Quite often you can hear the opinion among esotericists that practical magic is the most extreme case in solving various life problems. Many insist that it is possible to use various magical and energetic methods of influence only after all “earthly” methods of solving the issue have already been tried and have not yielded results. To seek help from a practicing psychic or to do something “like that” yourself at the stage of the emergence of a problem - no, no, under no circumstances, this is dishonest and wrong. Apparently, it is considered more correct and noble to let the situation go until the last minute, when it is already very difficult to fix something, and only after that crawl to look for help, if there is still strength left to fight, of course. In such cases, most often, the work required is more complex and there may be almost no chance of correction, but the person acted “correctly,” “honestly,” “like Fse.” Nobody around uses various magical/energy techniques to achieve their goals - which means it’s not worth starting.

Where do people get such confidence that no one will ever do it? To be honest, I don’t understand. In my city there are more than enough trained, and very well trained, practitioners. Not all of them are ready to talk at every corner about the fact that they are rune magicians () or KEN masters, but they regularly use the available powers and capabilities. There are many more actively practicing people around than it seems at first glance. There are no guarantees that your “competitors” in life or simply neighbors do not practice themselves or, for example, do not use the help of a familiar master (from those who do not widely advertise themselves).

Another good question: what exactly can be considered a magical/energetic influence and what are the criteria for its “dishonesty”? For example, good feng shui in the office is already working with the energy of the space and has an additional impact designed to strengthen the position of the company. And if such good feng shui turned out “by chance”, “intuitively” (this is rare, but it happens), everything needs to be redone urgently, because using energy techniques is “dishonest”, so what? Even, by and large, there ALREADY is an energetic impact on the situation. The ability to use this intention is an integral part of being human. Most often, it is triggered automatically as a “very strong desire” to tilt the situation in one direction or another. Not count the work of personal intention as impact? Then what is it? If work within the framework of personal intention and personal energy is not considered an impact, then what about various bioenergy specialists, webinar magicians and other individuals who show very real results? You will have to accept such an influence as “acceptable”, simply because it is impossible to get rid of and stop its effect; even on a subconscious level, personal intention will work. What is the fundamental difference between the work of personal intention and work with the help of various “external tools” (well, besides the greater efficiency and safety of the latter)? Translated into everyday language, it looks something like this: there is a large, large field (a situation that needs to be solved). There is a shovel (opportunities provided by personal energy) and there is a tractor (various external energies). So, you can dig with a shovel, but in no case with a tractor, this is supposedly “dishonest.” Where is the meaning, where is the logic - for the life of me, I don’t understand.

In general, the belief of adequate adults in some kind of “equal conditions for everyone” is surprising. It seems obvious that “equal opportunities” only exist in sports (and even then while the doping committee is awake). It is there that athletes are selected for competitions by age, level, and weight so that everyone has “equal conditions” and “fair judging.” IN real life the existence of such conditions is a big, big myth; they do not occur anywhere and never. Some people have better starting conditions, some people have worse ones. Even during the exam, someone may come across an easier or more difficult ticket, or even one that was not originally in the program. One person has some advantages and strengths, another has others. Some have a miniskirt and a model appearance, some have a “pumped up” cooking skill, and some have an amulet for attractiveness - initially, no one ever had equal conditions and equal chances. Everyone uses all their resources to achieve goals, and why suddenly such a resource as “energy influence” suddenly cannot be used is unclear to me.

To achieve your goals, you can and should use the maximum of available opportunities. Only this will allow you to get ahead of your competitors and get results. required quality within the foreseeable future. It seems like an axiom. But only so far we haven’t talked about energy methods of influencing reality. With intelligence - you can, with strength - too, with cunning, appearance, charisma, speed - you can. Energy is not possible. This is bad. Yes, very, very bad... I love logic, and you?

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From the moment of birth, layer upon layer of other people's thoughts, desires, and ideas are superimposed on a person. This person is given a name, taught a language, and taught various skills. They tell him what he should believe and what he shouldn't do. They explain what should become the basis of values ​​and views. The child is taught in kindergarten and school, leaving their imprints of reality on the still pure world of man.

Over the course of his entire life, a person collects other people’s systems of values ​​and views on the world. We are all created according to the same physiological template and acquire the psychological template of the society in which we live. It cannot in a Chinese family living in the provinces and working in agriculture to raise a child, unexpectedly for everyone and himself, the European mentality.

Much depends on the culture of the society in which a person is raised. What is the ideology of society, the individual is under such influence, because she is just a part of this society, and not a separate structure.

Human life is created from pieces of alien layers of reality and worldviews. After this formation, teachers, parents and society are either proud of their creation or assess that the experiment is a failure. Mistakes are blamed on others. Teachers blame parents for such upbringing, and parents blame the school. But everyone is to blame. They formed a personality that, according to the “educators,” was supposed to become the best copy of the teachers and parents themselves. But why did they decide that they had the right to create just such an image? Why did they decide that the child should accept their judgment and the world? And if a person simply copied the behavior model of his parents or the authority he created for himself, then is such a person real? Or is he just a likeness and a model, without personality?

Then, perhaps, we are all the same clones of our parents, teachers, people of the older generation, heroes, authorities? Maybe all people on earth are just models of the first people with little changes? Then what is true behind each of us? What new and individual do we bring? Exactly your own, and not taken from outside?

An attempt at self-analysis

Try to throw away what you were taught and offered, what you live by, what controls you now. There is none of this. None of this matters at the moment. Get rid of all thoughts, you can call it meditation or relaxation. But this is just rest and clearing your brain of all installations. Try the following exercise.

Create an environment where you will not be disturbed. Neither a call, nor someone's question, nor a knock on the door, will disturb your husband, child, wife, neighbor on the bus or subway. Sit down or lie down. Relax your whole body. Calm down, stop running and rushing somewhere, let your body feel comfort and relaxation. It deserves it. And now your body is not disturbed by anything, perhaps you even exhaled deeply. If so, then the body is glad that it was given a break. Now also relax your brain. Give him a rest too. Stop worrying about tomorrow and the future for a moment, stop remembering your past, let your brain live in the present, become aware of your presence here and now. Close your eyes, feel and feel every part of your body. Your thoughts are now focused only on the sensations from your body. Feel each finger and toe, one at a time, take your time. Your thoughts are pure and not clouded by anything, your life is beautiful, you are an independent person who has achieved his destiny. Your wishes are fulfilled. You experience joy from your existence on this planet. You are a person who is needed in this life. You make a huge contribution to humanity. Breathe evenly and don’t think about anything other than the words above.

Practice this exercise and you will see what you have done to yourself and how your life will soon change for the better.

Take off your masks

Clear your mind of other people's views and thoughts and then you will see the true face of the person who you really are. You will recognize yourself as you would be if the people around you had not hidden your pure intention and purpose.

Everyone has heard the expression: “ The whole world is a theater. There are women, men - all actors. They have their own exits and departures, and each plays more than one role...” Maybe it's time to throw off all your masks and identify your true self?

Different realities of one world

How many of you know the country of Burkina Faso? Don't know? And it exists in Africa. It turns out interestingly that many can now search the Internet and find out that this is not a fairy-tale country of 1001 nights, but a country that really exists. Whether you knew about it before or only found out now, it exists regardless of your knowledge and was there long before you. That is, until this moment, perhaps you and I lived in the same world, but you lived in a world where this country simply did not exist.

Name the driest place on our planet? Desert? No. Antarctica, McMurdo Dry Valleys. You can read about these valleys; the strongest winds blow there, reaching speeds of 320 km/h. Now your reality in the old world was transformed twice, you lived in a world where there was no country and the driest place was in the desert. But here are two facts and your reality has been transformed. All your data has been updated. You were able to change your view of the world. ( True, they probably looked on the Internet to see if the author was being disingenuous).

Why am I doing all this? Moreover, you are able to update your ideas about the world and yourself. All you know is only other people's thoughts and theories, your lived experience and memories that you constantly transform, each time lifting them from your memory cells. In fact, it is easy for you to change and update all the data, just be flexible and free-thinking.

Human - bio projector, which creates thoughts and ideas in the brain. Then it broadcasts them into the world, creating its own reality. Someone else's layers and filters have been applied to your projector. Therefore, you are not displaying the reality that your soul asks for, but you are broadcasting what is needed by those who created their likeness out of you.

We all live in the same world. Several social groups and character types can pass along the street at the same time. And the oligarch, and the homeless, and the beauty, and the one who is afraid to approach the mirror, and the warrior, and the timid boy. They all have their own projector to broadcast their thoughts. Some people have the courage to project interesting pictures and change their reality, while others are afraid.

One is afraid that his child will become a drug addict and all speech and thoughts, and the life of this parent comes down to protecting the child from this horror. What do you think will happen in this person’s life? Exactly. What he feared would happen. What I thought about, what thoughts I carried, those were projected. Thoughts lived in the head of such a person: a child, a drug addict, fear. He himself got what he thought about.

You've probably noticed more than once how the worst thing you could think of happened in your life. You may be asking: “if it turns out to project negative thoughts, then why don’t positive thoughts come true as well?” Why all these difficulties and paths “through thorns”? Why doesn’t it work out so easily, I imagined something good and it worked?

And I will ask you in return. Do you yourself believe in what you dream of? Only honestly? I am more than sure that you believe in your negative emotions: “Yes, he’ll get drunk now, he’ll come and raise his hand against me again.” But you don’t believe that “life will be better if I leave this freak.” How long can you tolerate such an attitude towards yourself and such a life? You yourself are afraid of change, and it’s better to let everything be as it is. But you won't change. What if everything new doesn’t lead to anything good. “I'll leave everything as it is. But I won’t lose what I have.”

Start practicing the elements positive psychology. Believe me, life can be customized the way you want, and not the way others want. I would like to convey to you an interesting conclusion that we inherited from our ancestors. We all know: our thoughts give birth to our actions. The people came up with a proverb: “what goes around comes around.” But the interesting thing is hidden in the Old Slavonic initial letter. The alphabet of our ancestors contained not just letters and the sounds that reflected them, but there was content. The entire Slavic alphabet contains meaning, but I will tell you about the meaning that ran like a red line through the entire text. It is expressed in this way: “I How People Think Our Peace.” That is, what you people think is your world. Here it is - the law of reflection, hidden from us moderns, but known to our ancestors.

PS. Anyone who is interested in changing their surrounding reality may be interested in a story about.

Good luck to you!

Online consultations on the website

We admire the unusual abilities that psychics demonstrate to us from the TV screen. And we rarely realize that we ourselves have these abilities.

And in general, they are not supernatural - they are the most ordinary human abilities that we do not use only because we do not believe in them. But real psychics believe, that’s why they are real. True, there are still fake psychics - scammers who convince others that they can do everything, although in reality they can do little. The whole point is that they deceive in the name of profit or recognition, but have no real faith.

You can hear the statement: in order for a healer to cure a patient, the patient must believe in him. Exclusively so! It is also exceptional that, first of all, the healer must believe that he is a healer. If you want to feel that God has not deprived you of abilities, you need to stop perceiving them as something out of the ordinary - something that to an ordinary person impossible or very difficult to master. In fact, there is no need to master or develop anything: the abilities are invested in a person, and they need to be used.

And to be more precise, it is not the abilities that are invested, but ONE ability that allows a person to become the ruler of the world (at least his own).

How to draw a cloud?

First, carry out one simple test: try to disperse the clouds in the sky. Select a small cloud. Focus on it and begin to diligently “erase” it from the sky. You can “erase” the cloud with your eyes closed, mentally, then there will definitely be nothing to distract you. 90% that in 2-3 minutes you will be able to cope with the cloud. It’s even somehow inconvenient to suspect the wind’s assistance: the rest of the clouds that surrounded yours remained in place.

That's it - you have mastered this practice forever. Now you can practice not “erasing”, but “hanging” clouds in the sky. Usually this turns out to be more difficult, but the point is not at all that “breaking is not building.” To place a cloud in the sky, you must imagine what exactly you are going to place: its shape, size, density, color. Then the work will go much faster: you will spend only a little more time than it took you to “erase” the cloud.

Don’t imagine yourself as a psychic: EVERYONE can perform this test. And the only difference between you and other people is that they have not yet thought of such an experiment.

Program another reality

And now - attention. You “hung” a cloud in the sky. What are you, Lord God? No. But you've probably heard or read that "...in the image and likeness." This means that, as far as abilities and capabilities are concerned, you are endowed with something.

And this “something” is nothing more than the ability to program another reality. You did not “erase” the cloud and did not “hang” it back, but created a different reality in which this cloud is absent, or vice versa. The tool you used for this is visualization. You programmed what you needed, set clear parameters and got the result.

Do not try to repeat the experiment with “harder” objects. Even if you work hard, you will not be able to “erase” a tree or a house - in this case, the universe has a security system. Still, this is not only your world - in any of the realities.

And yet you will be able to transfer the ability to program reality to change your own life. On in simple language this is called wish fulfillment. Now do you understand why you need to not only passionately desire, but also visualize - imagine what you want in a clear image?

The more detailed you literally program what you want, the faster the desire will come true and will meet your expectations.

Anatoly Buravin