• Honor gives strength - to overcome even the most complex and terrible obstacles.
  • Honor gives respect - "Man of honor" for a long time, this is one of the most significant compliments in Russia a noble person.
  • Honor gives hope - even in a hopeless situation.
  • Honor gives freedom - from low actions, lies and insincerity.
  • Honor makes it possible - for anything not limited spiritual development.

Manifestations in everyday life

  • Military actions. Military Honor is the main quality that must be inherent in a good warrior, both ordinary and commander.
  • Household situations. A man who has entered into a weak or insulted person is honored.
  • Religion. The clergyman subjected to persecution or condemnation, but not indulging his religious beliefs - a person of honor.
  • Extreme situations. A person who is in an extreme situation thinks not about how to escape one, but about how to escape with everyone - a person of honor.

How to educate honor

  • Honor should be in a person from birth; If a person does not feel the honor of honor, he will have to make significant efforts to become a person of honor.
  • Performance of obligations and promises. A person who teaches himself not to give impossible promises and always keep the word - becomes a man of honor.
  • Psychological trainings. The smaller the person's fears and fears, the greater the likelihood that in a difficult situation he will show himself as a person of honor. Psychological trainings help to get rid of many fears.
  • Self improvement. If a person is able to soberly appreciate itself, see the negative sides of his character and put the goal to overcome them - he is on the path to becoming a person of honor.

Golden mean

Dishonest | Full absence of honor


Banchard | excessive understanding of the honor turning it out of the inner into the external

Winged expressions about honor

Honor is an external conscience, and conscience is an internal honor. - Arthur Schopenhauer - Take care of the dream Dress, and honor by the Smalod. - Russian proverb - a real honor is a decision to do under all the circumstances what is useful for most people. - Benjamin Franklin - My honor is my life; Both grow from one root. Pass the honor - and my life will come to an end. - William Shakespeare - Honor is a diamond in the hand of virtue. - Voltaire - offspring will be reputed to each of his honor. - Tacit - V. R. Novoselov / The last argument of honor. Duel in France in the XVI - early XVII century The book is devoted to the duel - the Code of honor and the realities of the fight. Rules, sensational duels and famous duelists. Sun, or Giri - feeling of honor On the "samurai path" two key concepts are debt and honor. Book about the Japanese military nobility and ethical teaching "Busido".

In the old days, people were afraid to lose their honor, defended her and died for her duels. Now this, of course, no, but this does not mean that it is not endowed with this quality. Everyone should know the honor. Why do you need a person dignity and how not to lose it?

Definition: What is the honor

The concept of "honor" means a combination at the expense of which he acquires self-esteem. It includes such as nobility, justice, valor, courage, honesty, high morality and strict moral principles.

In the past, the honor was associated not so much with internal how much with his ability to behave in society, to comply with the established rules and rules of conduct. It was required to maintain reputation and respect for their person.

The definition of the word "honor" is closely related to the concept of honesty. First of all, a person should not deceive himself. Honor establishes the framework that people can afford to do without feeling the feelings of guilt and repentance.

What is the advantage of man

The dignity of a person is his respect for his person, the feeling of the significance of himself as a personality, the ability to leave any situation, not crossing through its principles. It is inherent from birth to everyone from people.

The advantage of a person allows him to realize the importance of not only himself, but also around. People who are inherent in this quality respect are respectful to others. Dignity gives a person a sense of confidence in himself and in his abilities. The higher we appreciate yourself, the more potential opportunities open before us.

Honor and what is the dignity, in something similar among themselves. They establish the criteria for human self-esteem, as well as attitudes towards his person from society and reflect the moral value of the individual.

Everyone has an honor and dignity

Probably, each in his life got into such situations when they feel the feeling of the lack of self-esteem and its own worthlessness. From a legal point of view, the definition of what honor and dignity, suggests that every person is endowed with these qualities. They cannot disappear and abyss during life. The dignity of a person is protected by law, in case of his humiliation, the perpetrator threatens the punishment.

In fact, it happens that people do not feel worthy, believe that they are not for respecting them. Most often, this happens when a person commits a particular act for which he suffers from the remorse. In such cases, it is said that the honor and dignity is lost.

As a rule, after a while, a person align his guilt, improves the reputation, rewards respect for society. He ceases to consider himself a loser and insignificance, removes this definition. Honor and dignity at the same time returned to the person.

How to feel a worthy person

If for some reason you do not feel like a worthy person, you can make efforts to correct this situation. First of all, you need to stop all attempts by the humiliating access to yourself from the outside. Just learning how to properly put yourself in society, you can feel worthy of respect.

It is necessary to constantly replenish your knowledge and skills to your luggage, to improve in the profession and other areas of life. The greater value you will be represented as a specialist, the higher your self-esteem will, therefore, and dignity.

To experience your honor and dignity, it is necessary to accommodively approach the execution of debt. This applies not only to the debt to the state, but also specific obligations and orders taken over. This includes the fulfillment of family obligations, responsible attitude towards working tasks, the ability to restrain the promises and understand the significance of their words and actions.

Honor. How much is in this word! Honor is the manifestation of such qualities as nobility, dignity, decency. Also, this concept means the preservation of the good name, reputation, and its own, and others. No wonder the same few centuries ago in the order of things were a duel, even most often not approved or even forbidden by the authorities. The duelists defended both their own honor and dignity, for example, their beloved. In addition, the honor is manifested along with love for homeland and the people. People respect those who courageously and heroically defended their Fatherland. Thus, this word has many definitions. But who can be called a person to honor?

"Take care of a dream dress, and the honor of the Smalod," the father of the main character in the novel of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Captain's daughter" says this proverb to instruction.

Peter Grinyov should be punished. He loses the money to Zurina and gives duty, despite the protests of Savelich and his statements about the opportunity to get out of payments. Later, Greenoov gives her oath and remains faithful to her even at that moment when he could lose life. The hero is not trying to deceive others and save themselves. In addition, Peter Andreevich goes to a duel to protect the honor of Masha Mironova. But Schvabrin comes otherwise: he insults his "beloved" and all residents of the fortress in general, goes on the side of the enemy to survive, trying to slander Greenylava. Thus, A.S. Pushkin in his work introduced readers of heroes, whose behavior is a bright example or honor or dishonor.

Recall the Roman Boris Vasiliev "did not mean in the lists." The main character arrives in the Brest Fortress just on the eve of the war. He has not yet managed to put in the lists of the part. He had the opportunity to leave from there and fight somewhere outside. But Nikolai Plugs did not do this and, moreover, became one of the last defenders of the fortress. He failed to fail, losing his comrades, but did not give up completely. The lieutenant kills his former comrade, who voluntarily surrender to the Germans. When the soldiers who survived in the fortress want to escape, Plugs do not throw their beloved, although he was persuaded for a long time, because Mirra is a cripple. At the end of Roman Nikolai remains together with the elder. After he dies, the shelf banner goes to the hero, which he hides. On the tenth month of the war, the enemies find lieutenant. He surrenders only when he learns that the fascists were broken near Moscow. The Germans give out the highest military honors overlooking the Plugnikov. They were amazed by his courage and patriotism. Nikolai leaves life with dignity, as he is a real person of honor.

So I want to conclude. Being a person of honor - it means to live according to the laws of conscience and justice, fulfilling its moral and folk duty.



sUD, g., uPOTR. Often

Morphology: (No) what? chestWhat? chest, (I see) what? honorWhat? honor, about what? about honor

1. Honor - This is a kind, unpeiled reputation, honest name.

Honor family. | The honor of the company. | Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod. | Fight for the honor of anyone, someone. | Defend your honor in the newspaper article.

2. Honor - It is honesty, decency, conscientiousness, dignity, in general all moral qualities and principles worthy of respect.

Man of honor. | The concept of honor. | Offend, drop, stain someone else's honor.

3. Cost You call any case, a deed, etc., which must be done, do, otherwise, your dignity will be bothering, you will not be able to respect yourself, etc.

4. Honor Called civil, estate, professional, etc.. of dignity.

Working, professional, military, scientific honor. | Protect, keep the honor and dignity of citizens.

5. Law of honor, code of honor - This is a complex of personal or group rules of behavior, which are considered man or a group of people with mandatory, undisturbed and protect the feeling of personal (group) dignity and decency.

6. Honor Mundir, White Kolata, etc. Call official authority, reputation of military people, doctors, etc.

Take care of the Mundar.

7. If you with honor exit From a predicament, this means that you are doing wisely, keeping your own and someone else's dignity, find a decent way out of difficult situation.

8. If you with honor perform The case entrusted to you, this means that you make it very good, in good faith, your work is worthy of praise.

9. Court of honor It is called the proceeding of someone's guilt, offense is not judicial authorities, but members of any group of people.

10. If you say it's time or necessary and honor to knowThis means that your visit to some place came to an end and you should leave.

11. If you politely appeal to someone, offering something or someone presenting, then you say i have the honor offer, i have the honor imagine etc.

A group of independent artists has the honor to offer you unique samples of decorative painting and welcome you on our website.

12. If someone lives on honor of conscienceThis means that this person comes in accordance with the ideas about honor.

13. Honor Calculate chastity, impossibility, virginity.

Keep your maiden honor.

14. Honor Call honor, respect.

Big honor. | Pay, to have the honor to someone. | Honor and fame heroes! | Honor and praise you!

15. If you say that honor To do something belongs (trusted) to someone or anything, it means that they got the honorable right to do this.

16. If you say you those who are honored for honor To do something, it means that the upcoming thing you are accepted by you with gratitude that you will gladly take it for him.

17. If you are talking about someone or about something nearby honorThis means that you consider this person or an object not worthy of respect, not worthwhile, attention, etc.

18. If you say (too) a lot of honor Someone, then, you think that this person is not worthy, does not deserve anything.

19. If a military man puting the honorThis means that he welcomes someone in a military man, putting his hand to the head fault.

20. If you are talking about someone, that he founded in honor After anyone, this means that this person is particularly noted by someone, enforced, received advantages compared to others.

21. Phrase Would have the honor offered means an expression of indifference to whose failure to do something.

22. If you are talking about that some kind of act does you honorThis means that he characterizes you from a good side.

Sasha is generally a very principal person. - It makes him honor.

23. Honor They call a person or subject that cause pride, admiration for loved ones or those who have this subject.

Writers - the honor and glory of Pasha Motherland.

24. Expression to say You use as an introductory phrase before you say anything sincere, truthful.

25. If you did something honor honor, this means that you did this right, properly worthy.

26. If something is called or done, committed in honor of Someone or something, it means that this is done as a sign of respect, respect, in memory of something or com else.

Name the street in honor of the war hero. | Reception in honor of the English envoy. | Send toasts in honor of newlyweds.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



Watch what is "honor" in other dictionaries:

    honor - 1, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Wives. The inner moral dignity of man, valor, honesty, soul nobility and pure conscience. Man with honor, chasing honor. By honor, I assure you with honor, assignment, approval. The act is incomplete with honor. Honor to the skin ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    1. Honor1, honor, to honor, in honor and in honor, MN. (statute.) Honor, Chesi, Costs, Women. 1. Only units. Moral or social dignity, what causes, supports respect (to himself or from others). "And the first treasure is my honor ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Honor, and, to honor, in honor and in honor, wives. 1. Decent respect and pride of human moral qualities; Its relevant principles. Debt of honor. The case of honor (concerns whose n. Honor). Hurt whose h. Court of honor (officer). 2. Good, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Education * Majesty * genius * common sense * ideal * manners * Opinion * Morality * Help * Act * Habit * Reputation * Tip * Mystery * Talent * Character ... Summary encyclopedia of aphorisms

    AND; g. 1. A combination of higher moral ethical principles of personality (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); Preserving our own dignity and respect for the personal dignity of the other. Man of honor. Born without honor, without conscience (about ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    See the honor to meet ... A dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expression on the meaning of expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. Honor to lose honor; Chastity, girlish color, honor, cleanliness, pride, respect, respect, ... ... Synonym dictionary

Being a person of honor means being kind, honest and sensitive, not expecting rewards for your behavior. This is a rare combination of advantages, but in captured, anyone can become noble. You want to be the type of person who defends his beliefs, and does not leave them, who saves her friends when they need you, and those who are known as a decent citizen? Start with small, for example, come if you said you will come or offer help if someone needs it. When you are practicing to live honestly in everyday actions, and give people to understand that they can count on you, the nobility will be felt like your second nature.


Part 1

Developing sense of nobility
  1. Be that person who, as you say, you are. It is easy to be a pleasant person, walk with a finished smile and "welcome" everyone who you see. But, be noble is not the same thing to be benevolent. When it comes to honor, it is more important to be genuine. Show the world who you are actually, even if it goes to the detriment of your "cute" person's reputation. To be a person of honor, you must be reliable.

    • If you hide your true thoughts and feelings for the "mask", try to remove the mask and see what happens. Maybe people will first fall out, but after a while they will trust you more, since you have more discovered yourself for them.
    • This does not mean that you have to walk and be intense, but try to better express what you really feel, instead of adding, it is necessary to facilitate social communication or try to enjoy it.
  2. Do what you said you are going to do. If you constantly cancel friendships, or does not appear when you said that you will help, work on it. Maybe you actually had this in mind when they said that we would meet with the old friend, which all the time calls, but your actions speak louder than your intentions. The main element of becoming a noble person will get rid of your unreliable trends.

    • Each seemingly harmless lies make you less reliable in the eyes of others, and soon people will not consider you reliable at all. Do what you say, despite the fact that it is slightly, it will rise in nature and develop your sense of honor.
    • Practice. In the end, you will hate that feeling when you do not follow your words, you will stop taking the obligations that you can't stick.
  3. Strengthen your value system. What do you believe in? In a particular situation, as you decide what is right, and what not? Having a strong value system is the key to nobility, since a person acting with honor means a person who makes the right things, even if others do not agree with you. It can be very difficult to understand how to behave with honor in one situation or another. Your values \u200b\u200bare what you are resorting for answers when some kind of ask. When you equate yourself with them, you can be proud of yourself for doing everything possible, regardless of what will be the result.

    • Your values \u200b\u200bcan be equated with a certain religion or other belief system. Maybe your parents have invested in you strong beliefs when they raised you. Try to learn your values \u200b\u200bto make sure that you really believe in them, as it is difficult to stand for something if your instinct tells you that it is not quite so.
    • If this is a difficult thing, and you are looking for answers, try to discuss it with people you consider wise, reading philosophical and religious texts, or visiting worship. Explore various valuables and compare their principles with your life experience to find out what is right.
  4. Take care of other people. A noble man is really worried about people in his life. These include parents who work on the second and third work so that their children do not need anything, friends who do not allow their buddies to get behind the wheel after drunkenness. The person honors his deep love for other his actions. If people in your life do not know what you can rely on you, the time to show them it.

    • Also take care of people outside your nearest environment. It is no good limited to behave only to the help of people you know and love. What would you do if you walked down the street and saw that someone need help?
    • Mark your borders. Of course, it is difficult to give a little thing to every individual person who asks for her. It is impossible to help everyone with whom you will come across. But be a person of honor means to see people as people, respecting their humanity, and giving it a little that you can offer.
  5. Get rid of hidden motifs. If you are a noble person, you help people, because you care about them, and you do not expect it to pay off. When you do something like that, there should be no mercenary motive for this; You are moving love. Think about the decisions you make every day, and decide that they drive. Only you know whether your actions are stained with the motive that you don't want others to know.

    • For example, have you never gave advice that served you, instead of really try to help a person? If your sister ask you, what do you think should she move to New York, and you really want it to stay in the city, do not let your feelings spoil your advice. Advise her to do what you consider the best for her, not for you.
    • Do not grow indignation about help, or interest from what you get from this situation. If you do not want to do something, you must stop doing it. Much noble to be sincerely in what you feel the secret to despise what you are doing.

    Part 2

    Behave deserve
    1. Work for what you want. Do you want a new car? Guy? A little new clothes? You deserve all these things, but do not use shortcuts to get them. It is much easier to choose an easy way, but it will usually make it painfully someone else, and if you do it quite often, it will have unpleasant consequences. If you want something, work for this. This is an honorable business.

      • Do not wake or try to extort money from people instead of paying what you should.
      • It is not necessary to flirt with someone else's drunk girl instead of forming real relationships with those who are free.
      • Do not take money from your friends and family, instead of getting a job.
      • Do not take a loan to someone else's idea instead of inventing your own ideas.
    2. Speak the truth. Honesty and honor go hand in hand. Work up to always tell the truth, despite the fact that it concerns your own intentions or an external situation. It will certainly make you feel uncomfortable from time to time, and you can become anger or offense of other people. But, ultimately, people will understand that you are the one who says everything is as is, and does not attach everything.

      • If there is a situation in which you are not comfortable to tell the truth, it is better not to say anything. It is better than lying.
      • When it comes to a small lies that we say, not to hurt others feelings, call. Just know that if you lie quite often, even if it is a small lie (no, this dress looks great! "Or" Yes, I really liked your speech! ") People will stop trusting your opinion, and start counting that you are just were kind.
    3. Protect what you believe. To develop your values \u200b\u200bis one thing, but to stand up for them is quite another. It is easy to prove what is in your head, but noble people speak and interfere. Protect its values \u200b\u200bcan mean much, and it is not always necessary to attract a big show. Soon, you can behave deserve and be an example for other people.

      • For example, if all at work rises a certain person when it is not there, you might give to understand that you do not consider it right. Sometimes just to say: "I do not agree" or even change the topic of conversation every time it comes to it, is a way to express your opinion.
      • Sometimes you have to face a more serious problem, and you will have to choose between to stand up for what you consider it right and keep your work, or stay friends with someone, or defend your reputation as a cute and kind person. This is the moment when the real honor is dying, and hope you remained noble in small situations and it will prepare you for big solutions.
    4. Come to help people. If you drew a cartoon of a noble person, it could look like this: the guy refused his place on the bus for an elderly person, helped the child to carry his baggage and offered to pay for someone who forgot money. These are all the cliché demonstrate the behavior of a noble person, but these are those situations that can occur in real life, and to ensure easy opportunities to become a bit noble. However, this honor is manifested when you are called to do what you really do not want to do, but you do it anyway.

      • For example, maybe your brother and two of his dogs need a place where you can stay for three weeks, after losing their home. Your space will be shy, but he is your brother, so you go to it.
      • Or maybe you are in the car on the road to the airport to have time to fly to Venice to your honeymoon, and you witnessed how the car left the road and hit the fence. Even if it means that you are going to skip your flight, you will stop and offer your help.
    5. Never manipulate people. An important part of being a person of honor is to understand what the impact your words and actions have on other people. You have the opportunity to help, and you have the opportunity to harm. Do not associate with the emotions of people, as a way to get what you want. It is easy to do not even realizing this, so try to be more attentive to what influence you have.

      • Do not use weakness, for example, with someone's disease to get superiority over them.
      • Do not control those who surround you. Let them take their own decisions.
      • Do not use the sense of guilt of people to do what you want.
      • Do not let people think that you are experiencing more emotions than in fact.