Association KAMI


Wholesale trade of industrial equipment



Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3

The KAMI Association is an association of leading suppliers of industrial equipment, industrial enterprises in Russia, equipment manufacturers, industry universities and research institutes. The need of the enterprise was the introduction of a specialized scheme for management and accounting based on the functions of the 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management solution.



Production of electrical equipment




1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3

JSC ELTEZA is a diversified company that has all the technical and technological capabilities to produce modern electrical equipment, electronic and microprocessor devices, as well as train traffic control systems and ensure the safety of railway transportation. The company's specialists have implemented a number of projects in such areas as: work with controlled transactions, cost calculation, work with customer-supplied raw materials.





Management Accounting. Document flow


1C:Manufacturing enterprise management, 1C:Document flow

The Energotekhmontazh group of companies is a highly professional and rapidly developing enterprise in the field of energy supply, heat supply, water supply, gasification and road construction. The configuration of Manufacturing Enterprise Management and Document Flow was finalized and implemented.





Management Accounting. Accounting, Calculation wages


1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

The Vimcom company specializes in solutions for creating multi-service broadband networks, providing a full range of services from pre-design survey to construction and technical support. During the project, improvements were made to the management information system based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management configuration, integration with the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management and 1C: Enterprise Accounting configurations was carried out.



Project activities and consulting


Warehouse accounting, production accounting, rent


1C: Managing a small company

CJSC PROCONTAINER is the largest supplier of refrigerated containers in Russia. A company specializing in the service of refrigerated container units. The 1C:UNF software product was customized. The blocks of warehouse accounting, service work, production and rental were modified to meet the customer’s needs. A feature of the company's accounting was the assignment of identification numbers to equipment and tracking of its full life cycle.



Maintenance and repair of aviation equipment


Management and operational accounting


1C: Managing a small company 1.6

The company VTS Jets LLC carries out service work on the repair and maintenance of aircraft. The system required the implementation of a business chain of documents to reflect transactions. The company customized the 1C:UNF software product. In the system, the blocks of service work, personnel accounting, warehouse accounting and the pricing block were finalized. The information system was brought to ISO 9001 quality standards, which are used in the work of the customer.

Company "FAIR PAY"




Management Accounting. Accounting, payroll


1C: Trade Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C Salary and HR Management

The FAIR PAY company presents payment terminals of its own production. In addition to its own payment machines for accepting cash payments, the company produces Internet kiosks and Content kiosk. Comprehensive automation of management, accounting and payroll was carried out. As part of the project, data was transferred from a previously used warehouse accounting program, and a set of modifications was made to the used configurations to suit the needs of the company. Employees were trained.





Management Accounting, Accounting


1C: Trade Management 10.3

LLC "EVROMASTER" is one of largest producers ready-mixed concrete in the south of the Moscow region. The main principle of the company’s work is to take into account all the interests of partners when developing production options, delivery conditions, prices, terms and types of payment. Comprehensive automation of dispatcher and operator workplaces was completed, with the ability to identify orders by barcodes in loading coupons and integrate the accounting program with the plant management system. The sales manager’s workplace was also automated.





Operational, personnel, regulated accounting


1C: Integrated automation

Group of companies "MATRIX" is a multidisciplinary engineering and manufacturing enterprise, performing work and providing services for the creation, reconstruction and modernization of automated process control systems of objects in various industries. Implementation of 1C: Integrated automation. During the project, the following tasks were resolved: finalizing the configuration to suit the company's needs, transferring data from previously used accounting systems, installing and setting up the configuration, training MATRIX employees to work with the new information system.






1C: Salaries and personnel management, 1C: Enterprise accounting

SHP LLC "MILK TYRNOVO" - production of dairy products. The company automated accounting and payroll. As part of the project, a methodology for using the information system was developed, taking into account industry specifics.





Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management

OJSC Ostankino Meat Processing Plant (OJSC OMPK) is a leading manufacturer of processed meat products and semi-finished products in central Russia. The "Inventory" block and the list of reports have been modified to meet the customer's needs, and a non-standard exchange between PPs has been configured.





Trade, production, operational accounting.


ITS CONSULTANT: Concrete plant management

LLC "BROK-BETON" - production of ready-mixed concrete of all grades, mortars, sand concrete, wall, foundation and facing blocks, well rings and various landscape products (paving stones, curbs, etc.). During the project, areas were automated: operational accounting of actual production costs, transport accounting, document accounting, control of receipt and disposal of materials and finished products.




Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management, Management of a Microfinance Organization.

LLC "MFO-ALLIANCE" - Financial intermediation, tender loans, bank guarantees. The software products “Bank Guarantees” and “Tender Loans” were modified to meet the customer’s needs. A project was implemented for the customer to improve the existing information system. The goal of the project was to adapt the information system to the new directions of the company’s activities, as well as to optimize existing automation circuits. During the project, all goals were achieved.




Personnel accounting


1C: Salaries and personnel management 3.0

LLC MFO "JET MANY MICROFINANCE" - provides high-tech and high-quality services in the field of microfinance using a modern arsenal of banking lending technologies and IT tools. The transition was completed from 1C: Salaries and personnel management edition 2.5 to edition 3.0 with preservation of documents and modifications




Accounting, management accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

PJSC "VOLGA CAPITAL" is an infrastructure company that operates in the financial market, carrying out the activities of a market maker, specializing in exchange transactions and direct investments in its own projects. The company is a liquidity provider for all market participants on the NYSE, CME, Moscow Exchange. Comprehensive maintenance of the company's information database system is provided.







ITS Consultant: Concrete plant management

"StroyDomServis LLC is one of the largest developers in the territory of New Moscow. The company provides a full range of services related to development and implementation of large investment projects. Home distinctive feature The company "Investtrust" is the comprehensive development of the territory and, as well as the use of advanced technologies. The following tasks were solved at the enterprise: operational control over all stages of the plant’s operation, increasing the transparency of processes occurring at the enterprise, quality control of products and services, integration of the plant’s work into the general information system, integration with the payment system."


The first BIT automated operational accounting at Sovetskaya Pharmacy LLC. Orenburg"


LLC "Soviet Pharmacy. Orenburg has been engaged in the retail trade of medicines for more than 1.5 years.

Goals and objectives

  1. Automate operational accounting.
  2. Increase sales.

Project Description

Previously, company employees used the standard program “1C: Accounting 8. PROF”. This system is designed for accounting and tax accounting. Therefore, company employees had to keep operational records manually in Excel.

For example, it was impossible for pharmacy employees to automatically set the retail price with a markup. They had to calculate everything on a calculator manually. There was also no mechanism for marketing campaigns. Because of this, company employees could not apply a full discount on pharmacy discount cards automatically.

To solve these problems, the specialists of the First BIT company introduced into the company software“1C: Managing our company 8. PROF.” They also set up synchronization of the system with the 1C: Accounting 8. PROF solution.

To maintain operational records at the enterprise, the following were configured:

  • maintaining specifications;
  • registration of serial numbers;
  • registration of orders for production of products for the company;
  • accounting for the release of drugs by expiration dates;
  • accounting of direct and indirect costs;
  • preliminary costing of orders and calculation of actual costs;
  • calculation of the cost of operations based on quantity and time standards.


  1. Now company employees can keep prompt and reliable records of information about medicines and analyze stocks. Thanks to the program, specialists can keep batch and serial records of products, manage the pricing of medicines and medical supplies.
  2. The system “1C: Managing our company 8. PROF” allows the head of the company to quickly build reports and forecasts on the planned receipt of money from sales. He also has the opportunity to plan the necessary costs for the purchase of medicines and bonuses for employees.
  3. Using the system, the manager can control all stages of order fulfillment from both suppliers and clients, and conduct a detailed analysis of the company’s activities on a daily basis. This helps him see the strengths and weaknesses of his business.
  4. The activities of pharmacy cashiers are simplified due to the fact that they can use product and contractor directories, forms for working with the selection and creation of receipts, and magazines for working with retail sales.
  5. Sales cashiers now have visibility into routine cash transactions: opening and closing a cash register shift, printing an X-report, receiving and withdrawing cash. As a result, they began to serve customers much faster. Queue delays, which led to loss of customers, have been eliminated. Thanks to this, the company's profit increased by 20-30%.

The Perm Territory can receive from the federal budget only half of the losses from the abolition of the tax on movable property of organizations. This was stated by head Maxim Reshetnikov, speaking before the Federation Council. Previously, regional authorities estimated the losses of the Kama region at 4 billion rubles. In addition, according to the governor, the Perm Territory may lose federal funding for road work. Experts note that the lack of stable rules for the distribution of federal transfers complicates the development of the Kama region.

The federal budget will compensate only half of the lost revenues of the Perm Territory from the abolition of the tax on movable property of organizations. Governor of the Kama region Maxim Reshetnikov stated this at a speech in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation.

“The decisions taken on movable property have greatly undermined the regions. Yes, the Ministry of Finance is now compensating for these losses. But compensation is calculated at a rate of 1.1%, while many regions had a statutory rate of 2.2%. That is, we are only compensated for half,” the governor noted. He added that the amount of compensation for 2020 and 2021 is not known. “We probably won’t get anything else now. So, we probably got more than we could have. But we ask you not to forget about 2020 and 2021,” the governor noted.

Also in his speech, the head of the region expressed concern that the Perm Territory may not receive funding under the national project “Safe and Quality Roads.” “The level of standard condition of regional roads exceeded 61%. And as a result, efficiency turned out to be “punished,” since regions with a standard state above 50% were excluded from the national project,” the governor shared and asked senators to help revise the criteria for providing funding. Let us remind you that this year the Perm Territory received 1 billion rubles from the federal budget as part of this regional project.

The tax on movable property of organizations will be abolished at the federal level from 2019. As Kommersant-Prikamye previously wrote, the regional authorities estimated losses from this decision at 4 billion rubles. According to an interlocutor in the government of the Perm region, “ accurate information There is currently no compensation in terms of volume.” “In addition, this compensation is given for one year, and it is unclear whether it will be maintained in the future,” the source added.

As the interlocutor notes, in general, the volume of interbudgetary transfers from the federation remains uncertain. So far, only the volume of equalization subsidies is known - 2.4 billion rubles. Let us remind you that last year the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation reduced subsidies Perm region for 2018 almost doubled (from 4.8 to 2.1 billion rubles).

Let us note that the draft regional budget was drawn up with a deficit of 6.2 billion rubles. in 2019, 9.1 billion rubles. in 2020 and 7.2 billion rubles. in 2021. However, the regional Ministry of Finance claims that these indicators are “paper in nature” and expect to create a surplus budget by 2021.

The chairman of the budget committee of the regional parliament, Elena Zyryanova, believes that the lack of stable rules and principles for the distribution of interbudgetary transfers hinders the development of the region. “Most of the decisions of the federal center regarding regional budgets are made at the last moment. As a result, we do not understand what amounts to expect. In such conditions, it is very difficult to plan the budget and its investment component,” notes the deputy.

Konstantin Kadochnikov

The first BIT will tell you why it is profitable for companies to use the 1C:ERP program

International IT integrator "First BIT" will take part in the fifth business forum "1C:ERP 2018". The event will take place on October 26 in Moscow.

Business forum "1C:ERP 2018" is a large-scale event. Every year it brings together more than 1,000 partners and clients of the 1C company.

Forum participants exchange experience in implementing 1C systems and consider their functionality. They will also learn about new products from 1C. For example, this year at the business forum 1C will present the functional architecture of the 1C:ERP program. Holding", which the company plans to release in the future.

The event will also host an awards ceremony international competition corporate automation "1C: Project of the Year". Three First BIT projects won in two categories:

  1. “The best project in the subject area.”
  2. "Best regional project"

The winners in the first category were projects for OJSC Valuysky Distillery and the First Moscow State medical university them. THEM. Sechenov. In the second - a project for JSC Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant.

We have been making our client’s business stronger for more than 20 years and are one of the largest partners of 1C. According to CNews and TAdviser ratings, First BIT is the first in the implementation of ERP-class systems. We have 1000 completed ERP-class projects.

Among our clients: MasterCard, VTB, Russian Railways, Heineken, Group, Tommy Hilfiger, PwC, Subway, PIK group of companies, Tatneft-Neftekhimsnab. Atol, Rossvyaz, Russian State University for the Humanities and many others.

First BIT has a wide portfolio of solutions, its own team of specialists in any region of the country who work using the new Agile and Scrum methodologies. Practical experience implementations in various areas make First BIT a reliable partner in automating business processes at all levels.

Therefore, at the First BIT stand there is a lot waiting for you useful information. In particular, our experts will talk about the advantages of working in “1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2” (“1C:ERP”) and demonstrate its functionality. They will also explain to whom, why and how it is necessary to change from “1C:UPP” to “”.

Your questions about business automation will also not go unanswered. Our experts will advise you and help you choose the optimal software product.

It won't be possible without a gift. At 16:30 at our stand there will be a drawing for a survey of the company’s business processes worth 250,000 rubles. The winner will receive a pre-project survey free of charge.

Any exhibition visitor who leaves a business card at our stand during the day can take part in the drawing. We are waiting for you at our stand!

Our accumulated experience allows us to solve the most difficult tasks, and our professionalism, confirmed by certificates, guarantees their execution at the highest level.

  • Implementation of enterprise management systems: 1C ERP, 1C UPP;
  • Finalization of software modules for unique business processes;
  • Updating non-standard (modified) configurations;
  • Consultations for employees at each workplace;

In our work, we guarantee high-quality services at an affordable price. We work as private 1C programmers, and therefore we remain free from a single pricing policy partnership agreement. This makes the standard of service for 1C Franchisees more accessible to a wide range of users. 11 years of our experience allow us to solve any problems based on 1C:Enterprise programs in a short time. You can contact us for simple advice on setting up 1C business applications or programming, or for implementing large automation projects.

At the same time, we do not have the disadvantages of large 1C franchisees:

  • frequent change of 1C programmers;
  • poor availability when needed;
  • lack of efficiency in decisions.

Work in 1C via the Internet without traveling
using remote access.

* The remote service agreement is concluded for three months.

Subscriber service 1C,
outsourcing, programming, permanent work of a 1C programmer in your office

One-time services for updating programs.

Cost per hour - 1,800 rubles.

Departure to the client 3 hours
Updating one type base 0.5 h
External treatments from 1 hour
External processing. (managed forms) from 2 hours
Automatic document correction from 1 hour
External reports from 1 hour
External printing plates from 1 hour
External printing forms (managed forms) from 2 hours
Technical specifications for making changes to the program from 10 hours
One-time update of standard configuration with on-site* from 3 hours
One-time update of the modified configuration from 4 hours
One-time on-site consultation* from 3 hours
Setting up a standard program from 3 hours
Setting up a standard program when purchasing from us AS A GIFT!

* One-time services are provided after receiving an advance payment to the current account.
** Additional discounts and bonuses are provided for regular customers.

There are 10% discounts for single payment from 20 hours.

You can find out how a 1C programmer’s time is taken into account.

My name is Alexander Trubitsyn, I am a 1C programmer and the head of the organization. If you have been looking for a professional to perform regular tasks on the 1C platform for a long time, I am at your service!

Call us and together we will select the optimal tariff for your needs!

What can an experienced programmer do in 1 hour?

  • Update two standard 1c configurations. This means that if you have two databases on the 1c platform to which no changes have been made, then updating them will take 30 minutes for each.
  • Write a processing that performs a simple action in the program.
  • Write a report using an access control system based on a simple query.
  • Make changes in a controlled form without adding new details. For example, if you need to hide or show fields, details when a condition is met.
  • Make initial settings or check existing ones for compliance with the organization’s business processes.
  • Other operations. You may not have found your task, call me and I will calculate its price and tell you the cost of the work.