The most dangerous period for Russia will come in the early 2020s, when technological re-equipment begins developed countries and China, and the United States and other Western countries will emerge from the depression of 2008–2018. and make a new technological leap.

The risks of a third world war will persist until the US leadership abandons its claims to global dominance. Along with the Ukrainian hotbed of inciting a global chaotic war, the United States continues to support armed conflicts in Syria and Iraq, destabilize the situation in the Near and Middle East, prepare the invasion of the Taliban and Islamic militants in Central Asia, project “color revolutions” in Russia and other countries of Eurasian integration, and also organize coups d'etat in Latin American countries that have escaped Washington's control. The United States is being pushed toward a world war by objective patterns of global economic and political dynamics. Their understanding makes it possible to predict military-political activity for the next decade.

An analysis of economic and political dynamics shows that the most likely period of major regional military conflicts involving the United States and its satellites against Russia is 2015-2018.

This is the period when a new technological structure emerges from the birth phase into the growth phase, when the formation of its technological trajectory is completed and the modernization of the economy on its basis begins. It was during this period that technological shifts entail changes in the structure of international relations. Countries that jumped on the wave of growth of a new technological order earlier than others are gaining competitive advantages in the world market and are beginning to squeeze out the former leaders, who have to make great efforts to overcome the crisis of overaccumulation of capital in outdated production and technological structures. A struggle is unfolding between new and old leaders of technical and economic development for dominance in the world market, which leads to growth international tension and provokes military-political conflicts that have so far led to world wars. It is precisely this period that is beginning at the present time, which will last until 2020-2022, when the structure of the new technological structure is finally formed, and world economy will enter a phase of sustainable growth based on it.

...It should be noted that the Ukrainian crisis began earlier than the forecast estimate.

If Yanukovych had signed an association agreement with the EU in November, then everything would have happened a year and a half later, at the time of the next presidential elections.

By that time, the mechanisms provided for by this agreement for managing the economic, foreign and defense policies of Ukraine on the part of the EU would have started working. The Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian battalions that are currently being formed would have already been created and deployed on the borders with Russia. Procedures for joint actions of European and Ukrainian armed forces in resolving regional conflicts. Although the agreement provides for Ukraine's obligation to act in these conflicts under the leadership of the EU, as well as to follow its foreign and defense policies, it is clear that the actual organization of military operations will be handled by NATO under the leadership of Washington.

There is no doubt that at the time of the presidential elections in the spring of 2015, the same technologies would have been used to replace Yanukovych with a US protege as during the coup d'etat last winter. Only the change of power would be carried out in a relatively legitimate way, which would exclude Russian interference in Ukrainian affairs, not to mention reunification with Crimea. The government and security forces in Kyiv, formed by the Americans from their agents, would set a course for Ukraine’s joining NATO and ousting Black Sea Fleet Russia from Crimea. Russia would be opposed not by Nazi gangs, but by completely legitimate Ukrainian-European military contingents, relying on all military power NATO. A legitimate Ukrainian government directed by the United States would break off cooperation with Russia in the defense industry, begin an anti-Russian campaign in the media no less rabid than now, and forcefully Ukrainize the South-East of Ukraine. Russia would find itself in a much worse position than it is now: after reunification with Crimea and the establishment of the Nazi regime in Kyiv, whose illegitimacy and criminal actions doom Ukraine to disaster and collapse.

Of course, the socio-economic catastrophe that has engulfed Ukraine and the growing chaos in this territory do not meet the interests of Russia, for which Ukraine has been and remains an integral part of the Russian world, connected with the Russian Federation technologically, economically and spiritually. The catastrophic scenario could have been avoided if Yanukovych had not followed the lead of American and European emissaries, defended the state from the Nazi rebellion and prevented a coup d'etat. However, for the United States, this would be tantamount to defeat in the long anti-Russian campaign that they waged in Ukraine throughout the entire post-Soviet period. Therefore, everything possible and impossible was done with the involvement of gigantic political, information and financial resources to organize a coup in Kyiv with the transfer of power over Ukraine to pro-American agents of influence. Yes, for this adventure - if Russia carries out a competent and decisive defense of itself and the world from the American policy of unleashing a chaotic world war - the United States risks paying with its ideological and political leadership. But, apparently, “Paris is worth a mass” - American policy, in pursuit of maximum geostrategic “profit,” has ceased to take into account the associated risks.

In 2017, a new election cycle will begin in the United States, which, apparently, will be implicated in Russophobia as the ideological basis of the coming world war.

By that time, the crisis state of the American financial system may manifest itself in a reduction in budget expenditures, a depreciation of the dollar, and a noticeable deterioration in the standard of living of the population. US external aggression may bog down in the Near and Middle East and fail in Afghanistan and Iraq. The pressure of internal problems and crises in foreign policy, on the one hand, will provoke an increase in the aggressiveness of the American leadership, and on the other hand, weaken its position. But in the case of intellectual, economic and military mobilization, Russia has a chance not to lose in the conflicts of 2015-2018, since the United States and its satellites will not yet be ready for open aggression.

But in the period 2021–2025. Russia may again fall sharply behind technologically and economically, which will devalue its defense potential and sharply intensify internal social and interethnic conflicts, as happened with the USSR in the late 1980s.

American analysts from the CIA and other agencies are directly betting on the collapse of Russia from within after 2020.

This will happen, in their opinion, due to internal social and interethnic conflicts initiated from the outside using problems of social and regional inequality, as well as a decrease in the standard of living of the population of our country.

For these purposes, the United States is consistently cultivating its “fifth column” among the Russian political, business and intellectual elite, allocating, according to some estimates, up to $10 billion a year for these purposes. The same is evidenced by the recent appointment of the most famous organizer of “color revolutions” and coups d’etat in the post-Soviet space, John Tefft, as the new US Ambassador to Russia.

To avoid the implementation of the most negative scenario for Russia, leading to the collapse of the country, a systemic internal and foreign policy strengthening national security, ensuring economic independence, increasing international competitiveness and advanced development national economy, mobilization of society and modernization of the defense industry. By 2017, when the new technological order enters a growth phase and the struggle for global leadership reaches its maximum intensity, Russian army must have modern and effective weapons, Russian society- to be united and confident in their abilities, the Russian intellectual elite - to master new technologies, the Russian economy - to be on the wave of the growth of a new technological structure, and Russian politics and diplomacy - to organize a broad anti-war coalition of countries that are not interested in starting a new world war and are capable of stopping American aggression through concerted action.

Such an international coalition is needed not only to prevent war, but also to win it if war turns out to be inevitable.

An anti-war coalition could include:

European countries who are drawn into a war against Russia contrary to their national interests;

BRICS countries whose economic recovery could be torpedoed organized by the USA global destabilization;

Korea, the countries of Indochina, which are not interested in worsening relations with Russia;

Countries of the Near and Middle East, for which a world war will mean an escalation of their own regional conflicts;

Latin American countries the Bolivarian Alliance, for which the unwinding of a new world war means a direct US invasion;

Developing countries of the Group of 77, heirs of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, traditionally opposed to wars and for a just world order.

As a motivating reason for creating such a coalition, one should put forward the common threats for all its participants of the US unleashing a global chaotic war. An important condition The successful creation of such a coalition, as noted above, is to deprive the United States of its monopoly on ideological dominance by consistently exposing the inhumane consequences of its interventions carried out by its military personnel massacres civilians, the destructive results of the rule of American proxies in various countries.

It is necessary to destroy the image of American infallibility, to expose the cynicism and deception on the part of American leaders, the catastrophic consequences of their policy of double standards, the incompetence and ignorance of American officials and politicians.

Influential allies in creating an anti-war coalition could be religious organizations that oppose the inculcation of the cult of permissiveness and debauchery, the undermining of family and other universal human values. They would help the coalition participants develop and offer the world a new unifying ideology based on the restoration of the immutable moral limits of human arbitrariness. International humanitarian and anti-fascist organizations could play a constructive role. An ally could be the world scientific and expert community, speaking from the position sustainable development and generating development projects that unite humanity.

The actions of the anti-war coalition should be aimed not only at exposing and destroying the political dominance of the United States, but also, above all, at undermining American military-political power based on the issuance of the dollar as a world currency. If the US continues its aggressive actions to incite a world war, they must include a renunciation of the use of the dollar in mutual trade and of dollar instruments for the placement of its gold and foreign exchange assets.

The anti-war coalition must develop a positive program for organizing the global financial and economic architecture on the principles of mutual benefit, justice and respect for national sovereignty.

We have already discussed above the necessary measures for this purpose: financial stabilization, increasing the efficiency of regulation of the financial market, banking, financial and investment institutions, stimulating the growth of a new technological order and progressive structural changes, and the formation of relevant new institutions. They must address the fundamental causes of the global crisis.

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The only option left for the NWO Globalist Cabal: World War III

“The global geopolitical chessboard is already quietly set for the hot phase of World War III... after the bankers carry out a rapid, controlled demolition of the global economic and financial system” - intelligence analyst and former military officer.

The Deep State wants war.
The shadow government wants war.
The military-industrial complex wants war.

The CFR, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group want war.
RIIA, LBMA and SERCO want war.
The Committee of 300 and the Black Aristocracy want war.

Israel wants war.
Saudi Arabia wants war.
Great Britain and France want war.

The US intelligence community wants war.
Corporate America wants war.
The US Congress wants war.
Even the Trump administration is preparing for war.

Why do all these influential structures want war?

Because there is no other way out of their unstable situation. Only by launching a full-scale World War III scenario can they continue to exist and even thrive. Indeed, the NWO of the Globalist Cabal now finds itself in an untenable situation as it becomes more desperate every day.

The most unsustainable aspect of their House of Cards is the constantly collapsing global economic and financial system (GE&FS). Who doesn't recognize this decades-old racket as a global casino where the casino always wins? With all the major institutional investors forced to play the game to maintain the appearance of a fair market, it was only a matter of time before this huge pyramid scheme was exposed.

What was not fully known was that the creators of the current Global Economic and Financial System knew it would come to this. That the cracks in the pyramid will become too big to hide. Most importantly, the crushing amount of management required to maintain GE and FS simply became overwhelming. The banksters can't do it anymore and everyone knows it now.

Moreover, the rapidly deteriorating situation in international affairs (created by continuous false flag operations) is evidence of an ongoing and provoked clash of civilizations. The internal affairs of many countries are also in a state of constant disorder caused by deliberate design (for example, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, etc.).

All these apocalyptic events point to the inevitable death of the current world empire. Each of them represents a colossal convulsion that reflects the empire in its death throes. The current Zio-Anglo-American axis that runs this empire is being largely exposed. Today, the entire world is witnessing the outrageous crimes constantly committed by politicians and powerful individuals in Washington DC, London and Tel Aviv. Their ruthless warmongering in the Middle East has been particularly disastrous.

The following is a list of profound and/or serious events that signify the end of the British American Empire. And these are just a few of the major events, each of which signals the end of an era of empire.

— Iran’s divorce from the US dollar and transition to the Euro
—Illegal Israeli attacks on Syria
— Occupation of Syria by the US armed forces and C.I.A.
— Attacks on Syrian government forces by the US-led coalition
— Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gives a fake presentation on Iran's nuclear program
— Continuous warmongering by NATO and its proxies
— False flag chemical attacks orchestrated by Western powers
— Operation Gladio-style attacks are being carried out around the world
— Extreme volatility of the stock market, especially the NYSE
— Repatriation of gold by G20 countries
— Long-term institutional manipulation of gold prices downward
— Unprecedented explosion of cryptocurrency and its extreme instability
— Deep State intrigues and conspiracies carried out daily in broad daylight
— Soft coup against the president
— ZIRP and NIRP are the new norm throughout the G8
— Escalation of the trade war between the US and China
— Inevitable Brexit and Anglo-American trade wars with the European Union
— Constant persecution of Russia and its BRICS allies
— Russia and China are forming close trade relations with major energy contracts
— Wave of murders of Russian diplomats
— Mass expulsion of Russian diplomats by 30 countries on false charges
— US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley reveals herself as an Israeli stooge and warmonger
— Neocon Zionist John Bolton Appointed National Security Advisor
— Neocon Hawk Mike Pompeo Appointed Secretary of State
— Torture addict Gina Haspel appointed CIA director
— The War Cabinet took the place of the dismissed peacekeepers

Problem of the past, dangerous future

First of all, the only way TPTB can move on from its corrupt and criminal past is to destroy all records... and erase its memory. Even then, digital recordings will undoubtedly continue to exist for the foreseeable future. However, the cabal is now forced to disappear with their militaristic history, lest present and future generations find out.

The ubiquity of the Internet, which now contains so many incriminating truths, has necessitated this initiative. The only practical way for the TPTB to achieve this goal is during the predictable fog of war that will inevitably prevail during World War III. For example, if martial law were to be declared in the United States, adequate cover could be provided for the destruction of all classified files deemed dangerous to them.

As for the future, the only way to advance their New World Order, as defined by the Totalitarian One World Government, is, again, World War III. Only such a destructive and global armed conflict will give them the opportunity to create enough chaos throughout the world - in the spirit of Ordo ab chao (i.e. order out of chaos) - so that they can impose the One World Government to the world Community of Nations.

Just as World War I provided the impetus for the formation of the League of Nations and World War II provided the impetus for the United Nations, World War III will be used as the justification for the One World Government (OWG). The OWG is essentially communist in nature and is distinguished by its Worldwide Legal System, common language and a single digital currency. A tyrannical OWG will be ruled by despots and dictators where the state is worshiped as God.

Key Point: The New World Order has actually been around for over 100 years. Ever since the Federal Reserve System was created in the United States of America, the NWO globalists have virtually ruled the world. Even before the Federal Reserve was formed in 1913, bankster elites ruled countries, controlled societies, and controlled trade and commerce around the world for centuries.

Now they (the globalists) have their backs against the wall in 2018.

They have nowhere else to go. They have nowhere to hide.

The Internet has been buzzing 24/7 since the end of the last century, and the buzz of curse information is only getting louder every day. An unprecedented explosion of truth about those who ruthlessly controlled an entire planetary civilization is now reverberating throughout the world.

Whether the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers are searched on the World Wide Web, the same search results show that these banksters have finally been caught in their web of deceit and lies. What most don't know is that these two banking families are just a front for numerous Illuminati families that have been operating in secret since the Black Aristocracy rose to prominence after Marco Polo (i.e. since the 13th century).

How historical fact, the real culprits of the World Wars and the Great Depression have been revealed as never before. Therefore, NWO criminals are between a rock and a hard place, without the slightest room for maneuver. So this time nothing will save them...except, they think, the outbreak of World War III.

Key Point: Warmongers are especially targeting Iran for regime change. However, any unjustified invasion of this sovereign state is guaranteed to escalate into a regional war. Such a fire in the Middle East could easily escalate into a global conflict if the globalists launched nuclear weapons. Yes, they seem so desperate! Target Iran: Neocono Zionist plan for an apocalyptic war in the Middle East.

Of course, there is also the obsessive promotion of their NWO agenda. Only by subjugating Russia (and China) can Total World Domination be brought closer to reality. In fact, both world wars were started to prevent the formation of a powerful alliance between Germany and Russia. 20th century globalists knew when playing Great Game that to achieve global hegemony, such a possibility must be prevented. For more details see: STRATFOR Chapter Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plan for World Domination

Why Russia?

The Deep State's biggest fear right now is a "partnership for peace" between the US and Russia. It feared a natural alliance between Russia and Germany, since Anglo-American dominance in the world would indeed be threatened by such powerful geopolitical relations. The two world wars were designed to pit Russia against Germany to prevent the formation of such a bloc. The same neocon cabal has been very busy setting up Europe for yet another World War III by manipulating Merkel's government (as well as the entire European Union) against Putin in the Kremlin. The immigrant crisis, which began with the wars in the Middle East and North Africa, was literally designed to destabilize Europe as a precursor to World War III.

However, after the Trump presidency, the Deep State had a big “problem” - the prospect of an Entente between the United States and the Russian Federation loomed. For this reason, C.I.A. and MSM (mainstream media) began beating the drums of war like never before. Russia overnight became the whipping boy for everything wrong with the Democratic Party, as well as the scapegoat for every major (and bogus) security failure in the US. The US Intelligence Community will continue to fabricate patently false stories about the Trump administration regarding Russia as pre-emptive strikes to make any meaningful dialogue politically unsustainable. At the request of the CIA, the MSM will also continue to publish fake news and naked propaganda to greatly inflame anti-Russian sentiment.

Since 2017, their NWO has been under severe attack around the world and war has become a clear necessity. Populist movements and nationalist revolutions are mushrooming all over the planet. After the controlled destruction of the Global Economic and Financial System, they view war - World War III - as the only realistic option (just as they created the Great Depression to set the stage for World War II). Inciting extreme Russophobia became a means to start real big wars. There is no way to avoid World War III unless Trump and Putin meet in broad daylight and declare the Deep State the sworn enemy of all peoples around the world.

Special Note: Regardless of what happens or doesn't happen in 2018, there is simply no way to stop the coming millennium crash. It can be delayed a little, but it cannot be stopped. And every day the consequences become more profound and widespread.


Result: 2018 is “The year of completion.”

The end of 2018 is doomed. The global community is facing its greatest challenge since World War II.

Those who have dictated the fate of humanity for millennia also face colossal and unforeseen obstacles. And every day their situation is only getting worse. That is why the power elite created this extremely explosive situation.
My God Save America!

Nikita Khrushchev at the UN (was there a shoe?)

As you know, history develops in a spiral. This fully applies to the history of the United Nations. Over more than half a century of its existence, the UN has undergone many changes. Created on the wave of euphoria of victory over Hitler's Germany The organization set itself bold and largely utopian goals.

But time puts a lot of things into place. And hopes for creating a world without wars, poverty, hunger, lawlessness and inequality were replaced by a persistent confrontation between the two systems.

Natalia Terekhova talks about one of the most striking episodes of that time, the famous “Khrushchev’s boot”.


On October 12, 1960, the most stormy meeting of the General Assembly in the history of the United Nations took place. On this day, the delegation of the Soviet Union, headed by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, introduced a draft resolution on granting independence to colonial countries and peoples.

Nikita Sergeevich delivered, as usual, an emotional speech, which was replete with exclamation marks. In his speech, Khrushchev, without sparing expressions, denounced and denounced colonialism and the colonialists.

After Khrushchev, the representative of the Philippines rose to the podium of the General Assembly. He spoke from the position of a country that experienced all the hardships of colonialism and, after many years of liberation struggle, achieved independence: “In our opinion, the declaration proposed by the Soviet Union should cover and provide for the inalienable right to independence not only of the peoples and territories still remaining ruled by Western colonial powers, but also by peoples Eastern Europe and other areas deprived of the opportunity to freely exercise their civil and political rights and, so to speak, swallowed by the Soviet Union."

Listening to the simultaneous translation, Khrushchev exploded. After consulting with Gromyko, he decided to ask the Chairman for a point of order. Nikita Sergeevich raised his hand, but no one paid attention to him.

The most famous Foreign Ministry translator, Viktor Sukhodrev, who often accompanied Nikita Sergeevich on trips, spoke about what happened next in his memoirs: “Khrushchev loved to take his watch off his hand and twirl it. At the UN, he began banging his fists on the table in protest against the Filipino's speech. Clutched in his hand was a watch that had simply stopped.

And then Khrushchev, in his anger, took off his shoe, or rather, an open wicker sandal, and began to hit the table with his heel.”

This was the moment that entered into world history like the famous “Khrushchev boot”. The UN General Assembly Hall has never seen anything like it. A sensation was born right before our eyes.

And finally, the head of the Soviet delegation was given the floor:
“I protest against the unequal treatment of representatives of the states sitting here. Why is this lackey of American imperialism speaking out? He touches on an issue, he doesn’t touch on a procedural issue! And the Chairman, who sympathizes with this colonial rule, does not stop it! Is this fair? Gentlemen! Mr. Chairman! We live on earth not by the grace of God and not by your grace, but by the strength and intelligence of our great people of the Soviet Union and all peoples who are fighting for their independence.

It must be said that in the middle of Khrushchev’s speech, the simultaneous translation was interrupted, as the translators were frantically looking for an analogue to the Russian word “lack.” Finally, after a long pause, it was found English word"jerk", which has a wide range of meanings - from "fool" to "scum". Western reporters covering events at the UN in those years had to work hard until they found an explanatory dictionary of the Russian language and understood the meaning of Khrushchev’s metaphor.

This article may seem scary. But we all live in a time when the start of a new war on a global scale is becoming a real prospect. In the article we will answer the question of whether the start date of the Third World War is predicted or not.

Modern warfare

In the minds of most people who grew up watching films based on the Great Patriotic War, the combat icon looks like something out of a movie. Reasoning logically, we understand that exactly how ridiculous a checker from 1917 would look in the hands of Soviet soldier 1941, it will be strange to watch the picture barbed wire, cut at night by partisans in our time.

And you must admit, having weapons of mass destruction in the form of nuclear charges, bacteriological crops and climate control, it is paradoxical to expect a repetition of the classics in the form of a bayonet and a dugout.

The quiet panic, gradually eroding Internet users and skillfully fueled by the media, is felt in the thousands of requests received every hour. People are so convinced of the inevitability of trouble that they hardly ask questions - will it happen? The clumsy formulation sounds much more relevant: when is the exact date set for the start of the Third World War?

And this is already scary.

Battle for resources

The era when the main contribution to the winner were forests, fields, rivers and the defeated people has passed forever. Today, the greatness of a country is dictated not by population or rich history of victories, but by the possession of underground treasures: oil sources, natural gas deposits, coal seams, uranium deposits.

The date of the start of World War III is not kept silent. It simply passed so long ago that its exact date is unlikely to remain in our minds. The dream of the drivers of trade policy has come true - the economy and the struggle for first place in the leadership elite have become at the forefront of the main life values.

Here it is worth recalling the main method of trade relations, which works everywhere and at all times. The most choice piece never went to those bargaining and fighting for it - there was always a third person standing on the sidelines and sympathetically watching the fight.

Based on events: how can this be

Many will interfere, but only one will get it. It is no secret that the main threat to Russia is attributed to the United States, but the events unfolding around the world's largest leaders suggest that the general tension creates only the appearance of a real threat. The flow of information masterfully maintains the highest bar on the scale of mass hysteria, while the war unleashed by a powerful power (read - the USA) began a long time ago.

Events in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria speak not of spontaneous, but of carefully thought-out actions, which were worked on by hundreds of analysts with such a wealth of strategic experience that simply does not exist in any of these countries. After all, we are not talking about random clashes reminiscent of previous “yard to yard” fights - we are talking about a war that drags on the masses. And here all sorts of peacekeeping missions with the introduction of friendly troops armed with friendly weapons only fuel the hostile mood.

The EU readily accepts information in the form in which the United States presents it; the European Union, apparently, has neither the time nor the initiative to investigate. Like a bull to a red rag, the leaders of the European Union will react to the slightest movement by the United States towards military action against Russia.

This will give the Chinese government, which has been restraining itself for a long time, a reason to talk. The stagnation of American troops in the Pacific region has long been poisoning the existence of the patient Chinese, whose hand is already tired of trembling over the nuclear button. Israel's reaction is also predictable - the long-awaited nod of consent from the United States will allow them to attack Tehran, but how long Israel itself will survive after this is a big question. The last salvos on Iraq will hardly have time to die down before the Libyan, Omani, Yemeni and (where would we be without them) Egyptian bombs will simply sweep away the hapless aggressor.

Anyone else curious about the start date of World War III? Then we discuss further.

A look from the outside - how it will be

It is useful to listen to what retired Colonel General Anatoly Lopata, former chief of the General Staff Ukrainian Armed Forces and First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine. Looking ahead, we note that the former Secretary of Defense's remark about the location of the future battlefield completely coincides with the opinion of British Air Force Colonel Ian Shields.

When asked by journalists what World War III essentially is and when it will begin, Anatoly Lopata calmly explained that the war is in full swing and the aggressor country in it is called - who do you think? - of course, Russia. And even in relation to America, at least in the fact that it responds with sympathy to the Assad regime in Syria (!). At the same time, the Colonel General admits that the United States is forced to reckon with the Russian Federation and this will remain unchanged, due to the latter’s enormous economic and military potential.

The date of the start of the Third World War, according to the expert, thus belongs to the distant past, but its development to the scale of epic battles belongs to the future, which we still have to live to see. Anatoly Lopata even shared a mysterious figure - 50. In his opinion, it is after this number of years that warring powers will collide in the vast expanses of space.

Analysts' forecasts

Joachim Hagopian, known since 2015, warned that the recruitment of “friends” by the countries of the USA and Russia is not accidental. China and India will follow Russia in any case, and the EU countries will have no choice but to accept America’s policies. In Korea, Hagopian predicted military neutrality in relation to both powers, but a rather stormy internecine war with the probability of activating nuclear charges. It can be assumed that the day when powerful weapon will be activated, and there is a date for the start of World War III.

Alexander Richard Schiffer, an interesting personality and former head of NATO, in his book: “2017: War with Russia,” predicted the defeat of the United States due to financial collapse, followed by the collapse of the American army.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as always, is unambiguous and says what the majority is delicately silent about. He is confident that America will not begin any open action until all the countries involved in the military conflict squabble among themselves to the point of collapse, and, exhausted, lay down what remains of their weapons. Then the US will magnanimously gather the dejected losers and emerge as the sole winner.

Sergei Glazyev, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, proposes to create a coalition that does not fundamentally support military policy against Russia. According to him, the number of countries that are officially ready to speak out in favor of abandoning armed conflict will be such that America will simply be forced to curb its appetites.

As Vanga believed

Date of the beginning of the Third World War Vanga, the most famous Bulgarian seer, I either couldn’t or didn’t want to predict. In order not to confuse minds with specifics, the clairvoyant only said that she saw religious strife around the world as the cause of the war. Drawing a parallel with current events, we can assume that the date of the start of the Third World War, which Vanga never predicted, falls during the period of terrorist acts of the ISIS group disguised as offended religious feelings.

Using exact dates

How can we not mention the world-famous American Horatio Villegas, whose vision of fiery spheres striking the earth from the sky became a sensation in 2015. Adapting completely materialistic tasks to the act of clairvoyance, Horatio hastened to announce that he knew the date of the start of the Third World War - 05/13/2017. It is with regret or great joy that we note that no one was able to observe the fireballs on May 13th.

We can only hope that people who were expecting big events in March 2017 were not too upset when they lost confirmation of the words of astrologer Vlad Ross. Let us recall that this person also named the date of the beginning of the Third World War - 03/26/2017, which did not find a response in reality.