When condemning types of immoral behavior, it should be clearly understood that morality, a set of certain rules of behavior in society and family, varies greatly depending on the cultural and national background of a person. What is the norm for our society can serve as an indicator of immorality in another country and vice versa.

Immoral Behavior - Examples of Cultural Differences

For example, a womanizer and womanizer who cheats on his wife with the first person he meets deserves reproach. It would seem that any woman should be indignant upon learning about the betrayal of her beloved man. However, in

In Japan, a husband can come home drunk and accompanied by geishas, ​​without causing reproach from his wife and other family members.

In Japan, for example, in small retail stores and large supermarkets, there are special stands in which periodicals that are practically no different from porn are placed for sale. Anyone can buy them, even a teenager, and no one will regard this as immoral behavior.

Girls in Japan engage in sexual relations quite early, and men on the streets say nasty things about teenagers. And same-sex relationships, condemned in Europe, do not cause such sharp public rejection, since the cult of samurai, forced to give up family joys, contributed to the flourishing of homosexuality.

Employer pressure is perceived as the norm. If the owner orders, the performer will spend the night in the office, since the workplace is essentially something like a clan, and to maintain the honor and success of the enterprise, the average Japanese person will literally “lie in his bones.”

Why are examples related to Japan given?

Because this country joined the world community later than others and traditional cultural customs are still very much alive in society. Perhaps someone knows that in this country a child aged 4-5 years is allowed everything?

A kid can spit on a person passing by or throw ice cream at a store window, but this behavior will not be regarded as a sign of bad manners.

However, starting from school age, the policy towards the child changes dramatically. Many Europeans would consider the behavior of parents immoral, since the child is subject to severe punishment for the slightest mistake or disobedience.

It is not for nothing that in Japan there is such a high number of suicides among teenagers who do not receive proper attention from their parents and are severely punished by teachers.

However, one should not think that Japan is the only country characterized by immoral and immoral behavior from the point of view of the Russian average person. There are many discrepancies in the moral code of European countries and the Muslim world. For adherents of Islam, the presence of a woman with bare parts of her body is highly immoral behavior, for which the scoundrel can even be stoned.

Therefore, when discussing the conformity of a person’s qualities with moral principles, one should take into account the environment in which he was brought up and what constitutes morality for him.

Immoral and moral behavior characteristic of Russian culture

In theory, a person’s upbringing should correspond to the norms of behavior. Most often, this means a set of rules inculcated from childhood so that a person is unable to cause discomfort and outright harm to society and its citizens.

Typically, the following actions fall under the concept of “immoral act”:

  • physical and verbal abuse;
  • use of obscene language;
  • excessive passion for alcohol-containing drinks;
  • intentional sabotage;
  • criminal activity.

As a rule, depending on the type of immoral behavior, a person demonstrates his worst qualities:

  • vulgarity;
  • bad manners;
  • spoiled;
  • greed;
  • lust;
  • gluttony;
  • addiction to bad habits: tobacco addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism.

In most countries, including Russia, such behavior becomes the reason for the imposition of fines and other punishments, according to the degree of guilt of the person who committed the antisocial act. For example, immoral behavior in the workplace is an aggravating factor if the employer decides to fire an inactive employee who often makes mistakes.

Although it should be remembered that even in the case of immoral behavior of the employer, the offended employee can obtain financial compensation for humiliating treatment by going to court and presenting evidence of his innocence.

Immoral behavior is the commission of actions that contradict the norms, morality, and social behavior in a particular society. Immorality is the presence of immoral moral principles in a person, a violation of aesthetics, rules among similar people.

The main types of immoral behavior include problems such as:


Substance abuse;


Crimes of various types;

Alcoholism (drunkenness) and much more.

The starting point for understanding the concept of immoral behavior are the concepts of social norms and morality, which fully reflect the basic rules and requirements (oral) that have become widespread within society.

Social norms are norms of behavior and existence within society that are considered accepted and “normal” in that society.

Deviations from social norms can be:

Positive, aimed at overcoming outdated norms or standards and associated with social creativity, contributing to qualitative changes in the social system;

Negative - dysfunctional, disorganizing the social system and leading to its destruction, leading to deviant behavior:

Scheme 1. Immoral behavior

Morality is the rules, requirements for behavior of oneself and attitude towards another person, which are exemplary and correct among society. But it should be noted that the concept of morality and norms for each person can acquire its own meaning and concept. For one, alcohol may be considered a normal phenomenon, while for another, alcoholism may be considered an immoral act, which on his part may be considered immorality and promiscuity.

Immoral behavior is a kind of social choice: when the goals of social behavior are incommensurate with the real possibilities of achieving them, individuals can use other means to achieve their goals. For example, some individuals, in pursuit of illusory success, wealth or power, choose socially prohibited and sometimes illegal means and become either delinquents or criminals. Another type of deviation from norms is open disobedience and protest, demonstrative rejection of the values ​​and standards accepted in society, characteristic of revolutionaries, terrorists, religious extremists and other similar groups of people actively fighting against the society within which they are located.

In all these cases, deviation is the result of the inability or unwillingness of individuals to adapt to society and its requirements, in other words, it indicates a complete or relative failure of socialization.

According to E. Durkheim, the likelihood of behavioral deviations increases significantly with the weakening of normative control occurring at the level of society. In accordance with R. Merton's theory of anomie, deviant behavior arises primarily when socially accepted and set values ​​cannot be achieved by some part of this society. In the context of the theory of socialization, people who are socialized in conditions of encouragement or ignorance of certain elements of deviant behavior (violence, immorality) are prone to deviant behavior. In the theory of stigmatization, it is believed that the emergence of immoral behavior becomes possible simply by identifying an individual as socially deviant and applying repressive or corrective measures against him.

The reasons for immoral behavior can be:

Social inequality of the population, division of the people into rich and poor.

Problems such as lack of money, poverty can affect the development of personality and its degradation through the use of harmful substances and engaging in indecent activities. Not everyone can psychologically withstand the threshold of poverty and lack of money. Unemployment and corruption can cause anger among the people and misunderstanding of the authorities. In turn, the government should strive to solve problems of this kind at the level of the entire state. Lack of food and clothing can lead a person to nervous disorders, stress, depression, which, in the opinion of many people, can be overcome by taking alcohol and psychotropic substances;

Moral - ethical factors and reasons for immoral behavior of the population.

These reasons include, first of all, the low moral education of the people, the lack of moral standards and the presence among the population of obscene people who have no idea of ​​morality and values. Each person strives to find his own wealth and the value of relationships, as well as mutual understanding, disappears altogether. In the functioning of society, great attention should be paid to traditions, norms and personality education. The degradation of norms and values ​​gradually leads the population to prostitution, alcoholism and other immoral acts;

Human environment.

Scientists have proven that the closest environment has the greatest influence on a person: friends, family, school. Therefore, it is important to work not only with each individual, but also with those around him.

It should also be noted that the reasons for each person with immoral behavior may be different. It cannot be said that the reasons listed can affect all people equally. In each individual case, you need to work independently, focus on the problem of a specific person.

Any person can exhibit immoral behavior, regardless of gender, age, occupation, profession and income. It is important to understand in time the reason for this behavior and try to solve all problems in a timely manner and help the person get back on the right path.

It should be noted that young people and middle-aged people are more likely to engage in immoral acts and behavior. As a rule, these are people from 12 to 40 years old who, for some reason, cannot create a decent standard of living for themselves and their loved ones.

Youth is the most active, mobile and dynamic part of the population, which is free from stereotypes and prejudices of previous years and has the following socio-psychological qualities:

Mental instability;

Internal inconsistency;

Low level of tolerance (from Latin tolerantia - patience);

The desire to stand out, to be different from the rest;

The existence of a specific youth subculture.

Thus, immoral behavior is behavior that does not correspond to generally accepted moral standards in society.

Some actions of citizens are not considered normal and acceptable by society. In this case, they say that these actions are contrary to morality. This means they are immoral.

The general meaning of this word is guessed intuitively. But nevertheless, it is necessary to understand this term in more detail. This is exactly what will be discussed in this publication.

What is immoral behavior and its features

It is worth noting that society not only condemns actions that fall under this category, but also seeks to punish them. The fact is that the legislation also applies this term. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define what it is and what responsibility may follow for such actions.

Each society during its existence establishes generally accepted moral standards. These include habitual actions that are considered normal in that society.

But some subjects commit actions that do not fit into this category. Moreover, morality is called into question or ignored by these actions. Sometimes public morality can cause irritation or even aggression in a given subject.

The difference between immoral behavior and deviant

It is worth understanding the differences between immoral and deviant acts. The first, although they do not fit the generally accepted concepts in society, do not pose a threat to it. They are considered unacceptable, but the punishment for them is condemnation (censure).

Deviant behavior, on the contrary, is considered frankly antisocial. It is subject to more stringent containment and adjustment measures. Often such behavior is sufficient soil for crime to flourish. It is punishable by punishment up to and including isolation.

Teenage maximalism in some cases can be regarded as deviant behavior. But this is possible if teenagers’ methods of defending what is right are radical. It is then that such young people can be sent to psychoneurological clinics, special educational institutions, or even be subjected to isolation.

To better understand these differences, it is necessary to provide some examples of each behavioral group. For example, people squabbling in line at the checkout counter in a supermarket. This behavior is immoral.

Especially when insults are used. No one in a civilized society has the right to humiliate or insult other members. Even a citizen who smokes in an unsuitable place commits immoral acts. But they are not antisocial.

Deviant actions include any type of violence. It doesn't matter who it's directed at. Even cruelty to animals is such an action. And even more so if the aggression is directed towards a person.

This also includes excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, drug addiction and even prostitution. Although the latter is regarded as a form of illegal way of making a profit. Therefore, the punishment for it is specified in the Criminal Code.

Immoral behavior- this is a special type of behavior of subjects that is denied and punished in a certain way in society. What should be understood by immoral behavior? Let's try to figure this out...

What is immoral behavior?

Immoral behavior is the behavior of a subject in which all the formed moral principles of society are assessed as insignificant, the usual moral and ethical view of the world is ignored, and is often perceived disdainfully or even aggressively.

Immoral behavior is often identified with the concept of deviant behavior, but in fact these concepts have different meanings, although they are very close. Immoral behavior should be considered those actions of a person that are not accepted and condemned by society, but do not carry a pronounced antisocial meaning and do not pose a threat to public safety. Measures of influence on persons leading such a lifestyle are usually public condemnation and censure.

Deviant behavior is a deviation from the norm and established rules. This type of human behavior requires adjustment - otherwise favorable conditions may be created for the development of crime. Deviant behavior, for example, is typical for many teenagers who have not yet formed a stable positive model of behavior in society, or, due to the notorious youthful maximalism, are ready to defend their ideas using radical methods. As measures of influence on such persons, punishments are used in the form of placement in special medical or educational institutions, up to isolation.

Don't know your rights?

Examples of immoral behavior

To make it more clear, we will give examples that clearly demonstrate what distinguishes immoral behavior from deviant behavior.

There are many examples of immoral behavior in our everyday life. For example, when a person, getting off the bus, pushes the person in front in the back in order to leave the cabin faster.

Human behavior can also be called immoral:

  • using profanity in conversation (of course, provided that he does this publicly and not in a narrow circle of his “confidants”);
  • not observing the rules of basic politeness (for example, closing the door in front of a neighbor walking behind him);
  • violating the rules of the hostel (for example, putting garbage on the landing, neglecting the duties of keeping common property clean), etc.

The use of violence in the family or among others, excessive or uncontrolled alcohol consumption, suicidal tendencies, and drug addiction should be considered deviant. Some experts tend to include prostitution here as well. However, if we talk about prostitution as an illegal business (organizing brothels, etc.), then this is already a crime, in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, excessive cruelty, for example towards stray animals, can be considered deviant behavior. Agree, all of the above does not have much in common with immoral behavior.

In any social society, there are always social norms accepted in a given society, that is, rules (written and unwritten) by which this society lives. One of these regulators of social life is morality. Deviation or non-compliance with these norms is a social deviation or deviation. Deviant behavior has always been, is and will be present in human society; there will always be people who cannot or do not want to live by the rules and norms accepted in the society in which they live.

Criminology considers deviant behavior as deviant behavior, which is a system of actions or individual actions that contradict accepted legal or moral norms in society. At the same time, there are two types of deviant behavior: crime and non-criminal (not illegal) immoral behavior (systematic drunkenness, drug addiction, etc.; sometimes suicidal behavior is included). The connection between these types of behavior is that the commission of offenses is often preceded by habitual immoral behavior.

In order to determine what immoral behavior is, it is first necessary to define the concept of “social norms”.

In the most general sense, social norms are understood as instructions, requirements, wishes and expectations of appropriate (socially approved) behavior. Norms are some ideal samples (templates) that determine what people should do in specific situations.

If we talk about immorality, then it is also necessary to consider the definitions of this concept. In Ozhegov’s dictionary, immoral is defined as contrary to moral standards, immoral.

Immoral behavior in the most general interpretation is understood as behavior that contradicts the moral norms accepted in society. Criminology defines immoral behavior as actions that objectively contradict the moral norms accepted by a certain community of people.

Immoral behavior has its roots in the origins of personality formation. No matter how contradictory the process of personality formation may be, if it is carried out in a positive direction, then its result will be favorable: and the contradictions between the individual and the environment, inevitable due to the relative independence of the human being, gradually decrease, come to naught, and take such a form, which does not interfere with the active activity of man, his relationships with nature and society. But with unfavorable moral formation of a personality, the opposite happens: a discrepancy arises between the properties of the personality and the demands of the surrounding reality. This applies primarily to such categories and personality traits as needs and interests, moral norms and ideas about law, habitual forms (stereotypes) of behavior and their assessment by the subject himself.

The formation of stereotypes of human behavior occurs under the influence of social groups in which a given individual exists. Each person acts as a member of society and at the same time as a member of a separate social group (family, circle of acquaintances, work team, etc.). In the event of an unfavorable formation of a personality, its moral values, legal ideas, system of needs and basic interests come into conflict with the corresponding public interests, ideas and values. The personality acquires an antisocial orientation. This is expressed in the deformation of a person’s needs, motives, morality and other social values. The relative independence of a social group leads to the fact that group norms of behavior and group values ​​may arise within it that do not coincide with the norms and values ​​accepted by society and sanctioned by the state. This does not mean that such group patterns of behavior are always contrary to the legal or moral norms of society; often they are neutral in this sense, since they relate only to the professional or other specific interests of group members (family traditions, national customs, etc.). At the same time, it is also possible to have group norms and patterns of behavior that contradict law and public morality.

Every social group creates internal (informal) control over the implementation of the specified norms and requirements. This social control is associated with the norms of behavior shared by the group, and as a result it can play both a positive and negative role; Thus, control over the behavior of a member of a group that adheres to values ​​harmful to society will be aimed at strengthening the antisocial position of the individual, separating him from other groups, and isolating him from the influence of society.

Morality is closely related to the level of legal and moral consciousness. If this level is low, then this serves as the basis for a person’s immoral behavior, as a consequence of the deformation of moral concepts.