As a rule, it is a good idea to start learning foreign languages ​​from the very basics, i.e. from the alphabet and reading rules. The German language is no exception. German alphabet, like English, is based on the Latin alphabet, but it also has some differences that you need to know.

So, German alphabet contains 26 letters. A distinctive feature is considered to be umlauts (vowel letters with dots, for example: Ä-ä, Ü-ü, Ö-ö) and the ligature ß. Visually it looks like this:

German alphabet pronunciation

Just knowing the alphabet is not enough, since in some combinations not all letters are read as they are written. Here are some solid rules for reading German:

Rules for reading individual letters:

s= [z] Before vowels. S ofa, s o, S onne
s= [s] At the end of a word/syllable. W as d as H aus
ß = [s] short Can't read like the double "s" in the word "cash"! gro ß , Fu ß ball, blo ß
h= [exhale] At the beginning of a word or syllable it is read as a slight exhalation. After the vowel is not read, but gives length to the vowel sound. H anna, h aben, h elfen, wo h in S eh en, ih m, B ah n h of
y= ["soft"] Something between “u” and “yu” as in the word m yu if t y Pisch, G y mnastik
r= [“burry” p] At the beginning of a word or syllable. R enate R egel, R epublik, ge r adeaus
r= [a] At the end of a word or syllable. wi r, mi r,ve r Gessen, Zimme r
x= [ks] Te x t, bo x en
v= [f] In most cases. v iel, v erstehen, v or
v= [in] In borrowings. V erb V ase
w=[in] W o, w ir, W ohnung, W inter
c= [s] In borrowed words. C ity
c=[k] In borrowed words. C afe, C computer
ä = [e] As in the word " uh ra" H ä nde, kl ä ren
ö ["soft" about] As in the word "m" e d." K ö nnen, K ö ln, Ö sterreich
ü ["soft"] As in the word "m" yu sli." m ü de, m ü ssen, f ü nf

Longitude and shortness of vowels:

a, e, i, o, u, ä, ö, ü= , , , , , [ ɛː ], [ øː ] [ ] [: ] = longitudesound In an open or conditionally closed syllable (i.e., when the form of the word changes, the syllable can become open again). The length and shortness of a sound affects the meaning of a word! m a len, l e sen, Masch i ne, r o t,d u, g u t, sp ä t,b ö se, m ü de
ah,eh,ih,oh,uh, äh, öh, üh = [a:], [e:], [i:], [o:], [u:], [ɛː], [ øː] [ yː] [: ] = longitudesound W ah l, s eh en, ih n,w oh nen, K uh, Z ah ne, S Oh ne, fr uh
aa, ee, oo= , , [: ] = longitudesound S aal,S ee, B oo t

We read the following combinations like this:

ch= [hard "x"] Bu ch,ma ch en, la ch en
ch= [xx] Before "i" and "e". Ich, m ich, r ech ts
sch= [w] Sch ule, Ti sch, sch reiben
ck= [k] le ck er, Sche ck,
chs= [ks] se chs,wa chs en
ph= [f] Ph oto, Ph ysik
qu= [kv] Qu adrat, Qu elle
th= [t] Th eater Th ema
tsch= [h] Tsch echien, deu tsch
tion= [tsyon] Funk tion, Produk tion
pf= [pf] Pf erd, Pf ennig
sp= [shp] At the beginning of a word and syllable. Sp ort, sp rechen
st= [pcs] At the beginning of a word and syllable. St unde, ver st ehen
ng= [nasal n] The letter “g” is not readable, but the sound “n” is pronounced through the nose. Übu ng, bri ng en, si ng en
ig= [ugh] richt ig, wicht ig

Rules for reading diphthongs (double vowels)

ei= [ouch] m ei n, s ei n, Arb ei t, Ei
ai= [ouch] M ai, M ai n
ie= [and] long Br ie f, h ie r,
eu= [ouch] N eu, d eu tsch Eu ro
äu= [ouch] R äu me,H äu ser
au= [ay] H au s, br au n

Well, we’ve sorted out the reading rules a little. I would also like to give advice on pronunciation in German. But this is in other articles on our website.

Das Deutsche Alphabet für Kinder

But still, at a certain stage of learning any language, it is necessary to learn the alphabet. We will try to make this process more interesting for children!

German alphabet

Spelling and names of letters (namely letters, not the sounds they can convey in writing):

German letter Russian equivalent Transcription Examples

A a

A der A pfel (apple)
a rm (poor)
sch a ffen (create)

B b

bae der B us (bus)
b auen (to build)
sie b en (seven)

C c

tse die C hemie (chemistry)
a c ht (eight)
die C reme (cream)

D d

de der D ill (dill)
lei d en (to suffer)
das Lie d(song)

E e

uh der B e rg (mountain)
der Te e(tea)
g e rn (willingly)

F f

ef [εf] der F reund (friend)
die Hil f e (help)
fün f(five)

G g

ge g ut (good)
der Zu g(train)
we gg ehen (to leave)

H h

ha h aben (to have)
der H und (dog)
h undert (one hundred)

I i

And der I gel (hedgehog)
f i nden (to find)
mob i l (movable)

J j

yot der J ude (Jew)
j etzt (now)
j a (yes)

K k

ka der K amm (comb)
der Ro ck(skirt)
k lein (small)


el [εl] l aufen (to run)
der Himme l(sky)
die L ampe (lamp)


Em [εm] m alen (draw)
der M ensch (person)
der Bau m(tree)


en [εn] die N acht (night)
woh n e n(live)
n eu n(nine)

O o

O o ben (top)
die S o nne (sun)
als o(So)

P p

pe die P resse (press)
ti pp en (print)
die P flanze (plant)

Q q

ku die Q uelle (source)
der Q uark (cottage cheese)
der Q uatsch (nonsense)

R r

er [εr] r ufen (to call)
die Ki r sche (cherry)
hie r(Here)


es [εs] der S ohn (son)
intere ss ant (interesting)
wa s(What)

T t

te der T isch (table)
die T an t e (aunt)
das Bro t(bread)

U u

at die U hr (hours)
w u nderbar (wonderful)
gena u(exactly)


wow der V ater (father)
der Karne v al [-v-] (carnival)
der Ner v[-v] (nerve)

W w

ve w ollen (to wish)
der W ein (wine)
die W ohnung (apartment)

X x

X die He x e (witch)
die Ta x e (dachshund)
das Ma x imum (maximum)

Y y

upsilon d ynamisch (dynamic)
der Z y niker (cynic)
die Ph y sik (physics)

Z z

tset der Z oo (zoo)
sit z en (sit)
das Hol z(tree)

Ä ä **

and umlaut ä hnlich (similar)
der B ä r (bear)
der K ä se (cheese)

Ö ö **

o umlaut Ö sterreich (Austria)
l ö sen (to decide)
b ö se (angry)

Ü ü **

at umlaut ü blich (regular)
ü ber (over)
die T ü r (door)


Esset [s] der Fu ß (leg)
drau ß en (outside)
bei ß en (bite)

Poems about the German alphabet

A B C D E —
alle lutschen Schnee.
F G H I J —
dann schlecken sie Kompott.
K L M N O P —
der Bauch tut ihnen weh .
Qu R S T U —
sie legen sich zur Ruh.
V W X Y Z —
sie schnarchen um die Wett.

ABCDE > Lernen tut nicht weh
FGHIJ > Geht runter wie Kompott
KLMNO > Macht uns immer froh
PQRST > Schmeckt wie süsser Tee
UVWXYZ > so geht’s leicht mit dem Alphabet

so beginnt das ABC!
H und I und J und K,
jetzt ist die zweite Gruppe da !
L M N und O und P,
ich die dritte Gruppe seh!
Q und R und S und T,
immer noch kein End, o weh !
U und V und noch ein W,
bald kann ich ganz das ABC!
X and Y and Z,
ich kann es ganz, das Alphabet!

A ls ich das Licht nicht kannte,
B ang im Dunkeln rannte,
C hamäleonmäßig leben wollte,
D onner dennoch grolte,
E rlebte ich so manches Down,
Fünfzig Brücken wollt ich baun.
G anze vierzig brachen zusammen.
H äuser standen schon in Flammen.
I ch wusste nicht: Wohin soll ich gehn?
J emand muss mich doch verstehn.
K einer schien mir nah zu sein.
Lächeln, Lachen nur zum Schein.
M ochte mich selbst nicht leiden.
N ur noch Hass und Streitigkeiten.
O hne eine Hilfe, ohne einen Halt.
P robleme auf dem Rücken, fühlte mich alt.
Q uatsch geredet, ohne Sinn.
R uhig kamst du zu mir hin.
S treicheltest mein wirres Haar.
T röstetest mich wunderbar.
U nter deiner Vaterhand
V erlass ich jetzt das dürre Land.
W ohnst in mir, in meinem Herzen.
X Küsse, tausend helle Kerzen.
“Y ou are my Lord!”, das weiß ich nun.
Z eitlos will ich in deinen Armen ruhn.

Naturwirtschaftliches Alphabet

Im Ameis'haufen wimmelt es,
Der Aff' frisst nie Verschimmeltes.

Die Biene ist ein fleißig’ Tier,
Dem Bären kommt das spaßig für.

Die Ceder ist ein hoher Baum,
Oft schmeckt man die Citrone kaum.

Das wilde Dromedar man koppelt,
Der Dogge wächst die Nase doppelt.

Der Esel ist ein dummes Tier,
Der Elefant kann nichts dafür.

Im Süden fern die Feige reift,
Der Falk am Finken sich vergreift.

Die Gems' im Freien übernachtet,
Martini man die Gänse schlachtet.

Der Hopfen wächst an langer Stange,
Der Hofhund macht dem Wand'rer Bange.

Trau ja dem Igel nicht, er sticht,
Der Iltis ist auf Mord erpicht.

Johanniswürmchen freut uns sehr,
Der Jaguar weit weniger.

Den Kakadu man gern betrachtet,
Das Kalb man ohne weiter's schlachtet.

Die Lerche in die Lüfte steigt,
Der Löwe brüllt, wenn er nicht schweigt.

Die Maus tut niemand was zuleide,
Der Mops ist alter Damen Freude.

Die Nachtigall singt wunderschön,
Das Nilpferd bleibt zuweilen steh'n.

Der Orang-Utan ist possierlich,
Der Ochs benimmt sich unmanierlich.

Der Papagei hat keine Ohren,
Der Pudel ist meist halb geschoren.

Das Quarz sitzt tief im Berges-Schacht,
Die Quitte stiehlt man bei der Nacht.

Der Rehbock scheut den Büchsenknall,
Die Ratt' gedeihet überall.

Der Steinbock lange Horner hat,
Auch gibt es Schweine in der Stadt.

Die Turteltaube Eier legt,
Der Tapir nachts zu schlafen pflegt.

Die Unke schreit im Sumpfe kläglich,
Der Uhu schläft zwölf Stunden täglich.

Das Vieh sich auf der Weide tummelt,
Der Vampir nachts die Luft durchbummelt.

Der Walfisch stört des Herings Frieden,
Des Wurmes Lange ist verschieden.

Die Zwiebel ist der Juden Speise,
Das Zebra trifft man stellenweise.

German alphabet games

It will be very good if you play all the games with your child in German. Let these be the simplest sentences, but in German.

1. Draw a few letters on paper, and then, together with your child, draw their eyes, mouth, ears, hair, arms, legs, clothes. They can be turned into people or animals. The names of these creatures will be the names of the corresponding letters. Then the letters can participate in various scenes and visit each other. For example, you can play on the word “family” (Familie): let each letter be one of the family members, they will be dressed differently and of different sizes, and together they form the word family.

Examples of possible phrases:

  • Das sind unsere Buchstaben. Diese Buchstabe heiβt A und diese Buchstabe heiβt B (These are our letters. This letter is called A, and this letter is called Be)
  • Lass uns noch mit diesen Buchstaben kennenlernen. Wie heiβt du? Ich heiβe B. Sehr angenehem, B! Ich heiβe C. (Let's get to know these letters. What is your name? My name is Be. Very nice, Be. My name is Tse)
  • Guck mal! Diese Buchstabe ist wie ein Hase. (Look! This letter looks like a hare!)

2. You can also sculpt letters from plasticine (let, for example, funny colorful worms turn into letters), you can make crafts from paper and other materials.

3. You can buy letters with magnets, draw letters (just letters, words or whole sentences) on a magnetic board with a washable felt-tip pen, and then the child must put the corresponding letter in the right place on the board. The same can be done with paper and glue, fabric and Velcro.

4. The variety of word games with letters depends on the number of words the child knows in German. You can name each letter with your child in turn:

  • food
  • items in the house
  • body parts
  • objects on the street
  • animals, etc.

If a child is just learning words or doesn’t know how to spell them, name the words from this list yourself.

I offer you a list with tips. Friends! If anyone has ideas about what words can be entered in the empty fields, write in the comments... I’m running out of imagination :)

Letters Animals, birds, insects, fish Home, furniture, dishes Food Cloth
A Affe (monkey) Auto (car) Apfel (apple) Anzug (suit)
B Bär (bear) Bett (bed), Boden (floor), Bild (painting), Buch (book) Birne (pear), Banana (banana) Brot (bread) Butter (butter)
C Computer
D Dinosaurier (dinosaur) Dach (roof)
E Elefant (elephant), Enten (duck), Eisbär (polar bear), Elch (elk), Esel (donkey) Eisen (iron) Egg (egg), Eis (ice cream)
F Fuchs (fox), Flusspferd (hippopotamus), Fisch (fish), Frosch (frog) Fernseher (TV) Fenster (window) Fleisch (meat)Fisch (fish)
G Gans (goose), Girafe (giraffe) Garten (garden), Garage (garage) Gemüse (vegetables)
H Hund (dog), Hase (hare), Huhn (hen), Hahn (rooster) Haus (house), Herd (stove) Hemd (shirt)Handschuhe (gloves)Hose (pants)
J Jaguar (jaguar) Journal (magazine) Jacke (jacket), Jeans (jeans)
I Igel (hedgehog)
K Katze (cat), Kuh (cow) Kühlschrank (refrigerator) Kuchen (pie), Käse (cheese), Kartoffeln (potatoes), Karotten (markov) Kappe (cap), Kleid (dress)
L Löwe (lion), Leopard (leopard) Lampe (lamp)Löffel (spoon) Lemon
M Maus (mouse) Messer (knife)Mikrowelle (microwave) Milch (milk), Melone (melon) Mantel (coat), Mütze (hat)
N Nashorn (rhinoceros)
O Orange (orange), Obst (fruit)
P Pferd (horse), Panda (panda) Pfanne (frying pan) Pasta (pasta) Pelzmantel (fur coat)Pyjama (pajamas)
Q Quark (cottage cheese)
R Ratte (rat) Regal (shelf)Radio (radio) Reis (rice) Rock (skirt)
S Schwein (pig), Schildkröte (turtle), Schmetterling (butterfly), Schaf (sheep) Stuhl (chair)Sofa (sofa)Sessel (armchair)Schrank (wardrobe)

Spielzeug (toys)

Saft (juice)Salz (salt) Shorts (shorts)Socken (socks)Shuhe (shoes)Schal (scarf)

Stiefel (boots)

T Tiger (tiger) Tisch (table), Tür (door), Teppich (carpet) Tee (tea) T-Shirt
U Uhr (hours) Unterhose (briefs), Unterwäsche (underwear)
V Vogel (bird) Vorhänge (curtains)
W Wal (whale), Wolf (wolf) Wand (wall) Wasser (water) Wasserlemon (watermelon) Weintrauben (grapes)
Z Ziege (goat), Zebra (zebra) Zimmer (room), Zeitung (newspaper) Zucker (sugar), Zwiebeln (onion)
Ö Ol (oil)

The German alphabet was created on the basis of the Greco-Roman alphabet. It consists of 26 letters, represented in the German alphabet table. As a rule, it includes lowercase and uppercase letters of the German alphabet, pronunciation, the Russian analogue of the pronunciation of letters of the German alphabet, and examples of German words in which one or another letter is clearly audible and clearly expressed.

When learning the German alphabet, it is important to pay attention to specific letters umlaut (umlaut, Umlaut), which are not in the standard Latin alphabet. We are talking about the letters ä, ö, ü, ß.

Lowercase letters of the German alphabet

German letter

Russian equivalent



A a

der A pfel (apple)
a rm (poor)
der Fall (case)
der A bend (evening)
scha ffen (create)

B b


der B us (bus)
b auen (to build)
neb en (nearby)
das Sieb (sieve)
sieb en (seven)

C c


der C character (character)
die C hemie (chemistry)
ac ht (eight)
die C reme (cream)
der C hef (chief)

D d


der Dill (dill)
Donau (Danube)
leid en (to suffer)
das Lied (song)
der Bod en (soil)

E e

die E he (marriage)
der Be rg (mountain)
der Tee (tea)
ge rn (willingly)
der Rabe (raven)

F f



fein (thin)
der F reund (friend)
die Hilf e (help)
das Schiff
fünf (five)

G g


gut (good)
das G eld (money)
mog en (to love)
der Zug (train)
wegg ehen (to leave)

H h

h ier (here)
h aben (to have)
der H ofh und (yard dog)
der Rauch (smoke)
h undert (one hundred)

I i

der I gel (hedgehog)
Wien (Vienna)
fi nden (to find)
mobi l (mobile)
di e Kopi e (copy)

J j


der J ude (Jew)
Benj amin (Benjamin)
j etzt (now)
j a (yes)
das J od (iodine)

K k


der K amm (comb)
der Rock (skirt)
k lein (small)
back en (oven)
denk en (to think)




laufen (to run)
bl ind (blind)
die Insel (island)
der Himmel (sky)
die L ampe (lamp)




malen (draw)
der M ensch (person)
komm en (to come)
der Baum (tree)
dumm (stupid)




nur (only)
die Nacht (night)
könn en (to be able)
wohn en (to live)
n eun (nine)

O o

oben (top)
die So nne (sun)
die Flo ra (flora)
also (so)
fo rmlo s (shapeless)

P p


die Presse (press)
tipp en (print)
p lump (clumsy)
die P flanze (plant)
der Typ (type)

Q q


die Quelle (source)
q uadraticsh (square)
der Q uark (cottage cheese)
verq uält (exhausted)
der Q uatsch (nonsense)

R r



rufen (to call)
die Gruppe (group)
die Kirsche (cherry)
hier (here)
das Beer (beer)




der S ohn (son)
sieben (seven)
die Nas e (nose)
interess ant (interesting)
was (what)

T t


der T isch (table)
die T ant e (aunt)
gott lich (divine)
satt (full)
das Brot (bread)

U u

die Uhr (hours)
die U rsache (reason)
wu nderbar (wonderful)
genau (exactly)
mu rmeln (mumble)



der Vater (father)
v on (from)
der Karnev al [-v-] (carnival)
herv orgehen [-f-] (happen)
der Nerv [-v] (nerve)

W w


wollen (to wish)
der W ein (wine)
die Wohnung (apartment)
bew eisen (to prove)
die Anw endung (application)

X x


Xanten (Xanten)
die Hex e (witch)
die Tax e (dachshund)
das Max imum (maximum)
das Fax (fax, message)

Y y


der Y eti (Yeti, Bigfoot)
dy namisch (dynamic)
der Zy niker (cynic)
die Lyrik (lyrics)
die Physik (physics)

Z z


der Z oo (zoo)
z iehen (pull)
sitz en (to sit)
der Kranz (wreath)
das Holz (tree)

Ä ä


ä hnlich (similar)
der Bär (bear)
gä hnen (yawn)
der Kä se (cheese)

Ö ö

Ö sterreich (Austria)
lö sen (to decide)
bö se (angry)
das Ö l (oil)

Ü ü

ü blich (regular)
über (over)
die Bü hne (scene)
die Tür (door)


der Fu ß (leg)
drauß en (outside)
reiß en (tear)
beiß en (bite)

For those who are starting to learn German, it is important to know capital letters of the German alphabet.

It's time to reinforce this skill from the other side - learn to write German letters by hand. Moreover, not printed letters, but written ones.

What is this for?

  1. First, by writing down words with our hands, we connect motor memory to the learning process. This is a valuable resource when learning a foreign language, you should definitely use it!
  2. Secondly, you are not learning German for virtual purposes, but for real life. But in real life, you may actually need to fill out some forms, questionnaires in German, perhaps write statements by hand, etc.
But, you ask, aren’t those Latin letters that we know from mathematics or English lessons enough? Aren't these the same letters?

And you will be partly right: of course, these are the same letters, but, as it should be for original cultures, there are some peculiarities in the German written font. And it is useful to know them so that when faced with, you can read what is written.

And many people’s handwriting is far from the school norm, to put it mildly. And in order to understand this kind of handwritten “fonts”, it is important to have your own writing skill, which has evolved through different situations - writing in a hurry, on scraps of paper, in awkward positions, on a blackboard with chalk or marker, etc. But the most important thing is to have a clear understanding the original, which each person writing by hand submits to his own individual changes. This original will be discussed further.

German writing fonts

At the moment, there are several written German fonts that are used for teaching in primary school, and, accordingly, are used later in life. In Germany alone, for example, several “standards” adopted at different times are valid. Some federal states have clear regulations for the use of a certain font in primary schools, while others rely on the choice of the teacher.

Latin script(Lateinische Ausgangsschrift) was adopted by Germany in 1953. In practice, it differs little from its predecessor from 1941, the most noticeable thing is the new type of capital letter S and the new cursive writing of the letters X, x (the horizontal line in the center has also been removed from the capital X), plus the “loops” in the center of capital letters have been eliminated E, R and in the connecting strokes (arcs) of the letters O, V, W and Ö.

The GDR also made adjustments to the primary school curriculum, and in 1958 the Schreibschrift-Vorlage script was adopted, which I do not show here because it repeats the above version almost exactly the same, with the exception of the following innovations:

  • new cursive spelling of lowercase t (see next font)
  • slightly modified spelling of the letter ß (see in the following font)
  • the right half of the letter X, x was now slightly separated from the left
  • dots over i and j became dashes, similar to dashes over umlauts
  • The horizontal line at the capital Z has disappeared
And 10 years later, in 1968 in the same GDR, in order to facilitate the teaching of writing to schoolchildren, this font was further modified, radically simplifying the writing of capital letters! Of the lowercase ones, only x was changed, the rest was inherited from the 1958 font. Once again, pay attention to the spelling of ß and t, as well as the slight differences in f and r compared to the spelling in the “Latin” font. As a result, the following happened.

School writing font(Schulausgangsschrift):

The Federal Republic of Germany also moved in the direction of simplification, developing its own version of a similar font in 1969, which was called “simplified.” The innovation and peculiarity of this font was that all connecting strokes were brought to the same level, to the top “line” of small letters.

Simplified writing font(Vereinfachte Ausgangsschrift):

Overall, this is not the same as the "school" font above, although there are some stylistic similarities. By the way, the dots over i, j have been preserved, but the strokes over the umlauts, on the contrary, have become more like dots. Pay attention to the lowercase letters s, t, f, z (!), as well as ß.

It is worth mentioning another option, under the thorough name “basic font” (Grundschrift), all letters of which, both lowercase and uppercase, are more similar to printed ones, and they are written separately from each other. This version, developed in 2011, is being tested in some schools and, if adopted at the national level, could replace the three fonts mentioned above.

Austrian writing fonts

To complete the picture, I will give two more variants of the uppercase German alphabet, which are used in Austria. I will leave them without comments, for your own comparison with the fonts above, drawing your attention to only a couple of features - in the 1969 font, in lowercase t and f, the crossbar is written the same way (with a “loop”). Another feature concerns not the alphabet itself - the spelling of the number 9 differs from the version to which we are accustomed.

Austrian school font 1969:

Austrian school font(Österreichische Schulschrift) 1995:

Which written German font should I use?

With such a variety of "standard" fonts, a reasonable question is - which one should you use when writing? There is no clear answer to this question, but some recommendations can be given:
  • If you are learning German with the goal of applying it in a specific country, such as Austria, choose between writing samples from that country. Otherwise, choose between German options.
  • For self-studying German at a conscious age, I would recommend the “Latin” written font. This is a true classic and traditional German letter. It won't be difficult for an adult to master it. One way or another, you can try each of the given options and choose the one you like best.
  • For children who are just learning to write letters and it is important to teach them quickly, you can choose between “school” and “simplified” fonts. The latter may be preferred.
  • For language learners in a secondary school, this issue is not particularly important; you need to follow the model given (and required to be followed) by the teacher or textbook. As a rule, in our schools this is the "Latin" written script. Sometimes - its GDR modification from 1958, which is given away by the way the lowercase t is written.
What should be the outcome of this lesson:
  1. You must decide on the German font that you will use in your letter. Try different options and make your choice.
  2. You must learn to handwrite all the letters of the alphabet, uppercase and lowercase. Repeat the lesson, then practice writing all the letters of the alphabet (in order) from memory. When checking yourself, carefully compare each of your strokes with the sample. Repeat this step until you make no mistakes - either in writing the letters or in their order.
In the future, when doing written assignments, compare your notes with the font sample from time to time, try to always follow it (including drafts), and correct your handwriting. However, I will remind you of this.

The main occupation of schoolchildren and students is study. Children spend more than 50 percent of their time on textbooks, notebooks and computers - this is an integral part of the life of a modern teenager.

But children do not always have to learn what they like - most subjects cause boredom, you have to force the child to learn lessons, draw up a schedule with him, and much more. IN website They will tell you how to make German interesting for students of any age.

Teachers website We have developed special tips that will help to interest a child in a new subject. Toddlers and teenagers are the most difficult age when getting them to learn is the hardest.

  • It never happens that a child does not want to learn for no reason. There's a reason for everything. It is necessary to work out all aspects - the psychological plan, the program, the teacher, the school. It is necessary to eliminate the cause, then a desire to learn will appear, for example, choose a different teacher or switch to a different program for mastering the subject.
  • Without good fluent reading skills in a foreign language, a child will not progress further. Make sure that he has mastered this stage one hundred percent - otherwise, hire a tutor, talk to the teacher.
  • It is important to organize your workplace correctly. A teenager's daily routine should have a clear schedule. A certain time is allocated for study, leisure, sports, additional classes, clubs and sections. Leisure must be a must, otherwise the child will quickly get tired and lose interest in learning.
  • It is necessary to be supportive of the baby and support him in his difficult work. You don’t need to sit with him on homework day after day, but he should always feel your support. Ask how things are going with him. Help if necessary.

Print German in pictures, or basic study methods

Pay attention to how your child’s German lessons with the teacher go. It is good if the following methods are used in the process.

  • New knowledge must be applied in practice: conversations in German, watching children's films, reading books, poetry by heart, etc.
  • Use picture cards when learning new words and letters.
  • Using specific examples, the child needs to be told that speaking a new language is convenient and useful. He will need it in the future for work and travel abroad.
  • During conversational classes in German, various topics should be covered: sports, computer technology, the world around us, etc.

The child should have fun learning German. This will help him learn a new discipline thoroughly and for a long time, and will also make your relationship with him more trusting.