There is nothing more terrible in the world than indifference. What is your public position worth if you declare: “I don’t care?”. So, you are indifferent to what a person close to you, your comrade is experiencing, it does not matter what language to speak, in what state to live, you are not interested in who you will become in the future.

What can this lead to? Besides leaving your old mother, not taking care of your children? Yes, it is possible.

But think about what all this can lead to? After all, a person indifferent to everyone does not evoke friendly feelings, does not interest anyone, does not attract attention. Are you ready to be lonely, thrown overboard of life? It seems to me that it is important for every person to be loved. However, not everyone understands that in order to receive, one must give.

Give love, attention, sympathy in order to get love and attention in return. Do not be afraid to give people your sincere feelings, because “as it comes around, it will respond”.

Do not be indifferent, it is not for nothing that Bruno Jasenski wrote: “Do not be afraid of your enemies - in the worst case, they can kill. Do not be afraid of friends - at worst they

can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they will not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent there are treachery and murder on earth ”.

The word “creativity” has one root with the word “create”, that is, to invest one's abilities, capabilities, abilities in some business. I think that every person comes into the world with this mission, because everyone has this great purpose. Another thing is that not everyone is able to fully realize this generous gift of fate, depriving himself and society.

I do not know what exactly is that important impetus for a person's talent to ignite a bright star, decorating life. But it seems to me that the person himself, having felt in himself Creative skills, would like to give them to people. He must understand that he has been given the exclusive property to please the world with the works of his soul and talent.

Such people have become an adornment of history: both the brilliant Leonardo da Vinci, painter, sculptor, architect, scientist and engineer, and the immortal Taras Shevchenko, an unsurpassed poet and artist, and all members of the Alchevsky family - a constellation of talents, where every child has intertwined creative abilities for music , literature and painting.

... Recently I unexpectedly got acquainted with the work of my compatriot Maria Burmaka, who has already received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine. Apparently, she did not even hope for such recognition when in the eighties she graduated from the philological faculty of Kharkov national university... But natural abilities opened up in her, like a flower opens to the sun, and then Masha sang songs to people, written to her own verses and music, accompanying herself on a simple guitar.

Subsequently, she becomes a famous TV presenter, and the touching magic of her songs and voice continues to captivate listeners.

Creativity, in my opinion, is talent multiplied by sincere work. A creative person- like the fruit that, being filled with the power of the earth and the sun, gives people bread.

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There is nothing more terrible in the world than indifference. What is your public position worth if you declare: "I don't care?" ... So, you are indifferent to what a person close to you, your comrade is experiencing, it does not matter what language to speak, in what state to live, you are not interested in who you will become in the future. What can this lead to? To the fact that you leave your old mother, will you not take care of your children? Yes, it is possible. But think about what all this can lead to? After all, a person indifferent to everyone does not evoke friendly feelings, does not interest anyone, does not attract attention. Are you ready to be lonely, thrown overboard of life? It seems to me that it is important for every person to be loved. However, not everyone understands that in order to receive, one must give. Give love, attention, sympathy in order to get love and attention in return. Do not be afraid to give people your sincere feelings, because "as it comes around, it will respond."

Do not be indifferent, it is not for nothing that Bruno Jasenski wrote: “Do not be afraid of your enemies - in the worst case, they can kill. Do not be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you. Fear the indifferent - they will not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent there are treachery and murder on earth ”.

The word "creativity" has one root with the word "create", that is, to invest one's abilities, capabilities, abilities in some business. I think that every person comes into the world with this mission, because everyone has this great mission. Another thing is that not everyone is able to fully realize this generous gift of fate, depriving himself and society. 1/2 2 Like ComplainPromotion on YouTubeFrom 458 UAH for 10,000 views. All views from real users! Address and phone number The ad is hidden.Learn to Draw Easy! kalachevaschool.ruCourses and free master classes at the School of Drawing by Veronika Kalacheva! Click! Address and phone number The ad is hidden. Hide ads: Not interested in this topic Obsessive and boredDoubtful content or spam Interferes with viewing content Advertising Sergey 432 3 years agoArtificial Intelligence (130667) Want to sleep?
Then copy this essay, which is probably on all sites. 1 Like Complain javid farighi 9 months ago Student (106) People have many vices, but in my opinion, the strongest of all is indifference. It is not for nothing that they say: “Do not be afraid of your enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Do not be afraid of your friends - in the worst case, they can betray you.
Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does treason and murder exist on earth. "

People's indifference leads to trouble. Often, to the incorrigible and scary.

We are all in words "heroes". We sympathize with the heroes of films, books, but in fact ... How many times have we passed a poor old woman standing with her hand outstretched in the subway or past a person who fell and could not get up? How many times have we said that we do not have a mobile with us when a passer-by asked to call? Today we refuse to help, and tomorrow they will not help us either. After all, everyone knows that everything comes back like a boomerang.

I know a lot of indifferent people. They are indifferent to what is happening around them, what troubles their comrades and relatives are in. I can only sympathize with these people, since a little indifference has begun to devastate the human soul. Such people know neither pity, nor compassion, nor mercy. This word INDIFFERENT was imprinted like a brand in their hearts.

This is scary, wrong, and must be fought against. I hope that at least one person who has read this story will remember my words tomorrow and will not leave a person in trouble. so I tried

Direction "Indifference and responsiveness"
Indifference is a state of mind, a lack of interest, a passive attitude to the environment or to something. Of course, indifference in habits and attachments is not so scary, but how everything changes when it comes to people, events happening around.

B. Yasinsky once said: "Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent there is treason and murder on earth." I understand this statement as follows: after all, it seems that an indifferent person does nothing wrong: he does not kill, does not betray, but imagine that people will show complete indifference to everything that happens nearby. Nobody will be indignant at lawlessness, injustice, will not prevent the tragedy. Everyone will just be silent. I think the consequences will be dire. Sometimes the indifference of others becomes the cause of the death of a person. Confirmation of this idea can be found in the works of Russian literature. Larisa Ogudalova becomes such a victim of someone else's indifference and selfishness in the drama by A.N. Ostrovsky "The Dowry". A naive, gullible, talented girl, in whom there is nothing "worldly, earthly", in the end realizes that for those close to her she is just a thing, a toy; Sergei Sergeevich Paratov, a ruined master, a life-burner, deceives Larissa. On the eve of the wedding with Karandyshev, she decides to go with Paratov across the Volga, but then finds out that he is engaged. Larisa did not expect such a blow from a person whom she loved very much. She asks childhood friend Vasily Vozhevatov to at least feel sorry for her, but he cannot do this, since Larissa, played in a "coin", should go to the rich man Knurov. Yes, and Karandyshev does not like Larisa, he only needs her to "be proud and glorified." Blinded by jealousy, Karandyshev shoots his bride with a revolver. Who is to blame for this tragedy? Rather, what is causing this drama? The answer is indifference. Because of the tacit consent of Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova, Larisa's mother, who makes goods out of the beauty of her daughters, because of the cunning collusion of Knurov, Vozhevatov, because of Paratov, who does not care about further destiny the girl deceived by him, the beautiful Larisa dies. Thus, we can conclude that indifference is a silent killer of all that is bright, this is an extremely dangerous state, it deprives a person of all feelings, makes him a lever in the hands of unscrupulous people, and takes away individuality. If everyone is silent, it will be easier for the villains to rule the world. I hope that everyone sooner or later realizes that there are no other people's problems and troubles.

To swim against the current, the fish must be strong. And even a dead fish can go with the flow.

John Crowe.

Living for us is like taking part in a race where everyone is trying to get himself a victory at any cost. It doesn't matter that we hurt so many people. After all, we know for sure that if we do not interfere with others, then they will interfere with us. It turns out a vicious circle in which, in addition to hatred and cruelty, indifference revolves ...

I tried to understand what makes people indifferent. And the reason, in my opinion, can only be one: fear. What kind of person has stooped to a cynical sneer at people who seek to help others whenever possible? Who said altruism is the lot of losers? And finally, who decided that we should be indifferent to everything?

We are afraid to be ridiculed, we are afraid to go against the crowd, to express our opinion. There is always the danger that we might pay too much for this. And there is no need to blame anyone, because we ourselves are to blame for this. And it turns out something like this: “I felt bad, but you have no problems! No, it won't work that way. Here's a new order for you, suppose you, too, suffer as I do. "

Therefore, we became indifferent, hiding our defenselessness behind stone masks. And only small children cannot be indifferent to what is happening. Children who still do not know anything about adult life, about problems. But time will pass, they will grow up and just like we will now fight everyone who stands in their way for a place in the sun. And only indifference will move them ...

Is it possible to feel lonely in a crowd of people? I will answer: yes. And I'll be right. You've probably taken the subway. People are sitting, hopelessly burying themselves in the newspaper or looking at their shoes. Someone closes their eyes, but not because of fatigue, but in order not to see the already boring picture. I know that at the right station they will come out in a dense crowd, barely moving with tired legs. And I understand that this is it - real indifference. Indifference that engulfed the whole world.

It rarely happens that this or that person is absolutely indifferent to us. A person can be loved, can be hated, and, you must agree, everyone feels an attitude towards themselves. Hatred from some of my acquaintances helped me several times. Competition and struggle appeared immediately. But without my family and friends, I would not have been able to “defeat” the ill-wishers. And I faced indifference only once in my life, but this time was enough for me to feel its destructive effect.

When you are not noticed, it seems that you are simply not there. Like you are invisible. And you mean absolutely nothing. That's what this attitude does to people. Sometimes you want to shout: “People! What are you doing? Is it really impossible to show sympathy, help at least once? To be happy for a person, not to envy! Understand that this is the only way we can live and not exist! "

I truly believe that the world is mired in lies and indifference. But fortunately I cannot blame everyone for indifference, because there is always at least one person in the crowd who is ready to help. But what can one do against millions! In the same way as I, calling on everyone to help each other, I will not be able to change anything. Only together can we destroy the old, boring stereotypes, break the framework of everyday life and, finally, start building a new, bright world.

Indifference is what prevents us from moving forward. And it doesn't matter if it is indifference to oneself, to life, to people or to the whole world in general.

And yet, in my heart I firmly believe that there are no indifferent people in the world. Everyone has feelings, but some are afraid to appear weak. I believe that together we can change and change the world. And I hope that the time will come when indifference will replace friendship and love ...