For Lomonosov, poetry was a branch of rhetoric (science on eloquence - the ability to speak beautifully and convincingly). And in order to convince the listener, there were strict rules outlined by Lomonosov in labor, which was called "rhetoric". The meaning of the rules was to teach poets to present any statement as much as possible. All deviations from the topic of approval were to help her disclosure. According to this principle, the ODD was built.
The topic of "ODD for the day of weighing ..." - Enlightenment of Russia, but it is given a graveyard, "for" the glorification of the empress. "Terms" - so Lomonosov called the words that were the topic - "scattered" in the work, given through images, but after reading the topic is completely clearly determined:

Then Divine Sciences
Through mountains, rivers and sea
In Russia stretched hands
To this monarch saying:
"We are extremely ready
Submit in the Russian kind of new
The purest mind is fruit ...

... dare now imprisoned
Laundry your show
What can own platonists
And rapid mind of nonsense
Russian land give birth.

The poet affects not so much on the mind as the reader's emotion and imagination. Therefore, Lomonosov's images that admired the poet's alone contemporaries and caused their indignation, very unusual:

Silent, fiery sounds,
And scrolling with light;
Here in the world to expand science
I loved Elisavet.
You, brazing vortices, do not dare
Roar, but chlorically disclose
Beautiful are our times.
In silence, the universe:
To smooth the names ...

Such personification taken by Lomonosov from ancient rhetorical traditions, they not only adorn the work, but also have a deep meaning.
The main topic that concerns the poet throughout its works is the fate of Russia. According to Lomonosov, God (a concern) keeps this country and sends her wise rulers. One of the wise monarchs of Lomonosov considered Peter the Great, whom he fired not only in the gifts, but also in Petr Great Poem.
He is challenged in "Ode for the Day of Edema ...":

Horrible wonderful deeds
His own feet
To glorify yourself in our day;
Sent a person to Russia
What did not heary were from the century ...

After the loss of a great man by Russia, the years of darkness came:

... but ah, cruel judis!
Immortality worthy husband
Bliss of our reason
Unanimous grief of our souls
Envious rejected by rock,
We fell in a crying deep!
Inspiring sobs of our rumor
Veria Parnasski died,
And the muses of the cry were held
In Heaven, the door of the Presveral Spirit ...

But grace came with the arrival of Elizabeth - "Bliss villages, Grads of Otrada." With Elizabeth - silence (herald "Elizabeth" is "peace", "silence") stops war, and the long-awaited world comes. Through many blessings, the poet shows the main thing - the patronage of the sciences that Russia will give a lot, including the treasures will open, "What India praises" (minerals that are rich in "warm countries").
All blessings are committed or will be committed with Elizabeth, what the poet calls on, saying that the Assistant in the Good Affairs of the Empress will be the Almighty:

You, about the grace source
About the angel of the peaceful years!
Almighty on that assistant,
Who is proud of his bold,
Jealous of our peace
Against you rebel Aoino;
You will save you
In all ways you are prompting
And your life is blessed
With the number of bush bush compare.

The purpose of the poet is to convince the reader in the indisputable truth, and since the poet appeals to the monarch, it means to convince him. That is why, according to Lomonosov, the role of the poet in the state is very important.

"Ode on the day of the modern day of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747" was written by "high calm" and glorifies the daughter of Peter I. giving tribute to the virtues of the empress, her "meek groo", "good and beautiful face", the desire to "expand science", poet It turns out a speech about her father, whom he calls "a man, what was not the heard from the century." Peter I is the ideal of an enlightened monarch, which all the forces gives its people and the state. In Oda Lomonosov, the image of Russia with its immense expanses, huge wealth is given. So the topic of the Motherland and serving is arising to her - leading in the work of Lomonosov. With this the theme of science, knowledge of nature is closely connected with this. It ends with a hymn science, a call to the young men to hold into the glory of the Russian land. Thus, in the "Oda 1747" found an expression of the educational ideals of the poet.
Faith in the human mind, the desire to know the "secrets of many worlds", reach the essence of the phenomena through the "Small Things Sign" - these are the themes of the poems "ve-black thinking", "two astronomers in a feast happened together ..." and others for To bring the country to benefit, you need not only hardworking, but also enlightenment, says Lomonosov. He writes about the "beauty and importance" of the exercise that makes man the Creator, spiritually active personality. "Use your own mind", "he calls in the poem" Listen, I ask ... ".

At the lesson, we consider "ODU for the Day of Eden to the All-Russian throne of the Majesty of the Empress of the Empress Eldisabeth Petrovna 1747". We'll figure it out that such an ex. We will understand its tasks. Consider that M.V. Lomonosov in their Ode wants to convey to Elizabeth I.

At the lesson, we consider the topic: "M.V. Lomonosov "Oda for the Day of Eden to the All-Russian throne of the Majesty of the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna 1747" ". First we learn what the s) is.

The ODD genre is characteristic of such a literary direction as classicism, which is based on the ideology of the Epoch of Enlightenment. French enlighteners Francois-Marie-Aruhe (Voltaire) and Denis Didro believed that the "enlightened monarchy" will lead to the greatest good for the people of the state (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Enlighteners

This means that the state must manage the educated and developed monarch. But the monarchs did not have to be enlightened, and to point out something, advise without risk for life, poets in the sides praise the features of the nature of the rulers and ideas that they wanted to translate.

Consider that M.V. Lomonosov in their Ode wants to convey to Elizabeth I (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Empress Elizabeth

Fig. 3. Stanza 3.

Silence means the end of the war with Sweden 1741-1743. But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in Ode is wider: (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Excerpt from the work

For the ruler, it is important not to expand the boundaries of the state, but the happiness of his subjects. And the character traits of the Empress are attributed to the corresponding: meekness, humility.

"The soul of her marshmallow is quieter,
And Zrax is more beautiful than paradise. "

In the sixth stanza, the main idea of \u200b\u200bODY sounds. M.V. Lomonosov - a scientist, the creator of the Russian Academy of Sciences - glorifies science (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Stroof 6.

In the seventh stanza, a character is not immediately called by name, referred to as a person with a capital letter, he sent him a concern himself, that is, the Creator. Argent, according to M.V. Lomonosov, respectable Mars and Neptune. This man is Peter I, he is building a new Russia, a new city, and it is he who will sign a decree on the establishment of the Academy of Sciences. Organizes the Academy of Catherine I.

In the ninth stanza science turn into living beings. The sciences have hands that extend them to Peter as a sign of respect.

Paying the death of Peter the Great and briefly mentioning Catherine, the author in Ode returns to Elizabeth Petrovna (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Excerpt from the work

Lomonosov returns to the value of the world and the inadmissibility of the war.

In the thirteenth stubborn, military glory eclipses not about his dead, but a moan of defeated (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Stroof 13.

The author is trying to assure Elizabeth I and the reader that the science of Russia is necessary, because the wealth of the country is huge and you can master it with the help of science (Fig. 8). To describe the expanses of the state, the author uses the seven stanz and leads a description from the position of the Creator.

Fig. 8. Excerpt from the work

The last two stanzes of the OD (the most quoted) are devoted to a person who will master the creative wealth with the help of science. In these stitches, Isaac Newton and Plato are mentioned, because for Lomonosov, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a scientific school of Russian scientists is important. In those days, the children were taught by the sciences of foreigners who did not owe them at all and were not scientists (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Excerpt from the work

science (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Excerpt from the work

In the end of the text on the canons of ODD, we return to the image of Elizabeth, glorifying it.

The main ideas set forth in Ode is the glittering of the world and the denial of war, the approval of the need for happiness for each person, the glistening of Peter I, Catherine and Elizabeth, and the most important idea is the glorification of science and its greatest opportunities (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Composition of ODY


  1. Kurdyumova T.F. and others. Literature. Grade 9. Textbook-Reader in 2 parts. - M.: Drop, 2013.
  2. Zinin S.A., Sakharov V.I., Chalmaev V.A. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts. - 7th ed. - M.: 2012. Part 1 - 344 p., Ch. 2 - 408 p.
  3. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts / ed. White G.I. - M.: Part 1 - 13th ed., 2009, 368 p.; Part 2 - 11th ed., 2010, 423 p.
  4. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. and others. Literature. Grade 9. The story of your literature. In 2 parts. - 2nd ed., Pererab. - M.: 2010, Ch. 1 - 304 p., Ch. 2 - 272 p.
  5. Korovina V.Y., Zhuravlev V.P., Korovin V.P. and others. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013. -Cheat 1 - 399 p., Part 2 - 383 p.
  6. Merkin G.S., Merkin B.G. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts. - M.: 2011. Part 1 - 344 p., Ch. 2 - 264 p.
  7. Kurdyumova T.F. and others. Literature. Grade 9. The textbook-Reader in 2 parts is the 15th ed., Ched. - M.: 2013; Part 1 - 272 p., Ch. 2 - 288 p.
  1. Internet portal "RVB.RU" ()
  2. Internet portal "" ()
  3. Online portal "Festival of pedagogical ideas" Open Lesson "()


Answer the questions:

  1. What is the ODA?
  2. What is the purpose of M.V. Lomonosov wrote his work?
  3. What are the main ideas of "ODD for the Day of Edema on the All-Russian Throne of the Majesty of the Empress Empress Eldisabeth Petrovna 1747"?

In the solemn sides of Lomonosov trying to express the thoughts and feelings of the nation as a whole, so they do not have a place for the manifestation of individual features of the poet. Its ODA consists of their main story on behalf of the Odopist, interrupted by monologists-inserts of characters: God, Russia, kings. Turning to the royal polists, giving the lessons to the kings, Lomonosov speaks on behalf of all Russia. In the work of Lomonosov, the solemn, commendable ODA turns into a poetic genre, who managed to imagine all the ideological issues of the era and express it with a huge artistic force. In his oodas, Lomonosov sets out the cultural and political program of transformation of Russia.

Each Lomonosov Ode is devoted to a certain topic. He writes about the foreign and domestic politics of Russia, argues on issues of war and peace, glorify the mind, science, progress, a person who subordinate to himself. The development of the idea of \u200b\u200bODY is carried out through the conflict, through the collision of two opposites, ending, as a rule, by the victory of the Forces of Mind and Good. The contrasting basis may be light and darkness, peace and fire, etc. Metaphorization becomes styrene elements of Lomonosov's poetic manner. The principles of its poetic style are height, splendor, expressiveness.

Solemn ODDs are the top of his poetic creativity. These ODDs are replete with metaphors, hyperboles, allegories, rhetorical issues and other paths that create internally wealth verses are imbued with patriotic pathos, reflections on the future of Russia.

In "Ode for the Day of Edema ..." Lomonosov is chasing what he worked as a scientist: Great Northern Light, the use of glass, the superiority of the new artillery, etc. At the same time, his poems are not rhymed treatises, but full of majestic images (the sun is burning forever ocean, the night sky is the abyss of the stars full).

"Ode for the day of weighing ..", in her Lomonosov again responds to the events of the modern political life.

It begins the introduction of plowing peace times, which contribute to the prosperity of the state and the well-being of the people. Turning to Elizabeth, Lomonosov famous her as a coherent of the world, which, when joined the throne, stopped the war with the Swedes.

This lyric retreat allows the poet to go to his favorite topic - the Board of Peter I, a fighter against the backwardness, in which Russia was held before him. Lomonosov Slavs Peter for the creation of a regular army and fleet, and especially for the distribution of sciences.

The value "of ODD on the day of the Empress of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747," is, primarily that it contains a slender, clearly thoughtful program of peaceful prosperity of the state to which the dissemination of sciences and education will be facilitated in their own environment of smart and talented Scientists. It is sciences who will help to master the inexhaustible treasures of Russia, and this will provide its well-being and prosperity.

The features of the Lomonosov solemn OD:

What is important for Russia. Patriotic pathos

Avoids direct praises, trying to show and disadvantages, errors through them

Is like a point

Represents events and heroes generalized

No subject specific, i.e. Ideas

Solid logic, lush decorated


Hyperbolization in the description

Abundance of personification and comparative metaphor

13. Spiritual ODDs and various poems M.V. Lomonosov ("Morning Reflection ...", "Evening Reflection ...", "Ode, selected from Job", "Conversation with Anaconon", etc.).

For the first time to the genre of spiritual ODD M.V. Lomonosov appealed in 1743, when it was planted under the arrest of his enemies in the Academy. Being in a serious mental state, he is looking for comfort in spiritual poetry: writes famous spiritual meditations - "Morning thinking about God's Majesty" and "Evening thinking about God's Majesty with the case of the Great Northern Lights."

God for the poet is not a certain hidden in the supervised spheres of the creature, detached from the ground, not only the Creator, who launched heavenly mechanics, and the Sensor continuing to show his creative power in the sacraments of nature and human destinies. It is such an understanding of the relationship of creators and the Creator is reflected in the lyrical works of the poet of 1743. Naturophilosophical "morning" and "evening thinking" traditionally belong to natural science poetry.

IN " Morning reflection on God's Majesty"The poet emphasizes the continuously feasting effect of the Divine on nature and her body.

The poet comes out here to the main issues that tried to resolve all his life. What is the Universe? Did she know the human mind? What place does a person take in it?

The shape of the poem is expressive. Building phrases, syntactic structures provoke an agitated tone of the narrative. The abundance of questions gives rise to a tense emotional atmosphere for finding unagners of the amazing secrets of nature.

Final stanza " Evening reflection"Demonstrates the position of a true scientist researcher: the main thing in science is to put a new question. And then to search for him answers and doubt. So doubt the audacious thinker of Lomonosov in the limitless" majesty "of the heavenly Creator himself, so he pushes scientific thought to a new, more modern , understanding the laws of the universe.

"Conversation with Anacreon" Built as a dialogue of two poets: ancient Greek and modern. In the dispute and dialogue, as you know, truth is born, because Lomonosov elected such an original shape of the verse. What is the true purpose of poetry - the question that is supplied here. Anacreon lived a long time ago, in the fifth century BC. In his songs, the poet glorified the bright and joyful moments of life, happiness in love, beauty, youth, and if old age, is satisfied with him and carere. Both in antiquity, and in later times of the poem of Anacreon were so popular, he was so actively imitated that even the designation of this direction in poetry was "anacreontic lyrics".

Such a poet enters into a polemical dialogue of Lomonosov. To convince the reader in its rightness, he first translates the storm from Anacreon, and after composing his answer, offers his own understanding of the topic affected in this stanch. So alternate fragments of the work: Thoughts belonging to Anacreone - thoughts belonging to Lomonosov. The ancient Greek poet complains that in his songs it cannot tune in to the heroic topic - lines of love are born.

On the sound of the row of the poets echoes, but their meaning is exactly the opposite. The Russian poet of his position seems to be much more weighty, and in order to emphasize this weight, it allows himself to add four more final lines in the Ansreason Street (in the Anacreonian stanza, sixteen in Lomonomosovskaya). These four lines are almost aphorist, they are the essence of Lomonosov's position.

The most "program" in this rollback of two poets its final part. Both appeal in the end to the painter with a request to write portraits of the most attractive and beloved woman. Both express their wishes, in what manner it is to make, what qualities of character and appearance in the figure emphasize.

The controversy of the dialogue of two poets was carried out at the rhythmic level. In the final (most important) fragment of the "conversation", the Anacreonian stanzas are written by a ferret about, and Lomonosovsky-Yambic. Lomonosov exalted the "magnificence of the Yambov" and most often used this size in verses. The rhythmic shape of the verse itself participates in the dispute, serves as evidence of the author's thought.

« Oda selected from iOhov " - This is the argument of the author with the modern Epoch of Enlightenment, which marked himself a goggle care, amanship, the refusal of people from religious values, the derogation of religion. Together with the loss of religious consciousness, a person has lost the biblical understanding of the truth and attempts to take her search without God, which caused doubts and torment the mind. In this context, "ODA" is not only an argument with an era, but also the answer, the appeal to the human education. This is an indication of him on the infinite greatness, the power and wisdom of the Creator, and at the same time his incessant care for his creation, this appeal to people to dare and recognize God - the Lord.

The work that we will consider has a longer and informative name: "Ode on the day of the Eden on the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty of the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna 1747." It is written in honor of the most important holiday for the whole country. In this article, we will look at what I wanted to say in your own - "Ode on the Day of Edema." A summary and analysis of this work will help us understand the message of the scientist. So, proceed.

Lomonosov, "Ode for the Day of Edema." Summary

In his work, the author chants the greatness of Russia, the wealth of her lands and seas, happy villages, strong cities, crops. After he moves to the image of Elizabeth. Lomonosov describes her beautiful, kind, generous, calm, committed war in Russian land. He says that in peaceful Russia, science develops, and the times have come good. All this is described with the use of various metaphors and others with which Lomonosov is "for the day of weighing."

In the last part, it returns to the "Source of Militude" - Elisabeth. Lomonosov calls her angel peaceful years. He says that the Most High It protects and blesses.

Analysis of ODD M. V. Lomonosov on the Day of Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

As, probably, readers noticed, the author praises the sovereign for peacetime. However, it was not there. He only in this way tried to convey to the Empress his opinion that Russia would be enough to fight, the blood was spilled a lot, it is time to enjoy peace.

Why does he write about it? In those days, the question arose whether Russia would participate in the war along with countries that fought France and Prussia. The author, like many others, against it. He wants Russia to develop. Therefore, we can say that his commendable soda is political, his own program of the world.

Nevertheless, the empress was merit. She began to keep peaceful negotiations with Sweden. This moment did not forget to note in a laudatory song of Lomonosov ("Ode for the Day of Edema"). A summary shows us how the scientist and the writer praises Elisaven for the development of science. This is due to the fact that in 1747 the Empress has increased the amount of funds for the needs of the Academy. After that, the act was written by the scientist his famous Oda.

Receptions used in the work

The main literary tool applied in ODE is a metaphor. Thanks to her, Lomonosov managed to beautifully exalted his country, her government, call for peace and development. He calls peaceful time with his lover silence, the war - fiery sounds.

Comparisons are also found in the work: "The soul of her Marshmallow quiet", "Zrax is more beautiful of paradise."

Thanks to the personification of Lomonosov, various phenomena animates: "silent ... sounds", "whirlwinds, do not jerit", "Mars was afraid", "Neptune Could."

Why the author chose such a genre for his work as ODA

Lomonosov was a real patriot of his country. He praised her in every way, he sick for her with all his soul. Many works are written by them in such a genre as ODA. This is due to the fact that this genre allowed him to chant everything that seemed significant for him. After all, "ODA" translates from Greek as a "song". This genre helped Lomonosov use majestic style, artistic techniques. Thanks to him, he managed to convey his gaze on the development of Russia. At the same time, it endured the classic severity of the language in its own - "Ode on the Day of Edema." A summary shows how important the topics managed to affect the author in his Ode. Another genre was unlikely to give him the opportunity so eloquently convey its ideas and views by the government.


We consider one of the best literary works, which Lomonosov wrote M. V. - "Ode on the day of the west of the throne of Elizabeth Petrovna". Summary and showed what topics the author affected how he passed them, what value they had. We learned that Lomonosov was a patriot. He wanted the Government of Elizaveta to continue his father's business: engaged in enlightenment, science.

It became known that the scientist and the writer was against war and blood shed. He was written by one, he managed to convey his views on the desired future of Russia the Empress itself. Thus, this work was written to them not just in honor of the annual celebration of the elder to the throne. Him Lomonosov transferred their vision of the country's development to the government.

At the lesson, we consider "ODU for the Day of Eden to the All-Russian throne of the Majesty of the Empress of the Empress Eldisabeth Petrovna 1747". We'll figure it out that such an ex. We will understand its tasks. Consider that M.V. Lomonosov in their Ode wants to convey to Elizabeth I.

At the lesson, we consider the topic: "M.V. Lomonosov "Oda for the Day of Eden to the All-Russian throne of the Majesty of the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna 1747" ". First we learn what the s) is.

The ODD genre is characteristic of such a literary direction as classicism, which is based on the ideology of the Epoch of Enlightenment. French enlighteners Francois-Marie-Aruhe (Voltaire) and Denis Didro believed that the "enlightened monarchy" will lead to the greatest good for the people of the state (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Enlighteners

This means that the state must manage the educated and developed monarch. But the monarchs did not have to be enlightened, and to point out something, advise without risk for life, poets in the sides praise the features of the nature of the rulers and ideas that they wanted to translate.

Consider that M.V. Lomonosov in their Ode wants to convey to Elizabeth I (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Empress Elizabeth

Fig. 3. Stanza 3.

Silence means the end of the war with Sweden 1741-1743. But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe world in Ode is wider: (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Excerpt from the work

For the ruler, it is important not to expand the boundaries of the state, but the happiness of his subjects. And the character traits of the Empress are attributed to the corresponding: meekness, humility.

"The soul of her marshmallow is quieter,
And Zrax is more beautiful than paradise. "

In the sixth stanza, the main idea of \u200b\u200bODY sounds. M.V. Lomonosov - a scientist, the creator of the Russian Academy of Sciences - glorifies science (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Stroof 6.

In the seventh stanza, a character is not immediately called by name, referred to as a person with a capital letter, he sent him a concern himself, that is, the Creator. Argent, according to M.V. Lomonosov, respectable Mars and Neptune. This man is Peter I, he is building a new Russia, a new city, and it is he who will sign a decree on the establishment of the Academy of Sciences. Organizes the Academy of Catherine I.

In the ninth stanza science turn into living beings. The sciences have hands that extend them to Peter as a sign of respect.

Paying the death of Peter the Great and briefly mentioning Catherine, the author in Ode returns to Elizabeth Petrovna (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Excerpt from the work

Lomonosov returns to the value of the world and the inadmissibility of the war.

In the thirteenth stubborn, military glory eclipses not about his dead, but a moan of defeated (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. Stroof 13.

The author is trying to assure Elizabeth I and the reader that the science of Russia is necessary, because the wealth of the country is huge and you can master it with the help of science (Fig. 8). To describe the expanses of the state, the author uses the seven stanz and leads a description from the position of the Creator.

Fig. 8. Excerpt from the work

The last two stanzes of the OD (the most quoted) are devoted to a person who will master the creative wealth with the help of science. In these stitches, Isaac Newton and Plato are mentioned, because for Lomonosov, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a scientific school of Russian scientists is important. In those days, the children were taught by the sciences of foreigners who did not owe them at all and were not scientists (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Excerpt from the work

science (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Excerpt from the work

In the end of the text on the canons of ODD, we return to the image of Elizabeth, glorifying it.

The main ideas set forth in Ode is the glittering of the world and the denial of war, the approval of the need for happiness for each person, the glistening of Peter I, Catherine and Elizabeth, and the most important idea is the glorification of science and its greatest opportunities (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11. Composition of ODY


  1. Kurdyumova T.F. and others. Literature. Grade 9. Textbook-Reader in 2 parts. - M.: Drop, 2013.
  2. Zinin S.A., Sakharov V.I., Chalmaev V.A. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts. - 7th ed. - M.: 2012. Part 1 - 344 p., Ch. 2 - 408 p.
  3. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts / ed. White G.I. - M.: Part 1 - 13th ed., 2009, 368 p.; Part 2 - 11th ed., 2010, 423 p.
  4. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. and others. Literature. Grade 9. The story of your literature. In 2 parts. - 2nd ed., Pererab. - M.: 2010, Ch. 1 - 304 p., Ch. 2 - 272 p.
  5. Korovina V.Y., Zhuravlev V.P., Korovin V.P. and others. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts. - M.: Enlightenment, 2013. -Cheat 1 - 399 p., Part 2 - 383 p.
  6. Merkin G.S., Merkin B.G. Literature. Grade 9. Tutorial in 2 parts. - M.: 2011. Part 1 - 344 p., Ch. 2 - 264 p.
  7. Kurdyumova T.F. and others. Literature. Grade 9. The textbook-Reader in 2 parts is the 15th ed., Ched. - M.: 2013; Part 1 - 272 p., Ch. 2 - 288 p.
  1. Internet portal "RVB.RU" ()
  2. Internet portal "" ()
  3. Online portal "Festival of pedagogical ideas" Open Lesson "()


Answer the questions:

  1. What is the ODA?
  2. What is the purpose of M.V. Lomonosov wrote his work?
  3. What are the main ideas of "ODD for the Day of Edema on the All-Russian Throne of the Majesty of the Empress Empress Eldisabeth Petrovna 1747"?