Math lesson notes in middle group"Magic Land of Figures"

To make an ordinary lesson interesting and exciting, you need to add the plot of some game to it and all the children will be interested in completing tasks with pleasure!!!
Math lesson notes.
Subject: Journey to the camp: Geometric figures. (fastening.)
Age group: Middle group.
Form of joint activity: integrated lesson.
Form of organization: group
Educational and methodological kit: mathematics in kindergarten 4-5 years / Compiled by V.P. Novikova.
Target: Learn to distinguish and name the following geometric figures: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, practice counting; be able to navigate in space.
Expand children's knowledge about shapes. Learn to group them by color and size.
Develop observation and attentiveness.
Develop memory, thinking and speech.
Contribute to the development of collectivism and mutual assistance when working in a team.
Stimulate interest in mathematics.
To develop skills of cultural behavior in society.
For children - a card with four stripes, circles (large and small) in four colors: green, blue, yellow, red; geometric figures.
For the teacher: Four baskets with stickers of shapes (for example, the first basket is a triangle, the second is a square...) Geometric shapes according to the number of children of different colors. Four bags of different colors: green, blue, yellow, red. Three keys. Soft toy.
Progress of the lesson.
The teacher invites the children to the mat; all the children come up and stand in a circle; in the center of the circle there is a teacher and invites them to go to a country that is not simple, but magical, geometric, and in this country everything consists of shapes. The entrance to this land is enchanted. In order to disenchant the entrance to the magical land, you need to get three magic keys.
Q: I invite all children
Will hit the road soon
Tests await you
Difficult tasks.
Our path will be long with obstacles. Are you guys ready to go on this journey?
D: Yes, ready.
Q: In this case, you can hit the road. The teacher and the children come to the first table. There are geometric shapes on the table.
Q: Our first task: There are different figures on the table, you need to take one piece at a time and name them.
D: Everyone takes turns taking a piece from the table and clearly names the piece they took.
Q: Well done guys, you all answered correctly. We completed the first task correctly, the path to our country is becoming shorter, we received our first key. (the key was under the last figure.) Let's move on to the second task:
On the chairs in the group there are four baskets, each with figures glued to it (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
Q: Guys, each of you has a figure in your hands; our task is to group all the figures by size. To do this, whoever has the squares, stand next to the basket with the square. Whoever has circles, stand next to the basket with the circle. Whoever has rectangles, stand next to the basket with the rectangle. And whoever has triangles, stand next to the basket with triangles.
D: They find their baskets and stand up.
Q: Guys, if you are ready, raise your figures up. Well done, now put the pieces in your baskets. And in one of the baskets the children find the second key. Now we can move forward.
They approach the rug and there the whole rug is strewn different figures different color. (while the children were completing tasks, the junior teacher poured out the figures onto the rug.)
There are four bags of different colors on the mat.
Q: Guys, this is our last task. In order to get the third key you need to collect and group the shapes by color and then put them in bags.
D: They complete the tasks and find the third key in one of the bags.
Q: Well done guys, you completed the task. The magical land is disenchanted!!!
Guys, while the country was bewitched in the “dishes” store, all the cups were mixed up on the shelves. You need to help clean up the store. To do this, sit at the tables; each child has a card with four stripes and 14 circles.
The teacher explains. “These are (points to the mugs) Large and small cups.
They need to be arranged on shelves in whatever way they want.”
Options could be:
- mugs lie in disarray on every shelf;
-the mugs are on two shelves (large and small)
- the mugs are arranged by color on four shelves.
The teacher asks each person how he arranged the cups and on which shelf there are more and on which shelf there are fewer.
You can invite the children to arrange them so that on each shelf there are “cups” of the same color. Ask which “cups” are more: red or blue; yellow or green.
Q: Well done guys, they put things in order in the store, now residents of a magical land will be able to come to the store and easily choose cups. I suggest you tidy up your toys and go for a walk; there will be a lot more interesting things there.
You can play a game on the street: “Find the hidden toy.”
Using a counter, the leader is selected:
The seagulls lived at the pier,
The river pumped them with water.
One two three four five-
Help me count them.
The presenter goes out the door. Children hide a toy. To find it, the driver is given directions: “Go from the swing to the sandbox, turn right from the sandbox, take three steps and look there.”
Game options: The teacher indicates the direction of the asphalt with arrows of different colors.: The child indicates the direction: “First, go where the blue arrow points, then walk three steps and look there.”
When turning, the child must say where he turned: right or left.
The game is played several times at the request of the children.

Valentina Valiakhmatova
"Forest Mathematics". Open lesson in mathematics in the middle group

Program content:

1. Strengthen the ability to compare two groups of objects, form an idea of ​​equality and inequality groups based on counting in two ways.

2. Develop children's understanding of geometric figures: circle, square, triangle, showing imagination in conveying the image.

3. Refine the ability to compare two objects in length and width, establish dimensional relationships between three objects of different lengths.

4. Cultivate attention and the ability to complete the work started.


Demo – toys: bun, hare, fox, bear; flat – basket, 5 carrots, 5 apples; geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle; ribbons – red, yellow, flannelgraph.

Handout – set of ribbons – 3 pcs. for each child; cards on which either a circle, a square, or a triangle are drawn; rattles for physical education – 2 pcs. for each child.

Progress of the lesson

1 part:

Guys come to us class A fairy tale hero came to visit today. Guess who it is?

It's mixed with sour cream,

He is cold at the window,

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

He has a ruddy side.

Who is this? (Kolobok)

That's right, guys. Well, Kolobok will lead us today along the paths of his fairy tale.

He has prepared tasks for you. So, the fairy tale begins...

The bun is rolling along the path, and the Hare meets it. The Hare has carrots and apples in his basket. (I put out a flat basket with items)

Count how many carrots does the Hare have? (4)

Right. Count how many apples does the Hare have? (3)

What more, carrots or apples? (more carrots than apples)

Who else thinks so? (children's answers)

What needs to be done to make them equal? (children's answers)

Two answers for children

1 option:

Add one apple to three apples, there are 4. And there are also 4 carrots. There are 4 carrots and apples equally.

Option 2:

Remove one carrot. There are now 3 carrots. And there are also 3 apples. There are 3 carrots and apples equally.

Well done, you completed the task.

part 2:

Name them (square, circle, triangle)

What does a circle look like? (sun, bagel, plate)

What do you know about the square? (a square has 4 sides and 4 corners)

Why was the triangle called that? (a triangle has three angles, three sides)

Right. And now the Wolf offers you another task. Your cards have geometric shapes drawn on them. Your task is to complete the drawing of the object. Children complete the task independently, after which they are asked question:

Maxim, what did you finish drawing?

Sasha, what did you do?

Okay, guys, you completed this task.

Exercise "The Fourth Wheel" V. hands out cards with geometric shapes to the children, asks them to name the odd one and explain their choice.

part 3:

Physical education minute (with rattles)

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey

They rocked the tree together.

The bear cubs drank water

They followed each other.

The cubs were dancing

They raised their paws up.

Sit down at the tables again, let's continue the tale. (Children sit at tables)

Part 4:

Kolobok rolled and met the Fox. Lisa has ribbons. Look at them.

What can you say about them, are they the same? (No)

What is the difference? (they differ in color - one ribbon is red and the other is yellow)

And how are they different? (one is short and the other is long)

What else is the difference? (one is wide and the other is narrow ribbon)

That's right, the guys named all the differences. The teacher directs and evaluates the children's actions.

Game exercise "Photo"

The teacher offers the children photos of the heroes. Children need to name who goes first, second, last. The second task is to determine who is tallest, shortest, taller than a hare, shorter than a bear.

Exercise "Finish the sentence"

V. - We sleep at night and do exercises. in the morning. We have breakfast in the morning and dinner. In the evening. The moon is visible at night, but the sun is. during the day. We have dinner in the evening and go to bed. at night. We wake up in the morning and go to bed. In the evening.

Part 5:

Bottom line:

Today on class We met with fairy-tale characters.

Who did we meet? (Hare)

What did we think about him? (carrots and apples)

What did you draw?

What did he ask you for? (talk about geometric shapes)

Who prepared the task with ribbons? (Fox)

Well done today, everyone did their tasks well and correctly, fairy-tale heroes We were satisfied.

Final, integrated lesson in the middle group

"Journey to a Fairy Tale"

Program content:

Cognition. Reveal children's knowledge:

    the ability to correlate numbers with the number of objects;

    knowledge about geometric figures;

    knowledge about the seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn);

    ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

    constructive activity;

    group objects according to basic characteristics.


    Exercise children in forming words by analogy. (diminutives)

Reading fiction:

    Reveal children's knowledge using visual material work of art, get to know him and take part in the conversation.


    develop basic mental processes: memory, attention, imaginative thinking;

    correctional work: develop oculomotor functions, gaze fixation, fine motor skills of the hands.


    cultivate a culture of behavior and the ability to perform the assigned task.

Material: flying carpet, geometric shapes, pictures of seasons, puzzle games, cards - numbers, pictures with the image of "Teremok", pictures of animals, counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Hold hands and smile at each other. Great! Now take a deep breath and exhale.

Show me the fingers of your right hand, the fingers of your left. Let's make them friends . (coordination of movement and development of fine motor skills, memory development).

The girls and boys in our group are friends.

You and I are friends, little fingers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Let's start counting again 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

Guys, why do you think your moms and dads call you affectionately at home? (kind ones, they love you)

Guys, I really want to know what they affectionately call you at home? Then we will pass the ball around and call our name affectionately. Have you felt how much warmth and affection our mothers and fathers gave us?

Today we will go with you to a fairy tale. And we will get there on a magic “flying carpet”. I unroll the “carpet”, and there are holes in the form of geometric shapes.

Oh, guys, mice gnawed it. Help fix the carpet. (there are geometric shapes on the tray. Children apply and identify those “patches” that are suitable for repairing the carpet).

Name the figures that you needed.

Now get on the mat and repeat magic words:

Our carpet rushes across the sky:

What will happen to us?

We'll get into a fairy tale on it,

Which one? Where's the clue?

There is a tower in a field, it is neither low nor high.

How do you think? What fairy tale have we found ourselves in? (Teremok) take their seats

There is a tower in a field. He is neither short nor tall.

Runs pastlittle mouse (picture)


    Task “Riddles and guesses”

    I open my buds into green leaves

    I dress the trees and water the crops.

    Full of movement. My name is Spring!

    I, woven from heat, carry warmth with me.

    I warm the rivers, take a swim! - I invite you

    And you all love me for this. I am summer!

    Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers,

    The blizzard is walking, when does this happen? (winter)

    In the morning we go to the yard -
    Leaves are falling like rain,
    They rustle underfoot
    And they fly, fly, fly... (Autumn)

    How many seasons are there? (4)

    Name them in order?

    They did everything correctly, so the doors of the little house opened for the mouse.

    A mouse came in and began to live there.


    - Galloped to Teremokfrog - frog (picture).

    She saw the tower, stopped and asked:

    - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

    Game "Assemble correctly"- connect the number with cards containing the corresponding number of objects.

    Which card was number 1 connected to?

  • They did everything right, so the doors of the mansion opened for the Frog

    Entered Frog in the mansion and began to live there.

    Physical training "Teremok"

    There is a tower standing in a field (the palms of both hands are connected at an angle)

    There is a lock on the door (fingers clenched into the lock)

    The wolf opens it - Twitch-twitch, twitch-twitch (hands clenched in a lock, moving forward - back, left - right)

    Petya the Cockerel came and used the key to open the lock (the fingers unclench and connect with each other, forming a “teremok”)

    3. Task.

    Galloped to TeremokBunny - runaway (picture).

    I saw the tower, stopped and asked:

    - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

    “The Teremok will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks!”

    Game "Fourth wheel"- classification of objects.

    The task was completed correctly, so the doors of the mansion opened for the wolf.

    Has entered bunny in the mansion and began to live there.

    4. Assignment.

    A bear walks by. I saw Teremok and how it started to roar

    - Terem-teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

    « Teremok will open its door only to those who complete all my tasks!”

    But the bear did not listen and climbed onto Teremok, and crushed it. All the animals ran out and cried.

    The little fox ran to the Teremka (picture).

    She saw that the tower was broken and offered to build a new one.

    Children build a mansion from a construction set.

    Well done, the guys built houses for each animal. Now they will live together happily and happily.

    How many heroes are there in this fairy tale? (6)

    Who helped the animals make friends? (fox)

    Of course, you and our knowledge.

    Ah, now we need to return to the group.

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5! back to kindergarten!

    Children stand on the “magic carpet” and return to their group.

    Guys, I really liked how you worked, you know and are able to do a lot. Well done!

This summary of the mathematics lesson “Playing and Counting” will help educators working with children 4-5 years old to continue working on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

During the "journey" that the children will go on, they practice the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and also consolidate



Summary of GCD for FEMP in the middle group “Playing and counting”


  • exercise the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle;
  • strengthen the ability to count within 5, introduce ordinal value numbers, learn to answer the questions “how many?” ", "Which one is it? ", "in what place?";
  • use specific examples to reveal the meaning of the concepts: large, small, shorter, longer.

Materials for the lesson:a letter from Umnyashka, a doll, geometric shapes for each child (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and modules of geometric shapes, hoops, cards with assignments for the test, colored pencils, counting cards, cards with numbers, projector, slide presentation “Entertaining puzzles”, gifts - “decorating books”

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

We will build an even circle,

On the right is a friend and on the left is a friend.

Let's hold hands together,

And let's smile at each other!

Everyone has good mood?

Are all your sorrows forgotten?

I ask you to tell me:

Guys, today the postman brought me a letter. Want to know what's there?

"Hello guys! My name is Umnyashka doll. I live in the magical country of Igland! And I invite you to visit me! I heard that you are very obedient, smart and smart guys, and I really want to meet you! »

Do you want to meet Umnyashka? How do we go to a magical land? (children's assumptions)

And I suggest you go on foot. We have a long way to go.

Let's go friends! There's no way you can fall behind!

(children walk on pebbles, sand, leaves)

1 task “Geometric shapes”.

Oh guys, look where we ended up? And I know. We're on the lawn. And we will find out who lives on this lawn if we solve the riddles.

The wheel rolled

After all, it looks similar

Like a visual nature

Only for a round figure.

Did you guess it, dear friend?

Well, of course it is... (circle)

Look at the figure

And draw in the album

Three corners. Three sides

Connect with each other.

The result was not a square,

And beautiful... (triangle)

I am a figure - no matter where,

Always very smooth

All angles in me are equal

And four sides.

Kubik is my beloved brother,

Because I... (square)

We stretched the square

And presented at a glance,

Who did he look like?

Or something very similar?

Not a brick, not a triangle -

It became a square... (rectangle).

Can you guess who lives on this lawn? (geometric figures)

Guys, would you like me to tell you a fairy tale about a rectangle and a square. Sit down more comfortably. And so, listen to the fairy tale.

“In the kingdom - the state of geometric figures - there lived the Rectangle and the Square. “I’m so clumsy,” said the Rectangle. “If I rise to my full height, I become tall and narrow. Like this.

And if I lie on my side, I become short and fat. Like this.

“And you always remain the same,” he said, turning to Kvadrat, “both standing, and sitting, and lying down.” “Yes,” Kvadrat answered proudly. “All sides are equal for me.” And he turned over from side to side, but his height and width did not change from this.

But one day this happened. One girl was walking in the forest and got lost. She didn’t know which way to go, where her home was. And suddenly she met Square and Rectangle. Since Kvadrat had a very important view, the girl turned to him: “Can I climb on you and see where my home is? “She first climbed onto one side of it, but didn’t see anything because of the trees, then she asked the Square to turn over, but this time she didn’t see anything, since all sides of the square are equal. “Maybe I can help you? "- asked the modest Rectangle. He stood up to his full height, the girl climbed onto him and found herself higher than the trees. She saw her house and knew where to go. “Let us take you out,” suggested Kvadrat. Suddenly a river appeared on their way. “Mr. Square, help me cross the river! "- the girl asked. The square approached the river and wanted to reach the other bank, but... He splashed and fell into the water. Good Rectangle helped his friend get out of the water. And then he lay down on his side and became a bridge. The girl ran across the Rectangle and found herself at home. “Thank you,” the girl said to the geometric figures, “you didn’t leave me in the forest and helped me find my way home. “Now I know,” the girl turned to the Rectangle, “that you are a very useful figure.” “Well,” Rectangle answered modestly, “it’s just that my sides are of different lengths: two are long and two are short.”

Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What are the sides of the rectangle? (two are long and two are short)

And now the geometric shapes invite you to play the game “Find your house.”

Once upon a time there lived geometric figures in their houses. What are their names? Circle, square, triangle and rectangle (shows and arranges large shapes into hoops). Then he distributes one geometric figure to all children.

I play math

I'm turning you into figures!

One, two, three, triangle, run to the house! (triangle children run into their hoop).

Well done boys! We did it!

Task 2 “Counting to 5”

Look, guys, we ended up in the kingdom of the fairy Counting, but she is now away on business. And so the counting fairy left, and the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 decided to play a little prank while she was gone and got so mixed up that they forgot their ordinal places. That's why even the sun hid in the kingdom. Let's help them put things in order?!

(Children put the numbers in order.)

Well done, you did everything right!

And the Counting Table left us some task. Let's see?

(each child has a card with a task: count the drawn objects and connect the resulting answers with numbers)

While you and I were completing the fairy’s task, the sun came out.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Little ray, naughty little ray, come play with me (they blink their eyes)

Come on, little ray, turn around and show yourself to me. ( circular movements eyes)

I’ll look to the left, I’ll find a ray of sunshine (look to the left)

Now I’ll look to the right, I’ll find the ray again (look to the right)

Guys, look, there are some pictures here too.

(we look at pictures depicting different objects that hang on the board. Then the children perform movements corresponding to the text)

How many apples do we have?

We'll jump that many times. (1)

How many leaves do we have?

We will sit down that many times. (2)

How many red fly agarics,

We'll do so many bends. (3)

How many jars do we have?

We'll clap with you so many times. (4)

How many funny clowns

Let's stomp with you that many times (5).

Well done! We completed all the tasks of the Counting Fairy! We can move on!

Task 3 “Solve the problem”

Oh, where have we come again? And we ended up in the kingdom of Prince Zadachkin, here we also need to complete several tasks. You are ready?

Then let's solve with you the entertaining puzzles that the prince has prepared for us. You just need to listen to them very carefully!

Prick up your ears and listen: Presentation.

Problem “Visiting a bee.”

A magpie flew through the forest and said that the bees would treat the animals with honey. The first to run to the hive was a bear with a barrel. A squirrel with a mug jumped up behind him. The third to rush in was a hare with a bowl. Then the fox came with a jug, and the wolf hobbled last.

List everyone who came running to the hive. How many are there in total?

At what time did the hare rush to the hive? And the squirrel?

How long did the wolf hobble?

Who had the smallest dishes?

Who had the biggest dishes?

Problem “Wolf and fox fishing”

A fox and a wolf got together to go fishing. The fox took a small fishing rod with a short line, and the greedy wolf thought: “If I take the biggest fishing rod with a long, very long line, I’ll catch more fish.” We sat down to fish. The fox only manages to pull out the fish: either crucian carp, then bream, then catfish, then pike. And the wolf caught one crucian carp, began to pull it from the river, and got entangled in a long fishing line. By the time I've unraveled, it's time to go home.

How many fish did the fox catch? Wolf?

How many did they catch together?

Who caught more fish and why?

Problem “Visiting a moose”

The elk bought a TV and invited the animals to watch the cartoon. Guests came to the elk, and he only had two benches: one large, the other small. An elk and a bear sat down on a large bench. And for the small one - a hedgehog, a squirrel, a hare, a gopher and a mouse.

How many animals fit on the big bench?

How many animals fit on a small bench?

Which bench accommodated more animals? Why?

Well done boys!

Well, finally, we have reached the country of Igland! (children are greeted by the Umnyashka doll)

Hello, Umnyashka!

Hello guys! How did you get to me? Was it difficult? What a great fellow you are! Do you want to play with me? And I’ll see how smart and smart you are!

We start again:

Solve, guess, be smart!

I wish you good luck-

Good luck to work!

Children play with Umnyashka.

The game is called: “Which is longer.”

The doll throws the ball to one of the children and says: “Match, which is longer? »

The child catches the ball and answers: “Pencil, which is longer? "- and throws the ball to the next player (the girl’s braid, ribbon, stick, rope, rails, road) The ball is thrown until the imagination runs out and there is nothing to compare with.

Game "When does this happen?"

We have breakfast in the morning and dinner... (in the evening)

We sleep at night and do exercises... (in the morning)

During the day we have lunch and breakfast... (in the morning)

The sun shines during the day, and the moon... (at night)

We have dinner in the evening, and lunch... (in the afternoon)

We go to kindergarten in the morning, and from kindergarten….(in the evening)

After the games, the Umnyashka doll sums up the lesson together with the children.

And he offers to take with him the game-task “Coloring Books”

(for each child a sheet with a task)

1. Color only round objects.

2. Color only rectangular objects.

3. Color objects that move quickly.

It's time for you guys to go back to kindergarten. I am very glad that you came to visit me! Goodbye! Come again!

Math lesson for the middle group “Amazing Journey”


To develop the ability to find objects of equal number of elements, to use words equally, as much, equally, to learn to form a number by adding one, to navigate in space using the words “under”, “above”; develop attention; cultivate observation skills.


Demo material: magnetic board, three flowers (white, blue, red, three butterflies, a card with the number 3, colored circles (15 pcs)

Handout: colored circles (15 pieces) for each child, a card with the number 3, paper butterflies, cards with two horizontal stripes, cards with vegetables (3 cabbages, 3 carrots), colored laces 15 cm.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Psycho-gymnastics “Convey the mood”

Children stretch out their hands to the sun, the sun gave its warmth and good mood. Then the children hold hands and convey their good mood and warmth to each other.

2. Familiarization with the number and number 3

The teacher lays out three flowers and two butterflies on the magnetic board.
- What are more: flowers or butterflies? (Children's answer.)
- What needs to be done to check? (Place each butterfly on a flower.)

The teacher invites one child to plant butterflies on flowers.
- How many fewer butterflies are there than flowers? (One)
- What needs to be done to make them equal?

Children suggest adding another butterfly. The teacher lays out another butterfly and draws the children's attention to the principle of forming a new number by adding one.
- What can we say now about the number of butterflies and flowers? (There are as many butterflies as there are three flowers.)
- How did you get three butterflies? (Added one.)
- Well done!
- Now look, there are cards in front of you. What do they show? (Cabbage, carrots).
- How can all this be called in one word? (Vegetables)
- Place three heads of cabbage on the top strip and two carrots on the bottom strip. (Make sure that the children lay out the cards from left to right).
- What more? (Cabbage)
- What needs to be done so that there is an equal amount of vegetables? (Add another carrot).
- What can we say now about the amount of cabbage and carrots? (There is as much cabbage as there are three carrots.)

3. Physical education

One, two - everyone sat down
Then they flew up
Three, four - bent over
They washed themselves from the stream,
Five, six - all into the forest,
The breeze carried us
Seven, eight - to the garden
Flowers are blooming there.

Children, look, the breeze has brought us the number 3. The teacher invites the children to look at the number, draw it in the air, on the table, then use colored strings to lay out the number 3. If the children have difficulties, you can ask them to first lay out the number along the outline on the card, and then then - without her.
- Veterok has friends - Sunny and Rain. They decided to decorate the clearing: The breeze scattered the flower seeds, the rain watered them, and the Sun warmed them with its rays. And then one day...

4. Game “Merry Glade”

The game reinforces ordinal counting and spatial relationships. The teacher, while telling the story, works with demonstration material
... Waking up in the morning, Veterok saw that the first flower had bloomed.
- What color is the first flower? (Blue) Other flowers began to bloom behind him.
- What color was the next flower? (White).
- Which flower bloomed third? (Red).
- How many flowers bloomed on the lawn? (Three).
- What color was the first, second, third flower?
- Suddenly the breeze noticed that another flower had appeared in the clearing. He wanted to approach him, but the petals of the flower moved, she fluttered and flew.

The teacher gives each child paper butterflies. Children, listening carefully to the teacher, show where the butterfly flew and hid.
- The butterfly flew over my head, then sat on my palm, hid behind my back, rain started dripping, the butterfly hid under my palm, the sun came out again, the butterfly flew a little and sat on the carpet.
- Well done boys! Children, now you and I will turn into Wizards and begin to create miracles, and we will create miracles from colored circles.

5. Exercise “Fold the picture”

First, the teacher on the carpet makes up his own drawings from circles, and then invites the children to make drawings. The children do the work.
- Well done guys, you are good Wizards. You made such beautiful pictures!

6. Summary of the lesson

What number did you come across?
What color were the flowers in the meadow?
How many vegetables were there?
What task did you enjoy doing the most?

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the heroes...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.