Navy is one of the most important foreign policy attributes of the state. It is designed to ensure security and protect the interests of the Russian Federation in peacetime and wartime on ocean and sea borders.

The Navy is capable of attacking enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupting the enemy's ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transportation, assisting ground forces in operations in continental theaters of war, landing amphibious assault forces, and participating in repelling enemy landings and perform other tasks.

Today The Navy consists of four fleets: Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Caspian flotillas. The priority task of the fleet is to prevent the outbreak of wars and armed conflicts, and in the event of aggression, to repulse it, cover the country’s facilities, forces and troops from ocean and sea directions, defeat the enemy, create conditions for preventing military actions at the earliest possible stage and concluding peace in conditions that meet the interests of the Russian Federation. In addition, the task of the Navy is to conduct peacekeeping operations by decision of the UN Security Council or in accordance with the international allied obligations of the Russian Federation.

To solve the priority task of the Armed Forces and the Navy - preventing the outbreak of war, the Navy has naval strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. In the event of aggression, they must repel the enemy’s attacks, defeat the strike groups of his fleet and prevent him from conducting large-scale naval operations, as well as, in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ensure the creation of the necessary conditions for the effective conduct of defensive operations in continental theaters of military operations.

The Navy consists of the following branches of forces (Fig. 1): submarine, surface, naval aviation, marine corps and coastal defense forces. It also includes ships and vessels, special purpose units, and logistics units.

Submarine forces— a striking force of the fleet, capable of controlling open spaces, covertly and quickly deploying in the right directions, and delivering unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets. Depending on the main armament, submarines are divided into missile and torpedo submarines, and according to the type of power plant into nuclear and diesel-electric.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Navy

The main striking force of the Navy is nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. These ships are constantly in various areas of the World Ocean, ready for the immediate use of their strategic weapons.

Nuclear-powered submarines armed with ship-to-ship cruise missiles are aimed primarily at combating large enemy surface ships.

Nuclear torpedo submarines are used to disrupt enemy underwater and surface communications and in the defense system against underwater threats, as well as to escort missile submarines and surface ships.

The use of diesel submarines (missile and torpedo submarines) is mainly associated with solving typical tasks for them in limited areas of the sea.

Equipping submarines with nuclear power and nuclear missile weapons, powerful hydroacoustic systems and high-precision navigation weapons, along with comprehensive automation of control processes and the creation of optimal living conditions for the crew, has significantly expanded their tactical properties and forms of combat use. In modern conditions, surface forces remain the most important part of the Navy. The creation of ships that carry aircraft and helicopters, as well as the transition of a number of classes of ships, as well as submarines, to nuclear power have greatly increased their combat capabilities. Equipping ships with helicopters and airplanes significantly expands their capabilities to detect and destroy enemy submarines. Helicopters create the opportunity to successfully solve the problems of relay and communications, target designation, transfer of cargo at sea, landing troops on the coast and rescuing personnel.

Surface ships are the main forces for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and returning to bases, transporting and covering landing forces. They are assigned the main role in laying minefields, combating mine danger and protecting their communications.

The traditional task of surface ships is to strike enemy targets on its territory and cover their coast from the sea from enemy naval forces.

Thus, surface ships are assigned a complex of responsible combat missions. They solve these problems in groups, formations, associations, both independently and in cooperation with other branches of the naval forces (submarines, aviation, marines).

Naval aviation- branch of the Navy. It consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal.

Strategic and tactical aviation designed to combat groups of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transports, as well as to carry out bombing and missile attacks on enemy coastal targets.

Carrier-based aircraft is the main striking force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations. Its main combat missions in armed warfare at sea are the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air, launch positions of anti-aircraft guided missiles and other enemy air defense systems, conducting tactical reconnaissance, etc. When performing combat missions, carrier-based aircraft actively interact with tactical ones.

Naval aviation helicopters are an effective means of targeting a ship's missile weapons when destroying submarines and repelling attacks from low-flying enemy aircraft and anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they are a powerful means of fire support for Marine landings and destruction of enemy missile and artillery boats.

Marines- a branch of the Navy forces designed to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces (independently or jointly with the Ground Forces), as well as for the defense of the coast (naval bases, ports).

Marine combat operations are carried out, as a rule, with the support of aviation and artillery fire from ships. In turn, the Marine Corps uses in combat all types of weapons characteristic of motorized rifle troops, while using landing tactics specific to it.

Coastal Defense Troops, as a branch of the naval forces, they are designed to protect naval force bases, ports, important sections of the coast, islands, straits and narrows from attacks by enemy ships and amphibious assault forces. The basis of their armament is coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (protection of the water area). To ensure defense by troops on the coast, coastal fortifications are created.

Rear units and units designed for logistical support of forces and combat operations of the Navy. They ensure the satisfaction of material, transport, household and other needs of formations and associations of the Navy in order to maintain them in combat readiness to carry out assigned tasks.

The Navy includes an aircraft carrier (Fig. 2), nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear charges (Fig. 3), nuclear-powered missile cruisers (Fig. 4), large anti-submarine ships, destroyers (Fig. 5), patrol ships ships, small anti-submarine ships, mine-sweeping ships, landing ships, aircraft (Su-33 - Fig. 6, A-40, MiG-29, Tu-22M, Su-24, MiG-23/27, Tu- 142, Be-12, Il-38), helicopters (Mi-14, Ka-25, Ka-27, Ka-29), tanks (T-80, T-72, PT-76), BRDM, armored personnel carrier, self-propelled artillery guns (self-propelled guns of 122 and 152 mm caliber), self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, portable and self-propelled anti-aircraft missile systems.

Rice. 2. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov": standard (full) displacement - 45,900 (58,500) tons; length (but waterline) - 304.5 (270) m; width (at the waterline) - 72.3 (35.4) m; draft - 10.5 m; maximum speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 3850 miles (29 knots) or 8500 miles (18 knots); autonomy - 45 days; crew (officers) - I960 (200) + headquarters 40 people; flight crew - 626 people; aircraft fleet - 22 SU-33, 17 KA-27/31; maximum aircraft capacity - 36 SU-33, 14 helicopters; runway area - 14800 m2; hangar capacity - 18 SU-33; support equipment - 2 aircraft lifts, a springboard, a landing corner deck, 3 take-off platforms; weapons - strike, anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, radio-electronic

Rice. 3. Heavy nuclear submarine cruiser with ballistic missiles of Project 941 “Typhoon”: surface (underwater) displacement - 28,500 (49,800) tons; length - 171.5 m; width - 24.6 m; draft - 13 m; underwater speed - 27 knots; crew (officers) - 163 (55) people; autonomy - 120 days; diving depth - 500 m; armament - 20 ICBMs, torpedo tubes, anti-ship missiles, missiles, torpedoes, hydroacoustic stations, electronic countermeasures

Rice. 4. Project 1144 heavy nuclear-powered missile cruiser “Peter the Great”: standard (full) displacement - 19,000 (24,300) tons; length - 252 m; width - 28.5 m; draft - 9.1 m; maximum speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 14,000 miles (30 knots); crew (officers) - 744 (82) people: weapons - strike (anti-ship missile launcher), anti-aircraft, artillery, anti-torpedo, anti-submarine, aviation (3 Ka-27), radio-electronic

Rice. 5. Destroyer “Admiral Chabanenko”: standard displacement (full) - 7700 (8900) tons; length - 163.5 m; width - 19.3 m; draft - 7.5 m; maximum speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 4000 miles (18 knots); crew (officers) - 296 (32) people; weapons - strike (anti-ship missile launcher), anti-aircraft, artillery, anti-submarine, aviation (2 Ka-27), radio-electronic

Rice. 6. Su-33 ship-based fighter: wingspan - 14.7 m; length 21.19 m; height - 5.63 m; maximum take-off weight - 32,000 kg; maximum speed at high altitude -2300 km/h; ceiling - 17,000 m; range - 3000 km; armament - 30 mm cannon (250 rounds), UR; crew - 1 person

On October 30, 1696, a decision was made in the Russian Empire, which to this day is fundamental in the country’s military strategy - the Boyar Duma, at the request of Peter I, issued a decree on the founding of a permanently operating Navy.

Sea borders have always been the gateway to world trade, a path for growth and progress. With the development of shipbuilding, the general technological equipment of the state developed. With the expansion of the fleet, confidence in the sovereignty of the country and the inviolability of the territory appeared.

Today, the Russian Navy is built on the Black Sea, Pacific, Baltic and Northern flotillas. Marine technology consists of submarines, ships and military boats. Every year the fleet is modernized and expanded, many technological solutions are used only in our country.

10th place - Corvette “Savvy”

He began his voyage in 2010 in the Baltic Sea. The total width and length are 13 and 104.5 meters, respectively. The speed the ship is capable of is 27 knots. The main task of the corvette is to counter surface and underwater obstacles and provide assistance to landing forces on the water. The ship is equipped with an anti-aircraft system " Redoubt", AK-630 artillery systems, missiles " Uranus", helicopter " Ka-27PL».

9th place - Destroyer "Nastoychivy"

Serves under the auspices of the Baltic Flotilla. Designed to eliminate ground targets, anti-ship defense and combat with airborne troops. The ship is 156.5 meters long, more than 17 meters wide, and weighs 8,000 tons. The combat equipment on the ship includes artillery pieces of various calibers ( AK-630, AK-130), launch missiles, anti-aircraft systems " Hurricane", helicopters of the " Ka-27».

8th place - Patrol ship "Tatarstan"

The vessel is in the Caspian Fleet. For less visibility, the ship's superstructure is made of an alloy of aluminum and magnesium. The ship is engaged in border protection, eliminating targets on the water, under water, and also in the air. At the base of the vessel there is an anti-ship complex " Uranus", gun mounts, system " Osa-MA-2». dimensions: length about 102 meters, width 13.2 meters, displacement 1930 tons.

7th place – Destroyer “Admiral Ushakov”

In 1991, he was set sailing under the name " Fearless", and in 2004 changed the name to " Admiral Ushakov" Member of the Northern Fleet squadron. AK-130 artillery and missile systems are in combat readiness Moskit -M" And " Hurricane – Tornado", mortar-torpedo and anti-submarine systems, air group in the form of a helicopter " Ka-27PL" The vessel, about 156 meters long and 17 meters wide, can accommodate 358 people in wartime and operate for 30 days in an autonomous cycle.

6th place - Anti-submarine ship "Admiral Chabanenko"

This ship took part in naval exercises between Russia and Venezuela and became the first Russian crew to sail through the Panama Canal in the post-World War II period. Belongs to the Northern Fleet. There are anti-ship missiles on board " Mosquito", hydroacoustics system " Zvezda-2", various torpedo and mine weapons, helicopters can provide support in the sky " Ka-27».

The length of the vessel is 162.8 meters, width is 19 meters, the speed is 29 knots. A working group of 296 people can move autonomously for 30 days.

5th place – Heavy missile submarine cruiser “Dmitry Donskoy”

The vessel is classified as strategically significant. In 1976, she was included in the category of ships of the Navy. The main thing on the cruiser is a missile system with nuclear warheads " Mace", the range of which exceeds 9,000 kilometers. There are 165 people on board; underwater autonomous navigation can last for 4 months. The maximum speed on water is 12 knots, and in underwater mode 27, the maximum depth of descent is 400 meters.

4th place – Guards missile cruiser of the Order of Nakhimov “Varyag”

Leader of the Pacific Fleet. It was laid down in 1979 and put into operation 10 years later. Participated in different years in general exercises with India and China. Equipped with missile weapons " Osa-MA", "Volcano", "Reef", anti-submarine gun RBU-6000, artillery installations. The cruising range will be 7,500 miles, speed 32 knots. The cruiser can spend 30 days in an autonomous cycle with a crew of 480 people.

3rd place - Guards missile cruiser "Moskva"

A star of the Black Sea Fleet, he took part in several military conflicts of the last decade. The missile launchers are in service " Reef", "Vulcan", "Wasp", RBU-6000(rocket launcher), powerful artillery equipment. The vessel's displacement is 11,490 tons; the crew of 510 people can spend about a month in autonomous navigation. The speed developed by the ship is 32 knots, its width is about 21 meters, and its length is 186.4 meters.

2nd place - Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov"

It is in service with the Northern Flotilla. On board it is capable of moving more than 50 aircraft. During its history, it changed 4 names. The cruiser reaches 302.3 meters in length, boasts a speed of 29 knots, and a total displacement of 61 thousand tons. Missile weapons are in regular combat readiness " Dirk", "Granite", "Dagger"", also deep-sea missiles " Boa»

1st place - Nuclear-powered missile cruiser "Peter the Great"

With a length of 251 meters and a width of 28.5 meters, the ship's mass is 25,860 tons. Peter the Great began its voyage in 1989, and in 2011 it was recognized as the largest attack ship in the world. Nuclear reactors installed on board can provide energy to the city. This power allows you to reach a speed of 32 sea knots.

Accommodates 1035 crew members and can withstand 2 months of autonomous navigation. The ship is equipped with a huge number of missile and artillery installations of various ranges, and is also a base for airborne aircraft " Ka-27».

10 largest Russian warships. The ships are equipped with the latest weapons and equipment, and some of them can accommodate more than 1,000 people. These ships are powerful weapons of the Russian Navy.

The Navy is a specific branch of the Armed Forces that guards the interests of Russia. They are ready to defend their homeland in the ocean and sea theaters of military operations. The Navy is ready to cooperate with the Ground Forces during possible continental wars.

Navy flag

Since 1992, the fleet has regained the historical flag of the Russian Navy, thereby continuing the interrupted tradition. Under it, as before, sailors perform important tasks in maintaining the country's defense capability.

Missions of the fleet in peacetime

In peacetime, the fleet's potential serves to deter possible aggression of a potential enemy against the Russian Federation. Continuous combat training is underway. It would seem that the time is peaceful, but somewhere along their routes missile-carrying submarines (RPLSN) are continuously on combat duty. In strategically important areas, search, observation and escort of submarine-launched submarines and aircraft carrier groups of a potential enemy are carried out. Its intelligence and communications are being counteracted. A preliminary survey of areas of possible military operations is being carried out.

The Russian Navy is ready to protect the coast, act together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and internal troops in the event of civil conflicts, and when eliminating the consequences of disasters, work together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations and civil defense.

It is obvious that it is the Naval Forces that represent the best guarantee for the implementation of national economic activities in the World Ocean. They represent the Russian Federation in the vast expanses of water and, at the direction of the command, perform representative functions by visiting ships. The Russian Navy also fulfills interstate obligations by participating in peacekeeping operations ratified by the world community, provided they comply with the interests of the country.

Tasks of the fleet in wartime

In wartime, the fleet is ready to actively defend the sovereignty of the state in the exclusive zone, as well as on the continental shelf. In addition, he should also, in the face of military threats, carry out a specific “maritime task” - to defend the freedom of the high seas. To carry out the above tasks at the time specified by the combat work standards, it is transferred to a military state through operational deployment. If it is possible to localize a conflict or prevent it by protecting shipping, this function is performed first.

In the conditions of the active phase of hostilities, the Russian Navy fleet must hit remote enemy ground targets, ensure the combat operation of the submarine-launched missile launchers, strike the enemy’s submarine and surface naval forces, coastal defenses, protect the Russian coast, and interact with ground front-line force groups.

Fleet Composition

The leadership of the military fleet is carried out by the Main Command of the Navy. This refers to the management of its functional forces and assets: surface and underwater, naval aviation, coastal troops, coastal artillery and missile forces, and marines.

Organizationally, the following operational-strategic associations are made up: the Baltic, Northern, Pacific, Black Sea fleets, as well as the Caspian flotilla.

Northern Fleet

The naval bases are Severomorsk and Severodvinsk. It is called ocean-going, nuclear-powered, missile-carrying. The basis of the combat power is made up of nuclear missile-carrying submarines and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and submarine-launched aircraft, submarine-launched, missile ships, as well as the aircraft carrier - the flagship of the fleet, the nuclear-powered heavy missile cruiser "Peter the Great". At the same time, this mighty warship is the flagship of the Russian Navy.

The length of this missile cruiser is 251.1 m, width is 28.5 m, height from the level of its main plane is 59 m, displacement is 23.7 thousand tons. The mighty “heart” of the giant are two nuclear reactors. The autonomy of the Russian flagship is determined by the food supply for the crew on board, which is enough for about 2 months. Technically, thanks to its reactors, the cruiser can sail unlimitedly - without entering ports. The maximum speed of the ship is 31 knots.

The Northern Fleet is the most formidable operational-strategic formation of the Russian Navy. The warships that make up its might are regularly assigned combat training missions for the purpose of combat training. For example, the fleet flagship crosses the Atlantic Ocean together with accompanying ships approximately once every year and a half, and has participated in the international exercises Vostok-2010 and Indra-2009.

Baltic Fleet

It is serving near the “window to Europe.” Its composition (ships) is now being intensively modernized and updated. The process is taking place against the backdrop of NATO countries building up their military power in Europe. The Baltic Fleet is planned to be strengthened with new Project 11 356 frigates with eight anti-ship cruise missiles and anti-submarine missile torpedoes on board.

This operational-strategic formation is based in the Kaliningrad region (Baltiysk) and in the Leningrad region (Kronstadt). Functionally, it protects the Baltic economic zone, promotes the safety of ships, and performs foreign policy functions. This is the oldest Russian fleet. Its history began with the victory over the Swedish ships on May 18, 1703. Today, 2 - “Restless” and “Persistent” - form the basis of the combat power of the Russian Baltic Navy.

Its combat potential is formed by a brigade of diesel submarines, a division of surface ships, auxiliary ship formations, coastal troops, and naval aviation. The flagship ship is the destroyer Nastoychivy. This year, ship navigation systems (hydrometeological complexes, cartographic systems, hydro-navigating indicators, etc.) are being updated, and modernization of the Baltiysk harbor is planned.

Black Sea Fleet

After Crimea entered the Russian Empire in 1783, under Empress Catherine the Great, this fleet was created. Today it is based in the cities of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk. Since March 18, 2014, the main base of the Black Sea Fleet - the city of Sevastopol - became part of Russia.

The Russian Black Sea Navy has 25 thousand people. It consists of the following forces and means: diesel submarines, ocean-sea surface ships, naval aviation (fighter, missile-carrying, anti-submarine). The main tasks of this fleet are to protect the Black Sea economic zone and ensure navigation. The flagship of the fleet is the missile cruiser Moskva.

Currently, military observers are reporting the formation of the Black Sea naval coastal forces and artillery with supporting radio military units equipped with S-300PM2 and Pantsir-S1 air defense systems. It is expected that the naval aviation of the fleet will be strengthened by MiG-29 and Su-27SM aircraft, and Su-25SM attack aircraft. It is also planned to reinforce anti-submarine aviation by additionally equipping units with Il-38N aircraft, Ka-52K attack helicopters and deck-based Ka-29M and Ka-27 helicopters.

As reported in the press, a regiment of Tu-22M3 bombers will be stationed at the airfield in Gvardeyskoye. They will be able to tactically support Russian Navy ships of the Mediterranean squadron. At the same time, the formation of land military units on the peninsula is taking place.

Pacific Fleet

This Russian fleet ensures the protection of Russian interests in the Asia-Pacific region. It is based in Vladivostok, Fokino, and Maly Ulisse. The basis of combat power is made up of strategic submarine missile cruisers, nuclear and diesel submarines, ocean-going surface ships, naval aviation (fighter, missile-carrying, anti-submarine), and coastal troops. The flagship of the fleet is the missile cruiser Varyag.

This fleet performs an important strategic task of nuclear deterrence. Nuclear submarines are constantly on combat duty routes. The Pacific ships of the Russian Navy provide guaranteed protection of the regional economic zone.

Caspian flotilla

The Caspian flotilla is based in Makhachkala and Kaspiysk. The region of this sea is its area of ​​​​responsibility. Organizationally, the flotilla is a component of the Southern Military District. It is formed by brigades and divisions of surface ships. The flagship of the flotilla is the Gepard patrol ship, equipped with Kalibr-NK cruise missiles. It is tasked with countering terrorism, navigation safety, and protecting the state interests of Russia in the oil-producing region.

Ships included in the Russian Navy

At first glance, it is difficult for a non-specialist to even imagine the ship composition of the Russian Navy, but nevertheless, as it turned out, this information is freely available. This allows you to “embrace the immensity”: to present summary data on the fleets of a power occupying 1/5 of the landmass in a convenient, compact form (see Table 1). Let us comment on the abbreviation made in the table: for the sake of compactness, the fleets in it are indicated in capital letters.

Table 1. Ship composition of the Russian Navy as of the beginning of 2014.

Class WITH B T KFL H Total
Missile submarines cruiser strategist. appointments10 4 14
Diesel/electric submarines8 2 8 2 20
Multi-purpose nuclear submarines, armed with torpedoes and cruise missiles18 10 28
Special purpose nuclear submarines8 8
Special purpose diesel submarines3 1 2 6
Total - submarine fleet 47 3 24 0 2 76
Heavy atomic missiles. cruisers2 2 4
Heavy aircraft carrier cruisers1 1
Rocket. cruisers1 1 1 3
Squadron destroyers3 2 4 9
Distant patrol ships 2 3 5
Large anti-frost. ships5 4 1 10
Close patrol ships 3 2 5
Small rockets. ships3 4 4 2 4 17
Small artillery. ships 4 4
Small anti-frost ships6 7 8 7 28
Rocket. boats 7 11 6 5 29
Anti-sabotage. boats 1 1 1 3 6
Artillery. boats2 5 7
Long-range minesweepers4 2 7 13
Raid minesweepers1 15 5 2 23
Close minesweepers6 5 7 2 2 22
Large landings. ships4 4 4 7 19
Landing. boats4 6 4 6 2 22
Landing. ships on air shower 2 2
Total - surface fleet 42 56 52 33 44 227

Prospects for the development of the Russian Navy

Let us analyze the prospects for the development of the fleet, based on an interview given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Viktor Viktorovich Chirkov.

The very logic of the development of the Fleet as a complex, integral organism, the admiral believes, does not accept hasty decisions.

Therefore, its development is planned as a strategic process until 2050. The goal of further progress is associated with increasing the effectiveness of the enemy’s nuclear deterrence.

The plan provides that the Russian Navy will receive the latest ships in 3 stages:

  • from 2012 to 2020;
  • from 2021 to 2030;
  • from 2031 to 2050.

At the first stage, the construction of fourth generation nuclear submarine cruisers will be completed. The main carrier of ballistic weapons will be Project 955A RPLSN.

The second stage will be marked by the replacement of existing RPLSNs with their IV generation analogues. It is also planned to create a ship-based strategic missile system for surface ships. At the same time, the development of fifth-generation nuclear submarine cruisers will begin.

At the third stage, it is planned to begin the construction of tested fifth generation nuclear cruisers.

In addition to fundamentally increasing the potential characteristics of the Russian Navy, the newest ships - strategic submarine cruisers and ballistic missile launchers - will be characterized by increased stealth, low noise, perfect communications, and the use of robotics.

Challenges facing coastal troops

Let us recall that we have previously named the main bases of the Russian Navy for all its fleets. However, the planned development of the fleet for the period until 2050 will certainly affect the coast guard. What accents does Commander-in-Chief Chirkov see in it? Considering the bases of the Russian Navy in the process of their further strategic development, Viktor Viktorovich is betting on completing the creation of coastal missile systems, training and equipping the Marine Corps to perform tasks in the North.


Although the basis of the organizational structure of the Russian Navy will not change (4 fleets and 1 flotilla), heterogeneous highly maneuverable strike forces will be created within their framework. In the spirit of their creation, the successful development of unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence systems, marine robotic systems, and non-lethal weapons continues.

Summing up the review of the Russian fleet, we should pay special attention to the prospect of its renewal with ships of the IV, and then the V generation. At the same time, the basis of the Navy's power after the plan is implemented will be the fifth generation nuclear submarine cruisers. A fundamental increase in combat power will be accompanied by the improvement of command and control systems and the integration of naval forces into interservice groupings of troops in possible theaters of combat operations.

To conclude our modest presentation of the Russian Navy, here is a photo of its nuclear-powered flagship, the missile cruiser Peter the Great.

New Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Vladimir Korolev promised that in the next two years the fleet would include more than fifty ships. What exactly will one of Russia’s two main “allies” be replenished with?

Admiral Vladimir Korolev became commander in chief this month. Since November 2015, he has taken over the duties of his predecessor, who was experiencing health problems. Viktor Chirkov. Chirkov was never able to fully recover from the difficult operation, and eventually submitted his resignation.

Before his appointment to the main naval position, Korolev commanded the Black Sea and Northern fleets, as well as the joint strategic command “North”. In his last position, he made a significant contribution to the deployment of the Russian group of troops and the creation of military infrastructure in the Arctic.

Speaking on Monday, April 18, at the ceremony where he was presented with the standard of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Korolev said: “I would like to emphasize that over the three years from 2013 to 2016, we introduced 42 warships into the permanent readiness forces. In the period from 2016 to 2018, we plan to additionally introduce more than 50 ships into the Navy. This will make it possible to strengthen groups, including interspecies, in almost all strategic directions.”

Despite the fact that detailed lists of ships under construction with all accompanying details belong to classified documentation (or, at a minimum, to information for official use), the overall picture can be reconstructed with a high degree of reliability from open sources. Let's try to do this.

Aircraft carriers and destroyers

Despite all the optimistic aspects in Russian shipbuilding, the creation of full-fledged aircraft carriers or at least aircraft-carrying cruisers is a matter of the not so distant, but future. So far, things have not gone further than ideas, plans and layouts, and it will be possible to talk about something substantive no earlier than 2020-2025.

The project of universal landing helicopter carriers “Avalanche” / “Priboi”, approximate analogues of the long-suffering French “Mistrals”, which, due to well-known political circumstances, migrated from the Russian fleet to the Egyptian one, looks more realistic. This project was presented last year, production of at least four is planned to begin in 2016-2018.

Another type of large warship that is about to be built is Project 23560 nuclear destroyers (code “Leader”). It is planned to commission as many as 12 of them, but the laying is scheduled for approximately 2109.

Thus, we cannot expect anything from this category until 2018, even purely theoretically.

Patrol ships (frigates and corvettes)

Before considering this group, a small disclaimer is necessary. In the Soviet Navy, ships, approximately equal in characteristics to frigates and corvettes in the global classification, were classified as patrol ships (SKR) - with a division into the far and near sea zones. Due to inertia and the presence of a significant number of Soviet-built ships, we have a Soviet classification with a gradual transition to a global one.

So, here we can already expect the arrival of several ships before 2018. Firstly, these are two of the eight ordered (and 15 planned) Project 22350 frigates - Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov and Admiral of the Fleet Kasatonov. Both have long been launched, the tests of the first are coming to an end, the second are beginning. The third frigate in the series, Admiral Golovko, should be launched this year, but it is not a fact that it will be handed over to the fleet in the next two years.

We are also expecting the commissioning of 2-3 patrol boats of Project 11356 “Burevestnik” (modernization of the Soviet Project 11355). The lead ship Admiral Grigorovich has already been in service since last month, Admiral Essen and Admiral Makarov are undergoing testing, and Admiral Butakov, also last month, was launched.

In addition, Project 20380 corvettes are being built. In addition to the four transferred to the Baltic Fleet, at least one (the “Perfect”) should enter service in the Pacific Fleet at the end of this year or early next year. Perhaps the corvette Gromky will have time to join him.

Landing ships and boats

In the near future, both large landing ships of Project 11711 - Ivan Gren and Pyotr Morgunov - should enter the Navy. The first - by the fall of this year.

In 2017, all five air-cushion landing boats of the Murena project should go into operation - they already have experience in building them for the South Korean Navy. In addition, the Black Sea Fleet should receive a second landing boat of Project 02510. Interestingly, such boats, among other things, are equipped with reconnaissance drones, also, by the way, domestically produced.

Small warships and boats, patrol ships and minesweepers

This group is the largest. The most interesting here are the small missile ships (SMRs) of Project 21631 Buyan-M, related to those that were on duty off the coast of Syria and attacked terrorists with Caliber missiles from the Caspian Sea. Moreover, they are already being replaced or supplemented by the Project 22800 MRKs (code “Karakurt”). The total expected number by 2018 is 3-5.

Several more (about 5-6 in addition to the 10 built) anti-sabotage boats of Project 21980 “Grachonok” will fight against saboteurs and help border guards. The protection of the near and distant approaches to the coast will be carried out by 3-4 modular patrol ships of Project 22160, and mine defense will be carried out by at least one (head) base minesweeper of Project 12700 “Alexandrite”.


As for the submarine fleet, in addition to the three strategic missile submarine cruisers (SSBNs) of Project 955 "Borey", the "Prince Vladimir" should be put into operation - the first of those being built under the modernized Project 955U "Borey-A". Perhaps by 2018 “Prince Oleg” will arrive in time. Note that SSBNs are carriers of sea-based nuclear ballistic missiles.

The Kazan multi-purpose nuclear submarine with cruise missiles, which is being built according to the modernized project 08851 Yasen-M, is also expected to arrive.

If we talk about non-nuclear (diesel-electric) submarines, then two Varshavyankas (project 636.3) should be commissioned within two years. Both the B-268 “Veliky Novgorod” and the B-271 “Kolpino” will go to the Black Sea Fleet. Submarines of this class also took part in the Syrian operation - the Rostov-on-Don launched an attack from the Mediterranean Sea with Kalibr-PL cruise missiles.

Auxiliary vessels

We will not dwell in detail on auxiliary vessels, especially since there is not much information on them. By 2018, 1 rescue tugboat with the function of cargo transportation, 2-4 medium and small tankers, 2-3 experimental vessels (intended for testing new weapons and equipment), 4-6 tugboats, from 2 large hydrographic boats should be put into operation , 5 floating cranes and 10-15 rescue and other auxiliary boats.

* * *

Thus, we counted 30-35 warships and 25-35 auxiliary ships. Even if we take the minimum numbers, the final replenishment of the ship's personnel will clearly be more than 50. This means that we have no reason to doubt the words of the new commander-in-chief.

The above tables do not include ships, boats and submarines assigned to the combat strength of fleets and their formations, but transferred under a leasing agreement to third countries. And also, onboard combat boats and boats, the cataloging of which is technically impossible.

The above tables include ships, boats and submarines that have been formally decommissioned and excluded from the operational strength of the fleet and its formations, awaiting disposal, but with a reduced crew on board, and a naval pennant.

Due to their insignificance, the above tables of ships do not include combat anti-sabotage and landing boats included in the system of army and navy command and control facilities on the shores of inland waterways (IWW).

The above tables are not included due to their insignificance for analyzing the combat status of the fleet and the technical impossibility of cataloging ships, boats and elements of transport or storage infrastructure of ultra-low displacement that do not have side numbers, are non-self-propelled, onboard, are support vessels for base points, or are generally not thematically relevant this article. These include: landing stages, fire guards, boats, dinghy boats, floating berths, floating demagnetization stands, floating power supply stations, floating charging stations, floating heating stations, port oil and waste removal vessels, floating barracks, small and large ship shields, training sailing barges, boats target drivers and target boats, side boats, small hydrographic boats, festive and ceremonial boats - communication boats, passenger boats - communication boats, training boats, small search and rescue boats, work boats, service and crew boats, environmental boats, environmental vessels, torpedo boats (including those assigned to weapons research centers), motorboats, sports yachts, raid ferries, river pusher tugs, non-self-propelled raid floating workshops, cable ships, raid floating workshops, floating workshops, floating self-propelled and non-self-propelled cranes, self-propelled and non-self-propelled dry cargo and liquid barges; and vessels assigned to ship repair yards (technical tankers, road tugs and towing boats, floating workshops, offshore floating workshops, physical field control vessels, demagnetization vessels, and floating technical bases - nuclear waste storage facilities).

In the statistical calculation of the percentage of weapons for the indicated periods, in total and separately by fleet, the factors of funding allocation and the actual start of work long before the specified dates of the ship-laying ceremonies and, accordingly, their entry into service were not taken into account. Also, the facts of completion of ships from previously created hull reserves of the previous period were not taken into account.