Thirty-year war (1618-1648) - the first military conflict in the history of Europe, which raised in virtually all European countries (including Russia) to one degree or another). The war began as a religious clash between the interpretants and the Catholics of Germany, but then turned into a fight against the hegemony of Habsburgs in Europe. The last significant religious war in Europe that has breeding the Westphalian system of international relations.

Since Carl V, the leading role in Europe belonged to the Austrian home - the Dynasty of the Habsburgs. At the beginning of the XVII, the inkispan branch of the house owned except Spain also by Portugal, the southern Netherlands, the states of southern Italy and, in addition to these lands, had a huge Spanish-Portuguese colonial empire at their disposal. The German branch - Austrian Habsburgs - fastened the crown of the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, were kinguli, Hungary, Croatia. Hegemony of Habsburgs in every way to weaken other major European powers. Among the latest leading positions, France was held, which was the largest of national states.

In Europe, there were several explosive regions where the interests of the warring parties were intersecting. The greatest amount of contradictions has accumulated in the Sacred Roman Empire, which, in addition to the traditional struggle between the emperor and German princes, was a split on a religious principle. To the empire, the other knot of contradictions - the Baltic Sea also had a direct relationship. Protestant Sweden (as well as partly Denmark) sought to turn him into his inner lake and strengthen himself on his southern coast, while Catholic Poland actively resisted Swedish-Danish expansion. Other European countries advocated the freedom of Baltic trade.

The third controversial region was fragmented Italy, for which France was fighting with Spain. Spain had their opponents - the Republic of United Provinces (Holland), which established its independence in the war 1568-1648, Janglia, which challenged the Spanish domination at sea and atheated on the colonial ownership of the Habsburgs.

Moving war

The Augsburg religious world (1555) has completed the open rivalry of Lutheran and Catholics in Germany. Under the conditions of the world, German princes could choose religion (Lutheran or Catholicism) for their principalities at their discretion. At the same time, the Catholic Church wanted to win the lost influence. The Vatican in every way pushed the remaining Catholics rulers to the eradication of Protestantism in their possessions. Habsburgs were Yary Catholics, but the imperial status obliges them to adhere to the principles of violence. Religious tension grew. For organized removal of growing pressure, the Protestant princes of South and West Germany united in the evangelical Ulya, created in 1608 in response, Catholics were united in the Catholic League (1609). Both unions were immediately supported by foreign states. The ruling emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire and the King of the Czech Matthias did not have direct heirs, and in 1617 he forced the Czech Sejm to recognize his successor to his nephew Ferdinand Schtinsky, Yazuita, and the pupil of Jesuit. He was extremely unpopular in mainly the Protestant Czech Republic, which was the reason for the uprising, which agrees to a long conflict.

The thirty-year war is traditionally divided into four periods: Czech, Danish, Swedish and Franco-Swedish. On the side of the Habsburgs were: Austria, most of the Catholic principalities of Germany, Spain, united with Portugal, Papal throne, Poland. On the side of the Antihabssburg Coalition - France, Sweden, Denmark, Protestant Principality of Germany, Czech Republic, Transylvania, Venice, Savoy, the Republic of United States, provided support for England, Scotland and Russia. The Ottoman Empire (traditional opponent of the Habsburgs) in the first half of the XVII century was engaged in wars with a percia, in which the Turks suffered several serious lesions in general war turned out to be a clash of traditional conservative forces with fastening national states.


    Czech period (1618-1623). Uprising in the Czech Republic against Habsburgs. Jesuits and a number of higher persons of the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic were expelled from the country. The Czech Republic came out secondary from under the power of the Habsburgs. When, in 1619, Ferdinand 2 changed on the throne of Matvey, the Czech seams in contrast chose him by the King of the Czech Republic Friedrich Pataltsky, head of evangelical Ulya. Ferdinand was lowered shortly before coronating. At the beginning, the uprising was developed successfully, but in 1621 the Spanish troops who helped the emperor who severely suppressed the uprising invaded the Palatinate. Friedrich fled from the Czech Republic, and then from Germany. War continued in Germany, but in 1624 the final victory of Catholics seemed inevitable.

    Danish period (1624-1629). The north-German princes and the Danish king, launched on the help of Sweden, Holland, England and France, spoke against the Emperor's troops and the Catholic League. The Danish period ended with the exercise of North Germany by the troops of the emperor and the Catholic League, exit from the war of Transylvania and Denmark.

    Swedish (1630-1634). During these years, the Swedish troops along with Protestant princes, with the support of France, took most of Germany, but still defeated from the united forces of the Emperor and the Catholic League.

    Franco - Swedish period 1635-1648. In the open struggle against the Habsburgs enters France. The war takes a protracted character and lasts until the participants are completely exhausted. France opposed Germany and Spain, having numerous allies on their side. On her side were Holland, Savoy, Venice, Hungary (transylvania). Poland declared its neutrality friendly France. Military actions were carried out not only in Germany, but also Spain, Spanish Netherlands, in Italy, on both banks of the Rhine. Allies first did not have success. The composition of the coalition was not durable enough. The actions of the allies were little agreed. Only at the beginning of the 40s. The advantage of the Force clearly decided on the side of France and Sweden. In 1646 The French-Swedish Army invaded Bavaria. For the Viennese yard, it became increasingly clear that the war was played. The Imperial Government of Ferdinand 3 was forced to go to peace negotiations.


    over 300 small German states received actual sovereignty, while nominally submitting to the Sacred Roman Empire. This situation remained up to the end of the existence of the first empire in 1806.

    The war did not lead to the automatic collapse of the Habsburgs, but changed the placement of forces in Europe. Hegemony moved to France. Spain decline became obvious.

    Sweden for the period about half a century of the Great Power, significantly strengthened its position in the Baltic. However, by the end of the XVII century, the Swedes lost a number of wars of Poland and Prussia, and the Northern War of 1700-1721. Finally broke the Swedish power.

    Adherents of all religions (Catholicism, Lutheranism, Calvinism) have gained equal rights in the empire. The main outcome of the thirty-year war was a sharp weakening of the influence of religious factors on the lives of European countries. Their external policy began to be based on economic, dynastic and geopolitical interests.

Czech uprising in 1618 he turned into a war that was named Thirty-year war. She lasted from 1618 to 1648. Almost all European countries participated in the thirty-year-old war, so it was the first pan-European war. Therefore, it is often called this period of time " Fight for domination in Europe».

Causes of thirty-year war

At the beginning of the XVII century, relations between European states still aggravated dynastic, trade and economic and re-ligiosis conflicts.

In 1630, the Army Gustav-Adolf landed in Germany. In a number of battles, the Gustav-Adolf in parts defeated the troops of the imperials and the Catholic League, who surpassed his army with numbers. Military actions were transferred to the terrification of the Catholic Camp - to the south of Germany. The emperor urgently returned to the command of the Wallenstein army, but it could not stop the Swedes. Even after death in one of the battles of Gustav Adolf, they continued to successfully loud the troops opposing them.

Completion of the thirty-year war: Franco-Swedish (1635-1648)

The position of the Habsburgs became critical after in 1635, Catholic France entered the war on the side of Protestant states. From this point on, the thirty-year-old war is finally in the morning, it is a religious. The French armies, successfully fighting against the Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs, defended in-Teresa French monarchies and associated with her trade and industrial circles. Germany turned into a huge battlefield, where the right was the one who had power. All the armies took on the execution of the Pros-CIP "War feeds the war". Mercenary detachments turned into hordes of rapists and marauders (robbers). In the end, after the disadvantaged people were taken by everything that was possible, and it became nothing to rob, the war went to his end.

Questions about this material:

  • Thirty-year war 1618-1648.

    The reasons that caused this war were also religious, and political. The Catholic reaction established in Europe from the second half of the XVI century, put his task the elimination of Protestantism and, together with the latter, the entire newest individualistic culture and the restoration of Catholicism and november. The Jesuit Order, the Triedent Cathedral and the Inquisition were three mighty tools, through which the reaction was established in Germany. The Augsburg religious world of 1555 was only a truce and concluded a number of decisions that constrained individual freedom of Protestants. The misunderstandings between the Catholics and Protestants will soon be renewed, leading to major conflicts on the Reichstag. The reaction passes to the offensive. From the beginning of the XVII century, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Habsburg universalism is connected with a purely ultramontane trend. Rome remains the church center of Catholic propaganda, Madrid and Vienna - her political centers. The Catholic Church has to fight Protestantism, the emperors of Germany - with the territorial autonomy of the princes. By the beginning of the XVII century, relations aggravated before two unions were formed, Catholic and Protestant. Each of them had their own adherents and out of Germany: the first patronized Rome and Spain, the second - France and partly the Netherlands and England. The Protestant Union, or Sania, was drawn up in 1608 in Agausen, the Catholic League in 1609 in Munich; The chapter of the first became Palatinate, headed by the second - Bavaria. The reign imp. Rudolph II passed in the troubles and movements caused by religious persecution. In 1608, he was forced to confine ourselves to one Bohemia, giving way to his brother Matthew Hungary, Moravia and Austria. Events in the dukes of Kleve, Berg and Julie and in Donauvert (see) exacerbated the relationship between Protestants and Catholics to extremely. With the death of Heinrich IV (1610), Protestants had no one to hope for anyone, and the slightest spark was enough to cause a fierce war. She broke out in Bohemia. In July 1609, Rudolph gave the evangelical Czech Republic with religious freedom and guaranteed the rights of Protestants (so calling. Majesty's grades). He died in 1612; Matthew became the emperor. Protestants pinned some hopes on him, since he once spoke out against the image of Spain's actions in the Netherlands. On the Regensburg Imperial Sejm 1613, there were hot debates between Protestants and Catholics, and Matthews did nothing for Protestants. The state of affairs has deteriorated when childless Matthews had to be appointed by his heir to the Czech Republic and Hungary of his cousin, Fanatik Ferdinand Stiff (see ). Based on a diploma of 1609, Protestants in 1618 gathered in Prague and decided to resort to strength. On May 23, the famous "defenstration" of Slavats, Martinitz and facility was made (these emperor advisors were thrown out of the Prague Castle window in the fortress). The relationship of Bohemia and the Habsburg house were torn; The temporary government was established, which consisted of 30 directors was formed, the army was formed, the heads of which are appointed Count TourN and Count Ernst Mansfeld, Catholic, but the opponent of the Habsburgs. Czechs entered the intercourse and with Transylvanian prince Betlen Gabor. Matthey died during negotiations with directors, in March 1619 the throne moved to Ferdinand II. Czechs refused to recognize him and elected the twenty-year-old Kurfyurst of the Palatinate Friedrich in their kings. The Czech uprising was the reason for the 30-year war, the theater of which the average Germany was made.

    The first period of war is Czech-Pafaltsky - continued from 1618 to 1623. From the Czech Republic, military actions spread to Silesia and Moravia. Under the entry of the tour, part of the Czech troops moved to Vienna. Friedrich hoped for helping his units in Germany and on his testing of Jacob English, but in vain: I had to fight alone. With a white grief, on November 8, 1620, the Czechs were headlong; Friedrich fled. The disgrace with the defeated was cruel: the Czechs were deprived of religious freedom, Protestantism is eradicated, the kingdom is closely connected with the hereditary lands of the Habsburgs. Now, at the head of the Protestant troops, Ernst Mansfeld became the Duke of Christian Brownschweigsky and Marcgraf Georg Friedrich Baden-Dralh. At Visulha Mansfeld caused a significant defeat (Apr 27, 1622), the other two commander were broken down: George Friedrich - during Vimphen, May 6, Christians - with Göhst, June 20, and under Stadtlon (1623). In all these battles, Tilly and Cordoba were commanded by Catholic troops. Before the conquest of the entire pyllaz, however, far away. Only deceive Ferdinand II reached his goal: he persuaded Friedrich to release the Mensfeld's troops and Christian (both of them retired to the Netherlands) and promised to start negotiations on the termination of the war, in fact she ordered liistam and the Spaniards to invade all sides to the possession of Friedrich; In March 1623 fell the last Palatinate fortress - Frankental. At the meeting of the princes in Regensburg, Friedrich was deprived of the Kurfürsky title, which was transferred to Maximilian Bavarian, as a result of which Catholics received a numerical advantage in the college of the Kurfurst. Although the upper palatinate has already had to swallow Maximilian from 1621, however, the formal accession was made only in 1629. The second period of the war - Nursaneson-Danish, from 1625 to 1629. From the very beginning of the war, lively diplomatic relations between all the Protestant states of Europe began In order to develop any measures against the overwhelming power of the Habsburgs. The German Protestant Princes shy, the German Protestant princes walked early in intercourse with the Scandinavian kings. In 1624, negotiations on the evangelical union began, in which, in addition to German Protestants, Sweden, Denmark, England and the Netherlands were to participate. Gustav Adolf, busy in the fight with Poland at this time, could not provide direct assistance to Protestants; The conditions set by them, they found excessive and therefore turned to Christian IV Danish. To understand the determination of this king to intervene in the German war, it should be borne in mind of its claims to domination in the Baltic Sea and the desire to expand their possessions in the south, focusing in the hands of his dynasty of Bremensky, Verdensky, Galbestadt and Osnabryuksky, t. e. Lands by Elbe and Vizard. The religious reasons of Christian IV joined these political reasons: the spread of the Catholic reaction threatened and Schleswig Holt. On the side of Christian IV were Wolfenbuttel, Weimar, Mecklenburg and Magdeburg. The bunch of troops was divided between Christian IV and Mansfeld. Imperial, under the head of Wallenstein (40000 people), joined the Ligist Court (Tilly). Mansfeld was defeated on April 25, 1626 at the Dessau Bridge and ran to Betlen Gabor, and then in Bosnia, where he died; Christians IV suffered a defeat at Lutter on August 27 of the same year; Tilly forced the king to retreat for the Elbe and, together with Wallenstein, took all Jutland and Mecklenburg, the duke of which was subjected to imperial opal and were deprived of their possessions. In February 1628, the title of Duke of Mecklenburg was granted Wallenstein, in April of the same year, the appointed General Oceanian and Baltic Seas. Ferdinand II meant to establish himself on the shores of the Baltic Sea, subordinate to himself free Hanseatic cities and thus seize the domination of the sea, to the detriment of the Netherlands and the Scandinavian kingdoms. The success of Catholic propaganda in the north and east of Europe depended on his Baltic Sea approval. After unsuccessful attempts in peaceful way, the Hanseatic cities in their direction, Ferdinand decided to force to achieve his goal and instructed Wallenstein the occupation of the most important harbors to South. The coast of the Baltic Sea. Wallenstein began with the siege of Strastzund; She was delayed in view of the help that the city of Gustav-Adolf, who was afraid of the statement of Habsburg in Northern Germany mainly due to its relations to Poland. On June 25, 1628, a contract of Gustav Adolf with Stravund was concluded; The king was transferred to the tread on the city. Ferdinand, in order to further incline on his side of the Catholic princes of Germany, published, in March 1629, the restitutioning edict, by virtue of which the Catholics returned all the land, taken from them from 1552. The execution of the edict began first of all in the imperial cities - Augsburg, Ulm, Regensburg and Kaufbeyerne. In 1629, Christian IV, exhausting all the resources, was supposed to conclude a separate world with the emperor in Lübeck. For the conclusion of the world, Wallenstein was, not without the foundation of the spontaneous intervention of Sweden. The world was signed by 2 (12) May. All lands engaged in the imperial and lightest troops were returned to the king. Danish period of war ended; The third - Swedish began, from 1630 to 1635 the reasons that caused Sweden's participation in the thirty-year war were mainly political - the desire to domination in the Baltic Sea; From the latter, according to the king, the economic welfare of Sweden depended. Protestants were first seen in the Swedish king only a religious fighter; Later and it became clear that the struggle was carried out not de Religione, A de Regione. Gustav-Adolf in June 1630 landed on the island of narotomy. With his appearance on the theater of war, the split in the Catholic League coincides. Catholic princes, faithful to their principle, willingly supported the emperor against Protestants; But, noticing in the politics of the emperor, the desire for absolute domination in the empire and fear for his autonomy, they demanded from the emperor the resignation of Wallenstein. At the head of the Prince of Oppositions became Maximilian Bavarian; The requirements of the princes were supported by foreign diplomacy, in Pers. Richelieu. Ferdinand had to give way: in 1630, Valenettein was set aside. In favor of the princes, the emperor restored the dukes of Mecklenburg in their lands; In gratitude for this, the princes on the Regensburg Sejm agreed to elect the Son of the Emperor, the Future Ferdinand III to the Roman kings. Centrifugal forces again receive advantage in the empire with the resignation of the imperial commander. All this was, of course, in the hand of Gustavu-Adolf. In view of the unwillingness of Saxony and Brandenburg to join Sweden, the king was to move with great care in the depths of Germany. At first he cleared the Baltic coast and Porosania from the imperial troops, then rose across Oder to deposit Frankfurt and distract Tilly from Protestant Magdeburg. Frankfurt surrendered to the Swedam almost without resistance. Gustav wanted, not a medal, to help Magdeburg, but Saxon's Kurfürsh and Brandenburg did not give him passed through their lands. The first gave way to Georg-Wilhelm Brandenburg; John Georg Saxon persisted. Negotiations were dragged into; Magdeburg in May 1631 Pal, Tilly betrayed his fire and robbery and moved against the Swedes. In January 1631, Gustav-Adolf concluded an agreement with France (in Bervald), which was obliged to support Sweden in its fight against Habsburgs. Upon learning of Tilly's move, the king hurried in Verbena; All Tilly attempts to take this strengthening were in vain. Having lost a lot of people, he invaded to Saxony, hoping to lean John Georg to join the league. Kurfürste Saxon asked for help to Gustavu-Adolf, who moved to Saxony and headed Tilly with Breitenfeld, on September 7, 1631. The Army League was destroyed; The king became the protestant protest. The troops of the Kurfürst, joining the Swedish, invaded Bohemia and took Prague. Gustav-Adolf Spring 1632 entered Bavaria. Tilly was a second time split by the Swedes under Lehe and soon died. Bavaria was all in the hands of the Swedes. Ferdinand II was forced to immediately appeal for help to Wallenstein; This petitioned by Maximilian Bavarian himself. Wallenstein was instructed to form a large army; The emperor appointed him with a commander with unlimited power. The first thing Wallenstein was exile from Bohemia Saxon; Then he moved to Nuremberg. Gustav-Adolf hurried to the rescue of this city. Under Nuremberg, both troops stood for several weeks. The attack of the Swedes to the reinforced camp of Wallenstein was shot down. Gustav-Adolf to distract Walnonstein from Nuremberg, returned to Bavaria; Wallenstein moved to Saxony. The king, due to the contract with the Kurfürst, was to hurry to help him. He Nastig Vallenstein under Lucene, where he fought with him in November 1632 and fell a heroic death; His place was taken by Berginard Weimar and Gustav Mountain. The Swedes won, Wallenstein retreated. After the death of the king, the leader's business passed to the Chancellor of His, Axen Shexern, "Legate of Sweden in Germany". At the Galebronsky Convention (1633), Okssen Shechper achieved the connection of Protestant districts - Franconian, Swabian and Rainskogo - with Sweden. The evangelical union was drawn up; He was appointed Okssen Sheman. Wallenstein, after Luchene, retreated to Bohemia; Here, he was ripe to disappear from the emperor. The Swedes occupied Regensburg and steel for winter apartments in the upper panels. In 1634, Wallenstein was killed in Eger. Main command imper. Forces, Ferdinand Gallas and Piccolomini became troops. After beating Regensburg from Swedes, they inflicted them a decisive defeat with Nerdlingen (Saint 1634). Gorn was captured, Berngard with a small squad escaped to Elsace, where he continued the war with the help of Franz subsidies. The Galebron Union collapsed. Louis XIII, for the concession of Alsace, promised to Protestants 12,000 troops. Saxon and Brandenburg Kurfurests concluded a separate world with the emperor (Prague Mir 1635). The example of both smokers soon followed some less significant principalities. To prevent Habsburg politics to a complete celebration, an active part in the war is accepted from 1635. France. War was kept with Spain, and with the emperor. The fourth, the French-Swedish war of war stretched from 1635 to 1648. John Banner supervised the Swedish troops. He attacked the Calfuson Saxon Protestant acts, defeated him with Wittstock (1636), took Erfurt and devastated Saxony. Gallas came against the banner; Banner locked in Torgau, 4 months old have kept the attack of the imperial troops (from March to June 1637 ), but was forced to retreat in Pomerania. In February 1637, Ferdinand II died; The son of his Ferdinand III (1637-57) became the emperor. In Sweden, the most energetic measures were taken to continue the war. 1637 and 1638. Were the most difficult years for the Swedes. Many tolerated and imperial troops, Gallas had to retreat from Nest Germany. The banner pursued him and under Chemnitz (1639) inflicted him a strong defeat, after which he undertaken a raid on Bohemia. Berginard Weimarsky bonded over the Western army; He reached Rain several times and in 1638 broke the imperial troops at Rainfelden. After a long siege, it was also taken from breaks. By the death of Berngard in 1639, the army passed him into French service and entered the superior of Gebria. Together with him, the banner had in mind to attack Regensburg, where at that time was opened by Ferdinand III Reichstag; But the step downlift prevented the implementation of this plan. Banner through Bohemia moved to Saxony, where he died in 1641 he was replaced by Torstonon. He invaded Moravia and Silesia, and in 1642 in Saxony broke piccolomini in Breitenfeld's battle, again invaded Moravia and threatened by a campaign to Vienna, but in September 1643 was called north, where Sweden's struggle resumed with Denmark. During Torstinson, Gallas followed the fifas. Impartifies Yutlandia from the Danish troops, Torstenon turned to the south and smashed in 1614 Gallas under Yuterbok, after which he appeared in the hereditary lands of the emperor and broke the Gather and Gatzfeld under Yankov in Bohemia (1645). Hoping for the help of Raccots, Torstenon meant a campaign on Vienna, but since he did not receive help by time, then retreated north. By illness, he had to convey the authorities of Wrangel. During this time, France focused all his attention in West Germany. Hebrian broke the imperial troops under Kemin (1642); Conde in 1643 defeated the Spaniards to Roccua. By the death of Hebrian, the French were defeated from the Bavarian General Mercy and the Background, but with the appointment of the Trewren, the Commander-in-Chief of Cakes again acquired the revolution favorable for France. The entire Rhine Palatinate was in the power of the French. After the battle of Mergentheim (1645, the French are broken) and Allelayeim (imperts are broken) The Trewren has connected with Wrangel, and together they decided the invasion of South Germany. Bavaria was forced to break his union with the emperor and conclude a truce in Ulm (1647), but Maximilian changed his word and the United French and Swedish troops, who had just broken the emperor. The commander of Melandra at Tsusmarshausen, produced devastating invasions to Bavaria, and from here to Württemberg. At the same time, another Swedish army, under the superior of Königsmark and Wittenberg, successfully operated in Bohemia. Prague almost became mining Königsmark. From September 1648, the place of Wrangel took Karl Gustav, Palatzgraf Rhinean. The siege of Prague, began to be removed when he was on the conclusion of the Westfali world. The war ended under the walls of the city in which she began. Peace negotiations between fought powers began in 1643, in Münster and Osnabruck; In the first they came negotiations with French diplomats, in the second - with Swedish. On October 24, 1648, a world was concluded under the name of Westfali (see). The economic condition of Germany after the war was the hardest; The enemies remained in it long after 1648, and the old order of things was restored very slowly. The population of Germany has decreased significantly; in Württemberg, for example, the population with 400,000 reached 48000; In Bavaria, it also decreased 10 times. Literature for 30 liters. War is very extensive. From contemporaries, Pufendorf and Chemnitz should be noted, from the latest research - the works of Charvériat (Franz.), Gindely (Him.), Gardiner "A (English), Cronholm" A (Swede; Eating. Per.) And Tom " Baltic Question in the XVII century. ", Fortena.


    Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .

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      First Ninsievroop. The war between two large groups of powers: striving for domination over the whole Christian world of the Habsburg block (Austra and Austra. Habsburg), supported by papacy, Catholic. Princes of Germany and Polish Lithuania. GOS VOM, and ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

      The first pan-European war between two large groups of powers: striving for domination over all the "Christian world" by the Habsburg block (Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs), supported by papacy, catholic princes ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      Thirty-year war 1618 48 Between the Habsburg Block (Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs, the Catholic Princes of Germany, supported by the papacy and speech by the compulciety) and the Antihabssburg Coalition (German Protestant Princes, France, Sweden ... Historical Dictionary

      The thirty-year war is 1618 48, between the Habsburg block (Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs, the Catholic Princes of Germany, supported by the papacy and speech of the compulciety) and the Antihabssburg Coalition (German Protestant Princes, France, Sweden, ... ... Modern encyclopedia

      Between the Habsburg Block (Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs, the Catholic Princes of Germany, supported by the papacy and speech by the compulciety) and the Anti-Bassburg Coalition (German Protestant Princes, France, Sweden, Denmark, supported by England, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Albert von Warlenstein - Commander of the thirty-year war

    Thirty-year war (1618-1648) - the first All-Eway War. One of the most cruel, stubborn, bloody and long-lasting in the history of old world. It began as a religious, but gradually turned into a dispute for hegemony in Europe, territory and trading paths. He was held by the House of Habsburg, the Catholic Principles of Germany on the one hand, Sweden, Denmark, France, German Protestants on the other

    Causes of thirty-year war

    Counforming: Attempt to the Catholic Church to win in Protestantism lost during the position of the position
    The desire of the Habsburgs, the rules of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and Spain, to Hegemony in Europe
    Funny France, who saw in the policy of Habsburg, infringement of their national interests
    Denmark and Sweden's desire to monopolize the maritime trading routes Baltic
    Egoistic aspirations of numerous small European monarchs, hoping in a universal landfill to snatch something for themselves

    Participants of the thirty-year war

    Block of Habsburg - Spain and Portugal, Austria; Catholic League - Some Catholic Principles and Bishoprics of Germany: Bavaria, Franconia, Schwabia, Cologne, Trier, Mainz, Würzburg
    Denmark, Sweden; Evangelical or Protestant Sania: Kurfeychsty Pafaltsky, Württemberg, Baden, Kulmbach, Ansbach, Pafalts-Neuburg, Landgradge of Hessian, Kurfechsty Brandenburg and several imperial cities; France

    Stages of the thirty-year war

    • Czech-Palatinate period (1618-1624)
    • Danish period (1625-1629)
    • Swedish period (1630-1635)
    • Franco-Swedish (1635-1648)

    The course of the thirty-year war. Briefly

    "There were a mastiff, two collie and senbernar, a few dogs and Newfoundland, a hound, a French poodle, a bulldog, a few crucibles and two docks. They sat patiently and thoughtfully. But a young lady entered, leading on the chain of the Fox Terrier; She left him between Bulldog and Poodle. Pesk sat down and looked at the moment. Then without a hint of any reason, he reached the feet for the front paw, rearranged through the poodle and attacked Collie, (then) grabbed Bulldog's ear ... (then) And all other dogs opened military actions. Big dogs fought among themselves; Little dogs also fought with each other, and in the free minute biting big dogs for the paws " (Jerome K. Jerome "Three in the same boat")

    Europe 17th century

    Something similar happened in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. The thirty-year war began like an autonomous Czech uprising. But at the same time, Spain fought with the Netherlands, in Italy, the relations of the Duchy of Mantuy, Monferrato and Savoy, in 1632-1634 Muscovy and Commonwealth concluded, from 1617 to 1629 there were three large clashes of Poland and Sweden, Poland also fought with Transylvania, In turn, called for help Turkey. In 1618, the antispublican conspiracy was revealed in Venice ...

    • 1618, March - Czech Protestants turned to the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire, Matvey, demanding to discontinue persecution of people on religious principle
    • 1618, May 23 - In Prague, the participants of the Protestant Congress made violence against the emperor representatives (the so-called "second Prague defense")
    • 1618, Summer is a palace coup in Vienna. Matthew on the throne changed Ferdinand Schhinsky, fanatical Catholic
    • 1618, autumn - the imperial army joined the Czech Republic

      Movements of Protestant and imperial armies in the Czech Republic, Moravia, Hessen German lands, Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saxony, siege and taking cities (Ceske-Budejevice, Pilsen, Palatinate, Bautzen, Vienna, Prague, Heidelberg, Mannheim, Bergen-op -Oh), battles (with the village of Sablat, on the white grief, during Vimphen, with Höhst, with Stadtlon, with Fleleus), the first stage of the thirty-year war (1618-1624) was characterized by diplomatic maneuvers (1618-1624). He ended with the victory of Habsburgs. The Czech uprising of Protestants failed, Bavaria received the top palatinate, and Spain captured Kurpaltz, ensuring a bridgehead for the next war with the Netherlands

    • 1624, June 10 - a compience agreement between France, England and the Netherlands about the Union against the Imperial House of Habsburg
    • 1624, July 9 - Denmark and Sweden joined to the Compient Agreement, who feared the growth of the influence of Catholics in the north of Europe
    • 1625, Spring - Denmark made against the Imperial Army
    • 1625, April 25 - Emperor Ferdinand appointed the commander of his army Albrech von Warlenstein, who offered the emperor to feed his hired army at the expense of the population of the Theater of Military Action
    • 1826, April 25 - the Army of Wallenshtein Battle at Dessau defeated the Protestant troops of Mansfeld
    • 1626, August 27 - Catholic Army Tilly defeated the troops of the Danish king Christian IV in the battle of the village of Lutter
    • 1627, Spring - the Army of Wallenstein moved to the north of Germany and captured it, including the Danish Peninsula of Jutland
    • 1628, September 2 - In the battle of Wolgast, Wallenstein once again defeated Christian IV, forced to get out of the war

      On May 22, 1629, in Lübeck, a peace treaty was signed between the Denmark and the Sacred Roman Empire. Vallenstein returned to Christian the occupied lands, but promised did not interfere in German affairs. This ended the second stage of the thirty-year war

    • 1629, March 6 - Emperor issued an edict of restitution. fundamentally cutting the rights of Protestants
    • 1630, June 4 - Sweden joined in a thirty-year war
    • 1630, September 13 - Emperor Ferdinand Emperor Ferdinand Employed Employed
    • 1631, January 23 - Sweden agreement with France, through which the Swedish king Gustav Adolf pledged to keep the 30th thousandth army in Germany, and France in the face of Cardinal Richelo takes on its maintenance
    • 1631, May 31 - the Netherlands concluded an alliance with Gustav Adolf, obliged to invade Spanish Flanders and subsidize the king's army
    • 1532, April - the emperor again called for the service of Wallenstein

      The third, Swedish, stage of the thirty-year war was the most fierce. In the armies, the Protestants and Catholics have long been mixed, no one remembered why it all began. The main driving motive of the soldier was on. Therefore killed each other without mercy. Taking storming the strength of her-brandenburg Mercenaries of the emperor completely killed his garrison. In response, the Swedes destroyed all prisoners when capturing Frankfurt-on-Oder. Magdeburg was completely burned, tens of thousands of his residents died. On May 30, 1632 During the battle, the Rylie died, the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army Tilly died, on November 16, in the battle at Lutzen, the Swedish king Gustav Adolf was killed, on February 25, 1634, Wallenstein was shot by his own guards. In 1630-1635, the main events of the thirty-year war unfolded on the lands of Germany. The victories of the Swedes alternated with defeats. Princes of Saxony, Brandenburg, other Protestant principalities were supported by the Swedes of the Emperor. The conflicting parties did not have the strength to lean the fortune to their own gain. As a result, a peaceful agreement was signed between the emperor and Protestant princes of Germany in Prague, according to which the execution of the edict of restitution was postponed for 40 years, the imperial army was formed by all the ruled Germany, who lost their rights to enter into separate alliances among themselves

    • 1635, May 30 - Prague World
    • 1635, May 21 - France entered into a thirty-year war to help Sweden, entered the enhancement of the House of Habsburg
    • 1636, May 4 - the victory of Swedish troops over the Allied Imperial Army in the Battle of Witstock
    • 1636, December 22 - the Emperor became the son of Ferdinand II Ferdinand III
    • 1640, December 1 - coup in Portugal. Portugal returned independence from Spain
    • 1642, December 4 - Cardinal Rishille, "Soul" of French Foreign Policy
    • 1643, May 19 - Battle of Roccua, in which French troops broke the Spaniards, which marked the sunset of Spain as a great power

      The last, the Franco-Swedish stage of the thirtieth year war had the characteristic features of the war of the world. Military actions were carried out throughout Europe. Duchy Savoy, Mantoan, Venetian Republic, Hungary intervened in the war. The fighting was carried out in Pomerania, Denmark, Austria, are still in German lands, in the Czech Republic, Burgundy, Moravia, the Netherlands, in the Baltic Sea. In England, supporting Protestanian states financially flashed. In Normandy, a folk uprising was raging. Under these conditions, in 1644 in the cities of Westphalia (area in the north-west of Germany), Osnabruck and Münster began negotiations about the world. Representatives of Sweden, German Princes and Emperor, in Münsbruck, the ambassadors of Emperor, France, the Netherlands met in Osanbruck. Negotiations, on the course of which influenced the results of incessant battles, were launched 4 years

    The war began as a religious clash between Protestants and the Catholics of the Empire, but then turned into a fight against the hegemony of Habsburgs in Europe. The conflict became the last significant religious war in Europe and gave rise to a Westphalian system of international relations.


    Since Carl V, the leading role in Europe belonged to the Austrian home - the Dynasty of the Habsburgs. At the beginning of the XVII, the inkispan branch of the house owned except Spain also by Portugal, the southern Netherlands, the states of southern Italy and, in addition to these lands, had a huge Spanish-Portuguese colonial empire at their disposal. The German branch - Austrian Habsburgs - fastened the crown of the imperurate Roman Empire, were kings of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia. While the Habsburgs tried to continue their control over Europe, other major European powers sought to prevent this. Among the latest leading positions occupied Catholic France, which was the largest of the European national states of that time.

    Habsburgs supported: Austria, most of the Catholic principalities of the Sacred Roman Empire, Spain, combined with Portugal, Poppal Poland. On the side of the "Antihabssburg Coalition: Protestant Principles of the Sacred Roman Empire, Bohemia, Transylvania, Venice, Savoy, Republic of United States, Sweden, Denmark, France, provided support for England, Scotland and the Moscow Kingdom.

    The Augsburg World of 1555 was signed by Karl V for a while completed the open rivalry of Lutheran and Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire, and in particular in Germany. Under the conditions of the world, the German princes could choose religion (Lutheranism or Catholicism) for their principalities at their discretion, according to the principle: "Whose power, that faith" (Lat. Cuius Regio, Eius Religio). However, by the beginning of the XVII century, the Catholic Church relying on the support of the Gabsbugiv dynasty disinterested and led an active struggle against Protestants.

    To remove Catholic pressure, the Protestant princes of the Sacred Roman Empire united in 1608 in the Gospel Ulya. Ulya was looking for support from states, hostile dynasty of the Habsburgs. In response, Catholics united in 1609. Catholic league Maximilian I Bavarian.

    In 1617, the ruling emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire and the King of the Czech Republic Matvey did not have direct heirs, forced the Czech Sejm to recognize the heir, his cousin Ferdinand Schhinsky. Ferdinand was a passionate Catholic, a pupil of Jesuits and extremely unpopular in the main Protestant Czech Republic. Against this background in Prague, there was a conflict between representatives of the Czech aristocracy and the royal governors.

    Periods:The thirty-year war is traditionally divided into four periods: Czech, Danish, Swedish and Franco-Swedish. There were several separate conflicts outside Germany: War of Spain with Holland, war for Mantuan inheritance, Russian-Polish War, Polish-Swedish War, etc.

    Participants:On the side of the Habsburgs were: Austria, most of the Catholic principalities of Germany, Spain, united with Portugal, Papal throne, Poland. On the side of the Antihabssburg Coalition - France, Sweden, Denmark, Protestant Principalities of Germany, Czech Republic, Transylvania, Venice, Savoy, Republic of United States, provided support: England, Scotland and Russia. In general, the war was a clash of traditional conservative forces with fastening national states. The Habsburg block was more monolithic, Austrian and Spanish houses supported communication with each other, often conducting joint fighting. The richer Spain provided the emperor financial support.

    1. Cheshy period: 1618-25.

    In June 1617, the childless emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Matvey (the King of the Czech Republic under the name of Matyash II) spent a decision on the announcement of the heir to the Heir of the Czech throne of his nephew of Erzgertzog Ferdinand Schtinsky. Ferdinand was brought up by Jesuit, Ferdinand was a fanatical adherent of the Catholic Church and was famous for intolerance towards Protestants. In the Czech Republic, most of whose population was Protestant, fermentation increased. Archbishop Yang III Logel forced the whole population to go to Catholic and ordered the recently built Protestant church. In March 1618, the Burgers and opposition Protestant nobles on the call of the Count Town gathered in Prague and turned to the Emperor who had left for Vienna demand to release prisoners and discontinue the violation of the religious rights of Protestants. In addition, May was punished another, more representative congress. The emperor in response forbade the holding of this congress and announced that she was going to turn the instigators. On May 23, 1618 Participants of the gathered, despite the resistance of Catholics, the congress was thrown out of the Czech Office of the Royal Vicers of the Czech Willy Slavent and Yaroslav from Martinitz and their scribe Philippa Fabrichus. Despite the fact that all three survived, the attack on the emperor representatives was regarded as a symbolic attack on the emperor himself.

    In the fall of the same year, the 15-thousandth imperial army headed by the Bügua Graph and Count Dumpier joined the Czech Republic. The Czech Directory shaped the army headed by the Tour Count. In response to the circulation of Czechs to the Evangelical Union, Kurfyust Pataltsky Friedrich V and the Duke of Savoy Karl Emmanuel I sent to the aid of them 20-thousand hired army under the command of the Count Mansfeld. Under the Nachis Town, Catholic troops were forced to retreat to Ceske Budejevice, and Mansfeld besieged the biggest and richest Catholic city of Plzen.

    In the meantime, after victory in the battle of Sablat, Habsburg has achieved certain diplomatic success. Ferdinand supported the Catholic League, and the king of France promised to contribute to the election of Ferdinand emperors, using its influence on the Trera Kurfust. August 19, Bohemia, Luciatia, Silesia and Moravia refused to admit Ferdinand to their king. August 26, the King of the Czech Republic was elected Friedrich V. 28 August1619 in Frankfurt, where he had not yet come from Bohemia, Ferdinand was elected the emperor. On October 31, Friedrich arrived in Prague and on November 4 was crowned in the Cathedral of St. Vita. The emperor nominated the newly minted king of the Czech Republic with ultimatum: until June 1, 1620, he had to leave the Czech Republic. As a result, the battle occurred on the White Mountain of Prague on November 8, 1620. The 15-thousandths of Protestant army suffered a crushing lesion from a 20-thousand Catholic. Prague capitulated without a single shot. Friedrich fled to Brandenburg.

    The defeat caused the disintegration of evangelical ulya and the loss by Friedrich V of all his possessions and title.

    On April 9, 1621, a truce was expired between Spain and the United Provinces. The Dutch Republic provided Friedrich V asylum and monetary assistance. In the spring of 1622, three armies were ready to fight against the emperor - Mansfeld in Alsace, Brownshweigsky Christian in Westphalia and George Friedrich in Baden.

    The first period of the war ended with a convincing victory of the Habsburgs. The Czech Republic fell, Bavaria received the upper palatinate, and Spain captured Kurpalz, ensuring a bridgehead for another war with the Netherlands. This served to the closer cohesion of the Anti-Bassburg coalition. June 10, 1624 France and Holland concluded a compi contract. England joined him (June 15), Sweden and Denmark (July 9), Savoy and Venice (July 11).

    2. Danish period: 1625-29.

    Tilly Army advanced to the north of Germany and began to cause growing concern and in the Scandinavian countries. German princes and cities, who previously seen in Denmark, threatened their influence on the North and Baltic Sea, as Tilly approached, began to refer to the Lutheran King of Denmark Christian IV rather as a patron. England, France and Holland promised to support him financially. Having learned that a long-time opponent Denmark was going to help Protestants in Germany, the King of Sweden Gustav Adolf, Christian IV decided to act quickly and in the spring of 1625 opposed Tilly at the head of the hired army from 20 thousand soldiers.

    To combat Christian Ferdinand II invited Czech nobleman Albrecht von Valenettein. Vallenstein offered the emperor a new principle of the formation of troops - to gain a large army and not spend money for its content, and to feed at the expense of the world theater of hostilities. On April 25, 1625, Ferdinand appointed Wallenstein commander-in-chief of all the imperial troops. The Wallenstein army became formidable strength, and at different times its number was from 30 to 100 thousand soldiers.

    The Valenshtein Army occupied Mecklenburg and Pomerania. The commander received the title of Admiral, which testified to the great plans of the emperor in relation to the Baltic. However, without having a fleet, Wallenstein could not capture the capital of Denmark on Zealand Island. Vallenstein organized the siege of Stralsund, a free major port with military shipyards, but failed. This led to the signing of a peace treaty in Lübeck in 1629. Another period of the war ended, but the Catholic League sought to return Catholic possessions lost in the Augsburg world.

    3. Swedish period: 1530-35.

    And Catholic, and Protestant princes, as well as many of the environments of the emperor, believed that Wallenstein wants to seize power in Germany himself. Perhaps therefore in 1630 it was decided to abandon the services of Wallenstein.

    At that time, Sweden remained the last major state capable of changing the balance of strength. Gustav II Adolf, King of Sweden, like Christian IV, sought to stop Catholic expansion, as well as to establish his control over the Baltic coast of Northern Germany. Like Christian IV, his generously subsidized cardinal Richelieu, the first Minister of Louis XIII, the King of France. Prior to this, Sweden from the war kept the war with Poland in the struggle for the Baltic coast. By 1630, Sweden graduated from war and enlisted the support of Russia (Smolensk War). The Swedish army was in service with advanced small arms and artillery.

    Ferdinand II depended on the Catholic League since he dissolved the Wallenstein army. In Breitenfeld's battle (1631), Gustav Adolf was a damage to the army of the Catholic League under the command of Tilly. A year later, they again met, and again the Swedes won, and Tilly died (1632). With the death of Tilly Ferdinand II again drew attention to Wallenstein.

    Vallenstein and Gustav Adolf came together in a fierce battle at Lutzen (1632), where the Swedes wanted to beat the Swedes, but Gustav Adolf died. On April 23, 1633 Sweden, France and German Protestant Principles were formed by the Hailbronnian League (English) Russian.; All of the completeness of the military and political power in Germany moved to the elective council headed by the Swedish Chancellor Axel Oxsenchery.

    Suspicions of Ferdinand II again took over, when Wallenstein began to lead his own negotiations with Protestant princes, the leaders of the Catholic League and Swedes (1633). In addition, he forced his officers to bring him a personal oath. On suspicion of treason, Valenettein was removed from the command, a decree was issued on the confiscation of all its estates.

    After that, the princes and the emperor began negotiations, which completed the Swedish war of the Prague World (1635). According to his conditions, it was envisaged:

    Cancellation of the "Edict of Restitution" and the return of possessions to the framework of the Augsburg World

    Combining the army of the emperor and armies of German states in one army of the "Sacred Roman Empire"

    Ban on the formation of coalitions between princes

    Legalization of Calvinism.

    This world, however, did not suit France, as Habsburgs as a result became stronger.

    4. Franco-Swedish period 1635-48.

    Having exhausted all the diplomatic reserves, France entered the war herself (May 21, 1635 the War of Spain was announced). With her intervention, the conflict finally lost religious color, as the French were Catholics. France involved in the conflict of its allies in Italy - Duchy Savoy, Duchy Mantoan and the Venetian Republic. The French attacked Lombardy and Spanish Netherlands. In response to the 1636.Pano-Bavarian Army, under the command of Prince Ferdinand, Spanish passed the Sumum River and entered the compa.

    In the summer, 1636 Saxons and other states that signed the Prague Peace turned their troops against the Swedes. Together with the imperial forces, they pushed the Swedish commander of the Banner to the north, however, they were divided into the battle of Wittshtock.

    The last period of the war proceeded under the conditions of depletion of both opposing camps caused by the colossal voltage and overruns of financial resources. Maneuverable actions and small battles prevailed.

    In 1642, the Cardinal Richelieu died, and in a year the king of France Louis XIII died. The king was the five-year Louis XIV. His minister, Cardinal Mazarini, began peaceful negotiations.

    In 1648 Swedes (Marshal Karl Gustav Wrangel) and the French (Treven and Konde) broke the imperial-Bavarian army in the battle at Tsusmargauzen and Lance. Only imperial territories and actually Austria remained in the hands of the Habsburgs.

    Westphalian world:Another 1638 Pope and the Danish king called for the termination of the war. Two years later, the idea supported the first time after a long break by German Reichstag.

    congress turned out to be the most representative meeting in the history of Europe: the delegations of 140 empires and 38 other participants were present on it. Emperor Ferdinand III was ready to go to large territorial concessions (big what had to be given in the end), but France demanded such a concession about which he originally did not think. The emperor was supposed to refuse to support Spain and not even interfere in the affairs of Burgundy, which was formally part of the Empire. National interests took over dynastic. The emperor signed all the conditions actually separatably, without Spanish cousin.

    Concluded on October 24, 1648 at the same time in Münster and Osnabruck, a peace treaty became a story under the name of Westphalian.

    The connected provinces, as well as Switzerland, were recognized as independent states. Only the war between Spain and France remained unresolved, which lasted until 1659.

    Under the conditions of the world, France received South Alsace and Larring Bishopric Metz, Tul and Verden, Sweden - Rügen Island, Western Pomerania and Duchy Bremen, plus contribution to 5 million thalers. Saxony - Luzation, Brandenburg - Eastern Pomerania, Archbishopianship Magdeburg and Bishoprosis Mindden. Bavaria - Upper Palatinate, the Bavarian Duke became Kurfürst.


    The greatest damage was made by Germany, where, according to some estimates, 5 million people died. Many regions of the country were devastated and remained deserted for a long time. The crushing blow was inflicted by the productive forces of Germany. Swedes burned and destroyed almost all metallurgical and foundry plants, ore copy, as well as a third of German cities. In the armies of the opposing parties, epidemics were played - unchanged satellites of war. The constant movement of soldiers, as well as the flight of the civilian population, led to the fact that the diseases spread far from the foci of the disease.

    Another result of the war was that over 300 small German states received actual sovereignty, while nominally submitting to the Sacred Roman Empire. This situation remained up to the end of the existence of the first empire in 1806.

    The war did not lead to the automatic collapse of the Habsburgs, but changed the placement of forces in Europe. Hegemony moved to France. Spain decline became obvious. In addition, Sweden has become for the period about half a century of the Great Power, significantly strengthened its position in the Baltic.

    Adherents of all religions (Catholicism, Lutheranism, Calvinism) have gained equal rights in the empire. The main outcome of the thirty-year war was a sharp weakening of the influence of religious factors on the lives of European countries. Their external policy began to be based on economic, dynastic and geopolitical interests.

    Value:The thirty-year-old war was reflected in the international sphere of the deep processes of the genesis of capitalism in the depths of feudal Europe; It was closely related to the socio-political crises and revolutionary movements of this transitional from the Middle Ages to the new era time.