Hitler's Germany was actively developing new types of weapons, trying to overtake the rest of the world. The best minds were concentrated on inventing death machines that could turn the tide of the war. Today we know that their searches were not limited to general science, but even delved into the occult, mythology and paranormal phenomena. And all the most incomprehensible and mysterious things were dealt with by the mysterious organization “Ahnenerbe” (German: Ahnenerbe - “Heritage of the Ancestors”). "Ahnenerbe" takes its origin from the mystical organizations "Hermanenorden", "Thule" and "Vril". It was they who became the “three pillars” of the National Socialist ideology, supporting the doctrine of the existence in prehistoric times of a certain island - Arctida. A powerful civilization, which had access to almost all the secrets of the Universe and the universe, died after a grandiose catastrophe. Some people were miraculously saved. Subsequently, they mixed with the Aryans, giving impetus to the emergence of a race of superhumans - the ancestors of the Germans. That's it, no more, no less! And how can you not believe it: after all, hints of this are clearly visible in the Avesta - the oldest Zoroastrian source!

The Nazis sought confirmation of their racial theory all over the world - from Tibet to Africa and Europe. They looked for ancient manuscripts and manuscripts that contained information on history, magic, yoga, and theology. Everything that contained even the slightest, even legendary, references to the Vedas, Aryans, Tibetans. The highest interest in such knowledge was shown by the ruling elite of Germany - politicians, industrialists, and the scientific elite. All of them tried to master unprecedented, higher knowledge, encrypted and scattered across all religions and mystical beliefs of the world, and not only ours. Largely immoral and monstrous, this organization showed in vivid colors the true face of fascism. The institute conducted thousands of sadistic experiments: captured soldiers of the anti-Hitler coalition, women, children laid down their lives on the altar of genetic and physiological experiments of the Nazis! Moreover, the masters of science also tormented the elite of the SS - members of the “knightly” orders: “Lords of the Black Stone”, “Black Knights of Thule” and a kind of Masonic order within the SS itself - “Black Sun”. The effect of various poisons, exposure to high and low temperatures, pain thresholds - these are the main “scientific” programs.

And in addition, the possibility of mass psychological and psychotropic influence and work on creating superweapons was explored. “Ahnenerbe”, with German pedantry, divided the work into the following areas: the creation of a superman, medicine, the development of new non-standard types of weapons (including mass destruction, including atomic weapons), the possibility of using religious and mystical practices and... the possibility of intercourse with alien highly developed civilizations.

It is now generally accepted that the foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid by secret societies long before the emergence of the Nazi state. The well-known researcher of the “otherworldly” K. Velazquez claims that some occult “keys” also provided information of a man-made nature. In particular, drawings and descriptions of “flying discs”, whose characteristics were significantly superior to the aircraft technology of that time. Today a lot is known about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of “flying saucers”, but there are many more questions than answers.

photo from Ahnenerbe archives

How successful were the Germans in this? Who helped them? Was work curtailed after the war or continued in other, secret areas of the globe? How true are the rumors that the Nazis had contact with extraterrestrial civilizations?

One of the most mysterious areas of research by scientists in Nazi Germany remains the development of aircraft similar to “flying saucers”, or, as Allied pilots called them during the war, “Foo Fighters”. These “plates,” judging by the drawings, were no different from the UFOs that are often seen in different parts of the world. But it was not humanoids who were supposed to sit there, but SS officers.

reconstruction of tests of the Ahnenerbe disc plane

Documents captured by the Allies after the war and the results of interrogations of German scientists revealed that the Nazis had been working on the creation of unusual vertical take-off vehicles for many years.

Photo from the UFO crash site

According to unverified rumors, in 1936. near the city of Freiburg, Germany, a UFO crashed. It was discovered and, perhaps, the German scientists of the Vril Society, with the support of the SS organization, were able to repair and make its energy system and propulsion system work. However, attempts to reproduce them under terrestrial conditions ended in failure. Therefore, the UFO existed in one copy.

During 1936 - 1945. New hulls were developed for alien systems, which acquired familiar features, such as landing supports, antennas and weapons. 4 devices were created, conventionally Vril 1-4. The first disks carried only machine-gun armament; judging by the photographs, the last Vril-4 disk was equipped with a turret of the Pz-V Panther tank.

Vril 1-4 - Ahnenerbe disc plane equipped with a cannon

It is interesting that in the archives of the Third Reich, drawings were found that explain the principles of “twisting” subtle physical fields, allowing the creation of certain techno-magical devices. One of the developers of technomagical devices is considered to be the famous scientist Dr. V.O. Noise. According to the evidence, his electrodynamic machines, which used rapid rotation, not only changed the structure of time around themselves, but also hovered in the air.

In an interview with the Zurich newspaper "Tageszaiger" on November 19, 1954, Georg Klein claimed that flying discs were a top-secret weapon of the United States and Russia, based on German developments. According to him, in May 1945 in Breslau, the Russians captured, along with many rocket engineers, a model of an unmanned disk built in Peenemünde and controlled by a radio beam.

The Third Reich's obsession with esotericism and the occult is well known, so it would not be too difficult to imagine how strange pseudo-religious teachings could plunge the state into the abyss of gossip and rumors about UFOs, aliens, and paranormal phenomena. Rumors of alien technology and conspiracy theories about how the Third Reich bided its time before spreading its poisonous ideology across the world are figurative, but they can tell us more about those who spread them than the regime itself under which they spread. This article examines 10 of these theories: from secret societies and hidden Nazi bases to UFO arrivals and communication with ancient gods.


There is surprisingly little information about what was supposedly one of the Nazis' largest space projects. But again, the lack of information only provides food for conspiracy theories. The named project Die Glocke (translated from German as “The Bell”) is said to be the brainchild of SS Lieutenant General Hans Kammler.

The device, which got its name from its resemblance to a bell, was powered by a mysterious substance called Xerum 525. It was extremely radioactive and required a thick layer of lead to make the device. According to stories, the Nazis powered the Bell, but the energy it released caused horrific side effects that led to the death of a group of scientists.

Living beings exposed to radiation began to decompose, and even residual radiation could still lead to catastrophic consequences. Rumor has it that the Nazis used concentration camp prisoners to clean out the testing chamber after Die Glocke was removed.

As the war came to an end, those who worked on the project were killed. Die Glocke and Hans Kammler were reportedly transferred to another top-secret hideout, where work likely continued.

There is a grain of truth in these implausible rumors - a grain that was discovered in 2014. Kammler headed the secret weapons program and, along with Heinrich Himmler, was the leader of the V-2 (A-4) project. The discovery of an underground weapons citadel and testing site in the Austrian city of St. Georgen an der Gusen by an Austrian director has given eerie and disturbing credence to these rumors.

Dismissing the UFO and conspiracy theories, he suggested that the underground complex was built by prisoners of the Mauthusen concentration camp; it is believed that 320,000 people died during construction.

Ernst Zündel, UFOs and Holocaust denial

Holocaust denial itself is a rather strange idea, but it includes a whole set of conspiracy theories. Ernst Zündel was an ardent participant in the movement for many decades, until his recent imprisonment in Germany, where he was accused of inciting ethnic hatred. During the 1970s he was the head of a publishing house specializing in Nazi and neo-Nazi publications. And besides, he was a supporter of the idea that the Nazis built, tested and launched UFOs.

In 2013, Zündel's wife published an article that she claimed was written by her husband in response to claims by those who said that the Third Reich's development of space technology and the design of UFOs was a fabrication. The article says that Zündel is qualified to talk and write about Nazi UFOs, as he is an expert on the subject and has written several books (in between trying to clear Germany's reputation and prove that the Holocaust did not exist).

Zündel claimed to have been in contact for a long time with Rudolf Lussar, one of the most competent ufologists in Nazi Germany. He claims that UFO development has advanced significantly during the war years, and that the Third Reich managed to build flying saucers that could break the sound barrier.

He also refers to a book by Renato Vesco, the man who was allegedly Mussolini's chief of aeronautical intelligence during World War II. According to him, all the inventions of the Nazis, about which there are so many rumors, were reality.

Ultimately, Zündel insists that he is well informed about the development of Nazi UFOs, and that American technology is primitive compared to the achievements of the Third Reich. And eventually the day will come when everyone will know the truth.

Nazi lunar base

If you thought NASA's missions to the Moon were intended to be scientific, you're in the dark.

According to the conspiracy theory, the real reason NASA and the US government were involved in sending missions to the moon was to check on the Nazis who lived on the moon. Apparently, in 1957, the Russians approached the Americans with evidence that the Nazis used their technology and escaped and built a camp on the moon. Documents found in Berlin described Hitler's discovery of a certain lunar substance coded H3, which was supposed to provide him with power and the implementation of plans for a settlement on the Moon. America, of course, was somewhat worried about such prospects, so NASA was created and the space race began.

Also questionable is the claim that America was working on a shadow program called Project A119. According to unconfirmed reports, America was planning the complete destruction of the Moon through nuclear weapons to show off its firepower and make the Soviet Union think twice about continuing the Cold War.

When NASA's manned spacecraft reached the Moon, someone apparently managed to find a lunar base and obtain evidence that the Nazis lived there. And the Challenger shuttle disaster was nothing more than an attack by Nazi rockets fired from the Moon.

The idea of ​​Nazi moon bases gained popularity after the release of the film Iron Sky, in large part due to the film's widespread publicity.

Giuseppe Belluzzo

Here's another conspiracy theory with some supporting documentation. Giuseppe Belluzzo was Minister of National Economy during Mussolini's reign, and was also an expert in the development of turbines, which were used in the construction of various ships and cruisers. He died in 1952, but a few years earlier he addressed the press with some rather strange statements.

He said that turbines were not the only project he worked on, that some round planes were also being developed, plans for their creation began in 1942. The devices were unmanned, but they could deliver nuclear weapons. The sketches were published in a newspaper in 1950, and other people appeared who were willing to provide evidence of this claim.

One of them was a British commando who admitted that he had been asked to take part in a secret mission in Norway, the purpose of which was to destroy a Nazi base where UFOs were being built. There have been other claims regarding the development of flying saucers codenamed "Thunderball" or "Fireball". Belluzzo's story spread around the world, reprinted in the New York Times and the Los Angeles Mirror.

The story was supplemented with another strange detail: supposedly the Russians managed to capture one of the aircraft.

Hitler, UFO and Vishnu

One of the running themes of the idea of ​​a connection between the Nazis and UFOs is the idea that Hitler escaped on one of the saucers and is waiting for the right moment to return to Earth, found the Fourth Reich and finish what he started. That's the gist of the teachings of the woman known as Savitri Devi, but even aside from Hitler's UFO escape, most of what she says is too far-fetched even for hardcore conspiracy theorists.

Born in France in 1905, at birth she received the name Maximiani Portas. Having discovered Lovecraft's texts and Bulfinch's mythology, she eventually formed her own belief system. Believing in the existence of Greek gods, she eventually traveled to Jerusalem with deep ideas of anti-Semitism. After traveling in India, she took a Hindu name. And there she decided that the Nazis’ use of the swastika was proof of the perfection and kindness of their teaching, and she considered Hitler to be the incarnation of Vishnu.

Vishnu is one of the three main gods in the Hindu triumvirate, and is usually depicted as the largest of them. While the remaining two are the creator and the destroyer, Vishnu is the protector, he personifies light and the sun, and is responsible for preserving the mind and body.

India's relations with Nazi Germany were understandably uneven, influenced both by anti-British sentiment and at the same time by awareness of the horrors that were happening in wartime. Savitri Devi had no doubts, and after the war she wrote a work praising Hitler, the Third Reich and his activities. She interacted with a close circle of SS members who assured her that the incarnation of Vishnu was safe, alive and well, and she would subsequently be taken away on a flying saucer.

Vril, Thule and UFO

This is one of those stories where it's completely unclear where truth ends and fiction begins, so we'll just tell it.

Vril and Thule are two secret societies that are rumored to be the center of Nazism and are credited with being the groundwater that brought Hitler to power. The Third Reich was just an intermediate stage, and the Fourth Reich is still being built and will soon achieve world domination. True, it is called differently, and the symbolism has undergone some changes; they say that the Nazi emblem now depicts a UFO that has repeatedly visited the earth over the past decades.

Initially, Thule is a semi-mythical island that is associated either with Scandinavia or with the disappeared Atlantis. The Nazis gave the name of this island to their mystical organization, where they studied the occult and searched for the homeland of the Aryans. Thule has its main UFO base in Antarctica and plans to make it the center of world domination. The Vril are the Thule's inner, elite circle, and since the end of World War II they have worked side by side with the US government.

The name "Vril" is believed to have come from the Sumerian word for "like a god" (though there is no "V" in the Sumerian language). It is said that this society was founded by a group of mystics with the goal of awakening the spirit of the island of Thule and using hidden powers to reach Aldebaran - the alien civilizations. Allegedly, the Nazis from this organization, thanks to their occult research, were able to create interstellar ships.

This is a brief summary of the activities of these societies. And the term "Vril" was first used by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in the book "The Coming Race" (1870). His story largely echoes Nazi ideas regarding UFOs.

Haunebu 1 and Brazil

After the end of World War II, many high-ranking German officials fled the country, they knew that punishment would inevitably follow after the atrocities of the Third Reich. So it's not too surprising that some of them supported the idea of ​​Nazi UFOs.

According to this theory, the Nazis succeeded in building an alien ship that embodied the most advanced technology. The largest object was called Haunebu. And although it worked, it was still not functional enough to be useful. There were problems with control, and some suggest that, despite the obvious successes of the Nazis, they were not able to fully master alien technology. The aliens - like all good diplomats - simply did not give out all the information at once and withheld some details. And by the time the Nazis realized they didn't have all the data, they had already broken their end of the agreement and were left with a working but essentially useless dish.

Hauneba 1 was allegedly sent to Brazil, a country known for its UFO sightings. According to writer Randolph Winters, there is a military base in Brazil where Nazi flying saucers are being studied and built. The base, run by German intelligence, is responsible for most of the UFO sightings in the skies of Brazil, and there have been many there over 70 years.

Operation High Jump

Official documents for Operation High Jump indicate slightly different objectives than those pursued in 1946. The mission was opened in part to conduct US military exercises in cold weather conditions, because it was believed that the Soviet Union was planning an attack, and he will begin it at the North Pole, so preparation in similar conditions was necessary. A more plausible reason for the operation is that the US Navy sought to extend its influence into lands on the other side of the world - Antarctica. And although the training operation gave the armed forces a general idea of ​​what to expect from the pole (even from the south), in fact, it did not achieve its goals.

According to conspiracy theorists, the fleet was thwarted by Nazi UFOs based there. According to some ship crew members, they had no idea what they were dealing with - they simply heard shots and responded to them, although they did not know what they were up against.

Admiral Byrd, who was theoretically in charge of the operation, repeatedly mentioned in his reports that they were faced with more than just harsh natural conditions. Some of his remarks referred to a new war, flying saucers, and the need for defensive bases that would protect the rest of the world from what Project High Jump faced.

This theory is supported by the fact that after the war, about a quarter of a million German soldiers were missing in action - this was considered the most logical explanation for the failure of the High Jump. There are even online copies of Admiral Byrd's journal, Hinterland: My Secret Diary. The diary recounts the classic signs of an alien presence on the continent, followed by descriptions of glowing cities and tall, blond military men with German accents who accompanied the expedition to the fortress.

Antarctic fortress

The idea of ​​this Antarctic fortress is perhaps one of the most enduring Nazi UFO myths. According to Byrd's diary (fictional or true - unknown), the inside of the base is bright and beautiful, too beautiful for words, but over it lies the shadow of the Owner, who predicts the destruction of the world and all who live in it.

One of the most famous versions of this story is that in 1938 a group of German scientists were sent to the continent to put an image of Antarctica on a map. When they completed the task, they found a system of vast underground caves, warmed by rivers. The largest of these became Base 211, and by the end of the war it became a refuge for Thule, SS and Nazi scientists. After the official surrender, Hitler, Eva Braun and a handful of other high-ranking Nazis boarded a submarine and headed for Base 211.

This is not a new theory at all; it dates back to 1952. The seeds of doubt were sown when Hitler's death could not be confirmed and the obsession with the Hollow Earth hypothesis gained momentum. It seemed likely that the Führer had a backup plan and was able to escape. This was around the time that the aforementioned Ernst Zündel began to contribute to the development of conspiracy theories, and since then the story has not yet been forgotten.

And like many conspiracy theories, there is some truth to this one. In December 1938, a German expedition to Antarctica was indeed undertaken, but it was to determine whether it was worth expanding the country's territory so far south. There were other expeditions, but growing tensions within the empire put an end to them.

Roswell and Nazi UFOs

Anyone with the slightest interest in flying saucers is familiar with the mystery surrounding the site that has been dubbed "New Mexico Area 51."

The alleged 1947 crash and the mystery surrounding it have fueled conspiracy theorist speculation for decades. One hypothesis states that the Americans experienced a UFO captured from the Germans at the end of the war. Some even speculate that it was the Bell that crashed in the desert, bringing it to an ignominious end.

Some go even further, claiming that the tests were not carried out by the United States, but by some super-secret society based in Roswell. It continued the work of creating the Fourth Reich and selected the best weapons from all created during the war. Or perhaps its members were kidnapped, recruited by the US Armed Forces, and then, thanks to alien technology, decoded and again began to work for the benefit of Nazi Germany.

Some conspiracy theorists - on the other side of the fence - claim that the Roswell incident was related to alien technology, but the Third Reich has nothing to do with it. They point to small (child-sized) alien bodies as evidence. But there is an explanation for this fact that does not exclude the Nazis, because they conducted experiments on children from concentration camps.

There was speculation that the little gray-skinned aliens were human children, genetically mutilated by Josef Mengele. They were placed on a ship and sent to an American city with the goal of causing panic.

But in any case, theorists invariably point to the extraordinary speed with which technology began to develop from this point on. Humanity broke the sound barrier in 1947 and sent humans into space in 1961. But all this technology had to start somewhere... right?

Third Reich UFO?

The mysterious nature of UFOs - unidentified flying objects - is now finding more and more explanations. Some consider these to be alien ships from outer space, others only atmospheric phenomena, and others care for the earthly origin of “flying saucers.” One of the interpretations of this phenomenon, unexpectedly for many, concerns... the secret laboratories of the Third Reich that fell sixty years ago. It all started when the American ufologist Terzinsky visited Star City in 1998. He gave a lecture on ufology to Russian cosmonauts and demonstrated rare film and photographic materials dating back to the period of the Third Reich. Terzinsky claimed that in March 1945, the Germans launched a huge “flying saucer” to Mars, while the flight was controlled from the South Pole of the Earth. Twenty years ago, a lecturer would have been considered crazy, and the astronauts would hardly have listened to him. In 1998, the reaction was somewhat different... The story of the American ufologist is so incredible that it is very, very difficult for the average person to believe in it. However, facts have been found that send researchers of the “plate” problem straight to the Reich. And here, as they say, there is no smoke without fire... Another legend about a meeting with fascist “plates” says the following. In 1942, one of the prisoners of war, a Pole, was in the Gut als-Gollsen concentration camp, 30 miles from Berlin. Once, he and other prisoners were working at a facility, part of which was fenced off with a huge tarpaulin, and there were guards from elite SS units around the perimeter. Suddenly there was a sharp and loud sound, as if an electric generator had started working. The engine of the tractor that was clearing the area instantly stalled. The strange noise continued for several minutes. During this time, the tractor driver was unable to start the engine of his car. The SS guard drove the prisoners away from this place. Nevertheless, the Pole made his way to the restricted area and was able to see a round metal aircraft rising above the tarpaulin canopy. Its diameter was approximately 75 to 90 meters. The central part of the apparatus, about a meter in size, was rotating rapidly, so that it appeared as a blur, as if a propeller was rotating. The saucer was tested on the ground and did not take off. The report about it ended up in the annals of the US intelligence services. Where did the Germans get such technologies? Are they of unearthly origin? There are two versions of events. According to the first expedition, a crashed UFO was found in Tibet, as a result of which the Nazis became familiar with the secrets of an unearthly civilization. According to another version, this happened in 1936 near the city of Freiburg. The UFO may have been discovered by German scientists from the Vril secret society and, with the support of the SS, managed to repair and make its energy system and propulsion system work. However, attempts to reproduce them in terrestrial conditions, they say, ended in failure. Therefore, the aircraft only existed in one copy. During 1936-1945, new hulls were developed for alien systems, which acquired familiar features, such as landing supports, antennas and weapons. Four devices were created, conventionally called Vril 1-4. The first disks carried only machine-gun armament; on the last disk, Vril-4, judging by dubious photographs, the turret of the Pz-V Panther tank was installed. It is alleged that an attempt to copy the Vril disk was a series of “flying saucers” Haunebu-II. The IV SS Development Center, subordinate to the Black Sun society, was responsible for the development... In his book “German Flying Saucers,” O. Bergmann gives some tactical and technical characteristics of the Haunebu-II. Diameter - 26.3 meters, engine: “Thule”-tachionator 70 - with a diameter of 23.1 meters. Control: pulse magnetic field generator. Speed ​​- 6000 km/h (estimated 21000 km/h). Flight duration is 55 hours and above. Adaptability to flights in outer space is 100 percent. The crew is nine people, with passengers - twenty. The three rotating turrets at the bottom were designed for armament: 6 eight-inch cruiser salvo guns and a remotely controlled one 11-inch KZO in a separate upper rotating turret. If you approach these data with a fair amount of skepticism, then you should doubt the carrying capacity of the device and, in particular, the ability to lift such heavy weapons. Such large devices should have been produced by impressive factories and research laboratories. Where did they go after the collapse of the Nazi empire? One hypothesis is mentioned in many sources and fits perfectly with the overall picture. According to it, in the late 1930s, German expeditions to Antarctica discovered an area later called New Swabia (from 1957 - Queen Maud Land). This area was distinguished by uranium deposits, as well as large and warm underwater caves. Isn’t that where the Nazi “cymbal” factories moved? Was this where Hitler was going to sneak away in order to create a Fourth Reich - a new horror of humanity - from underground on the basis of occultism and alien technologies? Today there are irrefutable facts proving the existence of disc-shaped aircraft in the Third Reich, which in appearance resemble UFOs. We are talking about a Go-229 flying wing jet. Along with this, you can find information about numerous “saucer” projects, such as Belonze’s disk, Zimmermann’s “flying pancake”, Andreas Epp’s “Omega” disk-shaped helicopters and “Focke-Wulf 500”, Kurt Tank’s “ball lightning”. Each of these projects is interesting in its own way and deserves deep consideration, which cannot be done within the framework of one newspaper article... Today it is definitely known that the fascist empire rose through the forces of secret societies, the most famous of which were Thule and Ahnenerbe. It is likely that the Reich still had saucer-shaped aircraft. However, it can hardly be assumed that they went into space or flew to other planets. Unfortunately, history today continues to keep many unsolved mysteries dating back more than half a century.


Somehow it so happened that the countdown of the “saucer” epidemic began in July 1947, after the incident that occurred with the American businessman Kenneth Arnold, who from his own plane for three minutes observed a chain of “saucer-like” objects flying over the mountains . Having reported what he saw to the authorities, and, naturally, to the press, Arnold did not suspect that he was causing a colossal reaction. The newspapers initially ridiculed him. Then came a flurry of reports of “flying saucers”, which were seen both day and night, sometimes moving slowly, and sometimes rushing at great speed. They were seen both from the ground and from airplanes by lone observers and groups of people.

While studying the archives of the Department of the Air Force, members of the commission headed by Menzel discovered materials that described very interesting cases that occurred several years before the Arnold case. Here is what D. Menzel noted: “Shortly before the end of the Second World War, Allied pilots repeatedly reported the appearance of some luminous balls that accompanied planes flying to bomb. These mysterious balls, spotted over Germany and over Japan, seemed to be waiting for the bomber, as they are waiting for a passing car, and immediately attached themselves to it. If the pilot did not try to somehow get rid of them, they calmly flew behind them, but as soon as the pilot tried to maneuver, the fireballs flew forward..."

Lehmann’s little-known book “German Secret Weapons of the Second World War and Its Further Development” (Munich, 1962) contains the following facts:

October 1943. Allied air raid on Europe's largest ball bearing plant in the German city of Schweinfurt. 700 heavy bombers of the US 8th Air Force took part in the operation, and they were accompanied by 1,300 American and British fighters.

The result of the air battle was terrible: the Allies had 111 fighters and about 60 bombers shot down, while the Nazis had 300 aircraft. You can imagine what was happening in the sky! But military pilots have a heightened psyche: in order to survive in the heat, they must record everything and instantly react to any danger. Therefore, the report submitted to the command by British Major R.F. Holmes, who commanded a flight of bombers, is certainly a reliable document.

He reported: when the planes were flying over the plant, a group of large shiny disks suddenly appeared, which, as if curious, rushed towards them. The discs crossed the line of fire of the German vehicles and approached the American bombers. Heavy fire was opened on them from 700 onboard machine guns, but it did not cause any damage to the disks.

However, no hostile actions were taken by the latter. Therefore, the fire was transferred to German planes: the battle continued.

Having received the major's report, the command instructed the special services to carry out a thorough reconnaissance.

Three months later the answer was received. By the way, it contains for the first time the abbreviation UFO – the initial letters of the English words “unidentified flying object”.

The intelligence concluded this: the disks have nothing to do with the Luftwaffe or other air forces on Earth. The Americans came to the same conclusion. It was then, in the strictest secrecy, that research groups to study UFOs were immediately created in the USA and Great Britain.

During the war years this incident was not an isolated one. On March 25, 1942, Polish pilot Captain Roman Sobinski from the British Air Force strategic bomber squadron took part in a night raid on the city of Essen. Having completed the task, he was returning to base when he heard the machine gunner shout: “We are being pursued by an unknown device: an object of indeterminate shape, glowing!”

“I thought,” Sobinsky wrote in his report, that this was some new devilish thing of the Germans, and ordered the machine gunner to open aimed fire.”

The unknown object did not react to this in any way. He approached to a distance of 150 meters and accompanied the aircraft for 15 minutes. Then he quickly gained altitude and disappeared.

At the end of 1942, a German submarine fired its guns at a silver object about 80 meters long, which flew past it three hundred meters away, without reacting to heavy fire.

It was then that the UFO problem was dealt with in Germany. Sonderburo-13 was created, which was tasked with studying mysterious aircraft. The bureau operated under the code name Operation Uranus.

Apparently, the “Third Reich” had something to study. And not just witness testimony. Perhaps the Germans had more definite information and even a “sample” of a UFO. In any case, Sonderburo 13 attracted the most experienced test pilots and the best scientists of the Third Reich, as well as first-class engineers, explosion specialists and prisoners of the Mauthausen concentration camp. On February 19, 1945, tests of the so-called “Belonce Disk” were carried out. In three minutes, test pilots reached an altitude of 15,000 meters and a speed of 2,200 kilometers per hour in horizontal flight. The device could hover in the air, fly forward and backward without turning. It was driven by a “smokeless and flameless” engine of the Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger, and consumed only water and air.

Two versions of the disk-shaped apparatus with a diameter of 38 and 68 meters were created.

The work was carried out at the Breslau plant. There was a rapid advance of the Soviet Army. Breslau was about to fall. The Nazis destroyed the tested devices. The prisoners who worked on their creation were also destroyed. The documentation disappeared without a trace. Schauberger escaped Soviet captivity and ended up in the United States. There he was allegedly offered $3 million for revealing the secret of the flying disc. He refused this offer, saying that nothing could be made public until an international agreement on complete disarmament was signed.

Such a noble pacifist statement by an inventor who worked so successfully for the “Third Reich” without thinking about the future of his brainchild and the possibilities of its use by the Nazis seems somewhat strange. Soviet soldiers prevented the completion of this work. In the USA, no one could prevent Schauberger from selling his invention if it really was his own and not borrowed from a downed or captured UFO.

(V. Ovcharenko. Soviet Belarus. No. 74, 1993)

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From the book Occult Hitler author Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

“Miracle weapon” of the Reich The idea of ​​a “miracle weapon” captivated the imagination of the Germans long before Hitler came to power. The revanchist sentiments that agitated the society of the Weimar Republic manifested themselves in a variety of areas. For example, novels about the future (Zukunftsroman) came into fashion, in

From Herolda’s book “Heritages of Ancestors” author Vasilchenko Andrey Vyacheslavovich From the book of Ahnenerbe. Occult demarche of the SS by Pal Lin fon

From the book Aliens of National Importance author Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich

Sun of the Third Reich March 1943. The Soviet resident in Berlin comes into the hands of highly secret documents from the Wehrmacht photographic laboratory. Mysterious images depict the edge of a black disk framed by a fiery crown. Through a network of messengers, the microfilm is delivered to Moscow. TO

From the book Mysticism in the lives of outstanding people author Lobkov Denis

Henry Ford: developed flying saucers for the Third Reich Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 - April 7, 1947) is best known for pioneering the use of an industrial assembly line for mass production of automobiles. He is called the guru of the automotive industry, and the existing

From the book Phenomena of Other Worlds author Kulsky Alexander

Chapter 13. COSMONAUTS OF THE THIRD REICH?! Conversations on this topic flare up from time to time not only among people whose activities are quite far from space affairs, but also among researchers and scientists. They hit London in the summer of 1944 - these huge (from the point of view

1947 Another expedition of the legendary American polar explorer Richard Byrd approached the shores of Antarctica. Unlike the first three, it is fully funded by the US Navy and has a military name - Operation "High Jump"("High Jump"). Everything is going according to plan: tens of thousands of aerial photographs were taken in the first weeks. And suddenly something mysterious happens: the expedition, designed for six months, hastily winds up after two months and leaves the shores of Antarctica. It was a real escape. The destroyer Murdoch, almost half of the carrier-based aircraft, and dozens of sailors and officers were lost.

Upon his return, Admiral Byrd appears before members of the emergency investigative commission of the US Congress. He reports on an attack on the expedition by strange “flying saucers” that “...emerged from under the water and, moving at tremendous speed, caused significant damage to the expedition.”
Who put the American squadron to flight?

Is it true that the Nazis created a top-secret base in Antarctica? Where did thousands of highly qualified German specialists and highly secret productions of the Third Reich disappear at the end of the war?

Did German scientists really develop disc-shaped flying machines? What results did they actually achieve? Can we trust rumors that Germany was creating disc-shaped flying vehicles capable of going into outer space?

What was the most mysterious organization of the Third Reich - the Ahnenerbe society - looking for in ancient manuscripts of the East and secret documents of secret societies? What's really behind the "hollow earth" theory that was so popular in the Third Reich?

What is the true purpose of the powerful HAARP electronic complex in Alaska? Why are most of the employees of American Antarctic stations directly related to the National Security Agency, CIA and other intelligence agencies? Russian scientists and intelligence veterans take part in the film.