1. Start work to compensate for the damage caused to the habitat of wild animals, and, first of all, take care of its food resources, for which purpose begin the implementation of an appropriate program. 2. Forests within the range of the predator should be classified as a special environmental management zone, where logging will be carried out only after appropriate examination, taking into account the conservation of the tiger population. 3. Ban the trade in wild animal meat until they are farmed for this purpose. 4. Develop a strategy for preserving the Amur tiger population, taking into account local conditions, and implement it. 5. In tiger habitats, sharply limit the cutting down of cedar, oak, and Manchurian walnut, create a network of specially protected forest areas and exclude them from the main use forest resource base. All these measures are long overdue, and the more time passes from the start of their implementation, the more expensive their implementation will be. Without the implementation of these measures, the situation will further deteriorate in subsequent years due to the mismatch of food resources in the predator-prey system.

  • Amur tiger
The Amur tiger is currently the largest representative of the cat family. It is very rare in nature, and more individuals live in zoos than in the wild.
  • The Amur tiger is currently the largest representative of the cat family. It is very rare in nature, and more individuals live in zoos than in the wild.
The Amur tiger is a Far Eastern resident, inhabitant of the Ussuri region and Manchuria, which are covered with snow most of the year.
  • The Amur tiger is a Far Eastern resident, inhabitant of the Ussuri region and Manchuria, which are covered with snow most of the year.
  • Habitats
The Amur tiger is the ruler of vast territories, the area of ​​which often reaches 3000 km2.
  • The Amur tiger is the ruler of vast territories, the area of ​​which often reaches 3000 km2.
  • Lifestyle
With a shortage of game, the number of cases of tiger attacks on large livestock and dogs increases.
  • With a shortage of game, the number of cases of tiger attacks on large livestock and dogs increases.
  • Males lead a solitary life, while females are often found in groups.
In contrast to the red-orange summer coat, the winter fur of the Amur tiger has a yellowish tint. This tiger must survive at temperatures of -45 C, so its fur is thicker than that of tigers living in warm areas
  • In contrast to the red-orange summer coat, the winter fur of the Amur tiger has a yellowish tint. This tiger must survive at temperatures of -45 C, so its fur is thicker than that of tigers living in warm areas
  • The tiger skull, compared to the lion skull, is shorter in the front part, but in the nasal part it is much more powerful and wider.
Despite the enormous strength and developed senses, the tiger has to devote a lot of time to hunting, since only 1 attempt out of 10 is successful!
  • Despite the enormous strength and developed senses, the tiger has to devote a lot of time to hunting, since only 1 attempt out of 10 is successful!
  • If the attempt fails, then the tiger moves away from the potential victim. The tiger usually drags the killed prey to the water, and before going to bed, hides the remains of the meal.
He often has to drive away competitors. The tiger eats while lying down, holding its prey with its paws. Tigers specialize in hunting large ungulates, but on occasion they can feed on fish, frogs, birds and mice, and they also eat plant fruits.
  • He often has to drive away competitors. The tiger eats while lying down, holding its prey with its paws. Tigers specialize in hunting large ungulates, but on occasion they can feed on fish, frogs, birds and mice, and they also eat plant fruits.
  • Habits : active at night; males stay solitary.
  • Food : deer, wild goats, pigs, moose, lynxes, bears.
  • Related species : 8 tiger subspecies are facing extinction. The Bali and Javan tigers have disappeared from the face of the earth.
During the harsh Far Eastern winters, the tiger's fur becomes even lighter, this allows it to blend into its surroundings.
  • During the harsh Far Eastern winters, the tiger's fur becomes even lighter, this allows it to blend into its surroundings.
Typically, tigresses give birth to 3-4 blind cubs. The mother feeds them milk. The eyes of tiger cubs open after about 9 days, and at 2 weeks of age their teeth begin to grow.
  • Typically, tigresses give birth to 3-4 blind cubs. The mother feeds them milk. The eyes of tiger cubs open after about 9 days, and at 2 weeks of age their teeth begin to grow.
Tiger cubs leave the shelter for the first time at the age of 2 months. The mother brings them meat, and from the age of 6 months the cubs accompany their mother during the hunt. Tiger cubs play a lot, which also helps them learn the skills necessary for hunting.
  • Tiger cubs leave the shelter for the first time at the age of 2 months. The mother brings them meat, and from the age of 6 months the cubs accompany their mother during the hunt. Tiger cubs play a lot, which also helps them learn the skills necessary for hunting.
At the age of one, the cubs go on an independent hunt for the first time, and by the age of two they are already able to defeat large prey.
  • At the age of one, the cubs go on an independent hunt for the first time, and by the age of two they are already able to defeat large prey.
However, for the first few years of their lives, tiger cubs stay with their mother. The tigress hunts with young tigers until they reach sexual maturity.
  • However, for the first few years of their lives, tiger cubs stay with their mother. The tigress hunts with young tigers until they reach sexual maturity.
  • A tiger can lift and carry for a long time even very heavy prey, the transport of which would require the strength of five men.
  • The daily norm for a tiger is 9-10 kg of meat.
  • The maximum recorded weight of a tiger is 384 kg.
  • A tiger can live up to 40-50 years, but usually dies earlier.
  • Do you know that...
  • The species is facing extinction mainly due to the destruction of its natural habitats. Currently, there are about 300 specimens living in the wild. Today, most Amur tigers live in captivity.
  • Security

Scientific classification Kingdom:Animals Type:Chordates Class:Mammals Order:Carnivores Family:Felines Genus:Panther Species:Tiger Subspecies:Amur tiger External description. One of the largest and most beautiful representatives of the cat family can be considered the Amur (Ussuri) tiger, the northernmost tiger. The Ussuri tiger is a large, exotically colored cat, unrivaled in strength and power in all the world's fauna. The tiger is one of the largest land predators on our planet. The tiger is an easily vulnerable animal, despite its large size and enormous physical strength, and it is such that it can drag the carcass of a horse on the ground for more than 500 m. In the snow, it is capable of reaching speeds of up to 80 km/h, second only to the cheetah in speed. External description. One of the largest and most beautiful representatives of the cat family can be considered the Amur (Ussuri) tiger, the northernmost tiger. The Ussuri tiger is a large, exotically colored cat, unrivaled in strength and power in all the world's fauna. The tiger is one of the largest land predators on our planet. The tiger is an easily vulnerable animal, despite its large size and enormous physical strength, and it is such that it can drag the carcass of a horse on the ground for more than 500 m. In the snow, it is capable of reaching speeds of up to 80 km/h, second only to the cheetah in speed. One of their strongest external features is a skin with black or brown bold vertical stripes on a reddish-yellow or reddish-orange background. The lower part of the body of tigers is usually white or slightly cream. Many people are very well aware of such tigers as white ones, they are also usually called Bengal tigers, but such tigers have almost been destroyed, and in those places where they still remain, their numbers are usually very scarce, although fairly large tigers have survived in India and Malaysia and Nepal.

Bengal tiger. Undoubtedly, the Ussuri tiger is one of the attractions of the Primorsky Territory. For a long time, this graceful cat, despite its size, has been considered the undivided ruler of the taiga. The tiger lives alone and marks the boundaries of its territory with droppings and marks on trees. The tiger warns its rivals with a roar that can be heard within a radius of 3 km. The tiger species is exclusively Asian. It appeared somewhere in northern China about 2 million years ago. Also at the end of the last century, tigers could be seen in eastern Turkey and from northern Iran to the East Indies and even in southeastern Siberia. In the mountains, tigers rise about 3000 meters above sea level.

Abilities and habits. The tiger is able to cover 9 meters with just one jump, but usually tries to sneak up as close to the prey as possible and knock it down with one strong blow. As a rule, he bites the throat of large animals with his powerful fangs and does not let go until they suffocate; The tiger most often gnaws the neck of small animals from above. Tigresses, as usual, are smaller in size than males. The smallest subspecies of tigers was the long-extinct Bali tiger - the females of these tigers weighed about 65 kg. The largest tigers are Amur tigers: the mass of these males is over 300 kg. The height at the withers is from 0.6 in females and up to 1.1 m in males. These tigers have five toes on their front paws and four on their hind paws, all of which, as a rule, have retractable claws. The usual number of chromosomes is 38. Apart from the usually short mating season and the usual period of mother care for offspring, tigers lead a solitary lifestyle and habitat.

Habitats. Habitat. The tiger's habitat is concentrated in a protected zone in the southeast of Russia, along the banks of the Amur and Ussuri in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories; in Russia in 1996, there were only about 10 individuals. About 10% (40-50 individuals) of the Amur tiger population lives in China (Manchuria). Ussuri tigers are most common in the foothills of Sikhote-Alin, in the Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai, where every sixth wild Amur tiger lives in a relatively small area (2003).

Depending on the habitat of the striped predator, the variety and quantity of prey, and whether it is a tiger or a tigress, usually the individual territory of an adult predator ranges from 200 to 3000 square kilometers. Adult tigers usually hunt large mammals, such as wild boars, antelopes, deer, gaurs and buffaloes, but they can also eat frogs, birds and other small animals. In Manchuria and Siberia, tigers often hunt Himalayan and brown bears. Sometimes livestock become tiger prey, but human casualties are generally quite rare. The main diet consists of wild boar and wapiti, and in the southwestern regions of Primorye and the Lazovsky Nature Reserve, sika deer. The quantitative ratio of tiger prey for different parts of the range is not the same. On the western macroslopes of the middle Sikhote-Alin, the share of wild boar and wapiti accounts for about 60 and 30%, respectively; on the eastern (Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve) these figures are more than three times lower for wild boar and almost 2.5 times higher for wapiti . On the eastern macroslopes of the southern Sikhote-Alin (Lazovsky Nature Reserve), the share of wild boar and wapiti is equal - about 30%, sika deer among tiger prey is 18.2%. Nutrition.

Breeding offspring. Estrus and the appearance of young are not confined to any specific time of year. However, mating occurs most often in the second half of winter, and the appearance of offspring mainly occurs in April-June. The pregnancy period lasts days, on average a day. There are 1-4 tiger cubs in a litter, usually 2-3. The average litter size ranges from 1.5 to 2.4 cubs. Most females bear offspring for the first time at 3-4 years of age. A tigress usually gives birth once every two years.

Puberty in tiger cubs occurs at the age of 3-4 years for females and 4-5 years for males, but in zoos two-year-old tigers are usually allowed to breed. In captivity, tigers live no more than 26 years; in nature, as is known, there is usually the same amount. The mother feeds the tiger cubs milk for six months. By that time they reach a weight of kg and switch entirely to meat. During the first winter, the tigress brings fresh meat to her kittens, since they often catch colds and die from frozen food. Two-year-old tiger cubs weigh up to 100 kg and are introduced to hunting, which their mother teaches with the greatest diligence. Males are not interested in raising their offspring. Tiger cubs are separated from their mother in the second year of life. Accordingly, litters of tigresses can appear at intervals of two years, and in the event of the death of tiger cubs, in the year of their loss. The mortality rate of young people is very high - about 50%. Cases of tigers dying from bears and cases of cannibalism are quite rare and do not significantly affect the well-being of the species. Tiger trail.

Protection against disappearance. As an object of the first category of threat of extinction, it is included in the Red Books of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Russia, and is included in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). In the south of the Russian Far East, where the northern border of the species’ range lies, this tiger lives in the territory of Primorye and Amur region. Currently, only in Sikhote-Alin is the only viable population of the Amur tiger preserved in the world. According to R. K. Mak, who visited the Ussuri River valley in 1861, local hunters avoided even talking about this animal and in the pantheon of Orochi, local residents, the figure of the mythical tiger “Duse” was second only to the supreme deity “Bua”. This worship was due to the tiger's ability to disappear from sight in a matter of seconds, even in a snowy forest, despite its bright coloring. It should be noted that not only the indigenous peoples of Primorye endowed the Ussuri tiger with supernatural abilities. Chinese and Korean hunters firmly believed that the meat, bones and even claws of a tiger had healing properties, which in their effect were second only to the healing effect of ginseng root.

To all of the above one should add warm, soft and unusually beautiful fur. All this led to the fact that in the 30s of the twentieth century the number of Ussuri tigers decreased to 50 individuals. Then biologists faced the question of how to preserve this unique subspecies. And in 1935, a decision was made to establish the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve. When the reserve began operating, there were about 45 individuals on its territory.

In Russia, the tiger was taken under protection in 1947, when a complete ban on hunting it was introduced. In recent years, international cooperation has become increasingly important in the protection of this animal, which is expressed not only in financial, material and technical support for various environmental organizations, but also in joint work. Research is currently underway as part of the Russian-American Amur Tiger project using radio tracking.

Contacts have been established and work has begun on tiger and leopard in countries neighboring Russia - the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. A “Strategy for the Conservation of the Tiger in Russia” has been prepared and adopted, which defines the main directions of activity to preserve the natural population of one of the most beautiful subspecies of this cat - the Amur tiger. Of the seven subspecies of tigers, two can probably be considered extinct, and quite recently. In October 1953, a large tiger was killed in the Shimanovsky district, near the village of Kommuna, near the Tu River. The length of the animal from the end of the muzzle to the end of the tail turned out to be 2 m 90 cm, the circumference of the paw was 36 cm, and the weight was about 250 kg. A stuffed animal of this tiger is kept in the Blagoveshchensk Museum of Local History.

Interesting Facts. The Ussuri tiger is depicted on the flag and coat of arms of the Primorsky Territory, as well as on many heraldic symbols of cities and regions of the region. The Ussuri or Amur tiger is an object of worship for many peoples of the Far East. In 1988, Hodori was the official mascot of the Summer Olympics in Seoul. In China, killing an Amur tiger carries the death penalty. The Ussuri tiger is depicted on the flag and coat of arms of the Primorsky Territory, as well as on many heraldic symbols of cities and regions of the region. The Ussuri or Amur tiger is an object of worship for many peoples of the Far East. In 1988, Hodori was the official mascot of the Summer Olympics in Seoul. In China, killing an Amur tiger carries the death penalty.

King of Beasts This majestic animal lives in the Far East, on the banks of the Amur River. The Amur tiger can, without a doubt, be called a king, because it is the largest and strongest representative of the tiger family. The weight of an Amur tiger can exceed three hundred kilograms, and its length, including its tail, reaches three meters.

The Amur tiger is the only tiger species that has learned to endure harsh, snowy winters. His magnificent fur helps him in this. The fur of the Amur tiger is red, with black stripes, which form a unique and inimitable pattern. You cannot find two individuals with the same pattern. The red tint of the fur on the face of this animal is interspersed with white spots, where there are patterns of black stripes.

The complex pattern helps the tiger camouflage itself while hunting. The huge tabby cat's body is strong and flexible, its head is round. Retractable claws on the paws are adapted for grabbing and tearing prey. The tiger's huge fangs give it a menacing appearance. They are sharp and slightly curved.

Hunting is the most important activity for the Amur tiger, because it eats only meat. Its prey is usually ungulates that live in the territory of residence - wild boars, wapiti, roe deer and sika deer. Tigers hunt, sneaking up on their prey unnoticed on soft cat paws. Having crept closer, they overtake the victim with a sharp jump. In summer, the Amur tiger can also engage in catching large fish. It does not attack humans, and when there is a shortage of food, the tiger can go to human habitation and hunt domestic animals.

Amur tigers are loners. They protect their hunting territory from other tigers, leaving only females and cubs alone. They mark the boundaries of their possessions in a unique way - they stand near a tree on their hind legs and, at a height of more than two meters, peel off the bark with their claws.

Facts about the Amur Tiger Amur tigers live up to 15 years in the wild, but less in captivity. White Siberian tigers live longer than their orange-skinned counterparts. Amur tigers can withstand severe frosts. In case of a fight, they rattle their tail and warn the opponent.

To protect against the cold, nature has rewarded the predator with a 5 cm thick layer of subcutaneous fat. Despite this, the Amur tiger quickly flies through the snow, chasing prey. Interesting facts are its speed indicators. At a speed of 80 km/h, the striped sprinter is capable of catching up with any animal.

“Red Book” “Red Book” And the Mur tiger lives in the snow, the northernmost and largest of the tigers. The tiger weighs more than 300 kg and can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour. And the Mursky tiger lives in the snow, the northernmost and largest of the tigers. The tiger weighs more than 300 kg and can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour. The body is very flexible, the head is rounded, the coat is thick and light in color. There is a 5-centimeter layer of fat on the belly, which protects it from freezing winds and severe frosts. The tiger has binocular vision. He distinguishes colors, and at night he sees 5 times better than a person. The body is very flexible, the head is rounded, the coat is thick and light in color. There is a 5-centimeter layer of fat on the belly, which protects it from freezing winds and severe frosts. The tiger has binocular vision. He distinguishes colors, and at night he sees 5 times better than a person.

Lifestyle of the Amur tiger Habitat: Amur region, Khabarovsk region, Amur region, China, Korea. Habitat: Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, China, Korea. The territory (1000 km) is marked with urine and scratches on trees. The territory (1000 km) is marked with urine and scratches on trees.

Lifestyle of the Amur tiger Males lead a solitary life, females are often found in groups. Males lead a solitary life, females are often found in groups. The tigress gives birth to 3-4 blind cubs, their eyes open after 9 days, the mother feeds them with milk. The tigress gives birth to 3-4 blind cubs, their eyes open after 9 days, the mother feeds them with milk.

Lifestyle of the Amur tiger At 6 months, tiger cubs go hunting with their mother. During the hunt, the tiger kills a horse with a blow of its paw and makes 5-meter jumps. Favorite food: deer, wild boar, goats, musk deer. At 6 months, tiger cubs go hunting with their mother. During the hunt, the tiger kills a horse with a blow of its paw and makes 5-meter jumps. Favorite food: deer, wild boar, goats, musk deer. For a normal existence, he needs to eat 40 kg of meat, and 80 ungulates per year. For a normal existence, he needs to eat 40 kg of meat, and 80 ungulates per year.

Lifestyle of the Amur tiger Due to lack of food, the tiger eats fish, mice, frogs, locusts and even plant fruits, and often attacks livestock. Can remain without food for several days. Due to lack of food, the tiger eats fish, mice, frogs, locusts and even plant fruits, and often attacks livestock. Can remain without food for several days.

Tiger protection In 1947, a decree was issued banning the shooting of tigers. In 1947, a decree was issued banning the shooting of tigers. In 1935, the first tiger reserve was created - Sikhote-Alin, later Lazovsky, Kedrovaya Pad and Ussuriysky reserves, on the territory of which the Amur tiger is now protected. In those years, the number of tigers increased, as can be seen from the table. In 1935, the first tiger reserve was created - Sikhote-Alin, later Lazovsky, Kedrovaya Pad and Ussuriysky reserves, on the territory of which the Amur tiger is now protected. In those years, the number of tigers increased, as can be seen from the table. LazovskyKedrovaya PadUssuriysky ReserveAmur Tiger LazovskyKedrovaya PadUssuriysky ReserveAmur Tiger But in recent years the number of tigers has decreased catastrophically. But in recent years, the number of tigers has declined catastrophically.

The main reasons for the disappearance of Amur tigers are poaching, for the use of body parts of tigers for medicinal purposes in countries such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan, China (which is completely denied by official medicine). Poaching for the use of body parts of tigers for medicinal purposes in countries such as Korea, Vietnam, Japan, China (which is completely denied by official medicine). Deforestation (cedar, oak, fruits that ungulates eat, which in turn are food for the tiger). Deforestation (cedar, oak, fruits that ungulates eat, which in turn are food for the tiger). Small areas of nature reserves (tigers have to go to Yakutia and the BAM highway in search of food). Small areas of nature reserves (tigers have to go to Yakutia and the BAM highway in search of food).

Conclusion The conservation of the Amur tiger in the Far East has been one of the main tasks since the very beginning of the work of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Russia, which published the “Conservation Strategies for the Amur Tiger in Russia”. This document establishes the main directions of tiger conservation activities in the Russian Far East. The protection of the Amur tiger in the Far East has been one of the main tasks since the very beginning of the work of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Russia, which published the “Conservation Strategies for the Amur Tiger in Russia”. This document establishes the main directions of tiger conservation in the Russian Far East. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Far East. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Far East.

To attract public attention to the problem of preserving tigers in the wild, an annual holiday event called “Tiger Day” is held in Russia. For the first time, it began to be celebrated in 2000 in Vladivostok on the initiative and with the support of the Phoenix Foundation, as well as the writer and game warden Vladimir Troinin. In 2001, the head of the Vladivostok administration signed a decree on holding the holiday annually on the fourth Sunday of September. To attract public attention to the problem of preserving tigers in the wild, an annual holiday event called “Tiger Day” is held in Russia. For the first time, it began to be celebrated in 2000 in Vladivostok on the initiative and with the support of the Phoenix Foundation, as well as the writer and game warden Vladimir Troinin. In 2001, the head of the Vladivostok administration signed a decree on holding the holiday annually on the fourth Sunday of September. 2000 Vladivostok writer 2001 2000 Vladivostok writer 2001

In September 2010, an international Tiger Summit is planned to be held in Vladivostok at the level of heads of government of 13 countries in which tigers live. During the summit, it is planned to discuss the problem of reducing the global tiger population, as well as the construction of a joint Russian-Chinese reserve. In September 2010, an international Tiger Summit is planned to be held in Vladivostok at the level of heads of government of 13 countries in which tigers live. During the summit it is planned to discuss the problem of reducing the global tiger population, as well as the construction of a joint Russian-Chinese reserve 2010 Vladivostok summit 2010 Vladivostok summit

To preserve the Amur tiger population, it is necessary to strictly control poaching of the Amur tiger. Strictly control poaching of the Amur tiger. Maintain numbers and prevent deforestation of the Ussuri taiga, which is the only habitat of the Amur tiger. Maintain numbers and prevent deforestation of the Ussuri taiga, which is the only habitat of the Amur tiger. Conduct explanatory work among schoolchildren about the uniqueness of the Amur tiger and its significance in nature. Conduct explanatory work among schoolchildren about the uniqueness of the Amur tiger and its significance in nature. To attract the attention of students and adults to the problem of conserving the Amur tiger by publishing leaflets, booklets and wall newspapers. To attract the attention of students and adults to the problem of conserving the Amur tiger by publishing leaflets, booklets and wall newspapers. Hold a school-wide environmental festival dedicated to Tiger Day in September 2010. Hold a school-wide environmental festival dedicated to Tiger Day in September 2010.