Promotion Red Dead Redemption 2 via GTA Online is a brilliant course from Take-Two and Rockstar Games. Earlier, players were able to participate in treasure hunting (test), the reward for the execution of which serves as straight from.

And now it came to another treasure hunt. This time we are trying to get a favorite weapon for themselves. As in the case of a self-excavation revolver, stone ax You can get, after performing several uncomplicated tasks. Now we will tell you what you need to do to get in your collection such exotic melee weapons.

How to get a stone ax in GTA Online?

So, let's start testing. To begin with, you need to connect to any session in the GTA Online (public, private, solo or gang) and wait until your empty letter comes to your smartphone. In the letter, she will ask you to capture or finish five goals of hunting heads.

There is nothing difficult in capturing the goals: we take any melee weapon and beat them the right person on your head. For this task it will easily fit the crack, baseball bat, a knife or even adjustable key. In general, anything that will not send them to the next world after one-time application.

Nevertheless, if you do not want to mess with goals, then you can simply finish them. However, the award in this case will be much lower: for a living goal - $ 10,000, and for killed - $ 5,000. So at the end of the hunt behind the heads you will receive either $ 50,000 or $ 25,000. To solve only you.

The note: if it really happens that the goal will finish you (anything happens), then you will have to wait a few minutes to get a letter from the fashion with the new goal of hunting.

By the way, it is impossible not to mention one feature: everything exists 20 goals for hunting but you get five random. So if you miss the goal, then next time with a large probability, you will have to hunt for a completely different NPC. Among other things, goals can be spawned in 20 plots on the map. Each of the plots has 20 seatsin which a goal may appear. It sounds complicated, but in fact - everything is simple.

Thanks to the works of Tenfun2 on Twitter and the GTASERIESVIDEOS resource, you can consider each point of sleeping goals from the hunt for the heads of the mod (starts at 2:15):

As soon as you deal with all the goals (kill or capture them), a message will come to your smartphone with the location of the stone ax, after which it remains only to come there and pick it up. By the way, a stone ax is not just another weapon in your collection. Stone ax is the strongest melee weapon in all GTA Online. You can kill any NPC or a real player literally from one strike.

Among other things, as soon as you kill someone, the ability of the "slaughter" is activated (something like Trevor in GTA 5), which reduces the resulting damage by 50%, increases the regeneration of health twice and slightly raises the damage from attacks in the near battle. Critical damage from entering your head when activating the ability is turned off, i.e. You will not be able to kill, shifting.

This ability is only available in free mode, so during tasks and work it will not work. To maintain the action of the "slaughter" ability, you just need to kill all the nearest people. As soon as the effect of the ability is over, the Culdown period will come, the duration of which is equal to one minute.

As in the case of a self-excavation revolver, killing 25 people with the help of an ax, you will open it in Red Dead Redemption 2, and also get $ 2500,000 in GTA Online. I plute money here with hunting for heads and get a sum of $ 300,000 (well, or $ 275,000 if you decide to kill goals). This test is not limited to time, so you can proceed to its execution at any convenient time. The same applies to the revolver, if you have not taken it yet.

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Since Blane's Los Santos and County does not have a shortage of various types of scoundrels, Mood Eccles postponed his dream of a carved fence, her husband and PsE named Skip to continue the struggle for justice with new forces.

The IFRUIT phone should come to your phone about the capture of criminals from Eccles. Open a text message to watch it, and the mod will send you the details of the first goal. Follow the tips to find goals. You can return their modes alive for more high awards Or dead to quickly perform work. Catch all 5 fashion goals alive or dead to learn about the location of the stone ax.

Test for murder

After you caught all criminals, perform 25 killings Stone ax to get a reward in 250 000 GTA $, as well as unlock weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2.

All murders are counted with a stone ax. Visit the Statistics tab in the pause menu to check the progress of the test. After each 10 kill, you will see a message about your progress.

As many people already know, every Tuesday in the game offers a new content - a new DJ, a car, etc. But, not everyone noticed that on the last Tuesday, together with the new content, a new story character was also added - mod. Almost everyone who passed GTA 5 knows that the mod gave us tasks to search for criminals, playing for Trevor.

After the player goes to GTA Online, he will be sms from this story character that it has a job for you, then you receive a message to your e-mail with a photo and coordinates of the first criminal (the zone you can find on the map). Recall that, as in Single, you have a choice - kill or bring a fugitive alive to the house's house, but for the murder you will give 5,000 $, and for the living all $ 10,000.

All of them are 5 and they are all in different places, but they will not find them difficult. When you figure it out with the last fugitive, a few minutes later, the mod will send you SMS that he was hidden treasure. Its location you can find on the map. Interestingly, every player has a random place. Having come to the place, you will find the chest in which the same ax from RDR2 will lie.

The ax has one unusual property, when killing NPC or other characters, the character for a while becomes immortal. Also, after receiving a stone hatch, you will be automatically launched test. You need to make 25 different murders. Award - 250.000 $ Gaming currency, as well as you can get this ax, buying RDR2, but this is an easier option.