Despite being billed as the "final adventure" in the trailers, the post-credits scene in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales hints at a possible sixth Pirates movie.

Post-credits scenes are becoming more and more common in feature films especially in tentpoles. The most famous are the Marvel Studios films, which use mid-credits and post-credits scenes that talk about plans for the next films in the franchise.

Now there's evidence that Pirates of the Caribbean 5 - Dead Men Tell No Tales has a post-credits scene that hints at a sequel.

This scene shows Will Turner (apparently no longer Captain Dutch) sleeping with Elizabeth Swann (he is apparently not dead). There is a thunderstorm outside, the door creaks open and we have a familiar view ...

Davy Jones (Bill Nighy) was surrounded by marine life when he turned to the "dark side".

By the way, don't forget. There are not so many resources on the Web that conduct intelligent analytics on films and TV shows. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most suitable analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-title scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL and " The game of thrones". Subscribe so you don't have to search later - @SciFiNews . But back to our topic...

Apparently, Will Turner will be visited by Davy Jones, who has returned from the dead.


Or is it just a dream?

If Pirates 6 is given the green light, then chances are we'll see the return of one of the franchise's most popular villains.

Would you like Davy Jones to return, or is the character out of date? He has been the favorite villain of many fans throughout the franchise."

1. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Some kind of age, tropical islands. In the city of the English lives a brave beauty Elizabeth Swann and a young handsome guy Will Turner (then they will have love). Captain Jack Sparrow sails, behaves ugly, he is almost executed. Then all three climb onto the ship and swim somewhere.

Along the way, Will learns that his father is a cursed, barnacle-covered pirate named Bootstrap (but he won't be until part 2). Jack tells Will about the chest with the cursed gold - it must be looked for on a distant island. If you take a gold coin from the chest, you become an immortal ghost.

Sparrow's Black Pearl ship appears. Its captain is the wise old pirate Barbossa, and his entire crew are ghosts. They are also looking for the chest - they want to remove the curse and become human again. Everyone swims to each other for a long time: either Barbossa and Elizabeth to a distant island, then Sparrow and Will to Barbossa. At the end, everyone meets in a cave with a chest. The curse is lifted, Barbossa dies. Jack Sparrow is captured and nearly executed. Having survived, he climbs onto the ship and swims somewhere.

After the credits - a meaningless scene with a monkey.

2. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest"

Some kind of age, tropical islands. In the city of the English, Will and Elizabeth are arrested. The stupid Englishman Beckett sends Will to find Captain Sparrow. Meanwhile, Sparrow found an artifact: a rag on which a key is drawn, and this key supposedly can open something.

Will finds Sparrow. The heroes end up on a tropical island with cannibals. They run away for a long time. Then they sail to the mysterious fortuneteller Tia Dalma - she explains that they need to get on the cursed ship "Flying Dutchman". There, another artifact awaits them: the heart of the infernal captain "Dutchman" Davy Jones, which will give them power over all the seas.

Everyone swims towards each other for a long time: now Will to the Flying Dutchman, then Jack to Elizabeth. Will is captured on the Dutchman, where all the pirates are cursed and overgrown with shells (including Bootstrap, his father). At the end, the heroes meet on the next island, where they fight for the heart of Davy Jones, as a result, it goes to Beckett. Jack is dying. Barbossa is resurrected.

After the credits - a meaningless scene with a dog.

3. "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"

Some kind of century, the tropical island of Singapore. Elizabeth, Will and Barbossa obtain a rare card from a local Asian villain that explains how to resurrect Jack Sparrow. Then they succeed - and Jack returns from the other world.

The Asian villain dies, making Elizabeth his successor. Meanwhile, the stupid Englishman Beckett, with the assistance of the captain of the Flying Dutchman, Davy Jones, wants to kill all the pirates. The pirate barons meet together to discuss the situation. Bottom line: Elizabeth is chosen as the head of the council, who tells everyone to fight Beckett.

Barbossa frees the goddess Calypso - she was locked in the body of the mysterious fortuneteller Tia Dalma. Calypso does not want to help the pirates and makes a giant whirlpool. The sailors are fighting. Davy Jones is dead. Will Turner becomes the captain of the Flying Dutchman - now he is also a cursed pirate, overgrown with shells. Elizabeth with the child will wait for him for another ten years (both of them take a break for one episode in the story). Sparrow swims away for a new incomprehensible artifact.

After the credits - a meaningless scene with Will, Elizabeth and their child.

4. "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides"

Some kind of century, suddenly - not a tropical island, but London. Sparrow saves his assistant, who is nearly executed. Barbossa, now working for the English, suggests that Jack sail for a new artifact: a cup that grants eternal youth. Jack refuses and escapes with the help of his father, played by Keith Richards.

Suddenly it turns out that there is a pirate posing as Jack - this is the brave beauty Angelica. All the heroes get on the ship to the infernal captain Blackbeard, Angelica's father, who owns voodoo magic. It turns out that the artifact, consisting of two cups, works like this: you need to take cup-1, which contains a mermaid's tear, drink from it, and then force another person to drink from cup-2, where the mermaid did not cry. The person who drinks from cup-2 dies.

Blackbeard captures the mermaid and obtains a tear. Everyone sails to a tropical island, runs for a long time for bowls, fights. As a result, Blackbeard drinks from Cup-2, thanks to Jack Sparrow's deceit (dies), and Angelica becomes immortal. Jack Sparrow finds his ship, but it is bewitched.

After the credits - a meaningless scene with Angelica, which was happily forgotten in the fifth part.

5. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Some kind of century, a tropical island. Will's son, young handsome guy Henry wants to get his father out of the Flying Dutchman. To do this, he needs the latest artifact - the trident of Poseidon with unclear functionality. Henry ends up in prison with the British, where he meets the brave beauty Karina (they will have love later), and finally meets Jack Sparrow, who had previously unsuccessfully robbed a bank.

Due to Jack's stupidity, a cursed ship with the infernal captain Salazar floats out into the sea. To stop him, you need to find a trident. Salazar forms an alliance with Barbossa, who has Jack Sparrow's compass. Two heroes search and find Jack, but it's too late: Sparrow went ashore, where the pirates from the damned ship are not allowed.

Barbossa uses Blackbeard's sword to disenchant Jack Sparrow's ship. The British are trying to intervene in the case, who were told about the whereabouts of Jack by a fortune-teller, but Salazar drowns them. Henry, Karina, Jack and Barbossa sail to the island, where they leave a special ruby ​​in a special place. The sea opens before them, in it is the trident of Poseidon. Salazar comes and fights Jack. Henry breaks the trident, all curses are cancelled. Salazar becomes normal and dies (before that he was a ghost). Barbossa also dies, again. Will sails home to Elizabeth. Jack Sparrow is sailing somewhere again.

After the credits, a meaningless scene with Will, Elizabeth and Davy Jones, who apparently did not die.

Studio Disney continues the good old tradition of adding post-credits scenes to most of its highest-grossing projects. The film was no exception - immediately after long description individuals and companies involved in the creation of the tape, there will be an additional one-minute episode, which will be discussed right now. And let’s say right away, if after watching you still don’t understand why this scene was needed, then everything is in order!

Indeed, immediately after the credits we are waiting for a scene with Will Turner ( Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Turner ( Keira Knightley). It's no longer a secret that these two will reunite in the fifth film, because the plot of the blockbuster was tied to the fact that Will's son decided to remove the curse from his father and return him home. And it won't be a spoiler to know that he succeeded, because it's the only thing that could please the fans and make them crave a sequel.

How else to achieve this effect? Make a nod to one of the franchise's most charismatic antagonists. Of course, we are talking about Davy Jones, the treacherous captain of the Flying Dutchman, who died (and now may not) at the hands of Will and Jack Sparrow in the third part. And it is true that it will prevent him from returning if "Pirates of the Caribbean" Have you resurrected certain characters more than once?

So here's the post-credits scene. Night. Will and Elizabeth sleep together in bed. The camera pans slowly towards the door. It opens, and we see a shadow that begins to slowly approach the bed of the Turner spouses. A characteristic and very familiar musical theme sounds, the silhouette waves its hand, and the claw of Davy Jones appears on the screen. At the same moment, Will shudders and wakes up. There is nobody in the room. He hugs his wife and closes his eyes as the camera pans under the bed. A puddle is clearly visible on the floor, and in it there is something similar to shells (or tentacles).

And this scene means absolutely nothing! This may or may not be a hint of a sequel. This could be both Will's nightmare and Davy Jones' return bid. But after all, the Trident of Poseidon was destroyed, so all the curses fell. Or maybe not all. Writers on this basis can come up with anything they want, the plot can go further or completely ignore this scene. Principle Marvel when after each movie we watch either , or , in "Pirates" does not work. Although they added a post-credits scene when the MCU Marvel was still in the project.

Enough to remember "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides". There, Angelica, left on the island, found a voodoo doll with the face of Jack Sparrow, with which her father tortured the hero. Johnny Depp. Was there any mention of this in the fifth part? No. Or "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End". There, in a post-credits scene, a green sunset beam illuminated the ocean, and the Flying Dutchman with Captain Will Turner on board appeared in front of a languishing expectant Elizabeth. When was this line continued? Only after the film, and then after much persuasion of the leading actors. So there is only one conclusion - the scene in "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales" was only needed to be talked about. Although there is nothing to talk about.

Franchises, he announces the surprise return of the title character in Pirates 6. This confuses the viewer a little by giving out a lot of information at once, so let's look into this in more detail. The franchise has a strong tradition of post-credits scenes:

"The Curse of the Black Pearl" showed how the monkey becomes immortal. "Dead Man's Chest" showed the fate of the dog on the island of savages. At World's End jumps ahead ten years to show Will Turner returning home after a decade of the Flying Dutchman's journey. And on Stranger Tides, Jack ended up returning Angelica's voodoo doll. All of these films were a bit funny and had a lot of emotion, but now Disney is effectively closing the Marvel page and clearly setting the storytelling for the future.


Because Dead Men Tell No Tales concludes the theme, it feels a lot like the definitive story. Jack Sparrow, Henry Turner and Karina Smith (now known as Barbossa) succeed in destroying Poseidon's trident, breaking the curse on Will that bound him to the "Dutchman" and return home, where seasoned sailor Orlando Bloom is finally reunited with Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley). It's a sweet, happy ending that manages to reconnect many of the original trilogy's broken threads (including the post-credits scene "At World's End"). If Pirates of the Caribbean wanted to end here, this would be a legitimate narrative stop. They even had Barbossa, the best of the show's "good" guys, sacrificing himself to save his daughter, ending the arc of the story's most hyped character and making it feel complete.

However, as the post-credits scene shows, things are not as optimistic as they seem.

What happens in the post-credits scene in Dead Men Tell No Tales?

In this scene, we see Will and Elizabeth sleeping peacefully in their bed. Suddenly, someone enters the room. We hear his loud footsteps, see his shadow, and when he raises his clawed hand to attack, we have no doubt - this is Davy Jones. Will then wakes up but no one is there. He thinks it's just a dream. However, when he falls asleep again, the camera shows us a puddle and shells.

By the way, don't forget. There are not so many resources on the Web that conduct intelligent analytics on films and TV shows. Among them is a telegram channel @SciFiNews, the authors of which write the most suitable analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-credit scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL and " The game of thrones". Subscribe so you don't have to search later @SciFiNews. But back to our topic...


But there is some ambiguity in this scene, probably because it's not clear at this time if Pirates 6 will make an appearance. It depends on the box office performance of Dead Men Tell No Tales. But, assuming everything is going according to plan, we can agree on one important thing: Davy Jones is back. In the end, it sounds very exciting, because the character must be dead. What horrors will Jack's next adventure bring?

How was Davy Jones able to return?

Firstly, - Short story the existence of Davy Jones in the Pirates universe. Initially, he is an ordinary pirate. Jones then sold his soul to become the immortal captain of the Flying Dutchman. This means that he could travel the seas forever, and this required transporting the dead to the afterlife, and only once every ten years was allowed one day off on earth. According to the rules, the only way to free someone from the curse is to hit their removed heart, at which point they will become the new captain. There is one story of Jones involving an unrequited love for the deceitful witch Calypso, but this story is rather confusing. On the this moment there are quite a few extras in the franchise storylines, so we'll skip that.

In the films, Jones made a deal with the Black Pearl in exchange for his soul. So over the course of two films, he tries to track down the elusive captain and claim his prize. Again, it's a little confusing when the East India Trading Company is included in the plot and most of our heroes betray each other, but ultimately Jack decides he wants the "Dutchman" and the immortality associated with it. However, after injuring Will during the climactic battle, he instead allows Turner to have a heart attack and become captain, killing Jones, who is caught in a giant whirlpool.

Jones is twice dead, but still he returned, and the explanation for this is not entirely clear. It is implied that since Will is no longer captain of the Dutchman, the power has returned to his predecessor, which does not seem to make Jones happy. However, if Poseidon's Trident put a curse on Will, it would do the same to the others, which means that no one actually sails the Dutchman, and no one escorts the dead to their final resting place. It could be that Jones has been resurrected and is working for some higher power - possibly Hades himself or Poseidon. This creates some very interesting possibilities for Pirates 6.