Series: "Classical Thought"

The theme of this monumental work by the famous Russian scientist of the 19th century, Professor A. G. Brickner, was one of the brightest and most interesting periods Russian history- the era of the reign of Catherine II. The youth of a princess from a poor and little-known German principality, who by the will of fate became a wife Russian Emperor Peter III, bold palace coup, as a result of which she came to power, the intrigues of the powerful favorites of the empress and, finally, brilliant victories Russian weapons and the unprecedented flowering of diplomacy, sciences and arts of the “golden age of Catherine” - these are just a few of what are vividly and interestingly described in this book. The unconventionality and originality of the author's view turns it into a fascinating work that you want to return to again and again.

Publisher: "AST" (2004)

Format: 70x90/16, 848 pages.

ISBN: 5-17-006492-6

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    We read fiction books and watch feature films O Great Empress Catherine II, her portrait is often compiled from historical anecdotes. Is all this true?

    For readers who are interested in the history of our Fatherland, the reading room of the Central City Library named after. A. Grina offers a book by a Russian historian German origin, Professor of the Department of History of the University of Dorpat Alexander Brikner "The History of Catherine the Second."

    In 1885, the most famous St. Petersburg published a book by Professor Brickner about Catherine II. The leitmotif of Professor Brickner’s historical works is the process of “Europeanization” of Russia, the penetration of “Western European concepts and interests” into it.

    “The History of Catherine II” - the largest of Brickner’s numerous works dating back to Catherine’s era, was also published first in 1883 in German in the almanac magazine V. Oncken “Allgemeine Geschichte” ( General history), and in 1885 it was published in a Russian version, including more than 300 excellent engraved illustrations. A. Brickner's voluminous work conveys in detail the spirit of the time, the formation of the empress's personality, and the life of Catherine's Golden Age, full of epoch-making events.

    The book was republished in 2004, preserving the illustrations of that time, and the Russian pre-reform spelling was replaced with a modern one, which will undoubtedly facilitate the reading process and, therefore, the perception of information. And the information in this book deserves to at least become familiar with it.
    Monumental work by A.G. Brickner is dedicated to one of the brightest and most interesting periods of Russian history - the era of the reign of Catherine II. The youth of a princess from a poor and little-known German principality, who by the will of fate became the wife of the Russian Emperor Peter III, the daring palace coup that brought her to power, the intrigues of the powerful favorites of the empress and, in the end, the brilliant victories of Russian weapons and the unprecedented flowering of diplomacy and science and the arts of the “golden age of Catherine” - these are just a few of what are vividly and fascinatingly described in this book. The uniqueness and originality of the author's view turns it into a fascinating work that you want to return to again and again.

    Well, Crimeans will be especially interested in the chapter dedicated to the history of the annexation of Crimea to Russian Empire and, of course, the famous journey of Catherine II to Crimea.

    Of Brickner’s numerous works dating back to the era of Catherine, the largest was “The History of Catherine II,” which appeared first in 1883 in German in Oncken’s collection (“Allgemeine Geschichte”), in 1885 in a Russian adaptation, with many illustrations. This work provides a particularly detailed account of the history of external events, wars and diplomatic events; the coverage of internal life and reforms is weaker (excessive attention is paid to Catherine’s “Order”, its importance is slightly overestimated). Brickner summed up Catherine's activities as follows:

    Unusually richly gifted by nature, due to a number of favorable circumstances, possessing a high position, Catherine turned out to be able to fulfill the task assigned to her by fate; She was helped in this by extreme willpower; she knew how to take advantage of the benefits of her position, life in general, and tireless work in particular. Catherine gives the impression of a person distinguished not only by her enormous mental abilities, but also by favorable qualities of her soul. Until now, historians have been especially willing to dwell either on the external splendor and loud glory of her reign, or on the undeniable weaknesses of her reign. privacy. Having tried to develop the historical materials that have appeared recently, we tried to portray the personality and reign of Catherine in a more impartial and multifaceted way than our predecessors. From a general overview of Catherine’s activities we get the following conclusion: she acted successfully as a mediator between progress and culture Western Europe, on the one hand, and the way of life of Russia, on the other. Under her, Russia's power and influence in the world system of states significantly strengthened; During the reign of Catherine, thanks to her initiative, Russia quickly moved forward on the path of progress and Europeanization.

    Results of activities

    Both in his major works and in numerous articles scattered throughout Russian and German journals, Brickner was not only an independent researcher, but also a popularizer of new phenomena in Russian historiography devoted to issues of political and cultural history XVII-XVIII centuries His works, which appeared on German, contributed a lot to the correct familiarization of the foreign public with Russian history.

    Detailed review scientific activity For Brickner, see the obituary compiled by E. F. Shmurlo (“Journal of the Ministry of Public Education,” 1897, February).


    • A. G. Brickner, The War of Russia with Sweden in 1788-1790 on the Runiverse website
    • A. G. Brickner “Illustrated history of Catherine II”, edition by A. S. Suvorin, St. Petersburg, pp. 1–253, 1885.
    • A. G. Brickner, Illustrated history of Peter the Great on the Runiverse website
    • A. G. Brickner, History of Catherine the Second on the Runiverse website
    • Brickner A.G. Copper money in Russia 1656-1663. - 1864
    • Shiman T., Brickner A.G. The Death of Paul the First. - 1909

    See also individual articles in modern journals:

    • Brickner A.G. "Zelmira." An episode from the history of the reign of Empress Catherine II. (1782-1788) // Historical Bulletin, 1890. – T. 41. – No. 8. – P. 277-303., continued in No. 9.
    • Brickner A.G. Opening other people's letters and dispatches under Catherine II (perlustration) // Russian antiquity, 1873. – T. 7. – No. 1. – P. 75-84.
    • Brickner A.G. Diplomacy in the arena. (Based on documents borrowed from the Saxon archive in Dresden) // Historical Bulletin, 1903. – T. 60. – No. 11. – P. 559-565.
    • Brickner A.G. Catherine II and Doctor M.A. Weikard in 1784-1789 // Russian antiquity, 1891. – T. 72. – No. 12. – P. 531-564.
    • Brickner A.G. To the price history in Russia XVIII century // Historical Bulletin, 1885. – T. 20. – No. 5. – P. 259-280.
    • Brickner A.G. Prince M.M. Shcherbatov as a member of the Great Commission of 1767 // Historical Bulletin, 1881. - Vol. 3. - No. 10. - P. 217-249.
    • Brickner A.G. The first years of the reign of Catherine II (According to dispatches from the Dutch resident Meinertzhagen) // Historical Bulletin, 1884. – T. 18. – No. 10. – P. 5-24.
    • Brickner A.G. Peter the Great in Dresden in 1698, 1711 and 1712 // Russian antiquity, 1874. - T. 11. - No. 12. - P. 728-734.
    • Brickner A.G. Prince of Hesse-Homburg in Russia. (1723-1745) // Historical Bulletin, 1893. – T. 52. – No. 4. – P. 162-168.
    • Brickner A.G. Catherine II's journey to Crimea // Historical Bulletin, 1885. - T. 21. - No. 7. - P. 5-23; No. 8. – P. 242-264; No. 9. – pp. 444-509.
    • Brickner A.G. Russia and Europe under Peter the Great // Historical Bulletin, 1880. – T. 2. – No. 7. – P. 103-434.
    • Brickner A.G. Russian court in 1728-1733. According to reports of English residents // Historical Bulletin, 1890. – T. 46. – No. 10. – P. 36-63.
    • Brickner A.G. Russian court in 1826-1832 // Historical Bulletin, 1891. - T. 46. - No. 12. - P. 783-795.
    • Brickner A.G. Russian court under Peter II. 1727-1730. According to documents from the Vienna archive // ​​Bulletin of Europe, 1896. – Book. 1. – No. 1 – P. 99-125.

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