During the war years, in Ukraine occupied by the Nazis, there was a rumor about the Soviet cavalry military unit, which, with its swift raids, terrified the German garrisons of many cities. Once horsemen in army uniforms suddenly appeared near Vinnitsa near Hitler's headquarters. The Nazis thought it was a Soviet landing. There was such a commotion that the echo reached Berlin and Moscow. The Fuhrer was forced to postpone his visit to Ukraine.

Stalin ordered intelligence to find out what kind of brave man he was. When he was soon informed about the cavalry partisan formation, which was created by the former encirclement Captain Naumov, the leader exclaimed: “Not Captain Naumov! The captain couldn't do it. General Naumov! Prepare documents... »

“In the swamps of Belarus, instead of salt, we had to sprinkle food with ... mineral fertilizers”

My partisan biography is probably typical of many of those who fought in the first months of the war and were surrounded, - recalls Piotr Zhudra. - In June 1941, I was a lieutenant, served as a platoon commander of an artillery battery. Then, at the border, we gave the Germans a light. Then they received the order to retreat. Near Uman, the shells ran out, we were surrounded by the enemy. I had to put the guns out of action and get out of the "cauldron" light.

It was not possible to cross the front line. For five days and nights I went to the Zhytomyr region to my native Belaya Krinitsa. I didn’t go to my parents right away - I was afraid that someone would find out and betray the officer’s family.

The comrades of youth told that the police brutally tortured the worker of the glass factory Avoskin, a harmless, illiterate Jew with many children. We decided to avenge an innocent soul. And for all our desecrated land. This decision was supported by my sister Nadya (who later died in the Gestapo) and other guys. The group gradually grew.

Anything has happened, of course. There were successes and failures due to lack of experience or betrayal. And yet ... The enemy bullet will not reach - so scurvy. And I had to starve. But they suffered especially when there was no salt. For her handful, they were ready to give a gun or even boots. Once the scouts found in the field a bunch of old, still pre-war, mineral fertilizers. They tasted salty. Barley grain was boiled in a kettle and sprinkled with fertilizers. I really wanted salt

“The shot coward, because of whom the comrades died, turned out to be ... a relative of Beria”

Together with us, a battalion of Armenians and a platoon of Yugoslavs fought against the Nazis, who went over to the side of the partisans, - - continues the story of Pyotr Vasilyevich. - With the Yugoslavs, by the way, after the war there was an interesting case. I already worked in Radomyshl as a school principal. Suddenly - a phone call from Moscow: "Peter Vasilievich, I am an employee of the Yugoslav Embassy in the USSR, I will be in Kyiv on such and such dates, could you drive up and meet with me, tell me how our Yugoslav comrades fought? .. "And in those years, relations between our countries were strained. All this puzzled me. Arriving in Kyiv, I went to consult Naumov. Mikhail Ivanovich brought me to the officers of the sixth department of the MGB of Ukraine. “It is necessary to meet with an employee of the embassy,” the KGB agents said. - Tell us how well his fellow countrymen fought. But in no case do not name names, addresses.

That's exactly what I did. A man who identified himself as an employee of the embassy, ​​and later called, kept asking if we were corresponding with anyone. But he didn't get anything from me. Naumov told me that, most likely, some of them were later recruited by Soviet intelligence. And when relations between the countries deteriorated, they were searched for by the counterintelligence of the SFRY.

At first, your detachment was part of the Kyiv partisan formation, commanded by Ivan Khitrichenko, also a well-known personality. And how did you get to Naumov?

Yes, Ivan Alexandrovich was brave, smart person with a very dramatic fate. Once he ordered to shoot a coward who abandoned his post when he saw the approaching punishers, did not warn us and fled on horseback. Several partisans were killed.

And a couple of years later, when I fought at the front again, I was unexpectedly summoned to a special department of the army headquarters. I look - three well-groomed colonels are sitting in the room. “We are from the inspection of the NKVD of the USSR. Do you know Khitrichenko? they ask. - “Yes, I answer, I know ...” - “Remember the battle near the village of Lipniki, after which such and such was shot? Do you think Khitrichenko did the right thing?” “No,” I say, “wrong!” The colonels got up. “This reptile should not have been shot, but hanged!” I am clarifying my position.

They let me go. But that story continued after the war, when Khitrichenko began working as the chief of police in Kyiv.

The executed traitor turned out to be a relative of Lavrenty Beria himself! my former commander summoned to him in Moscow. And Ivan Alexandrovich did not return home from there - he was imprisoned without even saying how many years they gave. For ten years, Naumov and other comrades have been seeking justice! Mikhail Ivanovich had a lot of trouble because of this. After all, he served in the same system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ... But he always remained such a person: if you need to help out a comrade in trouble, he did not think about himself.

Our paths with Naumov first crossed in 1943, when his unit arrived near Kyiv. I saw a real army general! Its fighters and commanders were also dressed in military uniform, all with ranks, with shoulder straps, army bearing, iron discipline ... And the whole formation - on horseback or on carts - struck the enemy with lightning speed and just as quickly left. And I was also an officer. And my soul ached, asked to Naumov.

“During the retreat, one old man gave his father a book by Denis Davydov”

For the first time, dad came to Ukraine back in the 30s, during military service- says the daughter of General Naumov Galina Mikhailovna. - There, in Shostka, he met his mother. In 1937 Slavik was born to them - our elder brother. Mom said he saved her life. Thanks to her pregnancy, her father was not sent to Kolyma to guard the Gulag camps. And there the climate and living conditions were so terrible that not only children, but many adult women did not survive!

Before the war, my father graduated from a border school and served in Kyiv. But he did not like the cabinet "parquet" service, he asked to go to the border. He obviously knew that a war would begin. For about a month before June 22, he sent his mother and Slavik to Shostka. Mom already carried me under her heart. And, saying goodbye in Lvov at the station, dad threw the phrase: “And we will meet in Berlin!” He, the poor man, thought that the war would be short-lived. Many military men thought so. When the Germans were already on the Left Bank of Ukraine and my mother turned to the military registration and enlistment office so that she, as the wife of an officer, could be helped to evacuate, she was called an alarmist.

On the way to Russia, a train with evacuated women, children and old people was bombed. Only two carriages survived, in one of which mother and Slavik, grandmother and five more relatives rode. Mom says that the pilot regretted it. The first German plane clearly laid bombs on the wagons. The second was approaching, and they waited for their fate. But "their" plane flew by without firing, and dropped bombs on the forest. And there were people among the Germans.

In the evacuation, a pregnant mother and a horde of relatives - only eight people - no one wanted to take on board. A certain drunkard Semyonovna took pity.

On November 16, 1941, I was born. On this day, the Panfilov division stopped the Germans near Moscow. And my mother received a message that her husband was missing. It was like a funeral. Mom went to a fortuneteller: “Your husband will return in splendor and glory. On a silver bird will fly ... "

Dad actually flew to us for the first time in 1943 by plane! Mom saw him and fainted. After all, she cried out all the tears. And they got it! Baked beets were considered the biggest delicacy. Once, after the war, when times were better, my parents and Slavik went to visit. On the table are various treats, expensive sweets. “Slavik, eat sweets,” says the hostess. But Slavik does not take. The hostess puts a candy beside him. He took it and put it in his pocket. And he quietly said: “For Gali ...”

“Of the men of the Naumov family, one father survived”

And Galya was a real military child, - Valeria Mikhailovna, the youngest daughter of General M.I. Naumov, enters into the conversation. - The tiny baby seemed to feel that the family did not live in their own house, did not make a sound or squeak, for two months lay silently, quietly, quietly in a blanket on two chairs. Until one day she flipped over and fell. Then a relative, Uncle Seryozha, made a cradle. By the way, he worked at a military factory. He brought home pieces of flannel, which he wrapped around the body under his shirt, in order to carry him out of the checkpoint. From that flannel, my mother sewed diapers for Galya. And she cried. After all, dad was considered dead for a long time. By the way, three of his brothers and five cousins ​​and second cousins ​​did not return from the war - all men of the Naumov family!

In forty-one, my father fought back. He led a column of fighters and officers. In front of the bridge over the Prut, he was stopped by a demolition worker: it was impossible to enter the bridge, an order had been received to blow it up. “But not all people have crossed over, wait a bit!” - ordered the father. He disagreed: German tanks close!" And then a sniper hit the miner. When last soldier crossed, the father decided to blow up the bridge himself. But he's not a bomber! In a word, the explosion occurred before it was possible to go to a safe distance, and the bridge structures collapsed on the pope. How he didn't die is a miracle.

And then, when our people were walking through some village and people were bringing them a pot of milk, some a piece of bread, one elderly man of an intelligent appearance handed his father a book: “Take it, son. This is your future ... ”That was the book of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Denis Davydov.

After the war, life threw our family everywhere, - continues the story of Galina Mikhailovna Naumova. - Kyiv, Moscow (where dad studied at the academy), Chernivtsi, Tilsit, Kaliningrad region, Leningrad. Alas, the local climate had a bad effect on the health of the parents undermined by the war. Yes, we got sick a lot. The authorities offered my father a choice of two places of service - in Moscow, the head of the famous MUR at 38 Petrovka, or the position of almost a deputy minister in Kyiv.

And although dad could make a decision himself, he had a cool character (mother said that the war made him that way, he used to be softer), but sometimes he consulted with his family. “Is there sun in Ukraine?” - asked little Lera, who grew up under the gloomy sky of the Baltic. - “Yes, daughter, it’s warm and sunny there, and apples grow ...” - Mom smiled. So we ended up in Kyiv.

It was somewhere in 1951-1952. Yes, until Stalin's death! Because when Stalin died, my father had to take part in the liquidation of the Beria coup. Beria had his people everywhere. And when the party and state leaders were faced with the choice of who to go with - with Beria or Khrushchev, in Ukraine, as elsewhere, anarchy reigned, probably for several days, everyone was at a loss. And the father had to fulfill the duties of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

"Father was the youngest general after Vasily Stalin"

Father did not feel much reverence for those in power, - continues the story of Galina Mikhailovna. - He had good business relations with Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, whom his father had known since the war. In general, he did not like the elite. He often called party and statesmen snobs, fenced off from the people with blue fences. He once threw the last phrase from the rostrum of the session of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, of which he was a deputy. All a little kondrashka was not enough.

From closed shops and other benefits for the elite, the father refused. Used only the clinic. Despite shell shock and wounds, he did not have the status of a war invalid, because he was treated in a detachment, but certificates from hospitals were needed. Only once he was taken by plane to Moscow, where he lay in the Kremlin hospital with a severe sore throat.

And how painfully after the war my father was restored to the party! After all, in the environment, the party card had to be destroyed along with other documents. And to him, the general, the Hero, the district committee Khlyusts asked the notorious stupid question: “How did you get surrounded and why didn’t you shoot yourself?”

Some of the partisan elite and the Central Committee treated my father with a certain jealousy, considering him almost an upstart in the partisan movement. After all, Naumov was not appointed by the party, he himself became a partisan, and, having joined his first detachment after being surrounded, his father fought as an ordinary soldier for some time, until the commander and comrades made sure that Naumov was really a military officer, he could lead people. He himself liked to brag: "After Vasily Stalin, I am the youngest general." Despite the fact that he was a little over thirty during the war, the partisans called him Batya. He was a very responsible person.

The Pope did not always know how to be a diplomat. Sometimes he could say harshly. And more than once in the Central Committee slander fell on him. If it were not for the personal intervention of N. S. Khrushchev and V. V. Shcherbitsky, who said at the Plenum of the Central Committee: “Naumov is the honor and pride of Ukraine, I will never give him offense!”, Papa would have had much more trouble.

Father liked to communicate more with his partisan friends. He was friends with the Hero of the Soviet Union writer Yuri Zbanatsky, often met with the Hero of the Soviet Union, the commander of the partisan unit named after S. A. Kovpak Pyotr Vershigora. "Nadya, how do you live with this devil?" Pyotr Petrovich asked his mother when his father used to explode. The character of the father was cool. But he quickly left. He was able to admit he was wrong. Once, when I was already an adult and lived separately, we had a big fight with him, and I left. In the morning, the doorbell rings. I open it - on the threshold is my father with a basket of strawberries. Came to reconcile.

Actually, he was very sociable person loved the youth. It used to be that the whole class or student group would fill up our spacious apartment on holidays. And dad endured our cheerful mess. He will sit with us for a while, and then he retires to the office. “You only then remove everything so that mom does not oversleep ...” - he asked me.

Mikhail Ivanovich was often surrounded by beautiful women... Was Nadezhda Trofimovna jealous?

You know, women inspired dad. He even changed the modulation of his voice. Mom reacted calmly to this. “This is Naumov, what do you want!” She knew that her father loved her and the children more than anyone. He raised us, I think, correctly. Slavik, when money was needed, did not ask for it from the father-general, but went to unload the wagons. And once he went to Taimyr to hunt deer - they made good money there. In a word, an independent man. He graduated from the Faculty of Thermal Power Engineering of KPI, worked at a motorcycle factory. But from childhood he had a passion for cars, and when the construction of the Volga Automobile Plant began, he left with his family for Togliatti. It lives there to this day.

I graduated from medical school, worked as a general practitioner, and was in charge of a polyclinic. By the way, my dad tried to deal with my employment after college. He knew Academician Amosov and asked Nikolai Mikhailovich to take me to his institute. “Surgery is not a woman’s business,” advised Amosov. “Especially with us…”

And I went to Kazakhstan. And Lera graduated from the defectological faculty of the Kyiv Pedagogical Institute, worked in a special school where she taught sick children. Now our element - grandchildren.

A public biography is most often a boring thing, especially if it is written in a dry, encyclopedic style. Even if this is a biography of the Hero of the Soviet Union, that is, a person who has accomplished a real feat worthy of any blockbuster. But today we have a rare opportunity not to be limited to mean lines of text. This photo archive is published for the first time, with the permission of the family of Mikhail Ivanovich Naumov. A man who met the war on the border, the commander of one of the largest partisan formations, who received embroidered shoulder straps and a Gold Star for the only partisan raid in the history of the steppe regions.

This raid, of course, was not the only one. Until the winter of 1941, the war drove Naumov to the East. From the winter of 1942, Naumov drove the war back to the place of their first meeting. And he achieved his goal by going out with his fighters to the territory of the Lublin Voivodeship of Poland, passing 1045 km in the Western raid. and 72 combat and sabotage operations. For this, the war took nine of his brothers ...

In the first part, I will post photos regarding the period from admission to military service and until 1945. Among these pictures there are both unique shots from partisan life, as well as everyday, portrait photos of General Naumov in different places, in different time and under different circumstances. On the advice of a former friend - pictures without any watermarks there, with love for people. In high resolution, they are in the gallery on my page. But when using - link required.

There was a civilian, but he became a cadet of the Gomel military school.

"Gomel 12 / VIII - 32. Beloved girl and to the best friend Nadia" .

Young, handsome and a great hairdo.

1933 The identity of the man in the cap, as well as the young ladies with pheasants, has not been established.

with the same prize. A hole in place of Comrade. Yezhov was formed after everything became completely clear with him in 1939.

The caption under the top photo was very catchy: it seems to be a boy at all, small. And his fate is already written...

"It's cold in January - Vanka the Platoon is going on vacation" . But, of course, this was not always the case. It is curious that even on vacation on the Black Sea coast, the officer is dressed as in the ranks.

But in the 38th year, some officers could afford a white suit :)

December 4, 1940, pom. head of the training unit of the encirclement schools of the MNS of the Border Troops of the Ukrainian SSR. This is how he met the war. Immediately before the twentieth of June, another military rank- captain.

Partisans of the Sumy region. According to Mikhail Ivanovich himself, after a long journey through the German rear, when he finally managed to find the partisans, he had to start as an ordinary fighter. This simple and correct approach acted later and in connection with the entire history of its existence.

May 1942, Khinel forests. Partisan detachment "Chervony" (Esmansky). Sitting: Degtyar Terenty (commissar), Naumov M. (commander), ..., Lukashov M .. Ivanov L., Buyanov V.,. Standing: Usachov (team), Rozhkov, Obraztsov, Kamanek, Goncharov, Vasin, Filchenko, .. Pokamistov, ...

The first and last page of the letter home, stamped with military censorship. Simple and soulful words. It’s even embarrassing to imagine how the counterintelligence officers blacked out some lines, it seems to be understandable, but somehow ... not humanly, or something.

Certificate of Hero of the Soviet Union. For the Steppe raid, Mikhail Naumov received a Star and an extraordinary rank, immediately becoming a general. The case is unique. But most of all he valued Courage.

Annotation board in Kyiv
Memorial sign in Sumy
Memorial sign in Novograd-Volynsky district

H aumov Mikhail Ivanovich - one of the leaders partisan movement in Ukraine, chief of staff of the operational group of partisan detachments in the Sumy region; commander of a partisan cavalry formation.

Born on October 3 (16), 1908 in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova, now the Bolshesonovsky District of the Perm Territory, into a peasant family. Russian. Since 1927, he worked as a pipe fitter at a coal mine in the Perm region, then as a propagandist and secretary of the Komsomol district committee, deputy chairman of the district consumer union. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1928.

In 1930 he began serving in the Border Troops of the OGPU of the USSR. He was a Red Army soldier, a cadet of the school of junior commanders of the 23rd regiment of the OGPU troops in the city of Shostka (Sumy region). He graduated from the military chemical school in the city of Gomel (Belarus) and served as the head of the chemical service of the NKVD regiment. In 1937 he graduated from the Higher Border School in Moscow. In 1938 he was appointed company commander of the 4th motorized rifle regiment. internal troops in Kyiv. Since 1940 - commander of the training battalion of the border troops in the city of Chernivtsi.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Senior Lieutenant M.I. Naumov was the head of the combat training department of the headquarters of the 94th Skolensky border detachment of the troops of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR in the city of Skola, Drogobych region. In the first days of the war, he was surrounded, was wounded and left to be treated by local residents. From July 1941 until January 1, 1942 he was in the occupied territory, after recovering he walked from the city of Galich to the Khinel forests in the Oryol region.

In January 1942, M.I. Naumov established contact with the partisans of the Chervony district of the Sumy region and became an ordinary soldier, and after a short time - the commander of a partisan detachment group. From October 1942 to January 1943 - chief of staff of the operational group of partisan detachments in the Sumy region.

In January 1943, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the CP(b)U and in accordance with the order of the head of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, four detachments and three groups subordinated to the Sumy underground regional committee of the CP(b)U and the regional headquarters of the partisan movement were allocated for independent combat operations. Of these, a cavalry partisan formation was created with personnel 650 people. M.I. Naumov was appointed commander of this new formation of partisan detachments.

M.I. Naumov’s unit was tasked with carrying out a raid from the Khinel forests to the southern regions of the Sumy region, paralyzing the movement of enemy trains in the Sumy-Konotop, Sumy-Kharkov sections, and then reaching the right bank of the Dnieper to conduct military operations in the Kirovograd region.

On February 1, 1943, an equestrian partisan formation under the command of M.I. Naumov set out on a raid from the Fatezh region of the Kursk region. For 65 days of the raid, the formation passed through the temporarily occupied territory of Sumy, Poltava, Kharkov, Kirovograd, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Kyiv, Zhytomyr regions of Ukraine and the Polessye region of Belarus for almost 2400 kilometers, conducted 47 combat and sabotage operations; the most characteristic of them are Yunkovo-Sumskaya, Shevchenkovskaya, Andreevskaya. As a result of the fighting, hundreds of Nazi soldiers and officers were destroyed, as well as a lot of military equipment.

At by order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 7, 1943 for military services to the Motherland in organizing the partisan movement in Ukraine, Naumov Mikhail Ivanovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the medal " Golden Star"(No. 924).

For the successful conduct of the Steppe raid, M.I. Naumov in April 1943 was awarded the military rank of Major General. He became one of the youngest generals in the army, and the case of conferring the rank of general to a senior lieutenant is generally unique.

After the raid, the formation of partisan detachments went to the Khrapuni region of the Polessye region of Belarus, where it was reorganized, rearmed and prepared for further hostilities. The unit commander M.I. Naumov flew to Moscow for treatment.

The raid into the southern steppe regions of Ukraine, carried out by a partisan formation under the command of M.I. Naumov, was of great political importance for organizing the struggle of the local population against the invaders.

In June 1943, the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement set a new task for M.I.

During the period of the second raid from July 12 to December 22, 1943, the partisan formation of M.I. Naumov passed almost 2500 kilometers behind enemy lines. It crossed 23 rivers, among them: Pripyat, Ubort, Sluch, Teterev. Conducted 186 combat operations. The most prominent of them are Rachkovskaya and Emilchinskaya in the Zhytomyr region, where many enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed, weapons, ammunition, and food were seized. The union grew from 355 to 1975 people.

In December 1943, the formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov in the area of ​​​​Gorodnitsa merged with units of the Red Army.

Being in the liberated territory, the unit was understaffed and rearmed. After a short rest, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine and the order of the head of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, the formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. On January 21, 1944, the partisans launched the third raid. Advancing with battles behind enemy lines, the unit passed through the territory of the Rivne, Ternopil, Drohobych, Lvov regions of Ukraine and the Lublin province of Poland, conducted 72 combat and sabotage operations. On March 22, 1944, a formation of partisan detachments under the command of M.I. Naumov met with units of the Red Army.

In total, during the war years, Major General M.I. Naumov led three raids of his cavalry unit, during which about 10 thousand kilometers were covered behind enemy lines, 366 battles were major operations, destroyed several thousand German and Hungarian soldiers, as well as policemen and Bandera.

After the war, M.I. Naumov continued his military service. In 1945 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov. He was the head of the border troops of the Pacific border district, then served in the Baltic states. In 1953 - Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, from November 1953 to 1960 - Head of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian USSR, took part in the elimination of combat formations of Ukrainian nationalists. Since 1960 - in reserve.

He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR of the 4th-5th convocations, a delegate of the 16th and 21st congresses of the Communist Party of Ukraine. He was a member of the Writers' Union.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Bohdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree, Orders of the Patriotic War 1st degree, Red Star, medals.

Streets in the cities of Kyiv, Perm, Nesterov, Lviv region, the village of Bolshaya Sosnova, Perm Territory, as well as a patrol ship of the Internal Troops, are named after M.I. Naumov Russian Federation. His name is engraved on commemorative sign"To the border guards of all times" in the city of Sumy (Ukraine).

Khinel campaigns. M., 1954;
Steppe raid. Kyiv, 1961;
Western raid. Kyiv, 1985.

Wikipedia: Mikhail Ivanovich Naumov (October 3, 1908, the village of Bolshaya Sosnova - February 8, 1974, Kyiv) - head of the partisan formation in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War, Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union (03/07/1943).
Naumov Mikhail Ivanovich was born on October 3, 1908 in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova, now the Bolshesonovsky district of the Perm Territory, in a family of peasants.
From the age of 18 he worked at the mine in the city of Kizel as a pipe fitter.
In 1928 he joined the ranks of the CPSU (b). He proved to be a skilled party organizer.
In 1929 he became the secretary of the Maikorsky district committee of the Komsomol of the Verkhne-Kama district; transferred to the village of Bolshaya Sosnova as deputy chairman of the district consumer union.
In 1930 he was called up for active service in the troops of the OGPU. He began his service in the 23rd regiment in the city of Shostka, Sumy region, as a junior commander and secretary of the party organization of the division.
In 1932-1933 he studied at the military-chemical school of the OGPU troops in the city of Gomel.
In 1933-1934 he was the head of the chemical service of the 21st regiment of the OGPU troops and the secretary of the party organization of the regiment headquarters (Tula city). Then service in the Tula region.
In 1935-1937 he was a student at the Higher Border School in Moscow.
Since 1937 - company commander of the 4th motorized rifle regiment (Kyiv). In the same year, the son Vladislav was born.
From 1939 to July 1941 - in officer positions in the city of Mogilev-Podolsky, Vinnitsa region, in the city of Lesko, Lvov region, in the 93rd border detachment, in the city of Lvov - assistant to the head of the educational unit of the district school of the junior command staff of the border troops of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR. Then - the city of Chernivtsi, the city of Skole, Drohobych region.
Great Patriotic War found senior lieutenant Naumov in the 94th border detachment. According to the report on irretrievable losses org. combat department 3rd department of the NKVD on 12/21/1942, head of the 2nd department of the 94th border detachment, senior lieutenant Naumov went missing.
From the first days of the war, he was appointed head of the rearguard of the 13th mountain rifle corps with the rank of captain.
In July 1941, in the battles for the crossing of the Dniester in the city of Galich, he was shell-shocked, with part of the detachment cut off from his unit, making his way to the east.
At the end of 1941, he managed to contact the Sumy partisans and proceed to active operations against the invaders, first as an ordinary soldier of the Chervony partisan detachment, then as a commander of a combat group.
At the beginning of 1942, he was elected chief of staff of the association of partisan detachments in the Khinel forests zone. At the same time he commanded his detachment.
From October 1942 to January 1943 - the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement was appointed chief of staff of the partisan detachments of the Sumy region.
In January 1943, he led the formation of partisan detachments of Chervonoy, Konotop, Yampolsky, Nedrigailovsky, Kharkov named after Kotovsky, Kirovograd named after Khrushchev.
In February - April 1943, the partisan cavalry unit conducted a Steppe raid on the rear of the enemy across the territory of Kursk, Sumy, Poltava, Kirovograd, Odessa, Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr, Kyiv regions, ending it in the Pinsk region of the BSSR, having completed a march of 2379 km in 65 days.
For this military operation By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 7, 1943, Mikhail Ivanovich Naumov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.
For the successful conduct of the Steppe raid M.I. On April 9, 1943, Naumov was awarded the military rank of major general. He became one of the youngest generals in the army, and the case of awarding the rank of captain to the general is unique.
In addition to other operations, during the war years he led three large-scale raids, including from June to December 1943 a raid on the Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions, having fought about 2,500 km behind enemy lines.
From January to March 1944 - Khrushchev, Western raid on the Rivne, Volyn, Drogobych, Lvov, Ternopil regions and the territory of the Lublin Voivodeship of Poland, having fought 1045 km, having carried out 72 combat and sabotage operations. In the Western Raid alone, about 2,000 people fought as part of eight permanent partisan detachments. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR on March 30, 1944, the formation was awarded the Honorary Red Banner of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR, the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b)U for exemplary performance of combat missions.
In 1944-1945 he graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Higher Military Academy named after K.E. Voroshilov in Moscow, after graduation he was appointed deputy commander of the 26th Guards rifle division 11th Army in the city of Tilsit, East Prussia (now the city of Sovetsk, Kaliningrad Region).
Since 1946 - head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chernivtsi region.
In 1947 he was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR for the Kelmenets constituency of the Chernivtsi region.
1951-1953 - Deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Leningrad and the Leningrad Region.
Since 1953 - Acting Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, since March - Head of the Department of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
In 1960 he retired from the reserve. Lived in Kyiv. He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR IV and V convocations, a delegate of the XVI and XXI congresses of the Communist Party of Ukraine. He was a member of the Writers' Union.
Died February 8, 1974. He was buried at the Baikove cemetery in Kyiv...

HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION (1943) MIKHAIL NAUMOV - A LIEUTENANT WHO BECAME A GENERAL. Once in the occupied territory in the summer of 1941, the wounded Art. Lieutenant Mikhail Naumov began his war against the invaders. At first he was an ordinary partisan detachment of the Chervony district of the Sumy region (in January 1942), but fifteen months later he was awarded the rank of major general.

He became one of the youngest senior officers, moreover, he made an incredible and one of a kind military career. Such a high rank corresponded to the size of the partisan unit led by Naumov. This happened after the famous 65-day raid with a length of almost 2400 kilometers across Ukraine to the Belarusian Polissya, as a result of which German rear were pretty bleak. During the war years, Mikhail Naumov: Three times he led the raids of his cavalry unit. Passed through enemy rear lines for about 10,000 kilometers. Conducted 366 major operations and battles. Destroyed several thousand Bandera, policemen, as well as Hungarian and German soldiers.

Mikhail Ivanovich Naumov was born in the village of Bolshaya Sosnova in 1908. Since 1927, the young man worked at a coal mine (Perm Region) as a pipe fitter. Then he worked as a secretary of the Komsomol, a propagandist, deputy chairman of the district consumer union. Since 1928 he joined the CPSU party. In 1930, Mikhail Naumov went to the border troops of the OGPU of the USSR. He studied at the school of junior commanders in the city of Shostka. He joined the ranks of the Red Army. After graduating from the military chemical school, he was appointed head of the NKVD regiment. In 1937 he completed his studies at the Moscow border school. In 1938 he became commander of the 4th motorized rifle regiment in Kyiv. In 1940 he headed the training battalion of the border troops (the city of Chernivtsi).

The head of the 94th Skolensky border detachment - this is the position that Mikhail Naumov held at the beginning of the war. The Second World War took the future general by surprise. In the first days of hostilities, he was surrounded and was wounded. Mikhail had to stay with local residents to recover. For the next six months, the young man lived in the occupied lands. And after recovering, he went to the Khinel forests in the Oryol region. At the beginning of 1942, Mikhail Naumov went to the partisans of the Chervonoy district (Sumy region). He joined the detachment as an ordinary fighter, and after some time became the commander of the unit. Then the future general headed the center of the operational composition of the partisan detachments.

In the photo: May 1942, Khinel forests. Partisan detachment "Chervony" (Esmansky). Sitting: Degtyar Terenty (commissar), Naumov M. (commander), ..., Lukashov M .. Ivanov L., Buyanov V.,. Standing: Usachov (command.), Rozhkov, Obraztsov, Kamanek, Goncharov, Vasin, Filchenko, .. Pokamistov, ... At the beginning of 1943, by order of the chief who headed the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, and on the instructions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) of Ukraine There were three groups and four squads. Of these, a cavalry unit of 650 people was formed. The new division of partisan groups was headed by Mikhail Naumov. Several tasks were assigned to his cavalry detachment: to carry out a raid into the southern outskirts of the Sumy region, to eliminate the movement of enemy trains in the sections of Sumy - Kharkov and Sumy - Konotop. And the ultimate goal is to conduct a military operation in the Kirovograd region.

In the photo: A group of Ukrainian partisans from M.I. Naumov. In February 1943, headed by M.I. Naumov, a cavalry unit of partisans went on a raid from the Fatezh region (Kursk region). For 65 days of raids, they traveled almost 2,400 kilometers through several occupied territories of Zhytomyr, Kyiv, Vinnitsa, Odessa, Kirovograd, Kharkov, Poltava, Sumy regions of Ukraine, as well as in the Polessye region of Belarus. The cavalry unit conducted 47 sabotage and combat operations. The most significant of them were Andreevskaya, Shevchenkovskaya and Yunkovo-Sumskaya. As a result of hostilities, many units of army equipment were destroyed, as well as hundreds German officers and soldier. In March 1943, for military services to the country in organizing the partisan movement, Mikhail Naumov received the Gold Star medal, as well as the Order of Lenin. Well, and, of course, he was awarded the title of Hero of the USSR. Mikhail Ivanovich was also awarded for a successfully carried out steppe raid. In April 1943 he became a major general. Naumov turned out to be almost the youngest military man with a similar title. And in general, his assignment to a senior lieutenant can be called a unique case. After the raid, partisan detachments went to the Khrapuni region (Polesye region, Belarus). There, the fighters rearmed, reformed and prepared for further military operations. And the commander of the formation M.I. Naumov had to fly to Moscow for treatment. It is worth noting that the raid into the southern steppe lands of Ukraine carried out by partisan detachments under the command of Mikhail Ivanovich was of great political importance. First of all, in terms of organizing the struggle of local residents against the invaders.

In mid-1943, the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement set a new task for Naumov's unit: the fighters were to carry out a raid on the Zhytomyr and Kyiv regions. And then move to the Kirovograd lands for a new battle. The second raid lasted from July 12 to December 22. The partisan unit of the hero of this article traveled about 2,500 kilometers along the rear of the enemy. It crossed 23 rivers. The largest of them are: Teterev, Sluch, Ubort, Pripyat. Conducted 186 combat operations. The most significant were Emilchinskaya and Rachkovskaya in the Zhytomyr region. Many enemy officers and soldiers were destroyed there, as well as food, ammunition, and weapons were seized. The number of Mikhail Ivanovich's unit increased from 355 to 1975 partisans. In December 1943, Naumov's detachments merged with the troops of the Red Army in the Gorodnitsa region. Being in the liberated territory, the partisan unit was rearmed and understaffed. After a short rest, the detachments received a new order from the chief of the Ukrainian headquarters. Under the command of Naumov, they were supposed to go to the Drohobych region to conduct military operations. In January 1944, the partisans made their third raid. Advancing with battles behind enemy lines, the detachments passed through the territory of the Lvov, Drohobych, Ternopil, Rivne regions of Ukraine, as well as the Lublin Voivodeship (Poland). The unit conducted 72 sabotage and combat operations. In March 1944, Naumov's unit met with the Red Army. It is worth noting that Mikhail Ivanovich was the only organizer of the partisan cavalry unit in Ukraine. Naumov preferred maneuver warfare. Therefore, raids became his element. He repeatedly criticized the partisan commanders, who from 1941 to 1944 were based only in marshy and wooded areas, avoiding raids on the flat areas.