New information resources and technologies in historical research and education: a collection of abstracts of reports and messages of the All-Russian Conference. / Association “History and Computer”; edited by V.N. Vladimirova. – M., 2000. // Association “History and Computer” 1996-2007 [Electronic resource]. – 2003. Access mode: – Access date: 10/15/2007.

Mozhaeva, G.V., Feshchenko, A.V. Electronic resources in historical education / G.V. Mozhaeva, A.V. Feshchenko. – Tomsk: TSU, 2003 // Internet for historians [Electronic resource]. Access mode:

Trapsh N.A. archival search in the system of theoretical source studies // Document. Archive. Story. Modernity. Ekaterinburg. Vol. 8. 2008. pp. 102-105.

State Public Historical Library (

Russian National Library (St. Petersburg) (

Topic 5. Characteristics of the main methods of historical research (2 hours)

General historical methods in historical research. Historical-genetic method. Historical-comparative method. Historical-typological method (classification methods). Historical-systemic method. Approaches, principles, research methods. Assessment of cognitive abilities. Private scientific methods in historical research.


Barton V.I. Comparison as a means of cognition. Novosibirsk, 1986.

Selunskaya N.B. Problems of historical methodology. M, 2003 Kolpakov E.M. Theory of archaeological classification St. Petersburg, 1991.

Kuzmin V.P. The principle of consistency in the theory and methodology of K. Marx. M., 1976.

Markov D.F. Comparative historical and comprehensive research in the social sciences: from the experience of studying the history and culture of the peoples of Central and South-Eastern Europe. M., 1984.

Melkonyan E.L. Problems of the comparative method in historical knowledge. Yerevan, 1981.

Parfenov I.D. Methodology of historical science. Saratov, 2001.

Neusykhin A.I. The emergence of the dependent peasantry as a class of early feudal society in Western Europe in the 6th-8th centuries. M., 1956. P.4-7.

Repina L.V., Zvereva G.I. History of historical knowledge. M, 2004.

Rozova S.S. Classification problem in modern science. Novosibirsk, 1986.

Rakitov A.I. Historical knowledge. M., 1983.

Smolensky N.I. Theory and methodology of history. M., 2008.

Santsevich A.V. Methodology of historical research. Kyiv, 1990.

Theory and methodology of historical science. Terminological dictionary. M., 2014.

Typology and classification in sociological research. M., 1982.

Topic 6. Mathematization of scientific research in historical science (2 hours)

The concept of quantitative and mathematical methods. Cliometrics and historical information science. Conditions for mathematization of historical research. Types of research problems solved by quantitative and mathematical methods. Cognitive capabilities of computer technologies in historical research. Conditions for the correct application of quantitative methods in historical research.


Belova E.B., Borodkin L.I., Garskova I.M., Izmestieva D.S., Lazarev V.V. Historical information science. M., 1996.

Bessmerny Yu.L. Some questions of the application of mathematical methods in the research of Soviet historians // Mathematical methods in historical research. M., 1972.

Borishpolets K.P. Methods of political research. Study guide. M., 2005.

Borodkin L.I. Methodological problems of application of mathematical methods in historical and humanitarian research // Mathematization of modern science: prerequisites, problems, prospects. M., 1986.

Kakhk Yu.Yu., Kovalchenko I.D. Methodological problems of using quantitative methods in historical research // History of the USSR. No. 5. 1974.

Kakhk Yu.Yu. Some aspects of the application of mathematical methods in historical research // Source study of national history. M., 1977.

Kakhk Yu.Yu. Mathematical methods in historical research (the experience of Soviet and American scientists) // Questions of history. No. 2. 1989.

Kovalchenko I.D. The place of quantitative methods in historical research // Historical science. Methodological issues. M., 1986.

Kovalchenko I.D. Methods of historical research. M., 1987; 2003.

Quantitative methods in Soviet and American historiography. M., 1983.

Lavrinenko V.N., Pushilova L.M. study of socio-historical and political processes. Study guide. M., 2007.

To narrow down the search results, you can refine your query by specifying the fields to search for. The list of fields is presented above. For example:

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The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

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When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

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To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
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Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

Mokrova M.V. Archive of the oral history of science: addition to personal collections in 2000 // Questions of the history of natural science and technology. - 2001. - No. 1. - P. 198-202.
8. Mokrova M.V. Oral history of science: from historiographical traditions to integrated source study: abstract. dis. ...cand. ist. Sciences: spec. 07.00.09 / Mokrova Maria Vladimirovna; [Institute of History of Natural Science and Technology named after. S.I. Vavilov RAS]. - M., 2004. - 30 p.

Nikitina D.A. Problems of oral history at the 7th international conference of historians // History of the USSR. No. 6. 1990.

Propp V.Ya. Folklore and reality. Selected articles. M., 1976.

Orlov I.B. Oral history: genesis and development prospects // Domestic history. 2006. No. 2. P.136-148.

Selunskaya N.B. Problems of historical methodology. M., 2003.

Ursu ​​D.P. Methodological problems of oral history // Source study of national history. M., 1989. P.3-33.

Oral History: theory and practice: materials from all-Russian. scientific seminar (Barnaul, September 25-26, 2006) / [comp. and scientific ed. T.K. Shcheglova]. - Barnaul: Barnaul. state ped. univ., 2007. - 371 p.
Khubova D.N. Oral history. "Verba volant...?" M., 1997.

Schmidt S.O. Oral history in the system of source study of historical knowledge // The Path of the Historian. Selected works on source studies and historiography. M., 1997.

Topic 9. Methods for systematizing historical data (4 hours)

Methods for grouping historical data. Text as a way to organize historical data. Data summary. Tabular method of grouping data. Numerical models for systematizing statistical data. Schemes as a way to systematize historical data. Graphic ways of systematizing historical data: statistical graphs, diagrams, cartograms, map diagrams.


Lyuty A.A. Map language: essence, system, functions. M., 2002.

Mannheim D., Rich R. Political Science. Research methods. M., 1999.

Mironov B.N. history in numbers. Mathematics in historical research. M., 1991.

Smolensky N.I. Theory and methodology history M., 2007.

Salishchev K.A. cartography. M., 1990.

Topic 10. Computer models of historical data (6 hours)

Technologies for processing text information. Numerical data processing technologies. Database technologies. Image processing technologies. Geoinformation technologies. Multimedia technologies. Expert systems.


Baranov V.A., Votintsev A.A. Gnutikov R.M. Specialized text editor “Yanuscript” for processing ancient manuscripts //Historian and Computer. 2-3. No. 31. P.159-165.

Vladimirov V.N. historical geoinformatics: geographic information systems in historical research. Barnaul, 2005.

Garskova I.M. Geographic information bases and historical research. M., 1994.

Historical information science. M., 1998.

Circle of ideas: electronic resources of historical information science. M. 2003.

Mazur L.N. Methods of historical research. Ekaterinburg, 2010.

Malkov S.Yu. history and synergetics: mathematical modeling of social self-organization // Circle of ideas: algorithms and technologies of historical information science. M.-Barnaul, 2005. P..41-73.

Morozov V.P., Tikhomirov V.P., Khrustalev E.Yu. Hypertexts in economics: information technology modeling. M., 1997.

Basics of geoinformatics. M., 2004.

Topic 11. Mathematical methods for analyzing historical sources (4 hours)

Statistics and historical science. Statistical indicators and their types. Absolute and relative values. Average values. Variation indicators. Analysis of the dynamics of historical processes. Method of correlation analysis. Multidimensional statistics.


Abramov V.K. Correlation analysis in historical research. Saransk, 1990. Loginov M.I. Essay on the history of statistics. Ekaterinburg, 1997.

Mazur L.N. Methods of historical research. Ekaterinburg, 2010.

General theory of statistics. Any edition.

Mironov B.N. history in numbers. Mathematics in historical research. M., 1991.

Topic 12. Modeling of historical phenomena and processes (2 hours)

The concept of a model. Modeling goals. Forms of modeling: material and symbolic models. Types of models in historical research: structural-measurement, simulation, multidimensional typology. Cognitive capabilities of the modeling method.


Borishpolets K.P. Methods of political research. Study guide. M., 2005.

Borodkin L.I. Multivariate statistical analysis in historical research. M., 1986.

Bibikov S.N. Some aspects of paleoeconomic modeling of the Paleolithic // Soviet Archeology. No. 4. 1964.

Bunyatyan E.P. Methodology of social reconstructions in archaeology. Kyiv, 1985.

Are mathematical models of history possible? // Social Sciences and Modernity. - 2004. - No. 3. - 111-122.

Guseinova A.S. Experience in simulation modeling of the historical process. M., 1984.

Karakozova E.V. Modeling in the social sciences. M., 1986.

Kovalchenko I.D. On modeling historical phenomena and processes // Questions of history. No. 8. 1978.

Kovalchenko I.D. Methods of historical research. M., 1987; 2003.

Lavrinenko V.N., Pushilova L.M. study of socio-historical and political processes. Study guide. M., 2007.

Lukov V.B., Kuzishchin V.I. Experience in simulation modeling of the historical and social process // Questions of history. No. 1. 1976.

Methods of sociological research. Study guide. /Under the editorship of Dobrenkov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. M., 2006.

Masson V.M. Method of paleoeconomic analysis in archeology // Brief communications of the Institute of Archeology. Issue 127. M., 1971.

Mathematical models of historical processes. M. 1996.

Problem situations in archeology. Kyiv, 1988.

Problems of mathematical history: foundations, information resources, data analysis. M, 2009. Yusupov R.M., Ivanov V.P. Mathematical modeling in military affairs // Military Historical Journal. No. 9. 1986.

finances, personnel policy, theological schools, foreign and intra-church contacts, the content of sermons, the agenda of the Synod meetings and its decisions, church literature, after passing the censorship of the Council, was published in state printing houses). The hierarchy became part of the nomenklatura (with residences, rations, cars, dachas, sanatoriums, medical care and orders) (about this, see vol. 2, p. 304, note 1). But, as before, the state in relations with the Church was represented by state security agencies. Only the former head of the 5th Department of the 2nd Directorate of the NKGB for the fight against church-sectarian counter-revolution, State Security Colonel Karpov, was given “another task.” Leading positions in the Council and most of the positions of its local representatives during the Stalinist period were occupied by current and former “chekists.” However, all organizations in the country, including the Communist Party, were under their supervision during the Stalinist period. The practice of control over the Church by the MGB and then the KGB continued until the end of the existence of the USSR.

Having decided to include the Church in the Soviet political system, Stalin was concerned with creating a system for training clergy loyal to the Soviet regime (8 seminaries and 2 academies with 1,200 students in 1958) and monitoring their hierarchical promotion. It was the Council that determined the number, norms and criteria for selecting candidates.

dates of admission to theological schools. The Patriarch “coordinated” with the Council all personnel movements and appointments in the Church. A significant part of the letters and notes to them are devoted to this, indicating that this control was gradually tightened.

The new church course was not Stalin’s personal “whim”. Malenkov, Molotov, Voroshilov, Bulganin spoke out for its continuation even after 1953. Karpov was an ardent supporter of this policy and tried to carry it out even after the change in the country's political leadership.

The correspondence of Patriarch Alexy I with Karpov and Kuroyedov shows in detail the mechanism for transforming church leadership into one of the links in the state apparatus. But, as Orlova notes, with the creation of the Council for Religious Affairs in 1965, “materials related to the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church began to occupy the same position in it as documents relating to other confessions on the territory of the USSR. In the reports of the Council for Religious Affairs to the Central Committee and the Council of Ministers, issues related to the Russian Orthodox Church are practically absent” (vol. 2, p. 26). The reasons for this decline in the authorities' interest in the Church require additional research.

B.A. Filippov, Candidate of Historical Sciences (Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University)

L.N. Mazur. Methods of historical research. Ekaterinburg: UrSU, 2010. 607 p.

Modern trends in the development of historical knowledge are revealed in the search for criteria and foundations for understanding the problems of a globalizing world, a new integrity of human communities in their unity and diversity. Methodological research is manifested in substantiating the informational nature of human activity, systematicity as an integral property of societies and the historical process as a whole, and actualizes a new understanding of the phenomenon of progress and patterns in history. The justification of the criteria for the scientific nature of historical knowledge in the domestic historiography of modern times has found its most vivid embodiment in the nomination of O.M. and A.N. Medushevsky cognitive-information theory of modern

humanitarian knowledge1. Their posing of the question of history as a rigorous science coincided with an intensive search for scientific methods, techniques and tools aimed at achieving sound results of historical research, which has marked the development of the professional community in the last decade. One of the embodied variants of scientific and methodological developments of this kind is the book by L.N. Mazur “Methods of historical research.”

It represents an original version of a comprehensive development of the problem of the historian's methodological tools. The structure of the book seems quite reasonable: from consideration of the essential problems of historical research, its

features, nature, method, the author proceeds to reveal methods and techniques for collecting, systematizing, and then analyzing historical data, showing the relationship of these methods with the qualitative features of various types and stages of historical research. In his work, the author takes into account the achievements of domestic historical schools of source study and methodology, primarily, as we see it, the school of academician I.D. Kovalchenko with her characteristic special attention to the problems of extracting, processing and analyzing information from historical sources, especially mass ones.

An important place in Mazur’s work is occupied by the theory of method and the development of the problem of scientific methods in history. The author shows various approaches to its solution, evaluates the achievements of modern historiography in understanding the essence of historical methods, their types and systems, classifications of the totality of scientific methods used in historical research. It is no coincidence that the author identified a special classification of methods, determined on the basis of distinguishing between information tasks implemented by a historian in his activities, and research practices corresponding to these tasks. This classification, which includes methods of collecting and recording information, methods of systematizing and organizing it, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis, largely determines the structure, logic and value of the book. The author considers the combination of precisely these methods to be a methodology for historical research (p. 60).

Mazur’s contribution to the solution of this problem is the substantiation of the idea of ​​a basic method, determined by the specifics of the subject and purpose of the research, defining approaches and tools at all its stages, as well as provisions on additional methods aimed at implementing specific scientific tasks of work. In the author’s interpretation of the “basic method,” in my opinion, there appears a broad interpretation of the method as a methodology, a general approach to research, a method of conducting it, a set of not only rules and procedures, but also the ways and principles that define them for solving a given problem. In this case, as it seems to me, one can see the influence of the tradition laid down by Kovalchenko, who emphasized that “the scientific method is a theoretically based normative cognitive tool”2.

Assessing the classifications of basic (traditional) methods of historical research available in the scientific literature, Mazur complements and clarifies their composition, substantiates

specificity, feasibility and scope of application (p. 387-486). These methods include historical-systemic, historical-typological, classification, historical-dynamic, historical-comparative (comparative), historical-genetic types of analysis. In each case, the author pays main attention to the methodological aspects of their use, the types of research for which they are adequate, and gives examples of their correct and incorrect use.

Considering the logic of historical research, defined as a system of theoretical and empirical procedures aimed at obtaining new knowledge, the author identifies its general and variable elements, the nature of possible implementations. Mazur singles out theoretical and specific historical research, analytical and descriptive works, drawing attention to the advisability of combining an analytical and descriptive research plan as the most optimal option for historical work. It seems that the division into theoretical and descriptive works is still somewhat artificial. In principle, there cannot be purely theoretical historical research, since history is an empirical science, the subject of historical research has its own source base, and the conclusions of each work must be based precisely on this empirical basis, always limited to a certain spatial and chronological framework. Another thing is the use by historians of the results of other studies, including in related sciences, which make it possible to look at their subject from a new point of view and, using the research “focus” given by a different theoretical horizon, interdisciplinary concepts and methods, to see the hidden capabilities of sources and their interpretation, deepen the theoretical understanding of the problem. Longer trends, tendencies and features of historical processes can be identified when conducting collective research, writing collective monographs, historiographical works, as part of the implementation of scientific projects that provide opportunities for broader generalizations.

Along with the distinction between analytical (theoretical) and descriptive (empirical) studies, Mazur distinguishes between continuous and non-continuous studies. The most important thing in this section of the book is the consideration and substantiation of the idea that each type of research, having independent value, is associated with the use of different techniques and methods of organization and

giving material. If a continuous study is aimed at studying any mass historical object or process and its generalized assessment, it is associated with an analysis of the summary characteristics of the object of study, then a non-continuous one is built on the study of some part of a mass historical object. The author substantiates the types of non-continuous research: monographic, study of elite groups, selective, showing the specifics of methods for selecting part of a mass object and the associated features of the methodology and methodology of these studies. The importance of studying the individual and unique in history, Mazur notes, underlies many scientific fields - historical anthropology, microhistory, local history, biography, etc.

The book sufficiently reflects the methodologically complex problem of the specifics of historical knowledge in comparison with natural science and other types of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Mazur rightly connects it with the incompleteness of historical information, subjectivity about

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