Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 25" of the city of Smolensk


“Sport is the key to health”

Developed by:

physical education teacher

Grushkevich Alexander Vasilievich

Project goal:

Involving children in systematic physical education and sports;
- using the capabilities of each academic subject in developing healthy lifestyle skills;
- instilling interest in useful behavioral habits (hygienic, motor, etc.);
- children gain knowledge about human health, body hygiene, safety culture;
- inclusion of the majority of students and their parents, as well as the teachers themselves, in sports activities.

Project objectives:

Active promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

Increasing the competence of schoolchildren in matters of health and a healthy lifestyle;

Stimulating and supporting the activities of intra-school self-government;

Formation and development of social-communicative, creative and organizational skills;

Increasing physical activity of students;

Formation of the need for teamwork;

Students acquiring knowledge about healthy eating;

Fostering an active life position and a responsible attitude towards one’s health.

This project is part of the implementation of a school-wide program for student health.

Justification of the significance of the project:

As a result of the implementation of this project, students will develop basic concepts about healthy lifestyle (hardening procedures, principles of rational nutrition, forms of active recreation, etc.) and acquire healthy lifestyle skills, as well as attract public attention to the problem of children's health.

Project program involves school students in various exciting sporting events, competitions, and promotions centered around the central theme of the project

“Sport is the key to health”

Regulatory and legal framework

Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Article 23. “Every child, even a not entirely healthy child, has the right to a full life”

Article 32. “Children under a certain age are not allowed to work, because it may cause harm to health or interfere with the child’s education.”

Article 33. “The state takes measures to protect children from drug use and to prevent children from being involved in the production of narcotic drugs”

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Article 41.

    Everyone has the right to health protection and medical care.

    In the Russian Federation...activities that promote human health, the development of physical culture and sports, environmental and sanitary-epidemiological well-being are encouraged.

Our school in its activities is based on the need for creative personal development, promotes the development of intellectual, psychophysical abilities, social self-determination of children, and the preservation and strengthening of their health. All this is possible only if there is a health-preserving environment in the educational institution and a clearly organized educational system.

Project participants:

School students in grades 1-11

Subjects whose knowledge is used and deepened during the project:

Life safety, physical education, the world around us, literature, Russian language, mathematics, fine arts, computer science, extracurricular and extracurricular activities of students.

Main issues of the project:

    What is the value of health and can we influence our health?

    How to learn to manage your health?

Study questions of the project:

    Is health an important part of people's lives?

    What are the five criteria for human health?

    What are the factors influencing human health and well-being?

    How is life expectancy related to health?

    What does a person’s irresponsible attitude towards their health lead to?

    What are the golden rules of a healthy lifestyle and how are they observed by schoolchildren?

    What does it take to be healthy?

Project stages

Stage I – preparatory

Conducting debates, conversations, surveys of students and parents in grades 1-11, monitoring the health status of students. To attract the attention of schoolchildren to physical activity, as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle, poster and drawing competitions are held

« Sport is the key to health", « Healthy eating", “My favorite sport”, crossword puzzle competition.

On the topic of the project " Sport is the key to health"

Dear friend, this will not take you much time, so we ask you to take filling out the form seriously and favorably.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

    How do you feel about a sports lifestyle?

 Positive

 Negative

2. Do you lead an active lifestyle?

3. How long have you been involved in sports?

4. Do you like to play sports?

5. Who instilled in you a love for sports?

 Independent decision

 Other

6. What does a sports lifestyle give you?

 Good physical shape

 Cheerful mood

 Spending your free time usefully

 Expanding your circle of friends based on your interests

 Sports career in the future

7. Do your parents go in for sports?

8. What is your favorite sport?

9. How many times a week do you play sports?

Healthy eating

More and more people are paying attention to healthy eating. After all, healthy eating is not only about feeling good and getting rid of many diseases, but also about striving for a healthy and long life. So, let’s try to figure out what “healthy eating” is.

Healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development and vital activity of a person, contributing to the strengthening of his health and the prevention of diseases. This is the consumption of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and microelements.

Squirrels - the main building material for our body. Protein consists of muscles, internal organs, the circulatory system, the immune system, skin, hair, and nails. The best sources of protein are fish, chicken, turkey, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, nuts, whey products, and egg whites.

Fats - the most powerful source of energy. In addition, fat deposits protect the body from heat loss and bruises, and the fat capsules of the internal organs serve as support and protection from mechanical damage. The source of fat is animal fats and vegetable oils, as well as meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Fats improve the taste of food and make you feel full.

Carbohydrates – the main source of energy. The body receives approximately 60% of its energy from carbohydrates, the rest from proteins and fats.
Carbohydrates are found in such foods as sugar, honey, cookies, cereals, pasta, bread, pastries and cakes, ice cream, and candies.

The correct ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is the basis of a healthy diet.

II.2 Vitamins

The phrase “vitamins are a source of health” has been familiar to us since early childhood, and we are so accustomed to it that we stop attaching importance to it. But in vain! After all, in fact, it is absolutely impossible to ensure full health without vitamins.
Many vitamins are quickly destroyed and do not accumulate in the body in the required quantities, so a person needs a constant supply of them with food.

To date, about 30 vitamins have been known and studied. About 20 of them are involved in ensuring human health. Let us dwell only on some of them, which are of particular importance in the nutrition of the population of our country.

Name of the vitamin. What are the benefits of vitamin? Symptoms of vitamin deficiency in the body. What foods contain the vitamin?

Vitamin A

There is an exchange of proteins, the growth and formation of bones and teeth, and skin renewal processes.

Cracked lips appear, twilight vision disorder - “night blindness”, development of chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, tracheitis.

Carrots, peppers, peaches, apples, apricots, rose hips, fish oil, liver, eggs, milk.

Most common forms vitamin B - This:

B1,B2, B3, B5, B6

B7, B9, B12.

Ensures the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, and also participates in the formation of blood.

Lack of appetite, fatigue, peeling skin, conjunctivitis, anemia (anemia), muscle pain, nervous system disorder.

Liver, egg yolk, dairy products, oats, rolled oats, buckwheat, cottage cheese, cheese, meat, fish

Vitamin WITH

Stimulates growth, promotes the absorption of carbohydrates, increases the body's resistance to infections, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, and promotes the absorption of iron from food.

Changes in the central nervous system and skin, sleep disturbances, rapid irritability, muscle pain, increased bleeding from the gums. Scurvy.

Rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currants, all fruits and vegetables.


Promotes the absorption of proteins and fats, participates in the processes of tissue respiration, affects the functioning of the brain, blood, nerves, muscles, improves wound healing, and delays aging.

Anemia (anemia), weak reflexes, poor coordination of movements, disruption of the vestibular apparatus, and the likelihood of injury increases.

Cereals and legumes, cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, peas, spinach, parsley tops, rose hips, meat, eggs, milk, beef liver.

Vitamin RR

Participates in protein metabolism, regulates higher nervous activity and the functions of the digestive organs. Used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, slow-healing wounds and ulcers.

Lethargy, apathy, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, weight loss.

Meat, liver, kidneys, eggs, milk, wholemeal bread products, cereals (especially buckwheat), legumes, mushrooms.

A lack of vitamins in food can lead to various diseases, referred to as vitamin deficiency, in which growth processes are disrupted, memory deteriorates and performance decreases. Vitamins should be consumed in strictly defined quantities. Consumption of a number of vitamins in large doses is just as undesirable as their lack in food.

II.3 Calories, Calorie content of food, food norm

You can often hear the words “high-calorie product” and “low-calorie product” from adults. Let's figure out what the word means "calorie content".

Under calorie content, or energy value, food refers to the amount of energy that the body receives when it is fully absorbed. The calorie content of food is expressed in calories (cal) or kilocalories (kcal). Each of us should receive as much energy as we expend during the day, i.e. Energy balance must be maintained in the body.

It is clear that daily calorie intake depends on age, gender and activity, so it varies.

* On average, the energy requirement of students in general education

institutions aged 7-11 years is approximately 2350 kcal,

and over the age of 11 years – 2713 kcal.

* women engaged in mental work need energy – 2800 kcal
* male students – 3300 kcal;

* students – women – 2800 kcal;
* athletes - men – up to 5000 kcal;

* athletes – women – up to 4000 kcal.

Food products can be divided by calorie content into:

High calorie

(animal and vegetable fats, sugar and sugar products)


(flour and bakery products, pasta, cereals, meat, sausages)


(fruits, vegetables, berries, low-fat fish, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir)

Every adherent of a healthy lifestyle needs to know the daily calorie intake and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

II.4 Laws and rules of healthy eating

Our whole life is subject to certain laws.

Nutrition is an integral part of our lives, which means it is natural that there are laws regulating proper nutrition. And then many problems will be solved at once: appearance, weight, health and budget. Food should be varied, and, of course, age, national traditions and place of residence must be taken into account. In general, these recommendations boil down to the food pyramid recommended by the World Health Organization.

- At the base of the food pyramid are bread, grains and pasta.

Preference is given to varieties of bread made from wholemeal flour. They contain a lot of vegetable protein, vitamins and fiber, which helps remove cholesterol, “cleanse” the intestines and has a choleretic effect. Dark bread will provide you with a good complexion and solve problems with extra pounds.

The daily diet of both adults and children should include porridge at least once a day: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet or corn.

It is better to buy pasta and noodles from first-grade flour; they will provide more benefits to the body.

- The second step of the pyramid is fruits and vegetables.

On average, an adult should eat 180 kg of vegetables and fruits per year, then he will not be afraid of spring vitamin deficiencies.

Berries are a real storehouse of vitamins. Raspberries can be used as natural aspirin, blueberries, lingonberries and cranberries - as antibiotics. There are no less useful substances in sea buckthorn, chokeberry and red rowan.

Vegetable and fruit juices are beneficial for everyone if you drink them 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meals.

- The next level of the pyramid includes meat, fish, poultry and dairy products.

Regular consumption of meat strains metabolic processes in the body, which leads to premature aging. It is rational to consume meat 2-3 times a week in the amount of 100-150 grams per day.

Frankfurters, sausages, sausages and other deli meats include various artificial food additives, preservatives, fillers and are therefore unlikely to be beneficial.

Another thing is fish. It contains protein, fluorine, copper and zinc - making fish necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. The body's resistance to infections increases, twilight vision improves, and the exchange of phosphorus and calcium is regulated. Seafood is also healthy - squid, mussels, seaweed.

Milk is ideal for a growing body. In adulthood, when the construction and growth of organs is complete, fermented milk products are preferable - yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, which are designed to maintain and ensure intestinal microflora, acid-base balance and influence fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

- At the top of the healthy eating pyramid are salt, sugar and sweets.

Excessive salt consumption leads to hypertension and obesity. Sugar lovers get metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, migraines and tooth decay. Instead of sugar, cakes, and sweets, it is better to eat jams and fruits.

It's never too late to try to change your lifestyle and eating habits for the better in order to be healthy spiritually and physically, and live a long and happy life!

Basic rules of proper nutrition

*If you want to grow up strong, healthy, smart and beautiful, you need to eat healthy foods.

*It is useful to eat different foods: vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat and fish, bread and cereals, vegetable oil and butter.

*You should wash your hands with soap before eating. Don't forget to wash berries, fruits and vegetables before eating them.

*The break between meals should not be more than three hours, which means it is better to eat little by little five times a day.

*It is good to eat porridge for breakfast.

*for dinner there is only light food.

III. Conclusion

Poor nutrition is one of the primary causes of many diseases. Fatty foods lead to excessive weight gain; substitutes, flavors and all kinds of dyes play the role of poison, destroying our body from the inside.

The correct ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins is the basis of a healthy diet. Every adherent of a healthy lifestyle needs to know the daily calorie intake and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

With a lack of vitamins, growth slows down and the body's performance decreases. Therefore, you need to consume as much vitamins contained in foods as possible. A lot of vitamins are found in meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. Vitamins are very important for health.

Food is a source of energy for humans, and excess or deficiency of it is a problem. You need to learn from a young age to maintain the “golden” mean, avoiding overeating or undereating, otherwise you can develop serious illnesses. We must live in harmony with ourselves and with the products around us!

So, if we eat right, we will get sick less, be stronger, cheerful and do better in school. Thus, our hypothesis is correct.

Stage II - main

Organization and holding of sporting events, work of sections, competitions, holding 5-minute health breaks during breaks, holding a “Health Day”, conducting classes in classes on the basics of hygiene and proper nutrition with the involvement of specialists (medical workers, school canteen workers).

Physical education break

Walking in place, squeezing and unclenching your hands. 20-39 s.

1. Starting position – o. With. 1-2 – arms up to the sides, head back, bend over, inhale; 3-4 – arms down, relax your shoulders, bend slightly, head on your chest, exhale. 4-6 times. T. m.

2. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart. 1- hands in front of the chest, inhale; 2 - jerk back with bent arms, inhale; 3- jerk back with straight arms, inhale; 4 - starting position, relax your shoulders, exhale. 6-8 times. T.s.

3. Starting position – legs apart. 1- turn the body to the right, arms up, look at the hands, inhale; 2-3 – springy bend forward, arms down, don’t lower your head, exhale in portions; 4 - starting position. Same to the left. 3-4 times. T.s.

4. Starting position - main stance Run in place for 30-40 s. with the transition to slow walking. 15-20 s. T.s. Do not hold your breath.

5. Starting position - main stance 1 - left leg take a wide step to the side, arms to the sides, inhale; 2-3 – bending the left leg, springy tilt to the right, hands behind the back, inhale in proportions; 4 - starting position. The same with the right leg. 3-4 times. T.s.

6. Starting position - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-3 – rising on the toe of the right foot, swing the left relaxed leg forward, backward, forward; 4 - starting position. The same on the left leg. 3-4 times. Do not hold your breath. T.s.

Physical exercise to relax the muscles of the hands

1. Clenching and unclenching your fingers, gradually speeding up the pace to the limit, then slowing it down to a stop. 1 min.

3. Stretch your arms forward, sequentially bending and straightening your fingers, starting with the thumb. 1 min.

4. Slightly clench your fingers into a fist, rotate your hands towards each other, then in the opposite direction. 1 min.

Stage III is the final stage.

Coverage of the results of the project on the school website.

Project implementation activities

Event plan


Implementation deadlines


Work of sports clubs and sections

    Basketball grades 5-7

    Volleyball grades 8-11

    Football 6-8 grades

    Chess grades 2-4

    Outdoor games for grades 1-4

    Wrestling 4 classes

During the year

Physical education teachers

Grushkevich A.V.

Repnikov A.S.

Gorosyan O.S.

Grushkevich A.V.

Zhuravlev D.D.

Zhuravlev D.D.

Organization and holding of sports events and competitions

During the year

Autumn cross-country 5th – 9th grades

School mini-football championship

Class teachers, physical education teacher

Health Day

School basketball championship for grades 10–11

Physical education teachers

Dad, Mom and Me “Sports Family”

Teachers beginning classes,

physical education teacher

Checkers competitions grades 5 – 7

Physical education teachers

School championship in outdoor games for grades 1-3

Teachers beginning classes,

physical education teacher

Pioneerball competitions for grades 5-7

Physical education teachers

Volleyball competitions for grades 8-9

Physical education teachers

Health Day grades 1-11

Physical education teachers

Sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day for grades 5-11

Class teachers, physical education teacher, life safety teacher

School championship in outdoor games for grades 1-4

Teachers beginning classes,

physical education teacher

Basketball competitions for grades 5-7

Physical education teachers

All-Russian Health Day, grades 1-11

Administration, class teachers, physical education teacher

Carrying out gymnastics before classes, outdoor games during breaks

During the year

Physical education teachers

Children's Day

Administration, class teachers, physical education teacher

Improvement of school grounds and sports grounds


Sports sector, physical education teachers, school administration

Medical examination of students

According to the health worker's schedule

Cool watch “By choosing sport, we choose health”

throughout the year

Class teachers

Conducting classroom hours and parent meetings.

throughout the year

Class teachers

Essay competition “We choose sport”

Physical education teachers

Competition for the best slogan, chant, poem about healthy lifestyle

Physical education teacher, life safety teacher

Planned results of the project

    Reduced incidence

    Increased level of physical abilities

    Formation of a conscious need to maintain a healthy lifestyle

    Increasing the attention of students and their parents to health issues and a healthy lifestyle.

    Increasing the number of people willing to learn ways to maintain their health.

    Establish closer cooperation between parents and teaching staff in matters of children's health.

Project evaluation.

It is carried out through a survey of students (questionnaires, testing), which is carried out at the end of the year.

In this section, we invite school students to take advantage of interesting topics of physical education projects to conduct their own physical education in the subject.

The proposed relevant and interesting topics for research papers in physical education are grouped by general topics on physical education, as well as by topics: health and healthy lifestyle, Olympic and outdoor games, gymnastics, football, swimming, martial arts, etc.

The main thing is that the topic of research work on physical education is to your liking, and the field of research is perhaps close to the child.

Topics for physical education projects

Current charging is a real mystery!
For the glory of the jump rope
Restoration of the school playground.
Where and how champions grow.
Movement, you are life!
Doping in sports: are all means always good?
Winter sports
The importance of self-control during physical exercise.
Information technology in sports
How to build a sports ground yourself.
A set of exercises “Gymnastics for the brain.”
Throwing in elementary school lessons.
World of balls
The world of sports through my eyes.
Do I need exercise classes?!
My achievement diary
My favorite sport.
My sports idol
Moscow is a sports city.
My life in sports
My sports family.
Ball: from game to sport.
Oh sport, you are the world!
Oh, sport, you are the world!
From physical strength to spiritual strength.
What does heart rate depend on?
Know yourself
Practice-oriented project "Musical warm-up".
Practicality and environmental friendliness of clothing.
Path to Olympus. My achievement diary.
Development of flexibility
Development of physical capabilities through independent work.
I have been involved in sports since childhood and look up to my grandfather.
Your own coach
Take a step towards sports.
Beauty secrets
Secrets of school success.
Family physical education as a folk tradition.
Family traditions: dad, mom, me - a sports family.

There is strength - no need for intelligence? Or sports is not a hindrance to studies.
Speed ​​in sports
Modern sport: an arena for sporting achievements or a battle for prizes?
“If you’re not friends with sports, you’ll worry about it more than once.”
Sport in the UK
Sports in life.
Sports in the life of my family
Sports for body and soul
Sports and American education.
Sport as one of the factors in the formation of leadership abilities of adolescents.
My family's sports family tree.
Sports festivals in a rural school.
Sports family traditions
Sports superstitions.
Sports traditions in the family as a factor in the physical education of the individual.
Sports activities for ninth graders
Sports festival "They won't catch us."
A sports corner for every home, every child.
I have been involved in sports since childhood and try to reach Olympic heights.
Stadium of the future.
"Super boots". The best German inventions.
Testing students' physical fitness.
Level of physical activity of the population
Morning hygiene exercises in my life.
Morning exercises for schoolchildren - exercises.
Physics and sports
Is physical education a lesson or a journey in life?
Physical qualities of a person
Physical exercises for circuit training.
Physical education in the family
Physical education at school: sport or entertainment?
Physical education and sports in our lives.
Physical education minutes in class
Formula for success
What should a young athlete know about doping?
School physical education is the first step to sports
I choose sport
I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits.

Armwrestling project topics

Armwrestling. Arm wrestling. Armshow. Armwrestling.
Was there arm wrestling in the USSR?
The effect of steroids and proteins on muscle growth.
Achievements of Russian athletes in armwrestling.
Increasing motivation for a physical education lesson through fitness.
Secrets of strong muscles.

Project topics on Motorsports and Motorsports

Racing cars - .
History of auto racing.
Mini buggy
My hobby is motocross.

Badminton project topics

Research topics on:
Badminton is an Olympic sport.
Types of badminton
History of badminton.
Is it that easy to play badminton?

Baseball Project Topics

Research topics on:
Baseball - yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Baseball history
The flight of the baseball that changed everything.
Are the rules of the game of baseball really that complicated?

Biathlon project topics

Research topics on:
Biathlon and its heroes
Biathlon. Olympic champion Valery Medvedtsev.
History of biathlon
The history of the development of biathlon in his hometown.
Problems of biathlon development.

Yandex. Direct

Cycling Project Topics

Research topics on:
The whole truth about .
Bicycle history
First bike.

Golf project topics

Is golf a game for the rich?
Golf in the UK
Golf yesterday and today.
History of golf development.
Golf equipment.

Equestrian Project Topics

Story .
How to raise a racing horse from a foal?
How to learn to ride a horse.
Guide to the world of horses
The language of horses.

Project topics for Speed ​​Skating

Lydia Skoblikova - "Ural Lightning".
Speed ​​skating records
Resources in terms of physics.

Project topics for Lightweight

Research topics on:
"Beautiful Elena"
Everyone on the horizontal bar!
Heroes of our time. Elena Isinbaeva.
Elena Isinbayeva is the pride of our country.
My hobby is athletics.
Our pride is Lilia Nurutdinova.

Skiing project topics

Research topics on:
Alpine skiing in Russia: recreation or sport.
Children's skiing: history, modernity, prospects.
Once upon a time there were skis...
Skiing, physics and health.
Ski biography
Ski racing. Tamara Tikhonova is an Olympic champion.
Skiing as a progressive course of an active lifestyle.
A speed sled is rushing down an icy hill!
Ski development.
Thinking about skiing
Chronicle of a sliding skier.

Parkour project topics

Story .
Youth subculture (parkour).
Parkour: past, present, future.

Project topics on Sailing

History of sailing
How chemistry relates to sailing.

Swimming Project Topics

Yandex. Direct

Research topics on swimming:
What is the difference from competitive swimming?
The effect of swimming on posture.
Water sports.
Mathematical calculations and water polo.
My hobby is swimming
Olympic champion Evgeny Sharonov.
Swimming is an effective way to improve health and develop physical activity of adolescents in the North.
Swimming in a person's life
Swimming gives health
Swimming: history, modernity, impact on human health.
The role of swimming in primary school age.
Synchronized swimming
Sports swimming.
Competitive swimming and its effect on the human body.
What attracted and attracts people to scuba diving?

Radiosport project topics

Story .
I am a fox hunter. My passion is radio direction finding and radio communications.

Topics of projects on Fishing sports

Interesting types of competitions in.
History of fishing sport in Russia.
Secrets of a novice fisherman.

Snowboard Project Topics

History of invention and formation.
My hobby is SnowBoard
Snow and speed. Snowboarding as an Olympic sport.

Orienteering Project Topics

Orientation in the world around you
The stay of a civilized person in the wild mountains.
Scouting and scouting.

Project topics for Shooting Sports

Improving pistol shooting skills in exercise MP-3.
Shooting is the oldest Olympic discipline.
Shooting sport in the USSR and Russia.
Shooting from

Dance project topics

Yandex. Direct

Research topics on dance:
Geometry of dance.
History of dance
"We want to dance!" Street dancing as a means of developing a healthy lifestyle for teenagers.
Modern dance
Sports ballroom dancing is simply wonderful.
Dance is the flight of the soul, the creation of the soul...
Dance therapy
Dancing is the harmony of soul and body.
Dancing in my life
Cheerleading is...
What influences the quality of ballroom dancing performance?
Me and my dancing
I know myself - I know the world.

Tennis project topics

Tennis research topics:
Tennis: serving technique.
The road to tennis
Table tennis is the sport of the present and future.
Table tennis in my life.
Table tennis and me.
Tennis and health.

Project topics on tourism and

Unconquered peaks.
The Koiva River as an object of water tourism.
Rock climbing is the best sport
Tourism - travel, recreation, knowledge.
Tourism is a healthy lifestyle.

Weightlifting Project Topics

The history of victories of Vasily Alekseev
Results of classes in the "Young Athlete" section.
Equipment in weightlifting.

Research Paper Topics on Fencing

Research topics on fencing:
Historical fencing - a look into history.
History of fencing
My favorite type of sport fencing.
Fascinating art fencing.
Chess with muscles.

Figure skating project topics

Research topics on:
Study of the influence of figure skating on the physical and mental development of children.
History of skates
History of the development of figure skating.
How does figure skating affect human health?
Why do skates slip?
Figure skating is a winter Olympic sport.
Figure skating in my life
Figure skating as a means of developing a healthy lifestyle.

Hockey project topics

Yandex. Direct

Research topics on hockey:
Wealth given to people. - head coach of the Russian national hockey team.
Real boys play hockey!
Real men play hockey.
The influence of exercise on health.
The influence of temperament on the playing role of hockey players.
Hockey history. Dream Cup.
My world of hockey
About hockey and famous hockey players.
Why I want to become a hockey player and what you need to know about it.
Psychological preparation of hockey players.
A coward doesn't play hockey: truth or myth?
Hockey is my favorite sport
Hockey is a sport for real men.

Project topics on Chess and checkers

Research topics on chess and checkers:
From century to century (from the history of chess).
The history of chess.
History of chess
How did chess appear?
My achievements in checkers
My board games
Journey to the chess kingdom.
Chess is interesting!
Is chess a sport or an intellectual game?
Chess in Ancient Rus'
Chess in a child's life
Chess in our lives
Chess in the development of students' intellectual abilities.
Checkers and chess
Checkers and chess in the life of scientists.
Checkers that help us.

Project topics on Extreme sports

Extreme Sports
Extreme youth sports movements.
Extreme sports and its impact on human health.
Extreme sports and stress. Pros and cons.
Extreme according to the laws of sport.

Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Every child wants to act.
Every child wants to be in a relationship.
There is an exciting world to explore around.


The school, together with the family, must take constant care of the health and physical education of children. In the process of systematic physical exercise, I improve the functioning of internal organs, comprehensively develop physical qualities, and children master a number of vital skills. At the same time, I cultivate the following qualities in the children's team: organization, discipline, courage, endurance, a sense of friendship and camaraderie. In the systematic physical education of children, I combine systematic classes with a variety of physical exercises with a proper regime of study and recreation and high-quality sanitary and hygienic living conditions, cultivate civic responsibility and work to prevent antisocial manifestations. Currently, there is a problem in society, children do not want to go to physical education classes and play sports, so I, as a physical education teacher, motivate, interest, organize and carry out work on physical education, satisfying children’s interest in physical education and sports. I achieve this using the following methods: sporting events, quizzes, conversations about sporting events, a stand about Russian athletes and Paralympians, introducing children to the health-improving effects of physical education, explaining the effect systematic physical exercise has on the formation of vital skills and abilities.

PROJECT PROBLEM: Recently, there has been a decline in students’ interest in physical education lessons and other types of physical education and sports activities, which does not allow creating the prerequisites for continuous physical improvement and mastering ways to creatively apply the acquired knowledge in their lives. As a result, the health of the younger generation is deteriorating.

MAIN IDEA OF THE PROJECT: maintaining health through active creativity and movement.
Target: introducing children to a healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of schoolchildren.
1. Strengthening health, increasing physical fitness and developing motor experience, fostering activity and independence in motor activity;
2.Development of motor qualities: strength, speed, endurance, agility;
3. Fostering a culture of communication with peers and cooperation in the conditions of educational, project, gaming and competitive activities;
4. Prevention of antisocial manifestations;

Form of organization of children: group

Class or age of children: school students from 1st to 4th grade.

Number of participants: 185 people.

Subject area:
main - physical culture,
additional – basics of life safety, the environment.

Leading activities: search, creative.

Project implementation timeline: 3 months.

Expected result:
- increasing motivation for the subject;
- an increase in people willing and willing to learn ways to maintain their health;
- improving the psychological climate in the team;
- rational use of free time.

Composition of the project team:
1. Petrova Anna – 4a grade;
2. Alexandra Kislitsina – 4a grade;
3. Valeria Frolova – 4a grade;
4. Ksenia Neverovskaya – 4a grade;
5. Nikolaeva Olesya – 4a grade;
6. Class teachers;
7. Teachers – subject specialists;
8. Initiative group of parents;
9. School paramedic.

Materials and technical means:

  • camera;
  • computer;
  • video projector;
  • printer;
  • printer paper;
  • diplomas;
  • prizes.


Project stages

Type of activity

Who performed


Activities carried out and results of stages




I. Create student groups.

1) oral survey;

project organizer

invite 4th grade students to participate in the project

2)forming groups to work on the project;

project organizer

select more active 4th grade students, create groups, distribute tasks

II. Work planning.

1) identify sources of information;

project organizer

selection of materials from books,
periodicals, internet, event development

2) conduct a survey of students,

student project group

distribute questionnaires, answer questionnaire questions

parents and teachers;

project organizer

3) process questionnaires;

project organizer

identify the most interesting events

4) choose a topic, determine the goal and objectives;

project team

carefully develop the structure of the sports day

5) draw up a plan and order of activities, determine the timing of work in stages;

project team

drawing up a plan, determining work deadlines step by step

6) prepare a script;

event organizer

develop a script

7) develop regulations;

event organizer

develop and approve regulations

8)inform teachers,

event organizer

conduct educational training for primary school teachers


class teachers

spend cool hours


class teachers

hold parent meetings, write in diaries


I. For students, parents.

1) publish newspapers on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle”;

class teachers, students

pick up the material and draw a newspaper

2) publish folding books on the topic: “Physical education and sports in my family”;

parents, students

select materials and design folding books together with parents

3) draw up a student’s sports portfolio


Health project topics

Take care of your health from a young age.

The influence of physical inactivity on the health of schoolchildren.

The influence of study load on the health of middle school students.

The effect of physical exercise on human health.

The influence of physical exercise on the formation of the musculoskeletal system (posture).

The influence of physical culture and sports on children's health.

Does physical activity affect a person's heart?

Magic health points

Physical inactivity is a disease of civilization.

The main path to health is sport

Determination of injuries in young athletes.

If you want to be healthy

Hardening is an effective means of strengthening human health.

A healthy child today means a healthy generation tomorrow.

It's fashionable to be healthy

Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.

Health is in your hands

Health saving

Play for your health.

Indices of physical perfection of students' bodies.

Who is the healthiest in the class?

The negative impact of different types of shoes on a teenager's foot.

Posture and sets of exercises to prevent its violations.

Features of the use of physical exercises for scoliosis.

Flat feet in younger schoolchildren and further ways to eliminate it in physical education lessons.

Correct posture and its importance for health and good study.

Scoliosis is fixable!

Scoliosis. How to deal with it?

Sport is health and success

Does sport save health or waste it?

Sports for health

Family Health Code - does it exist?

Physiological and hygienic factors as a condition for maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

Physical education and sports: commonalities and differences. Their influence on human health.

Health formula.

Topics of physical education projects

Current charging is a real mystery!
For the glory of the jump rope
Restoration of the school playground.
Where and how champions grow.
Movement, you are life!
Doping in sports: are all means always good?
Winter sports
The importance of self-control during physical exercise.
Information technology in sports
How to build a sports ground yourself.
A set of exercises “Gymnastics for the brain.”
Throwing in elementary school lessons.
World of balls
The world of sports through my eyes.
Do I need exercise classes?!
My achievement diary
My favorite sport.
My sports idol
Moscow is a sports city.
My life in sports
My sports family.
Ball: from game to sport.
Oh sport, you are the world!
Oh, sport, you are the world!
From physical strength to spiritual strength.
What does heart rate depend on?
Know yourself
Practice-oriented project "Musical warm-up".
Practicality and environmental friendliness of sports equipment and clothing.
Path to Olympus. My achievement diary.
Development of flexibility
Development of physical capabilities through independent work.
I have been involved in sports since childhood and look up to my grandfather.
Your own coach
Take a step towards sports.
Beauty secrets
Secrets of school success.
Family physical education as a folk tradition.
Family traditions: dad, mom, me - a sports family.
There is strength - no need for intelligence? Or sports is not a hindrance to studies.
Speed ​​in sports
Modern sport: an arena for sporting achievements or a battle for prizes?
“If you’re not friends with sports, you’ll worry about it more than once.”
Sports in the life of my family
Sports for body and soul
Sports and American education.
Sport as one of the factors in the formation of leadership abilities of adolescents.
My family's sports family tree.
Sports family traditions
Sports traditions in the family as a factor in the physical education of the individual.
A sports corner for every home, every child.
I have been involved in sports since childhood and try to reach Olympic heights.
Testing students' physical fitness.
Level of physical activity of the population
Morning hygiene exercises in my life.
Morning exercises for schoolchildren - exercises.
Physics and sports
Is physical education a lesson or a journey in life?
Physical qualities of a person
Physical exercises for circuit training.
Physical education in the family
Physical education at school: sport or entertainment?
Physical education and sports in our lives.
Physical education minutes in class
Formula for success
What should a young athlete know about doping?
School physical education is the first step to sports
I choose sport
I choose sports as an alternative to bad habits.

Project for the discipline “Physical Education” on the topic “Sport is Life” Zhelezov Alexander Group Mk-711

Relevance of the project Currently, the importance of sport is increasingly increasing against the backdrop of the new realities of modern life; Physical culture and sports are an important tool for maintaining and restoring the health of the population, helping to improve the quality of human resources of the national economy; Currently, sport, which has become a cultural phenomenon of enormous significance and degree of complexity, has penetrated almost all spheres of public institutions, including education, economics, art, politics, etc.; Therefore, the implementation of the “Sport is Life” project with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle is becoming most relevant for the younger generation at the present time.

Goals and objectives of the project Project goal: Introducing the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle and regular physical education and sports. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Project objectives: developing the desire for physical improvement among the younger generation; attracting teenagers to regular physical education and sports; popularization of physical culture, sports and healthy lifestyle; increasing the motivation of students to develop physical and volitional qualities, to be ready to work and defend the Fatherland; creating conditions for organizing interesting and fulfilling leisure time for the younger generation.

Contents of the project Project participants: Young men aged 14 to 18 years are allowed to participate in the competition. The team consists of 8 people. Timing and location of the project: Timing of the project: 1. preparatory stage (June 2017); 2. main stage (July 2017); 3. final stage (August 2017). Project location: stadium intended for holding outdoor sports events.

Stages of project implementation 1. Preparatory stage (June 2017) - at this stage of the project implementation it is necessary to complete the following tasks: 1. create an initiative group to resolve organizational issues for the implementation of the project; 2. establish the exact dates and place for the sporting event; 3. develop and approve regulations on the holding of the sporting event and then send it to educational organizations; 4. draw up and approve cost estimates for the project; 5. form a panel of judges; 6. draw up a scenario for the opening and closing of a sporting event; 7. collect applications from teams from educational organizations to participate in the competition; 8. prepare the necessary material for this event; 9. provide information coverage of the sports event in the media; 10. ensure medical care and safety of participants and spectators of the sporting event.

Stages of project implementation 2. Main stage (July 2017) - at this stage of the project it is necessary to complete the following tasks: 1. hold the grand opening of the sporting event; 1. organize and conduct the event in accordance with the approved regulations and rules; 1. determine the winners of this competition; 2. organize awarding of the winners and participants of the competition; 3. close the event.

Stages of project implementation 3. Final stage (August 2017) - at this stage of the project it is necessary to complete the following tasks: 1. prepare the results and report of the project implementation; 2. determine future prospects (preparation of a new project).

Concept of the project The project is the organization of a mass sports event, namely the holding of a sports day for pre-conscription youth with the aim of introducing them to systematic physical education and sports, as well as increasing the importance of sports in the life of the younger generation. This competition involves various game exercises, as well as relay races with the completion of certain tasks, namely: Shooting from a p/v - shooting from an air rifle at a target from a standing position. Distance to target 10 meters. 2 test shots, 3 test shots. 3 people participate. The team standings are determined by the highest total scored by all 3 participants.

The concept of the project is Pull-Up – 3 people participate. The participant, with the help of the judge, assumes a hanging position with an overhand grip. Pull yourself up in a continuous motion until your chin is above the bar. Lower yourself into a hanging position. Stop the rocking yourself. It is not allowed to bend your arms alternately, jerk your legs and torso, or stop while performing the next pull-up. The pause between repetitions should not exceed 3 seconds. The team standings are determined by the highest amount of pull-ups performed by all 3 participants.

Project concept Disassembly and assembly of an assault rifle - disassembly and assembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, taking into account time. The team result is determined by the least amount of time scored by 2 participants.

Project concept: Complex relay race – 8 people participate, one at each stage. The result is determined by the least time spent completing the distance and the number of errors in the stages. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Stages of the medley relay: Running with a machine gun; Overcoming three barriers; Overcoming the swamp; Overcoming the “firing zone”; Putting on a gas mask and running in it; Throwing a grenade at a horizontal target; Running with a box of ammunition; Running with a machine gun. FINISH.

Required resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. stopwatch; ropes (sports ropes), warning tapes; air rifles; targets; pull-up bars; Kalashnikov assault rifles; hurdles for medley relay; car tires; gas masks; training grenades; hoop for throwing.

Results of the project 1. 2. 3. 4. Expected results: fulfillment of goals and objectives will attract the younger generation to increase motivation and regular physical education and sports; improving the health of young people through physical education and sports, as well as preventing diseases and maintaining high performance; increasing the role of physical education and sports in the prevention of antisocial behavior (smoking, alcoholism, drug use, etc.); attracting the younger generation to actively participate in sports and recreational activities.

Project implementation results Project results in the long term: reduction of crimes and administrative offenses committed by children and adolescents; increasing interest in physical education and sports; increasing the number of children involved in sports and physical education; reducing the incidence of adolescents and reducing children using cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

Project evaluation criteria Evaluation of project implementation activities will be carried out in stages in accordance with the calendar plan. Evaluation of qualitative and quantitative results will be monitored based on the results of a survey of the younger generation, as well as monitoring the reduction in the incidence of adolescents and the reduction in the number of children with antisocial behavior.

Conclusion In modern Russia, physical culture and sports are given particular importance as a factor in the improvement of individuals and society; The most effective of all forms of propaganda and agitation of physical culture are sports events held on weekends during the school year and during the holidays; It is sporting events that contribute to the involvement of young people in regular physical education and sports, the formation of a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, and the creation of a “fashion for a sports lifestyle”;

Conclusion Sports competitions are an incentive for systematic training and contribute to the growth of sports results if they are held regularly; Taking into account the above, the successful implementation of the “Sport is Life” project will improve the spiritual, moral and physical education of the younger generation. Also, as a result of the implementation of the project, teenagers will develop sustainable motivation for systematic physical education and sports. They will be focused on a healthy lifestyle, will have a solid knowledge of the means of promoting health, the needs and capabilities of the body.