What is the future of learning? What will the classrooms of the future look like? New technologies like cloud computing, augmented reality and 3D printing are shaping the future of education in ways we can only imagine. In any case, we have something to build on. Let's imagine.

Please note that we cannot be 100% sure.

We are still waiting for augmented reality to storm our world. Google Glass, Oculus Rift and other interesting things are on the way that will bring a taste of augmented and virtual reality to our reality.

Devices like the ones we have listed are expected to surprise the public with their capabilities, allowing users to layer information on what they see through contact lenses or glasses. Currently, access to augmented reality technologies for educational purposes is limited for the most part to applications for smartphones.

For example, the Sky Map app lets you explore the night sky looking for constellations, but it will be a long time before such apps are integrated into schools. The only thing missing is a complete system. Augmented reality should be addictive and have hints for all cases of referring to real objects.

With the help of Google Glass and other similar devices that are about to become freely available, students will be able to explore the world without the need for distractions.

A new way of learning

In addition, huge opportunities for remote learning are opening up. Look at on for example. A physics teacher, Andrew Vanden Heuvel from Switzerland, broadcast everything that happens inside the LHC through Google Glass to his students thousands of miles away. They saw everything the way he saw it. The Hangout feature here is especially useful for team collaboration on projects and assignments.

In other cases, students can see additional interactive information, such as historical artifacts, to learn more about their history. Advertising can also be transformed if the glasses recognize images in the real world and interact with them.

2. 3D printer

What better gift for your 10 year old son than a LEGO set? For example, a children's 3D printer. This item should be in every class. Students of the future will be able to print any desired 3D model for a variety of tasks.

Young engineers and their teachers are the best example of people needing 3D printing in their education. In Minneapolis, a school has already acquired a Dimension BST printer, with which students create design prototypes.

The 3D printer allows you to create a working mini-model (and you don't have to cut it out with a plywood jigsaw) to test the engineering design, so students can hone their skills down to the smallest detail. Today, with CAD software, any student can save a lot of time and money by adding a 3D printer to their equipment.

Let's not forget that 3D printers are constantly falling in price, which means that very soon they will become available to everyone. In addition, physical models develop abstract thinking (everyone in the chemistry class had visual molecules?), which means that if you print out a physical version of the structure, students will be able to better understand what they are dealing with.

3. Cloud computing

The "my dog ​​ate my homework" excuse won't work with teachers in the near future. Cloud technologies are developing, and very soon, without exception, all aspects of our lives, including education, will be subject to change. In the classrooms of the future, students will simply need an electronic device that will provide access to homework and other learning resources in the cloud. No heavy textbooks, no "forgotten diary", all materials will be available as long as there is an Internet connection.

This convenience will give students a certain freedom, because they can work on projects both at home and in any other place. "Home" work will not be so homework. The digital library will be available even in the absence of a real library.

Cloud computing seeks to virtualize the classroom. Schools can use the cloud and create online learning platforms for students. Simply sign in and attend classes in a virtual environment.

Take, for example, the concept of a cloud-based virtual learning environment (VLE), which allows students to access learning content and participate in forum discussions. Assignments or tests can easily be distributed throughout the class, minimizing the need for students to be physically present, but encouraging interaction and discussion; teachers will be given another channel.

4. Social networks online

Numerous universities have already signed up for the Second Life virtual world to provide an online platform for students to communicate with each other. Being a big part of the cloud platform, these social networks allow students to focus on their studies and freely discuss ideas, while teachers act as moderators.

An important role in all this is given to teachers, lecturers and professors, who can act as a guide, helping with answers and asking questions, instantly uploading information to the cloud environment. Another benefit is that it serves as an excellent feedback tool. A socially oriented approach to teaching in the future can become the basis.

5. Flexible displays

Note-taking still works, especially during lectures, but is shifting from paper to laptops, netbooks and tablets. As education becomes more digitized, it's safe to say that paper will take a backseat in the future. How to keep it comfortable?

Flexible OLED displays may be the answer. Similar to plain paper, these displays will be light, flexible and incredibly thin. They can be rolled into a tube or stored in a pile.

Unlike ordinary paper, these plastic electronic documents are not only durable (they simply cannot be torn), but also interactive. Swipes, taps and tweaks will help to reveal all the conveniences of such paper.

Here, for example, digital paper from Sony, which weighs only 63 grams. Laptops and smartphones are not even up to the mark with such mobility.

6. Biometrics: eye tracking

Another technology that is rapidly gaining acceptance is biometrics. Conventionally, biometrics is usually associated with the field of security, since it uses what is unique to each of us: fingerprints, face recognition, voice recognition, retinas. From an educational standpoint, the institution could use fingerprints to prevent absenteeism and lend out books from the school library.

However, eye tracking can also be useful, providing invaluable information for teachers, for example. This is a visual depiction of how a student absorbs information and understands the content. In advertising, these same studies help determine how users react to an ad and what specifically grabs their attention.

Similarly, this form of analysis can be used to ascertain the effectiveness of a course or learning style. Mirametrix, for example, uses its S2 Eye Tracker to gauge the quality of students' learning based on where they look during class.

Low-cost alternatives are coming in the form of Eye Tribe for Windows and Android, so it's only a matter of time before educators start using the data.

The data can be organized in such a way that each of the students is comfortable, that is, in accordance with his learning style. On the other hand, eye movement patterns can also determine content delivery and detect problems before they occur. For example, in the wrong supply of material.

7. Multi-touch displays

Over the past few decades, many have seen the advent of video projectors in schools, as well as the transition from a conventional chalkboard to a whiteboard. It is possible that the next step will be something related to smartphones and tablets. For example, the next whiteboard could very well be a giant LCD touchscreen allowing for more interactivity. The main difference between our current touch devices and such a board would be that it would allow input from multiple students at once.

And instead of the traditional blackboard in the classroom, there could very well be the Samsung SUR40 counterpart for the Microsoft Surface, a giant table-shaped tablet. Students or pupils can sit around such a table-tablet, work with content and drag and drop images as easily as taking notes using a virtual keyboard.

8. Learn by playing

Today, children growing up in an Internet-connected world suffer from a lack of concentration. This is not surprising, since since childhood, YouTube, VKontakte and smartphones have been uploading them with updates 24/7, and also providing all the answers to a query in Google or Wikipedia.

In order to satisfy the fast-moving generation, schools will eventually have to abandon traditional cramming methods. Now it is important not to know the arrays of information, but to know where you can get it - and this has its pluses and minuses. However, there is one way to combine business with pleasure: video games.

KinectEDucation, for example, provides a single online community for interested educators and students who want to use Kinect for educational purposes. Some of the best examples are learning sign language and playing the guitar with Microsoft hardware.

Another example. A University of Washington professor teaches math to his class using Kinect, Wii Remote and PlayStation Move. A good level of interactivity engages students and students, and information is thus better absorbed.

Another approach used by educators is not focused on gameplay or interactivity; it highlights how students can learn as they learn how to make games. The main idea at Gamestar Mechanic is to teach students basic game creation skills (without the complexities of programming) so that they can create their own games, and thereby teach them language, systems thinking, problem solving, scripting, art and more.

Schoolchildren learn to design by playing a game where they themselves act as young novice designers, passing quests, missions, etc. for certain rewards (areas in which you can create your own games). Almost no different from role-playing games of our time.

This shows how educators can move away from traditional teaching and how students can enjoy learning. It is possible that in the not too distant future, children will find learning fun and exciting. It would be nice.

Education outside the classroom

In the future, education may no longer be limited to formal institutions like schools and courses. Augmented reality, cloud computing, social networks and adaptive learning systems using eye-tracking technology will allow lessons to be carried out outside the classroom.

Experimentation and error will also be encouraged, thanks to the 3D printing and gaming approach, as there will be no real consequences or budgetary costs. Students will see learning as a rewarding part of their lives that requires active participation, rather than as a routine, boring and tedious. However, we were all children.

Augmented Reality (AR) allows you to enrich the world with the latest technologies, creating a unique combined interactive experience. Although augmented reality is still rarely used in education, more and more teachers, researchers and developers are beginning to move towards more interactive teaching methods. Many of these techniques grow into really interesting and creative projects. Here we have collected some particularly interesting projects of this kind, although of course, in fact, there are many more.
1) Second Life
This project uses the online game Second Life, in which, in the spirit of Stevenson, anything can happen. This is an incredibly useful educational tool that has the potential to reach a very wide audience - or give authors new ways to teach their own students. To list all the ways of using the virtual world for educational purposes would require a separate article, but if you list in short: online lessons, demonstrations, discussions, lectures, presentations, debates and other events.
2) Augmented Reality Development Lab

This experimental lab was founded by Digital Tech Frontier and collaborates with heavyweights such as Google, Microsoft and Logitech. It creates projects both entertaining and educational. Basically, these are interactive three-dimensional objects that can be used for learning in one way or another. Educational institutions can order packages from ARDL at different prices.
3) Reliving the Revolution

This is Karen Schrier's game in which she shows her students the famous historical Battle of Lexington using GPS and Pocket PCs. This AR experiment also explores the mysteries of this battle, such as who fired first. Users themselves play the role of soldiers and participate in the battle on a real map in Massachusetts.
4) PhysicsPlayground

One of the many PC game engines has been given a second life in the form of a physics tutorial. A project called PhysicsPlayground creates a deeply immersive 3D environment in which to experiment and learn more about the structure of the universe.
5) MITAR Games

In this game project from MIT, the real location of the terrain is combined with a virtual player and a virtual scenario, which gives
useful educational effect. For example, the game Environmental Detectives (environmental detectives) invites players to find the source of a fatal leak of toxic materials.
6) New Horizon

Some Japanese students and other English learners are using this smartphone app for next generation AR textbooks. The textbooks themselves are provided by Tokyo Shoseki. New Horizon, using the built-in cameras of the smartphone, shows animated characters directly in the books on the right pages.
7) Occupational Safety Scaffolding

Using this system, Professor Ron Doston teaches a course on building safety. 3D AR demonstrations, combining real and digital objects, show how to properly build scaffolding and scaffolding. Without a doubt, this is a very simple implementation of augmented reality, but there is no doubt that it can keep people healthy and alive.
8) FETCH! Lunch Rush

This is a game application for iPhone and iPod touch developed by PBS Kids. With its help, children aged 6-8 can learn the basics of mathematics in a fun way outside the school walls, for example, lying on the couch at home or sitting in the car.
9) AR tours

This is a whole class of various AR projects aimed at visualizing various historical periods and reconstructing certain events. Some of them even have game elements. For example, the HistoriQuest project reproduces the events of the American Civil War, combining the game with historical facts.
10) School in the Park

In this project, students from grades 3 to 6 visit two local museums and a zoo, but there they look at the exhibits not just like that, but through a smartphone, and get additional information. Moreover, teachers even teach them to create their own augmented reality objects!
11) Scavenger hunt with QR codes

This game can be played using a smartphone with a QR code reader.
12) Mentira

This is a game that combines reality and fantasy, fictional characters and real people. It is also the world's first educational AR game in Spanish. It takes place in the American city of Albuquerque. The game reproduces the plot of classic murder detective stories, and the goal is to create a deeper and more effective interaction with native speakers than is possible in a foreign language class at school.
13) AR test drive

Toyota has teamed up with Saatchi & Saatchi to create the world's cleanest and safest test drive experience - through augmented reality. Of course, such developments will not appear in driving schools for a long time, but this is a very impressive and effective alternative to a fleet of cars for training driving.
14) Geotagging

If smartphones can be used in the classroom, then you can show children how the world works using Google Earth and web albums like Picasa and Instagram. With the help of communication programs like Skype or other VOIP clients, cooperation between different schools can be established, and then geotagging can become a useful tool for intercultural interaction.
15) Dow Day
Located Documentary from Luiz Lopes on Vimeo.

This smartphone AR app is an entire documentary that takes students, faculty, and guests of the University of Wisconsin back to 1967. Walking with the phone on the campus and looking through it, the user sees real records of events that took place in this place during the protests against the Vietnam War. The app was created by Jim Mathews.
16) Scimorph

With the help of this program, a webcam and a piece of paper with a printed label, a child can communicate with a funny animal named Skymorph (Scimorph), which talks about gravity, sound and microbes, "sitting" on a piece of paper in front of the screen (you need to turn on the webcam ). In each lesson, you need to explore some kind of play area where all sorts of questions, quizzes and stories meet.
17) Imaginary Worlds

This PSP app allows students to take a magical journey through downloadable images and QR codes hidden throughout the school. Having found such a code, you need to go through a small “quest”, in which different monsters can come across, in order to defeat them you need to find certain items. At the end, you need to write a short essay about what happened in the game.
18) Sky Map and Star Walk

These two simple astronomy apps for Android and iOS have great educational potential thanks to their highly innovative approach to augmented reality. In both programs, you need to point the device to the sky, and the names of the stars, planets and constellations that appeared on the screen, as well as additional astronomical information on them, will appear on the screen.
19) Handheld Augmented Reality Project (HARP)

Harvard University, the University of Wisconsin and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) jointly developed a project for schools based on GPS navigation using Axim handheld computers from Dell. Moving from the PDA around the school, the student moves through the virtual world, synchronized with the real one, encountering various dangers and tasks that need to be solved.
20) Project Glass

Finally, one of the most ambitious AR projects comes from Google itself. The Internet giant believes that its capabilities are far from being limited to the walls of classrooms. As you know, Glass needs special glasses, and not just a smartphone or laptop. Already, Glass can be used in a number of areas, such as photographing with an "eye view" in extreme conditions.

Augmented reality technology in education plays an increasing role every year: schools, technical schools and universities around the world are switching from traditional methods to more advanced methods. Paper textbooks and manuals are being replaced by electronic books, wooden and plastic boards for chalk and markers are being replaced by displays and tablets.

Is it efficient?

Research shows that mixed reality is confident in the educational field. This approach allows you to better assimilate information, memorize large volumes of it, and this applies to both junior schoolchildren, and high school students, and students. To establish this, experiments were carried out, during which one group studied new material using AR, and the other with classical schemes and manuals. The tests showed that the representatives of the first group learned almost 90% of the total volume of the material, showed discipline and interest in learning, while the classical approach showed three times less efficiency.

How to explain such efficiency?

In education, the benefits of mixed reality are as follows:

  • visibility. A typical example is a two-dimensional paper projection, although it gives a complete picture of the object, but does not allow you to “feel” it, to consider individual elements in detail. A three-dimensional approach is a completely different matter, a future specialist can evaluate a part, understand its structure, implement various improvements and changes.
  • Visualization. This technique is often used when teaching children who are still unfamiliar with such concepts as a theoretical approach and abstract thinking. Visualization of the theory with the help of augmented reality, in turn, facilitates the process of memorization, improves the assimilation of the material.
  • Interest. Think back to your own school days. Flipping through the black and white pages of a textbook is not the most exciting process. Now imagine that its pages come to life, the characters enter into a dialogue with you, explain difficult moments, help to understand the essence of the material. Such an approach, possible with Augmented Reality, is much more interesting, pleasant and understandable.

The use of augmented reality devices in education is becoming more and more diverse every year. The simplest example is e-books and smartphone apps. Some educational institutions are moving further, installing holographic stands, transparent touch screens, equipping desks with special glasses.


The article presents the results of numerous experiments, scientific research, publications, the introduction of virtual teaching aids into the educational process, as well as the experience of the authors obtained during the implementation of the project. The need to introduce "ReaEye" into the educational process is thoroughly described, based on the analysis of scientific research in the field of means, methods and forms of organizing educational activities, in which the fact is stated in an accessible form that the idea received with the help of visual analyzers is absorbed by pupils and students much better. In an accessible form, the structure and principle of operation of the electronic application "RealEye", created by the authors for the implementation of the project, are described. The work has a very great theoretical and practical significance, and will be in demand among pupils, students, teachers.

computer architecture

3D graphics

flash module

3D modeling

information and communication technologies

learning tool

"Augmented Reality"

1. Evtikhov, O.V., Adolf, V.A. Modern idea of ​​the educational environment of the university as a pedagogical phenomenon // Bulletin of the KSPU. V.P. Astafiev. - 2014. - No. 1. - P.30-34.

2. Zakharova, T.V., Kirgizova, E.V., Basalaeva, N.V. Methodological aspects of using an electronic textbook in teaching mathematics // Global scientific potential. - 2013. - No. 10(31). – P.18–21.

3. Petrova, O.A. Augmented Reality for Educational Purposes / O.A. Petrova // Intel® EducationGalaxy, Literatura. – 2013 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: https://edugalaxy.intel. en/?automodule=blog&blogid=.

4. Shakirov, I.Sh. Didactic possibilities of organizing training using three-dimensional graphics, using the example of Augmented Reality technology. // Achievements and problems of modern science - Ufa: RIO MCIS OMEGA SCIENCES, - 2014. - P.42-44.

5. Alternativa Platform, Lesson "Augmented Reality" for version 7 [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://wiki.alternativaplatform.com.

The rapidly developing scientific and technological revolution, based on the process of global informatization of all spheres of public life, requires informatization of the education sector as well. The significance and relevance of the work lies in the development and implementation of ICT, including tool environments for the implementation of training programs.

The use of information and communication technologies must fully comply with the current level of technical development, visual, intellectual, constructive and, what is important, the software capabilities of modern achievements in the field of ICT. In most cases, the result of the student's activity depends on how informative and interesting the process of transferring knowledge is built, to what extent his needs for knowledge are realized, and by what means his further focus on deepening his knowledge is achieved.

"Augmented Reality" (Eng. Augmentedreality, AR) is one of the latest achievements of science and technology. Augmented reality technologies include those projects that are aimed at supplementing reality with virtual objects. This technology is widely used in architecture, marketing, computer games, military affairs.

We have reviewed, studied, analyzed research and development in the field of augmented reality technology, such as: "A Serveyof Augmented Reality"; Semapedia; Artag; "layar"; "Arget", which to some extent uses a video stream with further digital processing and overlay of computer graphics. Many of them, for implementation, use machine vision, through cameras (webcams).

The analysis of educational, pedagogical and scientific literature on this topic allowed us to conclude that this technology is not very applicable in the organization of the educational process.

The introduction of modern virtual learning tools into the education system is the most important condition for enhancing the learning effect, which consists in the interactivity of 3D modeling and the use of the augmented reality effect. Having a set of paper markers at hand, we can at any time present the educational object not only in volume, but also do a series of manipulations with it, look at it “from the inside” or in a section. The relevance of introducing augmented reality technology into the educational process lies in the fact that the use of such an innovative tool will undoubtedly increase the motivation of students in the study of computer science and other disciplines, as well as increase the level of assimilation of information, synthesizing various forms of its presentation. A huge advantage of using augmented reality technology is its visibility, information completeness and interactivity.

The effectiveness of the educational process depends entirely on the level of its organization. The required level can be achieved with a clear, consistent, logically connected construction of all elements of the activities of the teacher and students.

For the successful implementation of this technology in education, we have developed the RealEye electronic application based on augmented reality technology, which provides wide functionality for both the teacher and the student. Using this technology, the teacher can convey the material necessary for studying in a more interesting and accessible form for students, building a lesson based on exciting games, demonstrations and laboratory work. The ease of use of virtual 3D objects simplifies the process of explaining new material. At the same time, mastering the technology of augmented reality, the level of information literacy of the teacher and students increases. A schematic representation of the RealEye is shown in Figure 1.

Fig.1. Real Eye device

RealEye technology consists of a software environment - an interface and a device - an augmented reality controller (Figure 2). The core (heart) of the application is a Flash module based on the Flash Develop programming environment, which combines the following files:

    A file with the 3DS extension is a three-dimensional model of an object, object or phenomenon created in the 3dsmax 3D graphics environment;

    Ipg file - texture ("clothes") of the model, made in Photoshop;

    A file with the Png extension is a marker implemented in CorelDraw;

In addition, the Alternativa3D 7 platform is connected and the FLAR Manager tracker is used. Alternativa3D 7 provides support for graphics, FLAR Manager tracks the marker in space and draws a 3D object.

Rice. 2. RealEye scheme

The application has a simple and user-friendly interface in which even a beginner can easily work without any instructions (Figure 3). The universal software shell for the Windows operating system was developed in the Boorland Delphi 7 object-oriented programming environment, with the connection of all necessary extensions (for example, Shockwave Flash player).

Rice. 3. RealEye application interface

The application interface allows you to select the operating mode of the program:

    Automatic - flash modules of the studied objects are attached to the buttons. Starting, changing objects is carried out by pressing just one button;

Having a set of flash-modules and a marker (Figure 1), you can present the educational object at any time both in volume and using various manipulations. For the successful implementation of the project, we developed Flash-modules for system unit architecture devices (motherboard, power supply, RAM, video card, cooler, floppy drive, processor, sound card, hard drive).

In order for the program to work correctly, you must perform a number of actions:

1. Launch the RealEye application;

2. Select the operating mode;

3. In automatic mode, you must click on the button with the name of the model, in manual mode, click the "Select" button and specify the path to it. After making sure that the flash module has been successfully added (the full address for the flash module will appear in the "File location" line), click the "Run" button.

4. Point the controller at the marker;

5. To end viewing, click the "Finish" button, and to end the program, click "End the program".

Figure 4 shows the program execution process

Rice. 4. Running the RealEye program

The preview window clearly shows how the application we created, using computer vision algorithms, determines the position of the marker, creating a three-dimensional space in the output field for placing the model. This space is superimposed on the real image from the camera and changes depending on the position of the marker or the camera in real time. Subsequently, according to the coordinates of the superimposed space, the 3D model is placed on the real image. The right window displays brief information about the object in question.

In addition, it is possible to work with a marker located in the textbook (in the brochure developed by us on the topic “Architecture and structure of a computer”) (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Marker in Tutorial Page

The marker is read by the computer regardless of size, so after processing the image from the controller, we get a three-dimensional model of the CD / DVD drive on the tutorial page.

In the process of organizing the study of the topic "Computer Architecture", the demonstration can be used both directly by the teacher himself, and individually by each student at their workplaces. The use of such technology ensures the effectiveness of the educational process and increases the interest of students in the subject area "Informatics".

Thus, training based on the Augmented Reality technology should be carried out in the course of solving educational and cognitive tasks. This will ensure that the student masters not only the actions specific to the given area, but also the system of universal educational actions. In the course of solving these problems, the student obtains the necessary knowledge and applies it in practice.

The application allows the teacher, when organizing the educational process, to make the lessons more visual, informative, and most importantly interesting for students, which will have a stimulating effect on children.

Thus, the organization of training based on the technology of "Augmented Reality" will have a positive impact both for the student (to promote better assimilation of knowledge) and for the teacher (it will help organize the educational process).

This work was supported by the Krasnoyarsk Regional Science Foundation.


Pak N.I., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of IITvO, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva, Krasnoyarsk;

Adolf V.A., Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva, Krasnoyarsk.

Bibliographic link

Kirgizova E.V., Shakirov I.Sh., Zakharova T.V., Rubtsov A.V. "AUGMENTED REALITY": INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IN INFORMATICS // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - No. 2-2.;
URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=21827 (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

The use of augmented reality" in modern education

To date, augmented reality technology has become widespread in various fields: the Internet, marketing, tourism, multimedia, science and technology.

Despite the unusual wording of the definition, "Augmented Reality" has long entered our lives. The history of augmented reality has been around 20 years since it was described as a continuum by Paul Milgrom and Fumio Kushino. Augmented reality is presented as a space between reality and virtuality, along with augmented virtuality. Augmented reality technology consists in superimposing virtual objects on a real image obtained through a video or webcam. For example, during a television broadcast of athletics competitions, viewers are shown a photo finish - a photograph with lines that determine the positions of athletes. These lines are primitive objects of augmented reality, as they provide additional information, making the real image more informative.

Augmented Reality Technologydoes not bypass the field of education and is currentlyusedsuperficially in the process of studying the disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle, which is an objective necessity and need for the development of cognitive processes of modern students.The introduction of modern virtual learning tools into the education system is the most important condition for enhancing the learning effect, which consists in the interactivity of 3D modeling and the use of the augmented reality effect. Having a set of paper markers at hand, we can at any time present the educational object not only in volume, but also do a series of manipulations with it, look at it “from the inside” or in a section.The relevance of introducing augmented reality technology into the educational process lies in the fact that the use of such an innovative tool will undoubtedly increase the motivation of students in the study of computer science and other disciplines, as well as increase the level of assimilation of information, synthesizing various forms of its presentation. A huge advantage of using augmented reality technology is its visibility, information completeness and interactivity.

Despite the huge functionality, augmented reality technology is easy to use and accessible to a multi-age audience of users, but it requires new developments and in-depth study of new problems. Nevertheless, with proper development, this technology is able to satisfy a wide range of educational and cognitive needs of schoolchildren and students.

Also, the wide functionality provided by augmented reality technology is also available for the teacher. Using this technology, the teacher can convey the material necessary for studying in a more interesting and accessible form for students, building a lesson based on exciting games, demonstrations and laboratory work. Ease of use of virtual 3D-objects simplifies the process of explaining new material. At the same time, mastering the technology of augmented reality, the level of information literacy of the teacher and students increases.

For example, studying the topic "Computer Architecture" in a computer science lesson and using instead of real details 3D-objects of augmented reality, each student has the opportunity to get acquainted with each computer device, get an idea of ​​its technological structure and features. For such classes, the teacher must have: ready 3D-models developed in environment 3DsMaxor other simulation programs; webcams, augmented reality controllers; augmented reality marker recognition program in digital or analog versions; demonstration aids such as projectors, screens, interactive whiteboards.

One example of the use of Augmented Reality technology is the company's productsSMART Technologies. The technology, in this case, is implemented by the synthesis of an interactive whiteboardSMART, softwareSMART notebook, document camerasSMARTand an augmented reality cube. Integration with SMART Notebook software allows you to capture images and immediately add them to your digital lesson page. Students can operate animated3D objects, for example, a student can display a 3D image using an augmented reality cube and demonstrate it to the class from all sides by moving the cube in front of the camera lens. Support for SMART Notebook software enables additional content to be embedded in lesson files. Augmented reality tools support several common 3D object formats available in various content libraries. Thus, the use of the Augmented Reality technology will improve the efficiency of the educational process and increase interest in studying the disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle.


1. Smart Education, "How to use augmented reality in education and staff training" http://www.smart-edu.com/augmented-reality-inlearning.html