A child has been found accused of witchcraft by his own parents in Nigeria. A two-year-old child was kicked out of his home and wandered the streets for about 8 months. The unfortunate man slept right on the ground, like a homeless animal. He had to eat what he found in the garbage bins. When the baby was found, he was almost dying from exhaustion and helminth infection. And this in a country with a population of about 194 million people!

Anja Ringren Laven, a resident of Denmark, works to protect children's rights. It was she who, after visiting Nigeria, spoke about the horrors that are happening to innocent children in our time. The human rights activist says that she and a group of assistants saw many children’s corpses and those who were still struggling in their death throes.

Monstrous superstitions that exist in Africa encourage insane parents to abandon children who are “suspected of being witches.” It is difficult to imagine that it was possible to “notice” a two-year-old child to act in such an inhumane manner. Moreover, there are tens and hundreds of thousands of such children around the world.

The child was provided with urgent medical assistance and the most careful care. The baby is slowly recovering.

Was found child accused of witchcraft own parents. The two-year-old child was kicked out of his home and wandered the streets for about 8 months. The unfortunate man slept right on the ground, like a homeless animal. He had to eat what he found in the garbage bins. When the baby was found, he was almost dying from exhaustion and helminth infection. And this is in a country with a population of about 194 million people!

Anja Ringren Laven, a resident of Denmark, works to protect children's rights. It was she who, after visiting Nigeria, spoke about the horrors that are happening to innocent children in our time. The human rights activist says that she and a group of assistants saw many children’s corpses and those who were still struggling in their death throes.

The monstrous superstitions that exist in Russia prompt insane parents to abandon children who are “suspected of being witches.” It is difficult to imagine that it was possible to “notice” a two-year-old child to act in such an inhumane manner. Moreover, there are tens and hundreds of thousands of such children around the world.

Do you still think that your life is bad?

The child was provided with urgent medical assistance and the most careful care. The baby is slowly recovering.

AND a skinny child lived on the streets of Nigeria for 8 months. But everything changed when volunteer Anya met him. Horrified by the child’s condition, she bent down to the baby, gave him water, then wrapped him in a blanket and took him to the hospital. The boy was named Hope (hope from English), they gave him first medical care and raised money for treatment and rehabilitation.

This is how he was before:

On January 31, Anja Ringgren, an aid worker from Denmark, found him and named him Hope (the name means “Hope” in English).

2 weeks later at Hope Hospital in stable condition

“Today he has the strength to sit and smile at us. He's a strong little boy."

“That’s what makes life so beautiful and valuable, let the pictures speak for themselves.”

Hope (right) plays with Anya's son David Jr. while they visit him in the hospital Anja Ringgren Lowen and her husband David Emmanuel Umem began building their orphanage for the disadvantaged children of Nigeria

Now Hope has recovered so much that it looks like he will soon have to go on a diet :)

The baby lives at the African Development Fund Relief and Education Center in Uyo.

The boy's health has completely recovered, but he will have to undergo another operation due to a congenital disease - hypospadias (a malformation of the urethra).

Rescued Child

First lessons

“As you can see, Hope is enjoying life with his 35 new siblings who care for him, play, and study together. They love him here." Anya Loven said that Hope has hypospadias, a congenital abnormality of the urethra, for which he will undergo surgery next week. “The doctors have performed this operation many times, so everything will be fine with him,” Anya assured.

Anja Ringgren Lowen is the founder of the Foundation to Help African Children Develop and Learn. Three years ago she created this organization to help children accused of witchcraft. Such children were abandoned and sometimes even killed by members of their own communities. “Thousands of children are being called wizards and witches, and we have seen them intimidated, tortured, killed,” Loven wrote on Facebook alongside photos of herself feeding a little boy, calling for donations to help pay for his treatment. “All this money will go not only to pay for Hope’s treatment, but also to build a clinic in a new location. This will help us save many more children from this nightmare!”

Loven also runs a children's center where the young Africans she rescues receive medical care, food and education. At the end of January, together with her husband, David Emanuel Hume, they began construction of a new orphanage building.

If only all such stories ended so well!

Heartbreaking photos capture the moment a Danish woman gives water to a hungry two-year-old Nigerian boy who was left to die on the street by his family.

A Nigerian boy named Hope was abandoned by his family to die because they believed the boy was haunted. The emaciated baby wandered the streets for eight months, eating handouts from passers-by, until Anya Ringgren Loven from Denmark saw him.

Loven, who now lives in Africa, found the boy on January 31. Horrified by the child's condition, she bent down to the baby, gave him something to drink, wrapped him in a blanket and took him to the hospital. The woman is the founder of a fund to help African children who are accused of witchcraft and involvement with evil spirits, and therefore they are neglected and even killed.

“Thousands of children are accused of witchcraft and we have seen children tortured, children dead and children scared,” Anya Ringgren Loven wrote on Facebook alongside photos of Hope to attract donations to pay for the little boy’s medical bills.

At the hospital, the baby was freed from numerous worms, he was given daily blood transfusions and other restorative procedures. “Hope’s condition is now stable. He takes food and reacts to the medicine he receives. Today he sat and smiled at us. He's a strong boy."

Two days after Loven asked for help paying her child's expensive medical bills, she received $1 million in donations from around the world.

“With this money, in addition to providing the best treatment for Hope, we can also start building a clinic and save many more children from torture!” said the woman, who and her husband David Emmanuel Umem began building their own children's home in late January.

After two weeks in the hospital, the child looks much better, but still needs treatment.

Hope (left) plays with Anya's son David Jr. as they visit him in the hospital

It would seem that in the developed 21st century, civilization should move far away from the medieval remnants of the past. However, in some countries of the African continent, time has stood still. And in addition to the original culture, inhuman customs are still preserved there, in which parents abandon their children only because someone considered them sorcerers. So the 2-year-old child had to wander the streets for 8 months until social service workers helped him survive.

Volunteer from Denmark Anja Ringgren Loven has been in Nigeria. During this time, she had to see enough of how, due to medieval prejudices, thousands of children across the country were accused of witchcraft, tortured, and killed. She managed to save a similar child who had become a victim of similar treatment.

A two-year-old boy had to wander the streets and eat scraps for 8 months, because his family considered him a sorcerer. Volunteer Anya discovered him on January 31 in an extremely emaciated state. The almost weightless body of the naked baby was covered with abrasions, and worms appeared on his stomach.

The boy was washed, fed and given medical care. Anya named him Hope, which means “Hope”. Slowly but surely the baby is recovering. And he is already smiling.

When Anya told the boy’s story on Facebook, within two days she received $1 million in donations from all over the world. The volunteer assured that she would spend these funds on eliminating illiteracy and superstitious stereotypes of the country’s population, as well as on medical care for homeless children.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to eradicate prejudices on the Dark Continent anytime soon. It so happened that people with white skin color in African countries are considered something akin to a superior race. That's why Black Africans want to make magical amulets out of them.