Candidate of Law, Senior Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution "FtsOZ"

Brief overview of the main issues of implementation of language legislation of the Russian Federation

(The material was prepared within the framework of the research project “Monitoring and summarizing the state of legal regulation and law enforcement practice of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the implementation of language policy and preparation of proposals for improving legislation in the field of implementation of language policy"state assignment of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Health Protection" for 2017)

In the process of forming new independent states in the post-Soviet space, there was a gradual disintegration of the single linguistic space. The status of the Russian language in each country in the post-Soviet space has its own specifics. This is due to a number of factors, such as: the peculiarities of the economic and political development of the country in the post-Soviet period, the number of Russian-speaking population living in the country, the specifics of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation in relation to a particular country.

The Russian language is the state language of the Russian Federation, a means of interethnic communication between the peoples of Russia and the CIS, one of the six official and working languages ​​of the UN and other international organizations.

Of the citizens of the Russian Federation, about 137 million people (97.9%) speak Russian, and about 130 million (92.8%) consider it their native language. About 3 million Russian citizens (2.1%) do not speak Russian, living mainly in the national republics of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation itself, 277 languages ​​and dialects are used, 89 languages ​​are used in the state education system, of which 30 are used as a language of instruction, 59 as a subject of study.

Regarding the legal regulation of relations in the field of implementation of state language policy in the regions of the Russian Federation, first of all, it is necessary to note the special role of precisely such subjects of the Russian Federation as republics.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is the republics that are part of the Russian Federation that are endowed with the right to establish their own national languages ​​as state languages ​​on an equal basis with Russian.

The requirement to study the Adyghe language for Adyghe students and the introduction of the Adyghe language as a compulsory academic subject cannot be given an imperative nature, since this leads to a violation of the principles of equality of human and civil rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the bearing by citizens of Russia of equal responsibilities throughout its territory, including in relation to the implementation of the right to education, and linguistic rights and freedoms.

The introduction by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation of the requirement for compulsory study of the national language of the republic, even if it is also the state language, is not provided for by federal legislation and in violation of its own legislation on education, the obligation of studying the Adyghe language for Adyghe students, which infringes and limits the rights of citizens according to their linguistic and national accessories.

Taking into account the analysis of the current legislation, the court found that the prosecutor’s requirements in the above part are justified, therefore paragraph 5 of Article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Adygea No. 156 of January 6, 2000 “On Education” was recognized as contrary to federal legislation, which is subject to recognition as invalid from the date entry into force of the decision.

However, considering a similar case, but which took place in the Republic of Dagestan, the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 29, 2009 No. 20-GO9-6 established that the norm of the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation establishing the obligation to study the native national language (imperative) does not contradict the federal legislation

The court in its ruling noted, in particular, the following.

The contested order of the Law of the Republic of Dagestan “On Education” is addressed not to citizens, as stated by the prosecutor (the case was initiated by the prosecutor of the republic - note by D.V. Bondarenko), but to educational institutions; at the same time, the subject of the Russian Federation does not enshrine in these norms provisions that repeal or otherwise worsen the rights of citizens to freely choose to study and use the state languages ​​of the republic in comparison with federal legislation; it does not follow from the text of the contested provisions and any prohibitions, restrictions, or privileges for the study or use of one or another state language of the Republic of Dagestan.

Since the level of legal guarantees for citizens provided for by federal legislation in the field of studying, teaching and using state languages ​​on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, to which the arguments of the prosecutor of the Republic of Dagestan actually boil down, is not reduced in the contested norm, the Judicial Collegium finds the judgments of the court (meaning the Supreme Court) correct the court of the Republic of Dagestan, which considered the case not in favor of the prosecutor - note by D.V. Bondarenko) about the consistency of this norm with federal legislation.

Arguments that what is established in Part 5 of Art. 5 of the Law of the Republic of Dagestan “On Education” by the legislator of the Republic of Dagestan, the order increases the teaching load on students, limits the possibility of in-depth study of other subjects of the curriculum, as well as mastering elective disciplines, in the opinion of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, turned out to be untenable.

This decision, in our opinion, has the most important fundamental significance in the issue under consideration, which is especially clearly manifested in the Republic of Tatarstan. However, the situation under consideration is complicated by the fact that this decision was made only in one subject - the Republic of Adygea - and for the other republics it has no normative significance. In the Republic of Tatarstan itself, such a case has not yet been considered. From here, a negative trend in the legislative regulation of linguistic legal relations, like all others in our country, becomes obvious - the lack of uniform regulation and enforcement throughout the country as a whole, based on the established positive judicial practice that has stood up for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in any particular region .

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 9, 2016 No. 637-r approved the Concept of teaching Russian language and literature in the Russian Federation, which defines approaches to the study of the Russian language in a modern educational organization, taking into account the main provisions of the historical and cultural standard (hereinafter referred to as the Concept).

The concept very realistically and directly notes the unequal level of students’ proficiency in the Russian language, which makes it necessary to create and introduce into educational activities methods for teaching the Russian language and other academic subjects in multilingual conditions.

Attention is drawn to the fact that educational organizations do not sufficiently use the potential of cultural institutions (museums, libraries, theaters, exhibition venues, etc.) that have the resources necessary for training and education, as well as for other types of educational activities provided for by the educational program.

In addition, the system of training and additional professional education for teachers of Russian language and literature does not fully meet modern requirements in terms of developing the competencies necessary for teaching in a multilingual environment, as provided for by the professional standard “Teacher (teaching activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general , secondary general education) (educator, teacher).” Professional support for teachers of the Russian language and literature is unsystematic; outside large cities there are difficulties in providing the necessary literature; there are no mechanisms for comprehensive improvement of the professional competencies of teaching staff provided for by labor (job) responsibilities, including a lack of opportunities for self-education.

It is noted that the system for assessing the quality of work of teachers of Russian language and literature, in particular certification, is also formal in nature and does not contribute to their professional growth.

The main directions for the implementation of the Concept are formulated, on the basis of which, in 2015, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science introduced changes to the Federal State Educational Standard for General Education in terms of:

detailing the requirements for the subject results of mastering the programs of the academic subject “Russian Language” and “Mathematics”;

highlighting the Russian language and literature as an independent subject area.

The results of the state final certification of recent years have shown that a situation has arisen that requires the development and implementation of additional measures to improve the quality of education in general and in the Russian language in particular.

Mechanisms for resolving these issues at both the federal, regional and local levels have been worked out, but are only in their initial stages.

The next important aspect is the issue of legal regulation of relations related to the use of language norms and rules. In Russian law, requirements for the state language are contained in different sources. For example, the requirements for certainty and clarity, which follow from the general principles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, are formulated in a number of decisions of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation. The requirement for certainty of normative acts is provided for by the anti-corruption legislation, but it concerns only acts establishing the powers of state and municipal officials, and does not indicate uncertainty as a basis for declaring a normative act invalid. As a result, courts, when canceling normative regulations due to their uncertainty, are forced to refer either to general constitutional provisions or to their interpretation in decisions of higher courts.

As you know, spelling, orthographic, grammatical, semantic, stylistic and other norms of the Russian language are recorded in various dictionaries, grammars, and reference books. In this regard, the creation of a comprehensive infrastructure that ensures the operation of the law “On the State Language of the Russian Federation” involves conducting an examination of dictionaries and reference books, as well as Internet resources of the relevant focus. The purpose of such an examination is to compile a list of publications and electronic resources that meet certain requirements and contain the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation.

The current regulatory framework for the selection and examination of dictionaries and reference books is enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 No. 714 “On the procedure for approving the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation”, and also by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 8, 2009 No. 195 “On approval of the list of grammars, dictionaries and reference books containing the norms of the modern Russian literary language when used as the state language of the Russian Federation.”

Currently, as a key measure to expand the list of dictionaries and reference books, including those containing the norms of the state language of the Russian Federation, it is proposed to consider the issue of creating a special federal list of dictionaries of different types for their use in educational activities at all levels. Moreover, this federal list should include not only dictionaries of the modern Russian language, but the state languages ​​of the Republics, languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The procedure for including school dictionaries, grammars and reference books in this list must correlate with the wording of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 18, 2016 No. 870 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of a federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general , secondary general education".

According to the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education, “the culture of using dictionaries” is one of the meta-subject competencies necessary to develop in schoolchildren at all levels of education. Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897) in the subject results section studying the subject area “Russian language and literature”, different types of dictionaries are formulated, which the student should be able to use in paper and multimedia format when solving educational problems.

By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 336 of March 30, 2016, dictionaries (fundamental, basic, as well as educational handouts) were included in the list of teaching and educational tools necessary for equipping general education organizations. Article 35 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” stipulates the conditions for the use of textbooks, teaching aids, teaching and educational means. Students mastering basic educational programs at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the limits of federal state educational standards, educational standards, organizations engaged in educational activities are provided with free textbooks and teaching aids for use while receiving education, and also educational and methodological materials, teaching and educational tools.

The creation of a federal list of educational dictionaries of various types is fully consistent with the new Concept of teaching Russian language and literature and corresponds to clause 10 of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2016 No. DL-13/08vn “On the formation of a system for selecting grammars, reference books, dictionaries of various types, including those containing norms of the state language of the Russian Federation, for use in educational activities: development of examination criteria and organization of examination.”

It is also necessary to pay attention to the issues of legislative regulation of the graphic basis of the state languages ​​of Russia.

In accordance with paragraph 6 of Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation” it is established that in the Russian Federation the alphabets of the state language of the Russian Federation and the state languages ​​of the republics are built on the graphic basis of the Cyrillic alphabet. Other graphic bases of the alphabets of the state language of the Russian Federation and the state languages ​​of the republics may be established by federal laws.

At the same time, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tatarstan, in its Resolution No. 12-p dated December 24, 2003, in the case on the interpretation of the provisions of part one of Article 8 in its relationship with part one of Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, noted the following.

The provision of part one of Art. 8 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan, in its content and constitutional-legal meaning, includes the authority of the Republic of Tatarstan to determine the graphic basis of the alphabet of the Tatar language as the state language of the Republic of Tatarstan, used in government bodies, local government bodies, government institutions of the republic along with the state language of the Russian Federation , since this power is an integral part of the right of the republic to establish its state languages, enshrined in part two of Art. 68 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

This Resolution is final, not subject to appeal, comes into force immediately after its proclamation, acts directly and does not require confirmation by other bodies and officials.

As we see, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tatarstan completely arbitrarily and independently interpreted the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and established the possibility of establishing the Latin alphabet as the graphic basis of the national language, contrary to the requirement of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Russian Federation”, according to which this is possible only by federal law.

Currently, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated April 6, 2000 No. 248 “On priority measures to restore the Tatar alphabet based on the Latin script”, as well as Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 23, 2000 No. 618 “On approval of new rules Tatar spelling based on Latin graphics" were canceled in 2005.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in its Resolution No. 16-p of November 16, 2004, clearly expressed its position on recognizing the provisions of paragraph 6 of Art. 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation” on the structure of the alphabet of the state languages ​​of the republics on the graphic basis of the Cyrillic alphabet and the possibility of establishing other graphic bases for the alphabets of these languages ​​by federal laws that do not contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

This situation, in our opinion, is a consequence of the legal uncertainty that exists today since the formation of ethnocratic models of state power in our country. In this regard, the threat of using the advantages of the position of the state language to achieve certain political goals, rather than for the comprehensive functional development of the national language, increased immeasurably. It should be noted that in a number of cases, the consolidation as a state language, in addition to the languages ​​of the titular nations, and other languages, including the Russian language (along with the fact that it is also recognized as the national language) still does not become a guarantee of a balanced language policy in individual republics

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2012 No. 1666 “On the strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” again returns society to the still unresolved problem of supporting the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia and the CIS countries.

For example: In the Republic of Karelia, only the Russian language has state status; Karelian, Finnish and Vepsian languages ​​enjoy serious state support, without having state status, and at the same time are not infringed in any way. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2012 No. 2237-r (as amended on October 31, 2015) “On approval of the Program of Fundamental Scientific Research of State Academies of Sciences for 2013 - 2020” approved research topics, including, for example, the study of wedding rituals Karelian folklore, a publication of the folklore heritage of the ethnolocal group of the Pomeranian coast of the White Sea; understanding the trends in the development of Karelia literature of the 20th century in four languages ​​(Russian, Karelian, Vepsian, Finnish). And quite significant money has been allocated for this.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that currently in Russia, just like in other countries, migration processes have intensified, changing the social and cultural appearance of the regions. It is no secret that the situation when more than half of migrants do not know the Russian language, the peculiarities of the culture and traditions of Russian society, and the fundamentals of Russian legislation not only worsens their stay in Russia, but also serves as a source of tension in Russian society. The situation is aggravated by the fact that labor migrants often have poor knowledge of the Russian language and are even less familiar with Russian culture and Russian traditions. Both Russian citizens and migrants often lack intercultural communication skills and conscious tolerance. In this regard, the intercultural adaptation of migrants becomes of great importance; if successfully completed, the compatibility of the newcomers with the new cultural environment may be achieved. Effective relationships between immigrants and members of their new culture will depend on many factors. One of the most important is the ability to effectively interact with the outside world. This ability is associated with the acquisition of social skills appropriate to the new environment. Acquiring these skills is impossible without knowledge of the Russian language and the characteristics of Russian culture.

The introduction of a mandatory exam in the Russian language, the history of Russia, the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation for migrant workers, with the exception of highly qualified specialists (hereinafter referred to as a comprehensive exam) is carried out in accordance with subparagraph “b” of paragraph 2 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 602 “On ensuring interethnic harmony” (hereinafter referred to as the Decree), in order to harmonize interethnic relations, strengthen the unity of the multinational people of the Russian Federation and provide conditions for their full development.

In pursuance of the Decree, Federal Law No. 74-FZ dated April 20, 2014 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 74-FZ) was adopted and amendments to the Federal Law dated 25 July 2002 No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 115-FZ), providing for the provision from January 1, 2015 of a certificate of passing a comprehensive exam by all foreign citizens to obtain a work permit , with the exception of highly qualified specialists, to obtain a patent, temporary residence permit and residence permit. A Russian language certificate for foreign citizens is not needed only if the applicant is a citizen of a state in which Russian is the state language (or one of the state languages).

In addition, in pursuance of the Decree and in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 15-1 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ, regulatory legal acts have been developed regulating the conduct of a comprehensive exam.

Currently, these acts have entered into force and determine:

· the procedure and criteria for including educational organizations in the list of educational organizations conducting exams in Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 1153, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 26, 2014, registration No. 34144);

· the form, procedure for issuing a certificate of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of the history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation and technical requirements for it (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 1154, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 9, 2014, registration No. 34002) ;

· forms and procedures for conducting an exam in Russian as a foreign language, Russian history and the fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation, requirements for the minimum level of knowledge required to pass this exam (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 1156, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 8, 2014 city, registration No. 33999).

To ensure that educational organizations can enter data on the certificates they issued for passing a comprehensive exam into the federal information system “Federal Register of Information on Educational Documents and (or) Qualifications, Training Documents”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 15, 2014 No. 1053, amending the Rules for the formation of the specified information system.

In addition, in order to ensure the successful adaptation and integration of foreign citizens into Russian society, to create the necessary infrastructure that could ensure the preparation of foreign citizens to pass a comprehensive exam, as well as to consolidate the powers of authorities at all levels in the field of adaptation and integration of foreign citizens, the Federal Migration Service Russia has developed a draft federal law “On social and cultural adaptation and integration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”.

The bill establishes the legal, organizational and economic foundations for social and cultural adaptation and integration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation, the basic principles of state policy of the Russian Federation, the powers of state authorities and local self-government in this area.

A large-scale set of measures aimed at implementing the function of the Russian language as a state language and as a language of interethnic communication, as well as supporting the Russian language abroad, was carried out during the implementation of three federal target programs “Russian Language”. At the same time, an analysis of the implementation of these programs showed that the resulting social effects and current practice do not fully provide solutions to the most important problems and do not always correspond to rapidly changing realities.

As an analysis of the current state of affairs shows, the array of information about educational innovations is formed, as a rule, unsystematically. It is subject to various kinds of random factors that do not contribute to the correct generalization of information, recording of authorship, and determining the addressee-consumer. At the same time, one cannot help but note the lack of convenient navigation systems that allow any teacher to easily and quickly find a description of the necessary experience in teaching a foreign language and use this experience for its intended purpose. These circumstances predetermined the need for accumulation, systematization, translation and promotion of advanced linguistic educational practices as an educational imperative.

The provisions of the Constitution implicitly state the need to maintain a balance in language policy in the legal regulation of linguistic relations between the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and national languages ​​that have the status of state languages ​​on the territory of the republics.

The function of the Russian language to promote “mutual understanding, strengthening interethnic ties of the peoples of the Russian Federation in a single multinational state” is enshrined in Art. 1 clause 4 of the law “On the state language of the Russian Federation”. In addition, this law lists the areas of use, measures to support the Russian language as the state language, and also specifies the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to use the state language.

At the same time, the lack of an effective uniform state policy to preserve, develop and enhance the predominant role of the Russian language as the only means of consolidating the peoples of Russia, in our opinion, is associated, first of all, with the rather liberalized legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

A distinctive feature of the last two decades is the politicization of all aspects of national life, including linguistic relations. They found themselves largely involved in the orbit of political processes and became the object of political manipulation.

In this regard, the most interesting proposal in the light of the above-described problems and practices of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is the initiative of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation to ensure the constitutional rights of citizens, which proposed the creation of an international humanitarian movement “Russian-speaking Commonwealth” (hereinafter referred to as the RSC). RYaS is created in order to support the Russian language in the modern world, preserve cultural and linguistic diversity, strengthen friendship between peoples, promote dialogue between cultures and civilizations, develop mutually beneficial cooperation between citizens and organizations that express ownership of Russia and its cultural values.

So, the briefly presented results of monitoring law enforcement within the powers of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation make it possible to cover current areas for improving the norms and conditions for the full functioning and development of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation and as the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of Russia; improving conditions for strengthening and expanding the Russian linguistic, Russian cultural and educational space in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States; improving conditions for expanding the presence of the Russian language and education in Russian in foreign countries; development of open education in Russian and Russian language teaching; holding large socially significant events aimed at popularizing the Russian language.

Further improvement of language policy and legal regulation can be based on the conclusions that are obtained as part of the ongoing monitoring of law enforcement, and will contribute to ensuring priority activities that influence the fundamental possibility of carrying out a set of research work in the field of functioning, development and study of the Russian language, as well as formation of analytical and organizational-normative support for the functioning and study of the Russian language.

Not all 22 national regions are experiencing a painful process; in some places, Putin’s instructions went completely unnoticed

There are 22 national republics in Russia, but the disputes over languages ​​that are now tearing Tatarstan apart do not occur everywhere. The degree of intensity of passions can be judged by the selection in an Internet search engine. Based on the combination of words “compulsory language learning,” news comes mainly from Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, and Komi. In all these regions, the study of national state languages ​​was mandatory, and after Vladimir Putin’s instructions about the inadmissibility of forcing students to study a non-native language, changes began in schools. Details are in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Tatarstan is now experiencing what Bashkiria 4 years ago

The unrest that accompanies the process of changing curriculum in the regions depends on the number of native language lessons in schools. The leader in this regard was Tatarstan, where the Tatar language and literature and Russian and literature were officially taught in equal quantities - 5-6 hours each. At the same time, there was still less Russian language and literature than in other regions of Russia.

The experience that Tatarstan is now going through was experienced in neighboring Bashkortostan 4 years ago. Until 2013, Bashkir was studied 3 hours a week without fail, plus 2-3 hours of the native language - Tatar, Bashkir or Russian, and 1 hour a week was allocated to the subject “Culture of Bashkortostan”.

In 2013, amendments were made to the laws of the republic and it was announced that the Bashkir language is studied at the choice of parents. This was heard in all media. Joyful parents began to write applications to replace the Bashkir hours with Russian, mathematics, physics, and English, but that was not the case! In fact, no one managed to give up studying Bashkir in favor of other subjects. The maximum that could be done was to simply refuse to study the Bashkir language,” Ufa resident Lina Seregina, who defends the right of her children to voluntarily study the Bashkir language, tells Realnoe Vremya.

According to Seregina, now very few schools have given parents the right to refuse to study Bashkir.

Komi activists demanded that the order of the regional Ministry of Education be canceled and that the teaching of the Komi language be preserved as compulsory in all schools and kindergartens. Photo

The implementation of Putin’s instructions in the Komi Republic was suspended

Language scandals are now shaking Komi as well. It must be admitted that the Komi language has never been taught in schools in such quantities as Tatar in Tatarstan or Bashkir in Bashkortostan. Compulsory study was introduced in 2011, 1 or 2 lessons per week were allocated for it, while the Russian language was taught in the proper volume.

But local educational standards, after prosecutorial checks, also began to be brought into line with federal ones. The Ministry of Education of Komi decided to remove the state language of the republic from the mandatory part. They began to collect applications from parents, just like in Tatarstan, to study their native language - Russian or Komi.

This decision caused a protest from Komi national activists, who demanded that the order of the regional Ministry of Education be cancelled, and that the teaching of the Komi language be preserved as compulsory in all schools and kindergartens. The reaction of the head of the region was not long in coming - the day before, Sergei Gaplikov suspended the high-profile decree abolishing the compulsory study of the Komi language and instructed the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the republic to finalize the document in a new edition.

According to SeverInform news agency, after the introduction of voluntary study of the Komi language, the republic split into two camps. Representatives of the Komi intelligentsia spoke out sharply against it. Another part of the population, primarily residents of Vorkuta and other northern municipalities where very few Komi live, reacted positively to the decision to make the Komi language an optional language.

The local Ministry of Education, making concessions and trying to reduce the mood of protest, recommends introducing a pointless assessment system in the Chuvash state language. Photo

In Chuvashia they will stop giving grades for the second state

In Chuvashia, the state language of the republic was studied compulsorily for 3 hours a week, and, as local officials note, this was not to the detriment of Russian, which was taught for 5-6 hours.

The republic also began collecting statements from parents about which language - Russian or Chuvash - their children will learn as their native language. Depending on the choice of parents, children will be divided into two groups: to study their native (Chuvash) language and literature or their native (Russian) language and literature.

At the same time, the local government intends to introduce the subject “State Chuvash language” into the so-called “school component”, hoping that schools will approve it in the schedule without fail. At the same time, the local Ministry of Education, making concessions and trying to reduce the mood of protest, recommends introducing a pointless assessment system in the Chuvash state language.

This, however, caused a response - supporters of compulsory study of the Chuvash language wrote a letter to Putin. They believe that the Chuvash language should still be taught in schools “to an extent sufficient for the development of the child. Those who do not want to learn a second state language or do not have the ability to speak languages ​​must be provided with the study of local history disciplines.”

In Chechnya, the state language is studied compulsorily from grades 1 to 11. However, given that 95% of the republic’s population is the titular ethnic group, there were no protests regarding the study of a non-native language. Photo

It's quiet where it's voluntary

There are 22 national republics in Russia, but disputes about languages ​​do not take place everywhere. Calm in Udmurtia. There, the second state language was never taught compulsorily. It is only available in a few schools and only as an elective - the last lesson. Many social activists consider this a big omission and advocate compulsory study.

Our problem is that to introduce the Udmurt language as compulsory, we need a program and textbooks. Their development requires money, which is not available. But every year we have three-month free courses on studying the Udmurt language, which are conducted by the Ministry of National Policy of Udmurtia. Every year more and more people enroll in these courses, they take as many people as they can get,” Izhevsk resident Zhanna Nikolaeva tells Realnoe Vremya.

In Mordovia, the Erzyan and Moksha languages ​​began to be studied compulsorily in 2006 from 2nd to 6th grade, 2 hours per week. In this case, students could choose one of two. However, in 2010, the republic’s prosecutor’s office reacted sharply to the introduction of compulsory study of the Mordovian language. “The Law of the Republic of Mordovia “On State Languages ​​in the Republic of Mordovia” establishes that the Mordovian language is the state language along with Russian. The Mordovian language can be studied in all educational institutions of the republic. However, the right to choose the language of instruction for children belongs to parents or persons replacing them.”

In Chechnya, the state language is studied compulsorily from grades 1 to 11. However, given that 95% of the republic’s population is the titular ethnic group, there were no protests regarding the study of a non-native language. But they also responded to Putin’s instructions. The Chechnya Today portal reports that the local Minister of Education Ismail Baykhanov, at a meeting on teaching the Chechen language in schools, said that representatives of the Russian-speaking population study the subject exclusively on a voluntary basis.

In Yakutia, the study of the Sakha language was not mandatory and was studied by Russians on a voluntary basis, just like the Mari language in Mari-El.

Daria Turtseva

More than 70 scientists, university teachers and employees of scientific organizations from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Hungary, Estonia, Denmark, and Austria prepared an appeal to the State Duma of Russia demanding not to adopt a law on the voluntary study of native languages. This was reported to "" on July 24 by the initiative group of linguists.

The initiative group began collecting signatures against the bill on the voluntary study of native languages ​​after it was adopted by the State Duma on June 19 in the first reading. Scientists believe the new law will not provide “necessary protections for indigenous languages.”

“The bill will exclude from the compulsory part of the curriculum languages ​​that, along with Russian, have official status and other forms of legal protection in some republics and regions, and even those languages ​​spoken by the majority of the population of the relevant regions. This bill will further lower the status of minority languages ​​in Russia, which are already on the verge of extinction,” the appeal says.

According to the European scientists who signed the document, national languages ​​in Russia do not receive sufficient support, and the weakening of their position in school education will be “a crushing blow to the communities of speakers of minority languages ​​in the country.” The authors of the appeal cite the example of Finno-Ugric regions where it is impossible to receive education in any local language (languages ​​are taught only as subjects at school, all other subjects are taught exclusively in Russian).

“Supporters of this bill base their opinion on the contradictory statement that no one (in this case, we are mainly talking about native Russian speakers) should not be forced to learn other (non-native) languages. Despite significant shortcomings and problems in school teaching of the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, the system of teaching native languages, which has survived to this day, was certainly one of the most important factors supporting the preservation of the language. Minority language media and other means of modern communication can only continue to exist if new generations of minority language speakers receive basic schooling in their native languages, preferably in their native languages,” the appeal says.

The linguists who signed the appeal called on State Duma deputies not to pass the law, citing the positive impact of language learning on public life.

In April 2018, a bill was introduced to the State Duma that would make the study of national languages ​​in schools optional. According to the developers, parents have the right to choose, taking into account the child’s opinion, whether to study the national language of the region in which he lives.

A month ago, the law was adopted in the first reading, State Duma deputies were going to significantly modify it. On June 24, parliament adopted the law in the second reading. Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Vyacheslav Nikonov during the presentation of the bill, he said that native languages ​​​​will be preserved in the compulsory part of the program in oral form; no electives will be introduced in the teaching of the subject, the Business ONLINE portal reported.

1. In the Russian Federation, education is guaranteed in the state language of the Russian Federation, as well as the choice of the language of instruction and upbringing within the limits of the possibilities provided by the education system.

2. In educational organizations, educational activities are carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by this article. Teaching and learning of the state language of the Russian Federation within the framework of educational programs with state accreditation are carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards, educational standards.

3. In state and municipal educational organizations located on the territory of the republic of the Russian Federation, teaching and learning of the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation may be introduced in accordance with the legislation of the republics of the Russian Federation. Teaching and studying the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation within the framework of educational programs with state accreditation are carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards and educational standards. The teaching and study of the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation should not be carried out to the detriment of the teaching and study of the state language of the Russian Federation.

4. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive preschool, primary general and basic general education in their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, as well as the right to study their native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including Russian as their native language, within the limits of the possibilities provided by the education system, in the manner established by the legislation on education. The implementation of these rights is ensured by the creation of the required number of relevant educational organizations, classes, groups, as well as conditions for their functioning. Teaching and studying the native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including the Russian language as a native language, within the framework of educational programs that have state accreditation are carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards and educational standards.

5. Education can be obtained in a foreign language in accordance with the educational program and in the manner established by the legislation on education and local regulations of the organization carrying out educational activities.

6. The language and languages ​​of education are determined by local regulations of the organization carrying out educational activities according to the educational programs it implements, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Free choice of language of education, studied native language from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including Russian as a native language, state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation is carried out upon applications of parents (legal representatives) of minor students upon admission (transfer) to study in preschool educational programs education, educational programs of primary general and basic general education that have state accreditation.

(see text in the previous edition)

National languages ​​and scientific and technological progress: what languages ​​will our descendants speak?

Under scientific Edited by: M. Parzulova. Veliko Tarnovo: Sign`94, 2012.

This collection of scientific articles includes reports from participants in the conference “Language and Culture in the Modern World”, which was held at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" in June 2012 in Burgas (Bulgaria). The articles are devoted to current issues of linguistics and literary criticism.

An important part of the state's language policy is bilingual education, which includes, on the one hand, access to the dominant language, and, on the other, school teaching in minority languages ​​or only the languages ​​themselves. In many regions we see a paradoxical situation in which school teaching does not contribute to the acquisition of an endangered language, but is positively assessed by community members. The article examines the features of school teaching of minority languages ​​in the Russian Federation using the example of two idioms - Nivkh and Kalmyk. Interviews with parents, students, former students and teachers describe school mother tongue teaching as a process of maintaining community identity.

Zhuravel T. N., Lapina-Kratasyuk E. G., Moroz O. V. et al. working papers series. SSRN. Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 2014. No. id2444210.

The study of linguistic and, more broadly, cultural construction in the post-Soviet space is directly related to the formulation of problems that go far beyond the scope of exclusively linguistic research. The goal of our collective research was to identify the specifics of the creation and implementation of post-Soviet language projects a) of different scales (transnational, state, regional, local); b) in different institutional spheres (politics, education, science, literature, media, family); c) various agents of language policy (the state, linguists, the writing and media community, political parties and movements). In the preprint offered to the reader, attention is focused only on two regions of the post-Soviet space: Kazakhstan and the Republic of Tyva. However, these regions were not chosen by chance: one of them became an independent state, the other is located within the borders of the Russian Federation and, taken together, the analysis of the linguo-sociocultural situation in these two territories allows us to touch upon almost the entire range of problems characteristic of the formation of language policy in the “zone of influence of the Russian language."

Vol. 5. N. Novgorod: 2011.

The collection of articles is devoted to the problem of succession in law. The doctrine of succession in law, Russian and foreign practice, as well as the legal technique of succession in law are considered. The collection was prepared as part of the Second Babaev Readings (Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

M.: Languages ​​of Slavic Cultures, 2012.

In October 2012, Igor Aleksandrovich Melchuk, an outstanding Russian linguist, author of the famous “Meaning-Text” language model, turns 80 years old. This volume contains articles by colleagues, students and close friends of the hero of the day, dedicated to this event and designed to pay tribute to his scientific achievements, which marked his creative work in linguistics for more than fifty years. The main material of the volume consists of scientific articles on topics related to various branches of linguistics - from semantics to morphology.

In the article, the author identifies and examines various features inherent in the countries of the post-Soviet space, such as the growth of nationalism (as an expression of an identity crisis), “deficit of democracy”, authoritarianism, “color revolutions” (as the most noticeable expression of the crisis of legitimacy of post-Soviet regimes and the main means of their democratization ) and, as a result, the search for new strategies of self-determination. Attention is also drawn to the key parameters of the transition period: its content, boundaries, results. Within the framework of the typology of transition processes, the author examines in detail the phases of the transition period in Moldova, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia; constitutional reforms within the framework of authoritarian modernization of Kazakhstan, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Armenia; refusal to carry out reforms or carry them out with imitation purposes in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan.

Logacheva V.K., Klyshinsky E. S., Galaktionov V. A. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS. ::. IPM im. M.V. Keldysh RAS, 2012. No. 14.

The paper proposes a method for automatically generating rules for the transcription of proper names based on analysis of the training sample. The rule generation process is divided into two stages: the selection of simple (primary) rules and the generation of complex rules. A new alignment technique is used to extract primary rules. To carry out transcription, it is proposed to convert the rules into a finite machine and carry out transcription using it.

Yablokova T. N. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2011. No. 2. P. 191-196.

The article describes the patterns of implementation of emotional statements in dialogic and monologue speech. The author's main attention is paid to the characteristic features of the speech of a speaker who is in a state of emotional stress, and to the compositional and pragmatic features of dialogic and monologue text.

An insufficient number of study hours and limited knowledge of a second foreign language do not contribute to full-fledged professionally oriented learning. It is necessary to use only some components of professional training: reading and summarizing texts in the specialty, searching for professional information in its various sources, conducting personal and business correspondence. An important component of professional activity is the ability to analyze information presented in a graph, table or diagram. The need is dictated by the fact that this type of activity is part of the exam to obtain the Test DaF certificate, which gives the right to study or work in Germany.

The analysis of modern society, permeated by media, is carried out from the perspective of an ethnomethodological approach and represents an attempt to answer the cardinal question: what are the observed orderings of events broadcast by mass intermediaries. The study of rituals proceeds in two main directions: firstly, in the organizational and production system of media, focused on constant reproduction, which is based on the transmission model and the information/non-information distinction and, secondly, in the analysis of the perception of these messages by the audience, which is the implementation of a ritual or expressive model, the result of which is a shared experience. This means the ritual nature of modern media.

The book contains complete and comprehensive information on the history of Imperial Russia - from Peter the Great to Nicholas II. These two centuries became the era when the foundations of Russia's power were laid. But this same time also caused the fall of the empire in 1917. The text of the book, presented in the traditional manner of chronological presentation, includes fascinating inserts: “Characters”, “Legends and Rumors” and others.

Humanity is experiencing a change in cultural and historical eras, which is associated with the transformation of network media into the leading means of communication. The consequence of the “digital split” is changes in social divisions: along with the traditional “haves and have-nots”, the confrontation “online (connected) versus offline (unconnected)” arises. Under these conditions, traditional intergenerational differences lose their significance, and the decisive factor is belonging to one or another information culture, on the basis of which media generations are formed. The work analyzes the diverse consequences of networking: cognitive, arising from the use of “smart” things with a user-friendly interface, psychological, giving rise to networked individualism and the increasing privatization of communication, social, embodying the “paradox of the empty public sphere.” The role of computer games as “substitutes” for traditional socialization and education is shown, and the vicissitudes of knowledge losing its meaning are examined. In conditions of excess information, the scarcest human resource today is human attention. Therefore, new principles of doing business can be defined as attention management.

This scientific work uses the results obtained during the implementation of project No. 10-01-0009 “Media rituals”, implemented within the framework of the HSE Research Foundation Program in 2010-2012.