Located in the town of Vanta, near Helsinki (30-40 km)
A visit to this museum will definitely bring both benefits and a lot of pleasure. Contrary to expectations, these are not endless halls with boring exhibits, but an exciting adventure that involves interactive participation every visitor. It’s rare that an adult won’t be delighted, let alone children. In addition, experiments with water, air, sound, light, participation in interactive computer games capable of arousing a strong interest in the study of science among the younger generation.

Opened on April 28, 1989, the museum was then the only scientific center in Scandinavia. And today he remains the country's main science museum.
The building and surrounding area contain exhibits demonstrating scientific laws - a total of more than 200 exhibits. The exhibitions are constantly updated and temporary exhibitions are held.

The complex consists of the GALILEI Science Park and three pavilions.
IN cylindrical pavilion The main permanent exhibitions are located, there are laboratories with instructors, where anyone can take part in laboratory experiments, and the Minerva Theater.
Column Pavilion intended for illusion exhibits.
Spherical pavilion– a place for temporary exhibitions.

If you want to try making paper or pretend to dive to the bottom of the sea, find out the structure of our body or solve a complex puzzle - no problem, you will find all this in the museum. You can try riding a bicycle on a tightrope under the museum's dome or launching a magic carpet. If you wish, you can drive a car with square wheels, build an ancient stone sculpture from the blocks of a huge construction set, draw a cartoon and watch it using a special praxinoscope apparatus. You can feel the force of a magnitude 6 earthquake while in a small pavilion.

Especially for children, a unique attraction that allows you to feel like an astronaut in zero gravity, putting on a spacesuit and moving through space using a device.
A gigantic exhibition demonstrating waste recycling will certainly make you think about the environment. And the first exhibition at the entrance will allow adults to feel like children, and children to visit Gulliver’s country, because furniture and household items are placed here in the same size as children see them.

On the territory there is also a collection of minerals that are mined in Finland, in the form of hundreds of chaotically placed stone blocks, as well as an arboretum, the design of which took into account the classification of plants by Carl Linnaeus.

The “World Village” is also located here, demonstrating the living conditions of the peoples of the world, and the theater of emotions “Vern”, which is both a planetarium and a spherical cinema, where those who wish can watch popular science films, including in 3D technology.
Planetarium in Eureka is one of the most modern digital planetariums in Europe.
You can select the Russian language in the headphones, some information in the museum is in Russian and there are Russian-speaking staff, so there shouldn’t be any problems understanding the information.

Deciding to take a break from scientific information, visit the Magnit store, which offers interesting souvenirs, have a snack at the Einstein restaurant or in the museum lobby.

In “Eureka” you can place your child in a scientific and educational camp for 1-2 days, this will free up time for parents for shopping or adult entertainment. Meanwhile, children will attend excursions, lectures, and watch films. Anyway, you can’t go through all the exhibitions in a day, and it will be difficult to take away a captivated child.

Address: Tiedepuisto 1, Vantaa
Website: http://www.heureka.fi/portal/englanti/

Heureka opening hours: are developed for each year separately.
Usually it is 10.00 – 17.00 (Monday – Wednesday, Friday), 10.00 – 20.00 (Thursday), 10.00 – 18.00 (Saturday, Sunday). You can check the schedule on the website: http://www.heureka.fi/portal/englanti/visiting_us/

Ticket prices for the Eureka Science Museum.
Adult – 23 euros, children (from 6 to 15 years old) – 15.50 euros.
The price includes a ticket to the exhibition and a single session ticket to the Planetarium.
The price may vary depending on the number of active exhibitions.

How to get there: bus - 61, 611b, 73, 73N, commuter train - K, I, R, H, Z, N to Tikkurila station. From the station to the museum it is about 500 meters, there are signs.

Eureka Museum in Helsinki

Go to the stars, ride a bicycle almost under the dome of a building, see what a person is made of and penetrate the secrets of the universe, exclaiming “Eureka” after Archimedes - all this can be done if you visit the popular science center with the same name Heureka - Eureka Museum in Helsinki. Entertaining visual attractions and simulators, interactive stands and exhibitions will appeal to all family members, from kindergarten-aged children to family patriarchs.

Science Center Eureka to Helsinki

Eureka Museum in Helsinki is divided into several parts: exhibitions with permanent and changing exhibitions, an immersive planetarium, an amphitheater stadium where furry rats hold basketball matches, a laboratory for chemical experiments for schoolchildren and a research park under open sky"Galilei", who works in summer time.

To get to the Galileo summer park in Eureka Museum in Helsinki, you need to go outside into a closed courtyard towards discoveries: a rock garden made of stones and minerals known in Finland, a pendulum on which you can ride, huge xylophones, a perpetuum mobile, funny bridges and all sorts of gizmos related to questions of gravity, gravity and energy production: a working Archimedes screw, a Klein bottle, a Mobius strip and much more.

Among the permanent exhibitions Eureka Center, which enjoys the love of all fearless visitors, young and old - a bicycle under the circus big top. The daredevil needs to ride a bicycle along a rope stretched over the central hall. Of course, it is initially obvious that even this kind of attraction in the Eureka center is safe, but even realizing this fact, it is not so easy to decide to take such a step.

This year the exhibition presents what it will look like global warming. Visitors are invited to put on rubber boots and walk on the water, to feel how, as the water level rises, they will need to wear such boots constantly.

Proper nutrition is an important issue, the importance of which became clear not yesterday. In 2013, the Eureka Museum presented an exhibition where you can clearly see the process of fat breakdown, and even participate in it.

Magic Theater "Vern" - a planetarium where you can watch educational films about the device solar system And physical phenomena 3D effect. For Russian-speaking visitors there are portable simultaneous translation devices with headphones. Usually several films are shown in sequence; the schedule can be found directly in the center or on the website.

In 2013, until 1:10 p.m., the Eureka Center screens three films, “Cell, Cell, Cell,” about how our world consists of 70 trillion living cells. “Journey to the Stars” is about the wonders of the starry sky that you have never seen before. "Fragile Planet" is a film about a journey from earth to the distant corners of the Universe.
At the entrance to the center, everyone can feel what it is like to be Alice in Wonderland, trying to climb onto a huge chair to drink tea with the March Hare at an appropriately sized table.

In the Eureka Center you can buy fun and at the same time educational puzzle souvenirs at various topics. The crafts are not cheap, but they are worth it.

Cafe Einstein at the Eureka Museum

You can have a snack at cafe with a telling name "Einstein".
There is nothing particularly noteworthy from the menu, but they serve lounas and you can have a coffee and a bun.

Ticket prices to the Eureka Center:


From 6 to 15 years

  • Entrance ticket: 13.50 euros
  • Entrance ticket +1 movie in the planetarium: 16.50 euros
  • Entrance ticket + 2 films in the planetarium: 19 euros
  • Ticket only for the film in the planetarium: 11 euros

The same price applies to students, pensioners, military personnel conscript service and even the unemployed.
Children under 6 years old are free.

Adult ticket to the Eureka Center:

Adult admission ticket for persons over 16 years of age:

  • Adult entrance ticket: 19 euros
  • Adult entrance ticket + 1 film in the planetarium: 23.50 euros.
  • Adult entrance ticket + 2 films in the planetarium: 27.50 euros.
  • Ticket only for watching a movie in the planetarium: 13.50 euros.

Eureka Center opening hours:

Opening hours depend on what week of the year it is, but most often the schedule is the same.

The scientific and entertainment center “Eureka” will not leave both children and adults indifferent. Here you can get acquainted with science and technology in a fun way, directly participating in all the discoveries and experiments.

Services at “Eureka” are also provided in Russian.

The main target audience of the scientific and interactive center “Eureka” is, of course, schoolchildren. Here, while playing and having fun, your children can learn the basics of science: mathematics, chemistry, physics, anatomy and ecology.

In addition, a highlight for your child will be acquaintance with discoveries in the field high technology. And not in the role of an outside observer, but in the role of the most active participant in experiments and research.

Which child would refuse to observe the gravity of the Earth and conduct an experiment with a yacht, which, despite the headwind, moves forward? In addition, the most fearless will enjoy riding a bicycle on a cable stretched under the ceiling.

The opportunities for children's educational recreation at the Eureka center are simply amazing: lessons in chemical laboratory, rescuing people at sea, participating in paper production, racing in car simulators, loading containers at the port, a 7-point earthquake simulator and many others.

The unique planetarium "Vattenfall" allows you to view the panorama of the Universe. At the same time, it is a spherical cinema where popular science films are shown in three-dimensional format.
Moreover, during the holidays at Eureka, a science camp is organized for schoolchildren, lasting two days with interactive scientific practice.

Arriving at Eureka, you will definitely pay attention to the number of adults and pensioners playing and trying out all the attractions along with kids and schoolchildren.

Adult visitors are of great interest in the planetarium, scientific films, and the opportunity to set up a telescope and determine the temperature of the stars. The exhibitions “Environmental Consumption” and “Human Physiology” are also popular.

They get acquainted with interest with the living conditions of the peoples in the “World Village” and try to overcome the “Stubborn Boat”.

Moms and dads at the Eureka Center try to control a speedboat and watch with interest the traffic of planes over America in real time.

In front of the entrance to Eureka is Galilei Park. It is open from May to September. Broken here botanical garden based on the principle of classification of plants by Carl Linnaeus. The rock garden is laid out - a unique collection of minerals in Finland.

You can see a working Archimedes screw, a Klein bottle, a Mobius strip, extract energy yourself and build a dam.

Where is Eureka?

Children's entertainment center “Eureka” is located in Vantaa. From the center about 15 km to the north. The nearest railway station is Tikkurila.

Look scientific center “Eureka” on the map Wikimapia can be accessed by following this link.

View on a larger map

Official website : http://www.heureka.fi/ru/

How to get to Eureka?

From the city center:

  • All long-distance trains and almost all commuter trains (K, I, R, H, Z and N) stop at Tikkurila, which is located near Eureka. There is a sign at the station to Eureka, the walk is about 500 m.

Schedule public transport and the route to Eureka from any suburb can be easily found at the Internet address www.reittiopas.fi/ru/.

From Helsinki-Vantaa airport:

  • direct route to Tikkurilla bus number 61.

If you come to Eureka by car, there is free parking nearby.


Look parking Eureka can be found by following this link.

Operating mode:

The scientific and entertainment center “Eureka” is open all year round, except for holidays.

Standard work schedule:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
  • Thursday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.;
  • Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 18 hours.

Special work schedule:

    Finnish autumn holiday weeks (42 and 43) Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sat, Sun from 10 am to 6 pm;

Eureka is an interactive museum and educational center located in the suburbs of the Finnish capital Helsinki. One of the most famous scientific and entertainment complexes Northern Europe At the same time, it is the largest science museum in Scandinavia.

How to get to the museum

The Eureka Museum is located in the Tikkurila area of ​​Vantaa on its immediate border with the Finnish capital. Eureka is located close to the train station, so when traveling from Helsinki by commuter train or long-distance train, you need to get off at Tikkurila station. Travel time will take no more than 20 minutes.

In the summer, the Galileo Research Park begins its work, where guests will find such fascinating exhibits as the Archimedes screw, the Mobius ring, perpetual motion machine and many other scientific and educational attractions.

The choice of bus route depends on the departure point:

  • From Helsinki-Vantaa Airport you can take bus number 562, get off at the Orvokkitie stop, then walk about 20 minutes in a southerly direction and then in an easterly direction.
  • From Helsinki Train Station or Hakaniemi Square you can take bus routes 73 and 73N. Next, you should get off at the Tikkuritie stop and walk for about 10-15 minutes in a northeast direction.

When traveling by car, you must take the Helsinki ring road Kehä III (Ring 3), which separates the capital of Finland from Vantaa. At the intersection with the Tikkuritie highway, you need to turn onto it and follow the road signs, which should lead directly to the museum. The car can be parked in the large museum parking lot.

Eureka Museum exposition

Eureka is one of those types of museums in which it is allowed and even encouraged to touch the exhibits with your hands. It consists of 8 permanent exhibitions and temporary exhibitions, which change from time to time. Classic expositions are represented by such fascinating exhibitions as:

  • “The Way of the Coin”, where everyone can mint their own coins with own profile;
  • “Smart City”, where you can get acquainted with the latest urban trends;
  • “Wind in the Gut,” which humorously talks about the physiological characteristics of a person;
  • “Protect Yourself,” where you can compare ways to protect humans and the natural world.

Also, interactive exhibitions introduce visitors to the nature of the earth's surface and ocean, the laws of physics, astronomy and many others. natural sciences. Riding a bicycle along a cable stretched from the ceiling is especially popular. Despite the apparent danger, this simulator is absolutely safe. The Eureka Science Center is famous for the fact that all the science attractions and simulators located in the museum are available for any experiments by visitors that do not go beyond the scope of scientific use. It was thanks to this policy that he gained his popularity.

One of the most popular sights in the museum is the sports ground, where exciting “Rat Basketball” competitions are held. Each game lasts about 10 minutes, during which trained rats play out an exciting basketball game in front of an audience.

The museum's planetarium operates separately from the exhibitions. The planetarium, also called the Verne Magic Theater, shows films about the structure of the solar system and other scientific topics every hour. For foreign guests, translation from Finnish, including into Russian, is provided.

Museum schedule and tickets

Museum opening hours:

  • 10:00 - 19:00 (Monday - Friday);
  • 10:00 - 18:00 (Saturday, Sunday, holidays and pre-holidays).

Visit price:

  • 22 EUR adult ticket;
  • 15 EUR for children from 6 to 16 years old, pensioners, students and the unemployed;
  • For children under 6 years old, admission is free.

Ticket sales end 1 hour before the museum closes.

Those who wish to visit the complex more than once can purchase a visitor card, which provides unlimited access to the museum’s exhibitions throughout the year. Card cost:

  • 47 EUR for adults;
  • 33 EUR for children and equivalent categories.

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How to reach us

From Akademicheskaya metro station (closest)

The first car from the center, from the glass doors to the left, from the passage to the left. On the street, rounding the corner of the house on the right, you find yourself on the street. Dmitry Ulyanov, along which you need to move exclusively straight until house 42 - until the intersection of the street. Dmitry Ulyanov and st. Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya (on the tram tracks). Cross the tram tracks and continue along Dmitry Ulyanov Street. To your right you will see a gray building, a parking lot, and our porch with the Eureka Park sign.

The walk takes about 15 minutes.

You can get there by minibus (424m, 158m, 244m, 329m, 434m) or bus (67, 142, 218, 218k). Get off the bus at the 3rd stop - this is the intersection of the street. Dmitry Ulyanov and st. Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya (on the tram tracks).

From metro station University

The exit to the city is in the center of the hall, then straight through the small market to the tram and bus stop. From there, take tram number 26 to the stop "D. Ulyanov St., Museum of Heroes", along the street. D. Ulyanov one hundred meters to the right. Travel time from the metro is about half an hour. Tram number 22 goes to the ring in Novye Cheryomushki.

From there to the stop "D. Ulyanov Street, Museum of Heroes" 400 m walk up along the tram tracks. From the bus stop near the metro (it is directly opposite the tram stop) minibus No. 434 runs. Without traffic jams, it will take you straight to us in 10-15 minutes. Ask to stop at the intersection of Bolshaya Cheryomushkinskaya Street. and st. D. Ulyanova.