This figure is a polygon with minimum quantity corners that cannot be used to pave the area. Only a pentagon has the same number of diagonals as the number of sides. Using formulas for an arbitrary regular polygon, you can determine all the necessary parameters that a pentagon has. For example, fit it into a circle with a given radius or build it on the basis of a given side.

How to draw a beam correctly and what drawing supplies will you need? Take a piece of paper and mark a point in a random place. Then apply a ruler and draw a line starting from the indicated point and continuing to infinity. To draw a straight line, press the "Shift" key and draw a line of the desired length. Immediately after drawing, the “Format” tab will open. Remove selection from the line and you will see that a dot appears at the beginning of the line. To create an inscription, click the “Draw inscription” button and create a field where the inscription will be located.

The first method of constructing a pentagon is considered more “classical”. The resulting figure will be a regular pentagon. The dodecagon is no exception, so its construction will be impossible without the use of a compass. The problem of constructing a regular pentagon comes down to the problem of dividing a circle into five equal parts. You can draw a pentagram using simple tools.

I struggled for a long time trying to achieve this and find the proportions and dependencies on my own, but I failed. It turned out that there are several different options for constructing a regular pentagon, developed by famous mathematicians. The interesting point is that this problem can only be solved arithmetically approximately exactly, since you will have to use irrational numbers. But it can be solved geometrically.

Dividing circles. The points of intersection of these lines with the circle are the vertices of the square. In a circle of radius R (Step 1), draw a vertical diameter. At the junction point N of a line and a circle, the line is tangent to the circle.

Receiving using a strip of paper

A regular hexagon can be built using a straight edge and a 30X60° square. The vertices of such a triangle can be constructed using a compass and a square with angles of 30 and 60° or just one compass. To construct side 2-3, set the crossbar in the position shown by the dashed lines, and draw a straight line through point 2, which will determine the third vertex of the triangle. We mark point 1 on the circle and take it as one of the vertices of the pentagon. We connect the found vertices sequentially to each other. A heptagon can be constructed by drawing rays from the F pole and through odd divisions of the vertical diameter.

And on the other end of the thread, install a pencil and attach it. If you know how to draw a star, but do not know how to draw a pentagon, draw a star with a pencil, then connect the adjacent ends of the star, and then erase the star itself. Then place a sheet of paper (it is better to secure it on the table using four buttons or needles). Pin these 5 strips to a piece of paper with pins or needles so that they remain motionless. Then circle the resulting pentagon and remove these stripes from the sheet.

For example, we need to draw a five-pointed star (pentagram) for a picture about the Soviet past or about the present of China. True, for this you need to be able to create a drawing of a star in perspective. In the same way, you can draw a figure with a pencil on paper. How to draw a star correctly so that it looks smooth and beautiful cannot be answered right away.

From the center, lower 2 rays onto the circle so that the angle between them is 72 degrees (with a protractor). Dividing a circle into five parts is done using a regular compass or protractor. Since a regular pentagon is one of the figures containing the proportions of the golden section, painters and mathematicians have long been interested in its construction. These principles of construction using compasses and rulers were set out in Euclidean “Principles”.

June 8, 2011

First way- on this side S using a protractor.

Draw a straight line and put AB = S on it; We take this line as a radius and use this radius to describe arcs from points A and B: then, using a protractor, we construct angles of 108° at these points, the sides of which will intersect with the arcs at points C and D; From these points with radius AB = 5 we describe arcs that intersect at E, and connect points L, C, E, D, B with straight lines.

The resulting pentagon
- sought after.

Second way. Let's draw a circle of radius r. From point A, using a compass, draw an arc of radius AM until it intersects the circle at points B and C. We connect B and C with a line that intersects the horizontal axis at point E.

Then from point E we draw an arc that will intersect the horizontal line at point O. Finally, from point F we describe an arc that will intersect the circle at points H and K. Having plotted the distance FO = FH = FK along the circle five times and connecting the division points with lines, we get a regular pentagon.

Third way. Inscribe a regular pentagon in this circle. We draw two mutually perpendicular diameters AB and MC. Divide the radius AO by point E in half. From point E, as from the center, we draw an arc of a circle of radius EM and mark with it the diameter AB at point F. The segment MF is equal to the side of the desired regular pentagon. Using a compass solution equal to MF, we make serifs N 1, P 1, Q 1, K 1 and connect them with straight lines.

In the figure, a hexagon is constructed along this side.

Straight line AB = 5, as a radius, from points A and B we describe arcs that intersect at C; from this point, with the same radius, we describe a circle on which side A B will be deposited 6 times.

Hexagon ADEFGB
- sought after. 

"Designing rooms during renovation"
N.P. Krasnov

The basis for painting is the completely painted surfaces of walls, ceilings and other structures; painting is done using high-quality glue and oil paints made for trimming or fluting. When starting to develop a finishing sketch, the master must clearly imagine the entire composition in a domestic environment and clearly understand the creative intent. Only if this basic condition is met can one correctly...

Measurement of completed work, with the exception of specially stated cases, is carried out based on the area of ​​the actually treated surface, taking into account its relief and minus untreated areas. To determine the actual treated surfaces during painting work, you should use the conversion factors given in the tables. A. Wooden window devices (measurement is made by the area of ​​the openings along the outer contour of the frames) Name of devices Coefficient at ...

We have already said that to perform some types of painting work you need to be able to draw. And the ability to draw, in turn, presupposes knowledge of the rules of construction geometric shapes. Sketches on paper are drawn using triangles, crossbars, transporters and compasses, and on the plane of walls and ceilings constructions are made using a weight, ruler, wooden compass and cord. At the same time it is necessary...

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