Think about your biggest failures in life. Quarrels, misunderstandings that changed your whole life in a negative way. Failed exams, job interviews, etc. The reasons for such failures are similar, as a rule, they are the result of poor preparation and rash actions. Below we will look at how to manage everything and plan the day/week.

What happens if an athlete stops training a month before the Olympics - his skills and muscle strength will weaken significantly and he will take one of the last places. As in sports, in any business you need good preparation, without which the chances of success are greatly reduced.

The key factor in preparation is planning. There is "6 P rule": Proper planning prevents productivity loss.

Below I will give 7 ways to manage everything with the help of proper planning of the day and week.

Method 1: Make a list of tasks for the day

What is a task list for?

First, let's look at how our brain works. It was found that we can keep no more than 7+-2 things or important thoughts under control in our heads. To make sure of this, count how many circles are shown in the pictures:

Rice. 1 Rice. 2 Rice. 3
Rice. 4 Rice. 5

Most likely, one glance is enough to determine the number of objects in Figures 1, 3 and 4.

And for drawings 2 and 5, one glance was not enough; it was necessary to count separately. The fewer objects, the easier it is to manage them. The brain reaches its limit when the number becomes more than 7+-2.

The same is true with thoughts; at the same time we can store no more than 7+-2 tasks in our head, the rest is forgotten.

Let's imagine a real life situation

You get up in the morning and go to work, on the way you remember that:

You need to buy a gift for a loved one's birthday;
- Pay for the Internet before it’s turned off.

When you arrived at work:

Find out that you need to prepare a report today;
- I came in and a colleague asked me to send him a contract template;
- After the morning planning meeting, the boss asked me to do 3 things.

Your head is already full, but time doesn’t stop, a client may call you, close person, colleague, an unforeseen situation may happen, etc. What happens in this case? We forget something. If we forget to buy groceries in the store, then nothing terrible will happen, of course, but we can forget something more important: Not arriving at important meeting, take medications, etc.

In addition, the more things we have in our heads, the worse our analytical abilities become, since energy is spent on memorizing information.

Benefits of a notebook

Notebook - eliminates all the problems described above and has the following advantages compared to working from memory:

1) Writing is always faster than remembering. For example, writing down a cell phone number is 10-100 times faster than memorizing it. Same with business.

2) Energy Saving. In order not to forget important things, we often remember, which wastes energy. A notebook solves this problem.

3) Reliability. What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe. Any task can be forgotten due to fatigue, emotions or other matters. But if you write down tasks, it is much more difficult to forget.

You can keep a list of tasks on a regular sheet of paper, a notepad, but it is better if it is a notebook, because it has a calendar. The list of tasks for the day can be on a computer or paper. The most important thing is that you have it because it is the basis for planning, like the foundation of a house. If the house does not have a foundation, then the maximum that can be built is a small one-story structure without heating made of plastic or plywood. Also in planning, of course, you can do without a list of tasks for the day or a notebook, but you will be very limited in your capabilities.

The most important thing in a task list or notebook is a list of things that need to be done during the day. The second most important part is the calendar, in it you can see the tasks that need to be completed on a given day. Therefore, a notebook is preferable to a regular list because it has a calendar.

Method 2: Work with your task list every day

The most important thing when working with a time organizer or notebook is to work in accordance with the previously drawn up plan. To do this, review regularly notebook to find out if you have done everything you planned for today.

You can view the list after you complete the current task. It is very important to list important things that need to be done today in your organizer.

If a new task arrives and it is not urgent, then write it down in your notebook first and start only when it comes to it. Any new tasks seem very important and we begin to take on everything: checking mail, making phone calls, etc. But as soon as you first begin to write down all incoming tasks in a notebook, you will find that next to this entry there are more important tasks.

All movements of the right side of the body are controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for logic. When we write down a new task with our right hand, we activate the left hemisphere of our brain, which is responsible for logic. Activating logic when writing with our right hand will help us make better decisions.

By writing everything down in a notebook before you start work, you'll be able to get the most important things done during the day and be able to combat the unimportant tasks that constantly distract you.

4 way. First important, then urgent tasks

All planned tasks should be completed in order of their importance, and then in order of execution time. Starting with the most important ones and gradually moving on to the less important ones. Write things down in your plan for today in order of their importance, then sort them by urgency and start working on the highest priorities.

For example, an acquaintance called you to chat. A phone call, an urgent matter, because the phone is ringing right now, but it may not be important. If you have more significant tasks, say, preparing a work report, then it is better to first complete all the more important tasks, in particular the report, and then, if you have time, call back and talk with a friend. But not vice versa, otherwise, due to an insignificant call, you may not have time to do a more important thing.

Importance takes precedence over urgency. You should take on urgent matters only if you are in control of the situation and are confident that you will manage all the more important ones.

Method 5: Electronic organizer

There are a huge number of electronic notebooks. An electronic diary has undeniable advantages over paper ones:

A. Time saving. With an electronic diary, you don’t need to re-write tasks from the last day to the current one, and you can work with it both on a computer and on a phone or tablet, synchronizing data on all devices.

B. Volumes and speed: You can very quickly copy a large amount of information into an electronic diary for further work. For example: You want to bake a banana cake in the evening and you need to write down the necessary ingredients before you go to the store. If you have an electronic organizer, then you can quickly copy the entire recipe from the Internet into your diary, literally in a matter of seconds. At the same time, it will take you more time to write down just the ingredients on a piece of paper by hand than it would take to write the entire recipe. in electronic format. And in the store it will be enough to turn on the diary on your phone to quickly understand what to buy.

B. Convenience. An ordinary notebook is inconvenient to use in transport, a store, or on vacation; in these places it is difficult to write down and look at notes because the paper diary is large and you need 2 hands to open it. But the electronic notebook on your phone will always be with you, no matter where you are: Transport, store, street. You can quickly take notes on your computer and then sync so those notes appear on your phone in seconds.

Method 6: Plan your next day in the evening

Make an action plan for the next day in advance, the best time is at the end of the working day, before you go home. This simple action will help you get a better night's sleep, because often the cause of insomnia is that in the evening we go over in our memory all the important things that we need to do tomorrow so as not to forget them in the morning. And it is these thoughts that prevent us from relaxing and falling asleep peacefully, but if you write down all your plans, you will ensure not only a restful sleep, but also an evening.

In addition, when you make a plan in advance, your subconscious mind will constantly work all night on how best to do what you planned. The solution to complex problems may come to you at breakfast, on the way to work, or even in the middle of the night. It is in the morning that new ideas most often come and you will use this time with maximum benefit, you just need to write a to-do list for the next day in advance.

By the way, if you have questions that you want answered, then before you fall asleep and close your eyes, ask them to yourself, preferably out loud, and immediately fall asleep.

And in the morning, get ready to immediately write down all the thoughts that may appear the moment you wake up or later.

Make a plan for the day so that work that requires a lot of energy comes at the peak of your activity, when you have a lot of energy and are most productive. As a rule, the peak of activity begins in the morning, because after sleep you have a lot of strength and a fresh mind, but it happens that the peak of activity can occur in the afternoon and even evening hours.

The most energy-consuming activities are those for which you have no talent.. As a rule, these are the ones activities you most don't want to do. These tasks are called frogs in time management because these tasks are unpleasant to start doing. There is a rule in time management - start the day with a frog., i.e. from an unpleasant matter. This rule will allow you to work more efficiently, because usually it is in the morning that you have the most strength, and these forces are extremely important to do the most unpleasant work.

I’ll give you an example from life, I have a technical mindset, so exact sciences such as: Physics and mathematics are easy for me, but humanitarian subjects are more difficult, so when I was at school, I often prepared for a test in English language in the morning. I got up 1-2 hours before school and studied English. It was in the morning that I had the most energy, so at this time it was easier for me to do difficult task, for which I had the least talent. The results of the preparation exceeded all my expectations, I received excellent or good results in a subject that I did not like.

The most unpleasant tasks plan for peak activity, for example, the next morning, and you will see how you will get more done and your personal efficiency will increase.

P.S. If you have difficulties or questions about the article you read, as well as about the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc. ask them to me, I will try to help. Consultation via Skype is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take the online training “How to get 1 hour of extra time.” Write comments and your additions;)

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How to plan your day correctly to get everything done? What rules should you follow to avoid stress and feelings of dissatisfaction? In this article, you will learn what you need to do to increase your productivity and efficiency.

If you are often late, create blockages at work, forget about important events and are nervous that you don’t have time to do a lot of things, then this article is for you. Where to start to learn how to properly plan your time?

  1. Keep a diary. Don’t start your day until you write down your plans for the next day in the morning, or even better, in the evening. Making a to-do list is a necessary activity in order to understand what needs to be done and get everything done.
  2. Set yourself reminders about meetings, events on a mobile phone .
  3. If you are working on a computer, create a separate document with a to-do list.

How to make a to-do list correctly?

  1. A to-do list needs to be written every day, preferably in the evening.
  2. Write no more than 7 priority things on your list. It’s not worth it anymore, because it’s impossible to do more in one day.
  3. Write down all points in detail. For example: go to a store and buy everything you need according to the list. Make a list of the items you need on a separate piece of paper. Then going to the store will take you much less time.
  4. You should put in your to-do list the approximate time it will take you to complete this or that action.
  5. The to-do list should always be visible. If you are a young mother who is constantly tugged at by children and the list gets lost, then write several copies.
  6. Write a to-do list for the week ahead, this will help you understand which things are especially urgent and which can wait.

Basic planning rules

  1. In order to properly plan your day and manage everything, it is very important to train yourself to wake up early. It doesn't matter whether you need to go to work or not. Organize a normal sleep schedule. To feel energetic, you need to sleep 8 hours a day. Therefore, think about what time you need to go to bed so that you can get up early and still get enough sleep.
  2. It is very important to listen to your biological clock. You know better at what time you feel full of strength and energy to quickly get a lot of things done. If you feel energized in the evening, plan your day so that you have important things to do in the evening. The rest of the time, do less important things, set aside time for rest, self-development, meeting with friends, etc.
  3. It is very important to prioritize when planning your day.. First you need to do those things that are the most significant in their priority, and only then proceed to the secondary ones. Never put off important things until later. Otherwise, you will think about them all day and be distracted by your thoughts.
  4. Don't waste a lot of energy and time on things that will bring you little results.. The time spent and the final result must be commensurate.
  5. When planning your time, you must think about everything possible options to make your life easier. For example, if cleaning your house takes a lot of time, consider hiring a housekeeper. Or throw away long-needed things, put everything in boxes, and organize it. Then cleaning will take less time.
  6. When doing things, analyze what factors most often distract you and take up your time. Perhaps you are often distracted by social media, talking on the phone, thoughts about other things. Very often psychological factors play a role, for example, fear of not being able to complete the work on time, fear of taking on a difficult task, laziness.

What to avoid to keep up with everything

  1. Don't waste time watching TV. You can watch any news or film on the Internet without advertising. This will save you time.
  2. Limit your time on social networks, forums and games. It's a waste of time.
  3. Try to get rid of bad habits. Have you ever wondered how much time you spend on smoking breaks? This not only takes away your time, but also your health. Bad habits are not compatible with success.
  4. Learn to overcome laziness, lack of composure and lack of punctuality. Set reminders on your phone and an alarm in advance so you don't be late. Set a time limit for completing all tasks.

How to plan your working time correctly?

David Allen advises getting organized workplace, acquire all the necessary stationery. Also, keep a file cabinet, create a corresponding folder for each case. Allen also advises writing 4 to-do lists:

  • Things that need to be done in the near future.
  • Projects that require an integrated approach.
  • Projects that, for one reason or another, cannot yet be completed.
  • The "someday" list.

To complete work tasks faster, you need to complete similar tasks in a row. The brain gets used to a certain type of work and copes faster each time.

If you have a very difficult task or project, you need to divide it into stages. Then the task becomes more understandable and feasible to complete. Use the principle of “small steps”. Learn to say no, don't do work for others, do not become a tool to achieve other people's goals. All successful businessmen plan the most important things in the first half of the day. You can’t put off until later what is your priority. As they say: “You’ve done the job, walk boldly.”

It is very easy to learn to complete all tasks on time. Most people create their own problems and obstacles in their lives. You just need to put in a little effort and just start planning your life. You must understand that a tired and unhealthy person cannot work productively and live his life fully.

Therefore, it is necessary:

  1. Get enough sleep.
  2. Eat properly. Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible.
  3. Exercising improves immunity, give a boost of energy and have a beneficial effect on brain activity. Memory and concentration improve, and neuronal cells renew faster.
  4. Stick to your to-do list. Write it for every day, for a week and for a year.
  5. Don't be distracted by unnecessary things, useless communication. Don't do the work for others.
  6. When planning your day, do not take on more responsibilities than you can handle.. Adequately evaluate your time and energy.
  7. Keep your home and work place tidy. Every thing should have its place, and every task should have its time. When you stay organized, you spend much less time getting things done. Let order and systematization of things become your habit.
  8. Optimize your work. Try to simplify any task as much as possible and reduce the time it takes to complete it.
  9. Use modern technology. Even at home, a multicooker, microwave, or electric meat grinder will save you a lot of time on cooking.
  10. Always reward yourself for any success. If you have completed an important task on time, allow yourself to rest for 15 minutes and eat something sweet or look into your classmates for 10 minutes.
  11. Don't strive for the ideal, it doesn't exist. If you obsess over doing everything better, you'll end up stalling and driving yourself into hysterics.
  12. Don't accumulate unfinished tasks. Whatever you planned to do today, do it!
  13. Never be afraid to ask for help or distribute certain tasks among employees.

In addition to making a to-do list, there are some other effective planning techniques that are widely used in time management. This is a time management technique that includes rules and principles that help a person properly organize his time and achieve maximum efficiency in any activity.

Basic planning techniques

  1. Pareto's rule or the “80 to 20” principle. Only 20% of your thoughts, conversations and actions lead to 80% of your results. And 80% of other actions lead to 20% results. Therefore, do not try to do everything at once, but do initially those things that will bring you maximum results.
  2. Timing method is that you need to write down all your time, what and where you spend it. Analyzing these records will show you what activities you should stop doing, what distracts you, and what processes you need to speed up.
  3. ABC planning is that you need to distribute things by letter by degree of importance. Category A cases are the most important. They make up 15% of all cases and bring 65% of the results. B – important matters, which make up 20% of all matters and bring 20% ​​of the results. Category C are matters of the least importance, they make up 65% and give a result of 15%.

If you want to learn how to properly plan your day, to be the master of your life, it doesn’t take much. Just have the desire to learn it, put in some effort and start working on yourself. You just have to get into the habit of planning your life, writing a to-do list for every day, developing responsibility, perseverance, and punctuality. Learning to plan properly is one of the ways of self-improvement that can radically change your life for the better. You will learn to set priorities, identify core values, set goals and achieve them within a clearly defined time frame.

Don't have time to do anything, wish there were more than 24 hours in a day? Then you just need to learn how to set priorities correctly and plan your day so that the fleeting time is enough for everything, including rest and relaxation. Read on to learn how to properly plan your day so you can get everything done.

How to plan your day effectively

Related articles:

  1. Determine your productive hours. For larks it is usually early morning at 5-7 o'clock, and night owls prefer it. Consider your biorhythms when determining working minutes. In general, observe yourself and identify the most fruitful time for your work. In the future, try to do the most difficult things within this time frame.
  2. Get yourself a diary or notepad. It could even be a program on your smartphone or tablet. Carry it with you everywhere so you can refer to it and not forget anything. Every evening, sit down to plan your tomorrow. Schedule a maximum of three most important tasks; you shouldn’t overload yourself either. It's bad for your health.
  3. Break. Don’t forget to take a 15-minute break every 45 minutes of work, changing activities. If you work at a computer, you shouldn’t look at social networks or read while relaxing. email. Give your eyes a rest. Do some exercise, drink tea, go for a walk fresh air, do some exercise.
  4. Put the most difficult task first. The faster you complete some of the tedious and unpleasant work, the faster you will feel lightness, calmness and peace. This will lift your spirits and give you confidence in your abilities.
  5. “Eat the elephant piece by piece.” Divide work that is too complex into several steps and do it in small portions. You yourself will not notice how you will cope with a difficult task quickly and easily.
  6. Rest. Be sure to include daily rest in your schedule. Make it a 30 minute read. interesting book, watching a movie or TV series, a walk in the park, sitting in a cafe with friends. Such a short respite is simply necessary; it will fill you with energy to continue the main work. Otherwise, you will “burn out” and it will be difficult to continue working.
  7. Make up long term plans: for 3-5 years, for a year, for a month, then for a week and a day, so you will see what you should strive for and this will not allow you to deviate from the set course.
  8. Weekend It is also recommended to plan by inventing recreation and entertainment in advance. This is simply necessary so that life does not turn into a series of gray and boring everyday life, in pursuit of finances.
  9. There is no need to schedule everything strictly minute by minute.. For each allotted task, allocate 5-10 minutes with a reserve, so you will be less nervous and worried. Making a plan and sticking to it will make you a disciplined and goal-oriented person. But it is thanks to these qualities that people realize their dreams and desires.

At first it is difficult to get used to living according to a schedule, but it is simply necessary. After all, otherwise in this life you will not be able to achieve your goal and achieve unprecedented heights in anything.

Good habits are common successful people. One of the most useful is effective time planning. Every person knows the situation when the day is spent in hard work, and the result does not live up to expectations. Moreover, there is even greater workload and stress.

Proper planning will easily solve this problem. Not only will you be able to cope with all your planned goals and tasks, but you will also retain a supply of energy and strength.

70/30 principle

Experts have long proven that planning your day every minute will not lead to the expected results. It is impossible to calculate everything down to the minute. Life has its own schedule, in which there is always room for surprises and unforeseen circumstances.

In addition, it is worth noting that if a person still tries to control his day in seconds, he will gradually begin to turn into a robot, where there is no place for proper rest and ordinary joys.

What is the best way out? There is a technique that involves planning 70% of the time. It is worth remembering that the “surprise effect” is present in our lives every day, so keep the remaining 30% in reserve.

Think about tomorrow

If you incorporate this habit into your daily life, your business will noticeably improve. Train yourself every evening to think about matters that have to be resolved tomorrow. At the same time, experts advise visualizing your plans. Keep a diary where you can write down what you want to implement.

Divide your notebook into several columns. Mark priority tasks on the left side, and less important things that are not very urgent on the right side. In exceptional circumstances they can be postponed, but try not to procrastinate.

Have you dealt with something? Don't forget to cross it off your list. This is necessary in order for progress to be felt. It will replenish your strength and inspire you to further exploits. A constantly decreasing list of tasks also serves as confirmation that you are successfully completing your plan.

Psychologists give interesting advice. At the end of each day, write down encouraging phrases in your journal that motivate you to take action. They will not only stimulate you the next day, but will also allow you not to relax ahead of time.

Most of it occurs in the morning

Important tip: try to get most of your work done before lunch. Why does this work? Once you see that all important and planned tasks have been successfully completed, you will feel incredible lightness.

Make the most of your lunch break. At these moments, it is best to make calls to loved ones, answer missed calls or pay utility bills. The bare minimum remains for the evening, especially those things that bring pleasure and relaxation.

Rest while working

The rules for planning working time imply not only actions, but also rest, which is a prerequisite. Each person has their own needs for the availability and duration of free time. However, time management experts say that this method has proven itself best: you work for 50 minutes, while setting aside 10 for rest. At first, you can devote 45 minutes to business, taking a break for 15.

How to use your vacation time more effectively? The best option there will be not short-term sleep or social networks, but physical exercise. If your work involves a computer, warming up your eyes and neck is a must. A useful activity There will also be a light snack, cleaning the workplace, self-development or necessary phone calls.

Real plans

In pursuit of achieving everyday goals, you should not go to extremes. Do not take on impossible amounts of work. In this case, you will still not have time to do everything that is planned, thereby you will feel dissatisfied at the end of the day. Calculate your strengths and make a rational list.

There is an important point to note here. Don't confuse plans with goals, which can and should be difficult to achieve. Planning your working time is necessary in order to achieve them in the shortest and planned time.

You should not work from morning until late at night. It’s better to break your goals into several blocks, solving them systematically and steadily. This productive option is more effective than chaotic actions. Moreover, it will help maintain energy at the end of the day.

An excellent addition would be a column in the list indicating how many percent the plan has been completed. It will clearly show your growth or, conversely, decline, and will adjust further actions. Try not only to fulfill your daily plan, but also to exceed it by at least a small percentage. As a result, you will cope not only with the tasks recorded in your diary, but also with additional tasks. You will be pleased to notice your productivity in the form of 150%, 170%, etc.

Necessary silence

Many people do not even notice that they are working in inappropriate conditions. The noise of the TV or radio, the voices of relatives and colleagues interfere with concentration, thereby reducing productivity. As a result, you are full of fresh gossip and unnecessary information.

Important and urgent matters require extreme concentration. Therefore silence must be yours faithful companion. This is the only way you can achieve the best result.

The importance of order

Successful people are famous for order both in their thoughts and in their work place. It's difficult to work at a desk where you can't find anything because of the confusion and clutter of documents. Spend a few minutes every day cleaning. Order will make you more organized and save a lot of time.

We recommend throwing away outdated, useless things that will not bring any benefit. This will help free up your desktop. Remember that every thing should have its place. Stationery stores produce sets and storage cases in huge quantities. Once you put things in order, things will immediately improve.

Get rid of unnecessary things

There are some things that are difficult to get rid of. We convince ourselves that someday they will be useful, but that moment never comes. Moreover, it has long been proven that old things and household items are full of negative energy, even if they are put away in a back closet or on the mezzanine.

Pay attention not only to your desk, but also to the space in your home or office in general. Gather your strength and throw away all the useless things that are stored on better times. Clothes can be donated to orphanages or other people in need. As a result, you will feel lightness, which will serve as an impetus for further development and implementation of your plans.


Any sport, be it rhythmic gymnastics or swimming, must be included in your daily schedule. Even ordinary exercise will improve your tone, and you will be surprised at the results if you exercise regularly.

Who is Dan Kennedy and why should you listen to him? It can rightly be called successful person, who proved by his example the importance of time. Now he is a multimillionaire and the author of books that reveal the secrets of his wealth and status. The main tips are:

1. Attention to the phone. Of course, mobile phones and other gadgets are useful in Everyday life. But it is worth considering that they act not only as assistants, but also as hidden enemies. If you are busy with important work, train yourself to ignore calls. Is your interlocutor persistent? If the reason for the conversation is not urgent, call back during your lunch break or after work.

2.Limit business meetings. Some people believe that continuous business meetings will lead to success. This is not entirely true. Millionaires are trying their best to limit them. Try to do the following:

  • Reduce the number of negotiations and meetings to the bare minimum.
  • Remember that many negotiations can be conducted not only in person, but also remotely. In this case, help will be provided by telephone, Skype and other online applications.
  • Be straight to the point and set a limited amount of time for the meeting. Formal conversations about the weather will steal precious minutes.
  • Actively use delegation of authority if possible.

3. Punctuality. This trait disciplines you and makes you more authoritative in the eyes of other people. Require your subordinates to arrive at work on time. Don't forget to lead by example.

4.Love of lists. Dan Kennedy confirms that journaling and making lists is essential. Every day we are faced with a huge flow of tasks, so our memory may miss something.

5. The need for catalogs. You should train yourself to keep important reports or letters in chronological order, be it a folder on your computer or a printed version. If necessary, you can always find the necessary documents.