Perhaps, learning English has never been as simple and interesting as it is today, when you can choose the format of classes to your liking and practice whenever it is convenient.

If you choose 1-2 resources from this list and devote about an hour to them every day, the result will not be long in coming.

Translators and dictionaries

  • Multitran is a very simple and convenient dictionary in which you can find the meaning of almost any word. If you come across a difficult phrase, the local translation community will suggest its translation.
  • Lingvo is a dictionary with more than 10 million examples of words. There are also site experts here who can help with translation.
  • Merriam-webster is an online dictionary with many helpful sections, such as Word of the Day, quizzes, and games.

Online Learning Resources

  • EnglishDom - here you can learn a language via Skype or join a conversation club and communicate with people from different countries while practicing English at the same time.
  • LinguaLeo - this resource will analyze your level of preparation and create an individual training plan so that you complete it in a fun way game form. There is a useful extension that allows you to quickly translate english words from other sites.
  • Busuu - here you can do exercises that will be tested by real native speakers. The site also provides the opportunity to obtain an official certificate.
  • DuoLingo is a completely free platform, the creators of which will not allow you to abandon your studies. The system includes motivating elements such as time counters and burning lives.

Online libraries

For those who want to appreciate English humor in the original, these sites will be a real treasure. Reading works of various genres online and listening to audiobooks - great way remember new idioms.

Mobile applications

  • EasyTen is an application with which you will receive a portion of 10 new words every day.

Using the following apps, you can practice your English at any time convenient, for example, on the way to work or before bed. A interesting tasks will help you remember the material without problems.

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Who speaks nine languages ​​fluently? One of his tips for those who want to learn a foreign language is to find a language partner to practice the language on a regular basis. Ideally, it will also be a native speaker. Where can I find it? There are many sites on the Internet created specifically for finding a language partner for learning English or any other language. We have compiled a selection of the most popular resources.

On this site you can find a language partner from almost any country in the world, for example, from the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, India, Morocco, Thailand, Chile, etc. To start communicating on this service, you need to register and fill out your profile. For example, you will need to indicate which language you speak and which one you want to learn. At the same time, the system allows you to specify several languages ​​- for example, you can indicate that you speak Russian, but want to practice English and French.

The user is also asked to write a short message describing yourself and your interests to attract attention, add a photo and indicate exactly how you would like to practice the language. For example, through email correspondence, Skype communication, live communication. If you wish, you can also enter your name in Skype so that they can contact you directly.

You can choose your interlocutor by gender, by the languages ​​he speaks and wants to learn, by country of residence or city. For example, we were able to find more than 500 English-speaking users who would be interested in improving their knowledge of the Russian language.

In addition to the main function of searching for a language partner, home page The latest discussion topics on the forum are displayed, which are often related to learning a foreign language - you can immediately join the discussion.

Despite the fact that this site is designed to search for a foreign language teacher around the world, there is a separate section where you can find a regular partner for language practice. The search criteria are the same as on the previous site: gender, country and city of residence, the language you speak and the language you would like to learn. You can also specify that the system searches exclusively for native speakers of a foreign language, and not for users who simply know it well. By the way, it is very convenient that the system also shows whether there is a person in at the moment on the website, plus - next to each foreign language it is indicated at what level he speaks it.

Other useful features include, for example, the Articles sections, where you can find articles on learning different foreign languages ​​(there is a filter by language to sort out inappropriate content), and Notebook. It allows you to train written skills in a foreign language. The idea is simple: you make a post on any topic, for example, talk about your work, family, travel, publish it, and other users can correct mistakes and leave their comments.

Users also have the opportunity to participate in discussions and ask questions that they have while learning the language. But it is worth noting that if you have a free account, then you will be somewhat limited in what you can do. For example, you can only ask two questions a day, add only two users as friends, etc.

This service operates on the same principle as the previous ones: you register, enter information about yourself and select the most suitable language partner based on the language he speaks and the one he wants to learn.

It is very convenient that the user’s profile has an online chat, where all suitable users who are currently on the site are displayed - you can immediately start communicating. Moreover, you can both correspond and enable audio and video chat. Also, if you wish, you can save the correspondence on your desktop.

Another feature of the resource is a built-in video chat, mobile version and online translator, making communication much easier. Here you can also make appointments with your language partners and add them to your schedule.

Here you can only practice English. The entire content of the site can be divided into two parts. The first is, in fact, the search and selection of a foreign interlocutor for communication in English in text, audio or video chats. Moreover, if you do not want or are not ready to communicate one-on-one, then you can communicate in a general chat. The second part is the training area. There are articles, videos, thematic collections of words, dictionaries, etc. And the third part is your virtual trainer. The user needs to indicate his level of English proficiency and those topics in which he would like to improve his knowledge. Depending on this, exercises for training are automatically selected.

Finally, we offer you a few more resources -

Every student of English dreams of speaking it fluently, that is, speaking and understanding his interlocutor easily and quickly.

And, of course, the only way to achieve all this is through English language practice. After all, to learn to speak a language, you need to speak a lot.

Unfortunately, it is with speaking practice that students have difficulties. Because we can read books, write or listen on our own, but to speak we need an interlocutor.

Where can you practice the language? In this article I will share 5 ways.

Where to practice English?

So, to practice English you can use the following methods:

1. Conversation clubs

A conversation club is a place where people gather to practice communicating in a foreign language. So that you have a complete picture, let's look at how meetings (note, not lessons) in the conversation club take place.

Usually a certain number of people (8-16) gather. There is a presenter who controls the communication process. His task is to ensure that each person participates in the conversation, and does not sit on the sidelines.

The presenter gives a topic that everyone will discuss. The topic chosen is, of course, interesting and relevant. And then direct communication begins. The club can also be held in the format board games, mafia games, etc.

The conversation club helps:

  • Practice the language
  • Overcome the language barrier (fear of communicating in English)
  • Learn to better understand your interlocutor
  • Find new acquaintances with interesting people

Important: A conversation club is worth going to if you already speak the language and lack conversation practice in your life.

By the way, we have a special summer conversation training in the format of free communication, discussion of films and discussions on different topics in English. By devoting just 4 hours a week, you can not only maintain the level you have achieved, but also improve your speaking skills. Suitable for people from Intermediate level(level 5 Easy Speak) and higher.

2. Communication sites and social networks

You can practice your English online.

There are specialized sites where you can chat with foreigners.

Sometimes it’s just communication in English, and sometimes it’s a language exchange, that is, a foreigner speaks to you in English and can explain some of the rules, and you, in turn, practice with him and explain the Russian language.

You can also find yourself a pen pal on special websites, dating sites or social networks (facebook, instagram). And only then, after talking a little, offer to communicate on Skype.

3. English courses

Group classes include a lot of speaking practice (for example, for us it is 80% of the lesson), which has a very positive effect on the development of skills: speech understanding, speaking skills, fluency.

Therefore, studying in a group on courses is very easy:

  • Start talking
  • Learn to understand English speech by ear
  • Overcome the language barrier by communicating with different people

Also, unlike a conversation club, where you only get speaking practice, during the courses they explain grammatical rules to you, give you new words, correct your mistakes and correct your pronunciation, analyze each construction until you come to an understanding, and work with you all exercises.

That is, in the end, after training, you should understand the rules, be able to read, write, understand speech and be able to speak the language.

Important point: Choose those courses where there is a lot of live communication, and not just reading textbooks, studying theory or doing assignments on the computer, etc.

Attention: Have you been learning English for a long time, but can't speak? Find out in Moscow how to speak after 1 month of classes using the ESL method.

4. Communication with friends and like-minded people

Surely, among your friends, relatives, and acquaintances there will be people who are studying or have studied English.

You can help each other and also practice together. For example, arrange meetings where you speak only English. Or just talk in English on Skype or phone.

The hardest thing in such meetings and conversations is not switching to your native Russian language. After all, unlike a conversation club, you will not have a teacher among you who controls the process and makes sure that everyone speaks English.

5. Free speaking events

If you live in Moscow or another big city, you can find not only paid conversation clubs or English courses, but also free English speaking practice.

For example, periodically we organize Days open doors, where we conduct free master classes on pronunciation, grammar and memorization of words, with conversation practice and training. There is also a free conversation club at this event.

Every Saturday we hold events that are suitable for any level of language proficiency.

You can search for similar events on the Internet in your city.

So, speaking practice is the most important component when learning a language. It should definitely be present in your training. Choose any method and start practicing right now.

Search for people to talk to on italki

One of the most important opportunities that the Internet provides for learning foreign languages ​​is the ability to communicate with foreigners. Conversation practice is especially important. To learn to speak a foreign language, it is not enough just to know the words; you need to practice communicating. In this review, I will talk about sites and applications where you can find partners for practicing a foreign language (not just English).

Note: this is a general review of sites for language practice. I have already written about the sites mentioned before, so I am adding links to more detailed reviews to the brief reviews.


User profile on italki

If your level allows you to communicate at least a little in English, be sure to try to take at least one such lesson - the effect of speaking classes is very noticeable.


The fastest and easiest way to find someone to talk to is on Hellolingo

Attention: unfortunately, HelloLingo is scheduled to close on May 18, 2019. I'll leave this mini-review here in case the service is restored.

In 2015, much to the disappointment of users, the popular language site, where one could easily find someone to chat with in a foreign language, closed down. Fortunately, the project has recently been reborn, becoming even better, now it is called HelloLingo.

This site is convenient for quick communication: you came in for a while, chatted with a random interlocutor, and left. Here you can find foreigners for longer communication. You can communicate in text and voice chat, and if you want to go to voice communication, first you need to write in text mode - you can’t call right away.

The site has interesting feature– You cannot put a profile photo here. The developers did this to avoid turning a language practice site into a dating site. The problem with many language communities is that there are a lot of people who want to flirt with beautiful foreign women. This is not welcome on Hellolingo!

3. Speaky

Speaky has a more “social” design than HelloLingo

Language social network Speaky(formerly called Gospeaky) is suitable if the design and social opportunities You may find HelloLingo too simplistic. Here you can put a photo on your profile, and there is a convenient filtering function for native and non-native speakers. In addition, Speaky has a mobile version (application), which, however, does not have particularly rich functionality.

When this site first appeared, in 2015, it was possible to communicate via text and voice chat, but now voice chat has been removed - apparently due to the fact that many still preferred to exchange contacts and talk on the more convenient Skype.

An interesting feature of text chat is the ability to correct messages. Ask your interlocutor to correct mistakes, and he will be able to edit your remarks in the chat: the correct option will be highlighted green, and the wrong one is in red.

4. Interpals

Interpals has very detailed settings for people search and blacklisting

On Interpals They often complain because of the abundance of all kinds of spammers, fakes and “harassers”. Here, unlike HelloTalk, they are not trying to get rid of those who like to flirt; you can even search for users with the “Flirting” filter - hence the abundance of the corresponding audience. But still, this old language site, operating since 1998, is home to quite a lot of conscientious language lovers.

If you are plagued by annoying users, you have incredibly advanced blacklist settings at your disposal, where you can block people of a certain gender, age and place of residence.

5. Tandem

The review is called “6 sites for communicating with foreigners”, but Tandem– this is not a website, but an application for practicing languages, that is, there is no version for PC. Unlike HelloLingo, which tries to look as NOT as a social network as possible, the Tandem app, on the contrary, looks like a dating site with photos, profiles, interests, etc. However, in this community, communication not for the purpose of language practice is not encouraged.

Tandem is positioned as an application for finding 1) tutors, 2) partners for communication on foreign languages. It’s really convenient to find people to talk to, thanks to the fact that users post a lot of information about themselves (interests, level, goals, etc.) and even leave reviews about each other. As for tutors, I see no reason to look for them on Tandem - the choice is still small, the prices, on the contrary, are rather high, and learning languages ​​via video conference on a phone is less convenient than on a PC.


HelloTalk– this is also an application, not a website, it has a web version, but with a very disabilities. If you want to communicate with foreigners only using , then HelloTalk is a great option.

But as an application HelloTalk is much better than that same as Speaky: everything you might need is here: text correction (as in Speaky), sending photos, voice messages, convenient search for users.

You can learn more about HelloTalk in or from this video.

Is it possible to practice without an interlocutor?

It will not be possible to practice communication without an interlocutor, because what kind of communication can there be without the participation of a second person? However, develop the skill oral speech It is still possible to do it alone (although it is NOT the same as practicing with a live person), I talked about it in more detail in this video:


If you are serious about speaking practice, I recommend working with tutors and taking “conversation” lessons from them. In my experience, this is the most effective way. Yes, you will spend money (very small compared to the courses), but you will not spend a lot of time searching for interlocutors in free language social networks, in which there are either scammers, spammers, fakes, or preoccupied ones.

Friends! I don't currently tutor, but if you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site- there are native (and non-native) language teachers there 👅 for all occasions and for any pocket 🙂 I myself took more than 80 lessons with the teachers I found there! I advise you to try it too!