celebration of alternative consciousness

The day of April 21 did not mark anything special and did not stain itself
in history. But he stands in the gap between two other, memorable
dates that were solemnly celebrated by the most powerful and fierce
regimes of the 20th century. April 20 - Hitler's birthday, April 22
- Lenin. Accordingly, April 21 marks a fine line between
two totalitarian abysses along which humanity, as if
narrow bridge, moved into the 21st century.

April 20 – Hitler's Birthday

April 21 – Intellectuals Day

(celebration of alternative consciousness)

April 22 – Lenin’s birthday

It is proposed to celebrate April 21 as an alternative to totalitarian
holidays of the twentieth century, which are still celebrated by admirers of Hitler
and Lenin, heirs of their ideas. In post-Soviet times, extremism
increasingly unites the left and right flanks, brings together the neo-Bolsheviks
and Nazis, Reds and Browns, Leninists and Hitlerites. That's why
it is so important to place the breaking point exactly at the point where they meet. From here
and the symbolic meaning of this date. April 21 is the day of alternative
consciousness, a holiday of challenge to all forms of totalitarianism, all systems
autocracy and like-mindedness, unanimity and like-mindedness.

Lenin and Hitler are political and, in a sense, popular leaders,
but deeply anti-intellectual. Therefore, April 21 is a holiday
consciousness that frees itself from its ideological chimeras
and populist temptations. One of the themes of this holiday is struggle
with anti-intellectual sentiments rooted in authoritarian
and totalitarian traditions of Russian history.

Among the many holidays - patriotic, religious, revolutionary,
women's, men's, miners', marine, sports, etc. - No
not a single one that is actually intellectual (unless one considers it
Teacher's Day). April 21st could become such a holiday.
I can’t imagine people’s processions and festivities on this day,
but representing public debate, intellectual (not political)
dialogue between representatives of different professions and disciplines, schools
and directions - in literature, art, philosophy, humanitarian
and natural sciences. Yes, and in politics, but not about politics.
(It would be interesting to listen, for example, to the dispute between Gryzlov and Zyuganov
about Tsvetaeva’s poems or Nabokov’s prose, or a debate between doctors of philosophy
sciences of Zhirinovsky and Rogozin about Hegel and Husserl - this could
bring a carnival flow during the holiday). On this day intellectuals
would come out of their professional cells - not into the streets and squares,
but towards each other, into the space of interdisciplinary communication.
Competitions would be held - not only for erudites who ran diagonally
all encyclopedias, but also literary tournaments, competitions of thinkers.
It would be possible to revive the tradition of public academic debates
and open competitions, such as those held in the 18th and 19th centuries.
European academies of sciences (victories were won by Jean Jacques
Rousseau and Arthur Schopenhauer).

April 21 is the day of alternatives, no matter what intellectual or
professional field they were not manifested: alternative pedagogy,
aesthetics, poetry, philosophy. This is the day of dissent, dissent,
otherness, otherness, all types of otherness, since they
form a crack in the monoliths of like-mindedness, like-mindedness and unity of action.
The very concept of “intelligence” is etymologically connected with “inter”, “between”,
and literally means “read between, choose between.” These "between"
gaps between public spheres and professions, and are filled
alternative thinking, an “inter-mind” approach. Unlike
April 1, April Fools' Day, April 21 is a holiday for thinking people,
a day of creative initiatives and smart fun.

The spirit of alternativeness, multivariate creative consciousness could
embodied in so-called collective improvisations. IN
several people gather at home or in a club setting,
representatives of various intellectual and creative
professions, and each offers a topic of improvisation - or a topic
are asked by the public. From several topics by lot or by vote
one is selected. Then an hour is given - during this time
essays, poems, small treatises, musical
compositions, acting performances are prepared - in
In general, any genres can be used. Usually so stressful
condition – time pressure and unpredictability of the topic –
leads to unexpected creative breakthroughs that might not otherwise
take place in the conditions of measured office work.
What is also important here is the intersection of the coordinates of communication and creativity,
process of co-thinking, dialogical interaction of different
consciousnesses. Everything created during this hour is read out, played out,
shown and discussed. If improvisation takes place on
public, winners may be identified and awards given, but
This is a secondary and optional point. Bottom line
collective improvisation is precisely a collection of all different genres
embodiments of this theme, a kind of “final work”,
synthesis of arts, sciences, different ways of writing and
self-expression. Another result is an impetus for further, more
purposeful work, prompted by the insights of improvisational
hours. Such collective improvisations were carried out by the Club
essayists in Moscow in the 1980s, and invariably the situation was open
topics and brainstorming generated a surge of inspiration and
unexpected results, which could then be developed
independently by each participant in accordance with his
professional interests. In general, April 21 is favorable for everyone
spontaneous types of creativity, which again makes this
holiday is an alternative to totalitarianism with its cult of the plan and

We are talking about the revival, or more precisely, the birth of traditions in Russia
intellectual social life, not confined to academic
workshops. About the use of the intellect by the public
prestige, so that not only rock and
movie stars. By the way, America needs this no less than Russia, and
few places in the modern world have intellectuals of their own
holiday. The holiday of April 21 could attract the attention of the Russian
society to the fate of the intellect, pressed from all sides and
feudal mentality of strength-honor-service, and
capitalist mentality of profit-use-success.

For all the shortcomings of the Russian public, it cannot be denied
love for the holidays, sometimes excessive. But there are areas
completely unaffected by the holidays. In particular, the Internet is fast
a growing community, which, like any public
organism, must have its own rhythms: its own excesses and austerities,
feasts and fasts, times of shouting and silence, etc. The most
sustainable and super-temporary of all communities - the church: which
rich orchestration of holidays, fasts, sacraments, how complex
Organized rhythmic calendar! Yes and any is correct
organized society, from the state to the family, from the trade union
cells to a couple in love - has its own rhythm, calendar,
ecstasies, labors and pauses... Your everyday life, holidays and fasts -
black, red And white dates.

Intellectual tournaments and collective improvisations on the Day
intellectuals can become red dates in the network calendar, like
great battles and peace treaties in the civil calendar.
And the birthdays of the leader and the Fuhrer will be white dates -
verbal fasting, abstinence, commemoration of their victims... So far, all
Internet calendar - black, everyday, work,
ant... We propose to add colored clearings to it,
draw in red and white on this black board. Internet life
communities need a structure of events that give meaning and
articulation of its monotonous buzzing.

– Day of Intellectuals, Day of Alternative Consciousness and Creative Imagination

– Day of challenge to any totalitarian consciousness – fascist,
communist, national socialist,
religious fundamentalist

– Day of dissent, no matter in what area it manifests itself:
political, economic, ideological, philosophical,

This is the festive opportunity of this alternative day.

April 21st has been celebrated unofficially since 1998. On this day on the Internet
The Encyclopedia of Alternative Ideas was opened, and in
Universe - the first alternative planetary system (in the constellation
Centaur). On the same day in Moscow is held annually
festival of new music "Alternative".

Since every holiday in our country is traditionally accompanied by calls
and toasts, here is the slogan:

Long live the alternatives! Be different! Be
sometimes brilliant. A little. By chance.

This means, in particular: try not to be geniuses of all times and
nations, like those born around the Day of Alternatives.

The choice of religion by a people is always determined by its rulers. The true religion is always the one professed by the sovereign; the true god is the god whom the sovereign commands to be worshiped; Thus, the will of the clergy, which guides the sovereigns, always turns out to be the will of God himself.

Adolf Hitler is probably one of the most significant people in the history of the 20th century. He was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria, in the city of Braunau am Inn, at Salzburger Vorstadt 15. His father, Alois, was a shoemaker, then became a customs officer. Alois was married three times. With his last wife, Clara, he had 6 children (according to other sources there were 5 children), of whom Adolf and his younger sister Paula lived for quite a long time. Hitler's birthday was on April 21. Clara's grandfather was Alois's father. At the age of 16, Adolf graduated from school in Linz. His nationalist views were largely influenced by Professor Petsch. After his father's death, he tried to enter the Vienna Academy, but failed. The boy had a good sense of humor and was interested in music and painting. After the death of his mother, he went to live in Vienna. Life there was very bad. Lived in homeless shelters. He earned his living by physical labor and ate poorly. On the eve of the war he moved to Munich. Here he continued to live as before. In the first years of the war, he became a volunteer in the German army, where he showed himself very well, for which he was awarded the Iron Crosses of the 1st and 2nd degrees. Was wounded twice.

Adolf Hitler took defeat in the war very close to his heart. Adolf was then accepted into the German Workers' Party, where he quickly became its leader, and renamed the party the "German National Socialist German Workers' Party" (NSDAP). The party began to grow. The decision was made to overthrow the government of the Weimar Republic. On November 9, Hitler and other party leaders led the Nazis as they marched toward the city center. The road was blocked by police and a shootout began. As a result, Operation Beer Hall Putsch failed.

Hitler was convicted of treason. From the dock, Hitler accused the republic's authorities of treason and swore that he would punish his accusers. He left prison in less than 1 year, although he was sentenced to five years. In 1924 Hitler headed to Obersalzberg, where he lived for several years, and in 1928 rented a villa, which he later acquired and named “Berghof”. He disbanded the party and began to attract the electorate. Adolf Hitler called for revenge for the Treaty of Versailles, to kill all Jews and communists, and to revive a great country. He received support from major industrialists. The Land Union also provided him with enormous help. Hitler made a conspiracy with F. von Papen, as a result of which he became chancellor.

In 1934, Hitler faced opposition from E. Rehm, who demanded more advanced social services. reforms, called for a new revolution. Hitler, who needed the support of the army, opposed his former comrades. Röhm was accused of preparing the assassination of Hitler, and in the massacre (the so-called “night of the long knives”) he was killed, along with several hundred SA leaders. Having received powers from the Reichstag, Hitler began preparing for war. In August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact, which gave Hitler the opportunity to unite all forces to conquer Europe.

On September 1, 1939, Germany attacked Poland - this was the beginning of World War II. Hitler took command of the armed forces. He drew up his plan for the conquest of Europe. Hitler's birthday is April 21 After capturing Denmark, Holland, Norway, Belgium and France, Hitler decided to invade Great Britain. His plans also included the conquest of the USSR. July 20, 1944 was the last attempt to kill Hitler. It was near Rustenburg. A time bomb was detonated there, but somehow miraculously the Fuhrer survived. British, American and Soviet troops surrounded Berlin. At this time, Hitler was hiding in a bunker, underground. On April 30, 1945, having written a will in which he asked the future leaders of the country to fight “the poisoners of all nations - international Jewry” - he shot himself.

Nature told the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.

Lenin, Stalin and Hitler are great names that all history buffs know. These people became famous for their political actions and evoked different emotions in society.

Some respected their politics, others hated them as individuals. Nevertheless, these historical figures left an indelible mark on the history of all mankind.

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin)

The Soviet politician and statesman was born on April 22, 1870 (on the 10th old style). The birthplace of the great figure is Simbirsk. Vladimir Lenin is considered the founder of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Most historical researchers, even those who never recognize communism, speak of Lenin as the most significant revolutionary.

As experts who study this person’s psychotype note, the negative aspect in his character was the dominance of authoritarianism and the lack of ability to perceive other people’s opinions. Lenin knew how to change his tactics between various aspects that determine political gain.

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili)

According to the official version, the politician’s birthday falls on December 21, 1879 (the 9th according to the old style). Joseph was born in the Tiflis province. Today, all historians evaluate Stalin as the main revolutionary of Russia. In 1945, Joseph rose to the rank of Generalissimo of the Soviet Union. Until 1953, the politician was a leader in the Soviet state.

The main policy of Joseph Vissarionovich was the active collectivization of agriculture. The time of his reign coincided with the Great Patriotic War. After its completion, Stalin decided to set a course for transforming Russia into a superpower. Since the statesman pursued a policy of personal dictatorship, authoritarianism was visible to the naked eye. Stalin was both loved and hated because his policies were very tough, repressive, with prevailing anti-Semitism. According to psychologists, Stalin had the following character traits: narcissism, sociopathy, sadistic tendencies and paranoia. His policies led to Russia turning from an agricultural to an industrial country. The political world did not accept his methods and considered them too insidious.

Adolf Hitler

Born on April 20, 1889 in the village of Ranshofen. In those historical times he was a central figure in National Socialism. At his instigation, a totalitarian regime was introduced in Germany and the Third Reich appeared. In World War II, Hitler was the Supreme Commander of the German Armed Forces. He participated in both the First and Second Wars.

Hitler never listened to the opinions of others and pursued a policy of authoritarianism. His regime was bloody and caused many deaths only because the politician was a convinced racist.

Common features of historical figures

At the moment, we can say that these people, who distinguished themselves throughout the world and became famous thanks to the implementation of their policies, have only one thing in common - they all did not listen to the opinions of others, and believed that only their actions were correct, not subject to any discussion . Their policies would be unacceptable today. Current modern government leaders do not see the positive things accomplished by Lenin, Stalin and Hitler.

Have you forgotten that Hitler's birthday is April 20?

This holiday with tears in my eyes

To Russian national holidays - such as Kurban Bayram, Hanukkah, the birthday of the great Mstislav Rostropovich and no less great Galina Vishnevskaya and Alla Pugacheva, another holiday has recently been added - the birthday of Adolf Aloizovich Hitler. We can safely say that since 2002, this day has been celebrated in our country on a larger scale than May 9 or February 23.

A few weeks before April 20, the press and television began to remind the Russian people every day that this significant date was approaching, and it was time to do something.

What then? - asked an inexperienced viewer.

Like, of course, pogroms,” the TV presenters marveled at the naive question. - On the day of April 20, it is necessary to organize pogroms. Don't you know?

The closer to the cherished day, the more clearly the reminder was heard from screens and newspaper pages:

Citizens, have you forgotten that April 20 is Hitler's birthday? Do you remember that pogroms are planned?

Around Moscow they began to catch the main showmen of the future holiday - “skinheads” - and drag whomever where: those who are unlucky will get hit in the neck with a baton by the police, those who are lucky will be told horror stories about pogroms and murders on television. The lucky ones, turning their backs to the TV camera, relished pictures about the Indian students they had killed, Afghan refugees and their native homeless people.

The holiday was inexorably approaching. Someone, having watched enough television, wanted to take part in the pogrom themselves and looked around with hope - where was the promised spectacle, why so much was promised, but nothing interesting was happening; someone, cautiously sticking their Caucasian nose out from under the counter, fainted at the sight of bald customers; someone stood guard over the law and, twirling a rubber baton like Chingachgook with a tomahawk, looked with a keen eye to see if the bald scalp of a young citizen of the Russian Federation would flash on the horizon... Here and there, panic began: as soon as several bald individuals appeared on the market, someone rushed to the exit in horror, caught a taxi and urgently evacuated away from the dangerous area. At the Cherkizovsky market, it seemed to someone that “something had begun,” and dozens of proud sons of the Caucasus rushed to the cars standing nearby:

Daragoy, spare me!!! – they shouted in a broken voice.

How much do you pay? - the impudent “drivers” calmly asked.

As much as you want, only be careful!

To whom it is war, and to whom mother is dear...

Suddenly a rumor spread that the insidious “skinheads”, seeing an unimaginable number of police in every corner of the capital of our Motherland, decided to outwit the law enforcement officers and rushed in a crowd to smash the blacks and Chinese... in Kolomna, near Moscow! But there has not yet been a “skinhead” who could outwit our officials and the police: as soon as they found out about the bloodthirsty plans of the skinheads, the trains to Kolomna were immediately canceled. Summer residents are used to it and won’t be indignant, but the “skinheads” will have to make a forced march of a hundred kilometers! And when they come running, it will already be April 21, which means they are late with the pogrom for the holiday! True, over time it turned out that the “skinheads” were not going to Kolomna to smash blacks, but near Voskresensk - to their grandmother’s dacha. In the amount of two people. And they turned out not to be “skinheads”, but conscripts into their native Russian army...

Funny pogrom stories

Those older patriots remember how in the late eighties newspapers looked for pogrom makers from “Pamyat” and asked the patriots very much: “Well, organize a pogrom! Any kind of small-town pogromist, even a tiny one!” The newspapers repeatedly mentioned the dates of the pogroms, but each time there was a mistake. They stubbornly did not want to beat the Jews, but the journalists did not calm down and, with the tenacity of maniacs, named new and new dates for the pogroms.

One figure, I remember, sent letters with threats from “Memory militants” to the editorial offices of Jewish publications (and there were few others). So he signed: “Militants of the Memory organization.” The Jew Baklanov, editor-in-chief of the Znamya magazine, even published this threat in facsimile, in order to further frighten his compatriots and direct their vigorous energy to fight the pogroms... Then an embarrassment happened. The police got on the trail of a potential pogromist and caught him red-handed, but it turned out to be not a “Memory” militant, but... a St. Petersburg Jew, who was subsequently sentenced to two years’ probation for these acts. Of course, none of the Jewish editors apologized to the readers for the journalistic “duck,” not even Baklanov.

From the scandal created in the Central House of Writers by Konstantin Ostashvili and the writing group “April”, they quickly concocted a tragedy on a universal scale in order to remind the Jews: “Russian fascism” does not sleep!

A typical case confirming that the media instilled a lot of fear in the Jewish average happened to us ten years ago... One day, a breathless son of Israel flew up to the Black Hundred picket near the Arbatskaya metro station in hysterics and began to poke his hand in the hands of the Black Hundred picketers. passport, shout that he is a Jew, and demand an immediate pogrom, because he is tired of waiting and being afraid every day. Apparently, the comrade was overwhelmed by the same feelings as the criminal, who was tired of waiting hour after hour for arrest and finally decided to turn himself in.

I'm not afraid of you! - the unfortunate man shouted, shaking, - do a pogrom, here is my address, I live in Izmailovo, come and do some pogrom! Immediately!

The Arbat people, greedy for spectacle, instantly formed a living ring around the picket, which added greater courage to the Jew, eager for a pogrom. Truly, even death is red in the world.

Here's my address! - he pointed his finger at the mark in the passport. - Thunder, thunder, I tell you! Come with me to destroy my house, I'm not afraid of you!

Explaining to a comrade that the “Black Hundred” does not engage in pogroms was completely useless and I had to accept the rules of his game...

But we won’t smash you! - I shouted sarcastically into a megaphone.

No, you will! - the comrade continued to insist.

We won't!

You will!!! - the opponent fell into a real rage.

The crowd was choking, shaking with laughter, some bent over in half, others almost fell onto the asphalt. Some people thought that what was happening was a talented Arbat performance, a show for passers-by.

Thirsting for pogrom, he went on a rampage, shouted over the megaphone, and demanded his way. The picket could develop into a scandal with unpredictable consequences, I realized that it was time to end the farce and, turning to my people, asked:

When will the pogrom group be released?

In two weeks, not earlier. We have a lot of people like this one, there are so many applications,” my comrades played along with me.

Well, so that’s it, comrade... In two weeks, on Thursday, not earlier. We set it for 14.30. Stay home. Cost 200 US dollars, preliminary payment in rubles at the MICEX exchange rate. Do you agree with the terms and conditions? Write a request. I dictate: “I ask for a pogrom group of the Black Hundred... I undertake to stay at home... In case of violation of the contract, the pogrom will not be carried out and the money will not be returned to the client. Number, signature.” The crowd sobbed and applauded wildly.

The poor Jew either cooled down, or realized that they were mocking him, or regretted the money. Muttering something inarticulate, he hid his passport and slowly, as if recovering from anesthesia, entered the subway. The people, pleased with the spectacle, slowly dispersed...

This episode, comical at first glance, only confirmed the fact that the leaders of the chosen people, artificially intimidating their own, on the one hand, united the nation, on the other hand, they imagined their people to be eternally and unfairly persecuted. It turned out like in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Fox,” where “the beaten one carries the unbeaten.”

“Pogromists” of our day and the law on extremism

When Barkashov appeared with his RNE, it was only the lazy who did not publish an interview with him and did not photograph his hands raised in the “Aryan greeting”.

Now RNE has been destroyed, you can’t intimidate anyone with “Memory”, there seems to be no one to be afraid of, but a “law on extremism” is needed. When will such a Duma appear, which, like a tame bear, will fulfill all the whims of rich tamers? “Skinheads” came to the rescue in time, and it began! Program after program, article after article! And let the democrats then tell us whatever they want about their “freedom of speech,” but for some reason all these democratic journalists are very timely raising the fuss that the authorities need at this very moment.

The funniest, as usual, was the article in Moskovsky Komsomolets. And it was called scary: “Extraordinary fascism” - “MK correspondent infiltrated the ranks of the largest Nazi organization in Moscow.”

Even I, familiar with patriotic and nationalist groups, well acquainted with the methods of work of “MK,” found myself intrigued: what if I had missed something? Suddenly there really is something that I don’t know...

“We found this organization,” I continued to read “MK,” “The MK journalist infiltrated the ranks of the capital’s Nazis and became one of the skinheads. The results of our investigation can safely be called sensational.”

Is there really such a party? - I turn the page with genuine interest and... What would you think? Apparently things are really bad for the “anti-fascists”, if they are going to make another fascist horror story out of... Ivanov-Sukharevsky!

...The Komsomol fool, imagining herself as Mata Hari and anticipating a good salary for “dangerous work,” came to the NNP (People’s National Party of Ivanov-Sukharevsky - ed.) and “infiltrated” it. As the Komsomol spy admits, “it wasn’t difficult to do it.” Immediately, the Komsomol member was entrusted with proofreading the text of the newspaper “Ya-Russky”, allowed to access the computer, and after five days of “work” she was invited to come in uniform (white shirt, black skirt, black tie) to the “gathering of commanders”. To scare the average person even more, a Komsomol spy wrote that evil “skinheads” are training in the Moscow riot police, that is, the conclusion is this: the police not only indulge the “fascists”, turning a blind eye to their crimes, but also allow them to train in their own gyms, almost trains...

Those who belong to various military sports clubs actually train at the sports bases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and no one could stop several members of the NNP from training there. Now, apparently, such clubs will either be put on the street or everyone who enters will be forced to give a signature that he is not a member of the “skinhead” organization... In Germany there was a ban on professions, we will soon have a ban on sports sections...

As one would expect, three days after the publication of the “horror story” about Ivanov-Sukharevsky, “MK” publishes a note “We are defenseless,” which contains statements from readers about the threat of “extremism” and “fascism.” Dumb-headed readers (or those swindlers who write letters for them in the editorial office) are worried about the growing threat, they are worried, worried about the growth of the “skinhead movement”... One overly fearful lady - a certain Zhanna Sergeevna - reported that “parents (20 -April 21 - ed.) were afraid to let the children go to the Moscow region for the weekend.” Let us once again be convinced of the mental abilities of the readers of the Komsomol newspaper...

Who is the fascist?

It is clear that the command “Face!” was given to newspapers and television. True, it is not clear who exactly to persecute, because it is clear to normal people that there is no extremism based on Russian nationalism, and never has been, and the fact that this happened at the Tsaritsyn market at the right time is either the dirty work of the special services, or a criminal “showdown.” You can provoke a crowd of angry youth against anyone without much difficulty... Does the president understand this? I think he understands that he doesn’t live on the moon. Nevertheless, he speaks out as someone strongly advises him. I quote the words of the popularly elected one from the message to the Federal Assembly:

The growth of extremism poses a serious threat to stability and public security in the country. We are talking primarily about those who, under fascist and nationalist slogans, organize pogroms, beat and kill people.

At the same time, the police and prosecutors often do not have sufficiently effective tools to bring to justice the organizers and instigators of these crimes. In many cases, the case is limited to bringing only the direct perpetrators to court. In fact, extremist gangs operate essentially like organized crime groups and are subject to similar prosecution.

It turns out that stability in society is seriously (!) threatened by extremists under fascist slogans. Not Chubais, who freezes cities and villages, not the oligarchs who stole the people's property, not the NATO troops who stand around Russia... Vladimir Vladimirovich, at least don’t make complete idiots out of people. The fairy tale about the terrible “Russian fascists” will no longer pass, no matter how hard your journalists and television crews try, because people see: fascist plans are implemented by those who sit in the presidential administration and in the White House, they do it systematically, point by point Hitler's plans to destroy the Russian people. And it doesn’t really matter to us under what slogans - nationalist, fascist or, like you, democratic - this destruction occurs. And you will quickly find extremists in the government, in your administration, in the deputy corps, among the oligarchs and their fierce guards... After all, these are not “skinheads”, but the democratic government over the course of a decade and a half has turned a great country into a raw materials appendage without industry, army, education, agriculture , science... If all this is not extremism, then what is? These are not “skinheads”, but members of your government, which you personally appoint, are creating such conditions that our people are dying out a million people a year. And this is called “genocide” and is punishable, by the way, by law - up to twenty years in prison. But for some reason you are in no hurry to imprison members of your cabinet. You probably consider yourself innocent... These are not “skinheads”, but your officials are mired in corruption, bribery, and betrayal of national interests. And the higher the rank of an official, the greater the rogue, traitor and thief he is. These are not “skinheads”, but members of your government who allowed NATO troops to approach the borders of our Motherland, and in order to somehow justify the betrayal, they told the people that it was our friends who were surrounding Russia with missiles and tanks.

A simple conclusion arises that it is precisely the members of your government, your administration, your bankers and oligarchs with whom you love to meet - all of you - that are the main threat to the stability and public security of Russia. You - with your officials, who have multiplied more than in the fifteen republics of the USSR combined, you with your media, bringing depravity and deception, you with your Voloshins, Kiriens, Grefs, Klebanovs, Chubais and others, you have no number, All of you are the main threat to stability and public safety. It is under your power that the country is losing 15-20 billion dollars a year, exported abroad by no means by “skinheads”. This money in a poor country is stolen by those who sit in the highest offices... These are not “skinheads”, but your oligarchs, ministers and other crooks using the money stolen from the people to buy villas in Florida, France and Spain...

The law veiledly called the main extremist the “skinhead” and, in general, every Russian who is dissatisfied with the influx of Caucasians and other foreigners into our country, because not a single normal person is happy that the markets are captured by Azerbaijanis, hotels by Chechens, and banks by Jews. So, in principle, it will be possible to imprison everyone who has not lost their sight, because only the blind cannot see this disgrace. Soon they will call an extremist under the fascist slogan someone who does not like power outages, rising rents, delays in earned money... that is, someone who still understands something and at least somehow expresses his emotions. In fact, for you, an extremist is someone who does not want to see Russia as a US colony.

It is clear what your administration is trying to achieve by pushing the law on extremism - the destruction of the opposition. You want no one to stop your proteges from quietly, without scandals and revelations, finishing off what is still left in Russia, finishing off what is still somehow holding on, finishing off what has not yet completely collapsed. And the opposition gets in the way, flutters around, organizes some rallies, publishes some newspapers, is indignant... Now for the indignation - to answer!

You see that Chubais is stealing - turn away, close your eyes.

Children freeze in the apartment in winter - buy a “potbelly stove”.

Caucasians raped their daughter? “But haven’t you gotten rid of racial prejudice yet?” Are you an extremist?

Don't like that a Jew became the owner of a bank and a TV channel? Open your own bank, buy a TV channel, but don’t be indignant, don’t download your rights, don’t talk about what you see. What, no money? You can’t feed your children, let alone open a bank? So what are you like... with your pig's snout in a Kalash line?! It’s my own fault, I should have invested the voucher wisely.

Is NATO on the border? So those in the government are no more stupid than you, they will sort it out. Work calmly (if you find a job), don’t twitch, read “MK”, watch “Field of Miracles”, drink advanced beer and all this - with your eyes closed. And if you dare to open your eyes and see what they have done to this country, then you are an extremist and a fascist, and you have no place in a civilized society.

Does Putin read his reports before he makes them public?

In the above excerpt from the address to the Federal Assembly there is another pearl. One of two things: either Vladimir Vladimirovich, like Leonid Ilyich in his time, does not read his reports, or considers his listeners to be complete idiots. Let us quote again: “The growth of extremism poses a serious threat to stability and public security in the country. We are talking primarily about those who, under fascist, nationalist slogans, organize pogroms, beat and kill people.”

The president claims that the growth of extremism poses a serious threat... Here we can agree, if we mean Chechnya, Dagestan, endless explosions, and so on. But what does the president say next? What first of all (!) we are talking about those who are under fascist... and further in the text. That is, the president, a former intelligence officer, sees danger not in real bandits, not in those who (by the way, without fascist slogans) blow up people, who in Chechnya and other regions of Russia organize murders and kidnappings almost every day, who tortures our compatriots in basements and pits - and in boys - “skinheads”, whose energy, with a little attention from the state, can be easily channeled into a positive direction by creating sports sections, military sports clubs, tourist camps... But is this what our government needs? No, she needs Russian youth, instinctively feeling injustice towards their people, to pour out their discontent on those who come to hand, and not on those who really deserve the people's anger. Someone smart is turning the arrows of discontent from the Chubais to the Indian student, from criminals in government positions to fans of other clubs. I am sure that those organizations that do not benefit from the unity of the Russian people are suppliers of provocateurs who pit young Spartak and Dynamo players, “skinheads” and “rappers” and so on against each other. Let Russian youth beat each other up, and we will reap the benefits. And when their youthful fervor goes beyond the boundaries of internecine football battles, they will be given some Somali or Malay and will be told that it is they - the “racially inferior” ones - who are to blame for their troubles.

Not a day without provocation! - under this motto, “knights of the cloak and dagger” carry out difficult service...

The hysterical sabbath in the media about “fascism and extremism” was unexpectedly supported by... the ambassadors of Sweden, Gabon, Ecuador, Libya, Cameroon and the Philippines.

They are concerned about the safety of their citizens “in connection with the attacks of Russian fascists.” For an hour, Russian Foreign Minister Ivanov talked with the excited ambassadors. True, as always, the matter was ruined by... irresponsible police. It turns out that according to police reports, the number of crimes against “Russians” and foreign citizens is the same and corresponds to the general state of crime in Russia. And there is no point in artificially heating up the situation. But what do the ambassadors care about any reports? They didn’t just come to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Someone told them that it was time, long ago, to make noise about extremism in Russia. The funny thing is that comrade from Sweden Sven Hirdman was especially zealous. I wonder what made him come to the Foreign Ministry? I have never heard of “skinheads” offending Swedes - true Aryans... Why did he turn out to be the organizer of this, as he put it, “demarche”? In which lodge did he receive instructions to deal with “Russian fascism” and extremism, or rather, the remnants of Russian resistance? However, which particular lodge developed this demarche is not important. The actions of high-ranking diplomats only confirmed the fact that Russia’s internal affairs are planned abroad, that our rulers are only viceroys of those who rule the world...

The closer to the hearing date of the Law on Extremism, the more compelling the grounds for its adoption must be. Massacres by “skinheads” organized by someone and visits of foreign ambassadors to the Russian Foreign Ministry were not enough for the authorities... On May 27, 2002, on the Kiev highway, thirty-two kilometers from Moscow, an “advertising” board with the inscription “Death to the Jews!” was erected by unknown persons. People drove by calmly until 28-year-old Tatyana Sapunova decided to put an end to such visible propaganda. When she approached the shield and tried to pull it out of the ground, there was an explosion that crippled the unfortunate woman. As it turned out, a homemade “stretch”, which is often used in “hot” spots, worked. The charge was equivalent to fifty grams of TNT. This incident was reported by all newspapers and television channels, including the Vremya program. “Komsomolskaya Pravda” placed the headline on the entire front page: “Tatyana against the Black Hundred.”

On May 29, near one of the Moscow synagogues, two unknown people hit the son of an American rabbi on the nose. Needless to say, the beaten son was shown on all programs, and the culprits of the broken nose were called “skinheads” and anti-Semites. As usual, the police had a different opinion, in any case, the press secretary of some department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said that one should not draw hasty conclusions and, perhaps, the reason for the attack was hooliganism or some other reason.

I remember that the Red Terror began with the murder of Uritsky... The killer turned out to be the Jewish youth Kanigisser. For the fact that one Jew killed another Jew, the Russians paid with hundreds of thousands of lives. Although not on such a scale, history invariably repeats itself.

On June 9, the day of the defeat of the Russian national football team, a crowd of thousands of football hooligans committed an unprecedented pogrom in the very center of Moscow. Only they know where the vaunted special services, riot police, internal troops, police and other FSB men were located that day. They probably received orders not to interfere. They killed a boy, injured a dozen or two passers-by, beat up an innocent Japanese musician, turned many cars into burning torches... But it is interesting that in the reports about this vandalism there were even notes of justification and regret for the rioters. The fact is that the pogrom took place without anti-Semitic and anti-Caucasian slogans, and therefore, as the Prosecutor General said, it does not relate to political extremism. So it’s not so scary...

On June 12, on the day of Russian independence (from its territories), a sign “Death to the Jews!” was installed on the 83rd kilometer of the Moscow Ring Road. and a dummy explosive device, which was courageously eliminated by security forces...

There is no doubt that the opportunely arranged provocations will allow the authorities to launch another “witch hunt.” On the eve of the adoption of the Law, broken noses of Jews and Caucasians, posters about “Jews” and “churks” appeared in abundance. Provocateurs do not eat bread for nothing... I am sure that now, after the adoption of the Law, everything will calm down - there will be no posters, no pogroms, unless, of course, the authorities need to launch some other campaign against the Russian people.

What's special about this 50-year-old documentary writer from Argentina is not that he puts forward such theories. Perhaps Abel Basti was the first to support the theory of Hitler’s disappearance with real documents and photos from the archives of the special services. In 2004, the writer published his first book, which brought him international success, “The Nazis in Bariloche.” However, it was impossible to predict what kind of “bomb” he would explode in the second part of his story - the bestseller “Hitler in Argentina.” Having conducted research, interviewed dozens of witnesses, and published documents declassified by the FBI, Basti wants to prove that Hitler could have hidden in South America and lived there to old age. Let the readers of AiF judge how well he succeeded. The writer kindly agreed to give an interview to the largest Russian weekly magazine.

The Fuhrer's jaw was not examined for DNA

- SENOR Basti, in your book you claim that on April 30, 1945, Hitler managed to escape from Berlin by plane. How could he do this if by that time the airfields were destroyed and the Allies controlled the skies?

My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 plane. At night, throughout the last week of April, air transport of the Fuhrer's trusted representatives landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, where street lighting poles were preserved. For example, Reich Minister Speer left the “Führerbunker” on the 20th, and three days later calmly returned back on the Fieseler-Storch plane. As you can see, the Allied air defense did not stop him. On April 25, a secret meeting was held in the “Führerbunker” to evacuate Hitler, in which the female pilot Hanna Reitsch, the famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler’s personal pilot Hans Baur took part. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed Operation Seraglio.

- And who exactly, in your opinion, carried out the evacuation of Hitler?

Two days later, five Storch planes arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), and on April 28, the same Ju-52, piloted by pilot Bosser, arrived - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence. A day later, on the orders of General Adolf Galland, the last forces of the German Air Force were unexpectedly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich - a hundred Me-262 jet fighters. They covered Hannah Reitsch’s plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly away from Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out is not disputed by any historian. The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading to Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed on a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Müller and Bormann.

- Okay, but what about the fragments of Hitler’s jaw, which are stored in Moscow in the archives of the FSB? Research by both Soviet and independent experts unanimously confirmed that it belonged to the Fuhrer. What happens then - Hitler had part of his jaw torn off, but he still escaped?

Experts only had the opportunity to compare this charred jaw with x-rays of that era, which were of terrible quality, and with the testimony of Hitler’s personal dentist - and he could say anything. If you know, no DNA testing has ever been carried out: Russia systematically refuses to allow such analysis. Meanwhile, this is the only way to find out the truth: it is necessary to compare DNA samples that can be obtained from the remains of Adolf Hitler’s sister, Paula, who died in 1960 and was buried in the Bergfriedhof cemetery. I formally appeal to the Russian authorities to allow me to examine this jaw to obtain final proof that I am telling the truth.

- You know, people love conspiracy theories. For so many years there has been talk about the mysterious disappearance of “Nazi number two” - Martin Bormann, who evaporated from Berlin on May 1, 1945. A lot of people swore that they saw him in South America with their own eyes and could not be mistaken. But in 1972, a skeleton was found while digging a pit in Berlin, and a double DNA study showed that these were Bormann’s bones...

The funny thing is: both are right here. Martin Bormann really escaped, lived in Argentina and Paraguay: I found a lot of evidence of this, including documentary ones - especially a photo of Bormann taken in the fifties. Therefore, it is quite possible that when Bormann died of natural causes, his remains were secretly transported to Berlin, after which a performance was staged with their “find”.

Best of the day

“Submarines found off the coast of Argentina”

- AGAIN: in your book you write that Hitler and Eva Braun, along with an extensive retinue and security, arrived in Argentina on three submarines, which were then sunk in the bay for purposes of conspiracy. Indeed, in the place that you indicated, at a depth of approximately 30 meters under water, with the help of special equipment, teams of divers discovered large objects covered with sand. But where is the evidence that these are Nazi submarines?

I relied on the testimony of witnesses who, after the war, observed the arrival of three submarines with swastikas in the tiny bay of Caleta de los Loros, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro. You say: Argentina has formally been at war with Germany since March 27, 1945 - maybe these are traces of past naval battles? However, in the archives of the Argentine Ministry of Defense there is not a single word about the sinking of any German submarines. Then where did these sunken ships lying on the ground come from? I submitted a request that the submarines be brought to the surface and thoroughly examined. German submarines sailed to Argentina several times after the war - for example, the submarine U-977 arrived in the country on August 17, 1945: it is assumed that its commander Heinz Schaeffer was transporting gold and other valuables of the Third Reich.

- You published a US FBI document that casts serious doubt on the official version of the death of Adolf Hitler. This paper, dated November 13, 1945, contains a report from an American agent in Argentina who works as a gardener for wealthy German colonists - the Eichhorns. The agent reports that the couple, who live in the village of La Falda, have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future. Is this document real?

This is a very strange question because I legally obtained this document after it was declassified from the FBI archives: file number 65-53615. And this is far from the only documentary evidence of Hitler’s escape. There are several more secret reports from the FBI, CIA and MI5 about the living Fuhrer - but, unfortunately, the USA, Britain and Russia have not yet fully declassified all materials relating to this topic. For example, there are three shorthand recordings of a conversation between Joseph Stalin (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes) - there the leader of the USSR openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape. Over fifteen years, I conducted hundreds of interviews with direct witnesses to Hitler's presence in Argentina. Most of them have only started talking now - many Nazis in Argentina have died, they have nothing to fear anymore, although not everyone is still making contact. A letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, has also been preserved - he reports that he is going to attend a meeting in Argentina between Hitler and the Croatian “Führer” Pavelic.

- You often refer to the testimony of witnesses. But how, in this case, should we treat the words of other witnesses who saw Hitler dead and buried his corpse?

There is not a single person who saw with his own eyes how Hitler saw through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. The story of the Fuhrer's suicide from beginning to end was invented by people from his inner circle - it was a special plan to confuse everyone. But even at first glance, there are several contradictions in the eyewitness accounts of Hitler's death if you study the archival documents. At first it was said that he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot me in the temple. After - excuse me, first he poisoned himself, and then he shot himself. Potassium cyanide causes instant death and convulsions: how did the person then pull the trigger of the gun?

About Hitler.
nikolaimoisenko 30.04.2010 10:31:09

I had to read a lot of similar publications on the topic of Hitler’s flight. But no one has officially confirmed reliable facts about his flight or suicide. Maybe he really fled, or maybe he committed suicide. I served in 1967-69 in Karl Marx Stadt, Among the Germans With whom I had to talk about this topic, there is also no consensus.

Big doubts about leaving And Hitler's native Germany
Tim Don 21.03.2016 05:57:37

There are big doubts about A. Hitler leaving his native Germany. This was not taken into account - how could such a person, completely devoted to the cause and life of the German People, live with such a stone far from his homeland.
Preparing for a New War, they would know about such preparation.