The frenulum of the tongue is a membrane on the oral mucosa that is located directly under the tongue. It extends from the middle of the tongue to the gums of the lower front incisors, connecting it with the oral cavity in the lower jaw. This fold serves to hold the tongue when it is pulled to the side, which is why it was named this way.

There is an anomaly called ankyloglossia. With it, the frenulum does not come from the middle of the tongue, but from its tip, which limits its mobility. If the operation was not performed in childhood, then the question is likely to arise: is it possible to trim the frenulum of the tongue in an adult?

In the human mouth there are not one, but whole three bridles: on, and, in fact, on the language. All three serve to perform several functions at once, which include:

  • formation of correct diction;
  • normal functioning of the oral mucosa;
  • creating conditions for normal food intake;
  • formation of correct bite;
  • maintaining the functionality of the facial muscles.

A short frenulum of the tongue is a common phenomenon.

Approximately every twentieth person is born with a short frenulum. Moreover, 75% of them are male. whether the frenulum is short or not is not so simple, since visible signs may be absent.

However, there are a number of indicators from which certain conclusions can be drawn:

  • bending of the tongue down when it is pulled forward;
  • violation of swallowing and sucking function;
  • obstacles to fully extending the tongue;
  • problems with bite formation;
  • periodontal diseases;
  • the formation of a heart-shaped tongue when it is raised;
  • violations of diction and correct pronunciation.

Indications for the use of plastic surgery

  1. Difficulty with breastfeeding. This problem occurs in a quarter of all babies with a short frenulum. Due to the limited mobility of the tongue, the baby is not able to properly grasp the mother's nipple, which is why, in the future, problems such as malnutrition and slow weight gain appear. As a rule, a short frenulum of the tongue in a newborn can be diagnosed by a pediatric neonatologist in the maternity hospital. Already there, a simple dissection of the sublingual or other frenulum can be performed.
  2. Difficulties in pronunciation. Usually such a deviation is detected by a speech therapist kindergarten. This is explained by the fact that the tongue, constrained in its freedom, does not allow all sounds to be pronounced correctly. If left unattended, such a problem may subsequently persist as a speech defect. And then plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue in adults will become their opportunity to correct their speech.
  3. Orthodontic reasons. A short frenulum of the tongue can affect the curvature of the dentition, tilting the incisors inward, and also inhibit the development of the lower jaw. In addition, this pathology greatly complicates orthodontic treatment.
  4. Periodontal causes. A shortened frenulum can cause gum recession, which exposes the root of the tooth and makes it more vulnerable to disease and damage, as well as compromising its stability in the gum.

The tongue without a short frenulum is mobile and comfortable

Many positive feedback for trimming the frenulum of the tongue in adults today indicates the popularity of such a procedure. Mainly in connection with the development of prosthetics on implants, since ankyloglossia can disrupt the nutrition of the tissues surrounding the implant.

It is worth saying that the frenulum of the tongue, whose trimming in adults is carried out relatively infrequently, heals somewhat longer than that of preschool age. In general, plastic surgery is considered most acceptable from 5-6 years old, if it was not carried out in infancy to eliminate breastfeeding disorders. During this period, the central incisors have already at least partially erupted, but the lateral incisors have not begun, which simplifies the operation.

One of the surgical options

Contraindications and practices

Like any other surgical operation, correction of such a defect as a short frenulum of the tongue in an adult has its contraindications. In most cases, these are pathologies and diseases of the body, about which the doctor must be notified before the procedure begins.

These include:

  • chronic diseases of the oral cavity during their period;
  • oncological diseases of the jaw tissue;
  • infectious diseases of the body as a whole;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • mental disorders;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Incision of the sublingual skin fold in infants is called frenectomy or frenulotomy, depending on the type of cuts. Since at this stage the frenulum does not contain blood vessels, there is usually no bleeding.

Otherwise, it is stopped through breastfeeding. In older adults, the operation requires local anesthesia and is called frenuloplasty.

This is done in several ways:

  1. Cutting. After cutting the sublingual frenulum, retaining transverse sutures are placed on its edges.
  2. Removal. After two triangular incisions, the frenulum disappears and the remaining wound is closed with stitches.
  3. Moving. Two incisions separate part of the frenulum, after which it is attached to the site of an artificially tapered wound.

Correcting a short frenulum of the tongue is an important procedure and is worth deciding on.

Trimming a bridle for an adult is still quite simple. The operation lasts no more than 20 minutes, and the sutures are made of biodegradable material and disappear on their own after a few days. Besides, modern technologies allow you to use for the procedure laser correction. When using a laser, there is no bleeding or need for stitches.

As a rule, there are no complications after surgery. The rehabilitation period lasts no more than a week. However, for successful wound healing, several conditions must be met. In particular, it is necessary to maintain daily oral hygiene, avoid hot and hard foods for several days, as well as perform special exercises for the facial and jaw muscles.

Unfortunately, even parents who are not privy to medical subtleties are familiar with the opinion that a short frenulum of the tongue in a child is the cause of speech therapy problems. Why "unfortunately"? Because it is ignorance of the material that leads to a clear decision - the bridle needs to be trimmed!

Do you remember in the film “Pokrovsky Gate” the characteristic female surgeon with her famous phrase “Cut!.. without waiting for peritonitis”? So the same thing often happens to the poor bridle. However, as experience shows, there is not always only one way out. Not every case of the so-called “short frenulum” requires radical measures.

What is a short frenulum of the tongue?

The frenulum is a thin partition that connects the tongue and the lower oral cavity. Normally, the frenulum is quite elastic, stretches well and is attached to the tongue in its middle part.

An abnormal structure may be the location of the frenulum closer to the edge of the tongue or even at its tip. In addition, a significant decrease in its elasticity, that is, its ability to stretch, is possible.

So in fact, the concept of “short bridle” is not entirely correct. Therefore, there is no clear solution to this issue.

What is the problem with the incorrect structure of the frenulum of the tongue?

In infants, an abnormal frenulum structure can cause difficulty sucking. In this case, the problem is solved in the maternity hospital by pruning. If the baby is still able to eat normally, doctors try to leave the situation alone, giving, as they say, time to grow. And indeed, in many cases, along with the growth of the jaw, the frenulum gradually stretches and takes on a normal shape.

In older children, a short hyoid frenulum creates some speech therapy difficulties:

  • Difficulties arise with the pronunciation of hissing sounds.
  • Correct reproduction of sonorants is not possible.

To pronounce the so-called upper lingual sounds, you need to raise the tip of your tongue upward. An insufficiently elastic bridle prevents this from being done.

However, it is very important to understand that it is not “responsible” for all speech problems. So if the child has a delay speech development, syllables and sounds are “confused” in speech, limited vocabulary or other problems, a short bridle has nothing to do with it. Speech therapist suggest effective ways corrections.

How to check if a child has a short frenulum

The presence of difficulties with the frenulum can be easily determined independently:

  1. Open your mouth slightly and place the tip of your tongue in the area behind your upper teeth. In this position, the place of attachment of the frenulum is clearly visible. If it is not “where it needs to be,” it is difficult to lift the tongue up.
  2. Pull your tongue forward. A short frenulum does not allow this to be done; in addition, the tip of the tongue visually looks forked
  3. Open your mouth and try to touch your upper lip with your tongue and lick it. Difficulties with the bridle make this movement difficult to perform.

Please note: sometimes a child cannot cope with these exercises not because there is something wrong with the frenulum. The cause may be weak muscles of the articulatory apparatus. Take a clean handkerchief and try to help your tongue. If resistance is felt when moving, then the problem is still in the hyoid frenulum.

Who to contact for help

Depending on the complexity of the situation, an orthodontist or speech therapist will help you cope with the problem. In any case, it makes sense to first get a consultation to decide what method of correction the child needs.

The dentist will carefully trim the frenulum, relieving the child of discomfort with one movement of his hand. However, recently doctors still recommend leaving surgical intervention as a last resort. An experienced speech therapist will offer a set of exercises and massage to stretch the frenulum.

Experts say that there are not many situations when the hyoid frenulum is absolutely unable to stretch. In almost all cases, a conservative approach achieves results.

Parents can evaluate the pros and cons of different approaches on their own.

Surgical method:

  • A quick, radical solution to the problem.
  • The operation is performed using anesthesia.
  • The healing process takes some time and is uncomfortable.
  • Dietary restrictions due to surgery.
  • It is advisable to maintain vocal rest for several days.
  • Psychological trauma in the child is possible.
  • After the operation, classes with a speech therapist are necessary to correct sound pronunciation.

Frenum stretching method:

  • Conservative, does not cause psychological difficulties in the child.
  • Effective in most cases.
  • Does not require changes to your usual routine.
  • It takes some time (several months).
  • Requires discipline and regular practice.

In any case, to resolve the issue, you need to consult a speech therapist.

How to stretch the hyoid frenulum of the tongue

Here parents will need perseverance, patience and even resourcefulness. In addition to a special set of exercises, you need to use every opportunity to give your tongue some exercise. For example, invite your child... to lick the plate. Yes, perhaps this goes against the rules of good manners, but it will help cope with speech problems. Make it a game!

It's also good to tease a little. Let the child extend his tongue as far as possible.

Exercises for stretching the frenulum:

  • Open your mouth slightly, relax your tongue, place it on your lower lip and hold it in this position for several seconds.
  • Try to touch the tip of your tongue to your nose, then your chin. Repeat several times.
  • Licking your upper lip (exercise “Jam”), mouth slightly open.
  • Keep your tongue extended forward.
  • Click your tongue (exercise “Horse”).
  • With your mouth slightly open, move your tongue across the palate from front to back (in the direction from the teeth to the throat).
  • Place the tip of your tongue in the area just behind your upper teeth. Try to open your mouth as wide as possible.

To stretch the frenulum, you can do a special massage. It would be better if a speech therapist does this, but some techniques can be performed at home:

  • Carefully take the tip of your tongue with your fingers and gradually move it towards different sides(up, down, right, left).
  • Use your fingers to gently stroke the stretched frenulum from base to end.

Of course, when performing a massage, you need to take a sterile bandage or a clean handkerchief.

You need to do the exercises regularly, preferably several times a day. You should increase the load and effort very carefully so that the exercises do not cause pain or provoke injuries. Working under the supervision of a speech therapist will help you achieve success safely and with maximum effect.

Trimming the frenulum under the tongue in children is a common procedure in dental surgery. The operation is recommended at any age and is performed to eliminate congenital pathology. The sooner the plastic surgery is performed, the faster and better the formation will begin. correct speech, jaw and bite of a child.

The frenulum is normally capable of lengthening and shortening in the mouth. This is an elastic fold of mucous membrane that stretches from the middle of the tongue to the very base of the gums, approximately in the area of ​​the lower front incisors. Its main purpose is to ensure mobility of the tongue and normal pronunciation of sounds.

The fold may have some deviations, in particular related to its elasticity, length and area of ​​attachment. They are detected in early childhood when a child is examined by a doctor.

What are the dangers of a short frenulum?

This pathology has the scientific name ankyloglossia, which means “curved tongue.” Most often this phenomenon is observed in boys. An abnormally short frenulum prevents the child from normal control of the tongue, swallowing and even breathing. Usually a pediatric neonatologist helps to detect pathology, but there may be mistakes on the part of some doctors.

A short frenulum prevents the child from controlling his tongue normally, swallowing, and even breathing.

A clear sign of pathology is that the baby has difficulty sucking the breast during feeding, as a result of which he is poorly satiated, behaves restlessly, is capricious, often requires latching to the breast, and does not gain weight.

This is important! In children over three years old, a short frenulum of the upper lip can lead to improper development of the interdental spaces, which are located between the upper incisors, as a result of which they move sharply forward. An anomaly of the lower lip most often leads to improper formation of the bite.

A short frenulum in a newborn is a congenital pathology. Reasons may be different:

  1. Genetic predisposition – it is not necessary for the baby’s parents to have the same problems. Often the anomaly is inherited from a close relative.
  2. Pathology can occur during pregnancy, in the first and third trimester. Various determining factors: consumption narcotic substances during gestation, somatic or infectious diseases, unfavorable natural conditions, abdominal injuries and much more.
  3. In some cases, an incorrectly developed frenulum of the upper lip is diagnosed in children who already have other congenital anomalies that cause various types of deformities.

Clinical picture

If such a problem occurs, then the following are observed: complications:

  • the baby has difficulty sticking out his tongue or is unable to do so;
  • the baby cannot extend the tongue, because in this case it takes the shape of an arch;
  • the child is unable to raise his tongue to the palate, since in this case its tip bifurcates.

There may be other symptoms that your baby's frenulum is too short. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination.

When the parents' suspicions are confirmed, it is recommended to perform an operation - plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue in children. Surgical intervention has a number of features depending on the age of the child:

  • Up to 1 year. If your baby has difficulty sucking at the breast during feeding, you should contact your pediatrician for an examination. The operation itself is performed by a dentist. At this age, babies still have a small membrane that is completely absent nerve fibers and blood vessels. Plastic surgery is performed without the use of local anesthesia. Most often it is treated with minimal bleeding.
  • From 4 years. If the child has not undergone plastic surgery before this age and has speech defects, and massage and various exercises do not help stretch the tongue, it is recommended to undergo plastic surgery. This diagnosis is usually made by a speech therapist, and the operation is performed, as in the previous version, by a dentist.

During this period of life, trimming the frenulum of the upper lip already causes discomfort and pain. Therefore, surgery is performed using local anesthesia. After this, the child receives stitches.

The photo shows a short frenulum of the tongue.

Note! The most suitable age for plastic surgery is selected by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics child. Trimming before the age of 1 year causes the least amount of trouble and discomfort. In some cases, the doctor may recommend surgery immediately after the baby is born.

The sooner parents take care of eliminating this anomaly, the sooner the child can begin to live a full life.

Why is plastic surgery required?

A short tongue frenulum in a newborn causes a lot of difficulties. Therefore, experts recommend making corrections in early age to minimize the consequences. Most often, difficulties arise during breastfeeding:

  1. It is not possible to attach the baby to the breast correctly.
  2. The baby has difficulty sucking in milk.
  3. During feeding, the baby swallows too much air, which subsequently leads to belching and abdominal pain.
  4. Insufficient consumption of mother's milk leads to the fact that the baby does not grow fast enough.

Tongue frenulum- hypoglossal ligament that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth. Ankyloglossia, that is, a short frenulum, is considered a small congenital developmental anomaly. In this case, the ligament begins too close to the tip of the tongue, sharply fixing it in front.Ankyloglossia can be accompanied by problems during breastfeeding, speech development and breathing.

Symptoms of a short frenulum of the tongue in newborns and older children

The diagnosis of ankyloglossia can be made at any age.

For the first time, the length of the tongue frenulum is checked by a doctor in the maternity hospital. If this pathology is diagnosed, in most cases the frenulum is immediately dissected.

Sometimes ankyloglossia is detected in children at an older age, or in adults when symptoms of this developmental anomaly appear.

Symptoms of a short frenulum of the tongue in infants:

  1. “Smacking” sounds when feeding;
  2. Breast biting;
  3. Large number of feedings on demand;
  4. The child often abandons the breast and rests, spends a lot of time at the breast;
  5. Insufficient weight gain;
  6. Whims at the chest;
  7. Refusal of breastfeeding.

Symptoms of a short frenulum of the tongue in children after one year and adults:

  1. Organic type of dyslalia (pronunciation of palatal, hissing and whistling sounds is difficult due to limited mobility of the tongue);
  2. The inclination of the incisors of the lower jaw inward;
  3. Malocclusion;
  4. Poor fixation of removable dentures and implants;
  5. Periodontitis and gum recession.

Ankyloglossia can be diagnosed by a pediatrician
neonatologist, general pediatrician, dentist, surgeon, otolaryngologist.

Parents may suspect that their child has a tongue tie and consult a specialist.

At home, you can ask a child over 2-3 years old to perform small tasks to determine the length of the frenulum.

  1. Ask your child to stick his tongue out of his mouth. A child with a short frenulum cannot stick out his tongue or the tip of his tongue tends downwards.
  2. Ask your child to raise his tongue to the roof of his mouth. With ankyloglossia, a dimple forms at the tip of the tongue, and the tongue rises more to the sides. Often the baby cannot run his tongue along the gums at all and touches the tip to the roof of his mouth.

By visually examining the oral cavity, you can estimate the length of the frenulum. Even in a newborn child this figure is more than 8 mm. At the age of 5 years, the length of the frenulum should be more than 17 mm.

Signs of a short frenulum of the tongue are divided into absolute and relative:

Depending on the presence of signs of shortening and the length of the frenulum, the degree of limitation of the function of the tongue is determined.

Limitation of tongue mobility:

  1. Mild degree. The length of the frenulum is more than 15 mm, combined with the presence of relative signs and accompanied by a violation of sound pronunciation.
  2. Average degree. The length of the frenulum is less than 15 mm, there are absolute signs and/or relative signs.
  3. Severe degree. The length of the frenulum is 0-10 mm, there are absolute signs of shortening.

Indications for surgery to trim the short frenulum of the tongue

Trimming the short frenulum of the tongue (frenulotomy) is a simple operation. It requires only local treatment and is rarely accompanied by heavy bleeding. Almost immediately after the intervention you can eat, drink, and talk.

Surgical treatment is necessary for severe limitation of tongue mobility. In the case of moderate limitation, the appropriateness of the operation is determined by the attending physician. A mild degree is corrected therapeutically (sessions with a speech therapist, speech therapy).

Indications for surgery to trim the short frenulum of the tongue:

  1. Severe degree of limitation of tongue mobility;
  2. Average degree of limitation of tongue mobility with unsuccessful therapeutic treatment;
  3. Impaired nipple latching during breastfeeding, insufficient weight gain in an infant;
  4. Forming malocclusion;
  5. Emerging dentition displacement;
  6. The need for orthodontic structures (removable dentures);
  7. The need to install implants (dentures).

If in infancy the child had no problems with
food intake, the dentition is formed correctly, and a speech therapist reports about ankyloglossia for the first time, it is recommended to first undergo a course of speech therapy ( articulatory gymnastics).

Classes with a specialist during such treatment are aimed at stretching the hypoglossal ligament. In 90% of cases with moderate and mild ankyloglossia, the frenulum of the tongue is amenable to therapeutic intervention, and surgical intervention is not required.

Parents should remember that articulation gymnastics and consultations with a speech therapist will be necessary for the child even after cutting the hypoglossal ligament.
Sometimes planned surgical treatment of ankyloglossia has to be postponed due to contraindications.

Trimming the frenulum of the tongue younger age Usually limited to simple dissection (frenulotomy), in children over 5 years of age and in adults, plastic surgery of the sublingual fold may be required.

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Good afternoon, dear readers! A tongue tie can be a serious problem for babies and their parents. Because of this defect, breastfeeding suffers, and subsequently the speech of babies. Trimming the frenulum under the tongue in children is one of the ways out of the situation when other means do not help.

In today's article we will look at whether pruning is necessary, at what age, which doctor does it, and what pruning methods exist.

Should my child's tongue frenulum be trimmed?

In half of the cases, ankyloglossia (short frenulum) is a hereditary defect. But this does not mean that absolutely all children need pruning. Many people live well with a short frenulum and still speak correctly and do not experience any discomfort.

If the doctors at the maternity hospital did not indicate ankyloglossia in your child, you can find out for yourself how to identify a short frenulum.

Normally, in a newborn, the length of the muscular septum (the frenulum is the muscular septum) should be 8 mm. By the age of five it grows to 17 mm. There are three degrees of impairment:

  • easy – the length of the septum is more than 15 mm, but the child has difficulty pronouncing individual sounds;
  • medium – the length of the jumper is from 10 to 15 mm, all symptoms are present;
  • severe - the length of the frenulum is up to 10 mm, the baby has difficulties with pronunciation, feeding, there are all signs of a disorder.

Reasons for pruning

The reasons for pruning are directly related to the symptoms that appear if the baby has a defect:

  • difficulties in breastfeeding (the baby often rests, does not latch on to the nipple correctly, is capricious and arches while eating, or cannot latch onto the breast at all);
  • at an older age, problems arise with the pronunciation of sounds and diction in general;
  • the bite is formed incorrectly.

If these signs are present, there is an 80-90% chance that doctors will advise you to trim the bridge.

Other signs that parents can easily notice without outside help may indicate ankyloglossia:

  • frequent diseases of the oral cavity, caries;
  • problems with chewing solid food in older children;
  • copious secretion of saliva;
  • a quiet voice with a nasal tinge;
  • frequent stomach problems;
  • low mobility of the tongue (ask the child to reach the palate with his tongue, move it from side to side. If these actions cause difficulties, you should consult a specialist).

What happens if you don't prune?

A short frenulum of the tongue in a child can have significant consequences:

  • difficulties with pronunciation of individual letters;
  • sensitivity of the gums and teeth, which causes frequent dental problems in adulthood;
  • mouth breathing, which causes frequent respiratory diseases;
  • Unaesthetic appearance of the front teeth due to malocclusion.

However, many of these consequences can be eliminated using conservative methods. For example, to learn how to pronounce sounds, you need to do exercises to stretch the frenulum. In 90% of cases, diction can be improved using speech therapy techniques. Malocclusion can be easily corrected with braces during adolescence.

Decide whether to cut the bridge if there are difficulties with breastfeeding, or doctors do not see other solutions to existing problems. Then surgery may be necessary.

Where to trim a child's tongue frenulum?

When parents are faced with the question of which doctor decides whether pruning is required, the first thoughts are transferred to dentistry. Absolutely right: the operation itself is performed by a surgeon.

However, before making a decision, it is necessary to consult with specialists in other fields:

  • pediatrician or lactation consultant (if there are problems with feeding),
  • speech therapist (if there are difficulties with pronunciation);
  • an orthodontist (if a malocclusion is formed).

If no others are offered for your problem effective solutions, take a referral to a surgeon in pediatric dentistry.

At what age is a child’s tongue frenulum cut?

The operation to trim the muscular septum in a newborn is performed in the maternity hospital, if the problem was noticed in time and the parents do not mind. It is believed that this is the most best time to fix the problem.

The baby has no blood vessels in the frenulum, so the whole procedure takes a matter of seconds, and the consequences are minimal. To make healing faster, the baby is immediately put to the breast.

The next age at which the surgeon considers it necessary to perform the operation is between five and six years. At this time, the baby’s speech is formed and defects are identified, as well as the possibility of eliminating them using conservative methods.

An orthodontist can predict how a child’s bite will develop. If there are real problems, he will point it out to his parents.

At 5-6 years of age, the procedure is longer and is performed under anesthesia, since the bridge becomes overgrown with vessels. However, the operation does not require hospitalization: after it the child can go home.

Surgical trimming

There are several methods for trimming a bridle:


This method is used if the baby’s age does not exceed 9 months. It consists of using scissors to make an incision closer to the teeth. The mucous membrane is dissected first, and then the muscle strands. At the end, stitches are applied.


A clamp is used to secure the septum, then an incision is made between the lip and the clamp. Stitches are placed on the wound.


The essence of the method is that a flap in the shape of a triangle is excised from the jumper. An incision is then made and the flap is sutured to the desired area to lengthen the frenulum.

The last two methods are suitable for children over 5 years old. For them, the operation begins with the administration of anesthesia. Frenuloplasty is rarely used. The main indications for it are serious orthodontic defects.

Wound healing occurs within 24 hours. During the rehabilitation period, you are not allowed to eat too hot or cold food. Particular attention should be paid to oral hygiene.

Another important question that worries readers is how much such a procedure costs. The cost starts from 500 rubles and can reach up to 5 thousand depending on the age of the child, the level of the clinic and doctor, and the chosen method.

Trim a child's tongue frenulum with a laser

The latest achievement in dentistry is laser cutting of the bridge. It has many advantages:

  • no risk of infection, since the laser has disinfecting properties;
  • minimal risk of bleeding, since the laser beam seals the vessels;
  • no stitches required;
  • minimal undesirable consequences;
  • accuracy of the cut;
  • fast healing;
  • absence of pain;
  • reasonable price.

Laser frenulum cutting surgery has received excellent reviews from parents as children tolerated it easily and side effects were minimal.

The procedure is very simple. Before starting, local anesthesia is administered, and the dosage of painkillers is much less than with traditional methods.

The surgeon focuses the laser beam on the desired area of ​​the septum and dissolves it. A bandage soaked in healing solutions is applied to the wound. The entire procedure takes up to 5 minutes. Rehabilitation lasts no more than 2 days.

How much such an operation costs is easy to find out if you look at the website of any dental clinic. The average cost is 4 thousand rubles.

We have looked at possible ways to trim the frenulum of the tongue and the need for the procedure. How appropriate it is for your child is up to you to decide.

See you soon, friends!