The book is an introductory review of all modern physics, ranging from well-established classic sections to its latest achievements in the field of elementary particle and astrophysics physics. The author set the goal to bring the reader to the fundamental ideas of physics and disclose some of the modern concepts that have developed in the middle of the XX century. With this task, he coped brilliantly.
The book is written sufficiently strictly, with large pedagogical skills. It shows the beauty, romance and greatness of scientific search. The author does not use the highest mathematics, the presentation is accompanied by numerous examples and visual drawings.

Study of the laws of nature.
Several hundred years ago, the entire volume of scientific knowledge was so small that one person could familiarize himself in detail with almost all major scientific ideas. Indeed, the scientist of that time was called the "natural philosophe", implying under this that he studies all aspects of natural science. The accumulation of scientific information from the Renaissance has occurred so quickly that the understanding of the scientist, as a person who has universal knowledge has long lost its meaning. Currently, scientists are divided into physicists, chemists, biologists, geologists, etc. However, we still strive to associate various industries of science. When our understanding of nature becomes more complete, we can better understand what communication exists between physics and biology, between chemistry and geology, between meteorology and oceanography.

The physicist is trying to know the most elementary systems in nature. Made physicists
mi discoveries not only expand our knowledge of basic physical processes, but often play a decisive role in the development of other sciences. For example, the opening of quantum theory allowed the chemists to comprehend the entire variety of facts accumulated on the chemical structure and chemical reactions. The laws of the propagation of sound waves in solids, formulated by physicists, allowed geologists to use the methods of seismology to study the earthly subsoil. The theory of gas flows was extremely important for meteorologists and oceanographers. Physics laws manage all physical processes. We have discovered only some of these laws - the rest still slip away from us.

Table of contents
Preface to the Russian publication 7
The preface of the author 9.
1. Structure of physics and its language 11
2. Length, time, weight 35
3. Galaxies and atoms 53
4. Movement 93.
5. Strength and impulse 135
6. Basic forces in Nature 167
7. Energy 191.
8. Fields 243.
9. Electrical charge movement 269
10. oscillations, waves and radiation 309
11. Theory of relativity 351
12. Basics of quantum theory 387
13. Atoms and quanta 425
14. Building substance 467
15. Atomic nuclei 501
16. Elementary particles 541
17. Astrophysics and Cosmology 575
18. Unresolved Questions of Physics 607
Answers to some tasks 614
Subject 420.

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Textbook "Physics and Physical World" for students of high schools of general educational institutions, students of physical faculties, physics teachers, as well as all those who are interested in physics, is written by J. B. Maryon. The manual was issued by the Publishing House "Peace" in 1975. The material of the manual is an additional to the main training course and is intended to expand the understanding of the basic laws of physics. The manual is recommended for the use of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation.

Theoretical material of the benefit is divided into eighteen chapters: the structure of physics and its language, atoms and quanta, length, time, weight, theory of relativity, galaxies and atoms, fields, movement, energy, strength and impulses, the main forces in nature, the movement of electrical charges, Atomic core, elementary particles, structure of substance, oscillations, waves and radiation, atoms and quanta, basics of quantum physics, unresolved issues of physics, astrophysics and cosmology. At the end of the manual, there are answers to some benefits tasks.

The material that is set out in this manual goes beyond the school course, so the material can safely use physics teachers in their work to expand the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in physics, expanding their horizons, as well as an increase in motivation to study physics in the future. The allowance will be interested in anyone who likes physics to increase its erudition and education. The manual provides advances in domestic and foreign physics, which currently form the main directions in this industry.

The manual provides a large number of visual drawings, explanations and examples that help schoolchildren better understand the material that is set out in the manual. The material of the manual can be used by teachers of physics for presentation on extracurricular activities, electives and special courses, which allow us to not only expand the level of knowledge of schoolchildren in physics, but also to create a positive motivation for its further study. The allowance can use schoolchildren for self-education, the material that is given in the manual is understandable to understand, even if the level of knowledge of physics is quite low. The manual contains historical references and essays that allow the student to better figure out the presented theoretical material.

The Nobel Prize winners in physics proved that, without any doubt, the physical world is the United Ocean of Energy, which arises and after milliseconds disappears, pulsating again and again.

There is nothing solid and solid. This is the world of quantum physics.
It has been proven that only the thought allows us to collect and keep those "objects", which we see in this constantly changeable energy field.

So why do we see a person, not a flashing cycle of energy?
Imagine a coil with the film.
The film is a set of frames with a frequency of about 24 frames per second. Frames are separated by the time interval. However, due to the speed, with which one frame replaces the other, there is an entree, and we think that we see a continuous and moving image.
Now remember about television.

The electron-beam tube of the TV is just a tube with a multitude of electrons that hit the screen in a certain way and create the illusion of shape and movement.
That's all the objects in any case are. You have 5 physical feelings (vision, rumor, touch, smell and taste). Each of these feelings has a certain spectrum (for example, a dog hears the sound in another range than you; the snake sees the light in another spectrum than you, and so on).

In other words, your set of feelings perceives the energy surrounding sea from a certain limited point of view and, based on this, builds an image. This is not a complete, and not at all exact picture. This is just an interpretation. All our interpretations are based exclusively on the "inner map" of the reality that has formed from us, and not on the objective truth. Our "card" is the result of the experience gained during the life of experience. Our thoughts are associated with this invisible energy, and they define what this energy forms. Thoughts literally move the universe particle behind the particle in order to create physical life.

Look around. All you see in our physical world has begun as an idea - the idea that grew as it was shared and expressed until it grew enough to become a physical object in several stages.

You are literally becoming about what you think. Your life becomes what you most believe. The world is literally your mirror that allows you to experience in the physical plan what you consider the truth for yourself ... until you change the point of view.

Quantum physics demonstrates to us that the world around is not something tough and unchanged, as it could seem. On the contrary, it is something continuously changing, built on our individual and collective thoughts.

What we consider true, in fact - an illusion, almost a circus trick. Fortunately, we have already begun to disclose this illusion and, most importantly, look for the opportunity to change it.

What is your body from? The human body consists of nine systems, including blood circulation, digestion, endocrine system, muscle, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal system and urinary tract.

And what are they made from?
From fabrics and organs.
What are the fabrics and organs?
From cells.
What is the cells from?
From molecules.
What is the molecule?
From atoms.
What are atoms from?
From subatomic particles.
What consist of subatomic particles?
From energy!

You and I are the net energy-light in its most beautiful and reasonable incarnation. Energy, constantly changing under the surface, but - under the control of your powerful intelligence. You are one big starry and powerful human being.

If you could see ourselves under a powerful electron microscope and carry out other experiments on themselves, you would be convinced that a bunch of constantly changing energy in the form of electrons, neutrons, photons, and so on.

Also - and all that surrounds you. Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing the object forces it to be there and where and what we see it. The object does not exist independently of its observer! So, as you can see, your observations, your attention to anything, and your intention, literally creates this object.

This is proved by science. Your world consists of spirit, mind and body. Each of these three elements, spirit, mind and body performs a function that is unique to it and is not available for the rest. What you see your eyes and feels your body is a physical world that we will call the body. The body is the effect created by reason.

This reason is a thought. The body cannot create. It can only feel and be feeling ... This is his unique feature. Thought cannot feel ... she can only invent, create and explain. She needs the world of relativity (physical world, body) to sense itself.

The spirit is all existing, what gives life to thoughts and body. The body has no power to create, although it gives such an illusion. This illusion is the cause of many disappointments. The body is just a result, and not in his authority to cause or create something.

The key in all this information is the opportunity for you to learn to see the universe otherwise, in order to embody everything that is your true desire.

« Physics - Grade 10 »

From the very birth, we get used to things and phenomena around us. So, we learn that the subject always falls down that there are solid items that you can hit that the fire can burn, etc.

However, no matter how important, such knowledge, they still do not form science.

A person always asks questions: why is something going on? What is the cause of the observed phenomenon? Search for answers to these questions and is a subject of scientific activity.

Physics and other sciences

It is the development of sciences about nature that gave a modern technique in the hands of a person and led to the transformation of the world around us. Physics played the main role - the most important science examining the deepest laws of nature. Physics is the foundation of the most important areas of technology. Thus, the opening of the transistor, made in the Laboratory of Physics Physics, determined the modern development of electronics, radio engineering and computing technology. The creation of a laser made it possible to communicate over long distances, get high-quality volume images (holography), to propose one of the ways to hold high-temperature plasma, create unique technologies of operations in the eyes and much more.

Opening the laws of nature hidden under the cover of an infinitely diverse world of phenomena, a person learned to apply them for its purposes, to create devices without which modern comfortable life is unthinkable. Scientists continue to study the universe, create unique materials, lead new sources of energy.

Physics is a science studying the fundamental and at the same time the most common properties of the material world around us.

Therefore, the concepts of physics and its laws underlie natural science.

Physics is very closely associated with astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology and other natural sciences. For example, the opening of the DNA double helix, the "main molecule" was made in the physical laboratory. This discovery has determined the development of molecular biology designed to answer the question of what life is. Quantum theory allowed chemists to explain the chemical structure of the substance, the laws of sound distribution help geologists to study earthly subsoil.

Physics contributed to the development of many regions of mathematics. English physicist J. Maxwell said: "The exact sciences tend to bring the riddles of nature to the definition of certain quantities by operations with numbers." English scientist I. Newton created a differential and integral calculus, trying to write equations of motion tel. The desire for simplicity of the mathematical description allowed the Austrian physics of E. Schrödninger to record the equation, which describes the world of atoms.

Physical research studies are used by scientists from almost all areas of science.

Scientific method

What ways the scientific truth is mined? Several hundred years ago, the foundations of the physical research method were developed. It consists in the following: relying on experience, making assumptions about the essence of one or another phenomenon, they first find high quality, and then quantitative (formulated mathematically) laws of nature; Open laws are checked by practice. Thus, the scheme of scientific knowledge looks like this:
observation - hypothesis - theory - experiment.

It is the experiment that the criterion is the correctness of the theory.

"Only the fact that can be measured is to physics - this statement belongs to American Physics P. Bridzmen (1882-1961) and accurately reflects the peculiarity of physics. The main judge who is called upon to approve or discard this theory is the experiment. Physics deals with reproducible situations. Repeating experiment under different conditions, we can estimate the impact of these conditions on this physical phenomenon.

Models in physics

One of the powerful research methods in physics is the modeling method.

Modeling - This is the process of replacing the real object, process or phenomenon by another, called the model.
Model - This is the idealization of a real object or phenomenon while maintaining the main properties that define this object or phenomenon.

We emphasize that the model should preserve those properties of a real object that determine its behavior. Models are theoretical and laboratory, and computer models have recently used widely.

When creating the theoretical model, the results of observations and experiments are used. Obviously, the problem becomes more understandable with the help of specific images, which is why the model is most often mechanical. For example, the movement of gas molecules can be clearly imagined as the movement of elastic balls, the structure of the atom was first supposed to be similar to the structure of the solar system.

One of the first models we will use is a material point, that is, the body, sizes and a form of which can be neglected under the conditions of this task. The last words are key: it is the conditions of a particular task that allows you to apply this model.

At first, when there is little data, the model is usually coarse, but as experimental facts accumulate, it is specified, however, for answers to some important questions, it is possible to stop on a primitive model.

In the laboratory are simulated, as a rule, the phenomena, the study of which in natural conditions is significant difficulties. For example, the course of the river, the change in its channel is modeled in hydraulic trays, the test of aircraft models is carried out in the aerodynamic tube. At the same time, various similarities should be carried out - geometric, kinematic, etc.

The theoretical solution of any physical problem is reduced to mathematical modeling, i.e. writing equations. Often these equations are sufficiently complex, and their solutions are made using computers.

Scientific hypothesis

Scientific hypothesis - expressed judgment, unproved assertion, assumption explaining the observed phenomena or the results of laboratory experiments.

The scientific hypothesis is always advanced to solve a specific problem in order to explain the experimental data obtained or eliminate the differences between theoretical and experimental results obtained during the inspection of the previously advanced hypotheses. For example, a German physicist, theoretics, founder of quantum theory, M. Planck, developing a quantum hypothesis, relied on both the conclusions obtained within the framework of the classical theory of radiation and on the negative test results of previous hypotheses.

The words of the Russian scientist D. I. Mendeleev confirm the importance of scientific hypotheses in the process of scientific knowledge: "They (hypothesis. - Aut.) Science and especially its study needed. They give harness and simplicity, which without their assumption is difficult to achieve. The whole story of sciences is shown. Therefore, we can safely say: it is better to keep such a hypothesis that can be wrong with the time than any. The hypotheses make it easier and make the right scientific work - finding truth as a plow agriculture facilitates the cultivation of beneficial plants. "

Physical quantities and their measurement

In order to understand and describe experiments, scientists introduce a range of physical quantities, such as speed, power, pressure, temperature, electric charge and many others. Each value must be accurately defined, enter its name in a specific units system, specify how this value can be measured how to carry out the experience required for such measurement.

Most often in the definitions of physical quantities simply clarify and give the quantitative form of what is directly perceived by our senses. So the concepts of force, temperature, etc. are introduced. There are, of course, the values \u200b\u200bthat are not perceived directly by our senses (for example, an electric charge). But they are expressed through other values \u200b\u200bto which human senses react. Thus, the electrical charge is determined by the forces of interaction between charged bodies.

To measure the physical size, the standard is necessary, standard, i.e. some measurement means that allows you to store a unit, transmit and repeat its size. Standards, such as the standards of meter, kilogram and many other values, are stored in the International Bureau of Measures and Scales in Sevra (France). Exact copies of the standal are sent to different laboratories of the world.

Is there any exact value of the physical size? We know that any body consists of atoms. With increasing measurement accuracy, we come to the need to measure the objects of very small sizes, such as atoms and molecules. One of the essential conclusions of quantum mechanics was the conclusion that it is pointless to even raise the question of the exact value of physical quantity, and the uncertainty is based on the laws of nature, and not in the imperfection of instruments.


Studying quantitative relationships between individual values, private laws can be identified. Based on such patterns, develop the theory of phenomena. The theory should explain private laws from a general point of view. The theory allows not only to explain the already observed phenomena, but also to predict new ones. Thus, for example, D. I. Mendeleev, on the basis of the open periodic law, predicted the existence of several chemical elements, which at that time were not known, and the English physicist J. Maxwell predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves.

If there is a nonconformity between the theory and experiment, then the theory should be changed so that all new data obtained can be explained, i.e. the theory should be improved. Almost every famous theory is the result of consistent clarifications.

Physical Law

In order to make common conclusions from observations of physical phenomena, find the causes of these phenomena, quantitative relationships should be established between different physical quantities. Conducting a physical experiment, striving to trace the dependence of this value from the nature of the change of each of the conditions separately, for example, the gas pressure depends on its mass, volume and temperature. To explore this dependence, it is necessary to first study how the change in the volume is affected when the temperature and mass remain unchanged. Then you need to trace how pressure depends on the temperature at a constant volume, etc. Thus, in the process of research, scientists receive scientific facts.

Scientific facts Call statements that can always be checked and confirmed when the specified conditions are met.

Physical Law - based on scientific facts is a stable relationship between repeating phenomena, processes and states of bodies and other material objects in the environment.

Physical laws are usually expressed in the form of a short verbal assertion or a compact mathematical formula that connects certain physical quantities. English Theoretical Physicist P. Dirac said: "The physical law must have mathematical beauty."

Borders of the applicability of physical laws

The theory, proven and confirmed by numerous experiments, can be considered as physical Law. However, each law has borders of applicability. These boundaries are primarily determined by the theoretical model in which we consider this law. All laws that are subject to real gas, derived from the ideal gas model, are valid only for those conditions in which the properties of real gas are approached by the properties of the perfect gas.

So, we already know the law of OMA: the current of the current on the circuit site is directly proportional to the voltage applied to it and inversely proportional to the resistance of this area. However, this law is not fair for all conductors. For example, it is not applicable for ionized gas. In addition, they can only be used in a certain interval of current strength values \u200b\u200bin which resistance can be considered constant. In fact, when the current passes, the conductor is heated, the conductor resistance increases, and the current will differ from the calculated one.

Opening in physics

Physics continues to grow rapidly. Each new experiment allows you to improve the theory. There is an inextricable connection between the theory and experiment.

It must be remembered that any physical theory is based on a specific model of objects and phenomena. In the process of producing new scientific facts, any physical model is improving and complicated. However, it is obvious that the world around us is much more complicated, diverse and perfect any of the most difficult models created by the human mind. Therefore, the completion of any physical theory does not mean the complete knowledge of the laws of nature.

Currently, scientists receive new materials in laboratories and investigate their properties. So, in 2010, the Nobel Prize in Physics A. Geima and K. Novoselov for the discovery of graphene, which has superfoot properties and the greatest electrical conductivity of existing materials. Scientists solve global issues: the discovery of new elementary particles, new physical laws, new types of energy. Developing theories that confirm that require the creation of very complex installations, such as, for example, a large hadron collider in CERN. The length of its main rings is about 27 km. Creating such installations requires tremendous costs and difficult training.

However, it often happens that theories have not been experimental confirmation for a long time. For example, the quarks have not yet been discovered, although it is believed that all elementary particles consist of them, and a slim theory of quarks has been created. So today there is no reason to believe that almost all laws of nature are disclosed and we are at the borders of knowledge. The field for the activities of future scientists has practically no boundaries.


Mechanics - This is the science of the reasons and general laws of mechanical movement of tel.

The laws of mechanics were formulated by the Great English scientist I. Newton. On the grave plate in Westminster Abbey in London a significant word was carved:

Sir Isaac Newton rests here,
Which almost divine power of his mind first explained
With the help of its mathematical method of movement and shape of the planets,
Ways comets, tides and ocean flows.
He first examined the variety of light rays and flowing features flowing from here,
Which before that time no one even suspected. Diligent, insightful and faithful interpreter of nature, antiquities and sacred Scriptures.
He glorified in his teaching of the Almighty Creator. The required gospel simplicity he proved his life. Let the mortals rejoice that there was such a decoration of the human race in their environment.
Born December 25, 1642
Died on March 20, 1727

Over the years, scientists have been confident that the unique (fundamental) laws of nature are the laws of Newton's mechanics. However, it turned out that not all phenomena can be explained on the basis of the mechanical picture of the world, for example, electromagnetic phenomena have a different physical nature, and they do not obey Newton's laws.

It was also found that Newton's laws, like any other laws of nature, are not absolutely accurate. When driving with speeds close to the speed of light, the bodies detect properties, the existence of which Newton did not suspect.

Mechanics is studying the movement of tel. In physics, use the abstract concept of "physical body" or simply "body". Under the body we understand any object, it can be a running dog, a man, a car, landproofing around the Sun, etc. Having studied the laws of the physical body movement, we can answer practical questions, such as the speed of the train, rocket, man, etc.

The movement of our bodies can be explained on the basis of Newton's laws, the scope of which is very extensive.

Mechanics, based on Newton's laws, is called classical mechanics.

Physical world

It is difficult to disagree that our world is an interesting place. Each of us has their own ideas about him. Unfortunately, among these ideas a lot and very perversions. Many people (for example, some clergymen and scientists) tell us that this world is a worthless, meaningless and ill-minded abode of evil and we are here only to dominate. This myth is widespread in some religions ("God gave man power on earth"), as well as in a number of interpretations of the natural science theory of Darwin. I am not at all going to challenge the theory of evolution (Of course, we evolved) or to enter into a discussion about the age of the Universe (of course, it has already existed for a very long time), but you should know that Darwinism was in due time to give a non-religious alternative to the debunking now Biblical myth on the creation of the world, discharged this level of the universe.

There is not a drop of truth in any of the belief systems. Humanity is no more valuable than the animal kingdom, and the land is not at all the lowland world in need of our control. In addition, it should be obvious - neither we nor our land are a random product of evolution. Both the planet, and its inhabitants just concentrate energy, like everyone else, and it hardly makes sense to say that someone concentrates her "better." It is equally meaningless about the land or about our lower dimensions as a whole as something more rough than the highest dimensions. What we are in the field of low energies does not mean that our world at least on the hair is less significant, less elevated or less worthy of respect than the highest spheres, of which we came here. Not at all. All arguments about the hierarchy and control reflect and explain only human ideas about these things, and not the truth of the immortal spirit.

Truth is simple. All you can see around is the creation of an immortal spirit.

It's all - our, and we are responsible for all this. One way or another, even if the physical world is "just" our creation, we should not underestimate him or our bodies (as in some ascetic practices), because in fact it is not "simple" physical universe. The physical world in this dimension is a true crown of creation, and we are his creators and defenders.

Our physical universe is undoubtedly unique. As we now know, it is the most "material" of all existing in different dimensions. In other words, it is the most durable, the strongest, most "real" world among all levels of the universe. Partly because of its density, and partly due to the fact that it is the result of many epochs of the creative work of the Spirit, this is the most beautiful and most amazing thing we ever created. Galaxies, stars, planets, plants, animals, winds, tastes, smells - everything here is absolutely not like anything that exists on any of the higher energy levels. Nothing from ever created by us can be perfect this clearing for the Games of Frightened Spirit.

This is an amazing treasure. If you interrupt reading and think about it, you will understand how really the terrible myths about the futility of this world. You will understand what a terrible crime we commit, destroying it.

The only "problem" concerning the creation here on the lower vibration levels is the one I have already mentioned. The ability to create here is limited. Not in the sense that their potential is limited. Not at all. You still can create everything you wish. The nature of restrictions is different. Creation at this level is constrained by the density of matter (or, if more accurate, its inertia). The world's matter here is too hard and cold. Movement of energy and the creation of things in this dense "SUP" can be compared with how long the length is robbed. It is required to make a great effort so that the train began to move in the direction you need. Starting, it will be relatively easy to go along the selected path as much as you need. However, if you want to change the direction or translate the train to other rails, you will have to slow down, stop the composition, translate the arrows and move back to the path. The lower in the measurement matrix you are, the hardest your train and the more effort you apply.

Creation in our world is also limited due to its sensitivity. Subatomic particles, complaints of this universe, very fragile. They easily pass through the barrier between being and non-existence and must be constantly held by the Spirit, otherwise they simply will disappear. At the same time, due to their power, the spirit cannot be invested in the creative intention of full force; Otherwise, matteries will explode. And if so, we should be patient. Let our train slowly rumbles from the place, goes on and cautiously changes the direction. We do this, without having wrapped on the physical matter of the whole brightness of the mind of the spirit. At the very least it was so in the past. Interesting things are happening now. We see that if it is possible to lower the frequency of energy vibrations by several orders of magnitude, as long as physical matter is not formed, it is in principle no problem and increase the frequency of vibrations, skept that we can observe certain conditions. This means that by creating a dense and cold physical universe here, we can start promoting it back, to higher dimension vibrations. Take a look again on the tree of life (p. 25). We can imagine this process if you take the sphere of Malkut and start moving it to the level of Jesod (and then from Jesod to Typhartet). It is difficult, but quite feasible.

Here you need to note a curious phenomenon. The bigger success we have achieved in increasing the vibration status of matter when lifting through measurements, the easier it will respond to our creative intention. Of course, this is not at all the same thing that sawing the pipe with a hacksaw. In fact, we are talking about changing the physical order of arrangement of atoms so that matter reflects our deepest creative intention by a way more similar to the one we are accustomed to at the highest levels. This means that when our universe is ascended to the next vibration level (and for the following), we will manifest our thoughts faster, much easier and more elegant. The most beautiful thing in all this is that by lifting the tempo of vibrations of matter, we will not lose the key advantages of creation in the present, low level. That is, we will still be durable, durable and beautiful.

Anyway, our goal is to increase the potential of the physical world. Most religions have something to say about this, and they are expressed more or less clear. This process may be called the establishment of the kingdom of heaven on Earth, returning from matter to spirit, manifestation of Shambhala, etc. They talk about him and how about the way "back to God." It doesn't matter how it is called: the idea remains the same. Raise matter into several levels of measurements so that our creative intention can easily manifest. Thus, we will give the physical world back into the world of the Spirit.

Agree, it's great!

The reason why we should want to have it immediately becomes obvious.

It will be joyfulevent, although it is scared of someone, and for someone it will be dangerous.

Of course, it will not hurt your soul. She is immortal and non-destructive. However, this process can be quite dangerous for your body. If your main method of interaction with the world is denial, if you are overwhelmed by anger, hatred, envy or other negative emotions, if there is no equilibrium in your life, then with the further development of the ascension process of the Universe, all this negative and disharmony will very quickly manifest themselves in your immediate environment, As well as in your body. This means that any disease you have will develop faster and with greater intensity. It also means that if you do not clear your thinking, then only chaos, failures, illness and inevitable death are risking in your life.

A frightening ascension may be due to firmly rooted beliefs that have been imposed in order to prevent fulfillment of full bodily strength. In the following chapters of this book, I will tell you about the agreed efforts aimed at keeping you in the power of fear and illusions. When you reveal the truth about your incarnation in this world and go ahead, you will have to overcome the fear of the system that has been created in you, which was created to keep you in an emotional, psychological and spiritual cord. You will have to overcome the idea of \u200b\u200byour own worthlessness and claim your status of the Creator of this physical universe.

For many of you it will be not easy. Fears with whom you have to cope, very deep. Ironically, a sense of self-esteem, which should help you overcome these fears, is subjected to fierce attacks from the first day of your life on Earth. You are directly called low, dirty, stupid and underdeveloped creature (or indirectly hinting at it). You are told that you are a child who needs permanent care and manual. And guardian-leaders are always here as: priests, bosses, parents. You still scare you that these influential persons can condemn you. You are told that you will fail in life if you do not work your work or you will not learn; Subject to the eternal curse if you do not listen to God. All these misfortunes are praying in your soul, and you are just afraid to look at yourself.

The trouble is that while you are not lookon yourself, you you can not see,who are you in fact - an incredibly beautiful creature consisting of light. Unfortunately, our fear of its own light is strong and strong, and, barely freezing the beam of this light, we disgusts disagree from him. This state of affairs would be a difficult insult for God, if there were no reasons for keeping your spirit in the cord. Later we will discuss this necessity provided by the highest forces. However, now you should know that the Ascension requires each of us to overcome deeply rooted fears and errors. In this sense, we no longer have a choice. You can walk a long way to overcome your fears if you reflect on what is really love,and remember that "God is love" that God does not judge, does not curse, does not order and does not create ultimate slaves to play with them, in some insane cruel games.

However, back to the topic of this chapter. The goal set in front of us in this physical universe is to raise the vibration of matter and return to a higher dimension.

We call it ascension.

Although the concept of Ascension is pretty simple, in practice ascension is associated with some subtle nuances.

For example, creation even at the levels of higher measurements, where the fabric of the world is light and ephemeron, takes a lot of energy. And with the promotion of a tree of life to the lower dimensions, the need for energy is growing exponentially. In our world, even for such simple things like obtaining light elements (hydrogen, helium, etc.), a lot of energy and effort are required. The costs of strength and energy increase sharply with further movement in the periodic table. To create heavy elements (such as uranium) and maintain them in a state of stability, you will need much more agreed spiritual efforts and much more energy than to create a simple hydrogen atom. In fact, an affordable energy is not enough to maintain the stability of heavier and complex elements. Uranium and more complex elements are unstable; They disintegrate into stable forms, releaseing energy that fastened them together. This feature of energy, as well as the complexity of conservation of creation, acts on the evolutionary staircase. For the simplest organisms you need less energy and less intention. By the time of the appearance of highly organized creatures (any kind), the need for energy becomes truly stunning.

As I mentioned, the need for energy also increases in the boundary points of ascension. These boundary points are a kind of quantum steps for which creation must pass, moving down (descent) or up (ascension). Boundary points resist the creation. The passage through them resembles overcoming surface tension in a glass of water. A small additional effort - and here the barrier is overcome, you have passed, you float freely - until the technical barrier is reached. After passing through the border, you also get some additional energy (by other elephants, accumulate the pulse of force).

Now we should be clear that we must commit, born on earth. Our main spiritual task is to make a sufficient amount of energy to raise the physical world to the ascension point and overcome the quantum barrier, preventing our universe to achieve the next, higher level of vibrations (measurements). If we put out somewhat differently - we need to cry out enough energy from the Universal Reservoir to bring the body of Christ (what is our world - the whole world, with all its inhabitants) to the Ascension, so that we do not have to go on a boat to get pleasure from life.

Of course, being the immortal spirit and the sparks of one, we already know how to do it. The problem has always been in practical details. To understand the principle of actions and understand what difficulties we are dealing with, consider the structure of this universal reservoir of creative energy.

Let's summarize

So, you received some basic wording of the meaning of life and the mechanics of the Ascension process. You learned that creation is an energy process that implies movement through quantum energy levels from the highest vibration states to the lower and back.

The advantages of moving down the vibration levels (descent) are that we get more and more material incarnations of our intention. The price is such that we need more energy, and the reality manifestized by us does not respond to our intention as quickly and easily as before.

Fortunately, the inertness and insensitivity of matter on this low measurement level will not forever limit us. Thanks to its own efforts, we can return our physical world to the upper stairs of the measurement stairs. To do this, you need to increase the influx of energy to raise the tempo of the vibrations of our world and overcome quantum boundaries separating measurement levels. This is the ascension. What will it give us? Although the physical world around us remains its density character, it will take less effort into creation. As well, we will enjoy the benefits of creation both in higher dimensions and at the lowest levels.

We will get the best of both worlds.

From a formal point of view, the Ascension process has already begun. We have already "awakened" the material universe and pushed it through the lower quantum barrier. Certificates for this you can watch around yourself - pay attention to how you quickly began to manifest your neurime. The simplest way to see changes is to think about such a physical dimension as time.Everyone notice that time accelerated. For a much smaller period of time than before, there are more events, more discoveries are performed and more things are created. "Time is compressed," people say. This compression is quite real. And this is a symptom that our physical universe is moving now faster than before. The time will continue to shrink for some period. However, when we all find ourselves are covered by the Ascension Process and note that now life requires less effort from us, our perception of time will go back to normal.

This test for us now is not ascension, but awakening. During the ascension, the reasons for our ignorance and fears cease to exist. The reasons for your fears and implied ignorance, we will analyze when we discuss the problems associated with previous attempts to make ascension. In any case, at the moment you should start getting rid of fears and illusions that prevent you from remembering who you are actually. Otherwise, in the new conditions of the Ascended Universe, your illusions and fears are very quickly and powerfully manifest. If you want to raise without pages and negative consequences, move forward. To do this, simply express your intention to progress. Several times a day repeat the simple affirmation:

"I wish to move forward. I choose life. I choose ascension. "

And get ready for a nice and exciting journey.