Summary of OOD on speech development in the senior group “Silver Hoof”

Software tasks:
1. Introduce children to everyday and fairy tales. Learn to determine and motivate your attitude towards the characters, noticing some means of expression.
2. Learn to answer questions based on the text grammatically correct.
Enrichment of vocabulary: belongings, booth, stuffy.

3. Develop creative imagination, help construct statements logically and meaningfully. Introduce the biography of P. Bazhov.
4. Cultivate kindness in children, the ability to imitate the good deeds of fairy tale heroes.

Preliminary work: Reading a fairy tale by P.P. Bazhov’s “Silver Hoof” and a conversation on it. Watching the cartoon "Silver Hoof".

Equipment: portrait of Bazhov, sheet A3, blanks of trees, a hut, a girl, a cat and a goat; paints, brushes.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, guess the riddle:
Someone is sitting at the window in the hut,
And the little goat stands at the edge of the forest.
He hits with his hoof - stones fly,
And their scatterings shine under the moon.
Next to the goat is the cat Muryonka,
And looks at them from the window... (Darenka)
-What fairy tale did this heroine come to us from? ("Silver Hoof")
“She’s visiting us today, but she’s hidden somewhere.” Let's find her.
Darenka told me that an evil wizard stole her bag of precious stones, which Silver Hoof gave her. And to find it you need to pass tests. Shall we help Darenka find the bag?
You are ready? Then let's go!
1) 1- 2 - 3 - turn around, you’ll find yourself in the writer’s homeland! Here we are in the homeland of P.P. Bazhova. (A story about a writer for children of senior preschool age) Bazhov Pavel Petrovich is a famous Russian writer of Ural fairy tales. Probably not by chance, because his surname comes from the word “bazhit” - to cast a spell, to cast a spell. As a child, he had a nickname - Koldunkov.
For fifteen years, every year during school holidays, Bazhov wandered around his native land on foot, everywhere he looked at the life around him, talked with workers, wrote down their apt words, conversations, stories, collected folklore, studied the work of lapidaries, stone cutters, steelworkers, foundries , gunsmiths and many other Ural craftsmen, talked with them about the secrets of their craft and kept extensive notes. It’s amazing that no matter what fantastic tales he writes, all his professions are real. He knew perfectly well what and how people in the Urals were doing.
Bazhov is remembered in our country; streets and libraries are named after him.
The steamship "Pavel Bazhov" sails along the Volga. In Sysert and Yekaterinburg there are houses where the writer lived. There is also a national park “Bazhovskie places” (a story from the personal experience of a teacher). Now these are museums. The tales are so clever and so beautiful that composers composed music for the tales (there is a ballet and an opera "The Stone Flower"). Based on the tales, performances were staged, a movie and cartoons were made. Artists love to draw illustrations for Bazhov's tales.
2) 1- 2 - 3 - turn around, you’ll find yourself in quiz land!
Presentation-quiz on the fairy tale “Silver Hoof”
3) 1- 2 - 3 - turn around, you will find yourself in the land of good deeds! Have you noticed, guys, how kind and merciful the heroes of fairy tales were to each other? Let's remember their good deeds (Kokovanya sheltered Darenka; Darenka sheltered Murenka; Kokovanya took both the girl and the cat to live with him; Kokovanya left for work in the morning. Darenka cleaned the hut, cooked stew and porridge; grandfather told the girl fairy tales, etc. .)
4) 1- 2 - 3 - turn around, you’ll find yourself charging!
Physical education minute
Here in the cold winter Children wave their hands.
The wind blows icy
And it raises a cloud of snow. Children perform circular movements with their hands.
He is harsh and powerful.
Hares are hiding in the bushes. Children sit in a deep squat on
Even the sly fox a few seconds, then they get up.
Hidden and sitting
Well, the snow is flying and flying. Children wave their hands.
But the evil blizzard subsided,
The sun is shining in the sky. Stretching - arms to the sides.
A fox gallops across the field. Jumping.
Well, we'll walk a little Walking.
And we will return home to ourselves. The children sit at the tables.
5 1- 2 - 3 - turn around, you’ll find yourself in the land of difficult words!
- Darenka has prepared a task for you:
Children are divided into groups, from a wonderful bag they draw cards with unfamiliar words from the text of the fairy tale and explain their meanings: Belongings, booth, accomplice, toss and turn, stuffy, marvel.
6) 1- 2 - 3 - turn around, you’ll find yourself in a fantasy land!
“There is a lot of mystery in this fairy tale,” says the teacher. - For example, where did the cat Murenka come from? Your guesses."
“Why do you think Murenka, fighting off the dogs, followed Darenka in the winter cold? - asks the teacher. - What did Murenka and Silver Hoof talk about? What did she tell the goat? And, finally, why did the cat leave Darenka?”, “Does such a goat, Silver Hoof, exist?”
7) 1- 2 - 3 - turn around, you’ll find yourself in a children’s garden! The evil wizard returned the bag of chrysolites; it is in our group room. Find it by following the clues: two steps from the bedroom door, three steps to the left, five steps to the right and eight steps to the right. (Children find a bag of candy)
8) Reflection: And now, as a memory of the journey to the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”, we will create a picture. (Creation of a collective creative collage “Silver Hoof”)

Anna Kolesnikova
Abstract of GCD for children of the senior group. Reading the tale of P. P. Bazhov “The Silver Hoof”

Abstract of GCD

For older children on speech and artistic-aesthetic development using gaming and information and communication technologies

Subject: Reading tale P. P. Bazhova« Silver hoof» .

Types of children's activities: gaming, productive, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Goals: learn to perceive and convey the content of a work, draw up a portrait of the hero, expand the reader’s horizons, enrich the vocabulary; develop attention; cultivate a sense of kindness, love for nature, animals, care for the weak; teach to identify cotton wool by touch, continue to practice the ability to roll from plasticine "sausages" equal thickness; develop imagination and fantasy.

Planned results: expresses interest, admiration, joy at reading the story P. P. Bazhova« Silver hoof» and expresses his attitude towards his characters; shows curiosity, is interested in what the snow on the blank is made of; performs modeling according to the model, and performs drawing elements according to his own plans.

Materials and equipment: portrait Bazhova, his books, incl. « Silver hoof» , blanks for each child (album sheets on which the silhouette of a house with a window and a deer on the roof is drawn, cotton wool is glued to the bottom of the sheet - snow, dark plasticine, felt-tip pens.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, we read works of different literary genres. What is the difference a tale from a story? (V fairy tale - fiction, magic, and in story- events from real life and heroes - ordinary people).

Today I will reread to you the work of the Ural writer P.P. Bazhova« Silver hoof» .

showing a portrait Bazhova

In average group we read this work, you then called it fairy tale. But the author himself named his creations - tales. Tales are something between a story and a fairy tale.

IN Bazhov's tales ordinary earthly people act in real life - such as Danila - a master, old man Kokovanya, girl Darenka, and next to them fabulous heroes - Mistress of Copperbark, Great Snake, Firefly - Jumping, forest goat Silver hoof.

P.P. was born. Bazhov in the master's family working at a mining plant. Since childhood, he was interested in Ural folklore - that is, oral folk art (tales, legends, riddles, songs, proverbs) .

His work « Silver hoof» - This tale. Tales(I’ll repeat it again)- these are works of oral folk art in which is told about the life of the people in a special folk speech. In that tale ordinary earthly people act, and next to them there are fictional ones, fabulous.

Who remembers which people are mentioned in tale« Silver hoof» ? (girl, grandfather)

Who's there fairy? (goat Silver hoof)

It's very good that you remember this work. And I invite you to the hut-reading room, as rooms used to be called in Rus' where children and adults gathered to listen stories about life, fairy tales about fictional characters or listened there tales, such as those written by P.P. Bazhov.

Get up from your seats, turn around yourself 3 times, make circular movements with your torso 5 times and sit around me so that everyone is comfortable, heard and seen. I'll read you a few excerpts from Bazhov's tale« Silver hoof» , and you listen and think what grandfather Kokovanya and the girl Daryonka were like.

Reading excerpts from Bazhov's tale

Guys, get up from your seats, make circular movements with your torso 5 times, turn around yourself 3 times and sit on your chairs, we are returning to group.

Name the main characters again tale.

Describe your appearance old man. (big, bearded)

What was he doing? (he washed the sands in the summer, and ran after the goat in the winter; master tell tales; noble-skilled hunter)

What was it like old by nature? (kind, affectionate, cheerful)

Tell us about Daryonka. (a six-year-old girl, tiny, with a button nose, brave, inquisitive, hardworking, kind)

What was Daryonka doing? (I cleaned the hut, cooked stew and porridge, loved listen to fairy tales)

Do you think Kokovan regretted taking Daryonka with him?

What did you like about their character?

What kind of person would you like to be? (answers children)

I think that everything will work out for you and you you will be like this what you want to become. Now, before you do any creative work on I'll tell you P. P. Bazhova(refer to portrait) « Silver hoof» We'll take a little rest during a musical break.

Officers on duty participate in preparation for the creative part of the GCD

Guys, what time of year is it now? (winter)

What signs of winter do you remember? (answers children)

Now I will give each of you a piece of paper with "snow" and you with your eyes closed (only honestly) try to determine what this snow is made of.

Definition of cotton wool to the touch

You have determined that it is cotton wool, check yourself by opening your eyes.


Look at the image on the sheet, what is shown there? (answers children)

What work is this picture for?

How do you think this flat picture can be made voluminous and convex? (make a hut with plasticine)

Okay, what do you think Kokovani’s hut was like in the forest? (from logs)

What are the names of houses and huts made of logs? (answers children)

It’s correct to say – logs.

Who can remember what logs come in shape and color? (similar to a cylinder, pipe, sausage; dark in color)

Watch me make the first log.

Sample Show

Now you can try to make your own huts.

Modeling logs by children

Guys, look at the huts you have, wrapped in snow. And why The silver hoof raised the leg, but there are no colorful pebbles? How to fix, or rather improve our picture? (draw pebbles)

Drawing magic pebbles with felt-tip pens.

I really like your work, I think P.P. too. Bazhov would love these too fabulous paintings. I suggest you take your work home and tell moms and dads Bazhov's tale« Silver hoof» . Thank you all for the interesting work, you can rest.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of the GCD for the senior group “Reading the Chuvash folk tale “The Sparrow-tailed Mouse” Goal: developing interest and need for reading books; introduce the greatest wealth of folk culture - fairy tales. Tasks: to form.

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children of the first junior group. Reading the poem “Ball” by A. Barto Summary of educational activities for speech development for children of the 1st junior group. Reading the poem “Ball” by A. Barto Description of the material:.

Summary of a lesson on speech development for middle group children. Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “The Miracle Tree” Summary of a lesson on speech development for middle group children. Reading the work of K. Chukovsky “The Miracle Tree” Topic: Miracle tree Age.

Municipal autonomous educational institution

Secondary school No. 30

Asbestovsky urban district

Literary reading lesson

(extracurricular reading)

1st grade


Zubova Rimma


Job title:


primary classes



UMK "Perspective"

Item: literary reading (extracurricular reading)

Class: 1

Subject: P.P.Bazhov “Silver Hoof”

Lesson type: learning new material

Educational technology : technology of interactive forms and teaching methods as a means of forming educational learning.

Target: formation of UUD in students.



    to instill interest among schoolchildren in books and literature;

    reveal the concept of tale as a genre of literature;

    introduce the riches of the Ural region, its traditions, the occupations of people in the past, their way of life;


    develop speech, logical, analytical thinking, observation skills;

    expand your reading horizons; enrich vocabulary;

    develop communication skills: the ability to collaborate, prove your point of view when working in pairs and groups; objectively evaluate work during self-test;


    promote a sense of kindness, love for nature and animals.

Formation of UUD:


    perceive by ear the reading of the teacher and classmates;

    independently determine the theme of the work and, under the guidance of the teacher, the main idea of ​​the work read or listened to;

    participate in a collective discussion of a work read or listened to; answer teacher's questions;


    motivation to turn to a book as a best friend, a source of information;

    emotional perception of a work of art and the actions of literary characters;


Regulatory UUD:

    understand, accept and maintain the learning task;

    evaluate the results of your activities in accordance with specified criteria or a sample;

    take the position of a reader and listener in accordance with the educational task being solved.

Communication UUD:

    listen and perceive the statements of the teacher and classmates;

    take part in the discussion of what you read;

    accept different points of view on the work read;

    work in pairs, in a group; agree on joint completion of tasks.

Cognitive UUD:

    determine the sequence of events in a literary text, their cause-and-effect relationship.

Basic concepts: tale

Interdisciplinary connections: literary reading and the world around us

Organization of space: frontal work, group work

Didactic material and equipment:

    computer, projector, screen;


    book by P.P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”;

    cards for independent work;

    collection of Ural gems.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizing time.

II. Conversation about the native land (work with presentation).

III. A story about the writer P.P. Bazhov.

IY. Brief review of books (book exhibition).

Y. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

YI. Vocabulary work.

VII. Teacher reading a story.

YIII. Conversation on contentworks.

IX. Physical exercise.

    Completing assignments based on the work you read.

A)Work in groups:compilation of characteristics of the main characters;

b) Work in pairs: drawing up a picture plan;

c) Work in dynamic pairs: creating a crossword puzzle.

XI. Lesson summary.

XII. Reflection.

XIII. Homework.

During the classes:

I . Organizing time ( slide 1).

Mom begins quietly telling storiesAbout the Mistress who lives in the mountain.I see Daryonushka - immediatelyLizards flashed at dawn...And from these tales it became againMy soul is so pure and light...To the distant house of grandfather Bazhov,I was transported to the Urals!

II . Conversation about the native land.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of the region in which we live?(slide 2-3).

The region in which we live is called the Urals. The region is very beautiful at any time of the year. The Urals are a very ancient region. People have known these places for a long time. Archaeologists have found more than one ancient human site in the Urals. People were attracted here by the Ural Mountains, which stretch from north to south for two thousand kilometers. These old mountains contain deposits of coal and iron ore, copper and nickel, chromium and asbestos, gold and the famous Ural gems.

Who knows what gems are?(slide 4).

Gems – these are stones. But the stones are special: very beautiful, transparent, bright. No one painted them - they themselves, by nature, are like this: shimmer, sparkle, glow in different colors. That's why they are called gems.

Gems are very rare and expensive stones. They are mined only in a few places around the world, including in the Urals. The Ural underground treasure trove of gems is the richest in the world. Emerald, jasper, amethyst, zircon, chrysolite, topazes, aquamarines, etc. are mined here. And the most famous Ural stone is malachite. Malachite glorified the Urals throughout the world, because our region had the largest deposits of this stone. Its extraction was carried out very intensively. Gems were used to make various jewelry, boxes, picture frames, and decorate cathedrals and palaces.

III . A story about the writer P.P. Bazhov ( slide 5).

This year the writer's anniversary is celebrated -135 years from your birthday.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born and lived his life in the Urals. His childhood was spent in the town of Sysert and at the Polevsky plant, not far from Yekaterinburg. His father at that time was a mining foreman, his mother a skilled lacemaker. Pavel early began to recognize himself as a responsible member of the family: going fishing meant “getting an ear, or even two,” going to the forest meant bringing berries and mushrooms.

He loved his region very much and knew well how the artisans lived. These were strong-willed, brave people. They had a difficult job.He was interested in everything connected with the Ural Mountains and their wealth. He communicated a lot with ordinary people, collecting legends that workers at mining factories told him. And then he translated these legends into tales, a genre that he invented himself.

A tale is a literary work in the form of a narration on behalf of the narrator.

In his works, the fantastic merged with the real, extraordinary events took place in them, in which everything was as it should be in a real fairy tale: good defeated evil, all evil spirits retreated before courage and a clear conscience. But the heroes of fairy tales were not gnomes, not heroes with extraordinary strength, but ordinary people. And therefore

his works are called tales, not fairy tales.

P.P. Bazhov gave many tales not only to the Ural people, but also to the whole world.

Which tales of P.P. Bazhov are you already familiar with?

IY . Brief review of books (book exhibition).

In 1939, Bazhov's most famous work was published - the collection of tales "The Malachite Box", for which the writer received the State Prize. Subsequently, Bazhov expanded this book with new tales. This year is the anniversary of the book -75 years old.

Look at the picture and determine which heroes and objects from P.P.’s tales. Bazhov is depicted on it(slide 6).

Y .Message to the target.
- What goal will you set for yourself?

How can we formulate the topic of our lesson?

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the tale of P.P. Bazhov “The Silver Hoof”(slide 7).

YI . Vocabulary work (slide 8).

(words are written on the board).Artel - a team, a team with one goal of work.Orphan - a child left without parents.Clerk - boss.Goat - young deer.Balagan - a hut where you can spend the night in the forest.Corned beef – salted meat.Mowing spoons – a place where grass is cut.

YII . Teacher reading a story

Target before reading:

Try to remember the main characters of this tale.

(Reading is accompanied by illustrations).

YIII . Conversation on content works (for the correct answer the student receives a “gem”).

Let's collect our collection of stones.

1. Who are the main characters of this tale?
(Kokovyanya, Daryonka, goat Silver Hoof.)

2. What was the name of the girl’s cat?(Muryonka)

3. How did Daryonka end up with grandfather Kokovani?(I wanted to take in an orphan, it’s boring to live alone)

4. Why did Daryonka go to live with the old man?(he was kind, she liked him. In the house where she lived she was offended).

5. Where did Kokovanya and Daryonka live?(In the forest, in the lodge)

6. What fairy tale did Daryonka most often like to listen to?(about a goat who has a silver hoof on his right leg).

6. How many times did the goat Silver Hoof approach the forester’s house?(three)

7. Why did the Silver Hoof appear to Daryonka? Why did he like this girl so much?(kind, brave, open, pure and naive soul, without any selfish goals).

IX . Fizminutka

In an even circle one after anotherWe are going step by step.Stand still, togetherLet's do it like this:- How Muryonka carefully sneaks on her toes.
- How gracefully the Silver Hoof rushes .

X . Completing assignments based on the work you read.

A) Work in groups (under the guidance of a teacher)

- Let's characterize Daryonka and Kokovane(slide 9).

You have task cards on your desks. Take the card. Find the words that are suitable to describe the characters.

Group 1 (girls) – make up Daryonka’s characteristics;

2nd group (boys) - make up the characteristics of Kokovane.

Select and underline the correct words that fit for character characteristics: Daryonka, Kokovanya


Big and bearded.

Tiny, with a button nose.

What does he do?

Master of fairy tales.

She cleaned the hut, cooked stew and porridge.


I loved listening to fairy tales.

I left for work in the morning.

In the summer he washes the sands, mines gold, and in the winter he runs through the forests after a goat.


stubborn, hardworking, honest, fair, kind, affectionate, brave, polite, sympathetic, angry, smart, warm-hearted, modest, simple, attentive, greedy, wise

- Please note that in the line “Character” you need to change the endings of the clue words to characterize the girl.

Checking the job(slide 10 – 11).

B) Work in pairs: drawing up a picture plan

Arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and confirm your choice with the words of the text.

Checking the job(slide 12).

IN) Working in dynamic pairs: creating a crossword puzzle (each group has its own task sheet)Slide 13.

1 M

2 X

3 D


5 TO

6 B


2. What were the names of the pebbles that people found where the goat jumped?3. What is the name of the main character? 4. What genre does this work belong to? 6. Who is the author of the tale?


1. What was the name of Daryonka's cat? 5. What was the nickname of the old man who decided to take an orphan as his child?

- Checking the task

XI . Lesson summary.

Our fabulous journey ends.

    Did you guys like the piece?

    What was real in the tale and what was fiction?
    - What moral lesson did P.P. Bazhov teach his readers?
    Selflessness is a rare quality of human character (slide 14).

XII . Reflection.

- Thank you everyone for working so hard in class today.

(On the teacher’s desk there are boxes with “precious stones” of different colors.)

- Each of you will take turns going up to the boxes, choosing one or more pebbles and decorating our illustration with them.

- If after today’s lesson you want to know more about the tales of Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, pastegreen pebble.

- If you worked well in class, but could have done better, stick ityellow .

- If you had difficulties, glue itred pebble.

/ we finish the applique by gluing “precious stones”. If the red ones are glued, we’ll discuss what caused the difficulty/

XIII . Homework.

- At home, tell your family about kind grandfather Kokovan, dear Daryonka, cat Muryonka and Silver Hoof.

If you want, draw one of the characters from the story or an illustration for your favorite episode.

The lesson is over.

Resources used:

  • Introduce the contents of P.P. Bazhov’s work “Silver Hoof”.
  • To introduce the riches of the Ural region, its traditions, the occupations of people in the past, and their way of life.
  • Apply to the work

Equipment used in the lesson:

  1. Collection of Ural gems.
  2. Photos of products made from semi-precious stones.
  3. Photos of Ural nature.
  4. Portrait of P.P. Bazhov.
  5. Details for the applique (house, trees, girl Daryonka, deer Silver Hoof, cat Muryonka).
  6. Illustrations for a fairy tale.
  7. Drawings of the Silver Hoof on a separate sheet according to the number of students.
  8. Books by P.P. Bazhov for the exhibition.
  1. Org. moment.
  2. Conversation about the native land.
  3. The story about P.P. Bazhov.
  4. Exhibition of books (brief overview of books). (The exhibition of books by P.P. Bazhov is arranged in advance. The students themselves briefly talk about the works they have already read, and the teacher briefly makes an annotation to other works, thereby interest- ing the children to learn about this tale).
  5. Message to the target.
  6. Vocabulary work. (Complex words that appear in the text are explained. All words are printed on cards so that children can visually perceive them. Although children read syllables, visual perception of words will be an incentive to read quickly).
  7. Reading the story by the teacher in abbreviation. (Many children come to 1st grade not reading, so the teacher reads the tale. The tale is quite large in volume, so the teacher thinks in advance which passages from the work may not be read, so that the meaning of the tale is not lost, and the goal set for the lesson is achieved.)
  8. Conversation on content
  9. Creative work. (For children, sheets with a figurine of a young deer and pieces of colored paper have been prepared in advance, and their task is to complete the work to the end. To consolidate the concept gems elements of working with paper are used. Children cut out colored “pebbles” from pieces of colored paper. At this stage of the lesson, the skill of working with scissors is consolidated, fine motor skills are developed in students and their vocabulary is replenished).
  10. Exhibition of works.
  11. Lesson summary.
  12. Homework

Main questions:

  • What are gems?
  • Who is P.P. Bazhov?
  • Who are the main characters of this tale?
  • What do Old Russian words mean?
  • What was the name of the girl's cat?
  • How did Daryonka end up with grandfather Kokovani?
  • Why did Daryonka go to live with the old man?
  • Where did Kokovanya and Daryonka live?
  • What fairy tale did Daryonka most often like to listen to?
  • How many times did the goat Silver Hoof approach the forester's house?
  • Why exactly did Daryonka see the Silver Hoof? Why did he like this girl so much?

Practical work. Working with colored paper. Application. PTB with scissors.

Homework. A brief retelling of the story.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

2. Conversation about the native land.

- Guys, tell me, what is the name of the region in which we live? (after the children’s answers, a sign and a map of the Ural region appear)

The region in which we live is called the Urals. The region is very beautiful at any time of the year (illustrations are posted).

The Urals are a very ancient region. People have known these places for a long time. Archaeologists have found more than one ancient human site in the Urals. People were attracted here by the Ural Mountains, which stretch from north to south for two thousand kilometers. These old mountains contain deposits of coal and iron ore, copper and nickel, chromium and asbestos, gold and the famous Ural gems.

– Who knows what gems are?

Gems are stones. But the stones are special: very beautiful, transparent, colorful, bright. No one painted them - they themselves, by nature, are like this: shimmer, sparkle, glow in different colors. That's why they are called gems.

Gems are very rare and expensive stones. They are mined only in a few places around the world, including in the Urals. The Ural underground treasure trove of gems is the richest in the world. Emerald, jasper, amethyst, zircon, chrysolite, topazes, aquamarines, etc. are mined here (showing stones from the collection). And the most famous Ural stone is malachite. Malachite glorified the Urals throughout the world, because our region had the largest deposits of this stone. Its extraction was carried out very intensively. Gems were used to make various jewelry, boxes, picture frames, and decorate cathedrals and palaces. (showing photos)

3. The story about P.P. Bazhov. (portrait of P.P. Bazhov)

Many legends and tales were written about these stones and the wealth of the Ural land. The most famous Ural storyteller was P.P. Bazhov. Pavel Petrovich knew firsthand about metal, ore, and gems, because his grandfather and father were mining masters. He loved his region and its nature very much. He was interested in everything connected with the Ural Mountains and their wealth. He communicated a lot with ordinary people, collecting legends that workers at mining factories told him. And then he translated these legends into tales, a genre that he invented himself. (a tale is a fairy tale based on reliable facts, legends with some fiction).

P.P. Bazhov gave many tales not only to the Ural people, but also to the whole world. Which tales of P.P. Bazhov are you already familiar with?

Exhibition of books (brief overview of books).

4. Message of purpose


And today we will get acquainted with another famous work - “Silver Hoof”.

5. Vocabulary work


Artel is a team, a team with one goal of work.
Orphan- a child left without parents.
Clerk- boss
Goat- young deer.
Balagan– a hut where you can spend the night in the forest.
Corned beef – salted meat.
Mowing spoons – a place where grass is cut.

F I Z M I N U T K A.

6. Reading the story by the teacher in abbreviation.

Purpose before reading: Try to remember the main characters of this tale.

Reading is accompanied by illustrations.

6. Conversation based on content.

(For the correct answer, the student receives a “gem”, which is then used for appliqué). Let's collect our collection of stones.

  1. Who are the main characters of this tale? (Kokovyanya, Daryonka, goat Silver Hoof.)
  2. What was the name of the girl's cat? (Muryonka)
  3. How did Daryonka end up with grandfather Kokovani? (I wanted to take in an orphan, it’s boring to live alone)
  4. Why did Daryonka go to live with the old man? (he was kind, she liked him. In the house where she lived she was offended).
  5. Where did Kokovanya and Daryonka live? (In the forest, in the lodge)
  6. What fairy tale did Daryonka most often like to listen to? (about a goat who has a silver hoof on his right leg).
  7. How many times did the goat Silver Hoof approach the forester's house? (three)
  8. Why exactly did Daryonka see the Silver Hoof? Why did he like this girl so much? (kind, brave, open, pure and naive soul, without any selfish goals).

Look how the picture turned out! What would you add? (colored pebbles for the goat’s feet)

(As the answers progress, an appliqué picture made up of individual parts appears on the board. The “gems” received for the answers are glued by the children under the goat’s hoof.)

F I Z M I N U T K A.

7. Creative work.

Look at this picture we got from your answers. Now you can also make a similar picture yourself. But first answer the question:

– What did you knock out the Silver Hoof with your right leg? (gems).

You have pieces of colored paper and a drawing of a goat prepared on your table. (Appendix No. 1). You will now cut out “precious stones” from colored paper. They don’t have a specific shape, so you come up with the shape of the gems yourself and then stick them under the deer’s hoof. Under which leg will we stick the “pebbles”? (under the right). Be sure to provide instructions on how to work with scissors and glue.

(independent work of students)

And the teacher helps at this time.

8. Exhibition of works.

What was cut out? What are the precious colored stones called? GEMS (the sign appears on the board)

9. Lesson summary.

What tale do we have an illustration for on the board? Did you guys like the piece? Who is its author? What are the names of the precious stones that are mined here in the Ural Mountains?

10. Homework

And at home, tell your parents about kind grandfather Kokovan, dear Daryonka and Silver Hoof.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Pushkinsky municipal district

kindergarten No. 20 “Golden Key”

Summary of GCD for speech development

« Conversation based on the fairy tale by P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

Prepared and carried out

senior group teacher No. 1

Kosikova Tatyana Sergeevna

Pushkino, 2017


Educational . To lead to an understanding of the moral meaning of the work, to a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main characters.Practice forming words with the same root, including verbs with prefixes. Expand children's knowledge about the features of winter nature. Practice your ability to perform familiar physical exercises to music.

Developmental. Develop creative imagination, help construct statements logically and meaningfully.Develop speech breathing.

Educational. Cultivate sensitivity to the artistic word.

Preliminary work: reading a fairy tale by P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

Equipment: book by P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

GCD move

Organizing time

    - Children, remember you and I went to visit Grandma Arina. What did she give us?(children's answers)

- You and I read the book by P.P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof". There is a lot of mystery in this tale. For example, where did the “tattered skinny Muryonka” come from? Your guesses(children's answers).

The teacher monitors the children’s response, helps them construct statements to create a logically connected mini-story, and use literary literate speech in the story.

-Why do you think Muryonka, fighting off the dogs, followed Daryonka in the winter cold?(children's answers)

- What did Muryonka and Silver Hoof talk about? What did she tell the goat?(children's answers)

- Why did the cat leave Daryonka?(children's answers)

- I really liked your stories, especially...(mark the children who tried to speak correctly)

    - What time of year was it in the fairy tale when Daryonka met Silver Hoof?(winter)

- What time of year is it now?(winter)

- What happens only in winter?(snow, frost...).

- Just imagine that it’s freezing here. What do we do?(children's answers)

Physical education lesson “Frost”

It's so cold, it's frosty,

The nose stings painfully.

Hands on the belt, turns the body left and right.

To warm him up quickly,

You need to rub harder

Imitation: rubbing your nose with your hand

Let's warm our feet,

Jump and gallop.

Jumping in place on two legs

It's very cold to stand

My feet began to freeze.

Jumping legs crossed, legs apart

The frost has become stronger,

We're freezing standing like this

Imitation: rubbing your hand over your ears

It's time for us to run

We can't walk.

Running in place

To warm your hands,

We will wave

Hands forward, swing your arms up and down

And we will clap our hands,

And move your elbows

Hand clapping

We don't stand still

We're running, we're running

Running in place

To warm up quickly

We need to run faster

Running in place

Breathing exercises.

Initial position: standing, chin slightly raised, arms down, feet almost shoulder-width apart.

Instruction No. 1. In winter, the wind howls outside. Now we will depict this wind. The wind howls loudly, and then becomes quieter and quieter. Listen to how I do it.

- The teacher inhales while moving his hand up, and as he exhales, slowly lowering his hands, he begins to loudly sing the sound “U-oo-oo,” gradually making his voice quieter and quieter. When the hand is lowered, the sound stops.

- Children repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

    Game exercise “Choose similar words”

Cat - This is mom, and what about dad?(cat.) What if the cat is big?(cat). What if he is small?(kitten, cat).

- Cat, cat, cat, kitten, cat - these are related words, they sound similar, and they talk about the same thing, about cats.

- Silver Hoof loved to jump. You can jump in different ways. I will say similar words, and you will explain what this word means.

- jumped(jumped to some place, for example to a stump) ,

Jumped over(jumped over some obstacle) ,

- jumped away(jumped from some object, for example, from fire) ,

- jumped in(jumped up, for example, onto the roof of a house) ,

- jumped out(jumped up, for example, from a hole)

Bottom line. - What new, interesting things did we learn today?(children's answers)

- What did you like most?(children's answers)

Autotraining There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.