Few people are interested in it, but absolutely everyone experiences it. It can be observed on the faces of people on the bus and in line, while driving a car and drinking a cup of tea, in the office and on a park bench. Do you want to know why people freeze from time to time while looking at one point? They go into a trance!

In this way, the received information is processed, treatment and even rejuvenation of the body occurs. Nature itself prescribed short-term pauses between tasks for people. How you look, what you feel, what results you achieve largely depends on how much you were able to satisfy your need for trances.

Unfortunately, the rapid pace of life, false attitudes and substitution of values ​​rob people of the ability to hear, feel and understand themselves. The desire to take a break in the middle of the working day is considered laziness, and when a person stops hearing his interlocutor, they immediately say that he is “dumb.”

The desire to always “be at the peak” gives rise to chronic fatigue, the inability to cope with even the slightest difficulties, insomnia, fears, unaccountable anxieties and worries. All this is a consequence of the lack of trance states.

To regain a sense of fullness of life, you need to restore contact with your unconscious and learn to plunge into trance when it is convenient for you.

It is best to begin your acquaintance with self-hypnosis with professional psychologist, then you will save time and be able to avoid common mistakes. But you can make your first acquaintance with one of the methods of immersion in a trance right now, without leaving your home.

To do this you will need to follow these steps.

Choose a comfortable position, preferably sitting. Relax, tilt your head back, make sure that the back of your head has reliable support.

Choose any point in front of you above the eyes, approximately at forehead level (the higher the point, the faster you will plunge into trance). She must be motionless.

Look at the selected point constantly, without looking up.

After a while, you will feel that you are tired of keeping your eyes open, now you can close them and continue to look at the same point mentally.

Discuss within yourself the time you want to stay in trance (about 10 minutes of external time); the state that they would like to receive (pleasure from the result obtained, joy, desire to continue practicing self-hypnosis); goal (learn to immerse yourself in trance states, use them for quick rest, notice marker signals from the unconscious). You can also agree on what will serve as a marker signal for exiting trance (involuntary movement, mental sound, image, etc.)

With each inhalation and exhalation, allow yourself to relax even more and immerse yourself in a pleasant, serene state. At some point, pleasant pictures, memories or images that carry answers to your questions will begin to float before your inner gaze. Feel them. Perhaps it will be soaring at height, you can mentally do a somersault in the air, change the height. Be filled with strength, joy, enjoy how you can control your body.

Indicate what unconscious processes you would like to connect to solve your problems: health, improvement appearance, development or elimination of any habits, etc. While you are “soaring,” your body will allocate the necessary resources and do everything necessary on its part to ensure that your intentions are realized. The main thing is that they are launched right now, when you communicate directly with your unconscious.

Gradually work your way back. Pay attention to the sounds around you. Feel your body. Open your eyes, stretch, smile and feel how beautiful life is when you can negotiate with yourself.

American scientists who were engaged in identifying the connection between the presence of symptoms of dementia in older people and the risk of Alzheimer's disease found that among those who experience clouding of consciousness, this disease occurs 4.6 times more often than among others.

American researchers have found that older people who periodically experience clouding of consciousness, accompanied by chaos in their thoughts and staring at one point, are more prone to Alzheimer's disease than those who do not experience such symptoms. Such disturbances in the functioning of the psyche, which are also called fluctuations of consciousness, are a sign of one of the types of dementia, namely dementia with Lewy bodies. Scientists set out to find out how often these symptoms occur in patients with Alzheimer's disease, and what impact they may have on the processes of thinking and assessing what is happening.

511 people took part in the study, their middle age was 78 years old. The researchers asked participants and their family members to answer questions to test their memory and thinking. They considered the following symptoms to be signs of fluctuations in consciousness:

Drowsiness and feeling of numbness during the day, despite sufficient quantity and quality of sleep at night;
- Sleep for two or more hours before seven o'clock in the evening;
- The flow of a person’s thoughts periodically looks unclear and chaotic;
- The habit of looking at one point for a long time.

Data analysis showed that 12% of subjects suffering from dementia experienced fluctuations in consciousness. Of the 216 patients with very mild or mild dementia, mental changes were observed in twenty-five. At the same time, out of 295 respondents who did not suffer from dementia, such signs were found in only two people. At the same time, people with mental disorders were 4.6 times more likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and the disease was more severe than for those people who did not have such problems. "Clinicians who assess the mental status of older adults should also take these symptoms into account," said study leader Dr. James E. Galvin, a member of the American Academy of Neurology and a member of the Washington University School of Medicine.

This is what will actually help you awaken and reach Super-Consciousness.
This is stopping thoughts and going into a state Pure Consciousness, For example, -
continuous looking at one point. We, people, that is, the Soul, which has incarnated in this world and become a person, has at its core, somewhere very, very deep, one program, an algorithm. It is this algorithm that makes us ordinary people, who we know ourselves to be now. That is, thanks to this algorithm, we can see, hear and feel what is around: matter, sounds, we can see in front of us a person with an ordinary body, and not pure Soul or energy. This algorithm is needed for this world to exist and for us to perceive it as such. In essence, the world that we see around us does not exist - it is a large and massive illusion that is supported by people themselves. This is a created big Egregor, a System that already lives its own life and is dependent on people just as people are on it. I won’t say much about this now, because in order to understand and see it, you need to wake up yourself.
When these sucker templates are removed, a person begins to see the Essence of everything. If you know the “secret” and do everything correctly, this is the path to liberation. And now I will give a hint to reveal this secret. This algorithm is designed so that a person will never be able to see the essence, and since this possibility is by default in human nature, algorithm it simply blocks it by creating a closed cycle.
In more detail, if you continuously look at, say, some object or the same point on the wall, then after some time you will be able to see the essence. There will be no preset programs and you, for example, will calmly enter this object with your consciousness and move it or paint it a different color or change its shape. Moreover, all this will happen physically. But again, in order to do this, you need to watch continuously for some time. And the essence of the algorithm is to do such a reboot every time you are close to pure vision. And it looks like a simple, banal blink. You can practice and see for yourself. You get to a certain point and your gaze seems to go astray and you have to start again from the beginning, then look and look again, and then almost imperceptibly it reboots again (= algorithm). This instinct was laid down a long time ago and is difficult to overcome at first.
It seems like an easy task at first glance, but more than one ordinary person, looking at the same point, will not be able to not blink for more than a minute at first.
The same algorithm is embedded everywhere and in the same thoughts.
Try not to think about anything. If you can hold out for at least 5 minutes, then your superpowers will open and the closed cycle will be interrupted, and you will see the essence of yourself, things or this world. When you train, this instinct is so strong because it is tied to life, human survival. That is, you don’t think for a minute or don’t blink and it becomes really bad and, most importantly, scary. Almost like when I was a child I tried to test how long you could not breathe. And when you are already at the limit and there is no air, you catch this fear that there may not be another breath of air, and in a panic you quickly and greedily swallow air. So here, inside, somewhere deep, a similar panic fear that if you don’t have the next thought (or don’t blink), something terrible will happen. Yes, in the essence of human nature, terrible things will happen. Death will come, but not physical body, but a man artificially created and supporting this illusory world, and then the truth about who he really will be revealed. That’s why the instinct is so strong. This happens if you control and lead this process.
If you just sit and think that you are not thinking about anything, then your thoughts will appear automatically and unnoticed by you, and you will be thinking all the time. That is, if you manage not to think about anything, then you will eventually realize it and an imperceptible thought will come that you are not thinking about anything, you succeeded. And this thought will do reboot. But if this instinct is nevertheless overcome, then miracles will not keep you waiting.

Son has psychopathy, sits at home, looks at one point, aggression

Asked by: Elena, Moscow

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, my son will turn 22 on August 21st. In June, he graduated from college as a car mechanic, but he doesn’t go to get a job, he sits and looks at one point in his room. When we (the parents) return from work, he comes out and begins to provoke emotions (he swings something, for example, a newspaper, hits him on the head). I have a defensive reaction to push him or this object away; in response, he can hit me completely without calculating his strength. Insults constantly, with obscenities and just words. They called the police, they said, see a psychiatrist. There is a certain reaction to grandma (luckily in the summer she lives at the dacha). He follows her and asks why you came, who needs you and when you will die (that’s right - you will die). He is registered with the PND because he was in a psychiatric hospital in 2011. He then came late, he was drunk (he doesn’t drink now), he drove me crazy for a long time, I was tired, I didn’t react, and he started cutting my hands, like writing the name of the girl who left him. Not the veins, but the back side. We called an ambulance, which took him to the psychiatric hospital. There he was diagnosed with a personality disorder, then confirmed before the army in a day hospital. Naturally, he doesn’t understand that he’s crazy and doesn’t want to go anywhere (to the doctors). I myself went to our PND, I wanted to ask for help, but they refused me. Like he’s healthy, he’s just crazy, he refused treatment. What should I expect, how can I help him? He doesn’t make contact, he just calls him names. He says he wants us to “die.” He’s already giving up, tell me where I can go, to the police, to a private psychiatrist? And will there be help if he does not want to be treated? Or is it useless? Thanks in advance for your answer.

3 answers

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Elena, there are such solutions: 1) if he is aggressive, apply for compulsory hospitalization in a mental institution. This will not solve the problem - they will treat you, release you, and you will face the problem all over again.
2) contact a psychiatrist privately - it is possible, but unrealistic if he does not want to get help;
3) try to look at it from the point of view of systemic family psychotherapy. Your family is a system, and your son is a symptom of trouble in this system, and not bad in itself. I read from you: “He came late then, drunk (he doesn’t drink now), he drove me crazy for a long time, I was tired, I didn’t react, and he started cutting my hands.” I notice that he has such a pronounced, accumulated deficit of parental attention that he committed self-harming actions in order to achieve it, but achieved the opposite “he was tired, did not react.” This is how children usually behave when their parents systematically ignored them - they were busy either with themselves, or with work, or with something else - and then for children negative attention is better than no attention. And if the problem continues to be solved by ignoring it, then the children begin to take revenge. Which is what you are observing. Try it yourself, for now, without him, contact a family therapist and work on the problem. You, as a link in the system, will begin to change - and your child will change.

Elena 2016-08-11 09:36

Maria Leonidovna, thank you very much! I read your answer this morning and thought about it all morning. You are right, he did not have enough attention. I worked from morning to night, dad withdrew. Now he says we didn’t let him raise him. And his upbringing consisted in the fact that if he drank at work (VERY rarely, but it happens, and not to a swinish state), he began to “educate” with tedious lectures or assault. My mother and I didn’t allow it, we said, if you’re sober, do whatever you want, but if you’re drunk, don’t touch it. My dad died, Max was 4 years old, my mother was very worried and abandoned the child. Before that, he and my father practically raised him. I just started to leave, my sister got sick (blood cancer), I have an infant, my mother practically lived on Kashirka for two years. In general, abandoned, of course. Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely contact a family psychologist. No one has ever advised me to do this, they said, they raised me this way, now love me as I am. Thank you!

Elena, hello.

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