"The unfinished novel" is a sentimental history of two people who love each other very much, but can not be together. Both have families and, accordingly, commitments to loved ones. For many years in a row, the heroes are found at the hotel. They have only a few days a year to stay at the same time, without anyone life is impossible. It would seem that the story set as director of Natalia Boulyga is a pure drama. But no! The production turned out to be cheerful and easy, because love is not necessarily and not always tragedy. The star of the screen of Maria Poroshina, who has played in addition to the many other film collections Svetlana Svetlana in the films of Timur Bekmambetov "Night Watch and Day Watch", herself invited Yaroslav Boyko to take part in the play "Unfined Roman". For her, the choice of the scenic partner was obvious. Their creative tandem originated in 2003, when the series "Always say always" came out on the screens. The actors turned out to be so organic in the role of a loving couple that the viewer then did not have doubts: of course they have a novel!

The Studio "Quarter 95" goes to the world tour with the events of the Evening Quarter, the Evening Quarter project is a humorous show with a unique format of intellectual humor. And humor in the "Evening Quarter" is always fresh and relevant, acute and accurate. A special recognizable style "Quarter 95" is a combination of a good humor and a positive look for life, relevance and acute political satire, as well as an orientation for universal and family values. For many years, the "Evening Quarter" is the most popular show on Ukrainian television, traditionally collecting millions of viewers from the screens.

British irregular verbs simulator will help you remember their writing and meaning. Fill empty cells. If you wrote correctly, the word will change the color with red on green. Update the page or click the "Start re-" button, and you will see a new order of empty cells. Care again!

Modal verbs (Modal Verbs) in English is a class of auxiliary verbs. Modal verbs are used to express the ability, necessity, confidence, possibility or probability. We use modal verbs, if we talk about the abilities or opportunities, ask or give permission, we ask, we offer, etc. Modal verbs are not used independently, but only with the infinitive of the main verb as a composite one.

Queen of UK Elizabeth II and royal family

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland remains for centuries Parliamentary monarchy. From February 6, 1952, on the throne of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Queen Elizabeth II..

The system of constitutional monarchy is believed to smooth the contradictions of a multi-party policy and ensures stability and continuity during the period of political and social change.

The acting monarch performs two important functions - is head of State and Head of Nation .

As head of state, Queen of Great Britain Performed by the following duties: participates in the annual opening ceremony of the parliament, weekly meets the Prime Ministers, accepts foreign ambassadors and delegations, visits foreign states with official visits to support the diplomatic and economic relations of their country with others. Many official powers of the monarch or royal prerogatives are performed by the monarch only nominally, after a meeting with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers, who are responsible to the House of Commons of Parliament. Most prerogatives are implemented in practice Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain. Monarch formally appoints the Prime Minister ("Kissing hands" ceremony), in practice, is the head of the party who won the parliamentary elections. In the case when none of the parties received the majority, the monarch has the right to appoint the Prime Minister. The acting Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II took advantage of this opportunity only once - in 1974, appointing Harold Vilson's premiere of Laborist. On the advice of the Prime Minister, the monarch has the right to retire ministers or the entire office (the prerogative, which British monarchs never use). All parliamentary laws are accepted in the name of the monarch and come into force after its formal approval.

Formally, the monarch has the right to convene, dissolve and extend the action of the Parliament. But in practice, according to the Act of the 1911 Parliament, the Parliament is elected for a period of 5 years and after this period is automatically dissolved.

The monarch is brought by the oath of loyalty, on behalf of the monarch, British passports are issued, the anthem of the country is called "God, the queen." The image of the monarch is present on banknotes, coins and postage stamps. The active monarch is the head of the Royal Armed Forces and has a formal prerogative to declare war and conclude peace, enter into international treaties and ratify agreements.

Despite the desired age, the royal couple continues to fulfill official duties. In April 2014, Queen Elizabeth II with a spouse Duke Edinburgh visited the Vatican and met with Pope Francis.

Monarch is considered Source of justice - He has the right to appoint judges.

Monarch is Source of honor (holds investing ceremonies) - appoints peers, awards orders, knight's ranks and other honors (usually on the advice of the Prime Minister).

Monarch - head of the Anglican Church. He has the right to appoint Archbishops and Bishops (at the suggestion of the Prime Minister).

Since 1760, financing the content of the royal family occurs in a civilian sheet. This means that the income from the royal inheritance - the corona estate go to the British budget, and then stand out for the needs of the royal family.

Monarch only formally owns its estate, as it is impossible to sell it, but you can only transfer the heir to the throne. Formally, the current monarch owns the county of Lancaster, the income from which they go to the replenishment of the "personal wallet" of the monarch and spend on those needs, which are not recorded in a civilian sheet. County Cornwall formally belongs to the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom.

As the head of the nation, Queen Elizabeth II Performs in the UK an equally important cultural and social function. It provides national identity, symbolizes the unity and pride of the nation, giving the British a sense of stability and confidence in the future.

The queen regularly visits various parts of the United Kingdom, its presence is necessarily at the solemn ceremonies on the occasion of the memory of the victims of the victims in wars, at considerable sporting events. Everyone memorized the emergence of the Queen in the video with James Bond at the opening of the Olympic Games in London in 2012. In 1976, Queen Elizabeth II opened the Summer Olympic Games in Montreal in Canada, as the head of the Canadian state. The royal office sends thousands of messages with congratulations for subjects, celebrating the centenary anniversary and the sixtieth anniversary of the wedding. Every year, the Queen of Elizabeth II appeals to a sacrifice with a Christmas speech.

Members of the British royal family Form the turn of the inheritance of the throne. The first in the queue is the eldest son of Queen - Charles. The second and third is the eldest son of Charles Prince William and his son George. The order of inheritance was determined by the Union Act of 1800, where the inheritance rule was enshrined in accordance with the origin of the male priority. The Act of the Prestolonception of 1701 reigned the rule on which only the monarch, the Anglican faith, the British Trone can inherit. According to this law, not only Catholics, but also the British, who are married to Catholics cannot enter the British throne.

At the Summit of the Commonwealth in Australia in October 2011, changes were made to the procedure for letters in order to avoid discrimination against sexual and religious signs. In December 2012, this law was approved by the parliaments of the countries included in the Commonwealth. Now the order of inheritance is determined by a simple seniority and is canceled ban on marriages with Catholics for future monarchs. Currently, in the queue of the Preconsession is located 55 royal family members - The descendants of Elizabeth II, her sisters - the princesses of Margarita and grandfather - Georg V.

Also members royal Family are distributed to seniority or priority. So, the spouse of Queen - the Duke of Edinburgh is not among the heirs of the throne, but is the second to be a family seniority after the queen. This procedure for seniority is complied with official events. For example, during the imposition of wreaths on the day of the memory of those killed in the wars, the queen places the first wreath, the Duke of Edinburgh - the second, Prince Charles - the third, etc.

Queen Title Elizabeth IIit differs for each country, which is included in the Commonwealth.

For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it sounds like this:

"ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith."

"Elizabeth second, the grace of God of the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and its other countries and territories, head of the Commonwealth, defender of faith."

Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926 in London on Breuton Street Street, house 17. This house no longer exists, and a memorial plaque is installed on a new house at this address. Upon baptism, the daughter of Prince Albert, Duke York and Lady Elizabeth Bowl Lyon received the name Elizabeth (in honor of the mother) Alexander (in honor of the great-grandmother) Maria (in honor of the grandmother). Elizabeth II belongs to the Windsor Dynasty. Father Elizabeth - Prince Albert stood the second in the queue of the Preconsession. After rejection from the throne of her older brother - Edward VIII, he became King Georg VI, and Elizabeth turned into "Heir Presumptive" ("Estimated heir"). This means that if the king was later born a son, the throne would have inherited exactly.

In 1947, a wedding of Elizabeth with Philippe Mountbetten (born on June 10, 1921) - an officer of the British fleet owned to the Greek and Danish royal family, the great-grandfather of the British queen of Victoria and the Russian emperor Nikolai I. To marry Elizabeth Philip became a naturalized citizen of Great Britain, Replaced Greek Orthodoxy to Anglicism, refused the titles of the "Prince Danish" and "Greek Prince" titles. In return, Georg VI gave him the title of Duke of Edinburgh, Graph Merionetsky and Baron Greenwich.

When George VI died on February 6, 1952, Elizabeth and her husband traveled by Kenya. In the UK, Princess Elizabeth has already returned to Queen Elizabeth II. Ceremony of Coronation Elizabeth IIwhich took place on June 2, 1953, was first broadcast on television from Westminster Abbey. The first who brought the oath of loyalty to the new Queen was her spouse - the Duke of Edinburgh.

Queen has four children: Prince Charles, Princess Anna, Prince Andrew, Prince Eduard.

Charles, Prince Wales - Born on November 14, 1948. Full name Charles (Karl) Philip Arthur George (Georg) Mountbetten - Windsor. Heir to the Great British throne, Feldmarshal, Admiral Fleet and the Marshal of the Royal Air Force. When joining the throne, you can choose the Royal Name - Charles (Karl) III in the first name, or George (Georg) VII in the fourth.

At birth, Charles received the title "HIS Royal Highness Prince Charles of Edinburgh" - "His Royal Highness Prince Charles Edinburgh". When climbing the throne of Elizabeth II in 1952, Prince Charles automatically received the title "Duke of Cornish" and became referred to as "his Royal Highness of Duke Cornish". In 1969, Elizabeth II held the investment ceremony, putting the head of the son of the crown of Prince Welsh. And the official title of Charles changed to "His Royal Highness Prince Wales."

July 29, 1981 a wedding of the heir to the throne with Diana Spencer. Two Sons were born at Charles and Diana: Prince William (born on June 21, 1982) and Prince Henry (Harry) (born September 15, 1984). On April 9, 2005, Prince Charles married a second time - on Camilla Parker Bowl. For the first time in the history of the royal family, the ceremony was committed in civil order. Due to the fact that the late wife of Prince Charles - Lady Diana is still very popular with the British, Camile was assigned a title not princess Wales, but the Duchess of Cornish.

By tradition, Charles is engaged in charity, leads more than 350 charitable societies. The sphere of his interests includes the protection of nature and agriculture.

Princess Anna (Anna Elizabeth Alisa Louise) was born on August 15, 1950. Currently, it is located at the 11th place in the prestoliydia queue. Since 1987, wearing the title of the Royal Princess (Princess Royal). From the first marriage with Mark Phillips, two children were born: Peter Phillips (1977) and Zara Phillips (1981). Princess Anna, Mark Phillips and Zara Phillips at different times were represented by the UK at the Olympic Games in horseback sports. After the divorce with Mark Phillips, Princess Anna married Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence.

Prince Andrew. (Andrew Albert Christian Edward), Duke Yorksky was born on February 19, 1960. The title of Duke York Prince Andrew received in 1986 - on the day of the wedding with Sara Ferguson. Two daughters were born in marriage: Princess Beatris Yorkskaya (born 1988) and Evgenia Yorkskaya (genus 1990). Duke Yorksky takes 5th place in the order of inheritance of the British throne.

Prince Edward (Edward Anthony Richards Louis), Count Wessek was born on March 10, 1964. In the line of the Prestolonia stands on the 8th place after his older brothers and their descendants. The title of Graph received on the day of his wedding with Sophie Ris-Jones. It was announced that after the death of the Father, he will receive the title of Duke Edinburghsky, and his children will not receive the titles of the princes and the princesses, and will be considered as children of the graph. In Count Wessise, two children: Louise (genus 2003) - Lady Louise Windsor and James (genus 2007) - "James, Viscount Severn."

The second in the queue of the British Prepoligation Prince WilliamArthur Philip Louis (genus 1982) - Son of Prince Wales and Diana Spencer. On William's wedding day with Kate Middleton, he was granted the title - the Duke of Cambridge, Count Strathhran and Baron Carrichery. Kate Middleton, respectively, became the Duchess of Cambridge. On July 22, 2013, the Couple was born the son of George (Georg) Alexander Louis. Which became the third in the queue of the Swallopolia.

Prince Henry Wales (Henry Charles Albert David Mountbetten-Windsor) - The younger son of Prince Charles and Diana Spencer was born on September 15, 1984. Currently is the 4th in the queue of the heirs of the British throne.

When queen Elizabeth II.it works, she divides his time between London and Windsor.

Royal Palaces are not owned by Queen or Royal Family. Officially, they are in "Trust Management for Future Generations".

The main royal residence of the British Monarch - Buckingham Palace in Westminster. There are most of state banquets, investments, techniques of heads of states and ambassadors of foreign countries and other official events. In the Buckingham Palace, which is associated with most people in the world with British royal family, 775 rooms. Including: 19 public rooms, 52 royal and guest bedrooms, 188 bedrooms for employees, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe Palace is 77 thousand square meters. When the queen is located in the palace - the royal standard develops above it, if there is no state in the palace - state.

The second largest royal residence is the largest residential castle in the world - Windsor Castle, is used by the royal family for weekends.

The main residence in Scotland is Castle Holyruhuz in Edinburgh. The queen necessarily holds there one week a year - the so-called "Holyrun Week".

The royal family also belongs to Clarenshauses (Prince Charles House) and the Kensington Palace.

Vacation (in August and September) Her Majesty spends in the castles of Balmoral in Aberdinshire or Sandringemhouse in Norfolk. They are private residential residences and are not funded from the budget.

A series of scandals associated with the divorces of the Princess Anna, Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, as well as the death of Princess Diana significantly undermined the authority of the royal family in the UK. Nevertheless, according to polls, more than 60% of the British are coming for the preservation of the monarchy institute in the country.

Interesting facts in Queen Elizabeth II:

  • In the queen Elizabeth II. no passport. Since the British passport is issued on behalf of Her Majesty, the queen cannot issue a passport itself. All other members of the Royal Family, including the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Welsh, have British passports.
  • Queen Elizabeth II. He is the only person in the country that is allowed to drive a car without registration number and driving license. By the way, the Queen's driver's rights received in 1945.
  • - This is not a fixed date. Will it be 1, 2 or 3rd Saturday of June - solves the government of the country. On this day, from 1748, the royal military parade is held by tradition - TROOPING THE COLOR..
  • In Australia queen's birthday It is noted as a public holiday in the second Monday of June. In Western Australia, the Monarch's birthday is celebrated at another time - in late September or early October. New Zealand's birthday of the queen is also a public holiday and celebrated on the first Monday of June. In Canada, the queen's birthday is celebrated as a public holiday on Monday, preceding May 24.
  • The actual birthday of the queen - April 21. On this day there are no solemn events and the queen holds him in a family circle.
  • Royal salutes are strictly regulated and there are
  • February 6 (Estiques Day for Elizabeth II)
  • April 21 (Birthday of Elizabeth II)
  • June 2 (Coronation Day Elizabeth II)
  • June 10 (the birthday of the Duke of Edinburgh)
  • Official birthday of the queen
  • Opening of the session of the Parliament Queen (usually November or December).
  • The number of shots of the royal salute is also regulated. The main royal salute is 21 shot. In the Hyde Park to the main salute adds another 20 shots. In Tower - this is to the main number 21, 20 and another shot 21 are added.
  • Queen Elizabeth II. It is the head of state in 16 states and is the head of the Commonwealth, consisting of 53 countries. In 1952, at the Conference of the Prime Ministers of the countries of the Commonwealth, Elizabeth II was proclaimed by the head of the association of countries not by law inheritance, but by the law of the consent of Member States.
  • W. queen Elizabeth II. There are other official and unofficial titles. For example, in Maori's language, it is called "Cutuk" - "White Heron". In Papua - New Guinea in the language of the queen Queen called Mrs. Kwin. On the island of Maine Queen, they call the Mane's sovereigns, on the Normandy Islands - she is the Duchess of Normandy; In the Duchy of Lancaster - she is Duchess Lancaster.
  • During his reign queen Elizabeth II. Attached during traditional meetings on Tuesdays 12 Prime Ministers: Winston Churchill, Anthony Idun, Harold Macmillana, Alexander Douglas Hume, Harold Vilson, Edward Hita, James Callagan, Margaret Thatcher, John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron.
  • Tony Blair became the first prime minister who was born during the Board of Elizabeth II (in May 1953).
  • During the board queen Elizabeth II. Changed 6 Archbishops of Canterbury.
  • W. queen Elizabeth II. 9 trones. One - in the ward of Lords, 2 - in Westminster Abbey and 6 in the Buckingham Palace.
  • Queen It should not publicly express its political views and communicates extremely correct with all the prime ministers of the country, being over political battles. The same applies to the members of the royal family who do not have the right to speak about political events, so the political views of the queen and her family members remain unknown.
  • Queen Elizabeth II. Patronizing more than 620 charitable organizations.
  • Queen Elizabeth II. - This is the 40th monarch in the UK, starting from Wilhelm the Conqueror.
  • During his reign queen Elizabeth II. Visited official visits in more than 130 countries and made more than 250 trips. In October 1994, Queen visited an official visit to Russia.
  • Most of the trips Queen made a Britain on a yacht, which was built in 1954 and was written off in 1997. The total distance that Britain passed over the years is more than a million nautical miles.
  • In the queen Elizabeth II. There were more than 30 dogs of favorite breed Corgi.. The first dog of this breed - Susan she received on his eighteen years as a gift. All other dogs are descendants of Susan. The queen is even the creator of a new dog breed - dorgariwho originated from the mixing of her cereals with Taksi Princess Margaret.

  • Queen Elizabeth II.i sent my first email in 1976, and the first official royal site was created in 1997.
  • Legally whales, dolphins and fish sturgeon in the sea of \u200b\u200bGreat Britain belong to the crown. Because the country still has the Statute of 1324, adopted during the reign of Edward II, which says that the monarch owns dolphins, whales and sturgeon, alive and dead within the territorial waters of the country.

This summer it happened the long-awaited event and extremely significant for the British event, exactly a month ago, July 22, Prince of Villama and the Duchess of Cambridge Catherine was born a son - Prince Georg Alexander Louis. The fate of people "Blue Blood" has always been interested in the public, now the inhabitants of Great Britain and the whole world are trying to learn new facts about the life of the royal dynasty and predict what George Louis will be in the future, as will affect the "royal heredity" on his life, especially That the prince has every chance to lead the monarchy in the future, because Georg Louis is the third in line from the contenders for the royal throne.

We were interested in old archival photos, mostly the first half of the last century, which captured the children's years of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles. We bring to your attention a selection of these rare pictures.

(Just 30 photos)

1. Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II (Queen Elizabeth II) was born on April 21, 1926 in London in the Duke family and Duchess York.

2. Recently discovered photograph of a young duke york family. This photo in a relaxed atmosphere was made not a professional royal photographer, but by ordinary tourists traveling around Scotland, who unexpectedly broke the car, which made them appeal for help, knocking on the door of the nearest home. They opened the parents of Elizabeth with a newborn baby in her arms. They were so kind that not only helped travelers to repair the car, but also with pleasure photographed for a memorable picture from Scotland.

3. 1928, Elizabeth 2 years. In a narrow family circle, the little heiress the throne received a nickname Lilibet, because he could not learn how to pronounce their full name for a long time.

4. 1929, Elizabeth with Father.

5. At birth, Elizabeth became the Duchess York and was the third in the line of inheritance of the throne after his uncle Edward, Prince of Wales (future king Edward VIII) and the Father.

6. Since the Prince Edward was young enough and, as it was believed, had to marry and raise children, initially Elizabeth was not considered as a possible candidate for the throne.

7. Soon she had a younger sister Margaret. King George VI often spoke of his daughters: "Lilibet is my pride, and Margaret - Otrada."

8. Children's Games Princess Elizabeth.

9. Young Elizabeth with his parents.

10. 1932, Princess Elizabeth and Margaret Roses with parents on a parade of Boyskautov in Windsor Castle, Berkshire. (Photo: / Getty Images)

11. King Georg and Queen Elizabeth with Princesses Elizabeth (in the center) and Margaret, as well as members of the royal family in full uniforms on the balcony of the Buckingham Palace after coronation, May 12, 1937. (Photo: Getty Images). A year earlier, Prince Albert (Georg VI) became the king, and the 10-year-old Elizabeth became the heir of the throne and moved with his parents from Kensington to the Buckingham Palace. At the same time, it remained in the role of "Heir Presumptive" ("Estimated Heir"), and in the case of the birth of George Vi Son the throne would have inherited.

12. Queen, Princess Elizabeth and Margaret Roses and Royal Archers, 1937. (Photo: Fox photos / Getty Images)

13. Princess Elizabeth with a pony in Windsor Park, Berkshire County, April 1939. (Photo: Central Press / Getty Images). According to the memoirs of the teacher of Elizabeth, at the age of 12, the girl told her: "If I hadn't been a queen, I would live in the village and would start a lot of horses and dogs."

14. When Elizabeth turned 13 years old, the Second World War began. In 1940, at the age of 14, she first spoke on the radio, contacting children affected by the disasters of war. In 1943, Elizabeth appeared in public, applying a visit to the regiment of the Guards Grenadiers. In 1944, he was among the five "state advisers" - those who have the right to perform the functions of the king in the event of its absence or incapacity. In 1945, the future queen joined the supporting territorial service (female self-defense detachments), where he was trained as a mechanic-driver of a sanitary car and received the title of Lieutenant.

15. Here Elizabeth is captured already as a young mother with the firstborn - Prince Charles. Prince Charles was born on November 14, 1948 in the Residence of the Royal Family - in the Buckingham Palace. In the photo, Queen Elizabeth II keeps the prince after the baptism rite, which was held on December 15. During the ceremony of the baby dipped into the water taken from the Jordan River.

16. The full name of Prince Welsh sounded like Charles Philip Arthur George. He became the first contender for the Royal Throne, born in the "Violation of the Century" tradition: this time the Minister of Internal Affairs of the country was not being honored at the royal childbirth. NOVATIONS, accompanying the life of Charles, on this, however, did not end: he became the first Crown Prince, who was sent to learn to school (the young monarchs studied at home) and the first to receive a university diploma.

17. Brought up the prince of Nanny, because Mom, according to Charles himself, more "played the queen" ...

19. Royal Family, August 1951. From left to right Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Duke Edinburgh, King Georg and Princess Elizabeth (Future Queen Elizabeth II), as well as Little Princess Anna in a baby carriage. Next year, 1952, Princess Elizabeth became the Queen of Great Britain.

20. The educators were not too balded the throne: for the provinces of his simplicity ... Porous.

22. Elizabeth with Little Charles and Anna.26. At 9, the prince was given to the chic private school Hill House, where, according to tradition, pupils of blue blood rods yard and soap floors. There was no exceptions for the Royal Son. In the photo, the prince introduces mom with classmates and teachers.

27. By the way, the little Charles did not like school very much, it did not care and somehow complained to a friend on classmates who "at night they beat his pillows."

28. For a long time, he did not understand his exclusivity for a long time: he heard the prayers for mother Queen in church services and for him as the heir, the prince said: "I would like them to pray for other boys too."

29. At the wedding of Princess Margaret, 1960.

30. September 1960, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philipp, Duke Edinburgh, along with his children, Prince Andrew (center), Princess Anna (left) and Charles, Prince Wales near Castle Balmoral in Scotland. Queen Victoria's husband acquired Balmoral Castle in 1846. Queen Victoria often visited Scotland with her family, especially after his husband's death in 1861, and still Balmoal is a favorite holiday destination for the royal family. (Photo Keystone / Getty Images).

The Parliamentary Monarchy remains the form of government in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for several centuries. From February 6, 1952, the Queen of Elizabeth is located on February 6, 1952 2. This name is the name is associated with the magnitude and power of the country. But what is the true role of Elizabeth in the management of the state and why the British are so proud of their permanent government?

On April 21, 1926, Prince Alberta, Duke York and Lady Elizabeth Bowl Lyon, was born daughter - the future Queen of England. In London, where the family lived, a memorial plaque was installed on Breuton Street Street. The heiress was painted Elizabeth (in honor of the mother) Alexander (in honor of the great-grandmother) Maria (in honor of the grandmother). The British monarchine belongs to the Windsor dynasty.

Prince Albert, Father Elizabeth, being the second in the turn of the throllery, became King Georg VI, after his elder brother Edward VIII renounced the throne. Thus, Elizabeth acquired the status of "Heir Presumptive" ("Estimated Heir"). This means that if the son was born later, the son was born, then the throne would only belong to him.

In 1947, the wedding of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II with Philip Mountbetten - the British Fleet officer, from the Greek and Danish royal family. The greatness of the British Queen of Victoria and the Russian Emperor Nikolai I for the sake of marriage to Elizabeth Philippe had to become a naturalized citizen of Great Britain, to change Greek Orthodoxy into English, to abandon such titles as Prince Danish and Prince Greek. For all this, Georg Vi honored his title Duke Edinburgh, Count Merionetsky and Baron Greenwich.

Georg VI died on February 6, 1952. At this time, Elizabeth and her husband were just on the journey. From Kenya, the queen returned from Kenya Elizabeth. Ceremony of Coronation Elizabeth II, held on June 2, 1953 in Westminster Abbey, was first broadcast on television, and the photo was published in all newspapers. The first oath of loyalty to the new queen brought her spouse - Duke Edinburgh.

Queen has four children: Three Prince - Charles, Andrew, Edward and Princess Anna, all of them in the photo presented below.

Formal Board

Today, the Queen of Elizabeth performs two important functions - rules the state and nation. Being a head of state, it performs such duties as participating in the annual opening ceremony of parliament, weekly meetings with the Prime Ministers, the reception of foreign ambassadors and delegations, visiting foreign countries with official visits to maintain the diplomatic and economic relations of their country with others.

Most of the official powers of the monarch or the so-called "royal prerogatives" of Queen of England Elizabeth performs only nominally, after a preliminary meeting with the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers - persons responsible for the Chamber of Commons of Parliament. In practice, most of the prerogatives are implemented by the Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain.

The Prime Minister is formally appointed by the monarch (the "kissing hands" ceremony), in reality, is the head of the party who won the elections to parliament. If none of the parties receive a majority, the Queen of Elizabeth has the right to appoint the Prime Minister itself. With this opportunity, she took advantage of only once, appointed in 1974 to the post of premiere of the Leiborist Harold Wilson.

Monarch can take advantage of the right (on the advice of the Prime Minister) to take a decree on resignation or ministers, or the entire cabinet (but this prerogative British kings never use). All laws considered by the Parliament are accepted in the name of the monarch and acquire power only after its formal approval. Also, the monarch has a formal right to convene, dissolve parliament, extend his action. But in reality, Parliament, as indicated in the Act of the Parliament of 1911, is elected for a period of 5 years and dissolves automatically after this term expires.

The king brings fidelity to the king, from his behalf of the British issued passports, the name of the country's hymn also talks about the importance and worship of the monarch - "God, Korolev." The queen is depicted on banknotes, coins and postage stamps. Being the head of the Royal Armed Forces, and has the formal right to lead the war or enter into a peaceful agreement, ratify agreements and enter into agreements of international importance. Despite its respectable age, the royal family continues to fulfill their official duties.

Monarch in England is a source of justice, therefore appoints judges, a source of honor, therefore appoints (not without the participation of the Prime Minister) peers, various orders, knight's ranks and many other honors are awarded. Having headed the Anglican Church, the monarch also appoints (again at the suggestion of the Prime Minister) of Archbishop and Bishops.

Financing the content of the royal family since 1760 occurs in a civilian sheet. That is, income from the corona estate (royal inheritance) go to the British budget, and then stand out for the needs of the monarch of the family. Even with his estate, the monarch owns formally, since it is impossible to sell it, but only to transfer the heir to the throne. The County of Lancaster is formally owned by the active monarch. Revenues from him go to the replenishment of the "personal wallet" of the ruler and spend on need, according to tradition, not recorded in a civilian sheet.

Pride of a nation

Public life The future Queen of England monarchs began another 40s. For the first time, she turned on the radio to the children of England, affected by the World War II. In 1943, she officially appeared in public, having met the Guards Grenadiers. Later Elizabeth was included in the list of five persons who was allowed to perform the monarch functions in case anything happens to her father. And in the year of the Great Victory, the military rank of lieutenant and the Working Specialty - the mechanic-driver of the car of the Red Cross car appeared in the afternoon.

Being a head of nation, Queen Elizabeth II performs an important function of cultural and social importance, providing national identity, symbolizing the unity and pride of the nation. It gives residents of Great Britain a sense of stability and confidence in the future. The Government of England constantly visits various parts of the United Kingdom. The presence of the queen is mandatory at the solemn ceremonies dedicated to the Day of Memory of the victims in the wars, in large sporting events.

Many remember the opening of the Olympic Games in London in 2012, when the Queen appeared in a video with James Bond. Summer Olympic Games in Montreal in Canada, which took place in 1976, also opened it as the head of the Canadian state. Thousands of granting messages for subjects sends the royal office, they are addressed to those who celebrate the centenary anniversary and the anniversary of the wedding (60 years). Every year in the Christmas Queen Elizabeth II appeals to his subject with speech.

Do you know that…

The queen has no passport. The British passport is issued on behalf of Her Majesty, and she can not give it to himself. All other members of the royal family, including the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Wales, British passports are.

Queen Elizabeth II is the only person in the country that is allowed to drive a car without a driver's license and registration number.

Other Official and Unofficial Queen Titles: "Cutuk" - "White Heron (in Maori's Language), Mrs. Kwin (in Pyadan language in Papua - New Guinea). On the island of Maine - she is a sovereign of Maine, on the Norman Islands - Duchess of Normandy, and in the Duchy of Lancaster - Duchess Lancaster.

Do you know how much the Queen Elizabeth II Troons? In total, they are 9. One is in the House of Lords, 2 - in Westminster Abbey and 6 more are located in the Buckingham Palace.

The queen must be over political battles, not expressing his political views in publicly and communicates extremely correct with all the state's prime ministers. This also applies to members of the royal family, so their political views always remain unknown.

Queen Elizabeth II is a patronage of more than 620 charitable organizations.

Starting from Wilhelm the conqueror, Queen Elizabeth II is the 40th monarch in the UK.

The British Queen had more than 30 dogs of Corgy. She received this breed of this breed for 18 years as a gift for 18 years. All other pets are descendants of the beloved Suzan. The queen involuntarily became the creator of a new breed of dogs - Dorga, which turned out as a result of the mixing of her cereals with Taksa Princess Margaret.

In 1976, Queen Elizabeth II sent his first email, and in 1997 the first official royal site was created.

Queen Elizabeth II is also a major employer: about 1,200 people are in the service in the royal residences (from kitchen workers to personal secretaries).

More than 3 million letters received the Queen of England for all the time of his reign.

At the moment, Queen Elizabeth The second continues to remain one of the main symbols of England and the whole of the UK. Being in power for more than 65 years, she reliably strengthened the authority of the British monarchy, and also became a real example for imitation and the subject of pride for millions of British.

    Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II - (Queen Elizabeth II) was born on April 21, 1926 in London in the Duke and Duchess of Yorki. Queen Elizabeth's real birthday is usually celebrating in a family circle, while the official birthday of the monarch in the UK ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers

    Elizabeth II ELIZABETH II ... Wikipedia

    Elizabeth II ELIZABETH II ... Wikipedia

    From the dynasty of the windsor. Queen of Great Britain since 1952, daughter of George VI and Elizabeth. Married since 1947 for Philipp, Son of Greek Prince Andrei (born. 1921). Rod. 21 Apr. 1926, in childhood Elizabeth received a home education. Besides… … All monarchs of the world

    Below is a list of England monarchs, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, that is, the states that existed or existing on the British Islands, namely: the Kingdom of England (871 1707, including Wales after ... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name Anna. Anna Anne ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with the name Victoria. Victoria Victoria ... Wikipedia

    Victoria Victoria Queen of Great Britain and Empress India ... Wikipedia

    - (אלישבע) Jewish other forms: Elizaveta, Elisevision (vision.) Mel. Forms: Lisa Interactive Analogs: Eng. Elizabeth, Eliza Arab. اليزابيث Arm ... Wikipedia


  • , Polyakova A.A. About the English Queen Elizabeth II heard all, but few people know what kind of person it lives and that it means to be a queen for her, especially in our time. This book will provide you ...
  • Her Majesty Queen of UK Elizabeth II. A look at the modern British monarchy, A. A. Polyakova. About the English Queen Elizabeth II heard all, but few people know what kind of person it lives and that it means to be a queen for her, especially in our time. This book will provide you ...
  • Her Majesty Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II View on the modern British monarchy, Polyakova A .. "My impressions of the trip to the UK During the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton led to understanding - the United Kingdom and the monarchy are inseparable. In the Middle Ages, the name "name ...
June 12, 2012, 19:41

The family and ancestors of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II and her spouse of the Duke of Edinburgh Philip. Victoria (English. Victoria, names for Baptism Alexandrina Victoria) (May 24, 1819 - January 22, 1901) - Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from June 20, 1837, Empress India from May 1, 1876 (proclamation in India - January 1 1877), the last representative of the Hannover dynasty on the Great British throne. Victoria stayed on the throne for more than 63 years - more than any other British monarch. Victoria's father was Eduard Augustus, Duke of Kent, the fourth son of King George III, the mother of the future queen was Princess Saxen-Coburg Victoria, a widowed Princess Leinger (1786 - 16 March 1861), who had already had two children from the first marriage. Father Victoria, Duke Kent, died when the daughter was eight months. She was brought up under the leadership of the Duchess of Northumberland; Got good knowledge of botany and music. Victoria was married to his cousin, the Duke of Albert Saxen-Koburg-Gothsky (August 26, 1819 - 14,1861), which was given in 1857 the title of Prince Consort. Victoria and Albert had 9 children, through their children and grandchildren Victoria became the "grandmother of Europe", her descendants - Windsora, Kings of Great Britain, as well as Hohenzollers (Kaiser Wilhelm II of her grandson), Spanish Bourbon and Romanov. One of the 9 children of Queen Victoria Alice Great Duchess Hessian and Rhine (April 25, 1843 - December 14, 1878), married a prince (later the Grand Duke) Ludwig Hessian. Mother Alexandra Fedorovna, wife Nicholas II. In July 1862, Princess Alice married Hessian Prince Ludwig (September 12, 1837 - March 13, 1892), subsequently became the Duke of Hessian and Rhine. The family in which 7 children were born, lived in the Duchy capital, Darmstadt. One of the 7 children Alice of the Great Duchess of Hessian and Rhineskaya, Victoria (April 5, 1863 - September 24, 1950) married Ludwig Battenberg (Mountbatten), Filip Philipburg grandmother, her husband Elizabeth II; Victoria was born in the Windsor Palace in the presence of his grandmother Queen Victoria. She was the firstborn in the family of Princess Alice British and Ludwig IV Hessian. At one of the family meetings, Victoria met his distant relative German prince Ludwig Battenberg (1854-1921), the son of Alexander Hesse Darmstadt. Spouses lived in different parts of Europe, depending on the place of service Ludwig. One of 4 children Victoria Princess Alisa Battenberg (1885-1969), married Andrei, Prince Greek; From this marriage, Prince Philip Greek was born, in 1947, he was married to the future Queen Elizabeth II and at the same time marriage who took the name of the mother (Mountbetten). Her lordship Princess Victoria Alisa Elizaveta Julia Maria Battenberg - Mother of Prince Philippope and the Coeth of the English Queen Elizabeth II was born in Berkshire, in England on February 25, 1885 in the family of Prince Ludwig Alexander Battenberg and his spouse, Princess Victoria Hesse Darmstadt. Her mother was the granddaughter of the British Queen Victoria and the sister of the last Russian Empress Alexandra Fedorovna and the Grand Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna. Alice met her future husband on the coronation of King Eduard VII. Her chosen was the Greek Prince Andrei, the son of the king of Greece George I and the Queen of Greece Olga, the original Great Princess. Andrei was the grandson of the King of Denmark Christian IX and the great-grandfather of the Russian emperor Nikolai I. They got married on October 6, 1903. At the wedding, many descendants of Queen Victoria and King Denmark Christian IX were present. Five children were born in the family: Margarita (1905-1981) - the first pRAMPTOR Queen Victoria, married to Gottfrida, Prince Gogenloe Langenburg. Theodore (1906-1969) is the wife of the Baden Prince Bertold. Cecilia (1911-1937) - married the hessous Prince of Hessian and Rhine Gogogra Donaus, died with her husband and children. Sofia (1914-2001) - in the first marriage married to Christopher Hessen, in the second year behind George Wilhelm Hannover. Philipp (1921) - Spouse Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, Prince Consort.
Prince Philipp He was the fifth child and the only son of Prince Andrei, the son of the King of Greece George I and the brother of the King of King Constantine, and at birth, had the title of Prince Greek and Danish. Prince Andrei belonged to the Danish House of Gluxburgs to the Danish House of Gluxburg, his wife and mother of Philip Princess Alice - to the genus of Battenbergs. Philipp is the great-grandchildren of the Danish king of Christian IX, the Right of the British Queen of Victoria and the Russian Emperor Nikolai I. Maria Tekska - Spouse of the British King of George V, Mother Eduard VIII and George Vi. Queen Maria was also an empress of India and Queen Ireland. Maria was born and grew up in England. Her father was a prince from the Morganotic branch of the Württemberg House of the Dukes of the Tech, Mother - a member of the British Royal Family, the granddaughter of King George III. July 6, 1893 Princess Maria Tekska married Prince George V. Georg V. The second son of Prince and Princess Wales (later Eduard VII and Queen Alexandra) was born on June 3, 1865 in Malboro House (London). With baptism, he got the name Georg Friedrich Ernst Albert. His father - Eduard VII, Mother - Alexander Danish. It falls by the native sister of Maria Fodorovna - the wife of the Russian emperor Alexander III and the mother of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II. Georg V externally was very similar to Nikolai II, his cousin on the motherboard: Mother George Alexander and the mother of Nikolai Dagmar were the daughters of the King Denmark of Christian IX and Queen Louise, the princess of Hessian-Kassel's princess. On January 14, 1892, the elder brother Albert Victor died during the flu epidemic of the influenza. The death of Brother made George the second in the Line of the Preconsession. In May 1892, Queen Victoria assigned the grandson of the title of Duke York. In July 1893, he married Baden-Württemberg Princess Victoria Maria Teksk, who was previously engaged to his elder brother. After the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, the spouses received the title of princes of Welly. In 1910, the spouse of Mary became the king and she received the title of Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, the Empress of India. At the end of World War I, on July 17, 1917, Georg V refused for himself and his family from all German titles and ranks, as well as from the generic name, adopting the name "Windsor" on the name of Windsor Castle. After the death of George in 1936, the king was their elder son Edward. But in less than ten months he renounced the throne for the sake of marriage to American Wallis Simpson. The second son of Mary became the king Georg VI. The queen Maria in every way supported the Son, which suffered from stuttering until his death in 1952. Maria died next year, at the beginning of the reign of his granddaughter Elizabeth II. Georg VI - King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia and South Africa from December 11, 1936. From the Windsor Dynasty. The second son of King George V and his spouses, Queen Mary. Albert had four brothers: the future king Edward VIII (1894-1972), Henry, Duke Gloucester (1900-1974), Georg, Duke Kent (1902-1942), Prince John (1905-1919), who suffered epilepsy and autism, and Sister Maria (1897-1965), in marriage Countess Harwood. According to nature, Albert was a modest and shy man, besides, suffered from strong stuttering. In June 1920, he became Duke Yorksky, April 26, 1923 married Lady Elizabeth Bowl Lyon, daughter of the 14th Graph Strathmorsky. Lady Elizabeth Bowl Lyon (English Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon; August 4, 1900 - 30 March 2002) - Spouse King George VI and Queen-Consort of the United Kingdom in 1936-1952 as Queen Elizabeth (English Queen Elizabeth), the last Empress India (1936-1950), Lord Guardian of the five harbors (1978-2002). The mother of the reigning queen Elizabeth II. With her, Georg VI met in 1905 (5-year-old Elizabeth treated 10-year-old Albert candied cherries from the cake). Prince Albert, the Duke of York (in the family - "Bertie") for the first time he suggested Elizabeth to marry him in 1921, but she refused, "fearing that would never be able to think freely, speak and act, not like I feel, but how should ". When he stated that he would not marry any other, his mother, Queen Maria, visited Glamles and was convinced that Elizabeth - "The only girl who could make Berti happy," but did not interfere. At the time, James Stewart, Konya Albert, was also cared for Elizawway, until he went to America. In February 1922, Elizabeth was a bride's girlfriend at the wedding of Albert's sister, Princess Mary, Vickends Lassells. Next month, Albert suggested married again and again received a refusal. Finally, in January 1923 Elizabeth agreed to marry, despite the concerns about life in the royal family. They got married on April 26, 1923 in Westminster Abbey. Two children were born in the family - April 21, 1926 Princess Elizabeth-Alexander (future Queen Elizabeth II), And August 21, 1930 - Princess Margaret Roses. Elizabeth II. (Eng. Elisabeth II, the full name - Elizabeth Alexander Maria, Elisabeth Alexandra Mary; April 21, 1926, London) - the reigning Queen of Great Britain. Comes from the Windsor Dynasty. He climbed the throne on February 6, 1952 at the age of 25 after the death of his father King George VI. He is the oldest in the age of British (English) monarch in history. Currently, ranks second in history through the duration of stay at the British throne (after Queen Victoria). Queen Elizabeth II four children, eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. In 1930, the only sister of Elizabeth was born - princess Margaret. Princess Margaret On August 21, 1930 were born in the Glamis Castle, in Scotland. She was the youngest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowl Lyon. On May 6, 1960, she is combined with marriage with Anthony Armstrong-Jones, a photographer, a descendant of the small Welsh nobleman, who received the title of Snowdon Count and Viscount Linley. Two children are born from this marriage: David Armstrong-Jones, Viscount Linley, born on November 3, 1961, Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones, born on May 1, 1964. In 1978, the Count and Countess Snoudonsky are bred, but in 2002 Margaret dies from apoplexic strike. In the period of study at the College, Prince Philip met with his four-sisms of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, who visited the educational institution together with King Georg VI. After that, correspondence was raised between Philip and Elizabeth, and in 1946 Philippus asked the king permission to marry the heir of the throne. In 1947, the 21-year-old Elizabeth married the 26-year-old Philip Mountbetten - officer of the British fleet, a member of the Greek and Danish Royal Families and the Rights of Queen Victoria. Philip and Elizabeth Four Children: Charles, Prince Wales (P.1948), Princess Anna (P.1950), Prince Andrew, Duke York (P.1960) and Prince Eduard, Count Wessex (P.1964). Charles, Prince Wales (English Charles, Prince of Wales), or just Prince Charles -star Son Queen UK Elizabeth II and her husband of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Heir to the British throne. It is known that in the 1970s, Charles courted in many girls. In 1979, he made a proposal to his second sister Amanda Natchbull - granddaughter of the legendary commander, the last vice-king of India Louis Mountbetten, but Amanda did not give his consent to marriage. In 1980, Charles met with Lady Sarah Spencer, daughter of the Aristocrat of John Spencer - Visconta Eltorpa and the future of the 8th Graph Spencer, a representative of the branch of the same family Spencer Churchillos, as the Duke of Malboro, and Winston Churchill. Charles got acquainted with her younger sister Dianawhere the result was married on July 29, 1981. Her ancestors on the paternal line were carriers of royal blood through illegitimate sons of King Charles II and an illegitimate daughter of his brother and successor, King Yakov II. Counts Spencers have long lived in the heart of London, in Spencer House.
However, marriage was unsuccessful. Relations between spouses soon deteriorated, and since 1992 they officially lived separately, and in 1996 divorced. The scandal was attracted to the considerable attention of society, he did not best affect the reputation of Prince Wales. Diana died in a car accident in Paris in 1997. Two sons were born at Charles and Diana: prince William, now the Duke of Cambridge (r. June 21, 1982) and prince Harry. (Henry) (r. September 15, 1984). Prince William Arthur Philip Luis, Duke Cambridge (English Prince William of the United Kingdom, Duke of Cambridge, Born William Arthur Philip Louis; born on June 21, 1982) - Duke Cambridge, Count Strathhran and Baron Carrichers, Senior Son Prince Wales Charles and his first wife, Princess Diana, Queen's grandson of UK Elizabeth II. As a member of the royal family has its own coat of arms, based on the Great Britain's state coat of arms. November 16, 2010 Clarence House announced the engagement of Prince William and his long-standing girlfriend Kate Middleton. The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton took place on April 29, 2011 in the London Cathedral Church of St. Peter in Westminster Abbey. Prince Henry (Harry) Wales (English. Prince Henry (Harry) of Wales, the full name Henry Charles Albert David Mountbetten-Windsor Junior Son Prince of Wales Charles and his first wife, now the late princess Diana, the grandson of the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II.
As a member of the royal family, for eighteen years he was granted a personal coat of arms, based on the coat of arms of the monarch of the United Kingdom, as well as the Medal of the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II (2002), the medal "For participation in the military campaign in Afghanistan" (2008), a diamond medal Jubilee Queen Elizabeth II (2012). One of the most enviable planet bachelors. On April 9, 2005, Prince Charles married a second time - on his long-standing girlfriend, relations with which he supported and before marriage, and during it - Camilla Parker Bowls. Of the noble clan, the daughter of Bruce Chanda, the mother - nee cubitt. The marriage ceremony was committed in civil, not a church order - for the first time in the history of the British royal family. For marriage with Charles Camilla, all his titles received, but prefers not to use his title princess Wales as a sign of respect for the late princess Diana. Instead, she uses the title of Duchess Cornol. Princess Anna - Member of the British royal family, the only daughter of Queen Elizabeth II. The princess is known for its charitable activities and as the only member of the British Royal Family, who participated in the Olympic Games. With the first husband - Captain Mark Phillips (born 1948) - lived 18.5 years.
From this marriage - two children: Peter Phillips. (1977) and Zara Phillips. (1981). After the divorce with Phillips, he entered into a second marriage - with Commander (now - Vice-Admiral) Timothy Lorenis. As a member of the royal family has a personal coat of arms, based on the state coat of arms of Great Britain. Zara Anna Elizaveta Phillips (English. Zara Anne Elizabeth Phillips; born May 15, 1981, Paddington, London) - a member of the British royal family, the second child and the only daughter of the princess Anna and her first husband, Captain Mark Phillips, and the thirteenth in the inheritance line of the throne. Married to the captain of the England team on rugby Mike Tindell, but left the name of the name. Zara graduated from a privileged private school in Gordonstone, Scotland. During his studies, she represented his school at hockey competitions, light athletics and gymnastics. Later she graduated from the University of Exeter in the specialty of a physiotherapist of horses. Peter married 31-year-old Canada Ohm Kelly. December 29, 2010 she had the first granddaughter - Savanna Phillips., daughter Peter Phillips, and, accordingly, the first graduation of the Queen Elizabeth II.

Prince Andrew, Duke York - British prince, counter-admiral. The third child and the second son of Queen UK Elizabeth II. The title of Duke York was granted to him July 23, 1986 - on the day of marriage Sarah, Duchess York. Duke York and Sarah, Duchess York (with which he is divorced from May 30, 1996) Two children: Princess Beatris Yorkskaya (born August 8, 1988) and Princess Eugene (Eugene) Yorkskaya (genus March 23, 1990). Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Maria York (English Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Mary of York; born August 8, 1988) - Member of the Royal Family of Great Britain. The elder daughter Andrew, the Duke of York, the second son is now the ruling Queen Elizabeth II, and Sarah, Duchess York. The primary education received at the Upton House School school in Windsor, after that Beatrice, like her younger sister, Princess Evgenia York, studied at Coworth Park School. Being 19-year-old, the British princess went to work as a saleswoman in the famous Selfridges department store in London. Its responsibilities included service of VIP clients. During the month, Beatrice worked five days a week from nine in the morning to five in the evening. There was no money for the work of the granddaughter of the queen - it became its work experience, which is supposed to acquire all members of the royal family. In 2007, an extravagant princess starred in the film Martin Scorsese Young Victoria (English. The Young Victoria) - Historic Melodrame about Queen Victoria. And although Beatrice is a direct descendant of Victoria, her role in the film was completely insignificant, she did not have to say in the frame even a couple of words, playing one of the Freinin. Princess Evgenia Victoria Elena York (English. Princess Eugenie Victoria Helena of York, born March 23, 1990) - a member of the Royal Family of Great Britain. He is the youngest daughter Andrew, Duke York, and Sarah, Duchess York. She is also the sixth and second woman in the line of inheritance of the throne of sixteen Commonwealth states after their senior sister, Beatrice.
She and her sister are the only granddaughters of the queen who were erected into the title of Princess and her royal highness. Prince Eduard (Edward), Count Wessec - Member of the British royal family, the third son and the youngest child of Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II and her wife Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. In the line of inheritance of the British throne is the 7th, after his older brothers and their children. June 19, 1999 Prince Eduard married his company's employee Sophie Rice-Jones. In the retreat from the tradition, their wedding was not held in Westminster Abbey, but in the chapel of St. George in Windsor Castle. On the day of the wedding, Prince Edward was granted the title of Count Wessex. His wife became her Royal Highness of the Uessek Countess.
When marriage, the Buckingham Palace was also announced that the children of Prince Eduard will be considered as children of the graph, will not receive the titles of the princes / princesses and will not be called royal highways. In the family of Eduard and Sophie, two children were born: daughter Louise (Louise Alice Elizabeth Mary, r. November 8, 2003) - Lady Louise Windsor (Windsor - the surname of descendants of members of the royal family who do not have personal titles) and son James. (James Alexander Philippe Teo, r. December 17, 2007) - "James, Viscount Severn" (Viscount Severn - "Additional title" of Count Wesseksky; By tradition, the eldest son of the basic title is enjoyed by an additional title). Lady Louise Mountbetten-Windsor (born on November 8, 2003, Freemli, Surrey) - the daughter of Prince Edward, Count Wessec, and Sofia, Countess Wessec, the eldest of two children. The granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, ninth in the order of inheritance of the British throne. Prior to birth on December 17, 2007, her younger brother James occupied eighth place. In April 2011, 7-year-old Lady Louise was present as a girlfriend of the Bride Catherine Middleton (Bridesmaid) at the wedding of his cousin, Duke of Cambridge. James Windsor, Viscount Severn "The second child and the only son of the youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II of Prince Edward, Count Wessec and his wife Sophia Rice Jones. He is eighth in the order of inheritance of the British throne. On April 19, 2008, the baptism of Vikonta North in the House Church of the Windsor Castle took place. James's baptismal shirt was copied with the Swabs of Empress Victoria German. Like his older sister Lady Louise Windsor, James actually does not wear the titles of Prince and the Royal Highness, which is entitled according to the 1917 law.