I heard in my surroundings about the cruelty of the world. I wondered if the world is really cruel or is it just me who lives with rose-colored glasses and doesn’t see cruelty? And what are the “rose-colored glasses” that we wear? I share my thoughts and my feelings on this topic.

Dual view of the world

Cruelty, like mercy, appeared as a dual idea of ​​the world. People believed that in some things there is love and in others there is not. But is there anything in our world that does not have love (God)? No.

When people decided that love is “this way” and no longer love in another way, they became unhappy, put on “rose-colored glasses”, and believed that there is a world without love. People began to seek and hold on to love and fight against what is not love. Like blind kittens, they poke at their mother cat, and when there is warmth and food, this is love, but when we are carried by the scruff of the neck, our “mother” (soul) is no longer love.

Read also: , is to recognize the freedom of everyone to create the World that he chooses, and for himself - the one that I choose.

The world is not cruel, it is as it is. The world is a playground for games that different souls have come to play. Souls are wise, strong, brave.

At the first levels of consciousness, love is expressed precisely in such an interaction - victim-executioner. Struggle-confrontation. This is also love. We play what interests us. In one common game. And we love each other as much as possible at this level of consciousness. Love is not mi-mi-mi, but the support of souls in joint experiences, the agreement to “play in tandem.” Experience is important for everyone: both the executioner and the victim. And nothing happens without agreement. Everything in the world is coordinated.

Look at the animal world. The habitat of animals and plants always contains conditions for comfortable living of individuals. For everyone there is food and the opportunity to live. Food is other animals or plants. Nobody considers this cruelty. It's natural. This is nature. We are all nature. We are all one.

Living experience at different levels of consciousness

What for some seems cruelty, for others is a valuable experience of the soul and a manifestation of love. Everything is agreed upon by the heart, but not by the mind. It is impossible for the Mind to see love in places where it is not used to seeing it. He is hampered by the “rose-colored glasses” of conditioning and rules.

People go through their experiences at different levels of consciousness. What people perceive as cruelty is also love, which cannot be seen by judging and sharing your own experiences.

Read also: . There is no right or wrong answer. Any choice you make will be correct. Correct only for you, beloved ones. This is your life and everything in it is valuable!

Soul experience is valuable. The experience of an animal killed by a farmer and eaten by his family is as valuable for the growth of his soul as the experience of an enlightened master (the same soul many lives later). Experience has no plus or minus, it has value. This value is contained in every life we ​​live.

Why does it hurt to see “other” manifestations of life?

Because people next to us always see only themselves, how we treat ourselves inside. To honestly admit this - it is painful for the Ego and bold for the Personality - awareness is needed.

People see experiences that they lived through and did not forgive themselves: they condemned, accused, devalued; experiences allow you to make new choices, see value in everything and begin to love even more.

Cruelty is the definition given by the Mind to everything that is painful to accept within ourselves - the way we ourselves are. It's not easy. If it hurts, the world is not cruel. It's a wound inside of you.

It's time to love yourself, accept responsibility for your experiences and remember unconditional, non-judgmental love. From which they once emerged, having tried on and not taking off for several thousand years the “rose-colored glasses” of conditioning and assessments of how things should be.

Why is the world so cruel? Where does this cruelty begin? Who is to blame for this? We live in a huge world, and everywhere, in every country, on every continent, in every corner of our vast planet, cruelty manifests itself. Why is this world arranged this way?

Have you had this?

It's up to everyone to admit it or not, but we've all felt it: when something bad happens to someone else, and instead of empathizing and regretting, we feel good. So why is the world cruel? This psychological phenomenon is so common that it has even been given a name: schadenfreude.

Unfortunately, there is no need to look for evidence of schadenfreude. Just open any article relating to celebrity failures, political scandals, capital punishments, lawsuits, natural disasters, obesity, wars or any other misfortune and read the comments section.

Schadenfreude is everywhere. But why do so many of us take such pleasure in the misfortune of others? There is an answer. Another not the best trait of human character is to blame for this - envy. The more we envy someone, the more pleasure we get when that person faces some terrible consequences.

So why is the world so cruel?

Cruelty manifests itself in us from childhood, it is felt especially acutely in adolescence, and the adult world is full of hypocrisy and duplicity. Remember when your classmates (or yourself) showed cruelty and violence towards someone from a parallel class. Did you stand up for the weak in this battle? Maybe one of your classmates did this? Anyone?

Psychologists say that one of the reasons is watching scenes of violence in films. Many young people prefer to watch horror films, trailers and other films containing scenes with an age limit of 18+. And a person with a still fragile psyche considers this behavior normal and uses it with fun in his real life.

The main reason for cruelty

In any case, no matter what, the world begins with man. All problems on Earth begin with man. The cruelty of the world is no exception. People have become callous. What is this? - this is dryness and heartlessness towards others. This is selfishness and indifference, this is helplessness. People have always thought: “Why is the world so cruel? Why do some have everything and others have nothing? Why is the world so unfair?” Now think about it, those people whose failures we gloat over have come a long way to achieve success and have overcome many obstacles. Knowing what they wanted, they unconditionally went towards the goal, taking responsibility for their lives. What does each of us do to achieve success? Perhaps someone, having read books on psychology, set and wrote down their goals, someone even took the first step to achieve them. But someone did nothing but make angry comments. Start with yourself!

I'm cruel. So what?

Many people say that cruelty is their strength. This is how they feel their power and importance in this world. But in reality this is a sign of weakness. A strong person always knows how to empathize with others and help in difficult times. The real indicator is kindness, care and love. Since this person has felt all the hardships of the world, and he understands how difficult it is for others now, how they need support.

How to remove the mask of cruelty from a person?

Often, we blame cruel people for all mortal sins, depriving them of human feelings. In fact, there are no bad people. who have been deeply wounded, and in order not to show this pain, they put on this mask of a cruel, domineering, self-loving person.

If you want to tear off the mask of cruelty from a person and see his real face, you need to understand the cause of the pain. Most likely, you will have to plunge into his past, talk with his environment: close friends, old colleagues, in order to find out the reason for this behavior in a person. You will help a person with a simple conversation and human support. He will be grateful to you for this. Take the time to conduct this research. Believe me, this person is in a lot of pain.

Maybe it's all about childhood trauma, divorce. Perhaps the person had some kind of tragedy. Maybe he is offended by someone, or he has low self-esteem and is trying to increase it through his feigned cruelty. The main thing to remember is that when a person himself cannot cope with any pain, he spreads it to the people around him. His pain, as he thinks, is decreasing, but in fact it is getting worse.

But you can heal this pain and prevent it from interfering with your life, your feelings and your life. The most important thing is not to be afraid to take on such responsibility. Yes, a person may be unpleasant that someone is delving into his past, but he will definitely appreciate the help you provided him. As a result, you will learn to understand people better by knowing (understanding) their pain.

They are being cruel to me! Am I really going to remain silent?

When we try to respond to someone’s anger, we disrupt our emotional state and let negative thoughts enter our consciousness. But here's the paradox: we like to be offended. We like to be angry.

When we are “undeservedly” offended, we try on the title of “victim”. And we also try to raise our self-esteem with the phrase: “I’m better, I would never do that.” Remember, this happened to everyone. And then we consider ourselves superior to our offender. We stop talking and communicating with him, and eagerly await an apology. And after he admits his guilt (or does not admit it) and takes the first step forward, our self-esteem will increase even more, because someone admitted that we are right.

The only sure way is to explain to the person in a calm voice, without showing retaliatory cruelty, that he is wrong. In many ways, they won't listen to you. Then it’s better to just shut up, so you won’t disturb your peace of mind.

What will cruelty do?

From a scientific or religious point of view we are quite insignificant. What are people against the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God himself? And even if the Universe is purely matter, what are we against the vast cosmos? Sure, we may feel envy when we encounter the achievements of others, but how do those achievements and our envy add up against the vast, dark, beautiful cosmos? Nothing!

The power of love and mercy

And again let's turn to psychology. Love. What is this? The eternal debate around this definition of this concept does not subside. We don't know the exact meaning of this word, but we know what love can do to people.

Psychologists have proven that people cannot love other people more than themselves. This is in no way selfishness or narcissism, this is adequate self-love. Love is the key solution to all problems. Love yourself and you will love the whole world.

Psychology claims that the outer world is a mirror of our inner world. If we are embittered, cruel, unfair, then the world will be like that. But if we perceive everything with love, think positively, treat all turns of life with kindness, then the world will show us its best side.

What can we do to make our world a better place?

Psychologists say that our life is our thoughts. Any of our joy, hatred, anger, cruelty, regret comes from within. We are our thoughts. The world around us is also our thoughts. Most people think negatively, which is why life takes on a bad character. What if you change your lifestyle? Let's say some people come home and say: “I have so many problems today!” For some, this phrase will seem ordinary, everyday. But most psychologists say that the word "problem" is a negative thought. Every “problem” must be perceived as an opportunity to move to a new level. After all, having solved one problem, many doors will open for you, or one, but very important one. What if you replace a negative thought? Let's say, when you come home, you say: “I have so many opportunities today.” And you already feel a surge of energy and motivation. You no longer want to discuss and condemn the misdeeds of other people.

If each of us at least swept the threshold of our own home, the whole world would become cleaner.

These words were spoken by Mother Teresa.

By changing your thoughts just a little, you will make this world a better place. You will no longer be affected by violence in films. Please be kind. Show love and mercy. You will immediately notice how your life will change. Cruelty and violence are not the best ways to solve problems. This will improve your attitude towards life and towards other people. You won't be that callous person. It's your choice.


Why is the world so cruel? The answer to this question has not been found. It's probably impossible to find him. But we know what to do to correct this cruelty towards people, towards ourselves. with other people begins with harmony within oneself, Shakespeare also spoke about this many years ago:

Be true to yourself; then, just as night follows day, you will not betray others

Our weaknesses and strengths, purity and impurity - all this is exclusively ours, and not someone else's. They are in us, not in anyone else. And only we ourselves can change this, and not someone else.

And this quote is taken from the book “The Science of Being Rich and Great” by Wallace Wattles.

1. Determine which topic seems most specific and understandable to you.

2. Think about what books you remember on this topic, since it will not be possible to write an essay without relying on a literary text.

3. Be sure to remember that each topic contains a question that must be answered.

Algorithm for working on an essay

1. Having chosen a topic for your essay, identify the problem (question) that is contained in the topic of the essay.

2. Formulate theses that reveal this problem and are answers to the question posed.

3. Select two works on the basis of which you will prove your point of view.

4. Think over the scenario of your work (that is, the construction of the work, its composition). You can write a plan here.

5. Write a draft.

6. Re-read the draft material, think about whether there is logic in the construction of your work. Make the necessary changes to the construction. Re-read it again and make changes to the speech format of the text.

7. Rewrite it completely.

8. Re-read what you wrote twice - first check for spelling errors, then check the punctuation.

For example, you chose topic“What is more important when making difficult decisions – the mind or the heart?” If we rethink this topic into the problem(that is, the main question that we will answer), then we should answer the question: “What should a person listen to when making decisions: reason or feelings?”

1. A world devoid of warmth of feelings is cruel and inhumane (Gogol “The Overcoat”, Dead Souls” (Captain Kopeikin), “Poor People”, Zamyatin “We”, Huxley “Brave New World”, Bradbury “451 degrees Fahrenheit ").

2. Heartfelt impulses can be very attractive in people (poor Grinev gives a rabbit sheepskin coat to Pugachev; Andrei Bolkonsky picks up a fallen banner and carries the fleeing soldiers into the attack). But we should not forget that by succumbing to feelings, people can make irreparable mistakes (Tolstoy “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”).

3. The conflict of reason and feelings can be destructive for a person (Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”, Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”).

4. A person can come to harmony of mind and feelings (Tolstoy “War and Peace”, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova).

In conclusion, we should conclude: Reason and feelings must complement each other. By listening only to the voice of reason or completely surrendering to feelings, people lose the fullness of their perception of the world and make mistakes.

A plan helps a lot when working on an essay. What is a good essay plan? This is the structure of your work (that is, briefly formulated main thoughts that will be developed in your work).

On a draft, you can chaotically sketch out the entire amount of thoughts that came to your mind. Here you can also recall books that will serve as illustrations of your theses. You can also sketch out the introduction and conclusion.

Curious to consider example of an essay plan on the topic “Imaginary and true friendship.”

1. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”, Onegin and Lensky, lack of real spiritual intimacy, “there is nothing to do, friends.”

Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov, on Arkady’s part - imitation, blind following of an older friend).

2. Goncharov “Oblomov”, Oblomov and Stolz, warmth of relationships, trust, care.

Tolstoy “War and Peace”, Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, intellectual and spiritual community, search for the meaning of life, passion for knowing the truth).



Friendship is one of the eternal human values. What is the basis of true friendship?

II. Main part. Examples of true and imaginary friendship in the depiction of Russian poets and writers.

1. The theme of friendship in Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”. Onegin and Lensky.

2. The theme of friendship in Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov.

3. The theme of friendship in Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolts.

4. The theme of friendship in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov.

There are many other wonderful works on this topic: Conan Doyle “Stories about Sherlock Holmes”, Kipling “Mowgli”, Andersen “The Snow Queen”, Denisova “Just Think of the Stars”, Zheleznikov “Scarecrow”, etc.

III. Conclusion. True friends always need each other and are always ready to help. They may be completely different, but they are connected by spiritual kinship, spiritual closeness. True friends are ready to forgive each other a lot. They need each other not only in grief, but also in joy.

When you finish your draft, you need to do the following:

Check the plan: eliminate deviations from the topic, expand paragraphs in which the idea is not fully expressed;

Make sure that the main idea runs through the entire essay;

Check if paragraphs are highlighted correctly;

Make speech edits;

Check spelling;

Check punctuation.

Thematic direction “Reason and Feeling”

The direction involves thinking about reason and feeling as two of the most important components of a person’s inner world, which influence his aspirations and actions. Reason and feeling can be considered both in harmonious unity and in complex confrontation that constitutes the internal conflict of the individual.

The topic of reason and feeling is interesting for writers of different cultures and eras: heroes of literary works often find themselves faced with the dictates of feeling and the prompting of reason.

Explanatory dictionary.

Intelligence– a person’s ability to think logically and creatively, generalize the results of knowledge, intelligence.

Feeling– emotion, experience; conscious attitude towards something (sense of duty).

Possible essay topics.

What is more important: reason or feeling?

What to listen to: the mind or the heart?

What does it mean to have noble feelings?

What are true feelings?

Is it possible to follow your emotions?

When does the mind become dangerous?

Should you give free rein to your feelings?

Is intelligence a lucky gift of man or his curse?

What is the power of human feeling?

Feelings that create and destroy.

Karamzin “Poor Liza”

Pushkin “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Peasant Young Lady”

, "Mtsyri"

Turgenev “Asya”, “Fathers and Sons”

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "Poor People"

Tolstoy “After the Ball”, “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”

Bunin “Mr. from San Francisco”, “Easy Breathing”, “Dark Alleys”

Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”, “Olesya”

Zamyatin “We”, “Cave”

Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog", "The Master and Margarita"

Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"

Nagibin “Old Turtle”, “Winter Oak”

Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"

Aleksin “Division of property”

Trifonov "Exchange"

Thematic direction “Honor and dishonor”

The direction is based on polar concepts associated with a person’s choice: to be faithful to the voice of conscience, to follow moral values, or to follow the path of betrayal, lies, and hypocrisy.

Many writers focused their attention on depicting various manifestations of man: from loyalty to moral rules to various forms of compromise with conscience, right up to the deep moral decline of the individual.

Explanatory dictionary.

Honor– moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride; his principles (duty of honor, matter of honor); good reputation, good name.

Dishonor– lack of honor, dignity; insult, shame.

Possible essay topics.

How do you understand the word “honor”?

How do you understand the word “conscience”?

What is “honor” and “dishonor”?

What does it mean to be a man of honor?

What is true honor and what is imaginary?

How are the concepts of “betrayal” and “dishonor” related?

Is it possible to compromise with conscience?

Is the concept of “honor” outdated today?

What helps a person make a choice between honor and dishonor?

Why did many writers talk about the need to be faithful to duty and honor?

Do you agree with Chekhov’s statement: “Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost”?

Pushkin “Dubrovsky”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “Eugene Onegin”

Ryleev “Ivan Susanin”

Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Kuprin “Duel”, “Junker”, “Lilac Bush”

Akhmatova “I am not with those who abandoned the earth...”

Bulgakov "The White Guard"

Bykov “Sotnikov”, “Obelisk”

Kaverin "Two Captains"

Grossman "Life and Fate"

Outline of an essay on the topic “What does it mean to walk the path of honor?”

I. Introduction. What is honor, human dignity?

II. Main part. The life path of Pyotr Grinev is a road of honor and goodness.

1. House and family of the Grinevs.

2. Father's commandments.

3. Grinev’s first independent steps (ridiculous loss at billiards, rudeness towards Savelich).

4. Grinev and Shvabrin.

5. Grinev and Pugachev (moral choice - to die or become a traitor; Grinev’s courage and loyalty to duty earn Pugachev’s respect).

III. Conclusion. The main reward on the path of honor is a good name.

Select material for an essay on the topic “What is “honor” and “dishonor”?”

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev and Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin.

1. Social status of Grinev and Shvabrin.

A young officer Grinev and an experienced military man, brethren (this is the fifth year since he was transferred to us for murder) Shvabrin.

2. Kind Grinev (“You are ready to help every person,” writes Masha Mironova in a letter) and evil Shvabrin (threats to Masha - “He treats me very cruelly and threatens, if I don’t come to my senses and don’t agree, he will bring me to the camp to villain...").

3. Compassionate Grinev (“Savelich looked at me with deep sorrow and went to collect my debt. I felt sorry for the poor old man...”). Cruel Shvabrin.

4. Sincere Grinev (“All the way I thought about the interrogations awaiting me... and decided to declare the real truth before the court, believing this method of justification to be the simplest, and at the same time the most reliable”). Deceitful Shvabrin. (“In his slander I saw the annoyance of offended pride and rejected love and generously excused my unfortunate rival”).

5. Honest, principled Grinev (“I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you”). Dishonest, unprincipled Shvabrin (“I looked with disgust at the nobleman lying at the feet of the runaway Cossack”).

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Prince Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin and Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky.

1. Kuragin is an important official, an influential person, who has served at court for many years. A self-confident and empty person. Communicates with people for profit.

Bolkonsky is an elderly man with a difficult character, a retired army general, served during the time of Catherine II, was personally acquainted with the empress, an old comrade of Kutuzov, but never uses his connections. Lives on his estate Bald Mountains. Smart and insightful person.

2. Kuragin is indifferent to his children. I am only concerned about finding suitable parties for them. He is not characterized by such qualities as spiritual wealth, patriotism, nobility.

Bolkonsky treats children strictly, makes the highest demands, treats them quite harshly, but loves them. He is a hardworking person (memoirs, mathematics, workshop activities, gardening, construction). Has a sense of duty, decency, nobility. Develops the same qualities in children (Andrei Bolkonsky began serving in the army from the lower ranks).

You can try to write essay on the topic “What helps a person make a choice between honor and dishonor?” using the following plan:

I. Introduction. How do I understand the words “honor” and “dishonor”?

II. Main part. Bykov's story "Sotnikov". The moral choice of heroes between honor and dishonor.

What moral qualities allow a person, in the face of death, to make a choice between honor and dishonor? The author answers this question by comparing two heroes.

Sotnikov - worked at school, in 1939 he was drafted into the army, during the war he commanded a battery. In the first battle, the battery was destroyed, Sotnikov was captured, fled, and ended up in a partisan detachment. Finding himself captured by the police, Sotnikov tries to take the blame on himself in order to save the people who helped the partisans (the headman and Demchikha). The hero is convinced: it is better to choose death than to be a traitor.

The fisherman was a strong man, a courageous fighter, and was a foreman in a rifle company. After being wounded, he found himself in a remote village, where local residents came out to help him. The fisherman goes into the forest to join the partisans. During the hike, he constantly helps the sick Sotnikov. However, in a situation of choice between life and death, Rybak chooses life at the cost of dishonor - betrayal. The Fisherman does not have such moral values ​​that one could rely on at the moment of choice. Having become a policeman, he participates in the execution of Sotnikov. His life is paid for by the execution of innocent people. (Film by Larisa Shepitko “The Ascension”).

III. Conclusion. The path of honor is chosen by people with strong moral principles, which are laid in childhood and strengthened throughout their lives. A person should try not to allow himself to fall morally under any circumstances.

Thematic direction “Victory and defeat”.

The direction allows you to think about victory and defeat in different aspects: socio-historical, moral-philosophical, psychological. Reasoning can be associated both with external conflicting circumstances in the life of a person, country, world, and with a person’s internal struggle with himself, its causes and results.

Literary works often show the ambiguity and relativity of the concepts of “victory” and “defeat” in different historical conditions and life situations.

Explanatory dictionary.

Victory– success in battle with the complete defeat of the enemy; success in the struggle for something, achieving something as a result of overcoming something.

Defeat- failure in war, struggle, defeat.

Possible essay topics.

What is victory?

Is it possible to overcome yourself?

What does victory over oneself mean?

What kind of victory can be called real?

What is the key to victory in battle?

When does victory equal defeat?

What do defeats teach us?

How do defeats help you learn about yourself?

A victory we will not forget.

Do you agree with the statement “You need to be able to lose with dignity”?

Do you agree with the statement “A man’s character is determined not by how he enjoys victory, but by how he endures defeat”?

Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Field "The Tale of a Real Man"

Kaverin "Two Captains"

Vasiliev “Not on the lists”

Bykov "Sotnikov"

Nosov "Red Wine of Victory"

Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"

Thematic area “Experience and mistakes”

Within the framework of the direction, discussions are possible about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, a people, humanity as a whole, about the cost of mistakes on the path to understanding the world, gaining life experience.

Literature often makes you think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

Explanatory dictionary.

Experience– reflection in people’s consciousness of the laws of the objective world; a body of knowledge and practically acquired skills, abilities, that is, life experience.

Error– incorrectness in actions and thoughts.

Possible essay topics.

Is it possible to avoid mistakes along the path of life?

Is it possible to gain experience without making mistakes?

“...Experience is the son of difficult mistakes...” (Pushkin)

The path to truth lies through mistakes

Is it possible to avoid mistakes by relying on the experience of others?

Why do you need to analyze your own and others’ mistakes?

What mistakes cannot be corrected?

What is delusion?

What experience does war give a person?

How can the experience of fathers be valuable for children?

What does reading experience add to life experience?

Fonvizin "Nedorosl"

Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"

Ostrovsky “The Thunderstorm”, “Dowry”

Goncharov "Oblomov"

Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Chekhov “Man in a Case”, “Gooseberry”, “About Love”, “Ionych”, “The Cherry Orchard”

Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco", "Dark Alleys".

Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"

Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

Try the following tasks:

Read the introduction options and formulate appropriate essay topics for them. Write your own version of the introductory part of the essay on one of the topics suggested above.

1. Topic ____________________________________________________________

Human life is often compared to a road. Some people just walk along it without thinking about the final goal. Others know exactly their path and never deviate from it. Still others are looking for the right path, sometimes losing their way. It seems to me that every step on the road of life is a grain of our experience, even if this step is taken in the wrong direction.

2. _______________________________________________________________

Each of us is well aware of the proverb “Man learns from mistakes.”

There is a lot of life wisdom in this statement. Unfortunately, we are designed in such a way that until we ourselves find ourselves in a difficult situation, we will almost never draw the right conclusions for ourselves.

You can try to write essay on the topic “The path to truth lies through mistakes” using this plan.

I. Introduction. The path to truth is the path of self-knowledge.

II. Main part. The life search of Pierre Bezukhov is a path of trial and error.

The image of Pierre Bezukhov in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”

1. The image of Pierre Bezukhov is one of the most important in the novel. The hero is depicted in constant development. Pierre's entire life path is a search for himself, his place in life, a search for truth.

2. Unsuccessful marriage.

3. Unsuccessful transformations in southern estates.

4. Disappointment in Freemasonry.

5. Pierre on the Borodin field and in captivity.

III. Conclusion. The creative power of our mistakes is that they open up new opportunities for the search for truth.

Try to choose it yourself material for writing an essay on the topic “A person learns from his mistakes.”(You can recall Turgenev’s “Fathers and Sons”, Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”).

Rodion Raskolnikov is convinced of the fallacy of his theory, which contradicts universal human morality and Christian ethics.

Conclusion: A person who has made mistakes and drawn the right conclusions from these mistakes is an order of magnitude wiser today than he was yesterday.

Think about what material you would choose for an essay on the topic “What mistakes cannot be corrected?”

For example, you can think that a person makes the most terrible mistakes when he makes a deal with his conscience and innocent people suffer from this (Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, Pontius Pilate).

Or you can recall Paustovsky’s story “Telegram”.

Most likely, we will come to the conclusion that there are mistakes that cannot be corrected, just as it is impossible to resurrect the dead or regain one’s honor or lost dignity.

Thematic direction “Friendship and enmity”.

The direction focuses on reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of hostility between them.

Explanatory dictionary.

Friendship - close relationships based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

Feud– relationships and actions imbued with hostility and hatred.

Possible essay topics.

Who can be called a true friend?

What is imaginary and true friendship?

When does a friend become an enemy?

Do you agree with the statement that friendship needs to be learned?

Do you agree with the statement that a true friend is found in trouble?

Do you agree with the statement “Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other?”

What helps people overcome conflicts?

Sh. Atia: If the reality of this world is, in general, a pre-written scenario in which nothing can be changed, why is this scenario so cruel? Why does it consist of an endless series of wars, natural disasters, accidents, suicide bombers, bombed buses, diseases, drugs? What is the point of striking at people if it is known in advance that their spiritual awakening will occur outside of their power? Why should the waiting period for a person - from the moment of his birth until the revelation of the spiritual - be so painful?

M. Laitman: We see that everything that happens in our world: from a tiny ant that earns its food through hard work, to plants, elephants, an individual and masses of people - absolutely everything is reincarnated, improved, accumulates suffering and a huge experience in the development of one’s ego, which causes in everyone the desire to fulfill oneself at the expense of others. Everyone is in a struggle with others for their lives: creatures of the plant level feed on the inanimate, an animal eats a plant or animal, a person eats everyone and even himself.

All this was created by the Universal Law, which is called the desire of the Creator to delight creation and lead them to a great, sublime stage called merging with the Creator. At the same time, all reality, starting from a point distant and opposite from the Creator, must gradually reincarnate - step by step, until it reaches similarity to the properties of the Creator.

Why should this process be carried out with the help of a brutal force that takes no account of anything, asks no one, and is not impressed by anyone’s suffering? - Such is nature.

Why are the elements of this nature, this force (sentient or insentient) - elements of the vegetative, animal, speaking, and perhaps even inanimate level - under the cruel roller of development, feeling suffering and adversity along the way? Why should they experience such unbearable sensations? Why should they regret literally every moment of their lives while in this development controlled by a Higher Power? Why can’t the Higher Power develop them in a useful, pleasant, joyful form, in a feeling of the fullness of life?

A higher power cannot do this because it is obliged to give creations freedom of choice in their development. Therefore, She hides herself and reveals only the stages of development that She launches, but not Herself.

And the stages of development, included by a Higher Power, pass through “living meat”, bringing pain. The desire contained in a person, gradually developing from generation to generation, reaches a state where it finally exclaims: “Enough! I can't do it anymore, I have to find the source of my bad feeling. I can’t live like this any longer and even death won’t help me.” This is what a person feels in his subconscious. “I must find the one who is doing me harm.” This, in essence, is man’s first appeal to the Creator: not by the power of good, not by good will, not from a pleasant feeling.

But the Creator is hidden. And a person who continues his further development somehow ends up (also without choosing it of his own free will) in a certain place: in a group, with a teacher who explains to him the purpose of his development. And if a person wants to speed it up, he is obliged to study and understand several special books called Kabbalistic.

How will this help him? Thanks to studying from these books, a person awakens a tremendous power from above - that General force that carries out his development. He brings upon himself not the “skating rink of development” that crushed him earlier, but a “skating rink” that is a million times stronger. And a person develops faster.

How can he stand it if he couldn't before? Maybe. After all, now a person understands why he suffers, understands that this suffering is justified and has a purpose. He is included in a certain rational process, which gives him the strength to endure suffering. And when enough pain, suffering, effort, knowledge accumulates in a person - everything that he can collect and combine within himself - then the Higher Power, which was hidden from him and which developed him in a hidden form, from afar, is revealed to him.

It shows a person that it is possible to get closer to the Developing force. And then, if a person sees this force of development, he can already bring himself into compliance with it. And to the extent that he is able to bring himself into line with this force of development - to understand, feel it, coordinate his actions and steps with it - to that extent he feels great pleasure from this. And if before he felt that he was doing everything contrary to the Developing force, now, as far as he could, he acts in accordance with it.

This force that develops man is called the Creator, or the Design of Creation, which is to “delight creation.” This is what we know about the Creator, and other than this we know nothing about Him.

How can a person achieve compliance with this force? To the extent that he, being in his nature, which is more and more revealed as the opposite of the Developing force, can become like this force, he becomes more and more similar to the Creator. He merges with Him to such an extent that all his powers, desires, thoughts, various properties - everything that is in him will fully correspond to the Developing force.

This is called that he has achieved his Final Rectification. If, bringing himself into conformity with this Developing force, a person experienced pleasant sensations, then he has completely completed his assimilation to Her. He feels himself in a state of immersion in the boundless Good - both in feelings, and in comprehension, and in the feeling of eternal and perfect life - without any flaw.

The properties of a person are not determined by him, this is clear from the very beginning. His final state is also not determined by him, and all the desires that open up in him over and over again are also not determined by him. His entire path is not determined by him. A person can only determine his voluntary consent to go along with this Developing force, wanting this to such an extent that he even tries to get ahead of It.

This is called that a person wants to comprehend the Creator’s thoughts and plans for himself and carry them out on his own. It turns out that in this entire process we can only participate according to our voluntary desire. After all, one way or another, you will eventually come to both this desire and these actions. Only if you participate in this, if you want it, if you move in this direction, then you comprehend this step, understand the Higher Power, know It, and are with Her.

Sh. Atia: Can we say that we are like a seed, which must be in the lowest, unclean state, immersed in the earth, deprived of sunlight, until almost completely rotted, but from it, in the end, a tree will grow?

M. Laitman: We are in a state of seed, in the most polluted state, this is clear. But in the end, each of us must become a diamond. The question here is only one of development: either I understand, prepare myself and move forward on my own, or I simply wait until I am forced from above. And when I am forced from above, it feels like unbearable suffering. If I myself move in this direction, realizing that this is exactly what I should do, desiring this advancement, then the whole process becomes desirable, kind, full of pleasure.

Sh. Atia: Let's take, for example, two people: one who studies Kabbalah and one who does not study it. The two board a bus in Jerusalem, which then explodes. What does each of them think? First: this is destined, this was supposed to happen, and I accept it with love? Second: why did this happen to me? All their differences from each other lie in their perception of what happened? A student of Kabbalah will not escape a bus explosion due to his studies? Will he suffer like everyone else, being slightly or severely injured, or even killed? Is he obliged to go through all this, regardless of the level of his spiritual consciousness?

M. Laitman: Usually one who studies Kabbalah does not need such difficult tests. Since all these tests are given only to awaken a person to think about the meaning of his life, about its purpose, about the suffering that he goes through in order to lead him to a free choice in moving towards the Goal towards which the Higher Power forces all creation to move.

But if a person connects to this Power and realizes his own choice, striving to achieve everything himself, albeit partially for now, it means that he is already, to some extent, in this process and agrees with his development under the control of the Supreme. So why would the Supreme One send him additional suffering?

Of course, he is not yet in perfection, until he has achieved the Final Correction, has not yet reached the state when the whole world, as a result of his work, achieves the Final Correction. It is true that there is still no peace and perfection in the world - this is part of his fault. But he no longer needs such reminders, or to have such a compelling and cruel force act on him.

M. Laitman: No, this is not an insurance policy, absolutely not. Kabbalah is a method by which both man and humanity achieve perfect, eternal life. But there is no insurance until the end of the road is reached, since the forces that move people towards an absolutely good state are the forces of evil. This is how we feel them.

Sh. Atia: So Kabbalah does not provide us with physical protection from interference?

M. Laitman: Kabbalah does not provide a person with physical protection from misfortunes, evil forces and great suffering. But, nevertheless, to the extent that a person agrees to go along with the Force that develops him and even wants to forestall it, he, of course, prevents Its influence on himself in the manifestation of evil.

Sh. Atia: Is it possible to divide the essence of a person into two parts: the first part is physical, over which we have no power - this is obvious, and the spiritual part, which must be developed on our own initiative and on our own in the process of awareness. But there is another part in which, thanks to spiritual awareness, a person can speed up the pace of his life: instead of going through suffering for a hundred years, go through it in a year?

M. Laitman: Of course, you can complete them in a year and without suffering!

Sh. Atia: How does this happen in practice? Is reality changing?

M. Laitman: Our reality should not change, because in our life it belongs to the inanimate level. But our internal development becomes rapid, and then there is no need to stretch it out over hundreds of years.

Sh. Atia: You say that today Kabbalah is accessible to man. He just has to get closer and take it, rather than wait the 500 years it took for it to be discovered before he can start using it. Just like a person with a headache does not need to learn medicine, but simply take the medicine, reducing the time?

M. Laitman: Yes.

Sh. Atia: If we assume a scale of life in which spiritual development is at the highest place, and animal desires are at the lowest, and a person, at one of his life stages, feels that he wants to study Kabbalah, this puts him closer or further from the goal. ..

M. Laitman: This just puts him in the zero position, and then he begins the journey.

Sh. Atia: That is, a person’s spiritual life begins from the moment when he wants to reveal the Higher Power. And before that, he is no different from other living, upright creatures around him.

M. Laitman: No different at all.

Sh. Atia: To summarize, can we say that the cruel environment in which we find ourselves is, on the part of the Creator, ready soil for maturation?

M. Laitman: He created a bad environment in order to use the forces surrounding each of us to push us towards development.

Sh. Atia: So that good can sprout from evil?

M. Laitman: Yes. And if instead of a bad environment I find a good one, then thanks to it I develop faster... That's all.

And that is why it is written in the article “Freedom of Choice” that a person has no other means than to choose a good environment.