The scientific name of bertholite salt is potassium chlorate. This substance has the formula KClO3. Potassium chlorate was first obtained by the French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet in 1786. Berthollet decided to pass chlorine into the heated solution. When the solution cooled, crystals of potassium chlorate fell to the bottom of the flask.

Potassium chlorate

Berthollet salt is colorless crystals that decompose when heated. First, potassium chlorate decomposes into perchlorate and potassium chloride, and with higher heating, potassium perchlorate decomposes into potassium chloride and oxygen.

It is noteworthy that the addition of catalysts (oxides of manganese, copper, iron) to berthollet salt reduces its decomposition temperature several times.

Use of Berthollet salt

Another industrial method for producing bertholite salt is the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of potassium chloride. A mixture of potassium hydroxide and chlorine is first formed on the electrodes, then potassium hypochlorite is formed from them, from which Berthollet salt is ultimately obtained.

Claude Berthollet

The inventor of potassium chlorate, Claude Berthollet, was a doctor and pharmacist. In his free time, he was engaged in chemical experiments. Claude achieved great things scientific success- in 1794 he was made a professor at two high schools in Paris.

Berthollet became the first chemist who managed to establish the composition of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, swamp gas and hydrocyanic acid. He invented silver fulminate and the chlorine bleaching process.

Berthollet later worked on issues of national defense and served as an adviser to Napoleon. At the end of his service, Claude founded a scientific circle, which included such famous French scientists as Gay-Lussac, Laplace and Humboldt.

What is potassium chlorate?

Potassium salt of perchloric acid (one of the four oxygen-containing acids formed by chlorine: hypochlorous - HClO, chloric - HClO2, chloric - HClO3 and chloric - HClO4) is usually called potassium chlorate, its formula is KClO3. This salt appearance It is a crystal (colorless) that is slightly soluble in water (at 20 ºC only 7.3 g of salt dissolves in 100 cm3 of water), but the solubility increases with increasing temperature. Her other famous name- Berthollet's salt. The molecular mass of the substance is 122.55 atomic mass units, density - 2.32 g/cm3. Salt melts at 356 ºС and decomposes at approximately 400 ºС.

Discovery of Berthollet salt

For the first time (in 1786), potassium chlorate was obtained by the French chemist Claude Berthollet. He passed chlorine through a concentrated hot solution of potassium hydroxide. by which the salt was obtained is as follows: 3Cl2 + 6KOH → 5KCl + KClO3 + 3H2O. As a result of this reaction, potassium chlorate precipitates as a white precipitate. Since it is slightly soluble in cold water, it is easily separated from other salts when the solution is cooled. Since its discovery, Bertholet salt has been the most common and useful product of all chlorates. Currently, KClO3 is produced on an industrial scale.

Chemical properties

Bertholet salt is a strong oxidizing agent. When it interacts with concentrated (HCl), free chlorine is released. This process is described by the equation chemical reaction: 6HCl + KClO3 → 3Cl + KCl + 3 H2O. Like all chlorates, this substance is highly toxic. When molten, KClO3 vigorously supports combustion. In a mixture with easily oxidized substances (reducing agents), such as sulfur, phosphorus, sugar and others organic matter Potassium chlorate explodes on impact or friction. Sensitivity to these effects increases in the presence of bromates. With careful (heating to 60 ºС) oxidation of potassium chlorate with oxalic acid, chlorine dioxide is obtained, the process proceeds according to the reaction equation: 2KClO3 + H2C2O4 → K2CO3 + CO2 + H2O + 2ClO2. Chlorine oxide is used in the bleaching and sterilization of various materials (paper pulp, flour, etc.), and can also be used for dephenolization of chemical plants.

Applications of potassium chlorate

Of all the chlorates, Bertholet salt is the most widely used. It is used in the production of dyes, matches (the flammable substance of the match head is made, the raw material is moistened potassium chlorate according to TU 6-18-24-84), fireworks, disinfectants. Due to the high danger of compositions with potassium chlorate, they are practically not used in production explosives for industrial and military purposes. Very rarely, potassium chlorate is used as a primer explosive. Sometimes used in pyrotechnics, the result is colored-flame compositions. Previously, salt was used in medicine: weak solutions of this substance (KClO3) were used for some time as an antiseptic for external gargling. Salt was used to produce oxygen in the laboratory at the beginning of the 20th century, but due to the dangers of the experiments, they were discontinued.

Obtaining potassium chlorate

One of the following methods: chlorination of potassium hydroxide, as a result of the exchange reaction of chlorates with other salts, electrochemical oxidation in aqueous solutions metal chlorides - Berthollet salt can be obtained. Its production on an industrial scale is often carried out by the disproportionation reaction of hypochlorites (salts of hypochlorous acid). Technologically, the process is designed in different ways. More often it is based on the reaction between calcium chlorate and potassium chloride: Ca(ClO3)2 + 2KCl → 2KClO3 + CaCl2. Then the resulting Berthollet salt is isolated by crystallization. Also, potassium chlorate is obtained using a modified Berthollet method during electrolysis; the chlorine formed during electrolysis interacts with the resulting potassium hypochlorite KClO and then disproportions into potassium chlorate KClO3 and the original potassium chloride KCl.

Decomposition of potassium chlorate

At a temperature of approximately 400 ºС, decomposition of Berthollet salt occurs. As a result, oxygen and potassium perchlorate are released: 4KClO3 → KCl + 3KClO4. The next stage of decomposition occurs at temperatures from 550 to 620 ºС: KClO4 → 2O2 + KCl. On catalysts (they can be copper oxide CuO, iron (III) oxide Fe2O3 or manganese (IV) oxide MnO2) decomposition occurs at a lower temperature (from 150 to 300 ºС) and in one stage: 2KClO3 → 2KCl + 3O2.

Security measures

Berthollet's salt is unstable and explosive chemical, which may explode when stirred, stored (for example, near reducing agents on the same laboratory shelf or in the same storage area), crushed, or other operations. An explosion may cause injury or even death. Therefore, when receiving, using, storing or transporting potassium chlorate, the requirements of Federal Law 116 must be observed. The facilities where these processes are organized are classified as hazardous production facilities.


While studying oxygen in chemistry, you reached the section “Oxygen production in the laboratory by decomposition inorganic substances". "Decomposition of water, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, heavy oxides and nitrates active metals... so, everything seems to be clear. Obtaining oxygen from bertholite salt? What kind of animal is this?!" - the standard train of thought of every student looking at this paragraph in the textbook. They don’t teach bertholite salt at school, so you have to make inquiries about it yourself. Today in this article I will try to answer the question in as much detail as possible about what Berthollet's salt is.

Origin of the name

First, let's talk about its name. Salt is a separate class of inorganic substances, the chemical formula of which has the following arrangement of elements: Me-n- acidic residue, where Me is a metal, acidic residue is an acidic residue, n is the number of atoms (may not be present if the valency of the metal is and acid residue is the same). The acid residue is taken from any inorganic acid. Chemical formula this salt is KClO 3. The metal present in it is potassium, which means it is potassium. The source of the ClO 3 residue is perchloric acid HClO 3 . In total, Bertholet's salt is the potassium salt of perchloric acid. It is also called potassium chlorate, and the adjective “bertoletova” is attributed to it because of the name of its discoverer.

History of discovery

It was first obtained in 1786 by the French chemist Claude Berthollet. He passed chlorine through a hot, concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide (photo).

Bertholet's salt: obtaining

Preparation of chlorates industrially(including Berthollet salt) is based on the disproportionation reaction of hypochlorites, which are obtained by the interaction of chlorine with alkali solutions. The design of the process can be different: due to the fact that the most large-tonnage product is calcium hypochlorite, from which bleach is made, the most common process is the implementation of an exchange reaction between calcium chlorate (it is obtained by heating calcium hypochlorite) and potassium chloride (it crystallizes from the mother liquor). solution). Potassium chlorate can also be obtained using a modified Berthollet method by diaphragm-less electrolysis of potassium chloride. The resulting chlorine and potassium hydroxide immediately react. The product of their reaction is potassium hypochlorite, which is further disproportionated into the original potassium chloride and potassium chlorate.

Chemical properties

If the heating temperature reaches 400 o C, the decomposition of Berthollet salt occurs, during which oxygen is released and potassium perchlorate is intermediately formed. With catalysts (manganese oxide (4), iron oxide (3), copper oxide, etc.), the temperature at which this process occurs becomes much lower. Berthollet salt and ammonium sulfate can react in an aqueous-alcohol solution and form ammonium chlorate.


Mixtures of reducing agents (phosphorus, sulfur, organic compounds) and potassium chlorate are explosive and sensitive to shock and friction (photo above). Sensitivity increases if bromates and ammonium salts are present. Due to their high sensitivity, compositions containing Berthollet salt are almost never used in the production of military and industrial explosives. It is sometimes used in pyrotechnics as a source of chlorine for compositions with colored flames.

It is also found in match heads and very rarely can be an initiating explosive(chlorate powder detonated the fuse and was the grating composition of Wehrmacht hand grenades). And in the USSR, potassium chlorate is included in the fuse of Molotov cocktails prepared according to a special recipe. Solutions of bertholetate salts were previously sometimes used as a weak antiseptic and external medicinal gargle. At the beginning of the 20th century, bertholite salt was used to produce oxygen in the laboratory. However, due to its high danger, it was no longer used. It is also used to obtain chlorine dioxide in the laboratory (the reduction reaction of potassium oxalate chlorate is carried out and sulfuric acid is added).


Now you know everything about porcelain salt. It can be both useful and extremely dangerous for humans. If you have matches at home, then every day you observe one of the applications of Berthollet salt in everyday life.


While studying oxygen in chemistry, you reached the section “Producing oxygen in the laboratory by decomposing inorganic substances.” "The decomposition of water, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, heavy oxides and nitrates of active metals... so, everything seems to be clear. Obtaining oxygen from bertholite salt? What kind of animal is this?!" - the standard train of thought of every student viewing this paragraph in the textbook. They don't teach porcelain salt at school, so you have to make inquiries about it yourself. Today in this article I will try to answer in as much detail as possible the question of what Bertholet salt is.

Origin of the name

First, let's talk about its name. Salt is a separate class of inorganic substances, the chemical formula of which has the following arrangement of elements: Me-n- acidic residue, where Me is a metal, acidic residue is an acidic residue, n is the number of atoms (may not be present if the valency of the metal is and acid residue is the same). The acid residue is taken from any inorganic acid. The chemical formula of this salt is KClO 3. The metal present in it is potassium, which means it is potassium. The source of the ClO 3 residue is perchloric acid HClO 3 . In total, Bertholet's salt is the potassium salt of perchloric acid. It is also called potassium chlorate, and the adjective “bertoletova” is attributed to it because of the name of its discoverer.

History of discovery

It was first obtained in 1786 by the French chemist Claude Berthollet. He passed chlorine through a hot, concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide (photo).

Bertholet's salt: obtaining

The production of chlorates industrially (including berthollet salt) is based on the disproportionation reaction of hypochlorites, which are obtained by the interaction of chlorine with alkali solutions. The design of the process can be different: due to the fact that the most large-tonnage product is calcium hypochlorite, from which bleach is made, the most common process is the implementation of an exchange reaction between calcium chlorate (it is obtained by heating calcium hypochlorite) and potassium chloride (it crystallizes from the mother liquor). solution). Potassium chlorate can also be obtained using a modified Berthollet method by diaphragm-less electrolysis of potassium chloride. The resulting chlorine and potassium hydroxide immediately react. The product of their reaction is potassium hypochlorite, which is further disproportionated into the original potassium chloride and potassium chlorate.

Chemical properties

If the heating temperature reaches 400 o C, the decomposition of Berthollet salt occurs, during which oxygen is released and potassium perchlorate is intermediately formed. With catalysts (manganese oxide (4), iron oxide (3), copper oxide, etc.), the temperature at which this process occurs becomes much lower. Berthollet salt and ammonium sulfate can react in an aqueous-alcohol solution and form ammonium chlorate.


Mixtures of reducing agents (phosphorus, sulfur, organic compounds) and potassium chlorate are explosive and sensitive to shock and friction (photo above). Sensitivity increases if bromates and ammonium salts are present. Due to their high sensitivity, compositions containing Berthollet salt are almost never used in the production of military and industrial explosives. It is sometimes used in pyrotechnics as a source of chlorine for compositions with colored flames.

It is also found in match heads and very rarely can be an initiating explosive (chlorate powder detonated the cord and was the grating composition of Wehrmacht hand grenades). And in the USSR, potassium chlorate is included in the fuse of Molotov cocktails prepared according to a special recipe. Solutions of bertholetate salts were previously sometimes used as a weak antiseptic and external medicinal gargle. At the beginning of the 20th century, bertholite salt was used to produce oxygen in the laboratory. However, due to its high danger, it was no longer used. It is also used to obtain chlorine dioxide in the laboratory (the reduction reaction of potassium oxalate chlorate is carried out and sulfuric acid is added).


Now you know everything about porcelain salt. It can be both useful and extremely dangerous for humans. If you have matches at home, then every day you observe one of the applications of Berthollet salt in everyday life.

The actual processes during the electrolysis of a solution of potassium or sodium chloride are more complex. Hypochlorite (chlorate) can be formed either by direct oxidation of the chloride anion or by the reaction of chlorine (which is formed at the anode) with alkali (see. Bakhchisaraitsyan N.G. et al. Workshop on applied electrochemistry (1990)- P. 179 ff.)

Used graphite anodes, as well as anode sludge, contain traces of highly toxic chlorinated compounds (including dioxins). A small amount of material from a laboratory installation does not pose a significant hazard. However, direct contact of waste material with skin should be avoided. For reference: the first documented case of chloracne (dioxin skin lesions) was observed among chlorine production workers in Germany who worked with anode sludge.

6. In the presented version of the electrolyzer, the relatively expensive anode is used ineffectively, since almost the entire current flows only through that part of its surface that faces the cathode. If you make minor changes to the design, fixing the anode in the center of the container, and making a cheap cathode from several elements located on equal distances around the anode, it is possible to significantly reduce the wear of the anode by reducing the current density (alternatively, speed up the process by increasing the current at the same anode density).

Series connection of electrolyzers allows efficient use of the power of the power source, the voltage of which is significantly higher than that required for one cell. However, this design also has a significant drawback: while the current is the same for each cell, including the cell with the highest resistance, the voltage drop across this “bad” cell will be greater than at any other. As a result, the power dissipated by a “bad” cell can cause it to overheat, which in turn will accelerate the wear of the anode. As a result of wear, the resistance of a “bad” cell may increase even more, the voltage drop across it will increase, which will provoke further degradation.

Since an increase in total resistance will cause a general decrease in current, the performance of all cells will decrease simultaneously. If a power source with a current stabilization system is used, then the “bad” cell will be quickly destroyed.

Thus, when connected in series, all electrolysers should have as similar a design as possible and be under the same conditions. This is not always easy to achieve in the laboratory. For this reason, it is recommended not to load electrolysers close to the limit in terms of basic parameters, primarily current density and temperature.

7. The trolleybus has current collectors (pantographs) equipped with graphite inserts, which ensure sliding along the wires and continuous contact.

These contact brushes wear out and burn in arcs when contact is unsuccessful. From time to time, drivers replace them with new ones, throwing out their old ones on the side of the road. There are especially many used brushes lying around at the final stops. You can walk around and collect enough for experiments in electrochemistry.

I made these electrodes from trolleybus contacts.

The electrodes are cut from the graphite insert of a trolleybus current collector with a current-carrying pin screwed into an M3 thread. It is also an element for fastening the electrodes in the electrolyzer.

The pins and the places where they are embedded in the electrodes are coated with polyvinyl chloride varnish to protect against corrosion.