Once upon a time, in a small Indian village, there lived a poor but very pious woman who worshiped the god Vishnu, the god of all living things. Every morning this holy woman performed puja, a sacred ceremony in front of the statue of the god that stood in her house. She brought flowers and fruits, burned incense, and then wiped and decorated the statue, while saying prayers and hymns in honor of Vishnu. She loved her God and expressed this love in such a way symbolically. And her heart was filled with love and joy.

One day Vishnu, touched by the selfless love of this woman, decided to appear to her. The woman was shocked by the miracle - after all, her god was in front of her. Tears of joy flowed down her cheeks.

“You touched me with your worship,” said the god. - I decided to reward you. Ask me whatever you want, and I will fulfill your deepest desire.”

“Please, lord,” she finally said, in a trembling voice, “give me more time to think. I can't get my thoughts together."

“Think as much as you want,” Vishnu answered with compassion, smiled and disappeared.

The woman was embarrassed. What should she do? How can she make this important choice? She decided to ask her friends for advice, thinking that they would be more reasonable.

The next day she called all her friends and asked them: “What should I wish for?”

“Ask for money,” the first friend advised. “If you have money, you can buy whatever you want.”

“No, don’t ask for money,” the second one objected. - What does wealth mean if you don’t have health? Without health, you will not be able to enjoy what money will bring you. I advise you: ask for good health.”

“Health is not the most important thing,” a third chimed in. “Ask for longevity and tell God a specific number.”

The husband of the holy woman, who himself did not really believe in the gods and was not interested in lofty matters, listened to all this advice.

“All your friends are fools,” he finally said. “If God promised to fulfill your every desire, then why don’t you ask him to fulfill your most cherished desire?”

The woman listened carefully to her friends and husband, but she did not like any of their advice.

Weeks passed, then months, and she was still thinking about what she should ask Vishnu. This task tormented her so much that, without realizing it, she stopped worshiping Vishnu and stopped performing her traditional morning ritual. She stopped thinking about how much she loved her god. She stopped singing hymns and saying prayers in his honor. Her mind was completely absorbed in what to ask of God. Very soon the woman stopped enjoying life. Her love for Vishnu began to dry up.

And finally the day came when the woman felt that peace and tranquility had left her soul. In horror, she fell to her knees and prayed: “Oh, great Vishnu! Help me! You promised that you would fulfill my every wish and asked what I wanted. But I can't answer your question and I can't think of anything else. Please, I beg you, tell me what to ask for!”

We are all dreamers. And everyone probably dreamed of a goldfish, magic wand or a genie who will fulfill any wish.

Have you ever asked yourself what you would like more than anything in the world?

Travel, admire the beauties of other countries, learn foreign culture, language and national traditions, discover something new, unknown in this world every day.

9. Be a role model

To be smarter than others, better, more successful than others, to teach, to be a role model. I would like you to be looked up to and set as an example.

8. Live on a desert island

The dream of many. The island in this case seems to be a kind of Eden, where, far from the bustle and noise of cities, you will live alone with wildlife: only the ocean, palm trees swaying from the warm breeze, hot sand, burning sun, and you lie in a hammock, peacefully contemplating the water surface.

7. Have many children

I would like to have children, preferably several, cheerful and mischievous, shy and thoughtful, and, of course, gifted.

6. Be famous

To be famous, to see your image on posters, to hear how your name sounds on radio and television, and on the Internet they write more fables about you. Signing autographs left and right, feeling like you’re making people happy just by saying hello or signing a poster. Feel the roar of the crowd of your fans, and feel like an idol, some kind of little god, an icon that is worshiped, loved and dreamed of seeing.

5. Be rich

One of the very first desires that comes to mind. I want to have as much money as I want, an inexhaustible source, to feel complete financial independence, to fulfill all my desires and fantasies that can be fulfilled with money. Perhaps do charity work, help the poor, disadvantaged and sick.

4. Have power

The desire for power is one of the most passionate desires. To be higher than the rest, to control people, entire nations, deciding their destinies. The most dangerous thing is that for the sake of a thirst for power, people are ready to sacrifice entire nations and start wars.

3. Have good health

Everyone always wants him. Health cannot be bought with money. Our well-being depends on good health, and without health we don’t need anything else.

2. Love and be loved

This desire is as old as time. To feel care and affection, to know that someone in this world is constantly thinking and caring about you. Love is a great joy and a real dream.

1. Be happy

Each of us, no matter who he is, who he believes in and where he lives, wants to be happy. What is happiness? To be happy, a person does not need wealth, he needs enough money to be enough for a decent life.

A person needs to love and be loved in order to feel happiness. We need children who give joy, for whom a person is both a teacher and an example to follow. He and his family need health to be truly happy. And a happy, loved and wealthy person can afford to live anywhere in the world and travel around the world, enjoying life.

Therefore, happiness is the most cherished dream of all humanity.

“If I hadn’t been a dreamer,” said Clint Eastwood, “I wouldn’t have achieved anything in this life.” A dream is the core around which all thoughts and actions revolve. A person without a dream loses the meaning of life. But for some reason it is believed that dreams are one thing, and reality is completely different. Nothing happened! Let's try to prove that your dreams in reality are absolutely real.


Dream, desire, goal, motive... There are so many synonyms for this concept! Or maybe you just want to learn belly dancing. But scientists have long ago sorted everything out, and so have your desires.

First, desires arise at the physiological level - you just want to eat, drink, sleep... These desires are fundamental. The next level is the desire to protect yourself and your loved ones. At the same time, if you do not feel safe, then even if nothing threatens you, you will figure out how to protect yourself. The third stage of desires is your need for love and belonging to someone. And only then, at the fourth level, should you have ambitions and career aspirations. If these levels are reversed, you will experience disharmony. You can achieve unprecedented career heights using little: renting a one-room apartment in a disadvantaged area and eating noodles from bags. Excuses: “I don’t have time for my personal life” will only work at first, and then... In general, you understand. And only at the last, fifth level will you want to create for the sake of the creative process itself, and not just work for a high salary. So the saying about the hungry artist has no scientific basis.

According to astrologers, what you want to achieve and what you strive for is the voice of the cosmos in your soul. If you completely follow this voice, you will achieve harmony with yourself, and this is happiness.

The question of the truth of desires is really important. Now, if a genie appeared in front of you now, would you be able to immediately name your three most cherished desires? Usually people name money, love, health... Because it’s common to want these in principle! We are social animals, and for us the opinion of the herd is more important than our own. So what: in pursuit of money, we go to a job we don’t like, but for some reason we personify love with this strange creature, with whom it’s not easy, and others for the sake of healthy image life first refuses the most delicious dishes, and then besieges psychologists' offices. We easily confuse a dream with the illusion of that dream. And with enviable tenacity we follow the goal imposed from outside.

“I had a client,” says psychotherapist Boris Novoderzhkin, who claimed that he dreams of going on vacation to the Maldives. And so, he says, it’s raining outside the window! Without end!

The explanation is this: a person really wants to move away from everyone, to get away from reality, so he dreams of going to distant islands. But you need to sunbathe and swim there. But this is something he really doesn’t want. And I want to sit in front of the TV and click the remote control. And so that no one touches it. Because in pursuit of imposed socially desirable fantasies, he simply lost himself. In America, where the religion of success and leadership reigns, psychologists' offices are filled with successful but unhappy people in the prime of life. Especially successful women admit that if they turned back time, they would choose a path on which they would not have to sacrifice their real desires.”


Imagine that your desire, your fantasies are a clearly directed vector in a certain information space. There are many of these desires, and several vectors come from you. They intersect with vectors-desires of other people and “nodes” (intersection points) are formed. Your desires may be completely different, and you don’t even know this person, because he lives somewhere in Africa. When a sufficient number of vectors intersect at the “node,” some event will occur that seems to have nothing to do with you, but it will give each of you the opportunity to realize your desire. Scientists say that this is the secret of happy accidents. Conventionally, we divide desires into material and intangible. Buying a car of this particular brand or simply having a lot of money are material needs. At first glance. But if you ask a person a question: “Why do you need this particular car, why aren’t you satisfied with this one?”, then it turns out that what he really needs is speed, beauty, respect and attention from that young man. That is, in essence, all our desires are immaterial, and a car, for example, is only a means to achieve other desires. And so, as time passes, you buy that car just because you wanted it. Your dream seems to have come true, but there is no pleasure. And all because your real desires were fulfilled in a different way: the young man already paid attention or someone else paid attention, even better, and they respect you even without this car.

From the point of view of psychologists, our desires come true because if we want something, then, one way or another, we move towards the goal. This means that the main thing is that your goal is real.


We take a piece of paper, a pen and in the first column we write what we want. In order. And in another column we try to answer the question: “Why do we really want this?”

It may happen that your dream, coming from your heart, simply has not yet been born. There is no need to rush her. She will find you herself. One fine day you will see that everything has turned out in a way you never even dreamed of. But the path to a dream is paved with our desires. Start small. Follow them like a path. And don’t worry if you suddenly see that you are moving away from your main dream. One day you will look back, happy and harmonious, and you will see that you didn’t dream about all this either, and you no longer need that old dream.

In general, the main condition for a dream to come true is its more or less illusory presence. Other factors, such as age, number of adult children, tedious work, do not matter. The man who wanted to go to the Maldives dreamed of becoming a singer in his youth. But he took a different path, persistently convincing himself that this was the right path.

“Who’s stopping you from recording your song now?” - the psychologist asked him. A month later, the beaming client brought his CD. Let only his friends listen to him, and himself. After all, he had already passed the level of desire for fame and recognition earlier. To be completely happy, he lacked creative self-expression.


How do people go towards their dreams? There are two life philosophies:

1. Don’t ask for anything, they will come and give everything themselves.

Fatalism, belief in the omnipotence of fate, in predestination lives in each of us. This comes from childhood, when you know that you will always be taken care of, and as an adult, you internally believe that someone great and intelligent will arrange everything in the best possible way. But the law of happy accidents works if you send not one, but many vectors into the information space, and do not sit, looking out the window, when the prince will arrive. Be calm, he will arrive, but when you least expect it. Fate really guides us through life, but it always gives us too much freedom of choice. Astrologers offer everyone to make their own birth chart, it is called natal. In it you will see in which area you will have greater success, in which you will have difficulty. This is where the action of fate ends.

2. Take action! Water does not flow under a lying stone!

The French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre came up with such a philosophical direction - existentialism. Briefly, its essence is that a person does absolutely everything in his life himself. And we can only rely on ourselves and our minds. But do you need to be active in achieving your goals to the point of exhaustion? Is it necessary to conform to someone else's idea of ​​happiness? As always, the best strategy is the golden mean: listen to yourself and act at the right moment.


Magic tips:

— Make your own “Wish Card”. Such cards came to Europe from the East, and historians say that all great people had them. So, grab a stack of magazines, scissors and glue. Place your photo on a large piece of paper in the center. Now just leaf through magazines and cut out everything that you would really like to have. And not only material, but also verbally expressed. Let’s say you see a takeaway from an interview with a star: “This is how I became a famous writer.” And what you want most in life is to become a writer. Go ahead - cut out the words “became a famous writer” and stick it next to you. Dream car, dream house, dream laptop, deepest desires written in colored letters. Well, then look at him in the morning and smile. Just don’t show anyone why people need to know about your most cherished things.

— Many books have been written about the magical properties of Feng Shui. This is not only a guide to harmonizing space, but also a ritual, thanks to which you assert your strength. And where there is confidence, there are achievements. Try it, it really works!

Practical advice:

— American scientist Karen Pryor, in her book “Don’t Growl at the Dog,” told how to train yourself for success. It all starts with the little things. If you're baking a pie and you drop the pan. What are you saying? Something like: “What a bungler I am!” But when the pie is a success, you hardly praise yourself. But you need to do just the opposite. In case of failures, it is better to remain silent, and in case of any small success, praise yourself. Karen Pryor gives the example of a friend who wanted to learn to play tennis. Every time the ball fell, he told himself that he was a fool. And nothing worked for him. On Karen’s advice, he began to say to himself for every successful hit: “I did well!”, and when the ball fell, he did not attach any importance to it. So what! Literally a week later he was already playing amazingly. Love yourself!

-Tell me about your dream to a loved one in detail or write an endless story about it. You will see that every time something will change and become more detailed. As you speak out your desires, you once again listen to yourself: is this what you want? And once you understand what you want, you will move in the right direction.

- Look for like-minded people. Only people who think the same way as you can understand you and give you confidence in your abilities. With the help of such a company, it will be easier for you to make the so-called “quantum leap.” There is a concept in psychology that comes from physics. The point is that a particle, under the pressure of circumstances, makes a sharp leap to another level. And there its direction, functions, etc. change. If you want to change the quality of life, start changing your environment and perception of life to the one that suits you best. Take action and the world will respond.


Resistance of circumstances

Is it worth overcoming resistance? You want to work in this particular place, but you are not accepted here. You want to be with this person, but he is always unavailable. You want to buy this dress, but your size is not available. Relax and think - do you really need all this? Upon closer examination, it may turn out that you are achieving something because of hurt pride and self-esteem or because, for example, you saw this dress on a famous star, but, by and large, you don’t need it. In this case, the strategy of fatalism is best suited. Time will put everything in its place.

Astropsychologist Marta Slavutich commented on this: “Big and real gifts from fate must be earned. And you need to fight for your dream. If you get everything easily and immediately, then you will need to pay for it later. The main thing is to survive the trials with honor and patience.”

Failures and defeats

Freud has a theory about the ego and the superego. Every time a child receives a restriction on his desires, he develops more high level Personalities. Have you seen how piles are driven at a construction site - one blow, two blows, slowly, rhythmically. Every failure you have is a blow to you. Painful, difficult to experience. But this blow makes you think about yourself and those around you. Soviet philosopher Mirab Mamardashvili wrote about this as a well of suffering where wisdom is born. A person who has not suffered cannot feel happiness fully and understand his true desires.


“I’m lazy!” - Emelya said in famous fairy tale. One day he took just one step, and all his wishes began to come true. But is the magic pike really that great? Imagine if all your wishes begin to come true! This is how you have to control yourself!

Although, in general, laziness is not such a bad thing. My friend, for example, is still grateful that somehow she became too lazy to go to work, and she lied that she had the flu, and it was on that day that an air conditioner crashed from the ceiling onto her desk. If she had sat there, she would definitely have been killed. Laziness may be a hint from an inner voice that it is better not to do this now. In the East, for example, slowness is considered the key to success. That is, sometimes it is useful to be lazy, the main thing is not to get carried away with it.



In fact, this is a topic for a separate article. When devastation comes, a feeling of the meaninglessness of life: “Well, I’ll go to my good job, well, I’ll buy another dress, well, let’s go to the dacha with my husband for the weekend...”. You used to dream about all this, but now everything seems so ordinary. Why did this happen? Where is the promised harmony? There may be several reasons:

1. Achieving all this, you have spent a lot of mental strength and now you need rest and relaxation. And right now new dreams are brewing in your soul. Wait out this period, don’t rush headlong anywhere, at least for something.

2. Everything came to you easily, you spent almost no effort. This means that a period of stagnation has come in your life, and you need to shake yourself up, try something that is completely at odds with your current, which has become too familiar life.

3. You never set serious goals for yourself because you doubted your abilities. You just went with the flow. But the desires remained unfulfilled. This means that right now you need to experience this dizzying feeling of omnipotence when your dreams come true. Dig into your soul, remember what you always wanted, and do it! You will see - it's simple!

I'm already 25 years old. Married. And my husband and I are raising the most charming girl on Earth - Alina (I know that this is what all parents say about their children). But every New Year, my husband and I argue: should we put up a real tree or buy an artificial one?!

Comment on the article "The most cherished desire"

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New Year is a magical time when everyone dreams of a miracle. Chimes, a decorated Christmas tree and bright stars it instills in everyone a feeling of celebration and a bright feeling that something wonderful is about to happen. "We believe that New Year the kindest and noblest dreams will surely come true, and we will be happy to contribute to the fulfillment of someone’s cherished desire,” comments Ricardo Prieto, Regional Marketing Director of Nestlé Purina. – All year round, the Gourmet® brand guesses the most...

Every year on the last weekend of August, the Bulgakov House Museum-Theater holds a vibrant festival “Day of Fulfillment of Desires” - a unique holiday with a long history. Many visitors to the famous house No. 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya left notes here with their cherished desires - sometimes in the most secret places. Noticing this tradition, the staff of the museum-theater installed a special mailbox where everyone can leave a note with their cherished wish - and be sure that it will come true, because...

This is my most cherished wish... Give a New Year's gift to a child from an orphanage.

Do you know what your children are dreaming of now? Maybe they want to become superheroes? Or go to unknown countries in search of treasures? Or live in a magical castle? Kinder® Chocolate gives your children the opportunity to fulfill their cherished wish and make them a little happier, and you - to learn more about their dreams. From October 1 to December 10, parents can upload a photo of their child to the competition website and describe their most cherished dream. Children's imagination is so unpredictable...

On August 29, the “Day of Fulfillment” festival will be held at the “Bulgakov House” museum-theater. This is the time when the museum conducts free and discounted tours of the museum and Moscow, when you can take a trip on the 302-bis tram, when quizzes, theatrical and musical programs are held in the theater and in the courtyard, and at the end of which there is a large-scale flush -mob: guests and employees of the Bulgakov House release thousands of multi-colored balloons into the sky, inside of which are hidden notes collected for...

Welcome to beautiful world, where with your help miracles happen and dreams come true! Get inspired as you should, and then boldly go to fulfill all your deepest desires. You can read and listen to the interactive book “A Package for Grandma.” And, of course, it must be played. Fun animated surprises and built-in mini-games await you on every page of the book. In the “Reading” mode, the characters of the book have prepared two charming gifts for you - a real fun photo shoot and...

On the eve of the New Year, we invite you to make your most cherished wish for these guys!

How to make wishes correctly. Why do some wishes come true and others not? Is there some secret way to make wishes come true? In fact, all our desires come true if we think about them correctly. The whole secret lies in the correct formulation of the dream. While some thought is spinning in your head, it is something fuzzy and non-specific. But as soon as you put it on paper, the thought acquires completeness and clarity. Do you agree? It's the same with desires. How, pray tell, the Universe...

Here is my promised gift for you - an educational program for realizing your desires :)) In fact, a lot has already been written about the wish map. They say that many outstanding personalities of the world had such cards, made in one form or another. Perhaps, largely thanks to this, they reached their peaks. Why don’t we try it too?;) First, we take out our treasured “wish list”. Now let’s decide where it will be more convenient for you to create: on a computer or on a sheet of cardboard? For the first option, you can use any...

On Children's Day, HAPPYLON fulfills the main wishes of children and the dreams of parents! Free rides! Throughout the day, our guests will have the opportunity to ride on attractions for free. Every hour one of the park's attractions will operate completely free* Free ice cream and juice! Free ice cream and juice for all guests all day. You can get ice cream and drinks at a special counter. To do this, the guest must present a check in the amount of 500 rubles or more. Non-stop smiley show...

Extraordinarily beautiful life-size puppets are entirely handmade by master craftsmen. Zawieruszynski dolls are tall dolls, about 80 cm tall, with a soft textile body. To make outfits and accessories, the authors use only materials top quality. The fabric from which the dolls' clothes are made is hand-tinted; the outfits are also hand-embroidered with braid, designer artificial flowers, and small beads. The image of each doll is thought out to the smallest detail and complemented with accessories: leather or...

On the eve of the New Year, we invite you under our Christmas tree to make your most cherished wish for one of the lonely children...

IN New Year's Eve pupils of orphanages and orphanages will be asleep, which means they will not hear the chimes and will not be able to make their deepest wish.

My daughter has rewritten the letter more than once...apparently, a puppy is her deepest desire...But I understand that it won’t last long.)

My deepest wish... PR for children/PR results. Adoption. We make wishes and hope that they will come true.

The most cherished wish... There is a child in every adult. We make wishes and hope that they will come true.

There is such a moment - Vinny says: “Now let all the children make their deepest wish loudly and loudly, and if they manage to do this while the star is falling...

More rest, satisfaction from your studies, peace of mind with family life, a healthy and obedient child, and the fulfillment of your most cherished desire this year!!!

In this article you will learn about what you need to do to fulfill your deepest desire. Perhaps this information will change your worldview!

I never tire of repeating that the Universe is a living organism, and we are its tiny cells. If a cell is useful, the body takes care of it, and if it is harmful, it mercilessly removes it. What is this usefulness?

How does a cherished wish come true?

Your usefulness can manifest itself in any matter, every day and every hour: even helping an old lady carry her purse, even washing the dishes for everyone, and even if you helped someone fight off thieves - in general, honor and praise to you.

The universe will never forget this and will definitely thank you. How will he thank you? Will fulfill your cherished desire.

Remember, fulfilling desires is a very responsible process! When you wish for something, wish carefully and in detail.

The Universe has no sense of humor at all - it always takes our words literally.

By the way, thanks¹, very powerful force. Use it to change your life for the better!

My deepest desire and the decision of the Universe

This incident happened to me during my student years. I was poor and ugly, so women did not pamper me with their attention. But, remembering the “heavenly office”, where our every action is taken into account, I tried not to get angry and carried bags for my grandmothers.

Yes, of course, from time to time I wondered: why am I so good, but no one except my mom and dad needs me? Is the choice really based only on the Mercedes?

My deepest desire was to meet a girl... But the girls I came across were beautiful and capricious. Then, apparently, I got angry with life and made the following order: I want a girl who will give me my coat!!!

And she appeared... At that time, I chose to take up ballroom dancing - one of the capricious beauties recommended it. And the calculation was simple: there are always not enough boys there. Very soon my partner appeared: pretty, plump, and couldn’t take her eyes off me. I decided that she was the one. My cherished wish came true. But…

How does the Universe fulfill the order?

The girl tried her best to please me, even to the point of helping me put on my coat in the wardrobe when we were already going home. It would seem that this was not a girl, but a poet’s dream, if not for one thing... We had absolutely nothing to talk about...

In general, you guessed correctly: we broke up. And for the first time I realized that you need to make wishes carefully - they come true. My choice completely coincided with what I had planned, but I needed something completely different.

This is important!

Desires will come true when you yourself begin to benefit others!

The Universe constantly places clues everywhere, you just need to see, hear and, most importantly, understand them!

If something goes wrong, think about it!

Now that there has been no elevator for too long, I wonder who I was rude to? If I got sick, who didn’t I help, although I could have? In the quiet little street where we live, there are as many as four banks! Accordingly, until they close, the entire street is lined with cars - there is no parking.

Usually, when I return from work, I find a place to park my car! This means that today I was not completely bad person and did something good.

And if, like a transport plane, you have to make a go-around, it means there’s something wrong somewhere. And as soon as you realize that you haven’t done enough, someone immediately leaves in front of my nose.

We always have the opportunity to choose - to notice the signs of the Universe or not to notice, to help someone or not to help, and most importantly, our choice affects the fulfillment of desires. To perform or not to perform: what choice will the Universe make in your case?