Choosing a career is not an easy matter. I am leaving school in two years and I haven't yet decided which profession to choose.
There are a lot of interesting things in the world, so it is difficult to make the right choice.
In childhood I wanted to be a pilot, then I wanted to become a fireman. But now I have to think about my future career seriously. Some people are good at Maths, Physics and Biology, others enjoy History, Literature and Geography.
In my opinion I am good at foreign languages. My favorite language is English. I like it very much and I want to be either a teacher of English or an interpreter. I like watching films in English, reading books in the original and listening to music in English.
I think that young people should ask themselves: What am I interested in? What do I want to become? When they find the answer, they will have the goal to achieve. And then they should do everything to achieve this goal. If you are good at Maths and you want your profession to be connected with this subject, you should start studying it very seriously. The same is with other subjects.
My father wants me to follow in his footsteps and become a businessman. But I am not interested in business or economics. I have always been bad at these subjects and I want my profession to be connected with English.
My mother says that I should choose my future occupation myself. But I am still not sure what to choose. Of course there are a lot of special books about different professions. In addition, a lot of universities and institutes have open house days, so I can go there and choose a good place for my future studies.
However, it is very difficult to enter a university. If you do not have money and if you are not a genius, you will never enter a good university or an institute. I have some friends who were in this situation and they had to choose a career not to their interests and liking.
But some young people still do not know which career to choose even after they finish school, so they have to waste time deciding, or go to find a job. For men it is harder because they may be taken to the Army, that"s why a lot of them enter any institute or university just not to become soldiers.
Sometimes young people choose a career they are interested in, they enter a university and after some time they understand that this occupation is not for them, they get poor marks and have to leave the university.
The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about it seriously before making any decisions.

achieve, achieve
fireman [Tayutep] fireman
follow in one"s ["fblavm"fbtsteps] follow in the footsteps
footsteps someone
future occupation ["fjuitj^rokju-"peif(3)n] future profession
genius ["d3i:nj3s] genius
goal [day1] goalfOl
interpreter [tb:rgye] translator
poor mark [,pu3"ma:k] bad mark
waste spend

1. Have you already chosen your future profession? If yes, what will it be?
2. What did you want to be in your childhood?
3. What school subjects are you good at?
4. What are your parents? Would you like to follow in their footsteps?
5. Do your friends know about their future profession?
6. Why is choosing a career a difficult matter?

“What to be” is the most important question young people ask themselves. Your destiny and family relationship depend on it. Many aspects of life should be taken into consideration while answering the question “what to be”. Different circumstances can influence our choice, we may follow someone’s experience or advice or be encouraged by certain people and events.

At early years of mankind development there were just a few jobs such as farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. In 17th century I Russia it was about 200 professions. Now days there are 40000 varieties of jobs, but new kinds of work appears all the time. There is no doubt that it’s difficult to choose correct. We have so many professions to choose from. Challenging, rewarding, exciting, prestigious, professions seem to be attractive. If a job is monotonous, exhausting, messy you will say it doesn’t appeal to you. We divide jobs into caring, creative, outdoor, office professions and forces.

We refer nursing, teaching to caring professions. Creative professions include the job of a journalist, designer. To work in the office means to be a bank worker, a secretary, a receptionist. If you work in agriculture, horticulture, conservation you are a representative of the outdoor profession. Those who work in the police, army or navy choose forces. Besides these professions you may make a career in law, finance, international business relations, tourism business, banking and others.

Making the right choice can be rather frustrating. You should know your strengths and weaknesses. You must keep in mind what different jobs can require. Some jobs need accuracy, good imagination, physical strength. Others will require experience, special training, traveling a lot, working long hours from home, working late or even working night shifts.

I wish we had a special subject in career teaching at school. If only there were visits to places of employment and higher education. At the lessons of career teaching we could investigate our good and bad points, our interests and aptitudes, we could relate our knowledge and values ​​to our ambitions and requirements of different occupations. Such lessons would clarify the relationship between education and employment.

It is important to realize that if you are practical and organized, like routine that doesn’t vary, have a tidy mind then you are suited for an office profession. Creative nature, imaginative mind, sociability and ability to communicate will enable you to be a designer, a tourist agent, an interpreter or a market researcher. Artistic and loving nature, imagination, sensitivity make the occupation of a painter, actor, dancer, florist, architect, beautician suitable for you. Working as a teacher Teacher’s demands love for children, perfect experience in subject, and the power of explanation. In matters of future career the priority should be given to education. If you are conscientious, efficient, capable of doing accurate work, responsible — your prospects of getting a good job increase.

Since I was a child I wished to be a programmer. I was interested in working with numbers, bites, structures and finding answers for complex problems. I love Mathematics and I am very good at it. As for my personality, I may say that I am constructive and persistent, I have strong logic, easily solve problems and I prefer teamwork rather than independence. To find a job I like I need to have excellent science knowledge’s so I could pass examinations to institute.

And there is another thing to keep in mind, it’s creation of correct impression on people, especially when you apply for a good position. Your possible in the future employer will search for your Curriculum Vitae. It’s info about your previous experiences, education and personal qualities. Then he will decide whether to invite you or not for an interview. The way you look, your confidence, correct speech and behavior and knowledge of subject will make a good impression on the interviewer.

Choosing a Career
Finishing school means the independent life for millions of school-leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, colleges and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of thousands! Some pupils follow their parents" advice; others can not make any decision after leaving school.
In childhood I wanted to be a spaceman; then I dreamed of becoming a policeman. Only a few years ago I started thinking about my future career seriously. Life is quite difficult, but I want to have an interesting job and would like it to be connected with different countries and people. That is why I decided to become an interpreter. I am good at foreign languages. My favorite language is English. I like watching films and reading books in the original.
I think the questions- young people should ask themselves are: What am I interested in? and What do I want to be? When they find the answers, they will have the goal to achieve. If you are good at a particular subject and you want your profession to be connected with it, it is important that you study it seriously.
My father wants me to follow in his footsteps and become a physicist. But I am not interested in medicine and I am not good at Chemistry or Biology. As they say, medicine is "not my cup of tea".
Another problem is entering a university. Russian National Exam which school-leavers have to pass at the end of the 11th form is rather difficult, so you have to study really hard to get a necessary number of exam points to enter a university. Moreover, different universities have different numbers of "acceptance points". I have some friends who did not get enough points to enter the universities they wanted, so they had to choose other places to study or pay for their education.
However, some young people do not know which career to choose even after they "finish school, so they have to waste time deciding, or start working. For young men the situation is difficult because they may be taken to the Army that is why a lot of them enter any institute or university just not to become soldiers.
Sometimes young people choose a career to their liking, they enter a university and after some time they realize that the occupation they chose is not what they really want, so they get poor marks and have to leave the university.
The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about their future seriously before making any decisions.

1. Introduction (what finishing school means, what opportunities school-leavers have after school, if it is easy/difficult to choose a profession).
2. Talk about who you wanted to become in childhood and who you think to become now (in childhood I wanted to be..., then..., now I want..., I have made/have not made a decision, I am thinking of..., I am good at...).
3. Talk about what students should be guided by when choosing a profession (I think the young people should...).
4. Talk about what your family thinks about your choice or what they would like you to become (my father/mother, etc. wants me to..., but...).
5. Talk about the problems that graduates face after leaving school (Russian National Exam, universities and necessary exam points, exam failure, pay for education, can’t make a choice, waste time, working, the Army; choose a wrong career, leave studies).
6. Conclusion (The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about their future seriously before making any decisions.).

1. What opportunities do school-leavers have after finishing school?
2. Is it easy to choose a future career? Why (not)?
3. What did you want to be in your childhood?
4. Have you made up your mind about the future occupation?
5. What would you like your future occupation to be connected with?
6. What school subjects are you good at?
7. What do you think young people should ask themselves when they start thinking about their future?
8. What do your parents think about your future career?
9. Do you usually follow your parents' advice?
10. Do you think that parents should take part in the discussion of your future profession or shall you make a decision yourself?
11. What problems do young people face nowadays after finishing school?
12. Do you study hard to pass the Russian National Exam successfully?
13. Have you chosen the subjects which you will take exams in?
14. Do you agree that sometimes people may get disappointed in the profession they chose? Why (not)?
15. What are the choices for them then?
16. Is it important to choose the future profession only by your interests? Why (not)?
17. Do you think some occupations are useless? Why?
18. Have you heard about professions that are not taught at universities? What are they? _


Occupations (Professions)
accountant accountant
architect architect
artist artist
astronaut astronaut, cosmonaut
barber/hairdresser male/female hairdresser
butcher butcher
carpenter carpenter
cashier cashier
composer composer
computer programmer
construction worker
courier courier
dancer dancer/dancer
dentist dentist
doctor doctor
driver. driver
editor editor
electrician electrician
estate agent
fire fighter
flight attendant
journalist journalist
lawyer lawyer
librarian librarian
model model
musician musician
nurse nurse
painter painter
pharmacist pharmacist
photographer photographer
pilot pilot
plumber plumber
police officer
postal worker/postman
secretary secretary
security guard
taxi driver
travel agent
veterinarian/vet veterinarian

Choosing a Career
Finishing school means the independent life for millions of school-leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, colleges and universities. But it is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of thousands! Some pupils follow their parents" advice; others can not make any decision after leaving school.
In childhood I wanted to be a spaceman; then I dreamed of becoming a policeman. Only a few years ago I started thinking about my future career seriously. Life is quite difficult, but I want to have an interesting job and would like it to be connected with different countries and people. That is why I decided to become an interpreter. I am good at foreign languages. My favorite language is English. I like watching films and reading books in the original.
I think the questions- young people should ask themselves are: What am I interested in? and What do I want to be? When they find the answers, they will have the goal to achieve. If you are good at a particular subject and you want your profession to be connected with it, it is important that you study it seriously.
My father wants me to follow in his footsteps and become a physicist. But I am not interested in medicine and I am not good at Chemistry or Biology. As they say, medicine is "not my cup of tea".
Another problem is entering a university. Russian National Exam which school-leavers have to pass at the end of the 11th form is rather difficult, so you have to study really hard to get a necessary number of exam points to enter a university. Moreover, different universities have different numbers of "acceptance points". I have some friends who did not get enough points to enter the universities they wanted, so they had to choose other places to study or pay for their education.
However, some young people do not know which career to choose even after they "finish school, so they have to waste time deciding, or start working. For young men the situation is difficult because they may be taken to the Army that is why a lot of them enter any institute or university just not to become soldiers.
Sometimes young people choose a career to their liking, they enter a university and after some time they realize that the occupation they chose is not what they really want, so they get poor marks and have to leave the university.
The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about their future seriously before making any decisions.

1. Introduction (what finishing school means, what opportunities school-leavers have after school, if it is easy/difficult to choose a profession).
2. Talk about who you wanted to become in childhood and who you think to become now (in childhood I wanted to be..., then..., now I want..., I have made/have not made a decision, I am thinking of..., I am good at...).
3. Talk about what students should be guided by when choosing a profession (I think the young people should...).
4. Talk about what your family thinks about your choice or what they would like you to become (my father/mother, etc. wants me to..., but...).
5. Talk about the problems that graduates face after leaving school (Russian National Exam, universities and necessary exam points, exam failure, pay for education, can’t make a choice, waste time, working, the Army; choose a wrong career, leave studies).
6. Conclusion (The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about their future seriously before making any decisions.).

1. What opportunities do school-leavers have after finishing school?
2. Is it easy to choose a future career? Why (not)?
3. What did you want to be in your childhood?
4. Have you made up your mind about the future occupation?
5. What would you like your future occupation to be connected with?
6. What school subjects are you good at?
7. What do you think young people should ask themselves when they start thinking about their future?
8. What do your parents think about your future career?
9. Do you usually follow your parents' advice?
10. Do you think that parents should take part in the discussion of your future profession or shall you make a decision yourself?
11. What problems do young people face nowadays after finishing school?
12. Do you study hard to pass the Russian National Exam successfully?
13. Have you chosen the subjects which you will take exams in?
14. Do you agree that sometimes people may get disappointed in the profession they chose? Why (not)?
15. What are the choices for them then?
16. Is it important to choose the future profession only by your interests? Why (not)?
17. Do you think some occupations are useless? Why?
18. Have you heard about professions that are not taught at universities? What are they? _


Occupations (Professions)
accountant accountant
architect architect
artist artist
astronaut astronaut, cosmonaut
barber/hairdresser male/female hairdresser
butcher butcher
carpenter carpenter
cashier cashier
composer composer
computer programmer
construction worker
courier courier
dancer dancer/dancer
dentist dentist
doctor doctor
driver. driver
editor editor
electrician electrician
estate agent
fire fighter
flight attendant
journalist journalist
lawyer lawyer
librarian librarian
model model
musician musician
nurse nurse
painter painter
pharmacist pharmacist
photographer photographer
pilot pilot
plumber plumber
police officer
postal worker/postman
secretary secretary
security guard
taxi driver
travel agent
veterinarian/vet veterinarian

Dedicated to choosing a profession, but will be useful to those who have already decided on their type of activity. The fact is that everyone, without exception, needs to know how languages ​​are translated: when filling out any form in international organizations, searching for work abroad or creating our own, we certainly use professions. Therefore, we suggest that you carefully read and translate the text, which contains the names of certain types of professional activities.

Choosing a career

Sooner or later each of us needs to choose a career. The biggest mistake in this activity is to make a decision without planning your future and thinking about your personality. Your career must feet you. In other cases you would never gain success in the profession that was chosen.

To do it right way you need to think about your wants and needs. Also you must take into account your character and temperament. No one can know your good and bad habits as well as you do.

It works quite simple. If you don’t like to talk with unknown people then don’t choose a career that needs it like sociologist, insurance agent, and reporter. If you don’t like working with children then don’t try to be teacher or kindergartener. If you are absent-minded it would be better if you do not work on atomic power plant.

To realize what will fit you best of all you need to answer some questions. And answers must be honest. At first you need to decide what you expect from life. If you want to have a big house, car and great deposit account then low-paid jobs is not what you are looking for. From the other side there are people who like their life without luxuries and expensive purchases. You also need to think about other characteristics of your life. For example, would you like to stay in your town for life long or to move across the country? At second you need to think about properties of your future career. That is what we were talking above. Your job must conform to your personality.

As for me, I have decided to become a financial analyst. My personal capabilities and my education showed me that I was on the right way. Now I work in a bank as a chef of financial department. No doubt, I made the right decision about my career.

Choosing a profession

Sooner or later, each of us has to choose a profession. The biggest mistake in this case is making a decision without planning your future and thinking about your personality. Your activity must be suitable for you. Otherwise, you will never be able to achieve success in your chosen profession.

To make this (choice) correctly, you need to think about your desires and needs. You also need to take into account your character and temperament. No one knows your bad and good habits better than you.

It works quite simply. If you don't like talking to strangers, don't choose a profession like sociologist, insurance agent or reporter. If you don't like working with children, don't try to become a teacher or kindergarten teacher. If you are absent-minded, it will be better if you do not work at a nuclear power plant.

To figure out what's best for you, you need to answer a few questions. And the answers must be honest. First, you need to decide what you expect from life. If you want a big house, a car and a huge deposit in your account, then a low-paying job is not what you are looking for. On the other hand, there are people who like their life without frills and expensive purchases. You also need to think about other characteristics of your life. For example, would you like to stay in your hometown for life or move around the country. Secondly, you need to think about the characteristics of your future career. This is what we talked about above. The job must suit the personality.

As for me, I decided to become a financial analyst. My personal abilities and my education have shown me that I am on the right path. Now I work in a bank as the head of the financial department. Without a doubt, I made the right decision regarding my career.