If you haven’t learned anything in a day, you’ve lived the day in vain.

You don't get paid per hour. You get paid for the value you create in that hour.

Respect the current hour and today! Respect every single minute, for it will die and will never be repeated.

If you don't know how to use a minute, you will waste an hour, a day, and your whole life.

We are born in a day. We die within a day. And we can change in a day. And in a day we can fall in love. Anything can happen in just one day.

Because of misunderstanding, every day we lose our loved ones, and living with them, we become lonely.

If yesterday was lost due to some mistake, then do not lose today by remembering this.

We become blind to what we see every day. But every day is different, and every day is a miracle. The only question is to pay attention to this miracle.

The day comes, the hour comes, and you understand: everything is not forever...
Life cruelly teaches us that time is fleeting.
About the fact that we need to appreciate everything, take care of everything that is given to us,
After all, life is like a thin thread, sometimes it suddenly breaks...


This year, four cowsheds will be repaired and two silage and haylage trenches will be built in the Novosheshminsky district.

A major overhaul of two farms for 200 heads will take place at the farms “Igenche” and “Skokov N.A.” and “Zubov V.S.” for a total amount of 20 million rubles. At the same time, six million rubles will come from the republic’s budget. They are already being delivered to the site now building materials to begin the overhaul. In the peasant farm "Valeev F.R." and “Kozlova M.I.” They will build haylage trenches with a capacity of 1000 tons each for a total amount of 3 million rubles (400 thousand rubles from the budget of Tatarstan).


will be trained in the principles and conditions of forming a market for beekeeping products.

Beekeepers will be told about modern technologies and equipment, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bee diseases

The training will take place at the Kazan State Veterinary Academy from April 5 to April 9. The course program includes studying the biology of the bee family, organizing the food supply, as well as the requirements for apiary buildings, hives and equipment.

Beekeepers will also be told about modern technologies and equipment, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bee diseases. Particular attention will be paid to the issues of obtaining environmentally friendly beekeeping products.


the readiness of agricultural enterprises for spring field work will be held this week in all municipal districts of the republic.

The winners will be recognized as two agricultural organizations in each municipal district that have scored the highest points in total.

The competition commission, including specialists from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, district agricultural administrations and Gostekhnadzor, will evaluate the compliance of the repaired equipment with the requirements, the timing of the work depending on the number of machines and units, compliance with labor safety rules, the number of seeds stored in storage facilities and the availability of phytopathological analysis. Two agricultural organizations in each will be recognized as winners municipal area who scored the highest total points.


rural residents will receive commercial and breeding stock of heifers or first-calf heifers in 2016.

The subsidy amount is 15 thousand rubles per head of commercial heifer and 20 thousand rubles per head of breeding heifer. Support is provided when purchasing no more than five heifers (first heifers) per farm. Those farmsteads that keep mares over three years old can count on receiving a subsidy for the purchase of feed in the amount of three thousand rubles for each animal.


The Tatarstan Department of Rosselkhoznadzor informs the heads of rural settlements, managers and specialists of agricultural organizations, as well as citizens about the need to clean the territories of complexes, farms and personal subsidiary plots from residues of feed, garbage, dirt and manure, including in waste collection and disposal areas. “Particular attention should be paid to the condition of biological waste disposal sites - cattle burial grounds and biothermal pits, while preventing the flooding of these objects with melt water,” the department explained.


animals were registered in Aznakaevsky, Bugulminsky, Spassky, Sarmanovsky, Pestrechinsky, Sabinsky, Menzelinsky, Yutazinsky and Aktanyshsky districts.

At the places where sick animals are identified, the necessary measures are already being taken to eliminate rabies outbreaks. The State Veterinary Service, together with game managers, began immunizing wild carnivores by placing baits filled with the Rabivak-O/333 vaccine in their habitats. It is expected that 500 thousand doses of this vaccine will be distributed within a month. TO preventive work We have already started in Laishevsky, Zelenodolsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Kukmorsky, Nurlatsky and Sabinsky districts.

The State Veterinary Service, together with game managers, began immunizing wild carnivores by placing baits filled with the Rabivak-O/333 vaccine in their habitats.


opened one of the largest distribution and wholesale centers in the Volga region for the sale of poultry products.

Its uniqueness lies in the concentration in one place of its own showroom with a production unit, a wholesale distribution center and a small wholesale trade center. More than 50 tons of products are sold here every day. For wholesale and small wholesale buyers, the ordering procedure has been significantly simplified, so that the maximum time required to generate and ship an order does not exceed 15 minutes. According to the company's plans, the showroom will serve more than 7,000 people monthly.


which was produced by MobiPak LLC and Penzenskoye JSC. This is the result of a joint inspection by the prosecutor’s office, the Tatarstan departments of Rosselkhoznadzor and Rospotrebnadzor.

According to the Tatarstan prosecutor's office, a study of samples of MobiPak finished products showed that it exceeded the maximum permissible concentrations vegetable fats, while there was no information on their presence on the packaging. After the intervention of the prosecutor's office, the production of oil at the enterprise was stopped, its entire volume was voluntarily withdrawn from sale in the retail network, and an administrative case was initiated against MobiPak. In Verkhny Uslon, counterfeit butter was discovered during an inspection of retail outlets. The products of JSC Penzenskoye (Penza) are made with the addition of vegetable oils.

The materials were prepared jointly with the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan

Photo: fermer.ru; vet.pnzreg.ru

Target: contribute to the formation of an assessment and self-esteem of time, the importance of time in life; developing a sense of time and respect for time.


  • posters
    • “Time is precious, time is plentiful and time is short”
    • “Know the value of minutes, the count of seconds”
    • “If you miss a minute, you lose an hour”
    • “Time is more valuable than money”
    • “If you fall behind by an hour, you won’t catch up in a day”
  • Words: hearing, touch, taste, sense of time.

Guys, do you know what a minute is?

Student: this is 1/60 of an hour. What can you do in one minute? At first glance it seems nothing. But time is made up of these minutes. Let's take our class. There are 24 students in the class. If everyone takes one minute with their pranks, then there will be 16 minutes left to gain knowledge. Here's one minute for you.

Student: There was such a time. When there were no cars. Everything was done by hand. A lot of time was wasted. How to make work faster? They created machines. For example, a seamstress makes 50 times fewer stitches with her hands in 1 minute. than a car. (15 thousand). A knitting machine makes 600 loops, and a grandmother or mother makes 50-60 in 1 minute. A train travels 1 km in 1 minute, a plane 20 km. 500 children's books are published in 1 minute. At the Kraskon confectionery factory - 220 candies are wrapped.

Student: The minutes pass: one, and two, and three. And you keep a close eye on them so that not one of them goes astray. And if it disappears, you have to hurry on your way to find it. Hurry up: while your desires are good, while you have the strength to work hard.

Teacher: Nature gave man 5 senses (I read), but there is also a 6th sense - the sense of time. Guys, you need to develop this feeling within yourself, learning to live clockwise. Is it worth working? Maybe you can live without a watch. Let's try to imagine. what would happen to each of us if all the clocks disappeared.

Student: We came to school. It's time for lessons to start, but not even half the students are in the class. There is no teacher either, he just left the apartment.

Student: I returned home after school. Oh, how hungry I am, and my mother has only just started cooking.

Student: we came to the cinema, and half of the film was already shown.

Teacher: This is what a mess it would be if people didn’t look at their watches and gradually develop a sense of time. Or you can have a watch and not value time.

(Students read poems about time)

Teacher: You told a lot of poems about the minute. Did you know that there are watches with 3 hands and the largest one is the second hand? The subway train manager has a watch like this. Time underground is counted not by minutes, but by seconds. But there are also areas of science and technology where a second is a huge period of time. Physicists use the word microsecond. And this is just a millionth of a second. Time cannot be stopped. Precious time is lost due to disorganization and excessive fuss. This suggests the conclusion that a person’s price is determined by the time he has lived, multiplied by his good deeds and divided by his disorganization

A few tips: 1) monitor yourself for several days and you will see that not only seconds and minutes, but also hours are wasted in vain. And so that time is not wasted in vain, you must follow a daily routine. When you establish control and accounting of your time, you will immediately feel that you have more time and it has become easier to work. And there will be precious minutes for other useful things.

(Demonstration of the children’s daily routines.) Reading the poem “From morning to night.”

Teacher: Time has always been valued and valued, and it is not for nothing that proverbs and sayings have developed among the people.

(Work with posters, reading and explaining proverbs, the guys complement their prepared proverbs and sayings on the topic.)


The clock is counting the seconds
The minutes are counting
The watch won't let you down
Who saves time?


Who knows how to live by the hour, and appreciates every hour,
You don’t need to wake him up 10 times in the morning.


And he won’t say that he’s too lazy to get up.
Do exercises, wash hands and make the bed

Student: He will have time to get dressed on time. wash and eat...


With a watch, friendship is good, work, rest.
Do your homework slowly, and don’t forget your books.

Teacher: So that in the evening, when you go to bed, when the due date comes, you can confidently say - it was a good day!

Lesson summary.

What is the topic of our lesson? What proverbs do you remember? What needs to be done to have a sense of time?