
Strengths of the parties

World War I(July 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918) - one of the most large-scale armed conflicts in human history. The first global armed conflict of the 20th century. As a result of the war, four empires ceased to exist: Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and German. The participating countries lost more than 10 million people in soldiers killed, about 12 million civilians killed, and about 55 million were wounded.

Military operations at sea in the First world war


Main participants of the First World War:

Central Powers: German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria.

Entente: Russian empire, France, UK.

For a full list of participants see: First World War (Wikipedia)

Background to the conflict

Naval arms race between British Empire and the German Empire was one of the most important reasons First World War. Germany wanted to increase its navy to a size that would allow German overseas trade to be independent of British goodwill. However, increasing the German fleet to a size comparable to the British fleet inevitably threatened the very existence of the British Empire.

1914 Campaign

Breakthrough of the German Mediterranean Division into Turkey

On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Mediterranean squadron of the Kaiser's Navy under the command of Rear Admiral Wilhelm Souchon (battlecruiser Goeben and light cruiser Breslau), not wanting to be captured in the Adriatic, went to Turkey. German ships avoided collisions with superior enemy forces and, passing through the Dardanelles, came to Constantinople. The arrival of the German squadron in Constantinople was one of the factors that pushed Ottoman Empire to enter the First World War on the side of the Triple Alliance.

Actions in the North Sea and English Channel

Long-range blockade of the German fleet

The British fleet intended to solve its strategic problems through a long-range blockade of German ports. The German fleet, inferior in strength to the British, chose a defensive strategy and began laying minefields. In August 1914, the British fleet carried out the transfer of troops to the continent. During the cover of the transfer, a battle took place in the Heligoland Bight.

Both sides actively used submarines. German submarines acted more successfully, so on September 22, 1914, U-9 sank 3 British cruisers at once. In response, the British fleet began to strengthen anti-submarine defense, and the Northern Patrol was created.

Actions in the Barents and White Seas

Actions in the Barents Sea

In the summer of 1916, the Germans, knowing that an increasing amount of military cargo was arriving in Russia from the north by sea, sent their submarines to the waters of the Barents and White Seas. They sank 31 Allied ships. To counter them, the Russian Arctic Ocean Flotilla was created.

Actions in the Baltic Sea

The plans of both sides for 1916 did not include any major operations. Germany maintained insignificant forces in the Baltic, and the Baltic Fleet constantly strengthened its defensive positions by constructing new minefields and coastal batteries. Actions were reduced to raiding operations by light forces. In one of these operations, on November 10, 1916, the German 10th flotilla of “destroyers” lost 7 ships at once in a minefield.

Despite the generally defensive nature of the actions of both sides, losses in naval personnel in 1916 were significant, especially in the German fleet. The Germans lost 1 auxiliary cruiser, 8 destroyers, 1 submarine, 8 minesweepers and small ships, 3 military transports. The Russian fleet lost 2 destroyers, 2 submarines, 5 minesweepers and small ships, 1 military transport.

1917 campaign

Dynamics of losses and reproduction of tonnage of allied countries

Operations in Western European waters and the Atlantic

April 1 - a decision was made to introduce a convoy system on all routes. With the introduction of the convoy system and the increase in anti-submarine defense forces and means, losses in merchant tonnage began to decline. Other measures were also introduced to strengthen the fight against boats - the mass installation of guns on merchant ships began. During 1917, guns were installed on 3,000 British ships, and by the beginning of 1918, up to 90% of all large-capacity British merchant ships were armed. In the second half of the campaign, the British began to massively lay anti-submarine minefields - in total, in 1917 they laid 33,660 mines in the North Sea and Atlantic. In 11 months of unrestricted submarine warfare, its only losses were in the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean 1037 ships with a total tonnage of 2 million 600 thousand tons. In addition, the allies and neutral countries lost 1085 ships with a capacity of 1 million 647 thousand tons. During 1917, Germany built 103 new boats, and lost 72 boats, of which 61 were lost in the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean.

Cruiser's voyage Wolf

German cruiser raids

On October 16-18 and December 11-12, German light cruisers and destroyers attacked the “Scandinavian” convoys and achieved major successes - they sank 3 British convoy destroyers, 3 trawlers, 15 steamers and damaged 1 destroyer. In 1917, Germany stopped operating on Entente communications with surface raiders. The last raid was carried out by a raider Wolf- in total, he sank 37 ships with a total tonnage of about 214,000 tons. The fight against Entente shipping shifted exclusively to submarines.

Actions in the Mediterranean and Adriatic

Otran barrage

Combat operations in the Mediterranean Sea were reduced mainly to the unrestricted operations of German boats on enemy sea communications and Allied anti-submarine defense. During 11 months of unrestricted submarine warfare in the Mediterranean, German and Austrian boats sank 651 ships of the Allies and neutral countries with a total tonnage of 1 million 647 thousand tons. In addition, over a hundred ships with a total displacement of 61 thousand tons were blown up and lost by mines laid by minelayer boats. The Allied naval forces in the Mediterranean suffered major losses from boats in 1917: 2 battleships (English - Cornwallis, French - Danton), 1 cruiser (French - Chateaurenault), 1 minelayer, 1 monitor, 2 destroyers, 1 submarine. The Germans lost 3 boats, the Austrians - 1.

Actions in the Baltic

Defense of the Moonsund Archipelago in 1917

The February and October revolutions in Petrograd completely undermined the combat effectiveness of the Baltic Fleet. On April 30, the sailor's corps was created Central Committee Baltic Fleet (Tsentrobalt), which controlled the activities of officers.

From September 29 to October 20, 1917, using quantitative and qualitative advantages, the German Navy and ground forces carried out Operation Albion to capture the Moonsund Islands in the Baltic Sea. In the operation, the German fleet lost 10 destroyers and 6 minesweepers, the defenders lost 1 battleship, 1 destroyer, 1 submarine, and up to 20,000 soldiers and sailors were captured. The Moonsund archipelago and the Gulf of Riga were abandoned by Russian forces, the Germans managed to create an immediate threat of military attack for Petrograd.

Actions in the Black Sea

Year to date Black Sea Fleet continued to blockade the Bosphorus, as a result of which the Turkish fleet ran out of coal and its ships were stationed in bases. The February events in Petrograd and the abdication of the emperor (March 2) sharply undermined morale and discipline. The fleet's actions in the summer and autumn of 1917 were limited to destroyer raids, which continued to harass the Turkish coast.

Throughout the 1917 campaign, the Black Sea Fleet was preparing for a major landing operation to the Bosphorus. It was supposed to land 3-4 rifle corps and other units. However, the timing of the landing operation was repeatedly postponed; in October, the Headquarters decided to postpone the operation on the Bosporus to the next campaign.

1918 Campaign

Events in the Baltic, Black Sea and North

March 3, 1918 in Brest-Litovsk by representatives Soviet Russia and the Central Powers signed a peace treaty. Russia emerged from the First World War.

All subsequent fighting, which took place in these theaters of combat, historically belong to

German Army 1939-1940 Thomas Nigel

The Polish campaign and the “Phantom War”

On August 26, 1939, the Wehrmacht began secret partial mobilization in preparation for Plan Weiss, as the planned invasion of Poland was called. On September 3, the preparations begun by the Wehrmacht entered the stage of full mobilization. On September 1, the army crossed the Polish border, joining with saboteurs from the “construction and training battalion special purpose» (Bau-Lehr Bataillon zbV800) and other Abwehr units (Abwehr), that is, army intelligence, which in advance penetrated into the area of ​​invasion of Polish territory and took control of the most important bridges.

The invasion force, totaling 1,512,000 men, was organized into two army groups, which consisted of a total of 53 divisions (37 infantry, 4 motorized, 3 mountain infantry, 3 light and 6 tank). Germany attacked on three fronts. Army Group North (Nord), commanded by Colonel General Fedor von Bock, consisted of the 3rd and 4th armies and attacked from northeastern Germany and East Prussia. Army Group South (S?d) from the 8th, 10th and 14th armies under the command of Colonel General Gerd von Rundstedt attacked from south-eastern Germany and northern Slovakia, supported by the 1st and 2nd Slovak divisions. The Polish army, numbering 1.1 million people, had 40 infantry divisions, 2 mechanized and 11 cavalry brigades, but all these units were stationed too close to the border with Germany. Therefore, when on September 17, seven armies of the Soviet Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (41 divisions) invaded Poland, the main groups of its army actually ceased to exist. The Polish army, exhausted under pressure from many times superior enemy forces from four fronts, officially laid down its arms on September 27. But individual Polish units continued to resist until October 6.

The part of Poland occupied by Germany came under military control: the areas of Ciechanow and Suwalki in September 1939, and Bialystok in August 1941 were included in the I Military District; Danzig (now Gdansk) and northwestern Poland became part of the XX district in September 1939, and western Poland then became part of the XXI district. In September 1942, the Germans turned the remaining - southeastern - part of the country into the “General Government” (General-Government).

During the eight-month “Phoney War,” Anglo-French troops concentrated on Germany's western border briefly occupied the Saarland in September 1939. But in the east, the Germans were not constrained by anything, and they enjoyed complete freedom of arms in Poland and Scandinavia. The passivity of the Allies during these eight months allowed Germany to calmly prepare for the offensive in the West that began in May 1940.

Halle, Germany, 1939. Signalman of the training communications battalion, responsible for the training and education of cadets of artillery military schools. The telephone operator is dressed in a regular field uniform of the 1935 model and, since the exercises involve practicing actions during gas attack, gas mask, model 1938. Field telephone, model 1933. On the pointed, unedged shoulder straps, model 1933, the letter designating the unit is clearly visible. (Brian Davis)

From the book “Partisans” of the fleet. From the history of cruising and cruisers author Shavykin Nikolay Alexandrovich

« Strange War“Despite the fact that England and France declared war on Germany, they were in no hurry to take active action on the land front. Allied aircraft dropped mainly leaflets on German territory, and the advanced units conducted rare firefights.

From a CIA book. True story by Weiner Tim

Chapter 15 “A Very Strange War” The US view of the world from the Mediterranean to Pacific Ocean was black and white: a strong American hand was needed in every capital from Damascus to Jakarta to ensure that no significant “pieces” were left out of the game. But in 1958, CIA efforts to

From the book Intelligence is not a game. Memoirs of the Soviet resident Kent. author Gurevich Anatoly Markovich

From the book Hawker Hurricane. Part 3 author Ivanov S.V.

Strange War With the declaration of war on Germany, Great Britain sent a land expeditionary force to the continent. It included an advanced strike aviation group (Advanced Air Striking Force AASF), the main striking force of which was the aviation detachment (Air Component),

From the book Submarines in Battle. "Drown them all!" author Bolnykh Alexander Gennadievich

This strange war If you thought that now we are talking about the so-called “phoney war,” then you are mistaken. No, we will talk about a real submarine war, which from the first minute to the last was waged without any discounts or sentimentality. We're just used to imagining

author Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Peter

From the book SS Troops. Blood trail by Warwall Nick

Polish campaign of 1794 Rescript of Catherine II to P. A. Rumyantsev on entrusting him with the main command over the troops on the borders of Poland and Turkey April 25, 1794 Count Pyotr Alexandrovich! I always hoped that where the benefit of my service and the common good are concerned, you willingly yourself

From the book Russian Army. Battles and victories author Butromeev Vladimir Vladimirovich

POLISH CAMPAIGN 1939 Our strength lies in mobility and cruelty. Therefore, I - so far only in the East - prepared my Death's Head units, giving them the order to destroy the Poles without regret or pity. Poland will be depopulated and populated by Germans. Hitler. Obersalzberg, August 22, 1939 1

From the book Great and Little Russia. Works and days of the field marshal author Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky Peter

Polish War 1768–1772 After the death of King Augustus III, the usual quarrels arose in Poland over the choice of a new king. With the support of Empress Catherine, Stanislav Poniatowski ascended the throne. For this support, the Empress demanded that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth restore

From the book "Gladiators" of the Wehrmacht in action author Plenkov Oleg Yurievich

Polish War of 1795 In 1791, King Stanislaw Poniatowski tried to bring Poland out of a state of insanity and chronic anarchy. He promulgated a constitution that declared royal power hereditary and abolishing the notorious “I will not allow.” These measures have already

From the book Russia in the First World War author Golovin Nikolay Nikolaevich

Polish campaign of 1794 Rescript from Catherine II to P. A. Rumyantsev on entrusting him with the main command over the troops on the borders of Poland and Turkey April 25, 1794 Count Pyotr Alexandrovich! I always hoped that where the matter was about the benefits of my service and the common good , you willingly yourself

From the book Scouts and Spies author Zigunenko Stanislav Nikolaevich

Polish campaign The English historian Hanson Baldwin noted that, despite threats and warnings, the Wehrmacht presented the Poles with a tactical surprise; many Polish reservists were still on the way to their units, and units were moving to points

From the book Hitler. Emperor from darkness author Shambarov Valery Evgenievich

AUTUMN CAMPAIGN 1914 AND WINTER CAMPAIGN 1914–1915 At the end of the period of mobilization and strategic deployment of the army railways began their no less complex and difficult work of serving the armed forces fighting at the front. This work can be

From the author's book

WINTER CAMPAIGN 1915–1916 AND THE SUMMER CAMPAIGN OF 1916 At the end of the summer campaign of 1915, the roads of the Polish, Lithuanian and most of the Belarusian territories remained in the hands of the enemy. Our loss of the northern section of the Vilna railway line was especially sensitive.

From the author's book

A strange mistake: In 1937, he became a career employee of the Soviet military intelligence and, on her instructions, went to Belgium to create a communications residency to work in wartime. A year later, to cover up his illegal activities, Trepper opened a company in Brussels

From the author's book

25. “Strange War” World War I general staffs All participating states planned it as maneuverable - deep strikes, field battles. They planned based on the experience of the 19th century. Although qualitative changes in the field of weapons and equipment were introduced into strategic

Bloody colors of war

In 1917, US assistance strengthened the military position of the Entente countries, this gave them a chance of victory over the armies of the Central Powers. But, unfortunately, the Entente was unable to take advantage. Why?

In Russia in October 1917 there was October Revolution, which influenced not only the history of the country, but changed the further course of world history.

In fact, by 1917 the Central Powers were completely exhausted, their situation could be called catastrophic: there were not enough reserves for the armies, famine, a fuel crisis and devastation began in the countries. The increasing economic blockade of Germany completely undermined its combat effectiveness - it became obvious that the Entente was close to victory. But the Bolshevik government concluded a truce with Germany in December, and this completely erased the successes of the Entente: Germany began to have hope for a positive outcome of the war.

V. Serov “Proclamation Soviet power in Russia"

On December 15, 1917, the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR signed an agreement on a temporary cessation of hostilities with Germany and began negotiations on December 22. During these negotiations, very difficult peace conditions were presented to Soviet Russia from Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary.

How did the military events of 1917 develop?

Petrograd Conference

At the beginning of February 1917, the Petrograd Conference took place - multilateral international negotiations of the Allied powers, in which delegations from Russia, Great Britain, France and Italy participated. Plans for the 1917 campaign were discussed at the conference. Foreign participants in the conference were received by Emperor Nicholas II at the Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo. From the Russian side, the conference was attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Pokrovsky, Minister of War M.A. Belyaev, Minister of Finance P. Bark, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich (represented the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief), Minister of Naval Admiral I. Grigorovich, Chief of Staff Supreme Commander-in-Chief IN AND. Gurko, former Foreign Minister S. Sazonov (newly appointed ambassador to London).

At the negotiations it was planned to discuss the coordination of the plans of the allied powers for the military campaign of 1917. But the foreign delegates also had an unspoken goal: reconnaissance of the internal political situation in Russia in the context of increasing general disorganization government controlled and revolutionary sentiments in all layers of society, including the generals and court circles.

"God is with us!"

In this regard, the speech of one of the delegates (Doumergue) at a dinner in Moscow at the Prague restaurant is characteristic: “Since we arrived in Russia, every day, every hour, the belief that the will of the Russian people to bring the war to a victorious end will remain unshaken<…>Here in Moscow, this faith is felt even stronger.<…>It is necessary that historical injustices be corrected, it is necessary that great Russia, which seemed to have already forgotten about her great dream - about free access to the sea, received it. It is necessary that the Turks be expelled from Europe, and Constantinople become the Russian Constantinople.<…>We are very close to the goal.<…>our conference showed that we are now united like never before.”

Western Front

When the United States came out on the side of the Entente on April 6, 1917, the balance of power finally changed in favor of the Entente. But Nivelle's offensive was unsuccessful.

Nivelle's offensive

This offensive is also called the "Battle of Nivelle", "Slaughterhouse of Nivelle" or "Meat Grinder of Nivelle". It took place from April 16, 1917 to May 1917. This offensive is one of the largest battles of the First World War. Named after the commander-in-chief of the French army, Robert Nivelle.

General Nivelle

On the side of the Entente, Belgian, French, Portuguese, British troops and the Russian Expeditionary Force with a total number of about 4,500,000 people took part in the battle; the German army had 2,700,000 people. The offensive had the goal of completely defeating the German army. Nivelle counted on the surprise of the attack, but the Germans learned about the impending offensive; on April 4, a French non-commissioned officer was captured, who had an order revealing the plan of the operation. The German command learned of the impending diversionary strike by British troops, which was now useless. Nivelle's offensive ended in vain for allied forces, the Entente armies suffered heavy losses, and the offensive became a symbol of senseless human sacrifice.

The results of this offensive were devastating for the armies of the Entente countries: Nivelle was removed from his post, General Pétain was appointed in his place, but mutinies began in the French army, the soldiers refused to obey, left the trenches, seized trucks and trains to go to Paris. The mutiny involved 54 divisions, and 20,000 soldiers deserted. Strikes began at military factories in France. The new commander harshly suppressed protests in the army; the death penalty for refusing to obey. Russian expeditionary force located on Western Front, also embraced the revolutionary movement. The Russian units showed great courage during their participation in this battle, and the failure of the offensive, as well as the huge casualties, caused outrage among the Russian soldiers. They also demanded to return to their homeland, so they were transferred to the La Courtine camp, where French troops brutally suppressed the uprising of Russian units.

To Russian soldiers...

But despite the events February Revolution 1917, during the offensive on the French front, the Russians showed their best fighting qualities. Russian fighters Imperial Army have proven themselves to be skilled warriors. The Germans' attempts to break their morale failed.

Frequent attacks by German infantry on positions occupied by the Russians were stopped by decisive counterattacks. In some cases, the Russian troops that rushed ahead of the rest of the allied units, remaining without support from the French and even sometimes falling under “friendly” fire from the French, had to retreat, leaving the occupied huge losses enemy positions.

However, the failure of Nivelle’s offensive in April 1917 proved that the heroism and courage of soldiers alone is not enough for the success of military operations; first of all, high coherence and close interaction of the allied forces are necessary.

Graves of Russian soldiers in France (modern photography)

Offensive Krevo operation, despite the brilliant work of Russian artillery, did not lead to a breakthrough of the enemy front.

Eastern front

On Eastern Front revolutionary parties conducted active anti-war agitation. The Russian army was disintegrating and losing its combat effectiveness. In June, an offensive was launched by forces Southwestern Front, but it failed, and the front armies retreated 50-100 km. The German army carried out Operation Albion, as a result of which its troops captured the islands of Dago (Estonia) and Ezel (Estonia) and forced the Russian fleet to leave the Gulf of Riga.

Operation Albion (September 29-October 20, 1917)

It was a combined operation of the German Navy and ground forces for the capture of the Moonsund Islands in the Baltic Sea, belonging to Russian Republic. On October 12, 1917, the German fleet approached the island of Saaremaa and, having suppressed Russian batteries with fire, began landing troops. The Battle of Moonsund lasted 8 days. The Germans also had another goal: to capture Petrograd. They assembled 10 dreadnought battleships, 10 cruisers, almost 300 more ships and vessels, 100 aircraft, 25 thousand airborne troops. Our Baltic Fleet could oppose them with only 2 pre-dreadnought battleships, 3 cruisers, about 100 ships and vessels, 30 aircraft, 16 coastal batteries and a 12,000-strong garrison of the Moonsund Islands. All the officers were in their places. The operation was commanded by the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet and the fleet commander, Rear Admiral A. A. Razvozov. All Russian sailors fulfilled their duty with honor. The Russians were forced to give the Moonsund archipelago to the Germans, but the Germans suffered heavy losses and did not dare to break through further into The Gulf of Finland, into minefields, towards Petrograd.

The battleship "Slava" lying on the ground, Moonsund Canal, late 1917.

Boss Marine forces The Gulf of Riga, deciding to retreat north, ordered the Slava to be blown up, sinking it in the fairway as a barrier, and sent destroyers to remove the crew. The Russian squadron went north. The German fleet was unable to pursue her.

Other theaters of war

On Italian front in October-November, the Austro-Hungarian army inflicted a major defeat on the Italian army at Caporetto and advanced 100-150 km deep into Italian territory, and only with the help of English and French troops deployed to Italy was it possible to stop the Austrian offensive.

Shelling of Italian trenches

In 1917 at Thessaloniki Front, where the Anglo-French expeditionary force landed in 1915, the situation did not change, despite insignificant tactical results.

On the Thessaloniki Front

Russian Caucasian Army due to the very harsh winter of 1916-1917. There were no active actions in the mountains. General Yudenich, trying to preserve the army, left only military guards at the reached lines, and placed the main forces in the valleys in populated areas.

In the beginning of March 1st Caucasian Cavalry Corps General Baratov defeated the Persian group of Turks and, having captured the important road junction of Sinnah (Sanendaj) and the city of Kermanshah in Persia, moved southwest to the Euphrates to meet the British.

In mid-March parts 1st Caucasian Cossack Division Raddatz And 3rd Kuban division united with allies at Kizil Rabat (Iraq). Türkiye lost Mesopotamia.

But after the February Revolution, the Russian army did not conduct active military operations on the Turkish front, and after the Bolshevik government concluded the truce in December 1917, it ceased completely.

The British managed to arm the Bedouins of the Arab Peninsula and cause an uprising against the Turks, whose goal was to create a unified Arab state. Colonel played a major role in this enterprise Thomas Lawrence, an archaeologist, and after the end of the war, the author of the memoirs “Seven Pillars of Wisdom”, famous in the West. Lawrence is considered a military hero not only in Great Britain, but also in a number of Arab countries in the Middle East.

Thomas Lawrence

Volunteers from the Arab population fought on the side of the British troops, who greeted the advancing British troops as liberators. By the beginning of 1917, British troops invaded Palestine, where fighting began near Gaza, the Turks had to retreat. By the end of 1917, the British captured Jaffa, Jerusalem and Jericho.

In East Africa, German colonial troops under the command of Colonel Lettov-Vorbeka in November 1917, under pressure from Anglo-Portuguese-Belgian troops, they invaded the territory of the Portuguese colony of Mozambique.

Lettov-Forbek. World War I poster

This was the situation on the fronts of the First World War at the beginning of 1918.

It is not intended to be a historical campaign, but rather a "match" between two opposing armies. The rules of the match are extremely abstract and spend maximum time on battles without affecting politics and economics. The duration of a turn can be several years, during which a general battle takes place.

This campaign can be considered as a prequel.

The “Italian Wars” campaign begins with the invasion of the army of the French king Louis 12 into Italy in 1503 with the aim of conquering the Kingdom of Naples. The French are opposed by Spain and the Holy Roman Empire. Together with some Italian principalities, they create the “Holy League” and try to push the French out of Italy. The League army meets the French near Florence.

For each victory, a Prestige Point (PP) is awarded. The province goes to the winner, who chases the loser to the next province. Victory for the French is the capture of the province with Naples; for the League, victory is the capture of the province with Turin. The second way to win is to be the first to score 4 VP.

The cost of armies compiled in accordance with receipts for a given period, without reserves, is 700 points. Reserves are suitable according to the basic rules of the Strategist. Enemy armies may include contingents from Italy's receipts.

The terrain in the province is formed according to the rules of the Strategist:

plains – 1 arbitrary terrain element,

hills – 1 hill + additional terrain element,

forests – 1 forest + additional terrain element.

1 move

The French, which included many Swiss, were commanded by the Duke of Nemours. The Spanish army, distinguished by better discipline, was led by Gonzalo de Cordova. The Spaniards were still just feeling out their tactics. They positioned arquebusiers and heavy artillery on the hill, assuming that the French gendarmes would charge stupidly up the hill as usual. But the French directed their main attack past the hill, at the landsknechts sent by Maximilian and at the Spanish cavalry. The French gendarmes pretty much beat up the Spaniards. Detachments of commanders came together in battle. And then Cordova made a decisive mistake. During the summer season, he did not fight and forgot that in the final version of the rules, commanders are allowed to restore their own detachment, even those directly in battle. Cordova was a talented commander and had 2 OK. Just enough was needed to restore 2OP. As a result, the Spanish cavalry wavered and fled, and after it the entire army retreated. The next battle will be near Rome.

2nd move

Several years passed and the battle scenario repeated itself. The Spaniards and Imperials dug in on the hills. They were still led by Cordova. In front stood artillery, supported by arquebusiers. Landsknechts, Spanish infantry and cavalry stood in the second line. In the French army of Marshal de Montmorency, the infantry also stood in front, and the gendarmes in the second line. Montmorency threw cannon fodder at the fortified artillery position - a Gascon gang, which first hid in a dead zone under a hill.

The two Swiss battles began to climb the hill, avoiding the bombard's line of fire. The slope of the hill, the fortifications and the fire of the arquebusiers frustrated the French infantry, but they were able to climb up. True, the courageous Spanish artillerymen were able to disperse the weak Gascons with grapeshot and banniks. The second line of Spaniards counterattacked. But their troops suffered from overcrowding, and the Landsknecht pikemen and gendarmes on the hills were falling out of formation just like their Swiss opponents.

The confrontation between the Landsknechts and the Swiss was long and bloody. The Landsknechts were even able to overturn one Swiss battle. Meanwhile, the French gendarmes managed to climb the hill, and the Chevaliers came out from the rear, bypassing the Spanish positions. IN desperate attempt To turn the tide of the battle, a handful of Spanish Rondashiers rushed to the flank of the elite gendarmes in the hope of killing Montmarency. However, the forces of the Spanish Imperial troops melted away faster and their remnants were forced to leave the hills and leave the province, retreating to Naples. Diplomats concluded a truce.

3rd move

The French of Francis I and the combined forces of the Holy League under the command of Prospero Colonna met near Naples. The French, as usual, chose to attack. The field was level, the Spanish-Imperial forces were unable to use the terrain to their advantage. Except that the right flank was covered by a lake. Lake Colonna supplied Frundsberg's Landsknechts and artillery, reinforced by Spanish infantry. All cavalry concentrated on the left flank of the League. The French lined up similarly. The Swiss battalions and Picardies were to attack the artillery and landsknechts, and then break into the camp. And the gendarmes chose a noble target from the Spanish, Burgundian and Italian knights.

The battle was decided by cavalry confrontation. The French gendarmes were unable to defeat the enemy from the first attack, suffered serious losses and rolled back. In the second attack, the French nevertheless tore apart the left flank of the League. At some point, the Spanish rondashires tried to turn the situation around by selflessly rushing with swords against the best cavalry in Europe. But the sword is not a peak, the sacrifice did not save the Spaniards. The column fled. Francis was so carried away by the pursuit of the enemy that his detachment scattered during the pursuit.

In the center, the Picardians took the Spanish battery by storm. Things did not come to a confrontation between the Landsknechts and the Swiss. In vain Frundsberg waved his two-handed sword over his head. The Holy League troops retreated and the French occupied Naples. Formally, the campaign ended in victory for the French. They established themselves in Italy. But the Spaniards promised to use the famous thirds in the sequel!

On our website. We will fulfill all the criteria for this achievement, as a result of which you will gain access to world quests, warfronts, island expeditions and Mythic dungeons: Siege of Boralus and Rest of the Kings, as well as a lot of Azerite for pumping up the Heart of Azeroth artifact.

Note that this achievement is one of the requirements for the Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, part 1, as well as the discovery of two allied races: Mag'har Orcs (Horde) and Dark Iron Dwarves (Alliance).

If your achievement has already been partially completed, contact the operator to receive an individual offer.

Conditions for completing the achievement Ready for War (completing the military campaign)

  • You pay for the goods on our website by selecting the appropriate service and payment method;
  • After payment, you need to contact the operator in a way convenient for you and provide: verification code or account number, your character’s nickname, faction and server;
  • Your character's level must be 120;
  • During the execution of the order, we need to independently control your character, so we will need a login and password for your account. We secure ALL property in your account. We will use your account only for its intended purpose to obtain mounts and achievements, and only at the agreed time;
  • The operator will notify you when your order is ready.
Order completion time: from 1 to 2 weeks. The lead time depends on your order.

Overview of the military campaign in Battle for Azeroth

As you know, the main conflict in Battle for Azeroth revolves around the confrontation between the Horde and the Alliance. But now the burning of Teldrassil and the battle for the Undercity are behind us - what is the conflict of factions now expressed in? In the Horde and Alliance War Campaign, of course! It has just begun, but will certainly continue to develop in the future. By and large, the Military Campaign is needed to develop the plot of the expansion, but there is also a purely practical meaning in it - that’s what our guide is dedicated to. Do you want to know why you need a military campaign, how to complete it and what you can get for it? Then why don't you read about it?

Military campaign and its stages

In general, the military campaign of both the Horde and the Alliance consists of 8 stages, the first three of which you can complete when leveling up your character from level 110 to 120. You receive your very first task shortly after arriving in Atal'Dazar or Boralus - it does not count towards the campaign progress and simply introduces you to the commander of the entire campaign and the need to collect Resources for the war. In the future, you will be introduced in the same way to how the table with tasks for teammates works and will be told why you need this table in the first place. Now let's talk about the stages of the military campaign:

1. The first stage becomes available to you at character level 112 - when you gain a level, you automatically receive the starting quest for this stage. After accepting the quest, all you have to do is talk to the commander and choose one of three locations the enemy faction in which you want to set up an outpost. You can choose any location - only the order of completing the quest chains depends on this.

2. The next stage requires character level 114 - you also automatically receive a quest and go through the chain to create an outpost in one of the two remaining locations to choose from.

3. The third stage already requires level 118, and after automatically accepting the quest you will have to create an outpost in the last remaining location.

4. From the fourth stage of the campaign, all the fun begins - you have to build on your success in enemy territory and take part in a whole bunch of secret operations. But to gain access to the new quest chains, you will have to obtain the Unification of Kul Tiras (for the Alliance) or the Unification of Zandalar (for the Horde) achievement. If you completed the main story in each of the three friendly locations, then necessary achievement receive without any problems. Otherwise, just complete a few regular quests in those locations that you left too early.

5. If you have already reached level 120 and earned Friendly with all factions in the locations of Kul Tiras or Zandalar, then world quests will become available to you - you will need them to open access to the fifth stage of the military campaign. So, to start the quest chain of the fifth stage of the campaign, you must achieve Amity with the faction 7th Legion (for the Alliance) or the Army of Honor (for the Horde), and then gain another 4500 units. reputation. To accumulate the required amount of reputation, you may just need local quests in the locations of the enemy faction - all of them will bring you reputation with the desired faction.

6. In order to unlock the sixth stage of the campaign, you must achieve Respect with the 7th Legion or Army of Honor faction, and then gain another 3000 units. reputation. Here you can’t do without local quests. Completing a regular local quest without any bonuses will reward you with 75 units. reputation, and given the volume that needs to be accumulated, doing a whole bunch of the same type of actions will probably start to make you depressed. To avoid this, try additional ways to gain reputation:

    If the Darkmoon Fair has already started, then be sure to stop by and ride on the carousel - this way you will receive a bonus WOOOOOOH! , which will increase the amount of reputation received by 10%;

    There, at the Darkmoon Fair, you can buy the Darkmoon Cylinder from NPC Gelvas Coallock (48.0, 64.8) - this item will also increase the reputation gained by 10%;

    Outposts that you have opened in enemy faction locations may have regular one-time quests - completing them can bring a good amount of additional reputation;

    Keep track of the envoy's quests - for completing an envoy's quest from the 7th Legion or the Army of Honor you will receive 1,500 units. reputation with the relevant faction;

    Don't forget about the weekly quest related to Island Expeditions - for completing it you will also receive 1500 food. reputation with the 7th Legion or the Honorbound. You can also pay attention to ours - information about the weekly quest is also there;

    Pay attention to world quests and quests for followers, the reward for which is an increase in reputation with the 7th Legion or the Army of Honor - such quests are always worth completing;

    Fronts can also be a good source of additional reputation, but only at the stage of donating to your army - this is awarded 500 units. reputation. Our website already has material entirely devoted to the mechanics of Fronts -;

    And finally, once you unlock world quests, you will be able to use the Flight Master's Whistle in locations on Kul Tiras and Zandalar, which will make your travel much easier. If you do not have such a whistle from the Legion expansion, the game will give you a new one.

7. For the seventh stage of the military campaign you will need Respect and another 7500 units. reputation with the 7th Legion or the Honorbound.

8. And for the final stage of the military campaign, you will need to earn the Honor of the 7th Legion or the Army of Honor - this takes quite a lot of time, but still not as much as leveling up to Exalted.

Reasons why the Military Campaign is worth your time

The Military Campaign itself will not bring you much benefit, except for a small amount of artifact power for the Heart of Azeroth amulet. However, completing the campaign is a prerequisite for more interesting things:

1. Opening access to the allied races of the Dark Iron dwarves (Alliance) and the Mag'har orcs (Horde) - one of the main conditions for unlocking two new allied races is the complete completion of the Military campaign of your faction and receiving the Ready for War / Ready for War achievement for this .

2. Completing the first part of the achievement to unlock flights in new locations - to earn the Battle for Azeroth Pioneer achievement, part 1, you must complete the War Campaign. Unlocking flights looked similar in Legion, where you also had to complete a two-part achievement.

3. Traveling through hostile locations - it is thanks to the Military Campaign that you will be able to establish outposts in the locations of a faction hostile to you, and without outposts there will be no flight points. Whether you play for the Horde or the Alliance, if you have not completed the first three stages of the War Campaign, then you will not be able to travel to Zandalar or Kul Tiras, complete world quests there, or simply fight with players.

4. A plot that may pass you by - if you follow the plot of World of Warcraft, then you should not skip the War Campaign under any circumstances. Where else will you see how... well, let’s do without spoilers - you’ll probably be more interested in finding out everything yourself.

So on this moment that is all that can be said about the Military Campaign in its present form. But it is impossible to say that this campaign is completely completed - in future updates the developers will certainly try to develop the theme of confrontation between factions. Who knows, maybe we will even get to take part in the siege of Boralus and Atal'Dazar.

You can buy the passage of the military campaign on this page.