Where can you sell cigarette ash? The story that the ashes from cigarettes are highly valued, and pharmacies and some enterprises are ready to pay a lot of money for the ashes migrated from real life to the network. And the gullible Buratin does not realize that if the cigarette ash was worth the money that is offered for it, then the cigarette manufacturers would simply burn their products! So where did the legend of the priceless cigarette ash come from?
It's all because of ordinary human greed and the desire for easy money. And if there are naive people who believe in wonderful and easy ways to make money, then there are also enterprising people who are ready to make money on naive simpletons. Moreover, the scheme used by fraudsters is very simple: an advertisement is placed about the purchase of completely useless nonsense such as ash from cigarettes, or some other tempting offer, in general, - the main goal is to interest a person in something.

What if you don't have a corkscrew at hand, but you need to open a bottle of wine? There are different ways to solve this problem, I'll tell you about them below:
Method number 1. The simplest and most effective one. In order to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew in this way, you just need to hold the bottle horizontally with one hand, and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your other hand.
If possible, wrap a towel around the bottom of the bottle. (otherwise the bottle may break!) and tap the wall lightly. With a successful coincidence of circumstances, in minutes the wine can already be poured into glasses. It is extremely rare, but it happens that this method takes too long, so we move on to the next method. I warn you again! You do not need to apply excessive force and knock hard objects on the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the bottle will break.

Method number 2... You can simply push the cork inside the bottle with any object, for example, the back of a fork or spoon, marker, pen, pencil. Attention! Killed ...

Surely, almost every active user of the Russian Internet knows about the network legend about incredibly expensive coins, which, nevertheless, may end up in everyone's pocket. Of course, I want to write about the legendary 2001 10 kopeck coin.
As befits a modern legend, despite numerous refutations, a rumor of this kind persists: "Market the cost of a coin is 10 kopecks in 2001 from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles... The price depends on the safety of the coin. For example, 10 kopecks in 2001 at the auction went for 50 thousand rubles! And one has only to imagine how much it will cost in a few years! The number of coins is decreasing, the price of the rest will increase every month, so hurry up !!! "