1. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov;

2. “Stone Flower”;

3. Genre: tale;

4. Grade: 5;

5. Year: 1938. The era of Stalinist repressions, the last pre-war years.

6. The era described in the work is approximately the first half of the 19th century, even before the abolition of serfdom.

7. Main characters: Master Prokopich, his adopted son Danilko, Danilka’s fiancee Katya.

Near the Turchanino factories there were many stone carvers.

Prokopich was considered the best. Since he was already old, the factory management sent teenagers to train him, but due to his harsh disposition, no one stayed long as Prokopich’s apprentice. One day they sent him an orphan boy nicknamed Danilko the Underfed. The boy, looking at the unfinished work, immediately pointed out the master’s flaw. Prokopich liked this and took care of the boy in every possible way.

Gradually, from a nondescript boy, a handsome guy grew up, who also became a recognized master in malachite carving. He had a fiancee named Katya. However, at this time Danila was given the opportunity to make a malachite bowl based on a foreign design. Danila carved the bowl, but was dissatisfied with the work: he was unable to reveal the beauty of the stone. At one of the parties, when Danila mentioned his creative wanderings, one of the old masters warned him: “

You, dear son, don’t walk on this floorboard! Get it out of your head! Otherwise you will end up with the Mistress as a mining master...!

Danila the master fell in love with the idea of ​​a stone flower. He began to walk near Gumeshki, looking for a stone. Once I heard a voice telling me where to find suitable material. I found a block of malachite. He began to walk around, looking for plants that would reveal all the beauty of malachite. I chose the Datura flower. Danil struggled with the dope cup for a long time, even postponed his wedding with Katya, but nothing worked out for him.

One day in late autumn, he was again wandering near the mountain, saw a large pothole and went into it to rest. There he saw the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and began to ask to see the stone flower. The hostess took him to her garden. Seeing the beauty of the plants growing there, Danila said that there is no stone that can convey it. To which the Mistress replied that she would have given him such a stone if he had come up with it himself. Then she moved her hand, and everything disappeared, and Danila found himself back in the forest.

Soon there was a party before the wedding, from which Danilo left gloomy. At night, when Prokopich was sleeping, he broke the dope cup and left. He was never seen again.

9. Personal opinion:

A cycle of tales by P.P. Bazhov about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain is my favorite among all the works of this outstanding writer. I like the heroes of these tales, including the Mistress herself: a stern, mocking, but fair guardian of the earth's bowels. In the tale “The Stone Flower” she appears in a new capacity - the patroness of talented craftsmen - carvers of Ural malachite.

Master Prokopich, the first in malachite in those places, lived in one of the Ural factories. The master was already elderly, so the master ordered a student to be assigned to him. But Prokopich’s science wasn’t going well, “everything he does is just a push and a poke.” He'll give the boy bumps all over his head, cut off his ears, and send him back - he's not capable of science, they say.

Local boys began to be afraid of Prokopich, and the parents did not want to send their child to torture. This is how it came to Danilka the Underfed. This twelve-year-old boy was an orphan - he didn’t remember his mother, and he didn’t know his father at all. Danilka’s face was clean and handsome, so they took him as a “Cossack” to the master’s house. Here it would be necessary to curl up like a vine, and the boy would stare at some decoration and freeze in the corner.

They considered Danilka a “blessed slow-moving” and sent him to the shepherd. But even here his work did not work out. The old shepherd will fall asleep, Danilka will daydream, and the cows will scatter. Once we lost several cows, one of them was the clerk's.

First they flogged the old shepherd, and then they began to take care of the frail Danilka. The executioner hit him lightly at first. Danilka clenched his teeth and remained silent. Then the executioner got angry and began to beat with all his might. The boy fell asleep without uttering a sound.

Danilka was treated by a local healer. From her the boy learned about the stone flower. This flower grows at the Mistress’s place in the malachite mountain, “it has full power for the snake festival.” If a person sees that flower, he will be unhappy all his life, and the grandmother did not know why.

Soon Danilka was on his feet. The clerk noticed this and assigned him as a student to Prokopich: the boy is an orphan, teach as you want, no one will intercede. Danilka’s eye turned out to be correct. On the very first day, he pointed out the mistake to the foreman.

Prokopich lived alone, his wife died, he had no children, so the master became attached to the orphan. Working with malachite is harmful, stone dust quickly clogs the lungs, so the master decided to first fatten up the thin and frail Danilka, and then get down to science. He assigned the boy to the farm and began giving him tasks - whether it was work or fun.

Prokopich was a serf, but he was allowed to work for himself, “on quitrent,” so the master had his own income. He took Danilka for his son and bought him good clothes and boots. The master had not yet allowed him near his craft, but Danilka himself questioned Prokopyich and remembered everything.

Soon the clerk became interested: whose little boy was he lazing around all day? I decided to check what the master had managed to teach him. It turned out that in the meantime Danilka had managed to learn a lot of wisdom. From that day on, Danilushka’s comfortable life ended, and the clerk began giving him work.

Danila grew up doing this work. He worked quickly, but Prokopich taught him not to rush and impressed upon the clerk that Danilka was a slow mover. IN free time the boy even learned to read and write. Over time, Danila became a prominent guy - tall, ruddy, curly and cheerful, “in a word, girlish dryness.”

When Danila carved a “snake sleeve from a solid stone,” the clerk recognized him as a master and wrote about him to the master. He decided to test the new master, ordered to carve a bowl from malachite, sent the drawing and ordered him to make sure that Prokopyich did not help Danila.

The clerk placed Danilo in his place. At first the guy tried to work slowly, but then he got bored, so he carved the bowl in one fell swoop. The clerk ordered him to carve two more bowls of the same type. It turned out that Danila made three bowls in the time that the master gave for one.

The clerk realized that Prokopich was leading him by the nose, got angry and described everything to the master. The same one “turned everything the other way around” - he assigned Danila a small rent and did not order it to be taken from Prokopyich, hoping that the two of them would come up with something new. The master attached a drawing of an intricate bowl to the letter, ordered him to make the same one, and set an unlimited time limit.

Danila set to work, but he didn’t like the bowl - there was no beauty in it, just curls. With the clerk's permission, Danila decided to carve another bowl according to his own idea.

Danila the master became pensive, sad, his face fell asleep, he kept walking through the meadows, looking for a flower so that he could make his own cup in its likeness and show all the beauty of the stone. He chose the Datura flower for the bowl, but first decided to complete the master’s order.

Prokopich dissuaded him, then decided to marry him, hoping that after the wedding all the nonsense would come out of his head. Danila admitted that his neighbor Katya had been waiting for him for a long time. Finally, Danila carved the master's bowl and organized a celebration for the occasion, inviting the bride and old masters. One old man, Prokopia’s teacher, told the guy that those who manage to see a stone flower comprehend all the beauty of the stone and forever end up with the Mistress as mountain masters.

Danila lost peace, forgot about the wedding - he so wanted to understand the beauty of the stone. One day he went to look for malachite for his dope cup, and a voice told him: go to Snake Mountain. Then a woman flashed in front of Danila and disappeared. The guy went to Snake Mountain, found what he was looking for, set to work, but his cup didn’t come out, there was no life in it.

Danila realized that he himself was unable to capture the beauty of the stone, so he decided to get married. The wedding took place “just around the Snake Festival.” Danila came to last time to Snake Hill, sat down to rest, and then the Mistress appeared to him. The guy recognized her by her beauty and malachite dress. He asked the Mistress to show him the stone flower. She tried to dissuade him: those who see the flower lose the joy of life and return to it themselves. But Danila did not back down. The Mistress took him to her garden with trees and grass made of different stones and led him to black, velvet-like bushes.

Danila the master looked at the stone flower, and the Mistress sent him home.

That day Katya the bride had a party. At first Danila was having fun with everyone, and then he became sad. Returning home after the party, Danil broke his dope cup, spat into the master’s cup and ran out of the hut.

They searched for Danila for a long time. Some believed that he had gone crazy and died in the forest, while others said that the Mistress took Danila as a mountain foreman.

Year of writing: 1937

Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: master Prokopich, student, orphan Danilka Nedokormish.


One day, an old malachite carver had a talented student. The old man rejoiced at his abilities, the clerk rejoiced at the impeccably completed work, and the master began to trust him with the most expensive orders. The young master would live and live, but he became sad and often went uphill. I kept looking for an extraordinary stone flower in order to comprehend the very essence of beauty and harmony. He achieved his goal - he met the Mistress of the mountain, and saw a stone flower. To your own detriment.

The meaning of the story. The story tells about a talented young master Danil, who perfectly mastered the craft of a malachite carver, but this was not enough for him. His soul yearned for unique knowledge, for the sake of which he abandoned ordinary earthly life.

The old master Prokopich did not need students, and he dismissed them all, considering them unsuitable for the malachite business. But one day they assigned him a boy who quickly showed amazing talent and ingenuity. The meeting with Prokopyich was a happy turn in fate for Danilka: in him he found both a generous teacher and a caring father.

Danilka had everything: ability, hard work, universal recognition of his skill, and even fame. He lived a calm and satisfying life; he had all the necessary tools and the best stone for his work. He got himself married good girl Katerina. But he was not happy.

Any completed work seemed to him insufficiently virtuosic, uninspiring, unreal. He believed that there was something in the world that would allow him to one day live out his dream. These thoughts of his were spurred on by the gloomy stories of the villagers about the existence of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and the unknown Stone Flower. Danilko really wanted to look at this flower in order to reproduce it in stone.

He began to disappear from home more and more often. Fellow villagers constantly saw him in the fields, then in the meadows, then near the abandoned mine near Zmeinaya Gorka. They began to say that the boy had gone crazy, and they were not far from the truth. Danilka was directly driven by some kind of obsession. It was as if he was looking for a treasure inaccessible to others. And the mistress of the Copper Mountain always keeps an eye on such people, and she began to give the master tips. But the better his work became with her help, the more he began to yearn for an unattainable ideal.

No precautions helped. Even the Mistress's own warnings did not stop him. She showed the master a stone flower. And he could not resist this craving. On the night before his marriage, he smashed his very own with a hammer. better job(now he saw all her shortcomings) and disappeared in an unknown direction...

Picture or drawing Stone flower

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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Created date: 1938.

Genre: tale

Subject: creative work.

Idea: the artist must be devoted to his calling and constantly strive for perfection, but not at the cost of abandoning love and earthly (real) life.

Issues. The collision of reality and the artist’s desire for ideal, internal conflict an artist who belongs to the everyday world and strives to comprehend perfect beauty.

Main characters: Danila is a master stone cutter; Prokopich - the master who trained Danila; Katerina - Danila's fiancée; Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Plot. Prokopich, the best malachite carver, reached old age, and the master ordered that some boy be assigned to his apprenticeship. But Prokopich did not need any students. The guys who were clueless and incapable of working with stone irritated him, he gave them pokes and slaps on the back of the head and he tried to get rid of them.

But one day they imposed on him the orphan Danilka Nedomysh, who turned out to be neither a Cossack nor a shepherd. For the loss of cows, he was flogged until he lost consciousness. A healer cured him. She told Danilka about the stone flower that grows near the Mistress of the Copper Mountain herself. She also said that it is better for a person not to see a stone flower, otherwise misfortunes will haunt him all his life.

After Danilka recovered, the clerk brought him to Prokopich. They say that you can teach an orphan at your own discretion, there is no one to intercede. And Danilka quickly showed ingenuity in stone-cutting, and his talent as an artist was soon discovered. Prokopich became attached to Danilka, he did not have any children of his own, and he became this boy’s father instead.

A little time passed, the clerk checked what Danilka had learned, and from that time on Danilka’s working life began. He worked and grew. Danila grew up to be a handsome guy, girls looked at him.

Danil achieved the status of a master after he carved a snake-shaped bracelet from a whole stone. The clerk informed the master about Danila’s skill. Master to test his skills young master, ordered him to carve a malachite bowl according to the drawing, and ordered the clerk to ensure that Danila worked without Prokopich’s help.

And the young master completed the work in triplicate within the time limit assigned by the master. After that, the master ordered him an intricate bowl, and did not limit the work period. Danila began to work on the bowl, but he didn’t like it: there were a lot of curls, but no beauty. The clerk allowed him to work on another bowl according to his plan.

But the young master never came up with the necessary idea. Danila became haggard, became gloomy, wandered through forests and meadows in search of a flower from which he would carve his cup, and showed real beauty in stone. His choice settled on the Datura flower, but first, he decided, he needed to finish the master’s cup.

Prokopich decided that it was time for Danila to get married. You see, after marriage all this whim will go away. It turned out that Katya, who lives next door, has been in love with Danila for a long time. Danila had just completed work on the master's bowl. To celebrate this event, he invited the bride and the elder masters. One of them told Danila about a stone flower, to see which is to comprehend the beauty of the real stone and the Mistress’s abyss forever in the mountain masters.

Danila has lost his peace, and there is no time for him to get married. How to see the beauty in a stone - that’s what he cared about. He constantly walked either in the meadows or near the Snake Hill. There was talk that the guy wasn't quite right in the head. And he kept tormenting himself by searching for something inaccessible to others. So Danila took a liking to the Mistress, and he began to receive advice from her. However, no matter how good his work was, he did not see perfection in it and was sad.

Danila was convinced of his powerlessness to achieve the ideal and decided to have a wedding. Finally, he went to Snake Hill, and there he met the Mistress. Danila began to beg her to reveal to him the beauty of the stone flower. The mistress warned him that he would lose his earthly joy, only Danila was lagging behind. She led him into a garden sparkling with stones... The young master had seen enough of his dream, and was sent home by the Mistress, she did not hold him back.

And Katya called guests this evening. Danila was having fun with everyone, and then sadness came over him. He returned home and broke the cup, his best work, and only honored the master’s order with spitting. And Danila the master left unknown where on the eve of the wedding.

They looked for him, but the search led nowhere. They said different things about him. Some people believed that he was mentally damaged and disappeared in the forest, while others said that the Mistress took him to her.

Review of the work. The meaning of the tale is philosophical. Striving for excellence is a positive trend in any field human life, not only in creativity. But if the search for an ideal becomes similar to an obsession, deprives you of the joy of life, and leads to depression, then it is, as they say, from the evil one.

which summary stone flower Bazhov P. P? and got the best answer

Answer from Anna Mard[guru]
A tale about an orphan, whom the malachite master took as an apprentice. The orphan had a gift; he could quickly complete tasks. And Master Danila wanted to make the stone alive. But he can't do it. Once I heard a legend about the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, who has a stone flower, as if alive, and goes straight to her, without hesitation, so that she shows him this flower. And when I saw him, I completely lost sleep... In the end, Danila disappeared in an unknown direction... The tale ends like this: “Whoever said that he made up his mind died in the forest, and who again said: “The mistress took him to mining masters. In reality, it turned out differently. There will be a story about that later. "...))
Links where you can read about this fairy tale:
1) link
You can also watch a cartoon))

Reply from Ilona Peridiriy[newbie]
How to make an annotation for a stone flower

Reply from Alexander Butorin[newbie]

Reply from Arina Fatinko[newbie]
An orphan boy, Danilushka, ends up with the master of malachite works, Prokopiech. Danilushka grew up with him, became prettier, changed and became a master. He had a fiancee. And one fine day they asked him, Danilushka, to make malachite box, he had a drawing, but he didn’t see any beauty. Then he went into the forest to pick flowers, and there he met the mistress of the copper mountain, she gave him a stone. So he sat and made it, and all the passers-by said that there was nowhere more beautiful than this box. But the boy still couldn’t finish it. And then he took it and broke it. And he disappeared.

Reply from Ilya Reznichenko[newbie]

Reply from Yoman PLAY[newbie]
Thank you!!!

Reply from Kirill Filippov[newbie]
ATP 5 installed

Reply from Evgenia Sizimova[newbie]
interesting story

Reply from Igor Lelyanov[newbie]
thank you

Reply from Andrey Usanov[newbie]
Danilushka Nedokormish is an orphan, a dreamy boy ends up with Prokopiech (a master of malachite), grew up with him, became prettier, and became a master. He had a fiancee - Katya. Once they asked him (Danila) to make a malachite bowl, they gave him a drawing, but he “doesn’t see the beauty in it.” He went through the forest to look for flowers and blades of grass, met the Mistress of the Mountain, who then threw him a stone for a bowl. Danilka sits making his bowl, everyone walks around, saying that there is nothing more beautiful, but he sits and cannot finish everything. One night he got up and broke his malachite cup, ran out into the street and disappeared.

Reply from Dinar Galeev[newbie]
thank you

Reply from Yoldar Marchenko[newbie]
Lived, died and that's it.

Reply from Evgenia Sudakova[newbie]

Reply from Ekaterina Kozhova[newbie]
Once upon a time there lived a malachite craftsman, Prokopich. He was a good master, but already older. Then the master decided that the master should pass on his craft further and ordered the clerk to find him an apprentice. No matter how much the clerk brought the boys, they did not suit Prokopich. Until one day the clerk brought in a 12-year-old orphan, Danilka - Underfed. The boy was assigned to Prokopich only because there was no use for him anywhere, and if Prokopich accidentally knocked him down, then there would be no one to ask for him. From the very first day the boy amazed the old master.
Approaching the machine with the malachite stone, Danilko immediately showed the master how best to use the stone so that the pattern would fit better on the product. Prokopich realized that the young man would be useful and decided to teach him his skills. One day the clerk found Danilko at the pond, well-fed, healthy and well dressed, and did not immediately recognize him, but soon realized that this was the same orphan.
The clerk and the master decided to test his skills by giving him the task of making a bowl. Danilko made three bowls in the allotted time and then the master allowed Prokopich and Danilka to take as much malachite as they wanted and make any crafts. Danilko grew up, became an excellent craftsman and betrothed Natasha, but postponed the wedding until he created a bowl imitating the datura herb with a flower. Danilko found a suitable stone and made the base of the bowl, but when he reached the flower, the bowl lost its beauty. Danilko kept walking through the forests, looking for inspiration and the stone flower that Grandma Vikhorka told him about as a child. Natasha already began to cry, afraid to be a bride forever, and then Danilko decided to get married. We planned a wedding. Danilko, during his next walk near Zmeinaya Gorka, met the owner of Mednaya Mountain, about whom he had heard legends since childhood, about her stone garden, about the best craftsmen working for her. Although she tried to dissuade Danilko, he insisted, and the hostess showed him her stone garden and the flower that he had dreamed of seeing all his life.
Returning home, Danilko went to his bride’s party, but happiness and fun left him, he now dreamed only of a stone flower. Late in the evening Danilko came home and while Prokopich was sleeping, he broke his unfinished dope bowl and left. People began to say that he was now working as a master for the mistress of Copper Mountain.