Subgroup summary speech therapy session to eliminate phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech in first grade on the topic:

“Automation of sound [Z] in syllables, words, sentences”
(lesson summary)


  • Information and communication
  • Gaming
  • Health saving technology


Target :

  • Automation of sound [З] in syllables, words, sentences.


Correctional and educational:

  • teach correctly, pronounce the sound [z] in syllables, words, sentences;
  • development phonemic analysis, synthesis;
  • enrichment and activation of vocabulary;

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop facial and articulatory muscles;
  • form correct speech breathing;
  • develop visual attention and memory;
  • develop verbal and logical thinking;
  • develop gross and fine motor skills, coordinate speech with movement;
  • develop sound-letter analysis skills;

Correctional and educational:

  • develop interaction skills;
  • cultivate a kind attitude towards each other and others.
  • cultivate a desire to help others.

Health saving:

  • plan the volume of material taking into account age norms;
  • maintain correct child posture;
  • ensure proper lighting of the workplace;
  • contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate;
  • alternate static and dynamic tasks.


  • cards, subject pictures, subject pictures, mirrors, signal cards, computer programs.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

They sat up straight and placed their hands on the table in front of them. Let's all look at me.

Development of fine motor skills.

Coordinate speech with movement. Exercises are performed using a computer.

Face massage.

Water, water, wash me.
To make your eyes sparkle.
To make your cheeks rosy.
So that the tooth bites.
To make your mouth laugh.

Working on breathing “Blow out the candle.”

(Using a computer)

II. Disclosure of the topic.

Listen to the riddles.

I'll go to the warm earth,
I will rise towards the sun,
It contains people like me
There will be a whole family!

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears. (Winter)
I walk in the rain and in the heat:
This is my character.

Gray in summer, white in winter.

What is the same sound heard in these answers?

Children answer - (Sound 3).

Today in class we will continue to study sound (3), learn to pronounce it correctly in syllables, words, sentences.

III. Repetition of sound articulation (3).

Profile. Sound characteristics [z].

Remember how your lips (teeth, tongue) work when pronouncing the sound [z]?

Children's answers.

IV. Pronouncing the sound [z].

I call children with insufficiently clear articulation.

How do mosquitoes sing? (3-3-3...)

What do we hear when a fly gets caught in a web? (3-3-3-…)

V. Articulation gymnastics.

Together with the child in front of the mirror I complete the following tasks:

1. open your mouth, hold it open and close;

2. smile;

3. tube;

4. smile - tube;

5. make the tongue broad;

6. wide tongue - narrow tongue;

7. tongue “cupped”;

9. suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Mimic gymnastics (using a computer).

Children perform facial exercises using a computer.

VI. Syllable exercises.

(I pronounce the syllables with the screen)


Which syllable is stressed?

Hey, hey, hey.

“Fun week” gymnastics for the eyes.


All week in order,
The eyes are doing exercises.
On Monday, when they wake up,
The eyes will smile at the sun,
Look down at the grass
And back to heights.

Raise your eyes up; lower them down, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

On Tuesday there are hours of eyes,
They look here and there,
They go left, they go right
They will never get tired.

Turn your eyes to the right side and then to the left, head motionless; (relieves eye strain).

VII. Development of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

1. There are pictures on the table.

You need to select and name only those whose names contain the sound [z]

(pictures: water, basins, sleds, goat, wolves, teeth, sofa, magazine, leather, rooster, castle, beetle, bell).

2. - I will pronounce words.

If you hear the sound [z], pick up the signal card (the words are pronounced with the screen): vase, fence, goat, nest, birch, fox, toad, scythe, table, eyes, umbrella, chair, table.

3. Game "Live Sounds".

Now we will play a game. I'll tell you a word: diamond. What is the first sound in this word (second, third, fourth, fifth)?

Name vowel sounds and consonant sounds. Olya, you will be the sound [a], Sasha - the sound [l], Dima - the sound [m], Katya - the sound [a], Lena - the sound [z].

- “Sounds”, stand so that you get the word diamond. (Similar to the word “fence”).

4. Choose pictures in the name of which the sound [z] is at the beginning of the word; middle; end.

(umbrella, basins, goats, eyes, basin, hare).

5. Analysis and drawing up a diagram of the word “ABC”. (with the children, the word is analyzed and its diagram is written on the board. Vowel sounds are sketched with pink crayons). Match the diagram to the word “fence”, “basin”.

Physical education minute.

(The text of the poem is accompanied by the movements of the children).

Every day in the morning
We do exercises (walking in place).
We really like it
Do it in order:
Have fun walking (walking)
Raise your hands (hands up)
Squat and stand up (squat),
Jump and gallop (10 jumps).

VIII. Making sentences based on pictures.

  • The goat has small kids.
  • There is a lock on the gate.
  • Lisa buys a vase.
  • Zoya ties the ribbon.

For-for-for - green eyes.
Zip-zip – I’m not afraid of thunderstorms.
Zu-zu-zu - drive away the goat.

Complete the sentences (I offer pictures).

  • Zina was grazing a goat in the meadow.
  • When it rains you need (an umbrella).
  • Every day you need to brush your teeth.

IX. Summing up, organized end of the lesson.

What sound did we study in class?

What did we do in class today?

The lesson is over. All the children worked well today.

X. Homework assignment.

Learn by heart the poem “Strawberry” by L. Fadeev

Near the stump
She told everyone:
- I am not here! -
Looked back
And than
Hidden under a leaf.
The sun's ray found her,
- Not good!-
I deceived you!
Ah ah ah!
Get out!
The berry turned red
And she said:
- Sneaky...


  1. Fomicheva M.F. Teaching children correct pronunciation. - M., 1989
  2. Khvattsev M.E. Speech therapy. - M., 1959
  3. Krupenchuk O.I. We train our fingers and develop our speech! - St. Petersburg, Litera Publishing House. 2011
  4. Kulikovskaya T.A. Articulatory gymnastics in poems and pictures. -M.: GNOM Publishing House. 2014
  5. Budennaya T.V. Speech therapy gymnastics. SPb.: “Childhood-Press”. 2001

Andreeva Svetlana Vasilievna,
teacher speech therapist
Municipal government institution
"Center for Educational Development"
Belorechensky district MKU Central Regional Educational Institution,
Belorechensk city

Words with the sound Z.

The sound Z at the beginning of a word.


Law, fun, funny, get sick, mess up, strike, care, run in, turn white, bleat, race, pick up, hammered, hammer, bully, shine, get lost, gore, slaughter, fence, factory, castle, hare, marry, slaughter, get sick, fence, care, take away, forget, blockage, heap, tea leaves, brewed, mess, start, wrap, wrap up, complete, veil, start, hang up, bequeath, wrap up, perm, depend, hang, envy, curled, store manager, factory, breeder, backwater, tomorrow, breakfast, breakfast, head teacher, caretaker, hang up, tie up, tie up, tie up, ovary, riddle, tan, put out, snag, bend, bend, swallow, stall, muffle, sight for sore eyes, peek, rot, rot, drive, bend, conspiracy, ahead of time, heading, drive, fence, sunbathe, fence, preparation, harvester, block, rake in, rumble, rake in, scruff, roughen, load, loading, gnaw, registry office, ruin, go on a spree, thicken, ass, zadavaka, set, task, give away, for free, makings, makings, set, problem book, latch, push, backyards, touch, touch, bully, pull, back, long, owe, backwards, enthusiasm, perky, suffocate, bully, doze off, tremble, stifle, blow out, think, fool, blow out, strangle, smoke, breathe, stop by, visiting, jam, stop by, loan, borrowed, borrower, fry, clamp, light up, lighter, clamp, heal, close your eyes, tie, ring, ring, arrogant, sweetheart, gap, infect, stutter, bunny, stutter, stutter, bunny, order, customer, sunset, upload, drip, leaven, boil, peck, seal, spell, hairpin, law, finish, paint over, round off, finish, feed, light, bins, nook, cutter, appetizer, twist, nook, hall, deposit, beginning, pledge, pour, read, stride, lace, darn, curtain, neck, pinch, latch, protection, protector, declare, avid, hare, ash, zodiac, sister-in-law, gild, zoology, zoo, zoo.


Zoya, umbrella, architect, golden, cinderella, little golden, umbrella, probes, zorenka, vigilant, ash.


Tooth, toothy, cog, chisel, bison, itching, toothpick, bison, chisel, cramming, jagged, clove, itching, itching, zurna.


Swell, swell, swell, swell, swell.

The sound Z in the middle of a word.


Lazarus, vine, kiss, infirmary, tomorrow, back, smear, leprosy, prose, prose writer, belly, pot-bellied, landscape, bandage, goat, vase, base, blouse, goat, rose, birch, thunderstorm, back, mosaic, phrase, fructose, rose, Lisa, eyes, tear, visa, pocket, pose.


Shame, watch, inspector, lawn, watch, camisole, bison, flowerpot, blouson, pattern, horizon, overalls, corn, cart.


Below, goat, vase, scout, lapis lazuli, azure, toothed, rodent, Lisa, rose, down, reason, birch, slogan, toothless, reasonable, barefoot, fuel oil, emerald.


Watermelons, basins, goats, vases, music, carts, name, visor, trump, gases, goats, thunderstorms, birches, watermelons, frost, bubble, show, order, diamonds, mimosas, sets, cornices, jellyfish, toddlers, locomotives, collective farms.

The sound Z in a combination of consonants.

Zrazy, pupil, spectacle, maturity, mature, sound recording, scale, sound, sound, sound, sonorous, ring, building, here, healthy, health, hello, cereal, gold, evil, anger, evil, wickedness, villain, wickedness, feisty, snake, snake catcher, baby snake, know, knowledge, sign, familiar, know, sign, introduce, connoisseur, banner, meaning, icon, heat, ringing, sonorous, chills, sultry, vision, mature, viewer, in vain, sighted, rank, call, star, stargazer, astrologer, ring, ring, go wild, menagerie, St. John's wort, trapper, little beast, brutal, beast, bell, sound, ring, beast, ringing, bell ringer, ringing.

ABC, air, nest, nails, hut, riding, trains, physical education teacher, machinations, grasshopper, forge, jigsaw, blade, behold, name, name, name, spite, brew, splashes, communism, kid, fuss, blacksmith, benefit, prankster, illness, holiday, much, perhaps, different, difference, late, nostrils, age, near, frosty, menacing, bronze, milk mushrooms, splashes, ulcer, dirty, fear, nests, tearful, serious, abyss, rider, blade, useful, fatherland, occasionally, hedge, from afar, heroism, organism, treasury, eye, hornless, robber, break, scope, brains, be late, clove, knots, whiteness, steepness, bend, excuse me, deserted, surplus.

Word combinations and phrases with the sound Z.

Zoya the bully, restricted area, strike at the factory, knowledge of the language, health care, keen eyes, teeth hurt, excess nitrogen, get a hare, sign of a thunderstorm, castle on the fence, familiar music, late call, load cargo, golden treasury, heading in newspaper, sounds of a mazurka, long before the starfall, crazy idea, goat bleated, funny bunny, animal breeder, familiar musician, close your eyes, clockwork goat, tie a knot, Zoya's idea, bison reserve, make a riddle, caring for a sick person, pink rose, funny riddle, caring sister-in-law, hammer in nails, keen eyes, drown out the ringing, buffalo pen, the building caught fire, a birch fence, set a task, there was a ringing, curls and curls, ringing on the belfry, ringing bell, calling for matins, golden sunset, call back Zakhar, the leaven is over, the rose has withered, ask a riddle, knows music, pushed it back, the banner on the building, the arrogant guy is arrogant, good for health, load it into the truck, the goat is tied, load it into the gazelle, Zakhar fell asleep, the goat climbed in, the lighter lit, polluted air , Zoykin's umbrella, causes itching, pot-bellied bison, suntan is a sight to behold, the vase was broken, bequeathed gold, envy stuck, watermelons were brought in, the alphabet of signs, music hall, music sounds, know by heart, stabbed with a hairpin, contagious disease, knowledge of laws, perky goat, the forget-me-not has withered, the pheasant is in the nest, the registry office is closed, the store is closed, a newspaper headline, splashes of dirt, the law of physics, take it back, look into the backyard, watermelons in the basins, carnations in the vase, roses on the lawn, the sister-in-law fell silent, the stars sparkled.

I called Zoya.

I forgot my umbrella.

The goat bleated: “They forgot me!”

I stopped by the factory.

I was tying knots.

They brought tea leaves to the store on a gazelle.

I closed my eyes.

Pot-bellied Murzik is gnawing on a problem book.

Grandfather Zakhar told fairy tales.

There is loud music in the music room.

The music died down in the hall.

The watermelon truck started up and started honking.

Zoya has a goat.

The cutter mended the umbrella.

Take an umbrella, Zoya.

The trapper drove the baby animal behind the fence.

Zoya is cramming her ABCs.

The caretaker called the store.

Zoya asks riddles.

The goats trampled the roses.

Zoya's sister-in-law is a musician.

Trains carry goods.

The bell rings.

Healthy as a bison.

The station is locked.

Zakhar froze in the cold.

Pay for the bunny and the mosaic.

Zoya took the umbrella.

Zoya is invited to the zoo.

Zoya has a basket of roses.

There was a ringing sound from behind the fence.

Lisa thought and became sad.

Zakhar forgot his umbrella at Lisa's.

Outdoor exercise is good for health.

Zakhar climbed the fence.

We didn't know the name of the cargo.

The name of? - Name is Zovutka.

Zakhar ran into a nook.

I have ripe watermelons.

Santa Claus asked a riddle.

My teeth hurt.

Winter is not without frosts.

A bison was brought to the zoo.

I wanted to go into the building.

The goat is tied to the fence.

The frost makes the birches ring at dawn.

I was late for class.

During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud due to the load.

There were zrazy for breakfast.

Trains run without delay.

The eyes are wide open from the variety of products.

At the crossing we noticed a familiar sign.

Watermelons are thrown from truck to truck.

Everyone is from the market, and Nazar is off to the market. Everyone is going to the market, and Nazar is leaving the market.

Poems with the sound Z.

for-for-for, for-for-for

There's a goat tied here

zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy

The goat has little grass,

zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu

We untied the goat.

for-for-for, for-for-for

A goat climbs into the garden

zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu

We tied the goat

for-for-for, for-for-for

There's a goat tied here...

(Start over again!)

Take a look for a minute -

Don't forget the forget-me-nots.

Forget-me-nots, forget-me-nots,

Don't forget the forget-me-nots!

Goats climb into the vines in a thunderstorm -

Goats gnaw the vine during a thunderstorm.

I. Demyanov.

From body to body

throwing watermelons.

In a thunderstorm, in the mud from the load

the body fell apart.

Two blackbirds

You see, they are looking from the nest

two young blackbirds.

The beak will show the first blackbird,

and the second one will show the tail.

S. Marshak.

Don't be a goat

The goat is coming... The vine is growing,

covered with thick foliage.

The goat looks with all his eyes:

Isn't this for me?

The goat is in a hurry - the vine is cracking.

Grief is not enough for a goat.

Closing his eyes, the goat gnaws -

I chewed up all the beauty.

When, baby, you run into the garden,

sprinkled with dew,

don’t pick flowers, don’t rot bushes!

No need to be a goat!

P. Voronko.

Boot fight

My brother is getting attached to me.

His lace doesn't tie.

I tie the lace on my shoe,

I tie it and show it

I show and tell.

I'll tell you how I tie it up.

I tie and untie

I untie and tie...

And I didn’t learn right away

Tie and untie...

Sh. Galiev.


Busy snake charmer

With its ringing music.

And to the music, friends,

The snake will dance too.

V. Berestov.


The bunny is not used to working,

The badger is too lazy to work.

Only the mistress squirrel

at work all day.

Where is the bunny? Where is the bunny?

Go and find out.

Apparently the bunny has become arrogant,

since I forgot you, mistress.

A. Starodubova.

The girl was driving a cart

Baby goat, goat and goat.

Passed through a forest -

Took a nap for an hour.

The girl overslept in the forest

Baby goat, goat and goat.

“Tomorrow,” I thought yesterday,

I’ll sit down to have breakfast in the morning.”

Breakfast is here, but where is tomorrow?

I sat down to breakfast today.

V. Berestov.

A bunny rides on a tram

A bunny rides and says:

"If I bought a ticket,

Who am I - a hare or not?

A. Shibaev.

There's a storm coming

Thunder rumbles overhead.

The goat is tearing up

Drags the goat home.

G. Ladonshchikov.


The pig and the hare became friends.

They collapsed in a puddle under the sun.

The hare became blacker from the dirt

His grimy companion.

And Piggy whispers in the bunny’s ear:

“You’re not a bunny, but a Zay...a little thing!”

S. Pronin.

The birds are chilly, the animals are chilly,

They close the doors in the holes.

They climb into hollows, nests...

In the blue sky the stars are frozen,

Fading at dawn.

Oh, it's frosty in January!

V. Suslov.

Bird cherry

Fragrant bird cherry,

Having hung himself, he stands,

And the greenery is golden

It's burning in the sun.

S. Yesenin.

Sound [Z].

You will find the letter Z in the star,

And in gold and in rose,

In earth, diamond, turquoise,

At dawn, in winter, in frost.

S. Marshak.

You are familiar with her threats.

She threatens us all with frost,

At least she wrapped herself in snow.

Who is the terrible guest? - Winter.

We go to the station

and we enter a huge hall.

To be in such a huge hall

Only possible at the station.

The wasp is flying! The wasp is buzzing!

Wasp thunderstorm! Wasp-tear!

Whose tear? My tear.

A. Kondratiev.

The Snake and the Snake wanted to meet.

The Snake and the Snake failed to meet.

The Serpent is in the clouds, and the Serpent is on the ground.

The Snake should go down to the Snake.

Hare, hare, what are you doing?

I chew the stalk.

Why are you happy, hare?

I'm glad my teeth don't hurt.

G. Sapgir.

Counting book

One two three four five.

Bunny, umbrella, kite, basket,

vase, air and rubber,

teeth, goat and basins,

zoo, factory, carts.

Do the math, don't be lazy,

Yes, look, don’t be mistaken.


Bunny, bunny with a sideways view,

Why are you running barefoot?

Wait for me in the forest -

I'll bring the shoes.

I. Kuzmin.

I wish I knew why I flooded early in the morning

in the thickets in the greenery there is a baby robin?

I would like to know why, looking at the zenith,

Does the finch ring loudly and cheerfully?

Would you like to know why the snake rustled?

Would you like to know why the earth turns green?

I wish I knew...

V. Lunin.


The green star lit up...

They will launch a spaceship there.

E. Blaginina.

The bunny is not sleeping, she is calling Zoya.

The goat doesn't let the bunny sleep.

Take a goat, a fidget goat, -

And my bunny will fall asleep in the basin.

The bunny will yawn and Zoya will yawn.

The bunny will fall asleep and Zoya will fall asleep.


Graze all day on green lawns

Fidget goat and cheerful kid.

Fidget goat and prankster kid

They run away from me and seem to be teasing me.

V. Goryainov.

Stories, texts with sound Z.

Stories with pictures.

(The adult reads the sentence, showing a picture so that the child can add a word where it is required. The second time, the adult reads the entire sentence, highlighting the sound being practiced with his voice, the child repeats after him. In the first case, the child practices the sound in a word, in the second - in sentences. Then the child composes the story himself.)


Lisa has a pink (umbrella).

Somehow she wanted to show her (umbrella) to Zoya.

Lisa stayed too long at Zoya’s and forgot her (umbrella).

And Zoya herself brought this (umbrella) to her friend.

This is the nest.

Little Zoya has a beautiful (umbrella).

Once Zoya was walking under (an umbrella) along the fence.

Suddenly the wind blew and carried (the umbrella) over the fence.

Zoya climbed over the fence and saw her (umbrella) on a birch tree.

Some birds carried it away and made a nest out of it.

Stories with questions.

asking questions. At the end, the child retells the story.)

1. Zoya and Zosya know a lot of riddles.

Who...? What...?

Zoya wishes them to Zosia, and Zosia to Zoya.

What are they doing...? Who to whom...?

Zosya solves all of Zoya's riddles, but Zoya's does not solve all of them.

What...Zosya? What... Zoya?

2. Zoya named her doll Zina.

Who...? What did you do...? How...?

And Zina was offended by her.


“Don’t call the doll what my name is!” - she asked.

What did you ask for...? Who...?

Zoya agreed and named the doll Lisa.

What did you do...? How...?

Then Lisa was offended.

Who...then? Why...?

3. Zoya takes care of her doll Lisa.

Who...? What is he doing...? About whom...?

One day the doll Lisa had a toothache.

Who...? What's happened...?

Zoya tied Lisa's teeth.

Who...? What did you do...? What...? To whom...?

And then she said: “You can’t, Lisa, there’s a lot of candy.”

What did you say...?

4. Dad and Lisa made a kite.

Who...? What...?

Lisa called the children she knew.

Who...? What did you do...? Whom...?

Everyone began to fly the kite together.

What did you do...?

The golden serpent soared upward.

What...? Which...? Who...?

“This kite will fly to the stars,” said Lisa.

What did you say...?

5. Tomorrow there will be a health day at school.

What...? When...? What...? Where...?

On this day there will be various competitions in the gym.

Who...? What...?

There will be a race for younger children in the schoolyard.

Whom...? Who...?

Zoya and Lisa will participate in this race tomorrow.

When...? What will they do...?

6. Zoya’s dad is a musician.

Who...? Whose dad...?

Zoya also loves music.

Who...? What...?

She wants to become a musician.

By whom...?

7. The word “language” has different meanings.


Explain what the word “language” means.

Which...? What do you need...?

The pranks of the old woman of winter.

Winter is angry. I decided to freeze everyone. Winter blew in with cold, scattering the leaves. The birds had nowhere to go, and they flew over the mountains, over the seas, where there is no evil winter. Others hid in the cracks. Winter didn't freeze them. She attacked the animals angrily. She dusted the ground. Orders the frosts to freeze the animals. Frost after frost comes, one angrier than the other, scaring the animals. The animals have hunkered down for the winter. The evil winter has not forgotten the fish either. Freeze rivers and lakes. But I didn’t freeze the fish; they’re not cold under the ice. Winter has fallen on people. The frosts covered the windows with patterns. And people flooded the stoves. They prepare firewood, transport it on carts and praise the frosts. Children are not afraid of winter either. They are running in the yard. Winter will viciously grab someone's ear or nose. And he will rub it and his face will flare up. Winter cried. Winter tears began to fall. This means the end of winter is near.

Bunny and goat.

Lisa has a groovy goat. They lead her on and she runs across the board. So funny! Lisa gets a goat herself. And I completely forgot about my bunny. Only Zoya does not forget the bunny. She cradles him and sings a song:

Soon my bunny will fall asleep,

no one will take the bunny!

But the bunny doesn't sleep. He's afraid of goats. The goat is about to be gored.

I'm not a pain.

Zina loves to tease everyone. She calls Vasya Zudila, Nastya - Angry, Lisa - Bully.

Do you know the name of the one who teases and hurts everyone? - Mom asked.


A thorn.

Zina frowned, thought for a moment, and then said:

I will never tease anyone. I'm not a pain.

Words starting with Z.

Lisa and Zoya play with words. They have to name three words starting with Z. Whoever names it last wins.

Bunny, umbrella, vase, Zoya calls.

Goat, little goat, goat,” Lisa doesn’t give up.

You can not do it this way! - Zoya argued. - Goat, kid, goat - it's one word.

No, it's three words! - said Lisa.

Who do you agree with, Zoya or Lisa?

What are stars?

What are stars? - the grasshopper once asked.

The little frog thought and said:

Big elephants say: “The stars are golden carnations, they nail the sky.” But don't believe it. Big bears think: “Stars are snowflakes that forgot to fall.” But don’t believe me either, listen to me better. I think the big rain is to blame. After a big rain they grow big flowers. And it also seems to me that when they reach the sky with their heads, they fall asleep there with their long legs tucked under them.

Yes,” said the grasshopper. “That’s more like the truth.” Stars are big flowers. They sleep in the sky with their long legs tucked under them.

(G. Tsyferov)

What do you call a hare?

A bunny was born. The mother thought: what to call him? I wanted to call him a tiger. The kids found out the bunny's name and didn't want to play. The bunny cried. He told his mother that the kids immediately ran away from him. Then his mother called him a wolf.

The bunny went for a walk and saw calves. I wanted to play with them.

What is your name? - they ask him a question.

“My name is Wolf,” says the little bunny. The calves began to butt the bunny.

The evil wolf has arrived! - the calves screamed.

The little bunny came home and licked his bruised sides. The calves beat him up. The mother thought for a moment and called the bunny Bunny. The little bunny went to play. The animals found out that his name was Bunny and accepted him into the game. Both the bunny and the animals liked this name. So it was assigned to him.

Compose a story on a topic.

1. Imagine that you are Doctor Aibolit and work in a zoo.

Tell us how you treated animals: bison, monkey, hare, zebra, snake, elephant. Words will help you tell this: get sick, thermometer, bandage, lubricate with iodine, teeth, eyes, compress.

2. You and your mother were playing with words. Mom gave you the task of finding flowers whose names contain the sound Z. Tell us what kind of flowers they are, and then where and how you will look for them.

3. You have a problem - a toothache. Tell us about how you were treated for it - first by your mother, then by the dentist. What did the doctor advise you after treatment? In your story, use the words: tooth, get sick, stop, toothpaste, be sure, healthy teeth.

Isolated sound pronunciation[Z]

Exercise "Mosquito"

The mosquito rings: “Z-z-z...”.

Automation of the sound [z] in straight syllables

Exercise “Hello, finger.”

The thumb alternately “greets” (touches with the pad) the rest. In this case, each time the child pronounces first the same, then different syllables:


PS - PS - PS - PS

ZO - ZO - ZO - ZO

ZU - ZU - ZU - ZU

FOR - ZY - ZO - ZU

ZO - ZU - FOR - ZY

ZU - ZO - ZY - FOR, etc.

Automation of the sound [z] in words with a direct syllable (the beginning of a word):

Fun, bully, fence, curl, factory, breakfast, riddle, tan, sunset, bookmark, hall, castle, splinter, stock, glow, dawn, idea, latch, hare, crop, smell, call, architect, ash, gold, zone, umbrella, zoo, dawn, teeth.

Automation of the sound [z] in reverse syllables

AZ - OZ - UZ - IZ

EZ - EZ - SW - YAZ

Automation of the sound [z] in intervocalic syllables





Automation of the sound [z] in intervocalic position:

Watermelons, base, bazaar, birch, blouse, vase, lawn, eyes, horizon, thunderstorm, goat, visor, azure, slogan, frost, music, shame, benefit, mind, rose, pattern, pheasant, tongue.

Automation of the sound [z] in syllables with consonant clusters






Automation of the sound [z] in words with a combination of consonants:

ABC, splashes, air, heroism, nest, riding, title, ringing, bell ringer, sound, building, health, cereal, sign, acquaintance, banner, knowledge, icon, heat, hut, excess, name, calling, spread.

Automation of sound [z] in phrases:

Golden badge, forgotten base, sounds of music, familiar music, keen eyes, licking sour cream, new umbrella, night watch, healthy corn, mysterious castle, clockwork bunny, familiar vase, funny bunny, forgotten fun, golden teeth.

Automation of sound [z] in a sentence:

Lisa has a mimosa.

Zoya has a castle.

Lisa washes the vase in the basin.

Zoya is sick.

The factory whistle sounded.

Zoya forgot to lock the lock.

There is music in the hall.

A bell rang in the apartment.

There were watermelons in the back of the car.

Zoya bought an umbrella at the store.

The gold cufflink rolled under the sofa.

Zoya applied ointment to the cut.

Lisa sang a cheerful song loudly.

Mom put forget-me-nots in a vase.

We are learning the alphabet.

The train will arrive at the station without delay.

There were roses in a vase on the table.

A golden star fell from the sky.

Automation of sound [z] in pure phrases:

FOR - FOR - FOR - here comes the goat.

FOR - FOR - FOR - the brakes failed.

FOR - FOR - FOR - the dragonfly flew away.
ZU - ZU - ZU - we caught a dragonfly.

ZU - ZU - ZU - I'm carrying a goat on a cart.

PS - PS - PS - we stole the cans.

ZO - ZO - ZO - you and I are lucky.

ZU - ZU - ZU - I’m bringing you a rose.

PS - PS - PS - there hasn't been a thunderstorm for a long time.

ZOY - ZOY - ZOY - the kids go with the goat.

Automation of sound [z] in tongue twisters:

Watermelons are thrown from truck to truck.

The bell is ringing, the bell is calling,
And Zoya goes to her class.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

Sonya is a know-nothing, and Zina is an arrogant one.

Aunt Zoya will not forget to tell Zoya a riddle.

The castle is padlocked.

At the entrance to the castle there is a bell.

Hundred years of dust on the bell -

The castle has been locked for a hundred years.

Automation of sound [z] in verses:

"New Year"

New Year will come to us,

The eyes will sparkle.


Zina and Lyuda will not be forgotten

Blue-eyed forget-me-nots.

They'll pick a lot of them at once

They will put it in a vase on the window.

I won't forget forget-me-not

Those blue eyes.

The name will remind you

That she cannot be forgotten.

“Tomorrow,” I thought yesterday, “

I’ll sit down to have breakfast in the morning.”

Breakfast is here, but where is tomorrow?

I sat down to breakfast today.

Busy snake charmer

With its ringing music.

And to the music, friends,

The snake will dance too.

Counting book

One two three four five.

Bunny, umbrella, kite, basket,

Vase, air and rubber,

Teeth, goat and basins,

Zoo, factory, carts.

Do the math, don't be lazy,

Look, don't be mistaken.

Automation of sound [z] in texts


The bell rings. He calls Zoya to class. Zoya has the alphabet. She knows a lot of letters.


Zoya has a goat in her pen. The goat's name is Egoza. Zoya takes care of the goat. The goat always has water in its basin. On a hot day, Zoya grazes a goat under an umbrella.


The stars were shining in the sky. Zoya and Lisa pulled back the curtain and admired starry sky. The stars winked at them. - “What funny stars!” - Lisa and Zoya laughed. - “So far from the ground, but they can see us!”


Somehow several hares gathered in a green clearing in the forest. One hare, with a dark spot on its back, climbed onto a stump. He began to tell other hares about his exploits. "Friends! - said the hare. - I am the strongest animal in the forest. For me, dealing with a fox is nothing. I will defeat the wolf and eat the bear!” The ringing voice of a hare was heard in the forest for a long time. Suddenly a pine branch crunched nearby. The “formidable” hare jumped off the stump, lay down on the ground and covered his head with his paws... Since then, everyone in the forest began to call him the Arrogant Bunny.

Speech material for automating the sound “Z” in children preschool age. Pure sayings and poems.

Target: automation of the sound “Z” in a child’s speech.

1. Practice the correct pronunciation of the sound “Z” in the child’s speech using pure sayings and poems.
2. Improve the rhythmic and intonation aspect of speech.
3. Increase the child's speech activity.
4. Optimize emotional background, improve mood.

Description: Dear colleagues, I continue to publish a collection of pure sayings and poems for automating sounds in a child’s speech, which I use in speech therapy work with kids. This time let me introduce you to speech material, aimed at automating the sound "Z". This work will be useful to speech therapists, educators, and parents.

I also use pure sayings for the sound “Z” at 2 stages of work on sound pronunciation.
The first time I use them is at the stage of sound automation in syllables. The work is carried out as follows: the adult reads the text itself, and the child pronounces only the syllables (game “Echo”).
For example: adult - “The vase fell”, child - “For-for-for”
In this way, you can pronounce syllables of various configurations in a fun way for quite a long time and the child will not get tired of it. Also, in the process of repeatedly pronouncing a pure phrase, the child remembers it and can then recite it at a reading competition.
The second time I use these same phrasings is when a given sound in speech is being automated. At first I use pure phrases, because they are already familiar to the child. Only now the child speaks all the words. The second option is a “Readers” competition - 2-3 children who pronounce a given sound well compete in reading pure phrases. Even at this stage we play the game “Who is faster?” - 2-3 children are also taken, I name a syllable, for example, “ZU”, and the child must remember and say a simple phrase for this syllable. Whoever speaks first gets a token. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of tokens. In both the first and second games, it is important not only to tell a clear phrase, but most importantly to pronounce the sound correctly.

Here are some of them.
For-for-for - go home goat.
Zu-zu-zu - we wash the bunny in a basin.
Zy-zy-zy - they gave us prizes at school.
Hey, hey, I forgot Lisa’s umbrella.
Zu-zu-zu - take the goat.
Ps-s-s-s-s - the roses wither from the frost.
For-for-for - close your eyes quickly.
Zy-zy-zy - we sat on the carts.
For-for-for - the goat noticed the star.
For-for-for - a thunderstorm thundered.
Zu-zu-zu - I was carrying a vase on a cart.
Ez-ez-ez - a pheasant climbed onto the fence.
Ozy-ozy-ozy - roses have sharp splinters.

And here are a few pure sayings and poems

For-for-for - goat-fidget.
Zu-zu-zu - leading a goat.
Zy-zy-zy - no goat-egoza.

For-for-for - a goat wandered into our forest.
Zu-zu-zu - the wolf saw that goat.
Zy-zy-zy - the wolf was scared of the goat.

Zy-zy-zy - it was frosty in winter.
Zy-zy-zy - the snow sparkled like diamonds.
Zy-zy-zy - the May roses are thundering again.
Zy-zy-zy - the birches have become green.

For-for-for - the goat brought the balls.
Zy-zy-zy - it's the goat's birthday.
Ze-ze-ze - the goat baked meringue.
Zu-zu-zu - everyone congratulated the goat.

At the stage of sound automation, after pure phrasing, I use poems in which the sound “Z” is often found. A “Readers” competition is then held using this material. Here are some of them.

Lisa tied roses,
Planted two splinters.

Loaded into the truck
Seven carts of watermelons.

The goats were wandering to the market.
Knots were carried on the horns.
All the knots have been untied.
And the goats bleated.

I am herding a kid in the steppe.
The kid has a clear voice.
"Meh!" - my little goat said.
He called the goat to him.

All worries are forgotten.
The musicians took notes.
And at dawn they rang
The sounds of violin and pipe.

The bell rang in the forest,
The hares sat down to their lesson.
They cram everything until dark,
How to cover up your tracks.

Went on Zakhar holiday
Go to the market for watermelon.
Over watermelon for lunch
The little one is five years old.

The bison got a toothache.
He refused to eat the soup.
The medicine man came to the bison,
The bison's tooth spoke.

Lisa told a fairy tale
About Princess Goldilocks.
Golden hair
It's up to her waist.

To the market on market day
They brought lilacs in a basin.
And they took it out of the basin,
They gave it to everyone for free.

Prepared by teacher - speech therapist Martyusheva Svetlana Vladimirovna

MBDOU " Kindergarten compensating type No. 96" city of Perm

Sound automation [Z] in isolated form


Lips are smiling

Teeth appear.

We inhale the air through our nose,

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the text, then smoothly and drawn out the sound [Z].

2. Place your palm to your lips, feel the air stream.

Exercise "KOMAR - RINGER" [Z]

The mosquito flies, its song rings.


Exercise: 1. Make a sound for a long time, continuously.

2. Imitate movement: “the mosquito is ringing”


The mosquito does not yawn, it bites someone.

Z. Z. Z. Z. Z. Z. Z. Z. Z.

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the sound briefly, abruptly.

2. Use the index finger of one hand to touch the center

palms of the other hand, imitate the movement: “mosquito bites”


Read carefully, find out the nature of the sound.

Exercise: 1. Remember characteristic features sound

2. Color the second window with a blue pencil.


Read carefully, choose the sound attribute.

Exercise: 1. Select characteristic features of sound.

2. Cross out unnecessary features.


Remember the symbol, choose the color

Exercise: 1. Paint the second window in a suitable color.

2. Cross out unnecessary characters.

Automation of sound [З] in straight syllables

Exercise "ROADS" [W]

They ran along the path and named the sounds correctly.






Exercise: 1. Pronounce sounds for a long time, continuously.

2. Make sounds and at the same time move your index finger

finger along the “paths”.


To the tip of the index finger: FOR - FOR - FOR.

To the tip of the middle finger: FOR - FOR - FOR.

To the tip of the ring finger: FOR - FOR - FOR.

To the tip of the little finger: FOR - FOR - FOR.



Imitate the movement: “a mosquito flies”, then use the index finger of one hand to touch the fingertips of the other hand,

To the tip of the thumb: FOR - FOR - FOR.

To the tip of the index finger: ZO - ZO - ZO.

To the tip of the middle finger: ZU - ZU - ZU.

To the tip of the ring finger: PS - PS - PS.

To the tip of the little finger: ZE - ZE - ZE.

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the syllables clearly and correctly.

2. Find a picture of a mosquito and paste it in your notebook.

Exercise " ACQUAINTANCE» [Z]

Connect the palms and fingers of both hands. Tap your fingers together.

Hares met (thumbs): FOR - FOR - FOR

The blackbirds met (index fingers): ZO - ZO - ZO.

The bison (middle fingers) met: ZU - ZU - ZU.

The goats met (ring fingers): PS - PS - PS.

The dragonflies (little fingers) met: ZE - ZE - ZE.

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the syllables clearly and correctly.

2. Find suitable pictures and paste them into your notebook.

Exercise " ROADS ON THE PALM» [Z]

Using your index finger (or the end of a pencil), draw a “path” from the tip of your finger to the center of your palm.

1. Thumb: A-A-A-A-AZ-Z-Z-Z-ZA

2. Index finger: O-O-O-O-O-Z-Z-Z-ZO

3. Middle finger: U-U-U-U-UZ-Z-Z-Z-ZU

4. Ring finger: Y-Y-Y-Y-YZ-Z-Z-Z-Z

5. Little finger: E-E-E-E-E-EZ-Z-Z-Z-ZE

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the syllables smoothly, continuously.

2. Trace the child’s palm in a notebook and color it.


One, two, three - repeat the syllables. BEHIND(exactly the same in syllables ZO, ZU, ZY, ZE).

















Exercise: 1. Pronounce the syllables clearly and correctly.

2. Find and emphasize the syllables ______, ______.


Choose a column, read the syllables.













Exercise: 1. Underline the letter “Z” with a blue pencil.

2. Find the syllables “______”, “______” in the _____ column, circle them.

Automation of sound [З] in words

Exercise "NAMES" [Z]

Name names, recognize friends or yourself.

Zoya, Lisa, Naza, Elsa, Rose, Zakhar, Louise, Zulfiya, Nazar, Elizar, Elizabeth.

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the words clearly and correctly.

2. Name only female/male names.

3. Underline the boys' names with a blue pencil and the girls' names with a red pencil.


The syllables jiggled and names were called.


For - for - Za-har,

For - for - Li-za,

For - for - Rose,

For - for - El-za,

For - for - Nazar


2. Underline the boys' names with a blue pencil and the girls' names with a red pencil.

Exercise "SWING" [Z]


Behind - behind - the hall,

For - for - lock,


For - for - for - for,

For - for - lo-za,

For - for - eyes - for,

For - for - thunderstorm,

For - for - tor-mo-za,

For - for - bi-ryu-za,

For - for - str-ko-za.,

Exercise: 1. Pronounce syllables and words smoothly, in a chant.

Exercise "SWING" [Z]

The syllables shook and the words were named.





Zo - zo - dawn,



Zo - zo - season,



Exercise: 1. Pronounce syllables and words smoothly, in a chant.

2. Find the words in the___ column: “________”, “________”, underline.

Exercise "SWING" [Z]

The syllables shook and the words were named.





Speak - swell - swell,

Threat - zyb - swell,

PS - PS - PS,

Speak - swear - ya-speak.

Exercise: 1. Pronounce syllables and words smoothly, in a chant.

2. Find the words in the___ column: “________”, “________”, underline.

Exercise "COLUMN" [Z]


hall, call, tooth, swell,

hare, umbrella, bison, shaky,

castle, zoya, teeth,


Exercise "COLUMN" [W]

Read the columns - memorize the words

ZA- ZO- -ZV- -ZN-

factory, zone, sound, heat,

fence, dawn, ringing, sign,

law, gold, bell, banner

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the words clearly, correctly (in the ___ column).

2. Underline the letter “Z” with a blue pencil (in the ___ column).

3. Find the words “__________”, “__________”, circle.

Exercise "COLUMN" [Z]

Read the columns - memorize the words

FOR- -ZU- -ZY,

splinter, goat, azu, roses,

hairpin, eyes, watermelons are being transported,

curtain, thunderstorm, frosty fuel oil

Exercise: 1. Pronounce the words clearly, correctly (in the ___ column).