Types of Speech Cultures”, I decided for myself that I need to strive for an elite type of speech culture.

Speech is a reflection of a person’s thoughts, his worldview, an indicator of his attitude towards others. A person’s ability to use the riches of language to express his thoughts characterizes him as educated, developed, and spiritually rich. Someone will say that this does not matter to him - how to say, because in life there are much more significant problems. But communication is one of the basic human needs, and making it pleasant, at least with the help of cultural speech, is accessible to everyone. And I believe that for this it is not necessary to have a higher education. We, Russian people, must strive for exemplary speech.


Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the modern philologist L. Sukhorukov: “Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind.” When justifying your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the text you read.

Option 1

A person’s speech characterizes him better than any reviews about him.

In B. Ekimov’s work, the narrator warmed his soul and heart when he heard the story of one of the passengers about the New Year’s gifts that she prepared for her family. The tenderness with which the girl prepared them is evidenced by the explanatory relations in the non-union complex sentence 35: “... I had to refine [the slippers]: I trimmed them with a blue border, and made a flower with braid.” Diminutive suffixes (“mommy”, “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “daddy”) convey the girl’s loving attitude towards her family. She is very sensitive and attentive: “Mommy’s legs hurt from the rubber” (sentence 33), “grandmother is sick, but she... wants something tasty” (sentence 46), grandfather “likes to read detective stories, and I bought it for him” ( sentence 41). Her speech characterizes her as a person with a big soul and heart.

Linguist L. Sukhorukoe was right when he said that “our speech is the most important part of not only our behavior, but also our personality, soul, and mind.”

Option 2

According to philologist L. Sukhorukov, “our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, and mind.”

In fact, one of the most important characteristics of a person is his speech. It reflects his inner appearance, moral principles, and intelligence.

In B. Ekimov’s story, the girl’s speech is a clear confirmation of this. Exclamatory sentences convey her happiness from the fact that she will give joy to her loved ones: “Oh, how happy mom will be!”; “He will be so happy!” - talks about grandfather, for whom the desired gift was bought; “She’ll be so happy!” - the girl laughs happily, showing concern for her grandmother. “We have such a good, hard-working dad,” she joyfully tells her friend. And these exclamatory sentences and definitions, like a litmus test, highlighted her rich inner world, inspired by kindness, care, and love.

It was the speech that made the heroine’s image memorable and distinguished him from the background of other characters in the story.

Option 3

In everyday life, hearing the speech of the people around us, we involuntarily give them characteristics. And this is not accidental: after all, by the way a person speaks, one can judge his character, his intellect, and his state of mind.

Let's check this statement by analyzing the speech of the heroine of B. Ekimov's story. This girl is a caring, loving daughter: this is evidenced by the diminutive suffix (“Mommy”, “Daddy”).

She is a wonderful granddaughter, attentive and sensitive. Her attitude towards her grandfather is conveyed in complex sentence 41 with a coordinating connection: the conjunction connects its parts and expresses the meaning of the sequence of events (“He likes to read detective stories, and I bought him two whole volumes”). All the spiritual qualities and feelings of a girl are her everyday state, an integral part of her.

Even a complete stranger, having become an involuntary listener to the heroine’s monologue, thanks her for the joy and warmth she gave her.

In fact, the linguist L. Sukhorukov was right when he argued that “our speech is an important part of our behavior, personality, soul and mind.”

Text for work

(1) This winter is like a gift: snowfalls, blizzards, light frost. (2) In mid-November, when I left Volgograd by train, it was warm, and in the morning I woke up in the compartment - it was winter outside, the white Moscow region: fields, copses, human settlements - everything was covered in snow. (3) Live and be happy.

(4) But there was just little joy: I came to Moscow for treatment. (5) Early in the morning I got up in the darkness and wandered to the train, riding in a crowded carriage. (b) Then - a slushy platform, with slush underfoot. (7) City winter gloomy twilight. (8) A silent stream of people carries you to the entrance to the metro. (9) There is a crush: at the doors, at the turnstiles, at the escalators, in the underground passages...

(Y) Then - hospital corridors, queues, long waiting times... (11) By the evening you’ve seen enough, heard enough, got tired, can barely walk.

(12) Again - the metro, its dungeons. (13) You get out of there, sigh and rush to the train, into its evening crush.

(14) This is how my Moscow life flowed: after a day - a day, after a week - another. (15) When you get up in the dark, you get to the house in the dark. (Ib) I’m not happy about anything, even winter and snow.

(17) One evening I was lucky: the carriage was not too crowded. (18) I sat down and unfolded the newspaper for order. (19) Although what to read there: they killed, blew up, robbed...

(20) Evening train, tired people. (21) It’s cramped, someone is grumbling, and someone is already swearing.

(22) But then the young girls nearby started talking. (23) Usual girl chatter: lectures, practice, tests - in a word, studying. (24) Then they remembered the New Year.

(25) “It’s time to buy gifts...” said one of them. (26) - Why give? (27) And everything is expensive.

(28) - Haven’t you prepared any gifts yet?! - another girl was horrified. (29) - When will you have time?!

(30) - And you?..

(31) - Oh, I have almost everything ready... - the girl chirped admiringly. (32) - I bought felt slippers for my mother back in the fall. (33) Mommy’s legs hurt from the rubber... (34) And there is felt. (35) They, of course, are a little rough, I had to refine them: I trimmed them with a blue border, and made a flower with braid. (Zb) It turned out - a picture. (37) Oh, how mom will be happy! - her voice rang with such joy, as if she herself had been given something very good.

(38) I raised my head and looked: an ordinary young girl. (39) The face is lively and sweet.

(40) “And I bought a gift for my grandfather right on that train,” the story continued. (41) - He loves to read detective stories, and I bought him two whole volumes. (42) He will be so pleased! - a happy girl’s voice and laughter rang in the carriage. (43) - And for grandma... (44) We’ll be at practice tomorrow, there’s a good store for diabetics nearby. (45) I’ve already seen everything. (46) Grandma is sick, but she also wants something tasty. (47) I’ll take her cranberry sweets and cookies for diabetics. (48) She will be so happy!

(49) And again - happy laughter. (50) The girl’s face shone with joy, her eyes shone.

(51) - And for daddy... (52) We have such a good, hard-working dad. (53) And I will give him...

(54) Not only me and the neighbors, but, it seems, the whole carriage was already listening to the girl’s joyful story about New Year’s gifts. (55) Open books and unfolded sheets of newspapers knelt down. (56) Probably, for everyone, like me, the unsweetened things of the day receded and were forgotten, and something else, good, pure, awoke: after all, the New Year is really close...

(57) Meanwhile, the train was already hurrying to my station. (58) A lot of people come out here. (59) They got ready, hid unread books and newspapers, hurried to the exit, passing the girls with a smile, looked, guessing which one? (60) And the young woman who was sitting opposite said goodbye:

(61) - Thank you, honey.

(62) The girl did not understand what we were talking about, she smiled in bewilderment: why...

;(63) And really - for what?

(64) I got out of the carriage. (65) The road is glorious: birches and pine trees guard the path; It’s not painfully cold, but my soul, my heart is completely warm. (bb) Thanks to the girl who gave me hope and made me think about good things.

(According to B. Ekimov)