Currently, three approaches in teaching children with special educational needs are currently applied in Russia.

- differentiated learning children with violations of physical and mental development in special (correctional) institutions I-VIII species;

- integrated learning children in special classes (groups) in general education institutions;

- inclusive learningWhen children with special educational needs are studying in the class together with ordinary children.

Children with disabilities include children with disabilities; children with a diagnosis of mental retardation; children with impaired hearing, vision, underdevelopment of speech; children with autism; Children with combined disorders in development.



Children with special educational needs. Training

The introduction to the human community of children with disabilities is the main task of the entire correctional assistance system, the ultimate goal of which is social integration aimed at including a child into society. The educational integration, being part of social integration, is considered as the process of education and training of children with disabilities together with conventional.

Currently, three approaches in teaching children with special educational needs are currently applied in Russia.

- differentiated learning children with violations of physical and mental development in special (correctional) institutions I-VIII species;

- integrated learning children in special classes (groups) in general education institutions;

- inclusive learningWhen children with special educational needs are studying in the class together with ordinary children.

Children with disabilities include children with disabilities; children with a diagnosis of mental retardation; children with impaired hearing, vision, underdevelopment of speech; children with autism; Children with combined disorders in development.

Integration is not a new problem for the Russian Federation. In kindergartens and schools of Russia there are many children with deviations in development. This category of children is extremely heterogeneous and "integrated" on Wednesday normally developing peers for various reasons. Conditionally can be divided into four groups:

1. Children whose "integration" is due to the fact that the deviation in development was not detected.

2. Children whose parents, knowing about the special problems of the child, for various reasons want to train him in a mass kindergarten or school.

3. Children who, as a result of long-term correctional work carried out by parents and specialists, prepared for training in the environment of normally developing peers, as a result of which specialists recommend them integrated training. In the future, such children, as a rule, receive only episodic correctional assistance, while the relationship between a teacher-defectologist, psychologist and educators of a kindergarten or school is carried out mainly through parents.

4. Children enrolled in special pre-school groups and classes in mass kindergartens and schools, whose training and education is carried out taking into account deviations in their development, but special groups and classes are often isolated, isolated.

In the course of integrated learning for children with disabilities, special conditions for training and education are possible in accordance with the needs of the child and the conclusions of the psychological and medical and pedagogical commission. Taking into account the psychophysiological features, studying with disabilities, individual curricula, including a learning schedule for a given person, training load, the timing of the development of educational programs, its certification.

Inclusive (Franz. Inclusif - inclusion in itself, from Lat. Include - I conclude, turn on) or the included education is a term that is used to describe the process of learning children with special needs in general education (mass) schools.

Inclusive education is a learning process and education in which all children, independence from their physical, mental, intellectual and other features, are included in the general system of education. They attend secondary schools at the place of residence with their peers without disability, while their special educational needs are taken into account. In addition, it turns out special support. The basis of inclusive education is the ideology that eliminates any discrimination of children - is ensured equal to all people, but they create special conditions for children with special educational needs.

The inclusive education model is based on the following social approach - it is necessary to change not people with disabilities, but a society and its attitude to disabled. Inclusion is recognized as a more developed, humane and efficient system not only children with disabilities, but also healthy students. It gives the right to education to everyone, regardless of the degree of its compliance with the criteria of the school system. Through respect and acceptance of the individuality of each of them, the formation of personality occurs. At the same time, children are in the team, learn to interact with each other, build relationships, together with the teacher creatively solve educational problems.

Principles of inclusive education

Inclusive education involves the adoption of students with disabilities as any other children in the classroom, the inclusion of them into the same activities, involvement in collective forms of training and group decision of the tasks, the use of collective participation strategy - games, joint projects, laboratory, field research, etc. d.

Inclusive education expands the personal capabilities of all children, helps to develop humanity, tolerance, willingness to help peers.

What difficulties of the introduction of inclusive education may face the participants of the educational process?

In our society, unfortunately, people who have limited health opportunities are perceived as something foreign. This relation was developed for years, so it is almost impossible to change it in a short time.

Children with special educational needs are often unbearable.

Most teachers and directors of mass schools are not enough for disability issues and are not ready for the inclusion of children with disabilities in the learning process in classes.

Parents of children with disabilities do not know how to defend the rights of children for education and feel fear of the education and social support system.

Architectural unavailability of educational institutions.

It is necessary to understand that inclusion is not only physical finding a child with disabilities in a secondary school. This is a change in school itself, school culture and system of relations of participants in the educational process, close cooperation of teachers and specialists, the involvement of parents to work with the child.

Today, among teachers of the mass school, there is a rather acute problem of the lack of necessary preparation for working with children with special educational needs. The lack of professional competencies of teachers in work in an inclusive medium, the presence of psychological barriers and professional stereotypes is found.

A special role in the process of teaching children with ABS is played by the relationship between teachers and parents. Parents know their child better, so in solving a number of problems, the teacher can get a valuable council from them. Collaboration of teachers and parents will help to look at the situation from different sides, and, therefore, will allow adults to understand the individual characteristics of the child, to identify its ability and form the right life guidelines.

Appendix No. 1.

Exercises for the development of shallow motility hands

1. Children act with pillows of four fingers, which are installed at the bases of the throat of the array of the array, and dotted movements back and forth, shifting the skin about 1 cm, gradually promotes them to the ray-sharp joint (dotted movement).

Iron decloid the folds,
Everything will be fine.
Moisture all pants
Hare, hedgehog and teddy bear.

2. The edge of the palm of the palms is imitating sawing in all directions of the back side of the hand (straight movement). Brushes and forearm are located on the table, children are sitting.

Drank, drank, drank, drank!
Winter cold came.
I wrote to us firewood rather
Furnace Istopim, we warm all!
3. The base of the brush is made by rotational movements towards the mother's.
Dough MEEM, dough me,
Pies we will arise
And with cabbage, and with mushrooms.
- treat you with cakes?
4. The knuckles compressed in the fist of the fingers to move up and down and on the right side of the palm of the massagable hand (straight movement).
A friendly mom help,
Rubbing the beet
Together with mom, cook soup
- You are tastier look!
The phalanxes of the fingers compressed in the fist are made on the principle of a bull on the palm of the massagable hand.
Dad in hand drill takes
And she buzzes, sings,
Like mouse fides
In the wall hole gnaw.

Appendix 2.

Formation of social competence



Specific tasks for the period


Forms of actor

Indicators of achievements

Forms of assessment of achievements

Help the child in mastering and observing school rules

Master the rules of behavior in school. Development of arbitrary self-regulation



Able to raise a hand

Learned the educational material asked by the teacher

Forming adequate behavior in an academic situation (at the lesson, in extracurricular time)

Be able to communicate with the teacher, peers, be able to wait and listen when another student answers

Tea, Psycho-Log

Study, non-rich

Ability to communicate with teacher, peers

Put advantage about the child's child, watching the child

Forming socially acceptable behavior in a group of peers

The ability to start and finish the conversation, listen, wait, dialogue, play collective games. The ability to control your emotions and recognize the emotions of others

Tea, Psycho-Log

School, game

People's peers directly turn to the child and include it in their circle. Adapto-belly in the group of peers, behaves adequate

Poll and conversation with mom, child. Observation for the child

Forming-via self

The ability to take instructions and follow the established rules on their own when performing simple tasks; Reducing the help of an adult when performing more complex tasks. Skill of planning, control, assessment of learning activities

Tea, Psycho-Log

School, game

Less errors when performing learning tasks. The ability to understand the instructions to the task is to make a program of action. Assess the resulting result when solving text tasks while with an adult. You can install friendly contact with peers

Evaluation of training, test tasks. Method of constructive observation of the child during the training, gaming activity

Forming the ability to plan and control their activities

Formation of mental activity plan. The ability to understand the instructions, output and hold to the end of the goal of the act, make up a program of action (using visual algorithms of activity, plans, the ability to check the resulting result (with the support of adult and independently)

Tea, Psycho-Log


There is a finished product of actors

Putitive estimates, test tasks, observation of the student's work

Who are children with "special educational needs"? This concept covers all students whose educational problems go beyond the boundaries of the generally accepted norm. The term is based on the need to ensure additional support in the training of children who have certain features in their development.

We can more accurately consider the definition given by the French scientist G. Lefranko: "Special needs are a term that is used in relation to persons whose social, physical or emotional feature requires special attention and services, it is possible to expand its potential."

Children with special needs are children with peculiarities of psychophysical development. They can be divided into the following categories:

With hearing impairment (deaf, deaf, with reduced hearing);

With violations of violation (blind, blinded, with reduced vision);

With intelligence disorders (mentally retarded children, with mental delay);

With speech disorders (discharge, dysarthria, anarterium, dyslexia, alalia, rinolalia, etc.);

With impaired musculoskeletal system;

With a complex structure of disorders (mentally retarded blind or deaf, deaf-drum, etc.);

With emotional-willed violations and children with autism.

Speech violations, in turn, have their own varieties:

Dyslavlia (impaired sound-proof during normal hearing and the preserved innervation of the speech apparatus);

Rinolalia (violation of sound impact and voice collected by anatomy-physiological defects of the speech apparatus);

Dysarthria (violation of the pronunciation side of the speech due to the lack of innervation of the speech apparatus);

Stuttering (violation of the temp-rhythmic organization of speech, due to the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus);

Alalia (lack of or underdevelopment of speech in children, due to the organic lesion of the speech zone of the cerebral cortex in the intrauterine or early period of development of the child);

Afaja (full or partial loss of speech due to organic local lesions of the brain);

General underdevelopment of speech (various complex speech disorders, in which children have violated the formation of all components of the speech system relating to the sound and semantic side);

Violation of the letter (disgrave) and reading (dyslexia) and many others.

Children with special educational needs are children who need to receive special psychological and pedagogical care and organizing special conditions in their upbringing and training. Correctional pedagogy is designed to ensure the socialization of the child, i.e. Contribute to achieving the ultimate goal of learning and raising a child with deviating development - overcoming its social insufficiency, the maximum possible introduction of it to society, the formation of his ability to live independently.

Among the many scientific theories, one way or another, influenced the formation and development of domestic special education, the provisions formulated by LS Vygotsky, which is rightfully considered the founder of modern defectological science. They formulated a number of theories that were further developed in the work of his followers A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Lebedinsky, TA Vlasova et al., Which made it possible to create the concept of a modern system for the education and raising children with various deviations in development.

General aspects of the special educational needs of different categories of children with impaired psychophysical development can be distinguished.

1. The start time of education is the need for the coincidence of the start of special purposeful learning with the moment of determining the violation in the development of the child. (So, if the violation of the child's hearing or view was revealed at the end of the first month of his life, special training should begin immediately. The situation is extremely dangerous when after identifying the primary violation in development, all the efforts of adults are sent solely on an attempt to treat a child, rehabilitation with medicine. .)

2. The content of education is the need for the introduction of special sections of training that are not present in the content of the establishment of a normally developing child. (For example, classes on the development of the hearing and visual perception of speech in the deaf, hearing impaired and late children, sections on social and consumer orientation for the blind, depleted and mental children, sections on the formation of the mechanisms of conscious regulation of their own behavior and interaction with the surrounding people and etc.).

2. Creating special methods and learning tools is the need to build "bypass tracks", using specific learning tools, in a more differentiated, "step-by-step" learning than this usually requires the training of a normally developing child. (For example, the use of dactylology and gesturing speech in teaching the deaf, relief-point braille font when teaching blind, significantly earlier than normal, training deaf children reading and writing, etc.;

3. In a special organization of training - the need for high-quality individualization of training, in a special spatial and temporal and semantic organization of the educational environment (for example, children with autism need to be a special structuring of educational space, facilitating the understanding of the meaning of the event that gives them the opportunity to predict the course of events and plan your behavior).

4. In determining the boundaries of the educational space - the need to maximize the expansion of the educational space outside the educational institution.

5. In the duration of education - the need for the prolongation of the learning process and outlets outside the school age.

6. In determining the circle of persons participating in education and their interaction - the need for the agreed participation of qualified specialists from different profiles (special psychologists and teachers, social workers, doctors of various specialties, neuro- and psychophysiologists, etc.), in the inclusion of parental child's parents The process of its rehabilitation by means of education and their special training by specialists.

Thus, knowledge and accounting of the principles of training based on the most important methodological approaches to the development of the psyche in the norm and pathology will allow a correctional teacher to determine the main directions of corrective impact and predict the result of their socialization and adaptation.

25 The main provisions of the historical and genetic and sociocultural approach of N.N. Lieupleva explaining the formation, design and development of a special education system. Factors affecting the development of national special education systems in all historical periods.

The approach of LEFFEEV allows you to get away from the traditional comparison of the foreign and domestic special education system according to the chronological principle, to compare systems at a substantive level, to identify the historical and socio-cultural foundations of modern innovative processes.

The analysis of literary sources made it possible to identify the historical events of the "critical points" in the chronology - critical moments in relation to Western European states to persons with development deviations and build the meaningful periodization of this process from the 19th century to the present day.

1. From aggression and intolerance to awareness of the need for assistance. The conditional border of the period in Western Europe is the first precedent of state concerns about persons with disabilities - the opening of the first shelter in the Bavaria for the blind in 1198. In Russia, the precedents of the first monastic shelters fall at 1706-1715. and associated with Peter reforms.

2. From awareness of the need for charity of persons with deviations in the development of a realization of the possibility of training at least parts of them. The conditional border of the period in Western Europe can be considered a rethinking in France of civil rights of persons with sensory violations and the first precedents of opening in Paris of special schools: for deaf-and-dumb (1770) and blind (1784). In Russia, the precedents of the opening of the first special schools (in St. Petersburg: for the deaf - 1806 and for the blind - 1807) are associated with the acquaintance of Emperor Alexander I with Western experience and the invitation of French Typhalplopeship, Valentina Gayui to work in Russia.

3. From awareness of the possibility of awareness of the expediency of learning three categories of children: with impaired hearing, vision, mentally retarded. The conditional border of the period in Western Europe can be considered the last quarter of the 19th century - the time of adoption in the Western European countries on compulsory universal primary education and on their basis - laws on teaching deaf, blind and mentally retarded children. This is the time of creating a parallel educational system - a special education system for three categories of children. In Russia, the registration of a parallel educational system with the same three types of special schools falls on the Soviet period - 1927 - 1935th. and is associated with the law on the universality.

4. From awareness of the need to train individual categories of abnormal children to a differentiated special education system. He falls in Western Europe for the period from the beginning of the 20th century. until the end of the 70s. and is characterized by the development of the legislative base of special education, structural improvement of national systems (up to 20 types of special schools were created in some Western European countries). By the end of the 70s. Special education in Western Europe is covered from 5 to 15% of school-age children. In Russia, the development and differentiation of the system, its structural improvement, the transition from 3 to 8 types of special schools and 15 types of special training is carried out in the 50s - 90s. However, no more than 3% of school-age children were covered by special education in the USSR, and special educational institutions and defectological staff were extremely unevenly distributed throughout the country.

For Western Europe, the 70s. It can be considered the conditional lower boundary of the fourth period of evolution. In the situation of rapid economic growth, the development of democracy and liberal-democratic sentiments, a new one comes to replace the old paradigm "The" Understanding Minority "is" a new community, including people with various issues. " With such an understanding, the decaying of minorities becomes invalid, which records the legislation, this is the UN Declaration "On the Rights of Mentally Red Faces" (1971), "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" (1975). In this context, special schools, boarding schools are recognized by segregation institutions, and isolated from the mass system of special education - discriminatory. Announced a democratic state in 1991 ratified the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child", "On the Rights of Disabled Persons", "On the Rights of Mentally Red Faces."

5. From insulation to integration. Integration of persons with disabilities in society is in Western Europe, the leading trend of this period of evolution based on their full civil equality, the new philosophy of society, respect for differences between people. The development of social integration of persons with disabilities causes the idea of \u200b\u200bintegration in education. The period is characterized in the Western European countries by restructuring in the 80s - 90s. organizational foundations of special education, reducing the number of special schools and a sharp increase in the number of special classes in secondary schools, restructuring relationships of mass and special education.

In the evolution of the relationship between society and the state to persons with development deviations in the development of historical time, Russia is significantly lagging behind the countries of Western Europe. Currently, it is possible to conditionally determine the place of Russia on this evolutionary scale at the transition from the fourth to the fifth period. This is due to the fact that the formation and registration of a national system for helping children with violations in development was interrupted by two revolutions that led to the indigenous reorganization of the state and society.

The development of national special education systems in all historical periods is connected with:

socio-economic device of the country,

value orientations of the state and society,

state policy towards children with development deviations,

legislation in the field of education as a whole,

level of development of defectological science as an integrative area of \u200b\u200bknowledge at the junction of medicine, psychology and pedagogy,

world historical and pedagogical process.

Special educational needs are the term, not so long ago appeared in modern society. Abroad, he entered the massive use earlier. The emergence and dissemination of the concept of special educational needs (OOP) suggests that society gradually grows and is trying to help children in every way, and those who are limited to, as well as those who, by no circumstances, have fallen into a difficult life situation. Socium begins to help such children adapt to life.

A child who has special educational needs is not the one who has anomalies and disorders in development. Socium is moving away from the separation of children on the "normal" and "abnormal", since there are very ghostly borders between these concepts. Even with the most common abilities, the child may have a lag in development, if he does not pay due attention from parents and society.

Essence of the concept of children with OOP

Special educational needs are a concept that should gradually displace such terms from mass consumption as "anomalous development", "developmental violations", "Deviations in Development". It does not define the normalness of the child, and focuses on the fact that it is not particularly different from other members of society, but has the need to create special conditions for his learning. This will make his life more comfortable and as close as possible to the one that ordinary people lead. In particular, the education of such children should be carried out with the help of specific funds.

It should be noted that "children with special educational needs" are not only a name for those who suffer from mental and physical disorders, but also for those who do not have them. For example, when the need for special education occurs under the influence of any sociocultural factors.

Borrowing the term

Special educational needs are the concept that was first applied in the London report in 1978, dedicated to the difficulties of learning children with disabilities. Gradually, it began to be used more and more. Currently, this term has become part of the educational system in European countries. He is also widespread in the United States and Canada.

In Russia, the concept appeared later, but it cannot be argued that its significance is only tracing the Western term.

Groups of children with OOP

The contingent of children having an OOP, modern science shares into three groups:

  • with characteristic limited opportunities for health;
  • faced with difficulties in training;
  • living in adverse conditions.

That is, in modern defectology, the term has the following meaning: Special educational needs are the conditions for the development of a child who requires workarounds to achieve the tasks of the development of culture, which under normal conditions are carried out by standard methods inherent in modern culture.

Categories of children who have features of mental and physical development

For each child with OOP characteristic of their own characteristics. On this basis, children can be divided into such groups:

  • for which hearing impairment (full or partial absence);
  • with problem vision (full or partial absence of vision);
  • with intellectual anomalies (those in which there are;
  • who are broken;
  • having problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • with a complex structure of disorders (depleting, etc.);
  • autists;
  • children having emotionally volitional disorders.

OOP common for various categories of children

Professionals are allocated by the OOP, which are common to children, despite the difference in their problems. These include the needs of this kind:

  • Education of children with special educational needs should begin immediately as soon as violations were identified in normal development. This will allow not to lose time and reach the maximum result.
  • The use of specific means for learning.
  • The curriculum should introduce special sections that are not present in the standard school program.
  • Differentiation and individualization of learning.
  • The ability to maximize the process of education outside the institution.
  • Extending the process of study after graduation. Providing opportunities to young people to enter the university.
  • Participation of qualified specialists (doctors, psychologists, etc.) in teaching a child with problems, the involvement of parents in the educational process.

General disadvantages that are observed in the development of children with OOP

Students with special educational needs have common characteristic disadvantages. These include:

  • Lack of knowledge of the environment, narrow horizon.
  • Problems with common and small motility.
  • Inhibition in the development of speech.
  • Difficulty in arbitrary behavior adjustment.
  • Noncommunicability.
  • Problems with
  • Pessimism.
  • Inability to behave in society and control your own behavior.
  • Low or too high self-esteem.
  • Insecurity in their forces.
  • Complete or partial dependence on others.

Actions aimed at overcoming common drawbacks of children with OOP

Working with children with special educational needs is aimed at using specific methods to eliminate these common drawbacks. To do this, some changes are made to the standard general educational items of the school program. For example, the introduction of propaedeutic courses, that is, the introductory, compressed, facilitating the understanding of the child. This method helps to restore the missing environmental knowledge segments. Additional items can be introduced, helping to improve overall and fine motor skills: therapeutic physical education, creative mugs, modeling. In addition, all sorts of trainings can be held, helping children with OOP to realize themselves with full-fledged members of society, increase self-esteem and gain self-confidence.

Specific deficiencies characteristic of the development of children with OOP

Working with children with special educational needs, in addition to the solution of common problems, should also include and resolve issues arising from their specific deficiencies. This is an important nuance of educational work. Specific disadvantages include those caused by the damage to the nervous system. For example, problems with hearing and vision.

The technique of learning children with special educational needs takes into account these shortcomings in the development of programs and plans. In the training program, specialists include specific items that are not included in the usual school education system. So, children with vision problems are additionally taught oriented in space, and in the presence of hearing disorders, it is helped to develop residual hearing. The program on their learning also includes lessons for the formation of oral speech.

Tasks for learning children with OOP

  • The organization of the educational system in such a way as to maximize the desire in children to know the world, form their practical knowledge and skills, expand the horizons.
  • Children with special educational needs in order to identify and develop the ability and departure deposit.
  • Stimulating to independent actions and making your own solutions.
  • Formation and activation of educational cognitive activity.
  • Bookmark the foundations of scientific worldview.
  • Ensuring the comprehensive development of a self-sufficient personality, which could adapt in the existing society.

Learning functions

Individual training of children with special educational needs is intended to perform the following functions:

  • Developing. This function assumes that the learning process is aimed at developing a full-fledged personality, which contributes to the receiving children of relevant knowledge, skills and skills.
  • Educational. No less important feature. Education of children with special educational needs contributes to the formation of basic knowledge from them, which will be the basis of the Information Fund. There is also an objective need to develop practical skills from them that will help them in the future and will significantly simplify their lives.
  • Educational. The function is aimed at the formation of a comprehensive and harmonious personality development. For this purpose, students are taught literature, art, history, physical culture.
  • Correctional. This function implies an impact on children through special methods and techniques that stimulate cognitive opportunities.

Structure of the Correction Pedagogical Process

The development of children with special educational needs includes the following components:

  • Diagnostic monitoring. Diagnostic work is one of the most important in teaching children with OOP. In the correctional process, she is given a leading role. It is an indicator of the effectiveness of all activities for the development of children with OOP. It includes a study of the characteristics and needs of each of the students who need help. Based on this, a program, group or individual program is being developed. It is also of great importance to study the dynamics with which the child develops in the learning process in a special school according to a special program, assessing the effectiveness of the educational plan.
  • Physical and wellness. Since most children with OOP have deviations in physical development, this component of the development process of students is extremely important. It includes classes for children to therapeutic physical education, which helps them learn how to manage their body in space, work out the clarity of movements, bring some actions to automatism.

  • Educational and educational. This component contributes to the formation of comprehensively developed personalities. As a result, children with OOP, which have not recently could normally exist in the world, become harmoniously developed. In addition, in the learning process, much attention is paid to the process of upbringing full-fledged members of modern society.
  • Correctional educational. This component is aimed at the development of a full-fledged personality. It is based on organized activities of children with OOP, aimed at obtaining the knowledge necessary for a full-fledged life, the assimilation of historical experience. That is, the learning process should be founded in such a way as to maximize the striving for the knowledge of students. This will help them catch up in the development of peers who do not have deviations in development.
  • Socio-pedagogical. It is this component that completes the formation of a full-fledged person, ready for independent existence in modern society.

The need for individual child learning with OOP

Two collective and individuals can be applied for children with OOP. Their effectiveness depends on each individual case. Collective education occurs in special schools, where special conditions for such children have been created. When communicating with peers, a child who has problems in development begins to actively develop and in some cases reaches large results than some absolutely healthy children. At the same time, the individual learning form is necessary for a child in the following situations:

  • It is characterized by the presence of multiple developmental disorders. For example, in the case of a severe form of mental retardation or in teaching children with simultaneous hearing impairments and vision.
  • When the child has specific deviations in development.
  • Age features. Individual training at an early age gives a good result.
  • When teaching a child at home.

However, in fact, for children with OOP, it is extremely undesirable, as it leads to the formation of a closed and unsure of the person. In the future, it entails problems in communicating with peers and other people. With collective learning, most children are revealed by communicative abilities. As a result, there is a full-fledged members of society.

Thus, the emergence of the term "special educational needs" speaks of the growing up of our society. Since this concept translates the child with disabilities and abnormalities in the development of normal full-fledged personalities. Education of children with an OOP is aimed at expanding their horizons and forming their own opinions, training skills and skills that they need to manage normal and full-fledged life in modern society.

In fact, special educational needs are needed by the needs that differ from those offered to all children within secondary schools. The wider the possibilities of their satisfaction, the higher the chance of the child to get the maximum level of development and the support needed to him at the difficult stage of growing up.

The quality of the education system of children with the OOO is determined by an individual approach to each studying, since for each "special" child, the presence of its own problem is characterized, which prevents him from leading a full life. Moreover, it is often possible to solve this problem, albeit not completely.

The main purpose of learning children with the OOP is to introduce previously isolated individuals into society, as well as the achievement of each child, which is ranked in this category, the maximum level of education and development, activation of his aspiration for the knowledge of the surrounding world. It is extremely important to form the formation and development of the full-fledged personalities that will become an integral part of the new society.


Filipova Elena Vladimirovna, the educator of the first category of MBDOU - a kindergarten compensating type No. 49 of Yekaterinburg.

1. Introduction

"Do not limit yourself. Many people limit themselves by the framework of what these people believe they are capable of. You are able to get there where your mind can penetrate. Remember what you believe, that you are capable of achieving. "
Mary Kay Ash

The child's birth is a real happiness for the family - it has increased by one person, and yesterday's guy with a girl today is proudly called parents. Quite naturally, the desire of each parent see his baby healthy. It only happens that alleged happiness is overshadowed by some sufficiently unpleasant illness. And as a result, doctors announce their opinion: disability.

The main thing is to understand that it has nothing to do with the verdict. To overcome the further path, which will not be easy, it is necessary to accept the circumstances and do not blame anyone in what happened. You must not forget that now you are parents, the mental state of which is transmitted to the child. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary stresses, the baby must be poured with positive thoughts.

2. Children with special needs

"Nobody is insured in life from illness. Do not laugh at the crippled, sick people, because in their place ... You can easily turn out to be. "
Inva-Life. Ru

Children with disabilities are children with various deviations of a mental or physical plan, which determine the common development violations that do not allow children a full life. The following definitions of such children may appear on synonyms for this concept: "Children with problems" , "Children with special needs" , "Nonypical Children" , "Children with learning difficulties" , "Abnormal children" , "Exceptional children" . The presence of a particular defect (shortcoming) It does not predetermine the wrong, from the point of view of society, development. Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with a violation of psychophysical development in need of special (correctional) Training and upbringing.

According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshina and bp Pusanov, to the main categories of abnormal children include:

  • Children with hearing impairment (deaf, weighted, late boilers);
  • Children with violation of vision (blind, visually impaired);
  • Children with violation of speech (Logopaths);
  • Children with impaired musculoskeletal system;
  • Children with mental retardation;
  • Children with mental delay;
  • Children with violation of behavior and communication;
  • Children with comprehensive impaired psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (Dipband, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can be fully overcome in the process of development, training and education of the child, for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others are only smoothed, and some are only compensated. The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the features of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, as well as various forms of pedagogical work with it. One child with development deviations can master only elementary general educational knowledge (read by syllables and write simple suggestions)other - relatively not limited in their capabilities (for example, a child with a delay in mental development or a hearing impaired). The structure of the defect affects the practical activity of children. Assessing certain manifestations of peculiar atypical development - the necessary basis for the development of a system of special training and education based on the positive capabilities of children. The source of adaptation of children with disabilities to the environment is the preserved psychophysical functions. The functions of the disturbed analyzer are replaced by intensive use of the functional potential of the saved systems. Thus, four factors will affect the development of a child with disabilities.

View (a type) disorders.

The degree and quality of the primary defect. Secondary deviations, depending on the degree of violation, can be pronounced, weakly pronounced and almost imperceptible. The degree of expression of deviation determines the originality of atypical development. There is a direct dependence of the quantitative and qualitative originality of secondary violations of the development of an atypical child on the degree and quality of the primary defect.

Time (time) The emergence of the primary defect. The earlier there is a pathological impact and as a result - damage to speech, sensory or mental systems, the deviations of psychophysical development will be more pronounced;

Conditions of the surrounding sociocultural and psychological and pedagogical environment. The success of the development of an anomalous child largely depends on timely diagnosis and early beginnings (from the first months of life) Correctional -Rabitational work with him.

3. Features of learning and raising children with the needs of the Russian Federation

"It is impossible - this is only a loud word, followed by small people, it is easier for them to live in the usual world than to change his strength to change. It is impossible - this is not a fact. This is only an opinion. It is impossible - this is not a sentence. It's a challenge. It is impossible - it is a chance to test yourself. It is impossible - this is not forever. Impossible is possible. "

Mark Viktor Nansen

Currently, in the education system of Russia, as well as other countries of the world, the leading positions in teaching children with problems in development occupies integration. Currently, the world carefully refers to children with disabilities. (OBS), reflected in ratification in 2012 by the Russian Federation of the UN Convention (2006), and in the first decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (№ 597 and № 599). Currently, a concept is being implemented, in accordance with which a person with OVS does not have to be "Ready" In order to study in kindergarten or at school, and much attention is paid to the adaptation of the environment to its capabilities, the development of abilities that can be in demand where he lives, learns. A group of schoolchildren with ABS is very diverse and numerous. The most important direction in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the development of the psyche and the health of each child.

  • It is important to develop psychological recommendations for children with mental delay. The educator in working with children to use cooperation methods and a personal-oriented approach, as well as educational games and tasks.
  • To take into account the teacher and the educator to take into account the age characteristics of children to remember the zone of the near and nearest development. In the lessons and in extracurricular activities, the methods and techniques for the formation of universal educational actions in pupils are actively used. These are regulatory URU to them relate to skills - the ability to act according to plan, overcoming impulsiveness, involuntaryness, evaluate the correctness of the action performed and make adjustments to the result. Also an important role in the development of personality is played by communicative judo to them relate to the ability to establish friendly relations with peers.
  • Teacher to work on the development of educational (Cognitive Wood) and creative abilities from schoolchildren, as well as to form adequate self-esteem and educational motivation. Using a developing exercise.
  • To the teacher and the educator to carry out special, individual assessment of the responses of students with ABS: the use of tasks with which they will cope.

To the educator and teacher to create a favorable psychological microclimate in the classroom. Focus on organizing the success of a child in educational activities, by supporting on its positive, strong qualities.

  • It should be developed on the principle of creativity to action, as well as in educational work to give orders, engage in various events, such as dramatizing, dance, artistic work. The guys should be involved in research projects, creative classes, sporting events. In the process of such work, children learn to understand the meaning and predicting the consequences of their own emotional behavior. They are aware of the meaning of the emotional atmosphere of good, joy, cooperation.

4. Problems of children with needs

"The main rule is not to give themselves to people nor circumstances"
Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie

The future of any country is solved behind the school desk. One of the main problems arising in our society at the turn of the century is the problem of moral and spiritual burnout of the younger generation. Increasingly, we are confronted with the facts of substitution of values \u200b\u200band concepts of young people. It is wonderful that the main goal of education in school is kind: the development of highly moral, harmonious, physically developed and spiritually healthy personality capable of creativity and self-determination. The theme of moral education of children with disabilities is extremely relevant. In the face of the formation of a new system of education-oriented into the world educational space, there is an active process of finding models of education, which will preserve the moral and cultural and historical traditions of domestic education and education, formed both in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet, and modern periods of its development. In reports of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev draws attention to the dominant role of upbringing: "Education - first of all!" . The definition of the education process is very multifaceted, the process itself is very complicated even when it comes to healthy children. Of course, it turns out to be particularly difficult when children with deviations in development, and such children in our region more than 10 thousand are brought up. All factors resulting in the moral formation and development of the student of the schoolboy, I.S. Marynko divides into three groups: natural (biological), social and pedagogical. In cooperation with the medium and targeted influences, the schoolchildren is socialized, acquires the necessary experience of moral behavior. Many social conditions and biological factors have an impact on the moral formation of the individual, but the crucial role in this process is played by pedagogical, as the most controlled, aimed at developing a certain kind of relationships.

One of the tasks of education is to properly organize the activities of the child. In operation form moral qualities, and emerging relations may influence the change in the objectives and motives of activities, which in turn affects the absorption of moral norms and values \u200b\u200bof organizations. Human activity also acts as a criterion for its moral development. The development of the moral consciousness of the child occurs through the perception and awareness of the content of the impacts, which comes from parents and teachers surrounding people through the processing of these impacts due to the moral experience of the individual, its views and value orientations. In the consciousness of the child, the external impact acquires individual importance, thus, forms a subjective attitude to it. In this regard, the motives of behavior, making decisions and the moral choice of their own actions are formed. The focus of school education and real acts of children can be inadequate, but the meaning of education is to achieve compliance between the requirements of due behavior and internal readiness for this.

The required link in the process of moral education is a moral education, the purpose of which is to inform the child a totality of knowledge about the moral principles and norms of society, which he must master. The awareness and experience of moral principles and norms are directly related to the awareness of samples of moral behavior and contributes to the formation of moral assessments and actions.

Education of unusual children "Requires" Applications of special technologies, methods in the work of the teacher. The difficulty of the problem of moral education of children with disabilities is determined by:

  1. insufficiency of studying the theme of moral education of children with disabilities, since there are no special programs in the specified direction (it is for children with disabilities for health);
  2. children who are studying for emergency are distinguished by very diverse deep violations in psychophysiological development. In the child, due to the suffering diseases, the normal development of the processes of perception, memorizing and reproduction processes is violated, especially in their active arbitrary forms: the processes of distraction and generalization are significantly violated in their development, i.e. What is characterized by verbal-logical thinking. For many students, the presence of serious disorders in the field of excitability, impassable behavior. The abnormal functioning of these processes does not allow the child to assimilate a complex knowledge system about the world;

3) families of children with APV, often belong to the categories of low-income, disadvantaged. Unfortunately, the number of families abusing alcohol and psychoactive substances is not reduced. There is a low educational status of parents, and as a result - a low percentage of employed parents. All these circumstances indicate the extremely low pedagogical potential of families. Children living in such families, from childhood, have captured negative life experience in their emotional memory, have seen life with "Black stroke" . To form a personality of this contingent of children, it is necessary to introduce pedagogical adjustments to the living conditions, life, content and forms of educational work;

4) spontaneous education ("Street" not targeted, more often immoral) Children with disabilities can have a serious negative impact on the formation of a person, aggravating health status problems, turning them into "Socio-dangerous" Group population. Based on the analysis of the philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature and the results of practical activity, it can be concluded that the role of moral education of children with disabilities is large, since this contributes to the prevention of offenses; allows you to form a spiritual world (value orientation) and the moral qualities of such a child, allowing it to organically fit into society; reveals creative potential, expanding the possibilities of professional choice; forms adjacent in labor, it helps to increase professional orientation, contributes to a decrease in the number of unemployed, educates hard work (Voluntary attitude towards work and honesty), forms in the mind of a child's concept of labor as universal value; Allows you to reduce the number of disadvantaged families; Allows you to solve the problem of social infantilism. Pedagogy scientists have revealed that in different age periods there are unequal opportunities for moral education. A child, a teenager and a young man relate in different ways to various means of upbringing. Knowledge and accounting of a person achieved in one or another period of life helps to design in the education of its further growth. The moral development of the child occupies a leading place in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality.

Working on the problems of the moral liction of schoolchildren with ABS, it is necessary to take into account their age and psychological features:

  1. Next to the game. In the conditions of gaming relationship, the child voluntarily exercises, mastering regulatory behavior. Games, more than anywhere, requires the ability to follow the rule. The violation of their children with a special sharpness is noticed and uncompromisingly express their condemnation to the violator. If the child does not obey the opinion of the majority, he will have to hear a lot of unpleasant words, and maybe get out of the game. So the child learns to reckon with others, receives lessons of justice, honesty, truthfulness. The game requires its skills to act according to the rules. "What is the child in the game, such in many ways it will be in work when it grows up" - said A.S. Makarenko.
  2. The inability to engage in monotonous activities for a long time. According to psychologists, the children of 6-7-year-old age cannot hold their attention on one thing more than 7-10 minutes. Further, children begin to be distracted, switch their attention to other items, so a frequent change of activities during occupation is necessary.
  3. Insufficient clarity of moral ideas due to small experience. Given the age of children, the norms of moral behavior can be divided into 3 levels: a child under 5 years old is assimilating the primitive level of behavior rules based on the ban or denial of anything. For example: "Do not talk loudly" , "Do not interrupt conversation" , "Do not touch someone else's thing" , "Do not throw garbage" etc. If the baby was taught to perform the data of the elementary norms, then the surrounding consider this baby with a brought up child. It is pointless to talk about the second level of moral education, if the first is not mastered. But it is such a contradiction among adolescents: they want to please others, but not trained in elementary behavior. At 3 level (by 14-15 years) The principle is mastered: "Help others!"
  4. May exist a contradiction between knowledge as needed and practical application (This applies to etiquette, good tone rules, communication).

Not always, knowledge of moral norms and rules of behavior corresponds to the actual action of the child. Especially often it happens in situations where the incomprehension of ethical standards and personal desires of the child occurs.

5) the uneven use of polite communication with adults and peers (in everyday life and at home, at school and on the street).

How will we overcome these features? Turn to the experience of great teachers. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: "In practical work on moral education, our pedagogical team sees first of all the formation of human norms of morality. In the younger age, when the soul is very militant to emotional effects, we reveal the universal norms of morality before children, we learn their alphabet of morality:

  1. You live among people. Do not forget that everyone is your act, every wish is reflected in the people around you. Know that there is a border between what you want, and what you can. Check your actions as a question to yourself: Do you do evil, inconvenience to people? Do it all so that people around you were good.
  2. You use the benefits created by other people. People make you childhood happiness. Pay for this good.
  3. All the benefits and joy of life are created by difficulty. Without difficult, it is impossible to honestly live.
  4. Be kind and sensitive to people. Help weak and defenseless. Help a friend in trouble. Do not cause people evil. Relieve and read Mother and Father - they gave you life, they raise you, they want you to become an honest citizen, a man with a kind heart and a clean soul.
  5. Be not indifferent to evil. Bring against evil, deception, injustice. Be indarceible to the one who seeks to live at the expense of other people, causes evil to other people, is placing society.

Such is the alphabet of moral culture, whose hosting children comprehend the essence of good and evil, honor and dishonor, justice and injustice. "

Among the main tasks, which puts modern society to popular education, the current task of upbringing an active conscious creative personality is distinguished.

The educational process is built in such a way that it provides for situations in which the child is raised before the need for an independent moral choice. The moral situations for children of all ages in no case should be presented or look like training, or controlling, otherwise their educational significance may be reduced to no.

The result of moral education is manifested in the relations of children to their duties, to the activity itself, to other people.

5. Pedagogical solutions to work with children with ABS in the Russian Federation

"It is important that people do not feel disabled ... These are people who fate sent complex tests ... Only sympathy is little, it is necessary to develop opportunities."

L.I. Shvetsov

Every year more children come to municipal educational institutions that have deviations from the conditional age norm; These are not only often ill children, but also children with logo-formulations, dysgraphism, dyslexia, increased excitability, disorders of concentration and retention, poor memory, increased fatigue, and with much more serious problems. (ZPR, autism, epilepsy, cerebral palsy). They need specialized assistance, individual program, special mode.

More and more is aware that psychophysical disorders do not deny the human essence, the ability to feel, worry, acquire social experience. It was an understanding that each child needs to create favorable conditions for the development, taking into account its individual educational needs and abilities.

According to "Russian Language Dictionary" Make accompany - it means to follow next to, together with anyone as a satellite or spent.

Purpose of psychological support: the creation of an integrated system of psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to successful adaptation, rehabilitation and personal growth of children in society.

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • prevention of the emergence of the problems of the child's development;
  • help (assistance) Child in solving topical tasks of development, training, socialization: educational difficulties, problems with the choice of educational and professional route, violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;
  • psychological support of educational programs;
  • development of psychological and pedagogical competence (psychological culture) Pupils, parents, teachers.

The most important direction of psychological and pedagogical support of students' development is to preserve and strengthen the health of children.

The solution of the tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of the child cannot be limited to the area of \u200b\u200bdirect interaction of a psychologist with a child, but requires organizing work with teachers and parents as participants in the educational process.

Special work should be done with the parents of this category of children to ensure their necessary knowledge about the characteristics of the child, the optimal forms of interaction, learning effective methods of assistance.

Children with disabilities need to develop social competence, communication skills with others.

Overcoming social isolation, expanding the possibilities of arbitrary interaction with peers - a significant condition for positive changes in the development of such children, improving their learning abilities.

"Fallen by the spirit dies before the term"
Omar Khayam

The type of violation, the degree of severity of its manifestation, the time, when manifesting the defect, the surrounding conditions, social and pedagogical environment of life has a direct impact on the development of the child. Working with children with OVD implies painstaking work. After all, such a child needs to be paid significantly more attention than without disrupting development. Each variant of defects in the development, their training program is selected. But in general, their main aspects coincide.

The basic principles of teaching children with ABS are listed below:

  • Motivation - it is necessary to cause the child's interest in the world and educational process.
  • Development - it is important to create a single process of cooperation and joint activities.
  • Construction of interaction, assistance in adaptation to the conditions of the surrounding world.

The principle of psychological safety.

At the initial stage of education, it is important to cause interest, readiness and ability to cooperate with the teacher, the ability to perform tasks. And the purpose of training in high school will already be the formation of moral, ideological and civil position, as well as to identify creative abilities. As a result of teaching children with ABS, the violation of one of the analysts is replaced by a stronger and sensitive operation of others.

It is worth noting the importance of family education of children with ABS, because in the circle of relatives, most of the life of the baby passes. The purposeful actions of parents can significantly affect its livelihoods. After all, if they know exactly what they want to achieve, then you can count on success. In the family, the process of becoming a child, as part of society, the formation of social values, communication skills. It must be remembered that conflict situations and any manifestations of aggression will lead to the opposite result and will very negatively affect the babe of the baby. Thus, the family plays a major role in the formation of a person.


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