Lake Tetu-Mamontotai. Located on the Ob-Purovsky watershed, in the south-eastern part of the city, 11 km from the city of Noyabrsk. The flora around the lake is represented mainly by taiga vegetation - coniferous trees and shrubs, sphagnum bogs. In the lowlands near the lake there are taiga meadows. In some places, edible berries grow - cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries and blueberries. The lake is home to many species of fish, such as pike, burbot, sturgeon, sterlet, crucian carp and whitefish.

Verkhne-Tazovsky Nature Reserve. The reserve was created to protect unique ecosystems that are endangered by the undisturbed northern taiga in the upper reaches of the Taz, the second largest river. Western Siberia. The territory of the reserve is important for protecting the taiga reindeer population. The rivers flowing through the reserve contain spawning grounds for muksun and nelma.

Lake Numto- translated from the Khanty language, the name of the lake is translated as “Heavenly” or “God’s Lake”. The lake is flowing, the Nadym River flows out of it. In Lake Numto there are fish: peled, roach, dace, perch, ruffe, pike, whitefish, dace, and nelma.

Nature Park "Polyarno-Uralsky". Located in the northwestern part of the Priuralsky region of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The Polyarno-Uralsky Nature Park consists of four sections: Gornokhadatinsky, Polyarno-Uralsky, Sob-Rayizsky, and Khanmei-Paipudynsky. Created to preserve and restore animal resources, including fish stocks, flora, as well as the protection of rare and endangered biological species of animals and plants, their gene pool. Preservation of the living conditions of indigenous peoples of the North. On the territory of the reserve there are rare species of animals listed in the Red Books of Russia, the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The world's largest nursery for musk oxen is located on the territory of a natural park. In Yamal, restoration of the historical range of the musk ox began in 1997. From 1997 to 2003, 62 individuals were brought from the Taimyr Peninsula to the Polar Urals. Over the course of 16 years, about 30 musk oxen were released into the wild and emerged independently from the corrals.

State nature reserve of regional significance "Verkhnepoluysky". Located on the territory of the Yamal forestry enterprise in the southern part of the Priuralsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the interfluve of the Bolshoy and Glubokoye Poluy and in the upper reaches of the Poluy River. Created to preserve and restore the resources of the animal world, including fish stocks, flora, as well as the protection of rare and endangered biological species of animals and plants, their gene pool, and the preservation of the living conditions of indigenous peoples of the North. The ichthyofauna of the reservoirs of the reserve is represented by freshwater fish species (whitefish, perch, peled, pike, crucian carp, ide, dace).

The most important migratory routes of waterfowl run through the reserve, including: tundra swan, lesser lesser lesser white-fronted goose, barnacle goose, and great loon, which are listed in the Red Data Books of Russia and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Of the Red Book species that nest in this area: osprey, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, gray crane, gyrfalcon and other species. The main objects of protection in the reserve are: bean goose, common scoter, osprey, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, gray crane, oystercatcher, eagle owl, gray shrike, arctic fox, brown bear, sable, wolverine, American mink, elk.

State biological (botanical and zoological) reserve of regional significance "Poluysky". Located in the Priuralsky region of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the middle reaches of the Poluy River, mainly along the left bank, approximately 60 km from the city of Salekhard. Created to preserve and restore the resources of the animal world, including fish stocks, flora, as well as the protection of rare and endangered biological species of animals and plants, their gene pool. Preservation of the living conditions of indigenous peoples of the North.

The narrow-gauge railway line Salekhard-Nadym, the so-called “501 line” or “Road of Death”, runs through the territory of the reserve. The construction of this road took place from the late 40s to 1953. In some places preserved concentration camps and the road itself.

State biological (botanical and zoological) reserve of regional significance "Sobty-Yugansky". It is located in the middle reaches of the Poluy River, approximately 60 km from the city of Salekhard. Created to preserve and restore the resources of the animal world, including fish stocks, flora, as well as the protection of rare and endangered biological species of animals and plants, their gene pool. Preservation of the living conditions of indigenous peoples of the North.

Protected species.

Ichthyofauna: nelma, muksun, broad whitefish, pyzhyan, peled.

Ornithofauna: small tundra swan, red-breasted goose, bean goose, greylag goose, lesser white-fronted lesser white-fronted lesser white-fronted grouse, capercaillie, hawk, osprey, white-tailed eagle, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon.

Mammals: brown bear, elk, otter, ermine, fox, wolf, wolverine, arctic fox.

Complex of monuments Ust-Kalpyas-Yakha represents 29 archaeological sites (fortifications, settlements, industrial complexes) located in the area of ​​the Kharampur and Kalpyas-Yakha rivers in the Purovsky district.

Yamal funnel- a giant sinkhole of unknown origin, discovered on the Yamal Peninsula in the floodplain area of ​​the Morda-Yakha River in 2014. The size of the hole is large; a wide stream flows along the bottom. underground river. The crater's soil has been thrown out, and its dark color indicates exposure to high temperatures.

Tazovskaya funnel is the second largest after the Yamal one, discovered in the summer of 2014. It is located 90 kilometers from the village of Antipayuta.

Kunovatsky state reserve. Located in the floodplain of the Ob and Malaya Ob rivers, as well as in the basin of the right tributary of the Ob - the river. Kunovat, on the territory of Shuryshkarsky district. Natural habitat of the white crane. The reserve was organized in order to improve the protection of nature and the reproduction of game animals, the preservation of nesting sites and habitats of the rarest representative of the fauna - the Siberian Crane, included in the Red Book of the IUCN, the Russian Federation, and the protection of typical northern taiga complexes of the north of Western Siberia.

Objects of protection include: fox, hare, squirrel, elk, muskrat, otter, ermine, wolverine, sable, brown bear, mink; Siberian crane, lesser swan, peregrine falcon, white-tailed eagle, red-breasted goose, golden eagle, osprey, black grouse, goose, gray crane, capercaillie, goldeneye, tufted duck; sturgeon, sterlet, as well as ecosystems of the northern taiga subzone of the taiga.

Lake Varchato– unique, picturesque place, located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Shuryshkarsky district. The lake has a fairly impressive area - 52 sq. km. The depth of Lake Varchato generally varies from one to two meters, and its length is approximately 12 km. Perches up to 5 kg and pike over 10 kg are quite common inhabitants of Lake Varchato, reaching their impressive sizes due to the absence of natural enemies. In addition to pike and perch, Varchato is home to another valuable and noteworthy fish species - grayling.

Gubkinsky city

Monument to the Pioneers– opened on September 3, 2011, on the occasion of the city’s 25th anniversary. The monument consists of a figure of a man and a tall stele with bas-reliefs depicting the working class and intelligentsia of the Soviet era (oil and gas workers, construction workers, teachers, doctors, etc.). The black arc behind the monument symbolizes the flow of oil, and the pedestal below symbolizes the oil slick.

Labytnangi city

Municipal budgetary institution culture "City Museum of Local Lore"– opened in honor of the 20th anniversary of the city in 1995. The first exhibit of the museum was the autograph of the members of the Pechora-Obdorsk expedition of 1913. This was the beginning of the first collection on the history of the city. Today, the museum’s collection includes more than 7.5 thousand items, making up 22 collections of various subjects.

Muravlenko city

Municipal budgetary institution "Ecological and Local Lore Museum"- 6,300 storage units are located in the exhibition halls and storage facilities of the museum. Of these, 3,413 are fixed assets and 2,887 are scientific and auxiliary items. Over the course of 12 years, most of the funds were donated by city residents, many of whom are honorary donors to the museum;

The sculptural composition “Dedicated to the Children of the North...”- a bronze sculpture - a tribute to respect and gratitude to the mothers of the Far North, who, despite the harsh conditions of nature, give warmth and love to their children, cultivating the sprouts of goodness in them;

Stele “The North chooses the worthy”- the stele represents two oil pipelines and a large drop of oil in the palms of a person.

city ​​of Novy Urengoy

Monumental artistic composition "Sail" (fountain)– is a unique symbol of the city and a favorite vacation spot for citizens. Both adults and young residents of Novy Urengoy come to take a walk under the park’s “Sail”. The fountain is a small pool, in the center of which there is a metal structure made like a sailboat. The structure has a stern, a mast and sails fluttering in the wind, which is where the name of the entire fountain came from. According to the townspeople themselves, the city landmark symbolizes the desire to move forward;

Monument to the "Pioneers of the development of Urengoy" with a capsule message to the future generation of gas workers- Dedicated to the discoverers of Urengoy - the grand opening of the monument took place in 2003 and was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Urengoygazprom LLC, as well as the City Day and the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers. The monument personifies the image of the Motherland. Shown standing in full height, a woman, her left hand seems to be holding back the great power of the earth, and her right hand is holding a torch, which invites us to move along the path of the pioneers of Urengoy. At the heart of the monument is a “time capsule” with a message to descendants. It should be opened in 2028 - on the 50th anniversary of Urengoygazprom LLC. The monument has become one of the main attractions of the city;

Monument "Exploration Well R-2"- this is one of the symbols of New Urengoy. It is from the place where the complex was located that the history of the city begins. Memorable date- this is June 6, 1966. On this day of the first exploration well R-2, drilled to a depth of 1300 meters, a huge fountain of natural gas came out with tremendous force. This monument is installed near the railway track, which reminds guests of the city what exactly New Urengoy is and how the history of the city began.

Noyabrsk city

Monument to the Pioneers- a monumental composition dedicated to the pioneers of the Noyabrsk oil and gas complex;

Mosquito Monument- installed in the vicinity of the city of Noyabrsk in the village of Ladny in 2006. It was installed by workers at compressor station No. 1 of the Noyabrsky Main Pipeline Department of Surgutgazprom. The height of the mosquito reaches human height. The composition is the largest mosquito monument in Russia;

Monument to Polar Bears- are the personification of the Arctic region, and also symbolize power, strength, perseverance, friendly coexistence with nature and respect for it.

Krasnoselkupsky district

Excavations of the city of the 17th century - Mangazei - an object of archaeological heritage federal significance“The Settlement of Mangazeya” is a unique monument of the archaeological city of Mangazeya, which provided particularly valuable material on the history and material culture of the first Russian city in the West Siberian Arctic. Mangazeya is the only city that existed only in the 17th century and its archaeological collection is a reference for this period, because after the end of its existence, no large permanent settlement appeared on the site of Mangazeya, which contributed to the preservation of the cultural layer. As a result of many years of archaeological excavations (1968-1970, 1973, 2000-2012), the richest archaeological material from the 17th century monument was obtained; the excellent preservation of objects made of wood, birch bark, leather, fabric, and bone is especially impressive.

Nadymsky district

MUK "Museum of History and Archeology of Nadym"- “House of Nature” - one of the traditional interactive forms of activity is the celebration of international environmental dates that emerged thanks to the decisions of the UN General Assembly. Ecological holidays in the House of Nature of Steel traditional form work in the field of informal environmental education and public education. The form of the holiday is convenient, accessible, and understandable to everyone;

Archaeological site Nadym settlement– is an object of archaeological heritage, a valuable source of information on the history and material culture of the population of North-Western Siberia during the late Middle Ages;

Camp No. 501 construction site No. 76 at the Glukhariny crossing- organized in the spring of 1950 at the Glukhariny crossing in the direction of “earth quarry work”, it had a high-security category for the detention of 352 male prisoners for terms of 15 to 25 years. The living space per prisoner was slightly more than 1 sq.m. The cultural and historical value of the ensemble lies in the fact that, despite the complexity of transport accessibility to it, it is an indicative historical example of the construction of the Trans-Arctic railway line. Is an object cultural heritage regional significance.

Municipal district Priuralsky district

Municipal autonomous institution culture of the Priuralsky region "Natural-ethnographic complex in the village of Gornoknyazevsk" - objects of folk architecture and objects of folk life are inscribed in the natural natural environment and almost all the exhibits are on display. The complex specializes in the ethnography of the Khanty, Nenets, Komi-Zyryan peoples, the indigenous people inhabiting the Priuralsky region. The complex represents a traditional camp of the peoples of the North.

Border sign "Europe - Asia"- the sign is installed 3 km east of the station. Polar Urals, 97 km from the town of Labytnangi near the railway track. The obelisk, installed in 1955, was reconstructed in 1981. The border marker is located on the watershed of the Polar Urals: the Yelets River begins its journey to the west, and the Sob River to the east.

Stone with an embossed inscription “Ob North 1919”.

Municipal district Purovsky district

Monumental artistic composition “Coming from the Horizon” (Tarko-Sale) - the composition was installed in 2005 in honor of the 75th anniversary of the formation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. As the legend on the tablet says: Once, fleeing an unprecedented flood, a family from an ancient family of shamans sailed along the river in impenetrable fog seven times for seven moons until they touched the high bank. When the fog cleared, the eldest of the brothers, looking around the earth, communicating with the spirits, said: “We will live here! This land is blessed and rich."

Municipal district Tazovsky district

Memorable place “Winter quarters of the Mameevs”, located on Cape Mameev. An Orthodox cross was installed between the regional center of Tazovsky and the village of Gaz-Sale. Five centuries ago, a large settlement of nomadic warriors was located in this place. Along these steep banks, caravans of ships sailed along the river, hurrying to the golden-boiling Mangazeya. 100 years ago, the winter hut of the merchant Mameev was here. On the memorial plaque installed on the cross there are more than 40 names of the descendants of Alexander and Anna Shushakov. From them began the ancestral history of the Shushakov, Ter, Yamkin, Andreev, Kharyucha families. All of them at one time converted to Orthodoxy. To erect the cross, the descendants asked the priest for blessings and permission from the shaman.

Monument to geologists-discoverers (Gaz-Sale village). The heyday of the village of Gaz-Sale occurred during the period of development of geological exploration. The monument to pioneer geologists was erected in 1988. The model of the future stele was designed by local artist Alexander Chernokhvostov, who worked as a graphic designer on the expedition in those years. In 2014, the eleven-meter-tall monument to pioneer geologists was restored. During the reconstruction, the covering of the main platform was replaced, the stele itself was completely covered with marble tiles, lighting was installed, and the fence was replaced. The updated monument is a tall stele with an oil derrick at the top.

Memory Square (Tazovsky village). On the Memory Square there is a monument to Tazov soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War and the Eternal Flame burns.

Temple in honor of the Intercession Holy Mother of God(Tazovsky village). On October 4, 2009, the first foundation pile for construction was consecrated Orthodox Church in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Tazovsky.

Municipal district Shuryshkarsky district

Natural-ethnographic park-museum under open air"ZhIVUN" in the village of Khanty-Muzhi. The natural-ethnographic park-museum “Zhivun” was founded in 1999 as a branch of the Shuryshkarsky regional historical and local history complex. This is a very special link in the complex of museums in the Shuryshkarsky district - an open-air museum, the main focus of which is various aspects of the ethnic architectural traditions of the northern Khanty. The park museum is located on the territory of the village of Khanty-Muzhi, which is part of rural settlement Muzhevskoe, located on the left bank of the Khanty-Muzhevskaya channel of the river. Malaya Ob. Large river vessels can dock in the immediate vicinity of the village. The village is located in rich fishing and hunting grounds. The forest around the village is rich in berries, pine cones, and mushrooms. Near the village (in the floodplain of the Malaya Ob River) there is an ice-free fish lake, which gave the name to the village - “Muzhi” (in Russian translation “Zhivun”) - which is an open-air museum.

A complex of log-type buildings (village Khanty-Muzhi). The complex includes 7 wooden residential and outbuildings of log type: the winter residential house of the Togachevs (early 20th century), a barn with an outbuilding by T.Ya. Orlova. (1979), The sacred storehouse of Togachev V.F. (beginning of the 20th century), Sacred storehouse of Longortov G.V. (early 20th century), utility store of Z.N. Kurtyamova. (middle of the 20th century), the Togachev household storehouse (beginning of the 20th century) and the Sacred storehouse of V.P. Pystyrev. (ca. 1923).

Summer residential house of the Maksarovs. A building built in the 30s of the twentieth century in the village. Shuryshkari, is a monument of regional significance and belongs to the traditional summer residential buildings of the northern Ob Khanty. The building is a plank structure placed without a foundation, directly on the ground. Currently, the building is used as an outbuilding for storing household items.

Ozelovs' hardware store. The building was built in the 50s of the twentieth century in the village. Paravat, later transported to the village. Pitlyar is the economic storehouse of the Ozelov family. Labaz is located on the outskirts of the village. Design solution storage shed is traditional for storage sheds and summer houses of the northern Ob Khanty. The building has been moved several times throughout the history of its existence. The building is a monument of regional significance.

Municipal district Yamalsky district

Construction “Merzlotnik” (Novy Port village).
The world's largest natural refrigerator. This giant warehouse for storing fish was created in the 50s. XX century. The caves, cut into the permafrost, stretch for more than a kilometer.

Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field with a visit to the “Yamal Funnel”. The Bovanenkovskoye oil and gas condensate field is a giant gas field on the Yamal Peninsula in Russia, located 40 kilometers from the coast of the Kara Sea, in the lower reaches of the Syo-Yakha, Mordyyakha and Naduy-Yakha rivers. The village of Bovanenkovo ​​is located near the deposit.

The Russian North is a very vast territory. One of the regions of the country Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region , located in the center of the Far North zone, belonging to the Russian Federation, occupies an area 1.5 times larger than the territory of France, while only 550 thousand people live here.

Sights of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are unique and can bring a smile to a person unfamiliar with the life of the region. For example, here you can see a monument... to a mosquito. The unusual monument was erected in 2006. It decorates Veterans Square of Noyabrsk . Why this particular park? A veteran in the Far North is considered a person who not only survived the polar night, but also endured a terrible ordeal in the form of mosquitoes, which are especially evil here.

On the list sights of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug there is another sculpture dedicated to the animal: at the entrance to Salekhard there is a 10-meter mammoth monument .

The remains of these extinct animals are often discovered in the region: in 1876, 9-ton tusks were found here, and a century later, scientists unearthed a perfectly preserved mammoth, whose age is close to 46 thousand years.

It should be noted that the sculpture appeared in Salekhard after a baby mammoth, Masha, was discovered in 1998 and transported to St. Petersburg. Each such discovery is important for science; one of the latest occurred in 2007, when it was possible to discover a baby mammoth, whose age was only 3-6 months. The unique find also turned out to be a girl and was named Lyuba.

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug there is a huge number of various monuments. The site presents the most significant and interesting monuments of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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    0 m to city center

    This monument in the form of a double pyramid, which is divided in the center by a semicircle, is actually a monument called “66 parallel”, but the name “Arctic Circle” has already taken root among the people. The monument was opened for the first time in 1980 as a sign that the city of Salekhard actually crosses the Arctic Circle line. This is a unique fact: Salekhard is the only city on our planet that stands on this line. “66 parallel” is a digital designation of the beginning of the Arctic (66 degrees, 33 minutes and 39 seconds north latitude). The authors of the first monument to the Arctic Circle were architects V. G. Kaigorov and V. I. Muksin, as well as the artist of the RSFSR V. I. Otradnov.

    0 m to city center

    The most striking attraction of the city of Noyabrsk is considered to be an unusual monument - a huge sculptural image of a mosquito. This incredible structure is frightening at first, because not everyone has had the opportunity to look at an insect magnified hundreds of times. Upon closer acquaintance with this strange monument, it becomes clear that it is remarkable not only for its mosquito image, but also for the means of embodying this image. The entire monument is assembled from parts that were once decommissioned at the Surgutgazprom compressor station.

    0 m to city center

    This monument is located not far from the administrative building of Gazprom, the choice of location was not accidental, it is here that the 66th parallel is located, so to speak, a conventional line beyond which the territory of the Arctic Circle begins. Previously, a monument was erected at this place; local residents and guests of Novy Urengoy came here to perform various rituals or make a wish. Very often newlyweds came here to tie a ribbon and take memorable photographs. And now, a few years later, the old monument was replaced by a new one.

    0 m to city center

    One of the main attractions of the city is the monument to the Pioneers of the development of Urengoy. It was entirely designed by the architect Nikolai Raspopov, Honored Artist of Russia. The monument was erected in honor of the anniversary of Urengoygazprom, 25 years have passed since its opening. The opening day of the monument was chosen on the eve of a holiday dedicated to all workers in the oil and gas industry.

    0 m to city center

    This monument fully embodies the city's past. It is one of the main symbols of the city. It is here, where the monument is now located, that the history of the entire city began. In addition, in the same place the beginning great story modern Gazprom. Significant date is June 6, 1966, it was on this day that a fountain of natural gas came out with enormous force from the first exploration well, which was drilled to a depth of 1300 meters. This brigade was under the leadership of V. Polupanov.

    0 m to city center

    This monument is one of the interesting attractions in the city. It is located in the square in front of the Temple, in the northern part of the city. Many public figures and the entire city administration came to its opening. Memorial sign was opened on the eve of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Near the monument, the cadets laid a capsule with soil. The lighting ceremony for the monument was conducted by Oleg Nelin, rector of the Temple of St. Seraphim of Sarov. After the illumination, he distributed pieces of Borodino bread to everyone who wanted it.

    0 m to city center

    Another attraction in Novy Urengoy is the locomotive monument. Such an unusual monument was erected in connection with the history of the city, because railway plays an important role in the city. To build the city it was necessary large number building materials, and various foodstuffs for the residents, the trains brought everything they needed, and nothing interfered with the construction of the city. It was decided to erect the monument near the central station, on Privokzalnaya Street.

Salekhard is the administrative center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The only city in the world that is located directly on the Arctic Circle. Previously it was an Obdorsky fort, since 1595. Since 1933 - Salekhard. It is located on the banks of the Poluy River, a tributary of the Ob - one of the largest rivers in Russia.

In winter, the polar night sets in in Salekhard, with its amazing northern lights, and in summer there is a polar day. Large-scale festivals are held in spring and autumn. In the spring - Reindeer Herder's Day, in the autumn - the Obdorsk Fair.

Salekhard is not connected to other cities by road. In winter, it is connected to the railway station in Labytnangi by an ice road. And in the summer, by ferry across the Ob River.

Everyone knows that the remains of mammoths, their bones, and tusks are found in Yamal. Some of them are ancient, some others are younger, not only their skeletons are found, but, although rarely, scientists are lucky, and in conditions permafrost, they find unique, well-preserved remains, with intact hair. All this makes a significant contribution to the development of science in our country.

An interesting monument to a mammoth was erected in Salekhard. It was installed in 2005 and is now the main attraction of the city. The monument is located next to the river crossing, and can be seen from the opposite bank of the river, from Labytnangi. Manufacturing began in Perm, then sent to Salekhard, where it was finally installed. Many artists from Moscow, Izhevsk and Salekhard worked on it.

The mammoth's trunk is lowered down, which, according to paleontologists, means calm; it joyfully greets travelers, wishing them a happy journey. Local residents, like the artists who made it, nicknamed the mammoth Mitya. Getting to know Salekhard and its history should begin with a tour of this original monument.

Location: Salekhard-Labytnangi-Kharp street - 1.

Salekhard is a unique city, the only one that is located on the line of the Arctic Circle, which runs at 66 degrees 33 minutes and 39 seconds north latitude, approximately where it passed and the “66 parallel” stele was installed.

The stele was originally installed in 1980, the authors were architects V.A. Kaigorov. and Muksin V.I., then determined the exact line of the Arctic Circle, and in 2003 the updated stele was moved to a new location, architect Ilya Yakushev. You can see the stele while heading along the road from the airport to the city.

The monument is made in the form of two pyramids, between which there is a metal semicircle, symbolizing the Arctic Circle itself and the city, divided by the imaginary line of the Arctic Circle, the second pyramid is like part of the city in the Arctic.

In the evening, a beautiful view opens up, thanks to the illumination with smoothly changing colors, and everyone who crossed the 66th parallel is awarded a special certificate confirming that its owner has indeed visited the Arctic Circle.

In 2004, a road bridge of an unusual design was created in Salekhard. The Shaitanka River divides the city into two parts, and a bridge was built across it, connecting the microdistricts and the center of Salekhard.

There are many famous people among the architects, they were L.G. Petushkov, E.N. Petushkova, A.A. Polyakov, O.G. Bolshakova. They created a magnificent masterpiece. Looking at the bridge, it seems that it is falling into a stormy river. And all because the bridge is held by only one pylon, specially inclined towards the airport and the river, and the height of the bridge is impressive, 100 meters. The illusion is created that the bridge is hovering over the river. The slope of the pylon and the structure at the top - a wonderful restaurant - give the bridge, illuminated at night, a resemblance to a torch, hence its name.

For the peoples of the north, deer is a favorite animal. It nourishes and protects from severe frosts, and is used as a means of transportation.

Since ancient times, deer and man go together and live side by side. The main holiday in the tundra is Deer Day. There are tales, songs and legends about this animal. That is why a monument to a deer was erected in the northern city, faithful assistant. Located next to the Torch Bridge. Standing by the river bank, the animal proudly looks at the city, from one bank to the other. The height of the monument is about 6 meters, on the pedestal there is an inscription about a deer.

Location: Chubynina street - 43.

Laptsui L.V. — famous writer, Honored Cultural Worker, creator of a primer for Nenets schools, member of the Writers' Union. In 1994, a museum was opened with an exhibition dedicated to this great man. He did a lot to preserve the language of his native land.

The creator of the museum is his wife. She took great care in recreating the style and interior of his office. The collection contains photographs, books, documents, and household items of the writer. In addition to all this, the museum has a corner of wildlife, as well as a Nenets room with works of art of the peoples of the north.

Location: Komsomolskaya street - 40, apt. - 1.

The founder of the first museum on Yamal land is Ivan Semenovich Shemanovsky, a church leader, ethnographer and historian. Among the permanent exhibitions of the museum there is the exhibition “The Time of the Mammoth”, “Antiquities of Yamal”, “Ethnic Paintings”. The complex has a huge collection, including ethnographic, archaeological, historical, everyday life, numismatic and others.

The museum's exhibition hall hosts a variety of exhibitions, such as traveling temporary museum exhibitions, artist exhibitions, thematic fairs and many others. Also in the complex is scientific library. And in April 2016, the fascinating Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences began its work. Its visitors can not only view and study the exhibits, but also become the creators of a real miracle of technology. You can see the exhibits in action, touch them with your hands, assemble a bridge without nails, or create a cloud with your own hands.

Location: Chubynina street - 38.

Obdorsky town (ostrog)

In 1595, Obdorsk arose, a city for collecting yasak and controlling the export of furs. Now it is located within the city of Salekhard, and has become an archaeological site. Excavations and exploration work were carried out at this site, and archaeological materials were collected.

Cultural layers of the Chalcolithic, Early Iron Age, Middle Ages and Modern times have been identified. During major excavations in 2004 and 2005, the house and associated structures and fortifications were discovered. Then, in 2006, the fort was reconstructed and is now open to the public. The fortress was built without a single nail, using ancient technology.

Within the city of Salekhard there is an archaeological monument of federal significance, it is world famous. It was found completely by accident. Carrying out construction work, the workers came across numerous bones, and shards of clay dishes were also discovered.

Long years of excavations have shown the world a collection of more than 10,000 items. Among them are parts of a reindeer team, bows, bone spoons, ceramic dishes, and wood products. Some of the finds are stored in the museum and exhibition complex named after I.S. Shemanovsky.

Location: Kooperativnaya street - 22a.

Among main occupations The peoples of the north had fishing. And muksun was considered the most delicious fish. This fish gained great fame; it was bought at large trade fairs along with venison and furs. That is why such a monument to the legendary fish was erected in Salekhard. It represents figurines of metal fish located in a fountain.

Location: Mira street.

The city park of culture and recreation is located in the historical part of Salekhard. Many years ago, celebrations were held in the park, and even a brass band played and dances were held.

Of course, a lot has changed since then, but the park attracts both young and old people to walk through it. It remains a favorite holiday destination and hosts a variety of events. The first tree seedlings appeared there in 1930. And now these trees amaze with their height.

Near the airport, since 1995, in the polar city there has been a stele “ North Star" This is a symbol of the life of northerners living under the polar star.

Its height 12.5 meters, a very beautiful design that has become a decoration of the city. At the very top there is a star, below on the front part of the stele there are ornaments of animals and birds, just below the inscription - Salekhard. The monument is made of steel and has a matte finish. High reliefs of animals made of copper. An incredibly beautiful stele, you should definitely visit this place.

People of the north are proud of their unusual nature, admire reindeer, mammoths, and, of course, polar bears. In 2003, a composition dedicated to the family appeared polar bear. Reminds me of the plot from the cartoon “Umka”, the same mother bear and her baby. There is another comparison - as a symbol of the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

The sculpture is made of granite, white. It was created thanks to craftsmen from different cities of Russia. The stone was mined in Bashkiria, the preparation was made in Ufa, in Perm sculptors gave it its final forms, they met the finished sculpture in Khanty-Mansiysk, and only then sent it to Salekhard.

Location: Republic Street - 38.

Walking around Salekhard you can see many steles, they all amaze with their beauty and deep meaning. For example, in September 2001, another stele was discovered. It is dedicated to the romantics of the 70s. It was a time of discovery of the country's richest treasures, oil and natural gas deposits. People from all over the country came and still go to work.

For young people, this was a good chance to earn big money, despite the complexity of the work and extreme natural conditions. This stele is dedicated to the heroic workers, those who made efforts to develop the north, the people of a bygone era. A metal frame and frame rises upward on a granite base. The frame resembles a tower, or a gas torch.

Location: Brodneva street.

When coming to Salekhard, on weekends, on Saturday and Sunday, you need to visit the local market called “Gifts of Yamal”. By buying products from local residents, talking and interacting with them, you can best understand the life and culture of the north.

Residents of the tundra bring berries, venison, fish, and all kinds of shoes made from reindeer skin for sale. The sellers are dressed in their traditional northern clothes. The market is usually open from 9:00 in the morning until 20:00 in the evening.

Location: Chubynina street - 41.