Reply from Neurosis[active]
I'll say one word at a time:
Hedgehog, notebook, pencil case

Reply from Lyubov Tymchenko[guru]

Reply from Gyroscope[guru]
1) there are more sounds than letters: apple yogurt tree pit berry hedgehog lighthouse spinning top skirt pendulum
2) there are more letters than sounds: oven daughter bed furniture model goal greens laziness camp love
3) there are as many sounds as letters: blizzard entrance detour announcement rise volume object entry shooting family

Reply from Osokor[newbie]
trees polka bright flight

Reply from NeoGeo[newbie]
2 Rasp
yogurt is category 3. Letters and sounds are the same. Now, if it was spelled yogurt, then yes: there would be 5 letters, but 6 sounds. and so - yogurt - 6 and 6

Reply from Gulnara Kurbieva[newbie]
1. Place the letters e, e, ya, yu at the beginning of a word or after a vowel and if there are more sounds than letters. These letters make 2 sounds. Yula, I sing.
2. unpronounceable consonants like heart, sun, hello, etc.
z house, volume, forest, foam, dog, apartment, apricot, business, student.

Reply from Anastasia Motigullina[newbie]
1. put the letters e, e, ya, yu at the beginning of a word or after a vowel and there will be more sounds than letters. These letters make 2 sounds. Yula, I sing.
2. unpronounceable consonants like heart, sun, hello, etc.
z house, volume, forest, foam, dog, apartment, apricot, business, student.

Reply from 1 [newbie]
sun hedgehog house

Unified State Examination tasks A1, A 2 in Russian.

Phonetic analysis of the word. Orthoepic norms

(pronunciation of consonants, stress).

When completing tasks A1 - A2, be sure to pronounce the word, listening to your own pronunciation, and write it down in transcription. Count the letters and sounds or find the required sound(s) in the task.

SAMPLE task: Which word has more letters than sounds?

reed [trasnik] – 8 letters, 7 sounds

easy [l "ohk"y] – 6 letters, 6 sounds

judge [court "ya] – 5 letters, 5 sounds

pure [chistava] – 7 letters, 7 sounds Answer: 1.

For correct execution tasks to establish stress in words, it is necessary to master the accentological minimum:

alcohol, alphabet, apostrophe, scam, pamper, bows, bartender, unrestrained, good news, favor, bochkovy, willow, volgodonsky, water pipeline, gas pipeline, genesis, pear, girlish, hyphen, dispensary, extraction, dogma, CONTRACTUAL, LEISURE, daughter, slumber, confessor, blinds, enviably, bent, long, frosty, clogged, rusty, ringing, sign, witchcraft, jagged, Playing, Iconography, Spark, catalogue, catharsis, rubber, cough, cedar, New, whooping, college, college, compass, more beautiful, kitchen, flint, hunk, hunk, salmon, masterfully, briefly, meager, ordeal, obituary, oil pipeline, provision, facilitate, wholesale, inform, condemned, uncork, paralysis, plowing, nevet, funeral, predicted, reward, sentence, dowry, force, insightful, pullover, belt, beets, orphans, concentration, funds, statute, carpenter, dancer, cakes, triptych, shoe, Ukrainian, aggravate, facsimile, fetish, , philister, flyleaf, petition, owners, Christian, cement, chain, gypsy, scoop, chassis, scarves, Shakhtinsky, syringes, drivers, sorrel, expert.

1. Which word has more letters than sounds?

1) reed

4) clean

2. In which word are all consonant sounds soft?

1) make sure

2) amateur

3) bitter

4) stalk

3. In which word are all consonants hard?

2) global

3) original

4) simplicity

4. Which word has fewer letters than sounds?

1) torment

2) writer

3) disappear

4) painful

5. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds?

1) explain

2) absence

4) seeker

6. In which word are all consonant sounds soft?

1) fuselage

3) stem

4) sterlet

7. Which word has more sounds than letters?

4) drive up

8. In which word are all consonant sounds soft?

2) degree

4) merge

9. In which word are all consonants unvoiced?

2) lightness

10. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds?

3) statue

11. In which series of words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) cement, took, expert

2) hyphen, wholesale, convocation

3) statue, beets, got it

4) cakes, beginning, ringing

12. In which series of words do the number of letters and sounds coincide?

1) blizzard, village

2) swimming, June

3) statue, assistant

4) grammar to

13. Which series of words have more sounds than letters?

1) fighting, passionate

2) tulip, nimble

3) twofold, opposition

4) meaning, phenomenon

14. In which series of words does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) deepen, catalog, dispensary

2) intention, cork, took

3) accepted, apostrophe, alphabet

4) grandfatherly, caught up, owners

15. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a hard consonant?

3) academician

16. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

2) sandwich

4) medical history

17. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

18. Which words have the stress on the first syllable?

1) beginning, chunk, quarter,

2) beets, statue, calling,

3) glimpse, spark, willow,

4) wholesale, scoop, plowing

19. Which words have the stress on the third syllable?

1) uncork, mold, pamper,

2) provision, obituary, petition,

3) apostrophe, dispensary, occupied,

4) blinds, nettle, exhaust

20. In which series of words is [shn] pronounced in place of the letters CHN?

1) bakery, Ilyinichna,

2) scrambled eggs, something,

3) of course, boring,

4) creamy, on purpose

21. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) Alcohol

2) confessor

3) catalog

22. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

2) petition

3) mold

4) oil pipeline

23. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) deepen

2) force

3) run out

4) more beautiful

24. In which word is the stress not on the first syllable?

1) cough

3) rust

4) scanty

25. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

3) call

26. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

27. In which series do all words have the sound [g]?

1) to the exam room

2) snow, station

3) clay, boots

4) mountain, dialogue

28. In which series do all words have the sound [d"]?

1) tar, rise, wedding

2) podium, wild, sit down

3) leatherette, threshing, diagonal

4) sweet, support, clerk

29. In which series do all words have the sound [z]?

1) later, dawn, umbrella

2) nail, wrist, zenith

3) development, slides, close

4) squeal, make, comma

30. In which series are there no sounds [z] in all words?

1) do, position, bunny

2) cerebellum, building, buzzer

3) decree, fairy tale, come

4) cart, envy, reason

31. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) chain

2) be encouraged

3) ripped off

Task A4 Phonetics. Sounds and letters. Phonetic analysis of the word Consonants Voiced B V G D J Z Y L M N R - - - - Voiceless P f K T Sh S - - - - - X Ts Ch Sh Easy to remember: these phrases contain 1. “STOPKA, KhoChesh ShcheTs ? - Ugh!" all voiceless consonants. 2. “SMART HEAD, SOLVE GOD’S AFFAIRS!” - all voiced consonants. Pay attention!    Before voiced consonants, deaf ones are voiced: knock down - [h]beat; exam - e[g]replacement. Before voiceless consonants, voiced consonants are deafened: shoots - [f] shoots; to approach - to [t]walk. Voiced consonants are deafened at the end of words: all-terrain vehicle - all-terrain vehicle [t], story - story [s]. Remember this when you complete the following tasks: In which word, when pronounced, does the consonant sound become voicing? In which word does the consonant sound become deafened during pronunciation? In which word are all consonants voiceless? In which word are all consonants voiced? In which word is the sound [indicated] pronounced? Hard and soft consonants Voiced and voiceless consonants can be hard and soft. Always soft - Y, Ch, Sh The softness of the previous consonants is influenced by the letters E, E, Yu, Ya, I, as well as b: ripple - [r’ap’], spring - [v’i]sna. Always hard consonants Ж, Ш, Ц Remember this when you perform the following tasks: In which word is a hard, dull hissing consonant sound pronounced? In which word are all consonants hard? In which word are all consonants soft? Pay attention! The letters E, E, Yu, I convey the sounds [e], [o], [u], [a], if used after a soft consonant (see previous slide). These letters convey two sounds: At the beginning of the word: eats - [YEst]; young man - [YUnosha]. After b and b: blizzard - [v’YUga]. After the vowel sound: arrived - [pr’iYEhal]. Keep this in mind when you complete the tasks: Which word has the same number of letters and sounds? Which word has more letters than sounds? Which word has more sounds than letters? Which word (number indicated) contains sounds? Do not forget that b and b do not represent speech sounds! Positions in which the pronunciation of consonants depends on their position in the word or on their proximity to other vowels or consonants. 1. Combinations -tsya, -tsya are pronounced as [Ts] Greetings - healthy [Ts]a 2. Combinations dch, tch Machine gunner - machine gunner [Ch']ik are pronounced as [Ch'] 3. Combinations ds, ts are pronounced as [Ts ] Neighbor - neighbor[C]ky 4. Combinations szh, zh, zhzh Burn - [Zh]ech are pronounced as [Zh] 5. Combinations zch, sch are pronounced as [Sh'] Carrier - perevor[Sh']ik 6. Double consonants are pronounced as one long sound Class - cla[S] 7. In combinations stn, ntsk, charming, gigantic, heart, silent, Dutch, late, happy, sun, etc. rdc, vstv, lvstv, zdn, ndsk, stl, lnts, the highlighted letters are not pronounced. Keep this in mind when you complete the tasks: In which word does the number of letters and sounds coincide? Which word has more letters than sounds? Which word has more sounds than letters? Which word (number indicated) contains sounds? In which word is a hard, dull hissing consonant sound pronounced? In which word are all consonants hard? In which word are all consonants soft? In which word does the consonant sound become voicing during pronunciation? In which word does the consonant sound become deafened during pronunciation? In which word are all consonants voiceless? In which word are all consonants voiced? In which word is the sound [indicated] pronounced? Let’s decide together a) Which word contains only voiced consonants? 1) 2) 3) 4) approach shaved off a slight explosion If you exclude all words that have unvoiced sounds, you will probably make a mistake. You will be left with a fourth option - the word explosion, but at the absolute end of the word the sound [v] is deafened. Therefore, do not rush, check whether the dull sound is not voiced before the voiced one? In the first variant, both voiced sounds [d] are deafened; in the third there is a dull sound [k], which also deafens the sound [g] in front of it. The second option remains: the sound [s] is voiced before the voiced sound [b]. This is the correct answer. Let’s decide together b) In which word is the sound [s’] pronounced? 1) 2) 3) 4) combination ointment boots term It is enough, even by elimination, to understand that this is not the first, not the third or fourth option: they do not have the conditions for softening the previous indicated consonant sound. But in the second version, the sound [z] is deafened at the end of the word and softened - it is followed by b. The correct answer is 2. Let's decide together c) In which word does the consonant sound become deafened during pronunciation? 1) 2) 3) 4) knead enter rake insert In this task we are talking about a voiced consonant sound, because It is impossible to deafen a dull sound. Voiced consonants are deafened at the absolute end of a word or before a voiceless consonant. There is no weak position at the end of words, which means we are looking for the junction of voiced and voiceless consonants. There is no such junction in either the first or fourth options. In the third case, we observe the voicing of the voiceless consonant - [zg]resti. The second option remains: the letter “v” before the voiceless [x] means [f]. The correct answer is 2. We decide together d) In which word is the vowel [o] pronounced? 1) 2) 3) 4) combed feeling chocolate call We determine the stress in the word to find the correct answer. The stressed vowel [o] is only in the first variant. This is the correct answer. Let's decide together e) Which word has more sounds than letters? 1) neighborhood 2) apple 3) junction 4) city The letters E, E, Yu, I can produce a larger number of sounds in words if they appear at the beginning of a word or after a vowel. There is only one such word - apple - 9 sounds, 8 letters. In the word travel after Ъ, the letter E also makes two sounds, but the sound does not mean Ъ, so this word has 7 letters and the same number of sounds. The correct answer is 2. Indicate the erroneous judgment 1) In the word UNKNOWN, the consonant sound [t] is unpronounceable. 2) In the word ENTERING, the first sound is [f]. 3) In the word GET, the softness of the consonant [n’] is indicated in writing by the letter b (soft sign). 4) The word SERIOUS has more sounds than letters. Answer 4) Indicate the erroneous judgment 1) In the word angry, all consonants are voiced. 2) In the word hike, all consonants are voiceless. 3) In the word baking the sound [s] is pronounced. 4) The word hospital has fewer sounds than letters. Answer 3) Indicate the erroneous judgment 1) In the word sun, the consonant sound [l] is unpronounceable. 2) In the word request, when pronounced, the consonant sound is voicing. 3) The word learn has 5 sounds. 4) In the word department store, all consonants are voiced. Answer 4)

Phonetics is a section of the Russian language that studies sounds and letters.

Speech sounds are the smallest units of sound that we hear and pronounce.

Letters are conventional graphic signs that express the sounds of speech in writing.

The designation of speech sounds by letters in writing is studied by graphics.

All speech sounds in Russian are divided into vowels and consonants.

Vowels are sounds in the formation of which air passes freely through the oral cavity without encountering any obstacle.

There are 6 vowel sounds: [a], [o], [e], [i], [s], [u].

The letters E, E, Yu, I are not sounds. These iotized letters stand for:

One sound after a soft consonant: [e] - [m"el]; [o] - [l"ot]; Gu] - [l "uk]; [a] - [m "ach];

Two sounds:

a) at the beginning of the word: [yama];

b) after b and b: [p"yut];

c) after a vowel sound: [Paiute].

All vowel sounds are divided into:



Consonants are sounds in the formation of which air encounters some kind of obstacle in the oral cavity.

Consonant sounds - 37: [b], [b"], [v], [v*], , [D]. [dCh. [z], [a"], [p], [p"], [ f], [fCh, [k], [kCh, [t], [tCh, [s], [sCh. [l], [lH, [m], [mH. [n], [nCh, [r], 1rCh> M, [xCh, [zh], GzhCh, [sh], [schCh, [hCh, [d], [yCh.

All consonant sounds are divided into groups:

Voiced - voiceless;

Hard - soft.

Paired consonants according to voicedness - deafness:

[b] [IN] [G] [D] [and]
And [f] [To] [T] [w] [WITH]

Unpaired voiced consonants: [p], [l], [m], [n], [th]. Unpaired voiceless consonants: [x], [ts], [h], [sch]. Most consonant sounds have pairs of hardness and softness:

[b] - - [vCh, [G] - [hCh, [d] - [dCh, - [zCh, [K] - [k"], [l] - [lCh, [m] - [mCh, [ N] - [nCh, [p] - [pCh, [p] ~ [RF> [s] - [sCh. [t] - [tCh, [f] - [FCh.

Unpaired hard consonants: [zh], [sh], [ts]. Unpaired soft consonants: [hCh> [schCh" [**4-

Voiced and voiceless consonants can be devoiced and voiced.

Stunning occurs:

At the end of the word: forehead [lop];

Before voiceless consonants: boat [tray]. Voicing is observed before voiced consonants: threshing [malat "ba].

1. In which series do all words have a stressed vowel [O]?

a) light, sleepy, yellow

b) callous, nap, sheet

c) bake, spoiled, flint

d) clear, extremely, capacity

2. In which series do all words have the vowel sound [A]?

a) ball, lazy, zealous

b) saint, bow, mint

c) I swear, it will lie, pull

d) icy, woodpecker, run

3. In what row is the sound [Y] pronounced in all words?

a) zinc, soapy, liquid

b) decorous, cycle, demonstration

c) tin, tenants, compass

d) official, porch, breathing

4. In which series do all words have the vowel [E]?

a) comb, shadow, cell

b) doze, encyclopedia, tree

c) weave, era, emotions

d) chatter, emigration, trill

5. Indicate in which word all consonants are hard.

b) yellowness

c) wide

d) millstones

6. Indicate in which word all consonants are soft.

a) squint

b) clean

c) small

d) stubble

7. In which row are words in which all consonants are voiced?

a) role, iodine, friendship

b) may, bravo, jelly bean

c) garden, crowd, zero

d) hole, breeze, pain

8. In what row are the words located where all the consonants are voiceless?

a) pike, hurry, check

b) chick, haystack, mow

c) step, package, running

d) dog, mole, melancholy

9. In which series do all words have the sound [j]?

a) sing, pit, linen

b) container, piano, stand

c) bite, charm, beat

d) rag, sits, bright

In which series do all words have the sound [G]?

a) haystack, city, peas

b) coat of arms, geranium, horn

c) head, hammock, road

d) wilderness, enemy, loader

11. In which series do all words have the sound [D]?

a) tar, house, family

b) fashion, code, wood

c) soda, access, valiant

d) herd, debate, gift

12. In which series do all words have the sound [D"]?

a) clerk, dozen, pad

b) breathe, walk, federation

c) activity, division, dialogue

d) diploma, noon, labor

13. In which series do all words have the sound [F]?

a) cafe, front, federation

b) phenomenon, stanza, ficus

c) boil, disaster, fact

d) plywood, fireworks, paramedic

14. In which series do all words have the sound [F"]?

a) football, deficit, skipping

b) function, editing, pilaf

c) movie, dial, send

d) extravaganza, worm, crawl

15. In what row is the sound [C] pronounced in all words?

a) image, eye, mattress

b) health, mowing, track

c) massive, selfish, do

d) dump, take out, thrush

16. In what row is the sound [C"] pronounced in all words?

a) souvenir, surprise, bill

b) frost, signal, sit down

c) sowing, knocked down, mold

d) corset, safe, chintz

17. In what order is the sound [T] pronounced in all words?

a) garden, warehouse, ford

b) local, democracy, tone

c) dangerous, alarming, traveling

d) touching, tennis, passage

18. In which series do all words have the sound [T*]?

a) karate, ground terre, timbre

b) report card, roll down, make sure

c) titular, sing, heavy

d) thousand, fight, throne

19. In what series does the sound [B] occur in all words?

a) faith, add, envy

b) led, tin, freedom

c) in breadth, withstand, prepare

d) water, addition, height

20. In what series does the sound [B] occur in all words?

a) pillar, rich, shore

b) drill, disease, get close

c) turn white, run, box

d) traffic jam, timid, whim

21. In which series do all words have the sound [Ш]?

a) cartoon, shorts, shred

b) wide, jogging, reins

c) bakery, of course, yeast

d) happy, parade, wool

22. In which series do all words have the sound [Zh]?

a) fried, stitch, belly

b) robbery, yellow, life-giving

c) leather, harvest, frontier

d) divine, look after, chew

23. In which series do all words have the sound [Ч"]7

a) black, greedy, on purpose

b) eternity, suitcase, scrambled eggs

c) of course, stockings, waste away

d) monster, numbers, excessive

24. In what row does the sound [Ш] occur in all words?

a) sorrel, happiness, mercy

b) account, gap, clear

c) defector, puppy, plush

d) loader, cabbage soup, wide

25. Indicate words that have more letters than sounds.

a) outstanding

b) eight hundred

c) pedestal

d) take cover

26. Indicate words that have more sounds than letters.

a) schedule

b) immense

c) request

d) passing

27. Indicate words in which the number of letters and sounds is the same.

b) curtain

c) fly in

d) indication

28. Indicate in which row the voicing occurs in all words.

a) request, mowing, squeezed

b) wedding, creepy, grapes c) station, herbarium, later

d) football, splashing, burnt

29. Indicate in which row the deafening occurs in all words.

a) pillar, low, ditch

b) friend, fright, mowing

c) forward, tremble, patronize

d) garden, rope, heart

30. Indicate cases in which the spelling and pronunciation are the same.

b) retribution

d) charm

31. Indicate in which row all words consist of 5 sounds.

a) flight, plays, coat

b) boot, reins, fight

c) language, photography, wind

d) favor, satin, bright

Can you give examples of words that have more sounds than letters?

    The word skirt has 4 letters and 5 sounds.

    The word Yula has 3 letters and 4 sounds.

    The word pit has 3 letters and 4 sounds.

    The word apple has 6 letters and 7 sounds.

    The word pit has 3 letters and 4 sounds.

    The word Christmas tree has 4 letters and 5 sounds.

    The word ruff has 3 letters and 4 sounds.

    Words where the vowels I, E, Yu, I appear after a vowel letter, after a separating soft or hard sign, or at the beginning of a word give a double sound. As in the words YARMO - 4 letters, 5 sounds, GALLERY - 7 letters, 8 sounds, APPLE - 6 letters, 7 sounds, coalition - 8 letters, 9 sounds, RSH - 3 letters, 4 sounds.

    To write Slava, where there will be fewer letters than sounds, you need to be guided by the rule of the Russian language, which states that the letters Ya, E, Yu give two syllables. Therefore, in the words: kefir - 5 letters, 6 sounds; klv - 4 letters, 5 sounds; photograph - 10 letters, 11 sounds, hawk - 6 letters, 8 sounds.

    Raccoon yanot, zh yosh, chak seagulls, yula yula, humor yumar. In general, words that either begin with the vowels E or Y, or those letters appear after the vowels. These letters are called diphthongs, that is, letters that have one image but give double sound.

    The word line, for example, is suitable. Because some vowels make two sounds, but a soft sign does not make a sound. There is also a word, for example, dear. Knowing the rules it’s easy to choose. The word lighthouse is also suitable, as is the word iodine. And the numeral three - it has more sounds than letters, because there are 4 letters and 5 sounds, and these are two sounds at once.

    Words with more sounds than letters: fir-tree, spruce, Julia, amber, jasper, humor, south, lka, ice, icebreaker, anchor, fair, yak, ulcer, devil, hawk, honey, raccoon, poisonous, people, acorn . In all these words, the letters e, i, yu make two sounds and one letter.

    As they taught in Soviet school, there are four vowels in our alphabet, which when pronounced have two sounds, these are: E pronounced (Y-E), pronounced (Y-O), Yu pronounced (Y-U) and the last letter I made of two sounds (Y-A). At the same time, there is a rule for the placement of these letters in words; this pronunciation is correct when the word begins with these consonants, or they come after a vowel. Therefore, when we pronounce words using these vowels, we must take into account that there are always or almost always one more sounds than letters. For example, the word BLACKBERRY. Letters: E+F+E+B+I+K+A = 7 letters, sounds: Y+E+ZH+E+V+I+K+A = 8 sounds. At the same time, you see, the first rule, when the letter E comes first, gives two sounds during pronunciation (Y and E), and in its second appearance only one (E), since it comes after the consonant Z. A simpler example: the word RSH. Letters: +Р+Ш = 3; sounds: Y+O+R+Sh = 4. There is another rule with these letters when the word contains soft or solid sign and which do not have their own sounds. In this case, the number of letters and sounds, in the presence of the four vowels listed above, may be the same, or there may even be fewer letters than sounds. Example: word YOUTH. Sounds: И+У+Н+О+С+Ть=6 sounds; letters: Yu+N+O+S+T+L=6 letters. Or a word BLIZZARD. Sounds: M+E+T+E+L=5 sounds; letters: M+E+T+E+L+b=6 letters If we give examples, specific to the question, then examples can be words that have more sounds than letters, such as: YULA, ZHIK, FOOD, LKA, SKIRT, YURTA etc..

    Another rule came to mind, look word BLIZZARD. Yu comes after b, we count sounds: Вь+И+У+Г+А=5, now letters: В+Б+У+Г+А=5 (also five). It turns out that when after a soft or hard sign, two sounds of these vowels are pronounced again, and the b or b signs are lost-)

    In the Russian language there are so-called iotated vowels. These are the vowels e ye, yo, yu yu, ya ya.

    In cases where these letters appear in a word

    at the beginning (core - core - 4 points 5 stars),

    after separating solid or separating soft sign(teeth - zubya - 5 b. 6 stars, entrance - padyest - 7 b. 7 stars - since, although an iotated vowel presses two sounds, the word has a letter with a solid sign that does not produce a sound);

    After another vowel sound (police - palitsiya - 7 b. 8 sound),

    iotated vowels produce two sounds.

    If a word has an iotated vowel in the above position, and all other letters in the word give one or more sounds, then such a word will have more sounds than letters.

    Such words, in which there are more sounds than letters, are a dime a dozen. There are regularities: words have more sounds if the letters E, Yu, I are at the beginning of the word or after vowel sounds, since they will then denote two sounds.

    Line -- 5 letters, 6 sounds;

    mumi-- 5 letters, 6 sounds;

    dear - 7 letters, 8 sounds;

    lka - 4 letters, 5 sounds;

    Yula - 3 letters, 4 sounds;

    raccoon - 4 letters, 5 sounds;

    yoke - 4 letters, 5 sounds.

    Good afternoon, Question.....Write down words in which: 1 sounds are more than letters; 2 sounds are less than letters. Words: factory, work, shovel.