© Sviyash A.

© Astrel Publishing House LLC

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The time for miracles has passed, and we
We have to look for reasons
Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare

So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted by the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with my other works and they have left some kind of mark on your soul?

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will have enough strength and patience not only to read it to the end, but also apply in practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it.

We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about?

Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or whether it will be a waste of time.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine.

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly of a negative nature). Why is all this happening?

And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly? necessary goals achieved, and life gave you only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

First step in Intelligent world

To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable, or irrational, world is.

This is the world in which most of us live. This is a world in which people are unhappy with life and with each other. They are constantly striving somewhere, often without realizing where. They want something all the time, but most of their goals remain pipe dreams.

Our book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Reasonable World. A world in which you can make informed decisions because you know the causes and consequences of certain events.

If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.


Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

Key Ideas

All provisions of this book are based on several basic ideas.

We can say that the Reasonable World is a system of views according to which:

- every person is born for joy and spiritual development;

– any person potentially has unlimited possibilities for creating his life.

but in most cases uses them in the strangest way;

– the situation in which each of us finds ourselves is the best that we have been able to create for ourselves today. this is the result of our efforts alone, so we need to start enjoying it now. you need to rejoice right now, and not later, when something very important happens (a husband, a job, money, housing, etc., etc.);

– there is no one but us who creates problems for us. we ourselves are responsible for everything;

– every person can change their situation for the better at any time. to do this, he only needs to realize how he created problems for himself and change his attitude towards this situation;

– our consciousness and subconsciousness, in the form of obvious and hidden thoughts and attitudes, determine our actions, and our actions form the existence with which we are dissatisfied. This means that by changing our thoughts, we will change our actions and our reality.

That's all, actually. Although there are many practical recommendations, how to implement all this.

This book is the rules for moving through life.

Perhaps our book will become something like rules for you traffic- only movements through life. In it you will find those unspoken laws and rules that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. We will try to make them visible and understandable to you.

How you use the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush through a red light. You can go to where the “brick” hangs. Take risks if you have health!

But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you do not commit typical mistakes, then you can count on Life’s help in achieving your goals. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Who is it suitable for?

The technology of Intelligent Life is not suitable for everyone. For whom can it be effective?

– For those who are tired of fighting Life for their ideals or goals and would like to live a calmer and more successful life.

– For someone who is ready to take responsibility for the events that happen to him.

– For those who do not want to gain their own experience of mistakes and are ready to take into account the achievements of others.

– For those who are ready to work on themselves. Don’t just read a book and wait for a miracle, but work, that is, make certain efforts.

– For someone who has a certain intelligence, since the proposed belief system requires that a person first thinks and then acts. Most people act first and think later.

– For someone who is able to think rationally (logically) and act in accordance with consciously made decisions.

Who is not suitable for?

This technology will not be able to be used by:

– Those who look for culprits everywhere and blame everyone except themselves for their misfortunes: “I am good, but my husband (wife, parents, children, government, karma, evil eye, enemies, etc.) are to blame for my problems.” The victim position has certain hidden benefits, which is why many people unknowingly choose it and do not want to change anything;

– People are overly emotional, who first cry or swear for three hours, and then start thinking;

– People are super-instinctive (highly primative), who are guided in their actions by instincts, and not by reason;

– People who consider themselves insignificant, worthless, mediocre, seeking idolatry and instructions from some “enlightened” individuals. This is also a convenient position with hidden benefits, and many people unknowingly choose it;

– People who are not burdened with intelligence.

As you can see, there are very few people left who can use the proposed Intelligent Life technology.

But if you are already holding this book in your hands, then maybe it is right for you?

What is this technique not?

The method of the Reasonable Path is not divine revelations, not contact information and not a message from above. This is a synthesis of various knowledge acquired during the development of mankind and the results of an analysis of typical mistakes that many people make in their lives.

This is not a religious-mystical teaching. There are no gods, rituals or other attributes of religious teachings here.

This is not the theory of karma, which was created many thousands of years ago in order to force rather wild and poorly educated people to live according to the laws of society, under the threat of retribution.

Today, many people live without violating these laws quite voluntarily and do not feel the desire to do dirty tricks to other people. They need a reasonable path.

This is not a set of “do this and everything will be fine” recommendations. This is not management or self-management in its pure form, since it tells not only how to do, but also explains why do you need to do this.

This is not psychotherapy, although elements of it are clearly present here.

This is not an NLP technique, which is a set of techniques for fairly rigidly programming people in the way you want, which is actively used by politicians and advertisers.

We invite you to find peace in your soul and increase your effectiveness.

This is not a miraculous book that you just need to apply to a sore spot or put under your pillow, and everything will miraculously come true.

It won't come true need to work.

This is not a philosophical doctrine, since it has a completely applied orientation.

What then, what is the Reasonable Way?

This technology of conscious and successful life, life in harmony with oneself and the outside world. A technology that requires a person to make, albeit small, but constant efforts to improve and understand himself.

Who might need this technique?

Theoretically, it may be needed by everyone who strives to achieve something in this life. For example:

– for adults who are tired of worries – to calm down and begin to enjoy life and themselves;

– teenagers – to stop judging parents, teachers, friends;

– young people – so as not to make the mistakes that billions of people have already made before them;

– for older people – to remove complaints about young people and life in general;

– employees – to achieve the desired promotion or increase in pay for their work;

– businessmen – to understand the patterns that govern our world and become more successful in the business they are involved in;

– housewives – to remove obvious or hidden claims against their husbands;

– lonely – to understand how they created loneliness for themselves, and change the situation if they recognize that it is necessary;

– married or married – to stop changing your loved ones and understand why exactly they appeared near you;

– for parents – to calm down and stop fighting with their children;

– politicians and public figures – to understand that people are different and they will never become what they want,

What does it consist of?

The book has five parts.

The first examines in detail the mistakes that people make on the way to their goals, creating insurmountable barriers between themselves and the desired result. Detailed recommendations are given on how to remove these barriers from your consciousness.

The second part of the book is devoted to how to correctly build your thoughts and actions on the way to your stated goals.

An incorrectly formulated goal can lead to the most unexpected results. In addition, you may not have any internal barriers, but if you just lie on the couch and do nothing, then your desires will remain unfulfilled dreams.

You need to act, but there are certain rules here that it is advisable not to break.

The third part of the book is devoted to the practical application of ideas from the first two parts of the book to the sphere of money, work, and business.

The fourth part is about applying the ideas from the first two parts to the sphere of personal and family life.

The fifth part is devoted to the application of ideas to such an important area of ​​our lives as health.

More detailed applications available

In this book you will find all the basic ideas of the Intelligent Life method. However, the technology of Intelligent Life has been developing for many years and has acquired special applications in various areas of our lives. These are individual books dedicated to specific topics.

In particular, the book “What’s stopping you from being rich” discusses the application of this technique to the sphere of work, money, and business. There this topic is covered more widely than in the fourth part of the book.

The book, “Advice to Those Getting Married, Rejected, and Eagerly Desiring to Get Married,” takes a broader look at the ideas of Smart Living as they apply to the topic of love and family life.

In the book “Do you want to be healthy? Be it!” talks in detail about how we create diseases for ourselves and how we can get rid of them.

In preparing this book, materials from the above books were partially used.

Third edition

You are holding in your hands a book in the third edition. If you have read previous versions of the book, you will notice that the element of mysticism has been reduced here, it has become more psychological than esoteric. The list of internal obstacles that stand between a person and his goals has been expanded. The aspect of human dependence on external factors(karmas, educational processes), and the role of man as the Master of his Life is shown to a greater extent. An owner who doesn't know what he's doing.

The issues of achieving one’s goals in the field of work and business are considered more fully, and elements of planning one’s activities to achieve one’s goals are introduced. These are very important points for people looking to improve their performance.

We'll have to work hard

Don't expect metaphysical miracles from this book. There is no need to apply it to sore spots or place it under the pillow - this is unlikely to help. Unless the hard cover of a book under your pillow will make you wake up more often at night and give you the opportunity to think about the causes of your problems without fuss.

Miracles happen, but, unfortunately, they don’t just fall from the sky. You can create in your life everything that is now perceived only as a miracle. But to create it, and not to receive it by chance, by someone’s incomprehensible will.

Everything in your life happens only according to your will, although you may not be aware of it. So don't wait for a miracle, but work to make it your reality.

Even in fairy tales, miracles do not appear in the lives of heroes immediately, but as a result of certain efforts.

Cinderella worked hard and had positive thinking until a miracle happened in her life. The old man threw a net into the sea many times before catching the goldfish.

So you don’t need to wait for a miracle while lying on the couch. A miracle appears when you take certain actions towards your desired goal. And how to perform these actions correctly and remove barriers to your desired goals, you will learn from this book.

It contains many trainings, exercises, rules, and examples. Therefore, it can be used both as entertaining reading and as methodological manual to increase personal success and create a Smart life, without unnecessary worries and worries.

If you apply the ideas presented in the book, your life will become a little less emotional, but much more calm and predictable. You will learn to understand the reasons for the events that happen to you. And you will consciously order for yourself those events that you really need.

And they will definitely happen - this is exactly how the proposed method of shaping the events of your life works.

And if something doesn’t work out, then you can easily understand why this is happening. Therefore, you will have no reason to worry too much. But worrying a little is not at all harmful - otherwise life may lose its taste and aroma.


Our sponsors are Alexey Kuptsov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TEKOservice LLC, Boris Medvedev (Riga) and Pavel Loskutov (Krasnoyarsk). Thank you very much for your support of the ideas of the Smart Path!

Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash



The time for miracles has passed, and we

We have to look for reasons

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare

So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted by the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with our works and they have left some kind of mark on your soul?

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will not only have the strength and patience to read it to the end, but also put into practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it. We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about? Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or will it be a waste of time?

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine. But, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. Maybe you have sometimes stopped the mad rush through life towards these or similar goals and asked yourself: why am I doing all this? And have you found the answer to this question?

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly of a negative nature). Why is all this happening? And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved and life brings only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If this and other questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

This book is the first step into the Intelligent World. To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable or irrational world is. This is the world in which most of us live. This is a world in which people are unhappy with life and with each other. They are constantly striving somewhere, often without realizing where. They want something all the time, but most goals remain pipe dreams.

This book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Reasonable World, where you yourself will be the master of your life. A rational world is a world in which you can make informed decisions, because you know the causes and consequences of certain life events. Not the hectic and unpredictable world in which most people live. If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

You can find some of the thoughts presented here in three earlier books: “How to shape the events of your life with the help of the power of thought”, “What to do when everything is not the way you want” and “How to cleanse your court of karma”. Here we have stacked these blocks into unified system views, allowing a person to understand the reasons for most of the events that happen to him and learn to manage them. How successful this turned out is for you to judge.

Experiences - from an unknown future. Since you will learn to make informed decisions after mastering the ideas presented here, you will have no reason to worry. After all, any experience is a lack of understanding of the underlying causes of the problems you have. And forecasting your future troubles arising from this uncertainty.

You do not know the patterns by which certain events in your life occur. And the unknown is always scary. Previously, people were afraid of thunder, lightning, and fire that they did not understand. Today they are frightened by the unpredictable future, which, it seems, does not depend on the will, desires and practical efforts of man.

In fact, this is not true at all. We create our own future! Well, of course, not entirely ourselves. Many forces unknown to us are actively involved in this. And if you know the laws and requirements that guide these forces, then you will be able to consciously predict your future. It will become known, and you will have no reason to worry!

This book is the rules for moving through life. We hope that this book will become for you something like the rules of the road - only rules for moving through life. Here you will find those unspoken laws that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. In this book we will try to make them visible and understandable.

How you use the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush through a red light. You can go to where the “brick” hangs. Take risks if you have health! But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you meet certain requirements that the Higher Powers place on us, then you can count on receiving support from them. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Our theory is only the first step towards a great Goal. The book sets out a system of views on the world, which we called the General Theory of Karmic Interactions. It reveals the requirements that the Higher powers place on a person coming into this world. Fulfilling these requirements makes a person’s life calmer and more comfortable.

Of course, our General theory..." so far contains only a small fraction of the knowledge system that could lay claim to this loud name. These are only the first and timid steps towards systematizing the knowledge that a person needs to consciously manage his life.

Someday a person will learn all the rules and laws of the existence of our material and immaterial worlds and will consciously manage his life. Life of the current and, possibly, the future. The development of such a system of intelligent relationships between man and the forces of the Unmanifested World is our distant and great Goal.

Worlds Manifested and Unmanifested. We would like to apologize in advance to those of our readers who adhere to atheistic views on life, because in this book we will use a number of special terms, including the concept of “The Unmanifest World.” What does it mean. Our world is the Manifested world. That is, one that can be touched, measured, seen or heard. But this, as you understand, is not the whole world.

Our senses are limited in their capabilities, so scientists and inventors are constantly coming up with new devices or ways to get to know our Manifested World better. But the capabilities of the devices are limited by our level of knowledge, technology, etc.

Every year (or even day) we learn something new about our world. And apparently, this will continue for quite some time. That is, in addition to our Manifested world, there is also an Unmanifested world, which we have not yet learned to sense or measure.

What is this Unmanifested World? Yes, everything that is unknown to us today. And much more is unknown than is known. For example, each of you is visited from time to time by questions: is there a God, angels, demons, aliens, etc.? If so, what are they? What are the limits of human capabilities? Why do we live? Will there be a Last Judgment? Why did something suddenly happen to me that couldn’t happen, because it could never happen? And so on.

Anyone can come up with many questions for which there are no answers with evidence. There are as many versions as you like, but no exact answers.

Therefore, in the book we will use the term “Unmanifested World”, in which we will put the most broad meaning. With this term we denote everything that is unknown to man. This is in a broad sense.

And in a narrow sense, we use this term to designate the place where, perhaps, there are intelligent entities that help (or hinder) us in moving through life. We will put forward some versions about the structure of this very Unmanifested World. Moreover, we will not invent everything from scratch. And we will try to somehow rely on the Christian tradition, that is, on the knowledge (or theories) that humanity has acquired over the millennia of its existence.

Why do we use the term Creator? When addressing the Supreme Being himself who created this world, we use the term “Creator” without indicating the name accepted in one or another religious system. We suggest turning to him with prayers or other rituals accepted in your belief system. Therefore, the system of knowledge outlined in our book can be used by Christians and Muslims, Buddhists and Hare Krishnas, atheists and Theosophists, etc. And if we indicated that one should pray, for example, only to Jesus Christ, then we would thereby exclude from its readers representatives of many other religious denominations. Why should they be so deprived?

Who are we?

The smart way is a training center that has been operating for 10 years in Moscow and is the most different countries peace.

We help people become strong, successful, creative individuals who create their own lives and are responsible for it. We know: each person creates his own destiny.

We enable people to improve their quality of life.

We - educational organization, and we do what is not taught in schools and universities. Our subjects: Success, Love, Money, Family, Health, Self-esteem.

Training is a purely practical form of learning, thanks to which a person can explore himself, his life and go beyond his own limitations in all areas of life. We work to ensure that everyone can reveal their potential, become conscious, be able to rejoice and be surprised, and achieve their goals.

The result of participation in trainings is:

  • increasing personal effectiveness in all areas of life;
  • free communication with others;
  • choosing an active, creative life position;
  • significant increase in self-esteem;
  • reconsidering your attitude towards failures and problems;
  • loving and harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Who are we for?

The smart way is the Center for Self-Transformation of Personality. This name speaks for itself. We do not engage in esotericism and mysticism, but we also do not deny them. We don't need clairvoyance or magic to help people.

We are not a sect, not a religious or political organization, not an occult center, although we are sometimes mistakenly classified as one of them. We are a group of positively thinking psychologists of various profiles who are happy to work to ensure that there are more happy people in our world.

They come to us different people- successful and just starting to create their careers, cheerful and sad, family and those in search of a partner, wealthy and those who want to achieve prosperity. And all these people have one thing in common: they are focused on their development.

We are for those who want more. We are for those who are ready for real changes.

Our founder

Head of the Center - Alexander Sviyash:

  • A well-known and popular Russian writer, psychologist, creator of a unique technique that allows any person to become harmonious and successful;
  • President of the Association of Personal Development Professionals;
  • Full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL);
  • President of the American Academy of Success;
  • Repeated participant in many popular television programs;
  • Author of 10 books, the total circulation of which is more than 8 million copies. The most famous and popular books: “What to do when everything is not the way you want”, “Do you want to be rich? Be it!”, “Health is in the head, not in the pharmacy”, “The reasonable world. How to live without unnecessary worries” , "Project-Humanity. Success or failure?";
  • Twice awarded by the publishing house "Piter" in the category "For a series of books that has aroused inexhaustible interest among readers for many years and a record number of copies in 2001-2002." We receive a huge number of letters of gratitude from people in whose lives positive changes have occurred after reading books and applying the information contained therein. The books have been translated and published in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Mongolia, Argentina, and are being prepared for publication in Italy and the USA;
  • He maintains an Internet newsletter in which he answers questions from book readers and publishes new materials;
  • He is interested in photography;
  • Live journal of A. Sviyash.

Our team

Our team- a team of like-minded people - trainers, psychologists, consultants. Each of us is bright, creative personality. We feel good together because we do what we love. We actively learn from each other and help each other develop.

At the same time, we all remain normal people, with its bright emotions and periodic difficulties. We know that difficulties are just a springboard from which we can fly higher.

What we are proud of:

  • Our special pride is our graduates and their results. Some of them are impossible to recognize after training - how strong and successful people they are.
  • We are constantly developing, creating new programs and expanding our activities. However, we are in no hurry to quickly create a large network. The quality of our services is important to us, not quantity. We actively cooperate with the authors of books and methods, especially with those whose system of views on life and the events occurring in it are close to the ideas of the Reasonable Way. We are always responsible for the quality of trainings conducted by our Center. They are effective, practical and safe. High quality trainings are the result of the high professionalism of our trainers.
  • Our training is future-oriented, and not for instant short-term results. Therefore, people enjoy the results of training for many years, and not just in the first week after the training. We do not treat, but give tools to manage your life.
  • We are proud of our team- a creative successful team of such different people, but united by common goals, professionals in their field.
  • No manipulation. We do not give advice to people on how to live correctly and what they should do in a given situation. We teach you to think for yourself. We don't tell them what goals they should achieve—they decide for themselves. We do not insist on further training. On the Reasonable Path, everyone is free to choose what they do.
  • Individual approach to each allows us to take into account the differences of people, which ensures high learning outcomes. Due to this, we have a limited number of participants in each training. We do not chase quantity; the quality of education is important to us.
  • Own office and training rooms provide convenience and stability of our work.
  • Relaxing atmosphere. I want to come back to us. Because our office is our second home. It’s good here for us and our visitors.

Copied from the site "Self-knowledge.ru"

Alexander Sviyash- modern, popular writer, psychologist, candidate of sciences, author of nine books, the total circulation of which has exceeded 6,000,000 copies, including such famous and popular books as: “ Smile before it's too late", “What to do when everything is not the way you want it”, "What's stopping you from being rich", “Health is in the head, not in the pharmacy”, “A reasonable world: how to live without unnecessary worries”. The author is the founder of the Center for Positive Psychology "The Smart Way", as well as his numerous trainings and courses.

All books by Alexander Sviyash became bestsellers, reprinted several times in Russian and in numerous translations. The lives of many readers were changed for the better. Alexander Sviyash is the author effective methodology, called "The Smart Way". Thousands of people have learned to understand the reasons for the events that happen to them, work with their attitude towards themselves and the world around them, eliminate existing problems and be effective in achieving their goals.

Can a person live without unnecessary unpleasant experiences? It would seem, how can this be achieved? We live in a world in which many accidents, troubles, disasters, wars and other events occur and, as a result, we are all immersed in a world of experiences. Is it possible to get out of this state and live joyfully, harmoniously, successfully so that life makes you happy and you don’t want to hide far away from it? Can. To do this, you need to make some effort - you need to work on yourself.

What is stopping you from being rich!? The first step on this path is to recognize that the life you have depends solely on you. A lot of people choose to be the victim. If you are satisfied with this position, then video lessons, books and trainings by Alexander Sviyash, most likely, not for you. If you are ready to admit that at least part of the events that happen in your life depend on you and you yourself have created your health, the level of your material well-being, the relationships that you have and they depend on you, then those techniques that Alexander Sviyash suggests, they can help you take steps to change your life for the better.

Every person is a kind of magician. Unfortunately, my magic wand he uses it to create trouble for himself in his masses, but nothing prevents a person from realizing his own mistakes and immediately starting to use his magic wand in order to change himself and, together with changing himself, change the world around him.

For today positive psychology of Alexander Sviyash says that there are four barriers between a person and his goals. First barrier- the fight for your ideals, for the desire to be right. Second barrier- this is an unconscious processing of those negative programs and attitudes that society has implanted in us and by which we are guided incorrectly and then get problems on the way to our goals. Third barrier- those perceived benefits that we receive from the fact that our goal is not realized, it seems that I want to have health, I want to have money, a personal life, but in fact, I don’t want this - in the end I get nothing. Fourth barrier— incorrect goal setting, i.e. we vaguely say what we want, but in the end we get what we don’t need.

A reasonable world, how to live without unnecessary worries, effective forgiveness, as well as many answers to the most pressing psychological important questions, you can find using very interesting books, trainings and video tutorials by the author. Smile before it’s too late and good luck with your studies with Alexander Sviyash!

The wonderful psychologist, whose quotes we have selected today, is known to everyone, young and old. Having seriously read just excerpts from the thoughts of Alexander Grigorievich Sviyash, one can really evaluate this activity as individual psychoanalysis, and, with a successful combination of circumstances, as psychotherapy. By the way, Alexander maintains a blog where you can find a lot of answers to burning questions from readers.

Who said that a person must have a family? This is a myth and nothing more. A happy bachelor looks much better than an unhappy couple in which everyone suffers and torments each other.

You will always receive what you condemn, what you fight with. And this will continue until you change your attitude towards people or circumstances that do not suit you, let them be as they are in reality, and not as you would like them to be. That is, it is you who need to change, not other people.

If you fall in love with a person, he doesn’t owe you anything!

Feel like today what you want to become tomorrow.

The husband is offended by his wife because he thought that she would realize that he would need a white shirt tomorrow. The wife is sulking at her husband because she thought that he would think of buying her flowers. The child is offended by his parents because they should have guessed that he needs a new construction set, etc. That is, first we figure out how other people should behave. Then we make sure that they don’t behave like that. And we are offended by them for this. This is normal, because in a madhouse that’s not what happens.

  • Each person comes up with his own set of shortcomings, and then spends decades killing himself about it. Well, that’s also an activity.
  • You can only change yourself, but who will agree with this? It is much more common to judge others and rush into battle for their improvement.
  • If your “opponent” finds a way to get at you, then you should be grateful to him, because he has found exactly the value to which you attach excessive importance! Therefore, any scandal is great! In fact, this is a free diagnosis of your idealizations! And not only diagnosis, but also treatment.
  • Let your loved one (or loved one) walk on the longest possible leash - it is the strongest.
  • If you try to understand the meaning of all the events that happen to you, you can quickly find yourself seeing a psychiatrist.
  • Our body is not a tank for emotional waste. He assimilates and fights them as best he can, and then gives up. The disease is a form of protest of the body against the fact that you have made a garbage dump out of it.
  • Life can be neither fair nor unfair, since everything in it has causes and consequences.
  • Our spirit determines our being. Health is in the head, not in the pharmacy!
  • Any situation that doesn’t suit you is not a reason to worry, but just a reason to think about the reasons for the events that are happening.
  • To please everyone is an almost impossible task. At least during my lifetime.
  • “Don't judge” does not mean that you should become like the person you don't like. You can remain the way you want, but it is important to be able to not fall into long-term worries if something does not match your expectations.
  • Love is a substance, in the presence of which it is not at all scary to step on the throat of your own egoism, but, on the contrary, it is even pleasant.
  • Life selects people into married couples in such a way that each spouse destroys the values ​​to which the second spouse attaches excessive importance.
  • We usually quickly forget about our successes and focus on failures. This is wrong, we must always remember our achievements - they give us the strength to take new milestones.
  • If there is a sign on your window: “Life is a struggle” or “I will never find my one and only,” they will kindly organize the life you declared for.