Young people-citizens of the Russian Federation are recruited for military service twice a year - in the autumn and spring draft. Consider the features of the autumn draft in 2020, including the timing of the draft and the term of service.

The timing of the autumn call

In matters related to the army and conscription, the cornerstone is such a concept as the timing of conscription. And this is quite justified, because it is possible to carry out a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, to send a young man to a military unit only within these terms. A day later or a day earlier, such events / activities are illegal.

When does the fall 2020 draft start?

Many young adults are afraid of the date for the start of the autumn conscription campaign, for example, in view of the fact that young men who did not enter college / university after school and did not apply for a deferral from the army for study should be called up during this period, starting on this date. When does the fall call in 2020 start? The beginning of the autumn draft in Russia has remained unchanged, and will take place in the same way as in 2019, that is, on October 1. From that day until the end of the draft, military commissariats have the right to conduct a medical commission, determine the suitability of young people for service, and send children to military units.

When does the autumn call end?

Everyone knows that on December 31, all citizens of the Russian Federation celebrate the New Year - a great holiday. And the recruits are looking forward to this day with special impatience. For young people of military age, this day is a holiday for one more reason - the autumn draft of 2020 ends on this very day. Accordingly, if the young man was not taken into the army by December 31, he can relax for several months - until the next spring draft begins.

Exceptions to the timing of the autumn draft

The regulatory documents of the Russian Federation provide for exceptions in the terms of the autumn conscription for some groups of residents of our country. Let's see which citizens fall under these exceptions.

Firstly, these are people living in the Far North. The list of such territories is established by a special official document. For these citizens, the autumn conscription in 2020 begins a month later than in other regions of the Russian Federation, that is, on November 1, and ends in the same way as in other regions of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, minor exceptions include young men living in villages who are engaged in planting or harvesting. But the fact of this participation must be officially confirmed, for example, in the form of an employment document (contract / work book).

Thirdly, young workers-teachers in connection with the beginning of the next academic year are not subject to conscription in the autumn conscription campaign. These young men are to appear at the military registration and enlistment office in May-June, when the spring conscription into the army begins.

Autumn draft 2020, conscripts' service life

The service life of young people called up for the autumn draft in 2020 remains unchanged - 12 months(1 year), despite many rumors on this topic (in particular about increasing the service life to 1.8 years in 2020).

Fall Call 2020 innovations

There will be no significant innovations in the Fall Summons. The recruitment of senior graduates of institutes / universities into scientific companies is still under way. It is not so easy to get into these companies, since from experience we can say that they are invited for an interview in a completely random way. In total, 289 young people (0.2% of all conscripts) serve in these units in the Russian Federation. The competition is serious - about 25 people per place - however, and service in a scientific company differs significantly from the "usual" conscription service.

Is it true that in the autumn draft of 2020 the service life will be increased to 1.8 years?

Today, there are many rumors about the increase in military service in 2020 to 1 year and 8 months (1.8 years). There is also information about the service life of 18 months. Young people are looking for an official order that assigns a term of service for conscripts of 1 year and 8 months. At the same time, no one finds clearly conspicuous information about such an official document. Still, is it true that service life will be 1.8 years or will remain equal to 12 months. To deal with this issue, you need to understand the principles of operation of the regulatory documents of Russia.

The fact is that no official order can contradict federal law, and in the event of such a contradiction, the order is recognized as invalid. First, there is no term of service in the fall 2020 conscription. Secondly, the term of service in the army is established by the federal law governing military service in the Russian Federation, namely article 38, part 1, subparagraph "e", which says that for young people drafted into the army in 2008 and later, the service life is 12 months (1 year). This term can only be changed in the event of an amendment to this federal law. In 2020, there will be no such amendments / changes, therefore, service life will not change... Information about the term of service of 1.8 years is false in relation to both autumn and spring conscriptions.

We hope you have found the answer to the question when does the autumn draft in the army in 2020 begin. We also considered the timing / innovations of the autumn draft, service life and exceptions for some categories of Russians.

If a man is a citizen of the Russian Federation and is in the age range from 18 to 27 years old, then he needs to know well both the draft procedure and the time when the draft will take place in the army in 2020. Perhaps the agenda will come during this period, and you need to be prepared.

Army conscription

Military service is an honorable duty of every adult male citizen. It is important to know that in the absence of valid reasons for a postponement, if a young man has not been called up for military service before, and he has not turned 27, then he is subject to conscription.

The procedure does not take one day. First of all, citizens who have reached the age of 16-17 are registered. To do this, they are invited to the military registration and enlistment office and, after passing the medical commission, are given a certificate of registration. It is at the age of 18, when the conscript becomes an adult, is exchanged for a military ID.

After reaching the age of 18, starting from the next day, young people are subject to conscription. First, they are invited to the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical commission, where their category of fitness and the type of troops in which the conscript can serve is determined.

After the medical commission, the draft board is assembled at the military registration and enlistment office. The presence of a conscript is obligatory on it. There, all the circumstances are discussed and considered, and a final verdict is made on the suitability of the young man or on the appointment of a postponement for a certain period of time.

Then the young man has time to appeal the decision of the commission. The court considers the application within 5 days. If the young man agrees with the verdict and is ready for service, then, during the draft board, he is handed a summons when and where to come with things to leave for the place of service.

Service life in the army in 2020

There are a lot of rumors, both about increasing the service life to 20 months, and about reducing it by 45 days. Both that and that option are just rumors. None of the laws changing the length of military service have been passed, and therefore in 2020, conscripts are still going to the army for 12 months.

Spring Call 2020

The dates of enlistment in the spring of 2020 have not changed compared to other years. Recruits are recruited from April 1 to July 15. During this time, it is planned to call more than 100 thousand young people throughout the country for military service.

As for the timing, there are exceptions in some regions and in some cases. For example, in the regions of the Far North, the dates of the spring conscription into the army are shifted by a month, and this process begins only from May 1. But the spring call ends in the North also on July 15. The exact same date shift is guaranteed for recruits who work as teachers.

Autumn Call 2020

The fall 2020 call date has the following:

  • For ordinary citizens and most conscripts - from October 1 to December 31;
  • In the Far North - from November 1;

For those working in the countryside and busy with autumn harvesting, the call begins on October 15th.

Military training in 2020

In addition to military service, citizens liable for military service can be called up for military training, which is expected to take place in the summer and autumn of 2020. Military training can be summoned to citizens of draft age who have served on conscription, as well as persons older than draft age who had deferrals.

Failure to appear on a summons at the collection point will be considered an evasion, and without a valid reason will be punished with an administrative fine of 500 rubles. Citizens who have more than 3 children, FSB officers, firefighters, police officers, drug control and tax authorities, as well as customs officers are not subject to conscription for military training. In addition, all deputies of all branches of government and employees of administrations of any level have been released. The released include teachers, railway workers, persons who have completed civilian alternative service.

Appearance at the military registration and enlistment office during the period of conscription

It often happens that the officers of the military commissariat simply lose sight of a particular conscript. Therefore, some citizens do not receive summons. This is not a reason to rejoice and walk past the recruiting office with a smile.

If you have no good reason to postpone military service and there are no health problems, then during the spring and autumn conscription into the army in 2020, you should appear at the military registration and enlistment office yourself and identify yourself. The staff will refer you to the commission.

First of all, it is convenient - to perform such necessary procedures precisely during an official conscription campaign, and secondly, the lack of a military ID at the draft age can create problems with employment and travel abroad, as well as obtaining a license to carry weapons.

Postponements and exemptions from conscription

At the time of the call to the military registration and enlistment office, the conscript must be 18 years old and must not "hit" 27.

The young man undergoes a medical commission, which assigns him one of the health fitness categories. In total, the commission has several doctors: a surgeon, an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, a psychiatrist, a narcologist, and a therapist. Each of them makes his own "verdict" for health, and the final verdict is put on the draft board. In this case, they are equal in the smallest category. Total health groups 5:

  • "A". The conscript is fit for service in all types of troops; from such young people are recruited marines, paratroopers and special forces;
  • "B" Suitable with minor restrictions. In this case, only certain types of troops can be chosen, where a lot of physical activity and increased endurance are not needed;
  • "V". Limited usable. The conscript is automatically enrolled in the reserve and is called only in case of hostilities;
  • "G". Temporarily unfit. A young man, for health reasons, is given a delay of 6-12 months. During this time, the conscript is being treated or undergoing rehabilitation, then the draft board meets again and makes another verdict;
  • "D" Unfit. The army with such a health group is not taken.

In addition to health, a postponement is laid for those who have serious family circumstances for this:

  1. The conscript is a single father;
  2. In the care of a young man, sick and minor relatives who have no other support;
  3. There is a disabled child under the age of 3;
  4. A young man is a father of more than two children;
  5. There is one child and a spouse in the last stages of pregnancy - more than 26 weeks;
  6. Also, deputies and administrations of all levels of government, and candidates for the duration of the elections, have a respite from the army.

The most popular way to get a reprieve is to study full-time at a higher education institution. The same applies to those who study in graduate school or defend their candidate or doctoral dissertation.

But if a student is expelled for academic failure, then in the next spring or autumn conscription he should expect a summons to the military registration and enlistment office.

There are groups of conscripts who are completely exempt from conscription. These are seriously ill, convicted of grave crimes, those who have already served in the army or served in the troops of other states.

Responsibility for failure to appear on the agenda

When the young men find out that the draft into the army in 2020 is open, and Russia is waiting for new recruits, the question immediately arises about the responsibility of the draft deviators. Many are sure that if you run from the military commissar before the age of 27, then nothing will happen, and you can safely not repay your debt to the Fatherland. This is a misconception.

Of course, no one will immediately put you in jail. After the first failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, they will be limited to a warning. In case of a repeated violation, an administrative fine of 500 rubles may be issued. And for the malicious deviators, there are stricter punishments. They are provided for by Art. 338 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and are threatened with a fine of up to 200 thousand, payment of the conscript's income for a period of up to 1.5 years, as well as arrest for up to 6 months and imprisonment for up to 2 years.

The rights and obligations of a conscript

It is not enough for a young man of the right age to know from what date the draft begins in the army in 2020. You must have complete information about your rights and obligations. To do this, during the periods of autumn and spring conscription, a hot line organized by the Ministry of Defense operates.

First of all, one should not become a deviator and ignore the summons to the military registration and enlistment office. It is the duty of any male citizen to serve in the army. If a young man is sure that he is not fit for health or he has good reasons for postponing, then it is necessary to defend his rights.

First of all, at the draft board, at the request of the conscript, they are obliged to give the minutes of the meeting. With this document, the young man has the right to go to a military lawyer, and then to appeal the decision in court.

Military law experts advise you to be very careful with all the documents that you submit to the military registration and enlistment office. So that they are not lost, the conscript has the right to leave only copies. Otherwise, even an absolutely unsuitable conscript, at the end of the draft campaign, to fulfill the plan, may be enlisted in the army.

If there are doubts about the validity of the diagnoses or important diagnostic documents are lost, the young person has the right to undergo an independent examination and submit the data to the court. Upon appeal, before the court session, the verdict of the commission on the suitability and assignment to the Armed Forces is considered suspended.


In 2020, the terms of the draft company, compared to previous years, have not changed. Therefore, from April 1 in spring and October 1 in autumn, most young people are awaiting a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. They receive this document personally, on receipt, and if there are reasons not to join the army, then it is necessary to collect all supporting documents, including medical ones, by this period.

If there are controversial issues, just contact a military lawyer, but you should not run. If you have no desire to join the army, try to enter a university - this is a good reason not to serve.

On our website you can find out everything about the spring conscription into the army, get up-to-date information about conscription and service in the army, as well as ask another user a question in the comments.

Spring conscription lasts from March to July. The work of medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices begins on March 1 and continues until July 15. In March, university graduates pass the commission, since April all the others go.

A few tips for recruits. It has long been known that the only doctor who considers the patient to be completely healthy works in the military registration and enlistment office. That is why graduates should go through an independent medical examination before starting a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office and, if there are medical indications for a postponement, stock up on the relevant documents.

When conscripted into military service, conscripts may be granted a deferment or exemption from conscription. The postponement is given for a certain period, after which the young man will have to serve, and release is the final decision when a person is recognized by doctors as unfit or partially fit for service.

A deferment is provided to young people to graduate from a secondary educational institution, a secondary specialized educational institution, if they have not previously received a certificate of complete secondary general education (11 classes), a diploma of a higher educational institution of state accreditation, etc.

What date does the spring call start: read the details below

The spring conscription begins in February, when higher education graduates receive their subpoenas. From March 1, medical commissions at military registration and enlistment offices begin to work, at the same time former students undergo a medical examination. Other conscripts will come later, from April 1. Conscripts living in the Far North, and teachers are called up even later, military enlistment offices will send them summons for the period from May 1 to July 15. For residents of the village directly involved in spring field work, conscription for military service in the spring-summer period is not provided.

The spring call, like the autumn call, is a cause for concern for a large number of young men and their parents. In order to better prepare for the draft, it is recommended that you first find out what deferments or exemptions from service may be suitable for this conscript. For these purposes, you can take a closer look at the legislative acts on the passage of military service. They list all applicable deferrals and exemptions.

If there are medical contraindications, you should undergo a preliminary independent medical examination, take copies of the conclusion with you to the medical examination and insist on familiarizing the members of the commission with them.

Summer conscription - what to expect, how to prepare

On the Internet, "there is a place to be" a message that a representative of the Ministry of Defense said that they are preparing to amend the draft law. Now the terms of the spring conscription into the army will last until August 31 and will become spring-summer. The reason for this decision was the desire to increase the service life directly in the unit. Earlier, conscripts spent 6 months in the training unit and only half a year in the ranks. Now, by increasing the terms of conscription and reducing the number of conscripts in the spring, the training units will train soldiers in three months, increasing the number of classes and material studied. Thus, the time of this service will last 9 months, which will undoubtedly give positive results in the quality of training for the defenders of the homeland.

However, despite such statements, the terms of the conscription order did not change. The call will last, as always, from March 1 to July 15. Perhaps the change in terms will occur next year, and perhaps there will be no changes. Time will tell whether there will appear in Russia a summer conscription, but in the meantime, conscripts should prepare for a visit to the military registration and enlistment office.

According to the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", conscription events are held twice a year, in spring and autumn. The spring conscription into the army is the longest and most massive; during this period, more recruits are serving than in. In 2020, conscription dates are expected in the same time frame as in 2018.

Who will it touch?

Male citizens of the Russian Federation are obliged to do military service in accordance with the Federal Law "On conscription and military service." limited, they go to serve in the army from 18 to 27 years old. The state of health, the absence of an outstanding criminal record, and a deferral officially issued at the military registration and enlistment office are taken into account.

Dates: until what date does it start and end?

Do young people and parents care when the spring call starts and ends? Not everyone who has reached the required age will be taken into the army during this period. Most of the 2020 spring draft will be invited to pass the commission from April 1 to July 15. Federal law defines a category of people who are provided with other time frames.

The following citizens belong to a special group:

  • residents of the Far North;
  • residents of certain regions, equated to the conditions of the Far North;
  • teachers.

Agricultural workers living in rural areas receive subpoenas in the fall from October 15 to December 31. Farmers and villagers are involved in agricultural work, so they are not hired in the spring.

About the autumn call for you, we have written a separate

Summons to the military registration and enlistment office begin to be sent out in March. They indicate the timing of the military medical commission, it begins on April 1, and for northerners and teachers from May 1.

Requirements on the summons to undergo a medical examination before April 1 are illegal. It is necessary to appear at the military commissariat within the time specified in the agenda, but the young man has the right to refuse a medical examination that goes beyond the draft period.

A young man of military age should clearly know when the spring draft begins in 2020. In case of violation of the term by the employees of the military registration and enlistment offices, it is better to seek help from an experienced lawyer.


In 2020, the amendment to Article 24 of the Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", introduced in 2017, continues to operate. The amendment states that those who have reached draft age. The innovation applies to those who entered the educational institution before the end of 2016.

How many will serve in 2020? A relatively new provision on the choice of one of the service options continues to be in force: compulsory service for 1 year or contract service for 2 years. Until 2016, this choice was the prerogative of people with higher education. Today, any conscript can determine his choice.

A young man who decides to do contract service must write a statement of his intention at the military registration and enlistment office.

The provision about. Citizens who have chosen military service serve one year, those who prefer alternative service serve 21 months.


  • University graduates who did not enter the army before July 15 due to the defense of their diplomas receive a deferral until August 31, 2020.
  • Several more categories of citizens are subject to postponement:
  • a single father with a minor in his upbringing;
  • a young man who is married to a woman whose pregnancy exceeds 26 weeks;
  • not older than 3 years;
  • the draft commission assigned G;
  • guardians of minor brothers, sisters;
  • care for disabled relatives is necessary (there are documents confirming such a need) and relatives are not on state support;
  • candidates for state structures of power;
  • State Duma deputies;
  • police officers and other bodies with a higher education and rank.

Is it picked up in the summer?

Often the spring campaign is called "summer", this is due to the coverage of the summer calendar period, then until what date is the spring call (July 15). In fact, there is no separate appeal in the summer, there are categories of people that have a deferral (they are listed above).

In some cases, employees of military commissariats violate the provisions of the Federal Law "On conscription", and at the same time the rights of conscripts. Violations include:

  • send young people with health problems to the ranks of the Russian army;
  • they give summons through relatives or friends of the conscript and even take them by force into the army.
  • Knowledge about the rules of conscription will help to avoid violation of rights. And also an appeal to a competent lawyer for help.

Our law firm deals exclusively with the protection of the rights of conscripts. The many years of experience of our lawyers will help to solve the problems that arose during the recruiting events. We will also help you to obtain the required validity category.

Execution of constitutional duty. According to the Federal Law "On Military Duty," citizens of the country between the ages of 18 and 27, who permanently reside on its territory, are subject to conscription. Non-residents are not subject to conscription and are not even included in the military registration. From January 1, 2008, it became equal to one year.

It is possible to carry out alternative service. But its term exceeds 12 months and is equal to 18-21 months. Such a right is granted only with special indications.

Persons who graduate from military departments become officers and are enrolled in the reserve.

When a young person turns 17, he must undergo a mandatory medical examination. A commission of doctors examines a young man, identifies diseases, pathologies and makes a verdict on whether he is fit for service or not. If applicable, then a certificate of attribution to him. At the age of 18, a young man receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. Next, he will have to undergo a second medical commission. Possible reasons for the delay are identified. Higher and secondary vocational educational institutions provide a reprieve for a young person for the period of study, this rule does not apply to correspondence students. If there is no evidence not to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, then the guy is told the date and time when he will need to appear with his things.

Day of the call

On the day of the call, the guy must come with everything he needs to the district military registration and enlistment office. All conscripts are sent by bus to the central collection point. Another medical commission is being held there. Only healthy and strong young men should get into the army. Further, representatives of military units talk to the conscripts, talk about everyday life in the army, what you need to prepare for and what you absolutely cannot do. All are given the form of privates. Items that cannot be taken with you to the unit are seized and sent by mail to your home address. If a private for some reason did not receive distribution to the unit, then he lives for some time in a recruiting center.
It so happens that after the third medical commission, a young man is declared unfit for service for medical reasons, and he is sent back home.

Spring appeal

In 2014, the spring conscription begins on April 1st and lasts 3 months until July 15th. And the autumn call runs from October 1 to December 31. According to Defense Minister Shoigu, the number of conscripts will significantly decrease by tens of thousands. The ranks of the armed army will be replenished by contract soldiers. This will allow the military registration and enlistment offices not to chase those who want to avoid serving. And also there will be no forced recruitment of young men due to the lack of a mobilization reserve.